Friday, December 13, 2019

The Exodus, Your Error Hilexit, Brexit, Truexit, Come Blessed Briexit, Blaexit

Prophecy Links

     -Seen to be seeing, Oct 15, 2018, more bear beast grazing on the horizon, reading one,( see the worse Dec 2018, holidays stock market performance since 1928), while the single word, tribulation scrolled non stop on the news ticker, beware, Apb

Prophecy Links

   -Seen to be seeing 2015, a giant, carnivore beast stomping and chomping at people sitting peace getting poaches and tearing to raining down crystal skies; along a  voice crying, I have a bear in 120 countries, beware, Apb, see more here,, how it ends prophetically

    -And these are the descendants of the beauty rescued from the hands of the beast: Beast Of Beauty Featuring King Bridegroom, Tristan Cohnson Rift  and Queen Bride, Gabrielle Shields Hopps

     The Unending Love Antidote ...The African Juttah Genealogy, 1986-2016/2026/3036

The Tombola Genealogy, Holy, Temple, April, 1986-2016/2026-3036 into Infinity 

Listening To: Lukas Graham, Redemption Song

Unto Tristan Cohenson Rift  and Cavanaugh, Gabrielle, Shields, Hopps was born a daughter, Deovonnne Pricilla Rift, a daughter, Britani Versace Rift, and a son, Knightly Baron Rift, Hopps   
Unto Christian Cagney Rift and Kemiko Geneva Voight was born a son, Navid Fiona Rift, a son, Aimson Kirtland Rift, a daughter,  Kiery Constance Rift and a son, Kinderland Vimcent Rift, Voight    

Also Starring: Christian Cagney Rift and Kemiko Geneva Voight

      The Unending Love Antidote ...The African Juttah Genealogy, 1986-2016/2026/3036

    Scene, Mark Genesis Marriage Worshiper, Noah's Ark, A Noah's Cousin, Matrix, LXX,

      "So no body saw this, Rev 17, predicted, bringing down of the stronghold of Western Civilization has been made in comparison to the evil banker to money loaner, now the US President, one of the Christmas Holidays most elaborate stories, a Christmas Carol? Then you have to ask yourself who are the minorities in Isa 13/Ps 37/Rev 18, the elites eyes, this covert tug of turf wars, the migrants, governmental dependents, defenders, and the poverty stricken? So apparent, all those at the bloody root of Pres Trump tug of increasing America's worth, the days of its Noah's cousin, but 2017, come the comparison to Eze 9 Gog and Magog. As so, being aligned to a nuclear fate and 50 million US deaths, 2018, the curse of Dan 4:4, for a duration of 7 years was placed upon him, by its Jan 13, 2018, there's a referenced to prophecies being fulfilled US/Western rule, tug of kingdom, nation building as  Rev 17/18, God's influenced, all nuclear, solar and NEO, enemies emboldened, there is no escape; Ps 91, Rev 4, I Thess 4, the intervening Bride nor Angels are no longer with you, well them.  Here's Rev 2, Jesus, threatening now riches to rags sickbeds and sleepovers, the GLADD. to LGBTQ agenda with trials worst than death scenario, as so the greatest Tribulations ever, even showing reigning Bride as their black bowl deliverer, she First Prince Silverton, was shown as the deliver of that mountain from heaven that smashed it all into dust and wind, the Antichrist murderer, she heard it called.  As so, lest we forget, sitting HIS throne, the mountainous earth ender is in her possession, straightly, their with wicked intent offspring cast into a mortuary of death.  Justly, here's the second revisits to Rev 17:14, Jesus escaping some either a Briexit to Blaexit, Holy Watchers say it, the prayer that held Holy His apocalyptic intent at bay since Jesus cross cried it, forgive them father no longer holds its sway, the Man in Linen timetable of grace no longer viable. Although having been sworn upon God's throne, but seeing the Mighty Angel, standing one panic foot the sea, this planet, US soil, too additionally sworn upon God's Throne, they'd be time no longer, (see the Obama's Memphis Dunlap Street, the exodus of America), get ye to repentant altars, every so called church, though buried deep, should have them.   Inconceivable truth, God is avenging martyred blood, no first born can survive it, the  UK's lost is 5%, US/BC/N. S. America, the Caribbean's, The Americas' Continent sit at 15% totals and we're talking, since Bush/Clinton/Bush, a predicted 50 million deaths, even the Michael Ealy, early morn of Trump's 2017 Inauguration cried it, 50 million would die, and was seen, heard by its two year revisit a Rev Michael battling a star wars overhead not to save the Americas that's a for two millennia, Christ's Cross, now biblical finale. Actually, Michael star warring is to safeguard righteous stampeders the Briexit to Blaexit until by its 70th, Rev 2 Jesus Matrix, the revisited April 17, 2019, Daniel's 70th Week, Sia Maaseiah, dubbed Lord Urusalem, declared Nov 12, 13, 2019, the last day planet earth. Of then,  imminently this happen, Dec 3, 2017, stampeding of elephants the abominations that maketh it desolated. The tug of Armageddon, US Trump, Israel, Nethanuye, Islam's Palestine, the mentioned 8 heads, right into an April 2 2019 timetable by April 17, 2019-2026, all biblical prophecy Genesis one to Revelation 19. Correctly, as of John witnessing the prep, to re-enter Lord of lords, King of kings Jesus and until prophet Zechariah see them all riding white horses across the sky, and sat down atop mount Olivet where as arriving with them, Lord Urusalem, its first notice is a now toxic, twilight earth, the air is crisp and clean up there. Beware all, this is your noon reporting, care of a phenom, heaven's  throne, celebration, dubbing our Sia Maaseiah,  Lord Urusalem, City of Peace, good day all, sweet sleep! "     >>>"I know, I heard the noon reporting their claiming you as dubbed a mighty heavens celebration, Lord Urusalem, those two  first Prince Silverton and Second Prince Kadesh, ganged up on me, 50 million people Nicholas, US soil alone, please have mercy and remind me what I saw again before John witnessed them all, all multicultural pouring into heaven, washed white and clean.  You mean before you Lord Urusalem, equally witnessed them descend from heaven as a new White, Holy House, Royal Family intact? My god, my god, I'd not Nicholas Edin realized reveal as that miraculous, those lead by a Native African male I saw pour across the Atlantic into that African coastline; those I saw lead by a African Native Land lord into US Georgia's, Atlantic, that Lord Urusalem, John witnessed pour into Jesus's Bosom, before Jesus' millennium reign and God's eternal Kingdom following, by it's April 17, 3026.  That phenom tribulation church I saw, while heavenly father showed me, the first demo of spring raptures, grand and I thirty plus years now, I realized the very day, the duration of Jesus entire birth, ministry, crucifixion, and ascension and don't you stunning as ever Mr, Sia Coogan think I'm going to let it past, you calling me Lord Urusalem.  But Sia Maaseiah, you saw it too, the Bride now reigning in heaven, now Lord Urusalem, was as well you.  Just maybe husband Coogan, I was too focused on that she now possessed to prepped the mountain cut out without hands, it having a meteor surface, placing her position as her equally reigning Sunlight God's Throne, Bridegroom. Only you Maaseiah, now say, Gods back turn Throne, its Rite Aid Pharmacy reveal as well. You know I saw that, yes, I know, a live mirror vision, I know, and twice the closed Rite Aid counter Maaseiah, this mystery woman back was turn until she say only to you. Only to me Nicholas, and the little Miya girl, she's there too, but if so, isn't that the first you've seen her away from her post, a backseat transit to translator? No, I first saw little Miya, now I know a Holy spirit, backseat watcher, standing the foot Nicholas of our now prayer bed, verses sickbeds, before she was even conceived.  Knowing she was present Rite Aids fixed death tolls, put into better reveal, first lifting her from now the Obama's Memphis, Time Dunlap street, exodus of The Americas. Absolutely, which then placed her the back seat, the Rite Aid parking lot of Syed Farook approaching incursion to hijacking, when all tugs of war come end of days as Medes and Persians, rule. Herein, revisited, upon Islamic/Israeli rule that would then as foretold Dan 9:27, Pres Trump and all allying error summits two weeks into an April 2, 2019, two weeks and 7 year timetable, April 17, 2019, offered up middle-eastern deal. Is as well hijacked its little horn Antichrist, come with Gog and Magog armies, again the abomination that maketh desolate we witnessed its revisit into finale Nicholas. Actually a final, failed world peace, Jesus is here, December 3, 2017, even elephants of staying unaware knew to instead, stampede.  Honestly Nicholas, I must be running the Heavenly host batty this tug of to or not to ascend my own, being weary of ascending and is that what the back turn Rite Aid Pharmacy counter mean saying, when I turn away helpless, I will wait on you? I know that Rite Aid counter of set western soil death tolls, 5% into 15%  was mocking my, my ah, invitation to all, that all get from US/world states of barbecue. That's those, by the billions said to recognize the day of celebrating Jesus birthday only while they're crying give us full term abortions, more, LGBTQ and P for Pedophiler, school curriculum's to HD, 5G viewing, and more for Disney parks, Jeffery Epstein pedo islands. Yet, as deceived as those deceiving, them, the heathen raging today, as in Ezekiel's day, the holy prophets of old, the Lord seeth us not, the lord is ascended from the earth. How is Holy Lord hoodwinked by you, when Holy He just stampeded all your elephants of staying unaware, causing earth quaking, bells ringing themselves, yet Nicholas guaranteeing, there will be no peace had by your bloodletting leaders, again, what does said reveal tell, you? Those Nicholas, the Sunlight God's back turn throne, a threatening mountain from heaven, said, commanded, as Moses day, let my people, go, those I still say I wouldn't want to be, nor be anywhere near during either the first come judgement of the nations, and second come, great white throne judgment, ah god, I can see us sitting on the throne and being all around, right there, right there Nicholas, right there, the sweetest to bitter days ever, ever.  Do you know, as of the date Nov, 12, 13, 2019 , a 70th Matrix, a 70th Daniel week, the Jan 23-29, 2019 Hitler's Germany, Antichrist, with demonic German Shepherds, Germany was mention in an article, this very day.  This  Nov 12. 13, 2019, I declared the last day, planet earth, they Russia, France, others, all this  blockade around Bush's America when I first heard a voice during Bush, say, 50 million will die US soil.  All, all, all, concerning the stone cut out by war criminals Empires, Kingdoms and world wide nations like America have broken and broken themselves against.  Until we heard 2004, 2005, even saw, Britain, America be burn to pounded into itty, bitty pieces, even raining its own crystal skies down as killer 
meteors to molten pyroclastic clouds, and heard Canada as we witnessed, US, West Pacific, California go off the map. Canada instead commanded to be wiped off the map, so when feet pittering, pattering along the sea, the earth, anxious, nervous, Holy Lords Themselves, they'd seen first Adam, world drown to death and judgment, follows; they would now see, the last Adam world, burn to death and judgment follows, the second death; Rev 10, Mighty Angel, allied by standing his holy ground, bearing 7 bowl judgments, Rev 17, 7th Angel the biblical end.  Nicholas, so when they say, no further delays US soil, desolations predicted now come, they're saying leaving the America's nothing but a coast to coast impact crater, bubbling to boiling over, now we know, with those 101, Yellowstone, apparent Mega eruptions, and 99 bowls of molten lava, a death rider I saw come from beneath, even upon Trump wall building.  Surely, nothing is left of almighty her, around the rest of the smothering earth, but a manner of magnetic memorabilia one in a distant land is to hang on the fridge. Even it Nicholas, the 2011, fridge itself, a mind numbing reveal, a holy watcher live my ear, asking did our grands, know, our children, even we ourselves, that one day the America's would be occupied territory, we just didn't know it would be occupied by this fiery, solar, erupting, imploding, molten inundation.  You, you, Nicholas Edin think Jesus was weary in ascension, no, do you think that should be the next question I ask my reveals class, where are you whisking me up, off too? You've had too much caffeine, and it's truly apparent, why you keep doing it? You know it make you fog headed, jittery and vulnerable, all the reason Nicholas Edin Rev 12, Michael and armies, stay so very close, even this incalculable number, all around me, my bedroom. So you're tempting them, Holy Father, God, didn't Jesus, an attempt by Satan, say that's a no, no, didn't you, Lord Urusalem say the same? Stop it, stop calling me that or I will ascend you like grand , grand ascended grand par, I heard about that, ah, I'm shaking within the whole armor of merciful God, please, almighty Sia don't ascend me up to cottony, healing clouds and wings, Jesus, to Michael, even Gabriel's, second heaven's intercessions, truly you're not that cruel.  I'm getting warm, honey, mike, and tossing everything, everything with caffeine, talk about being mean, you can run Me'sure Coogan but you can't hide, hum, so was he, was Jesus weary in ascension, is that why he asked me, as ascending Lord Urusalem, that odd question, will angels also ascend, didn't he know, there was no biblical ending, coming back from that?"     >>>"I grand Sia's all, fasten asleep just last night, admitting I'm it's tug of to or not to ascend, was son/sunlight Jesus for forty days now resurrected, weary of ascension? He has to be Lord Urusalem, no, no, Sia Evolent, it's yet Sia Maaseiah, but please, continue. As I was saying grand Sia Maaseiah, holy Christ was leaving the only earthen family and friend he knew, the only world, even, so when the allying angelic host assured those weary disciples, reassuring them as Jesus ascended, from where Jesus ascended, he would return, had to as well, assure a weary Jesus. I yet debate, whose return was in heavenly father's hand, who'd shown himself, for many millennia already, not willing that any perish, long-suffering, indefinitely into this very moment. Yes, admittedly, I seldom say, Sia Evolent, all grand Sia's, but during the Memphis, Rev 2, Jesus reveal, at one of it's reveal, the Rev 17:14, Jesus husband was shown in Rev 2, riches to rags sickbeds and sleepovers with them, No doubt,  holy scripture saying, promising, that while we're yet sinners, where is knocking, holy Christ still? With us, even the part of Psalm, 139, saying, if we make our beds in hell, thou, Holy Father, art there, to comfort us, as holy scripture as Ephesian 4, saying, Jesus first descended, carrying off Abraham's bosom to heaven, but first ministered to the unholy spirits there.  There is a scene in your Lord Urusalem parables, actually two, that verifies the same, it's 28, 29th scene, if I'm not mistaken, whereas Lucifer's 1000 year imprisonment He summons a request with reigning  Lamb of God, and Holy He waste no time granting it, but in the end though Lucifer is totally apologetic. These two scenes end with him yet planning what is described in Rev 20, as his and their final, Gog and Magog, in a number the sands of the seas, but no longer a burial, Hamon-gog, but an instant ELE, tossed, Lucifer is, his followers into those damning lakes of fire, over forever, and for eons to come.  Ah, and there was silence Sia Maaseiah's class, you grand, BFA files, using Lord Urusalem parables, to circumvent biblical prophecies spoken here, planet earth's inherits it's six thousand years. Blessedness it is, said made aware, give so much clarity to first by the speed of a head's turn, I'm cast into outer darkness, this black void, heart, spirit, mind numbing, nemesis of all thing gloriously ancient, descending and ascending up, down from the father of sunlight. But equally lead out, by a guiding sunlight, into what i witnessed as Gods to John's  Revelations, I've since my infant days in Christ learn are those granted by Holy Them, my own canon of Revelations, precept upon precept, line upon line, so please, please as Lord Beethoven Fifth,  yes use, them all accordingly. 
Whereas Sia Evolent is right, ascension, both this sweet and bitter had to completely devastate Jesus' tender heart, until his assuring weary them, he go and prepare, to intercede their mansions in heaven, his sure return for us all, was as well, his mediating to medicalising joy.  I would gather, grand Sia's, just as Holy Bride's comforting assurances would be, she, as Jesus 2016, descent, ascends to second heaven, to star warring Michael, the duration of interceding , Rev 13, described, tribulation saints.  So you're saying Grand Maaseiah, knowing, unveiling such blessedness as ascension, is now your gladness, you are no longer weary in ascension? No, grand, Second Prince,  Meshullam Kadesh, I'm saying as Bridegroom Jesus would, his first drooling, Gethsemane trial, the spirit is willing, but the flesh is weak. I'm saying, regardless, once God's Trump, 7th Angel, Gabriel sounds, whether weary or no, intervening these many millennia, Holy Bride, to Holy Angels are no more planet earth. Whereas by fiery judgements the Americanized, world, world system, is by nuclear, natural and NEO's earth enders, into the heavens, away just as simultaneously, I kid you not; the timetable having them both, suspended, until seven, next perfect years be fulfilled.  Regretfully also it's bitter, it's sweet, causing I know us to be faced with an outbreak of mortuary not before this human planet, nor ever again; I won't be answering to asking any questions, nor debating, you are welcome to stay for as long as you have need, I'm taking the rest of the day, all grand Sia's, you are dismissed, blessed day, sweet sleep.  I will see you grand Sia, Silverton  and collaborator, grand, Sia Meshullam, in conference, like you not gonna ascend us, right, didn't you threaten Sia, Grand Coogan with that, didn't we hear, ah somewhere, like that? See you two later, yes, madam, see, I told you, I thought she was ready to be called, Lord Urusalem,  I told you she wasn't, I already got in trouble with Juttah Preece Africa, while you Silver was in the Hemingway Exodus, you know this, you know this! Hubbies, hubbies, hubbies, what's the worst that can happen, neither of you are weary in ascension, right? You can laugh, the both of you, Hill, Tore, but you're not the ones, First Prince, Silverton Nicholas, Chow, Coogan, Liverpool got in troubling deity,  woo, he just called you by all your five to seven names. Look, his ears are sweltering, when you calm down, Second Prince, Meshullam Kadesh, reconcile, be holy,  I'll be in the nursery, like you're any help Hill, like you're any help at all! So what's our clever strategy? I don't know, you don't know, you're first Prince Juttah and you don't know? I'll never listen to be hoodwinked by you again, know that big brother, know that, I still Kadesh think we stick together in this decision making. No you Silverton, come with a sizable reveal, on my noon day reporting, and ambush me. that's my BFA files, suggested defense, so again, what's yours? So you and BFA's, plotting against me, you can think as hard as you want you and I know, there's none more genius than Beethoven fifth, Artz.  Ah, but there is, stop it, stop it, one Sia Maaseiah, beside BFA files, call on the most, ah my Jesus is Christ, Sia Evolent de Rossi, but you wouldn't, you can't. plus, ah, husband, Sia Lakeside Pier Swanson is more my, my, ah friend See you in conference little brother, ah my lord, he out foxed to flanked, me again, how do you forget an Evolent de Rossi, how, how, how? Well I'm her baby grand, son, wait, what am I talking about, what the heck? Uncle Heus, Agurus, children, Emir and Agurus,  are the youngest," {{{"I'm coming, keep her woke, I'm there in like five minutes, do not include Silverton to Lakeside as a choice for a god father, nor their spouses for god mothers, there, there, that'll show him, ah them, really, really, that's second Prince, Juttah, genius retaliation? Bye boy, hey, hey , hey, keep our little angel, woke. Hill, hello Hill, Jesus is Christ!"}}} Why speak in parables? See more here, Mat 13:10-17                      

Prophecy Links Fulfilling

     -Seen to be seeing a hand write clumsily Aug 5, 2019, Escape Yellowstone, it's Aug 7th 2019, the seeing of the word disappeared frozen on all HD, 5 G screening, a sudden stand still; it's Aug 30, 31st, 2019, the last end of a news report saying, "after 101, Yellowstone eruptions, oddly a skip forward, Nov 23, 2019, as one sitting a stalled auto, steering,  reading a written in Dutch, article, possibly warning about larger 8 plus earthquakes, US/Canada, already locked and loaded West Pacific, while other escapees wave through thigh high to waist high flood waters, beware, Apb 

     -A Part Of The Sun Is Missing, China Has A Moon Simulator, Is There A Sun Simulator? See Rev 6, 6th seal, a 6th Matrix count, beware, 666, fulfilling, US/Western soil, see here, Youtube's, Final Days,, Total solar eclipses occurring daily, hidden by technology. 11-08-2019, see Zech, 14, predicted twilight sun/earth, 

     -The sun and the moon shall be darkened, and the stars shall withdraw their shining. Joel 3:15/Isa 13
     -The sun shall be turned into darkness, and the moon into blood, before the great and notable day of the Lord come: Acts 2::20

     -Immediately after the tribulation of those days shall the sun be darkened, and the moon shall not give her light, and the stars will fall from heaven, and the powers of the heavens shall be shaken: Mat 24:29/

     -Then the Sunlight rose from a mountain, both reigning God's Back Turn, Throne And Spoke To Martyrs, Kingdom, Nation Building, "Let My People Go!"

You Are My Sunshine, My Only Shine! Please Don't Take My Sunshine, Away! 

     -I woke Sept 2019, singing, you are my sunshine, please don't take my sunshine away. I mean other than given the lyrics, a year past, "ain't no sunlight when she's gone." Then to have a Jan 13, 2018, Rev 2 Jesus asking ascending Church Bride would guardian to warrior Angels also ascend, is that the darkness predicted 1998.99 to come? (See Rev 7, The Church Bride, Holy Angels, the only of Holy Throne worthies as recently as spring, April 17, 1986 thru April 17 2019/2026 preventing not only nuclear, natural and NEO disasters from going full throttle, but Eze 38/39/Rev 13/17/20 Ancient Beast Rule: a predicted  two quarters will die, including Britain 5%, America)'s 15% and Israel's, Zech 13/14, two thirds. This is the darkness, forewarn, error Bush/ Clinton/Bush 1998/99, was then coming, get to repentant altars. Instructing by its error Obama/Clinton/Trump, June 26, 2017, get ye to repentant altars, God is avenging martyred blood," no first born's survives this, ye must be born again, beware, see here,,how it ends, prophetically

    -And these are the descendants of the beauty rescued from the hands of the beast: Beast Of Beauty Featuring King Bridegroom, Tristan Cohnson Rift  and Queen Bride, Gabrielle Shields Hopps

     The Unending Love Antidote ...The African Juttah Genealogy, 1986-2016/2026/3036

The Tombola Genealogy, Holy, Temple, April, 1986-2016/2026-3036 into Infinity 

Unto Talisman Hennessy Breaker and Evalon Angel Sky, Hillsfeet, was born a son, Javen Enrico Breaker, a son, Nevels Fiona Breaker, a son, Lorance Demeter Breaker, Hillsfeet  
Unto Diamonhead Tierianna Hillsfeet and Beatriz Shelby Joplin was born a son, Ava Brooklyn Hillsfeet, and a son  Jamisen Lakeside Hillsfeet, Joplin      

Also Starring: Christian Cagney Rift and Kemiko Geneva Voight

      The Unending Love Antidote ...The African Juttah Genealogy, 1986-2016/2026/3036

    Scene, Mark Genesis Marriage Worshiper, Noah's Ark, A Noah's Cousin, Matrix, LXX,

      "To be honest by this time, I was okay as long as my, ah, father stayed away, out of it, just as think  I digest to gump that fear, I look and see Sia Juttah, Saigon Lue Chow, my father,  and the next I see him , Sia, Darius, Juttah, Preece Ebonee, and I tell you images of Sia Maaseiah's mighty angel, some to mind, standing one foot the sea, on foot the earth, US, doomsday soil, he is almighty God, no question, my eyes close to tears streaming along my cheek soon  I heard Silverton say, hello mother, she sweet voice,  hello sons, Silverton, Kadesh and no doubt they'd all come to see us off the planet. So what did happen? I, Slverton Nicholas have been relocated to the parental Juttah, we, we been relocated, right, I'm to join the Hillsfeet Tribunal, is it true, with them, there no love toward Sia Maaseiah? They say it's with her being a female but all know it truly, is, like Saul of Taurus, she's hard for them to phantom, but like Holy Spirits Jesus, she is and there's no undoing her, you, Kadesh man, my own inventive, noon day reveals cancelled, until further notice, as  in indefinitely, and upon Christ's Millennium descends into Ezekiel's design temple, I'm no one it's god sons, that doesn't sound bad, I can't BFA man bring my family, I could be away from them weeks to months at a time.  I told you Kadesh man, to make amends, I'd switched punishments with you,  no, one thing, the biggest of mine yet pending, yours Silverton  man imminent I guess well be looking to you to keep those apostate Hillsfeet of our grand Sia Maaseiah, you can't say that, apostate Hillsfeet, and that loud, the whole cafe heard you, you want double your punishment?  This would be worst, I'm sure is they wan they cna send those reapers after us and w're  Negeb Ophel the duration of Jesus millennium, now that a punishment, true that, but thank god our offense weren't that bad. I'm shaking my head thinking, what are gonna do, the Hillsfeets  Tribunal, even how do you do it?  One one thing about the Sia African Juttah, they're not going to set you to a task, impossible, the trial is leaving the Septennial Juttah, it time you grow up son, I still hear Sia Saigon Lue, and Darius, Juttah, Sia Karsiann, in total agreement. Hey I heard that new holiday movie, Noelle is really good, then lets kiss the kids, drop them off and go, I'd love such distractions, you all got Sia Maaseiah, warning about that movie, Ghosting, The Spirit of Christmas, only os minutes end she realized it's LGBTQ related, said run from it, and types, like Joseph ran from Egypt's Potifers wife, Evolent over here, relatives,  that's, wait, when you say you're of the house of Egypt, the house of de Rossi, that's, ah, wow, wow, wow, amazing! Okay, okay, you guys go ahead, we'll meet you all there after we drop the children off,  wait can't they, ah, no, right, they're not that age, I could do this, no, I'm going with you, see you guys soon.  You to remember Hill, his new assignment. I can be snatched from you and the kids, as quickly as the Bride's escape, so I'm taking advantage of every moment, which remind me, you wanna do dinner out tonight, just us two? Yeah, after the movie, yeah make a long night of it, am I hearing perhaps, go singing, dancing, yeah, but you do know, all that ,we're bound to run back into them at some point, okay, that's find, I just want dinner, one on one and you're holding on to some ill feelings of Silverton, no love, none, I know better than that, good, yeah."  Why Speak In Parables? See more Here, Mat, 13-10-17    

Prophecy  Links Fulfilling

Article [Women pastors 'are a disgrace', says John MacArthur], before a Pastor told me that nonsense about his pulpit, Jesus had taken me to heaven, hand to me prophet Ezekiel, he open three time tested doors and showed me the preparation of the laborers Jesus said we pray come into harvest of souls, beware, Apb 

Thus Saith Jesus To Judas Iscariot, Trouble Not The Woman! 

     -Tell that rebellion to trespass to blessed Jesus expounding some of the greatest reveals of God's righteousness upon the woman, and not while telling to suggesting they go get a  male members of their families. Those great gospel females, like Marry Magdalene, Mary and Marta, Lazarus' sister's, the woman Jacobs well, and especially the woman with its issue of all humankind, one cursed bloodline. 
     -Dating back some six thousand years to God's promise to Mother Eve one day a seed of her blessed womb alone, a virgin, a virgin birth, would forgive all her and her bloodline, trespasses. It's even Apostle Paul (Saul of Taurus), saying, the woman would be saved,redeemed as all mankind in child bearing. 
     -The woman from the man, the man from woman, both from Holy God, by Christ's Cross, one new man. Any deceived telling you any other haven't learned Jesus Christ redemption, creating their own righteousness, the number of national to global apostate churches, religions, world-wide, beware, Apb, see,, see,

Prophecy Links Fulfilling

     -Christmas season shopping 2018, Before one word to letter passes into another I'm enraptured, soaring skyward through the heavens. That's better than 2013, even if told by Heavens Host, they want to be here with me, with us, after visiting heaven, instead being like Apostle, John, unfinished, and lead back here! Beware, Apb 

    -And these are the descendants of the beauty rescued from the hands of the beast: Beast Of Beauty Featuring King Bridegroom, Tristan Cohnson Rift  and Queen Bride, Gabrielle Shields Hopps

     The Unending Love Antidote ...The African Juttah Genealogy, 1986-2016/2026/3036

The Tombola Genealogy, Holy, Temple, April, 1986-2016/2026-3036 into Infinity 

Unto Tristan Cohenson Rift  and Cavanaugh, Gabrielle, Shields, Hopps was born a daughter, Deovonnne Pricilla Rift, a daughter, Britani Versace Rift, and a son, Knightly Baron Rift, Hopps   
Unto Christian Cagney Rift and Kemiko Geneva Voight was born a son, Navid Fiona Rift, a son, Aimson Kirtland Rift, a daughter,  Kiery Constance Rift and a son, Kinderland Vimcent Rift, Voight    

Also Starring: Christian Cagney Rift and Kemiko Geneva Voight

      The Unending Love Antidote ...The African Juttah Genealogy, 1986-2016/2026/3036

    Scene, Mark Genesis Marriage Worshiper, Noah's Ark, A Noah's Cousin, Matrix, LXX,

     "First, we're doubting a God who because of sexual abominations like GLADD campaigns to LGBTQ and P for Pedophilers agenda, to schools curriculum has ended the entire human inherited world. Reduced down to one Ark family of four genesis marriages, Holy He's to rebuild upon the blessed foundation He's laid from there, yet here we are many millennia later, regardless brought ourselves to the brink of apocalypse and except the last Adam intervene the genesis human being we all are, is no more,Lucifer's primary aim.  Presently Juttah Tribunal, what we have, are all these references to the Dutch language, by a Sia Maaseiah who, suggested we keep an ear and eye on a non-failed, earthquake predictor called, dutchsinse.  When she herself has been more than forewarn, we're talking Rev 10 Mighty Angel, warning no time is left, even intervening Bride and Angels are ascending; Rev 17, 7th angel, what he's to say more than he carry with him the worse bowl judgment ever this planet or ever again? Then there's a star warring in second heavens Rev 12, Michael, said to be setting his all the around, the reminder, these Holy of Holies, are the ones who prevented Lucifer and a 4th of the heavenly host looking to mutiny against God's throne, thwarting the genesis, god man. Listen closely we can still hear victorious holy, of holies crying, woe, woe, woe, that old dragon is come down to you having great wrath, knowing he has but a short time. Actually if urgent said forewarning ws revisited Jan 20, 2019, then once more is the reference we've entered the last seven years of Daniel 's week.  Again all doomsday Passovers suspended, all up in arms warring, warning angels about earthquake activity never seen before this planet, a ten plus, So even there, we're talking on the scale of dominoing extinction level events as Apostle John witnessed ginormous enough erupt with such indescribable force mountains are moved or melted out of their places. You Sia Juttah, say a Sia Maaseiah but you truly mean a grand Maaseiah, which make you, first prince.  I am first  Prince Silverton, Nicholas, I been asked to come and speak before your panel, by your own Chief Red Hawk Hillsfeet. Verily well, I inform you, Sia Maaseiah has received another two weeks and seven year timetable, during this 2019/2020 election campaign, that will rival the one during America's campaign, 2008, 2009, a timetable that will realize, the October 2018, Daniel 4:4 curse of madness upon Westernize leaders, as Pres Trump, until 7 years be fulfilled,  as so the last week of Daniel, by April 17, 2026, that has suspended both the holy Bride and doomed West Civilization kingdom, nation rule participation, Both disappearing from the earth, one by Jesus's Blood, a rapturous Grace, one by, cataclysmic Judgement, it's own petro-dollar, weight of blood guilt.  January 13 2019,  we got a hand writing on a wall, 99 bowls of molten lava, by it's Aug 5th thru 31st, 2019, we had three references to an imminent  Yellowstone eruption.  Another, as a hand of one made drunken to clumsy, until they're barely able to write, Escape Yellowstone, into this other, as a shorten news report actually saying, "after 101 Yellowstone eruptions." Certainly we know this is not ordinary activity, this would be a micro-tremors at Yellowstone on weekly bases, but extraordinary eruptions enough to end both this continent and this planet. Right into heaven, as predicted in Revelation, bringing the universe raining down upon us, explaining Heaven's Host being in a cocktail of demonstrating taking Holy Her off this planet, Holy Angels all. Holy her being in surreal danger, doomed planet earth, since Sia Maasieah witnessed, a Rev 2, Jesus, a riches to rags sickbeds and sleepovers, Memphis, home, now a Michael Ealy appearing, perfect man Jesus inquired of her, would Angels, we figure all around as she's seen on many occasions, also as holy her, ascend? All of the above, Juttah Tribunal,  blessed reveal evidence, that nuclear enemies, aren't the only national to international earth enders embolden, as to be launched, incoming and impacting, US, soil, world rule, but as she's forewarn, they're all come."     >>>"Ah you heard me bro Cagney, you may act like you didn't but you did, are all travelers not headed into the trajectory of the Americas' exodus, southeast into Georgia, for and far as Africa, like those two thanksgiving crashes, one that claimed 9 generations of one family, under attack, is that both the referenced, to the back seat, watcher, little Miya girl of both apocalyptic transit and translation and recent a Rev 12, star warring Michael and Angelic army, Angelic deliverers? Then if you Cagney man think that's not possible, that God doesn't punish disobedience, I remind you  of that dream, Sia Maaseiah shared whereas she went under attack , even some would say it described a seizure of some kind, right around her steering wheel, ump, steering wheel, what, what? Ah bones, neck twisting, cracking, of forcefully positioning her until her southwest directed auto was instead pointed southeast, ah the steering wheel, during the intrepid dream, 190 years of tech was lost as quickly as she was ejected from a that auto, during the Syed Farook dream, she's now aligned to the back turn, Rite Aid Pharmacy 5%  into 15%  in death tolls, reveal after this long conversation while sitting the parking lot, a running car, he pushed a USB adapter into her steering column, and here lately as only a month passed, she's as one sitting, in stalled, traffic, reading an article, written you guys in the Dutch language, only as or after a Dutch scientist forewarn about 8 plus earthquake activity the most locked and loaded for such earth ending events, Rev 10, Mighty Angels, forewarn US's Map, Midwest and eastern seaboard to be just as alert, into this duchsinse and others seeing lately even America's predicted by her, New England, Canada's Newfoundland, it's Us Atlantic, Main, north America craton, once produced, a super volcano eruption, that by recent reports, is a sea of magma building as we speak, the predicted, her Caribbean as well, Cohen, ...Cohenson, man, hello, the African Juttah here! Ah back to the first of the year, a star warring Michael the most important of what she saw, but Cagney, man, she also saw some summoned to a red room, a red ten year old boy, or dressed in red alert, standing her bedroom, doorpost, all while volcanic ash build on escape bridges, and cars, only waking to learn, while sleeping, to American Dreaming she would say, now these riches to rags sickbeds and sleepovers, there'd been an actual eruption, at a, by a UK, Michael volcano at that. That, that's even why she keep using Ezekiel 5, whereas God is purposely mocking these stampeders, (I will mock when your fear cometh, they mocked Jesus only they and all they treasure been mocked, cursed since). They being caught by sorely forewarn mass disasters, having procrastinated escape, an alike rebellion Cagney, labored here, the America's a slow motion exodus.  Imagining, seeing something like that, seeing that back turn Rite Aid Pharmacy reveal was one thing she witnessed a slow motion exodus, of them all, hundreds of millions to a half of billion escapees, slowly to begrudgingly getting to supply stores, filling stations, ATM's all, all needed a fast escape, only they seem to be so arrogant about it all.   I'll ask something husband just as much enthralling, being the ones, witnessing so many people cast so all of a sudden into the damn, so many those happy to torture demonic collectors are overwhelmed themselves. I know some are shown to ascend, I also know, most will descend, so many to die here US soil, only the use of a bike handlebars growing a funeral reef, tearing in the skies is attempting to unmask such an outbreak of mortuary. All  that's unprecedented Cavanaugh, darling but first, decades back, the death rider from beneath the earth, imagine that, a clock with a 60th year ticking us backward just as forward under it, more victorious than biblical prophecy itself.  Wait, wait, you all know John seeing Revelation 7, that unnumbered in great tribulation saints entering into heaven, only, later it's Rev 13, to see this unnumbered overcome by the Antichrist, is like Sia Maaseiah seeing prophecies, in reverse, in 2008, these same unnumbered, multicultural, seen escaping into Africa's Island, Atlantic, but ten years later, 2018,  to see them first escape into US Georgia's Atlantic, so in reverse.  I was reading a day ago and took notice, so all hers biblical in one way or another, look, look, look, real quick, would that be like Prophet Ezekiel description of the Cherubim, their four faces, in all directions, as to move in directs, simultaneously coming and going, Angels Gabriel 2004, Kem, saying of the Bride, both coming, going, with a seventh angel, right, right?" So, you right sis Shields, we're shown the incalculable of tribulation saints, pouring into blessed Jesus' bosom, as Holy Saints, poured first into healing wings to clouds, it's heavenly intercession, even those marked, 144, 000 , but we're not shown the line upon line, upon line of the damn, it's incalculable number pouring equally into hell.  Reminding me, all here, I watched this youtube, video years back, once, titled Christians going to hell, this young lady woke in the dream.  A line so long that it wrapped around planet earth's highways byways, fields, and mountain tops all, dressed in burgundy, gowns with white collars. All, all, all happily, waiting, happily, patiently, thinking they were entering heaven when in harsh reality far, far, far up ahead, they were all entering hell.  Seeing that heart break and comprehending it, not once again have I  questioned God's long suffering, having the Righteous Bride here for what has seem indefinitely, (, for what has seem indefinitely, until her own grown up Christmas wishes are ascension, second heaven's, Jesus Husband, 7th Angel Gabriel, and Archangel Michael intercessions and Holy God, promise, to end mankind's primary enemy, death.  Really Cav girl, where you hear all that, surely that wasn't flesh and blood, right you guys, right? We don't think about it but that's the picture Jesus is painting, this line upon line, of a line of deceived followers, when He say many shall come to Him in that day, thinking they belong to Him, and they don't, they're yet first born, their sinful hearts, sinful lives, their damning to them, to the world, American dreaming, remain, ah, so, so sad, so so, sad, until you realize that incalculable number of them come out, up to Christ instead, right, right, wife, Kem,  so, so right."  >>  
"You're serious, your Rig getting back to normal is to again move in with Rome and I, as our roommate? Not so much in with you guys, but your building, somewhere close, and what about Phearce, your superman of a Juttah husband, what he's to say? Phearson is also returning, ironically Celeste, to a post hurricane Herenton error, even era, it's mass disaster, his anchor position at the weather center.  I guess you can say Celeste he's served his purpose, meaning what, you know who you talking to right? The one Rig who know Juttah vows, like the Genesis man, marriage, are not dissolved as easily, as that, being infinite in Holy God's design. So darling girl, you can't just easily dismiss him nor more than you can it's Holy Father, foundation, cause that Rig sound exactly, to ridiculously to what you're foolishly contemplating. I'm only releasing him Celeste, from promises and responsibilities never his to begin with, he was forced to honor those vows, suddenly thrust into my climatic situation. I don't need him in that way no more, we don't need each other like that anymore, no doubt you Regan Central Whitehead, McPhearson, speaking for blessed him, so you just rented eternally, demanding, sustaining vows? What is all this Celeste about the Juttah vows? You was never, really that supportive, I know what you're doing Regan Central, and that was always Rome who wasn't that supportive. Ah, I heard about your awful performance your stay in ICU, how you gave all attending to you, Phearce, your brother's, all parents involved, including the Lowds, the McPhearson's all, all, all  this back turn, cold shoulder, silent treatment. Almost like the very people, even lil Henry, who Rig helped you through the worse near 10 months of your life, where now begrudgingly, your enemy, again even lil Henry, Okay, okay, okay,  I'm through, you do what you think is best but if I'm not mistaking Phearce was looking to have an as Joseph, Jesus stepfather, continuation into death do you both part Rig, kinda, blessed marriage bed with you, but most important didn't you agree, or was that just you feeling guilty, you don't actually love him at all? I better get off this phone while I yet have a job, those people Celeste you just named, lil Henry too I guess, I haven't been able to face any of them since, since I birth and so easily dismissed him up, not even seeing him.  Like for the last near year I hid all horror shower, it's mental to physical scarring behind the pregnancy, and now Celeste unmasked, I'm seen for the mess of a maddening handicap to dependent I really am. So your impenetrable, Holy Ghost armor, making you as flawless as blessed Christ gone, and you don't actually trust any of them, any Rig of us? Regardless, right now, that you are Rig, their beloved wife to daughter to our friend, knowing they are all now your beloved family; you really think your pregnancy was nothing but our temporal sympathy? Bye loving girl, go back to work, I'll call as soon as I'm there, my ETA right now, 1:27, PM, so you're at the airport? I'm at London's Heath-throw, you're, where's Phearce? Phearce had loose ends in Paris to tie up and I Celeste, I didn't want to wait, so any vacancies, check on that will you? Then you Rig, pray for me, I'm so disappointed at you right now I'm screaming inside, I know how that feel. Good, now Rig, you equally, know how insane to leave that wonderful one, that wonderful man just stranded.  Tell me this, you can really see Phearson Mycal McPhearson, reinventing you all's Juttah vows to some other Rig, and living, and surviving after that phony to foolery, can you see yourself, it's identical damaging to damaging masquerade? Call me as soon as your feet hit the terminal, Rome and I should already be there, I'll use an extended lunch, see you soon, can't wait."  {{{"Mrs Hill, yes, hold all my calls, I'm going out, an extended lunch, to day out, and get me Mr Phearson McPhearson, thank you, love."}}}    {{{"Hey love, tell me you're still home, ah, just grabbed my keys, Rig is on her way here, gonna stay with us until her apartment is ready, can you meet us at JFK? When, now?  She say her ETA is in about 20 minutes, the ah, private sector, I hear Rig, what about Phearce? On her anxious heel, I'm sure, hey, I have an incoming, so see you there, okay loving girl, see ya."}}}      {{{"Hello, Phearce? Celeste, I thought this was you calling, ah, I just talked to Rig, her ETA in less than ten, I'm grabbing a cab right now, she trying to return to memory lane post, loving you, lil Henry and temporarily insanity, Herenton.  Only you and I Celeste know those days don't exist anymore, and good ridden, then to reinvent them gonna cancel the remarkable, Celeste we're blessed since. I say don't fret, Rig haven't been on her own since the attack, you remember, I, instant Juttah Husband whisked her right off of her feet and been right there, close as the breaths she and lil Henry breathe,. Let her have this time, when she can no longer stand being alone when it's driving her made, being without the significant others of life giving heart beats to raging blood, we've become, she's again mine, she's Celeste, again ours.  Pray, I tell you, I have boohoos of work to keep me busy to distracted, I hand mission blessed her over to you and Rome, where I know, she's just as divinely to mightily cared for.  I cringe still, Celeste, I'm sure this nervous voice, to words don't fool you, getting through one night, just one night without her, without clinging to it's miraculous lifeblood, support, Regan Central is to me as well.  Wow Phearce, I see her, stunning isn't she? She just flowing, soaring, so unspeakably I know, I know, and I'm Celeste so endearingly 'possessed, get to her, keep her,  I'm gone loving friend, I'll see, or I'll again be New York bound, in a week or less. I beseech you, until then pray the nights are mercifully short, and the morning truly bring it's most joyous adventure, until we're all together again, I will pray, I promise wonderful man, I will, Godspeed, you as well, Rome too, bye." Why Speak In Parables? See here, Mat 13:10-17                                 


Prophecy Links Fulfilling Nuclear January, 12 APOCALYPTIC FIRESTORM,2023 MASS Murderer Suicide On The Ris e,