Thursday, October 29, 2020

Run Before It's News Israel, Run, The Mat 24, Abomination That Maketh Desolate Is Here!

Prophecy Links Fulfilling Seeing (Jan 22, 2019), a hybrid Alexander the great/Hitler Germany Antichrist, whose horde of Anubis demons, posed as friendly German, shepherds; mercifully followed by a Sunlight Mt Luther world, stretching street parade, instead celebrating Jesus Millennium Reign; when Trump and His wake from 7 years of Dan 4, appointed madness, April 2/Oct 2 2026, to the NWO of Psalm 2/Zech 14/Rev 19, King Zion Rule, beware, repent, RUN or perish! Apb

Joy Reid: Trump Is Openly Encouraging More Violence | The ReidOut | MSNBC, (I call them nails in your coffins, presently 180,000 and vounting plus, Apostle Jude had this to say

March on Washington highlights generational divide on police reform

My World Need You Right Now,

-Why do the heathen rage, we won't full term abortions and same gender lives, lands, churches and schools, despite how abominable, detestable and kings of the earth gather together against Rev 12 Archangel Michael and His star warring Angels? More militant warriors will die it's Armageddon, than any war dead ever before, hundreds of millions, so many it'll take seven months to bury it's dead-Here, see, knowing who? Revelation book God; Why? US Dec 24/25, weight of blood guilt; what? ELE's nuclear, natural and NEO's solar, cosmic; when, (Jan 22-29, 2018), Rev 10, Mighty Angel, Rev 17, 7th Angel, saying no further delays, US soil;  and where to, two area maps these blessed escapes, prophet Isaiah predicted, Jordan's Petra to Rev Holies, predicted US's Georgia's coast, crossover in to star warring, Holy Angels, repent, RUN or Perish! 

Do They Know,Their Children Will Grow Up  In Occupied Territory, In An Occupied America? See more here, Warn Nephew Mane,, Aug 15, 2018,

  -Ericka, here's the video, Darius asked for and Darius during a Jan 12/13/2018, demo, your present home, crying, "momma, your worrying after me, got the down town, newspaper bells ringing, something also said, like now, about a plethora of earthquakes and Volcanic activity, even those NEO's, forewarn to be aware of that June 26/July 6, (2015), blessed escape into US Savannah Georgia, or skyward, into second heaven, intercessions.

-Need I mention? I've gotten too many references already to Memphis TN, this 2020 year alone, one a down town Memphian name was mentioned, here it is, the same phenomenon causing MAJOR, never, ever before Mega fires in 11 or 12 US West coast states, burning an 8 plus million acres, since early August, 2020; the cause, a predicted 101 Yellowstone's eruptions to come, now seen under the New Madrid fault zone where Memphis, TN, Alabama and Arkansas, all sit.

-Even ask  your eldest about her Arkansas dream, (June 17, 2020)... and there's no way he could've known, I didn't know until a research in my prophecy links, days later; but 18 years to both, month and date, (June 17, 2002), The Sunlight, from behind a Mountain, God's Back Turn Throne, commanded an American/West Rule,  Exodus, presently those called by God's Christ, Jesus name, hearer, doers and stampeders, into US/Canada's Georgia's Coast, Crossover into Africa's Southwest Atlantic, JCON/Apb,        

See here, Time to head east video,

Burst of hotspots,

New Madrid, Memphis seismic zone,

Direct energy weapon, DEW,

EMERGENCY MANAGEMENT ASSOCIATION CASCADIA CAPITAL C M E T EARTHQUAKE IN ALASKA MONDAY OCTOBER 19TH, beware, no longer will rebellion be counted as ignorance, see Ezekiel 5/Dec 3, 2017, stampeding of elephants of going on as unaware!, JCON/Apb 

And these are the descendants of the beauty rescued from the hands of the beast: Beast Of Beauty, Featuring King Bridegroom Brookstone Paris Lathem and Queen Bride Cassedy Jessica Olene

Unending Love Antidote ...The African Juttah Genealogy, 1986-2016/2026/3036 

 The Tombola Genealogy, Holy, Temple, April, 17, 1986/2026/3036 into Infinity, God's Kingdom Reign 

Unto Bacha Veronica Usihjka and Sabrina Aleigh Yocman was born a son Sacha Verona Usihjka, a son Crispen Viceroy Usihjka,  and a daughter Dayleigh Henretta Usihjka, Yocman    

"That's apocalyptic infernos, more horrible death and dying President Trump made mockery of, said Mega to Magma fires that's been burning in California and across the North West, to Midwest since the tug of war over same gender schools re-openings. Yeah, educators forbidden to teach Adam and Eve but turn Adam and Adam and Eve and Eve into churches ordinations and school curriculum's and if that little reveal right there, even church boys, reproduction organs seen infused to infected with your infant children, and you still don't surmise why all such overseers are in so much trouble, you're Trump's White House to the American Dream disillusioned, ahhhhh, RUN! Y'all hear Ivanka Trump talking vote for her father, the President and Vice President who openly chose their lives over hundreds of millions of American lives, and are infecting to killing them still, these Covid 19 rallies. That's insane and she's, they're insane for suggesting it, that man win the White House again and they still don't realize why Revelation Holies aligned them to Gog and Magog, a nuclear fate and 50 million US death; as in Trump's White House to his America to his Evangelicals, are the abomination that maketh desolate Mat 24 Jesus' said flee! Elohim God to Jesus' Cross, forbid, but they deserve to be overtaken by the Antichrist, ah my God is Christ Jesus Himself saying, those who believe not are condemned already, repent or perish, as reconcile by HIS Bloody Cross or wake up in eternal hell, ah my God! Wow Maha, wow! Remember Dai, Dai, one of those recent dreams, the prophesied hour manifested in the flesh, she let down her stunning hair, this family gathering, so all could see, totally representing God's glory toward her. Then months later, during the self made labor camp, she's in a mirror, her head is bald along four perfect ponytail judgments and gone is the glory of God, the brides's ETE now a BETA, with one judgment, representing  a world to planet altering disappearance. My God Dai Dai, I forgot about that part, meaning the least unveiled is what's most of all catastrophic, we knowing, simultaneously skyrocketing to fire rocketing, are world systems the Church Bride to Western Civilization, one by it's abominations never seen, heard of again! I woke the other night, a doc on about Ancient empires, who's excavator name was Dunlop. Instantly I thought of grand Sia's Memphis to the Obama's to the little Miya girl, Memphis Dunlap Street, the first demo of America's Exodus, right? Then I ask myself, why does Memphis play such a huge role in America's, Hemingway exodus? Then brothers and sisters I ask, well, is that asking why did Nazareth play such a huge part in Jesus' crucifixion, even Apostle Paul's Damascus road? If you Maipo brother think, Dunlap was hers, her Nazareth to Damascus, even her Gethsemane garden, nothing was again the same for our Sia mom, not after that Memphis, Dunlap Street's, head trauma. Plus my young Sias, we've since our first parents Adam and Eve expulsion from Eden's Garden to Nimrod's Tower of Babel, even as to reconsider Noah's Ark, the genesis man marriage been exile's and migrants this planet. Actually a siege it's Ancient of days laid against all rebellion, all whoremongering to warmongering kingdom, nation building from Sia Moses's Memphis' Egypt thru to Sia Maaseiah's Memphis Tennessee. So with the Lamb of God, come down there reminding, get ye to repentant altars God is avenging for many millennia now, weights of  martyred blood, guilt no further delays, all first born's beware. So the bloodletting Ancient of days to free world at present were always a pending failed project, except it's rooted and grounded in righteousness, the only divine, saving intervention. Stunning Maha, even brilliant, Holy Spirits designed lately, I'm swallowing a tighten throat, stretching tingling nostrils, blinking and sniffing back nearing tears, to say. So is Mad on her way or what, what are we doing, we waiting for her, meeting her somewhere?  I thought you said she was coming, no, I didn't, I suspect Dai, Dai, you assume I said Mad would be with us, with me. The last time we were together she made it clear that things will go according to her terms and not mine or our terms. So no ruffling feathers by me,  I'm leaving it all up to her to decide, especially seeing both the Juttah genealogy and the tombola put us together and that's really good, I'll be faithful to  praying without ceasing, all that. Wow,b listen to my little grown up brother, nall, he been talking to Sia mom, you Mahaseiah, think you always know that, I know you visited her just now. Anyway Sia mom was telling me about hearing the Star Wars in heavens the year we lost Grand, grand Saurus, like 2013, so six years before she witnessed, Rev 12, Angels battling a star wars in the heavens. How Maha, Dai, Dai all the events that transpired right there in her bedroom, that 2013, had all the hallmarks of the great gathering of saints, including a deafening Trumpet, a deafening Trumpet Elyon she at once witnessed passed to the Angel Gabriel, unveiling him as seventh Angel, trumpet, right?.Don't forget Eli, that's the same year of that amazing visitation to heaven, next she realize, she's there and  Angels are seeing her back here, admonishing her, flooring her even, THEY can't wait to be down here, where she is. Totally different residences, months later, twice within weeks she witnessed to experienced Angels all around, through her, but the same year, actually during a 21 Day Daniel fast. I'm thinking it could all be connected, especially with her reveals come in reverse and holy Spirits, omnipotent, omnipresent and omniscient. Think, we use dates and times, even localities for memory, but divine intervention have no specifics. The cherubim, Ezekiel described, Elohim's chariot to Glory had four faces and  movements all directions to places at once. Eli man, what is that look? Ah, sorry Dai, Dai, but  Mad just stepped off the elevator, I'm sorry, why is that Maha suddenly so funny? You're sitting alone with your siblings and their tombola matches, do you Eli know how trusting, grounded and mature that make you look, why not just laugh and go along with it? Plus Eli, that wouldn't be the first THEY'VE taken her off this planet and it had all the hallmarks as you say, of the great gathering of Saints. Hello everyone, I heard you was on this side of Africa's Juttah, I feared I wouldn't see you. Yes I'm here but not for long, well how long, do we have time to talk? Ahhhh, I, look, I'll just be at our usual spot, okay, ah, I'll be right there. See, told you, you look so, so together and she can't resist, now go, but calmly, reserved, yeah, commy you guys later. I can't believe you're advising someone, especially Eli, what you saying big brother, I can't be trusted, I'm not a good mentor, my conferences with Sia Evolent, Sia Braveheart serves nothing. Stop it, what we doing, all of the above and if so, in what order? I say the pub first, Eastside, that's hours drive, Maha, yes and Maipo and I  can snuggle all the way, just as you and Choade, right? I know I been eavesdropping, but my lil cousins know we're coming up on the end of October's month, two years ago  2018, grand Sia heard major, major earthquake West Pacific Canada and after that she heard 10.2 earthquake.  Just thought I'd mention it seeing her dutchsinse is proving the North American Craton, with her 101 Yellowstone's  pending, is on the move, is more active with potential earthquakes and volcanoes than in recorded history. So, ah, getting back to my corner, blessed evening you guys, yeah thanks, Memphis Collins, man." Why speak in parables? In case those first born hear, in case those first born see, in case those first believe and receive and join the divine priesthood, who're faithful, hearers, doers and stampeders, Apb

Wednesday, October 28, 2020

Run Lawrence O'Donnell, Run!

 Prophecy Links Fulfilling, the Hearing Hurricane Katrina, Beta, 2005, smiling faces don't last, wipe Canada from the map, separate Britain, America into itty, bitty, pieces, now, these greats doomsday, once a fork in the road now shown, Sept 2020, as a fork in the sand, Apb  

Article, Donald Trump ahead in Florida (not as Georgia's Savannah Coast, ,a blessed crossover, nd now we know why),

Run America's Continent Run! For Their Abominations Have Reached Unto A Triple Extinction Level Event Come, No Further Delay, Apb

-So is that hooray then, for the pending world system, Revelation Book, Holies, Rev 17:16-18, 18, aligned to Gog and Magog, A nuclear fate and 50 millions US deaths? Such rolling twilight skies to freezers making that thud, empty sound, shown to be evident the way they've both downplayed coronavirus and sabotaged its response, not only until hundreds of thousands are sick and dying, millions infected, with it highest one day of infections, 77, 000, since May, until both Dr Fauci and Dr Brix are warning against approaching holiday gatherings, as so, beware of Pres Trump/Pence superspreading rallies!

-Stop being deceived, stop deceiving others, your rebellion will not be counted as ignorance, after near two millennia His Holy Cross outreach, Jesus will no longer say, forgive them Father, for they know not what they do, but remind you. You know how it is He forewarn you, your sins and your alike sudden judgment come and come, and come, would be as the days of Noah, with me, His Apostle now asking, are you Trumpians, smarter than dinosaurs; ump, is coronavirus death tolls with 101 Yellowstone's coming, the Nov 3/4, funeral reef into the heavens I witnessed, 2013? Beware, repent, RUN or perish out of divine intervention saving grace, hands to healing wings, Apb, see here, Rrev 6, 6th seal also a 6th Rev 2, Jesus matrix 10 day countdown to fiery doomsday apocalypse, US soil...

Article, The last word with Lawrence O'Donnell,, (Wow, wow, again,  I couldn't say anything, but wow! Trump's, Pomeo and Kushner's White House, compared to both Franklin Roosevelt surrender to WW2 and its alike, during said war, COVID-19, hundreds of thousands in death tolls, like Apostle I am said, wow! Apb

Coronavirus surging again, Dr Brix can't believe, she see so few wearing mask,, ( Whose practice can save hundreds of thousands of lives and whose rejection. Mind you from the White House to the poor house should be met with the same crimes of homicide to negligent homicide as punished those with deadly, sexually transmitted pathogens practicing without condom's, beware, repent, RUN or perish! Apb! 

And These Are The Descendants Rescued From The Breast's Marks

"Ancient Of Days, also created Lucifer, but like him every good and perfect gift descending  down from Elohim God. These blessedness of unmerited favor, in the hands of black hearted men, see those like the Jerusalem Temple Jesus' Day. Those, as the church today, with great beast tearing through their abominable pulpits, they'd all come evils God didn't intend. Regularly shown to be evident, during the deadliest pandemic ever, killing so called minorities more disproportionately than any others. Allowing to fueling desperate Americans going hungry and homeless just as well, is double their abominations. Clearly, that's double, even triple impacting judgments, as mega to magma disasters,, marvel not. No no no, can y'all believe the old Arkansas bridge crossover just revisited month and date for 18 years the Sunlight of God, God's back turned Throne, HE commanding as  in Moses day Exodus, let my people go! Miraculously, now the crossover the old Arkansas bridge just revisited its (June 17 2020 from it's June 17th {2002}). Brilliantly a Hemingway Exodus actually, a farewell to all personal and world treasures, whoremongering, warmongering, all, pretending peace and safety followed by sudden destruction. Inconceivable, with Grand now saying those running from West Coast, Southwest Northwest to Midwest infernos, all need to get into Arkansas, cut through to Louisiana and Alabama, getting to Georgia's coast crossover. Ah meteorologist Rob Marciano, just verified, of 12 tropical events as Zeta right now, five have come into the gulf of Mexico, especially Louisiana. The same Louisiana since (2019), marked on grand Sia prophetic calendar, at the time this saying for a decade,  "Destroy, Wisconsin!" Here she say these lower, mid-south states are area's intentionally being drenched right now. Seemingly, just as they're designed for safe journey and escape from West Coast fiery, doomsday apocalypse right into Georgia's coast. Yeah Memphis Caden man, pray against all travel bans, pray for parents with infants, RUN, blessed are hearers, doers and stampeders, meaning all other, first borns, cursed."  Why speak in parables? In case they, well you hear, see, believe and run, you all know, where, your procrastination will not be counted as ignorance, but damning rebellion, Apb, see here, 

Emergency Management Associates Volcano and Earthquake Report Tuesday October 27, 2020,, ( I remember, it was 2015, I began to encourage my loved one to keep grab bags in their cars, because truth is, when you leave home, you don't know what emergencies will arrive. Then these forewarnings from an apostle, prophet who's seen an outbreak of states of emergencies, an outbreak of ambulances and an outbreak of mortuary, the form of a tearing skyward, funeral reef, and on July 27, 2013, it's approaching, Nov 3/4, date, beware, repent, RUN or perish! Apb  

9/23/20 URGENT Special Report for Western Canada and United States - Time to Get Out Head East ASAP,  and here,, RUN American Continent, RUN.. BLESSED ARE HEARERS, DOERS AND STAMPEDERS, Apb, 

Tuesday, October 27, 2020

RUN Morning Joe RUN!

Prophecy Links Fulfilling, The Predicted June 26/July 6, ({2015}), The Bride's, Estimated Time Of Escape, as September 22/23/25; here, it's September, 22/23, 2020, waking as I see, hear, the word,  "BETA," like (The) Bride Estimated Time Of Arrival, in emphasis; hearing, 2005 Katrina, as 2005, hurricane season; seeing, a fork in the sand, (Britain, American, 2005, shown as a doomsday come, fork in the road); hearing, "every 20 seconds," (and no wonder between Pres Trump/V. Pres Pence, COVID-19 Rallies and The Coronavirus, again surging mightily in US states, so will deaths also surge from every 80 seconds to every 20 seconds, the falling silent, Third, Heavens? Hearing as Ancient Territorial Beast, Dan 9 mention, Accuse Revelation 12, Star Warring Angels, Apostle, John witnessed, of, THEIRS, The Bride, The Royal Priesthood being In like Daniel 9:27/Rev 17:16-18, final week of years, (April 2, 2019 to April 2, 2026), Gog and Magog, territorial beast, again hearing. the Brides BETA, Sept 22/23/2020, complaints, we're now in their timeline, beware all, all, all, first born's, Apb    

NBC Nightly News, With Lester Holt,, ( on President Trump, very publicized words, we're turning the corner on coronavirus, when as usual the opposite is horribly true, with some daily tolls reaching over 80% in new infection; until Dr Fauci himself, just said, if there are those not wearing mask, (those heartless, careless), then maybe mask should be mandated. Apb  

Jared Kushner face backlash, Morning Joe, (First Trump's White House, He, Ice Cube, Amy Coney Barrett  and other rebellious like them just want some spot light the rolling twilight skies and scorched US soil their evil selfdom are spreading. Look, some have said Donald Trump, like himself, family in the White House hold positions they're not qualified for. For instance Trump's, Pomeo and Kushner Abraham Accord, while their US of A implode, will pretty soon see two thirds of Israel dead, prophetically, blessed  escape is Jordan's Petra.

-August 9, 10, 2020, Yard Size Duracell Batteries, Jared Kushner and It's Press Secretary comments are all evidence, they, as Trump, Pence do in deed hold positions that has gotten many Americans dead. Whereas their greenery, these little horns will be the underlining cause for millions of dead Americans procrastinating blessed escape, RIGHT NOW!

-Beware, this is the part Holy, Father, Elohim God say now come out from among them, US states of barbecue, see ({2015}), hijacker Syed Farook, USB, whereas the Sunlight ELOHIM"S Back Turn Throne, commanded His People be let loose into  blessed exodus., blessed Brexit, Briexit Blaexit all come. Explaining, for in one hour is the American experiment judgment, sentence come, a fiery, doomsday apocalypse. No further delays, beginning their US West coast, Hawaii, Alaska, CANADA  as well, beware, repent, RUN, RUN ah RUN or perish out of divine intervention hands, Apb, see more, RUN the American Continent Run, here,, how it's ALL ending prophetically, Apb

"Remember Dai, Dai one of those recent dreams, the prophesied hour manifested in the flesh, she let down her stunning hair, this family gathering so all could see, totally representing God's glory toward her. Then months later, during the self made labor camp, she's in a mirror, her head is bald along four, perfect ponytail judgments, and gone is the glory of God, again with one judgement, representing  a world to planet altering disappearance. My God Dai Dai, I forgot about that part, meaning the least unveil what's most of all catastrophic, we knowing, simultaneously skyrocketing to fire rocketing, are world systems the Church Bride to Western Civilization, one never seen, heard of again! I woke the other night, a doc on about Ancient empires, who's excavator name was Dunlop. Instantly I thought of grand Sia's Memphis to the Obama's to the little Miya girl, Dunlap Street, the first demo of America's Exodus.Then I ask myself, why does Memphis play such a huge role in America's, Hemingway exodus? Then brothers and sisters I ask, well, is that asking why did Nazerath play such a huge part in Jesus' crucifixion, even Apostle Paul's Damascus road? If you Maipo brother think, Dunlap was hers, her Nazareth to Damascus, even her Gethsemane garden, nothing was again the same for Sia mom, not after Dunlap Street's, head truama. Plus my young Sias, we've since our first parents Adam and Eve explusion from Eden Garden to Nimrod's Tower of Babel been exile's and migrants this planet. Actually a siege it's Ancient of days laid against all rebellion all whoremongering to warmongering kingdom, nation building from Moses's Memphis' Egypt thru to Maaseiah's Memphis Tennessee. So with the Lamb of God, come down there reminding, get ye to repentant altars God is avenging for many millennia now, weights of  martyred blood, no further delays, all first borns beware. So the bloodletting  Ancient days to free world at present were always a pending failed project, except it's rooted and grounded in righteousness, the only divine, saving intervention. Stunning Maha, I'm swallowing a tighten throat, stretching tingling nostrils, blinking and sniffing back nearing tears, to say. So is mad on her way or what, what are we doing, we waiting for her, meeting her somewhere?  I thought you said she was coming, no, I didn't, I suspect Dai, Dai, you assume I said Mad would be with us, with me. The last time we were together she made it clear that things will go according to her terms and not mine or our terms. So no ruffling feathers by me,  I'm leaving it all up to her to decide, especially seeing both the Juttah genealogy and the tombola put us together and that's really good, I'll be faithful to  praying without ceasing, all that. Wow,b listen to my little grown up brother, nall, he been talking to Sia mom, you Mahaseiah, think you always know that, I know you visited her just now. Anyway Sia mom was telling me about hearing the Star Wars in heavens the year we lost Grand, grand Saurus, like 2013, so six years before she witnessed, Rev 12, Angels battling a star wars in the heavens. How Maha, Dai, Dai all the events that transpired right there in her bedroom, that 2013, had all the hallmarks of the great gathering of saints, including a deafening Trumpet, a deafening Trumpet Elyon she at once witnessed passed to the Angel Gabriel, unveiling him as seventh Angel, trumpet, right?.Don't forget Eli, that's the same year of that amazing visitation to heaven, next she realize, she's there and  Angels are seeing her back here, admonishing her, flooring her even, THEY can't wait to be down here, where she is. Totally different residences, months later, twice within weeks she witnessed to experienced Angels all around, through her, but the same year, actually during a 21 Day Daniel fast. I'm thinking it could all be connected, especially with her reveals come in reverse and holy Spirits, omnipotent, omnipresent and omniscient. Think, we use dates and times, even localities for memory, but divine intervention have no specifics. The cherubim, Ezekiel described, Elohim's chariot to Glory had four faces and  movements all directions to places at once. Eli man, what is that look? Ah ,sorry Dai, Dai, but  Mad just stepped off the elevator, I'm sorry, why is that Maha suddenly so funny? You're sitting alonewith your siblings and their tombola matches, do you Eli know how trusting, grounded and mature that make you look, why not just laugh and go along with it? Plus Eli, that wouldn't be the first THEY'VE taken her off this planet and it had all the hallmarks as you say, of the great gathering of Saints. Hello everyone, I heard you was on this side of Africa's Juttah, I feared I wouldn't see you. Yes I'm here but not for long, well how long, do we have time to talk? Ahhhh, I, look, I'll just be at our usual spot, okay, ah, I'll be right there. See, told you, you look so, so together and she can't resist, now go, but calmly, reserved, yeah, comny you guys later. I can't believe you're advising someone, especially Eli, what you saying big brother, I can't be trusted, I'm not a good mentor, my conferences with Sia Evolent, Sia Braverheart serves nothing. Stop it, what we doing, all of the above and if so, in what order? I say the pub first, Eastside, that's hours drive, Maha, yes and Maipo and I  can snuggle all the way, just as you and Chode, right? I know I been eavesdropping, but my lil cousins know we're coming up on the end of October's month, two years ago  2018, grand Sia heard major, major earthquake West Pacific Canada and after that she heard 10.2 earthquake.  Just thought I'd mention it seeing her dutchsinse is proving  the North American Craton, with her 101 Yellowstone's  pending, is on the move, is more active with potential earthquakes and volcanoes than in recorded history. So, ah, getting back to my corner, blessed evening you guys, yeah thanks, Memphis Collins, man." Why speak in parables?


What you thinking Dae, Dae? I don't know, those three ponytail judgements of their own, self made labor camps and they're so distracted the abominations of desolations of keeping the American dream they're too deluded to realize they have three active, extinction level events in their midst. Four, actually, because the one disappeared, as of the bride's skyrocketing exit is the kicking off of catastrophic events not since the days of the  Dinosaurs to the Noahan's."

{{{", Nicholas,  I can't talk but you reminding me about a call that all buildings be abandoned, especially, by children before mega quakes hit, like China, like Haiti. El Shaddi said he was reminded by Memphis Collins, tomorrow begin to be revised by those two Oct 28/29,( 2018), mega quakes. You know I heard, one we know West Pacific Canada, which is like saying the predicted to go nuclear,Juan de fuca plate and the other, hearing a 10.2, earthquake, to hit somewhere undeclosed, but possibly the predicted to go nuclear, New Madrid. That can't be a coincidence, you got that particular forewarning, that we're get out of buildings, gotta, go love and kisses, you too love, you too. Look loving girl, thank God COVID 19 gotta  a lot of people out of buildings right now, yes , thank God, and Religious, Political leaders, driving nails, coffins still, gotta go." }}}.    >>> Well look at what's going on, while dutchsinse and every other marginal to expert of every category regarding life on this planet prove the experient, even the Intrepid dream that is the American Dream is doomed. Shown to be evident, as we jumped from one mega West Coast to Midwest towering inferno to the gulf of Mexico hurricanes, one  after another. This is all religious, political leads rush though seating Justice Amy Coney Barrent. Ideally touted this perfect inclusion who showed how careless she was, she and her kids showing up at that Rose Garden event unmasked, wait did she, as Chris Christy, apologized, did any of them? Regardless, Global Tribunal, Genesis thru Revelation God continue his efforts towards extinguishing all US rebellious, this covert ethnic cleansing to depopulation of theirs. The American continent, that houses two primary Western Nations, commanded to relinguish all heirship the planet, then if this isn't the going on with abominable, detestable religion to political business of forfeiting mansions in heaven, all around the million man water-cooler, home earth, no more of a surreal disillusionment  again three Dinosaurs days to Noah's days events in their midst, Eze 4 Holy God laying the Dan 9:27/Rev 17:16-18, Abraham Accord of a siege, of claiming tens of  millions US soil, RUN the Americas Continent RUN! Something else extraordinary Bronze, it's not that they're not being warn, that they're not being told, that all signs in the heavens on the earth beneath isn't hard hitting and in their face as promised. Drill there not knowing, is the curse of being as Noah's day unaware, Jesus himself forewarn, elephants of staying unaware, Bride's of going on as normal no longer these procrastinating factors, road way hazards to travel restrictions. When those 10 of Millions are suddenly caught as those five unwise virgins, being without excuse, that they're suddenly walking up in hell eternal. I beseech you, here this,  blessed only are hearers, doers and Stampeders. 

Look the mystery woman offering up business cards from  better, homeless earth shelter, meaning,as at present planet home Coming more inhatible, what putting Trump in the Whitehouse, Amy Barret in the supreme court and a coronavirus vaccinate gonna supplement, planet home, heaven, divine intervention no more. Did y'all see thise new California fires, snowfall helped with Inferno Colorado only then Santana winds stepped up and Firefighters might as well been fighting serversla fire dragon

Yeah, yeah, Grand Sia hearing, every 20 seconds, there was a curse inserted during Moses Exodus that the rebels die  quicker God has assured their lifespan so Grand she was seen hearing the bride's estimated time of escape revisited September 22nd pass hearing aid 22nd could very well represent those dying back covid-19 dying even faster and this surge surgeon and all US states all hospitals morg z the evidence if everybody's like customer and

 Ice Cube don't speak for you you need to make that known they're getting as far away from their politics as possible say us Georges Savannah Coast..I can't shake it, it's like the call that all that hath breath praise Elohim God, especially the light of COVID-19 and revisiting Noah's day, when all that hath breath was wiped from  the planet then began again by Noah's Ark and now, fir all eternity, Jesus cross. That look so uncomfortable, Shaddi laying on your pregnant belly like that, it's not, he likes it, I like and so does the unborn, I been meaning to say, I'm sorry about your dad ending up on Negeb Ophel, I'm sorry, wha, who'a

Monday, October 26, 2020

Run The Americas, Continent, Run!

 Prophecy Links Fulfilling, May 15, 2020, Trump's Reopening, 16 Years Angel Gabriel 2004 May 15, Visit, Revisits Predicted 101 Yellowstone's, With the  Forewarning, Eruptions and now, FEMA, Beware, Apb, 

10/25/2020 -- HUGE DISCOVERY! Earthquakes striking next to high voltage power lines across WHOLE USA,, ( I know what are the chances? Pres Trump's COVID_19 debacle, also just made mockery of the worse mega fires US soil ever, regardless, here is enough video evidence, presidential leaders could easily use to  enforce mandatory evacuations out of US, W Pacific, Midwest states. One of my words of caution, since 2017, (dutchsinse), revisited every demo I've had recently, where I either spoke, interpreted to read the dutch language. 

-Just a week prior he showed us twice, two separate times, video evidence, Mega fires burning US Western States, are also Magma fires, showed us and told us two weeks past, the North American Craton is burning. As in my saying 2018, while predicted to go nuclear, Hawaii, was giving us lakes of lava, I said, though it sound Sy,Fy, there's volcanic magma  prowling, snaking and sneaking behind US states; as in tectonic veins are feeding molten lava into your neighborhood, said Craton,was just detected by dutchsinse as being on fire; with me waking a day later, hearing predicted 2016, to leave into Memphis, TN orphans, "Hawaii, the largest above ground Volcano, the planet, "is burning." 

-Yes, agreeably, like my hearing Jan 12/13, 2016, 99 bowls of molten lava and seeing a hand write on a wall, Jan 12/13, 2019, 99 bowls of molten lava. Fright night to rolling twilight skies, witnessed it's Jan 20, 2019, yes, error, cursed, Pres Trump's for two years state of the Union Address, instead Revelation 12, Angels, battling a star wars in the heavens, setting THEIR'S all around, for delivering all hearers and doers of commanded exodus into US Georgia's Crossover; Dec 24/25, 2001, until 190, Eze 4, Rev 11/Rev 13,  months be, and apparently, 40 days and 105 now, (Nov 22/23, {2017}), Rev 2, Jesus awarded matrix ten day countdowns, US/West Rule, Dan 5/Rev 17/18, weight of blood guilt, sentence, fiery, doomsday a Christmas Carol, now come! 

-Only to witness further, my heaven bound, Mother's birthday, Aug 7, ({2019}) a hand writing clumsily, as in barely legible, "escape Yellowstone" and heard weeks, later, Aug 30/31, ({2019}), soon to learn, dutchinse birthday, as a breaking of news report, "after 101 Yellowstone Eruptions!" Eze 4,, Holy God, for the ancient, laying a siege US soil by just a plethora of active super eruptions, including Hawaii, Alaska, with a recently discovered, active, lava bed under Utah, 30 times Yellowstone's, [A supervolcano in Utah? It's 30 times larger than Yellowstone],, beware, repent, RUN or perish, Apb  

Youtube, AMTV, Something BigIs Coming,, (Something Big Is Here, Like A Post, Fiery  Apocalypse, US soil, Since Aug 5, ({2019}), Standing The World Still Event, And The Word Disappeared Is Left Frozen on, as all HD, 5G And Social Media Screening; seen skyrocketing to fire rocketing simultaneously, disappeared, Intravening, Holy Bride and Bloodletting, US, West Soil, so Run  Christopher, Run; like a year, two months and 19 days now, more or less, beware, Apb

Article, CNN, US should consider national mask mandate for the winter, former USDA commissioner writes in op-ed,, (If I'm not mistaking, though Covid is soaring in Florida, and saying wearing a mask is a choice sends a message to those with sexually contagious pandemics, wearing a condom is a choice; Florida's Governor just reiterated, there'd be no more measures taken against COVID spread there, fret, this could be why Florida, as Georgia's coast, isn't a blessed escape! 

If this wasn't a Trump White House; IF This Wasn't An Election Year; If Trump/Pence/Republicans weren't aligned to world enders, people eaters Gog and Magog, A Nuclear Fate and 50 Million US Deaths; If those dying disporportionally weren't those Trump, Pence and Anti,-Socialist, didn't hate the most; If It wasn't commanded by Holy Elohim God to Eze 9 Reapers Bearing Sword like Syringes, For One Strike The Telling Heart, Kill All Parents By, Finish, All Schools!

Most importantly, That ALL New Borns, Like Moses Egypt, Hebrews, Are Commanded to Get Out, They know where, Jordan's Petra or Africa's Southwest Atlantic Or Suffer Holy Father God's Reacurring Wrath At Them, As Dinosaurs Days, Noah's Days To Lot's Sodom and Gomorrah, Days; Knowing who, why, what, when and where to blessed Brexit, Briexit and Blaexit, get it, get Jesus' and Get Out! 

And these are the descendants of the beauty rescued from the hands of the beast: Beast Of Beauty, Featuring King Bridegroom First Prince Silverton Nicholas Chow Liverpool and Queen Bride, Princess Torrance Allegra Lattern 

The Unending Love Antidote ...The African Juttah Genealogy, 1986-2016/2026/3036

The Tombola Genealogy, Holy, Temple, April, 17, 1986/2026/3036 into Infinity, God's Kingdom Reign

Unto Brookstone Paris Lathem and Casedy Jessica Olene was born a son Cadison Vincent Lathem, a son, a godson, Bear Lake, Eaglenest Lathem and a daughter, Kindle Heather, Yellowbird Lathem, Olene 

Mark Scene, Genesis Marriage Worshipers, XVII and VII, It's CV Matrix Count

"Hey Mom, my Lord El Eli, how many times I tell you not to slip up behind me like that, sorry, heard your beautiful singing, 'we exalt thee,' and like a holy spirit I kinda floated out here. Those the lyrics you heard the Lamb's book of life being made into a name roll call, even census, taking. Yeah and I woke in bed, tremendously exhausted with those lyrics, 'we exalt thee.'  going on and on in my head. But just a few days ago son, I began to reconsider suppose the order in which the Lamb of God was calling each of those names, is the order in which they'll each skyrocketed off the planet? The dead  in Christ, first, as from the Genesis into those at present, nano seconds, escape.  I also El Eli son begin to have unspeakable joy thinking we'll finally meet our first parents Adam and Eve, mother Eve, looking to the birth of her virgin son, being told he will be the savior of the world; just as Mother Mary, looking to the birth of her virgin son, being told, he will be the savior of the world. Look you and Jr Darius positive you all going so easily too and fro has is no discretion with your Juttah trials? We're pretty sure mom, plus I have Madeline here, she won't come to the Brightville Space center, remember? Just don't won't you forfeiting such a beyond description opportunity El Eli to serve, a royal priesthood in Ezekiel's temple, I wouldn't mother do anything to jeopardize it, including this ebbing and flowing along a tombola wedding to marriage. Yeah well son, that's yet to be seen, it just don't seem Madeline is ready to make those kinds of sacrifices, well her at odds parents can't help, you know what that sound like? Like you're asking for a parental conference, is that why you're here? Ah, kinda, I'll get lunch started if you mom come in and let me convince you, and you know, I love your finger sandwiches, go, I'm right behind you. Sia Mom, speaking of the lamb's boo of life opened to name roll call, what about that single page out of the Lamb's book you got the first of the year; what about you beginning to see, hear, also the first of the year, the naming to ordaining of those ten end days, King's of Gog and Magog?" You're not gonna believe it, El Eli, I'd all but forgot, both of those reveals revisited first of year January, 2018, that Memphis Home, of an Olivet Mountain, return, ah my Jesus is Christ, no wonder I heard just days past Hawaii is on fire, remember El Eli, it was a pending nuclear Hawaii, driving that Memphis Home, appearing, wow, mom, is that woe? Why Speak In Parables? Apb

Prophecy Links Fulfilling, January 3, 2020, simply getting the blocking out the sky word, WEATHER! But curious, is getting a decade back, this hearing "cirrocumulus bomb to Cybuna/Balt-Ti-More," today's US soil historic, break out with popup, neighborhood ending,'Derecho's?'

Tropical Storm Zeta expected to strengthen into hurricane and make landfall on Gulf Coast, (-Though I had my suspicion, every time California burn, it pour down raining here, my Georgia's, district, then getting that neighbors complaint, like what make me the exception, having a yard size Duracell battery. I explained to my daughter in-law in the kitchen just now, seems with these repeated, losing count, storms into the gulf of Mexico.
-Just as so, seems intervening Rev Holies are keeping  US  southeast states Arkansas, Louisiana into Georgia. The only trajectory, blessed escape must take, saturated to inundated, while US West, Midwest to Southwest states burn up. But beware, there's no US Georgia's Crossover but US Georgia's, Atlantic Coast; there's no blessed safe haven, but Africa's, Southwest Atlantic, coast, but Africa's Southwest, Atlantic, coast; fright night, commanded Eze 9 reapers, ascend to mostly descend, all caught procrastinating blessed get always, beware, repent, RUN or perish out of  the reach of Psalm 91 to Revelation 12 divine intervention, and wish for the deaths you saved, American Dreaming, Apb

9/23/20 URGENT Special Report for Western Canada and United States - Time to Get Out Head East ASAP, (And These Are The Descendants Rescued From The Beast's Marks, " Actually mom, one of the primary questions asked me at Brightville Space is about the Lambs Book of Life, name roll, call and did your mom really see the Archangel Michael? No I didn't see, what I saw was Revelation 12 angels, battling a star wars in heavens and then I heard El Eli, Michael is setting his all around. Just don't forget, only not a dream, about a year after we lost Grand Saurus, I was sitting in my bedroom, when I could hear like a star wars battle going on in the heavens, like if I stepped outside and looked up I would see a Star wars battle in heaven. That's when I also experienced a mighty, rush of wind come into the room, that's El Eli when a trumpet sound woke me from sleep, so loud, I thought I would be deaf in one of my ear. I'm thinking son, if you put all those biblical events in order, happening simultaneously, it's like Apostle Paul, and others describing the great gathering of the saints to what I experienced, in that Memphis home, a couple years ago. So is that when you also experience angels all around both Psalms 91 Angels inside the house and Revelation 12 angels outside the house? No, that all happened before your grand, grand Saurus died, I woke up, the same bedroom and there were angels all around the room, now what happened outside. Actually, this was your dad saying something threatening, not son to me, he said something like things I say, I know, even share could gt me in trouble and as he said that, whoosh, an army of angels just enveloped me, overwhelmed me, seeming inside and all around, like they're saying, his enemy had to go through them first. I was stirred by it, no way son could I have, anticipated it, plus it was so fast, another of those phenom things I decided I was not going to share. Wilcox, ah my God, I think her name is Wilcox, Amy Wilcox, the name I got the first of the year! I tried to share it lately, but I couldn't remember it for nothing, my God, El Eli, what you put in these finger sandwiches? Of I'm not, here we go, yes, here it is, I remember she was born in one state, here Oklahoma, yes, but raised in Virginia, and come to Nashville for a singing career. I couldn't remember because she's the only celebrity name given, I really didn't know nothing about, you know, like Cary Elwes, I knew, and of course just now, Sylvester Stallone, I know. You know mom, this Amy Wilcox, that's three US states, Oklahoma, Virginia and Nashville, and Cary Elwes, son, that's Hollywood and UK's Westminster! But Stallone, I think, it's about his birthday, it's year 1975, it revisit the funeral reef into the heavens, US soil deaths tolls, plus COVID-19, seems to target people, his birth year and age group. You think those are some of the name, written that page out of the Lamb's book, you saw? You know El Eli I can't say to speculate that, I can only say, one of the names remembered, was Logan and the names, all seemed to be last names, these three here, I heard their first and last names. So I guess, I''ll be setting up a parental conference with the Global Tribunal, but it will be up to the Brightville, tribunal, it's final say, and you and Madeline will have to abide by their decision, now do you still want to do this? I do, I'll talk it over with Made, if she's not in agreement, I will not dissuade her, and deal with her decision to rejection the best I can, okay I'm getting the ball rolling, okay, mom, kiss, kiss, catch you later, I'm meeting Dai, Dai and Maha, okay, enjoy and don't worry, walk by faith and prayer, okay mom, I will, I promise." Why Speak in parables?

Sunday, October 25, 2020

Run Rachel Maddow Run

Prophecy Links Fulfilling; 1987, explained in my prayer closet, parents and overseers through negligent technology would be gun violent, even head shots, homicidal toward their own children; hearing 2007 the dying of schools is painful, someone go down to the Middle School and cast a stone; seeing 2009 during a ginormous maze of sin traps,as the LGBTQ and P for pedophiler being laid in schools, as well as Churches and homes, for the children; why great beast tore through it all, including pulpits and peace getting porches; hearing 2017 kill all parents by, finish all schools, what COVID-19 is doing with 101 Yellowstone's come;  Ezekiel 9 Holy Father God would say, begin at my sanctuary, Jan 12/13, ({2017 thru 2020}), Rev 17:16-18, mystery, babylon, America, beware repent Run,  Run, Run , or perish, Apb

Youtube news, the 220,250 thousand lies, told by this White House, the Washington Post has already tracked so far; # Velshi saying, when you failed this bad Mr President, you're not entitled to a second chance,

President Trump repeatedly claim, nine months now, the virus would just magically go away, see here,, (If only this had not been a Trump Administration to an election year, if he didn't care more about his economy, than human life; if Holy Father hadn't sworn over two decades prior like Trump's Pomeii, (see Pomeo), or a Mystery Atlantis, (see Trump's Atlas), He, would destroy America; if those dying disproportionately, weren't considered those minorities of ethnic cleansing, hundreds of thousands of COVID-19 dead could've been saved, Apb

-Trump crashes as RNC and Michael Moore backs Biden, https//, (The authentic, finale, falling out among, stealers, killers and destroyers, forfeiting the immortal for the temporal, Apb

-Y'all better get this right, I don't know how much you all believe in the living Word of God or Holy Father God Himself. There is this witness by the Prophet Ezekiel his 9th chapter. Fright night,  he witnessed God summon six slayers from the higher gate north and with them is an inkhorn man. 

-The slayers are commanded to go in among the people and like COVID-19 right now, slay literally old and young and begin at God's sanctuary, which presently would be US soil/all mass assembly to business, Churches, schools, even homes, this covert genocide of the Genesis, man, marriage.

-Instead the appointed ink horn man, clarified as the incarnated, Jesus' merciful Cross, Blood of reconciliation. Mercifully, He is to go before the commanded slayers and literally mark for life eternal life all for compassionate reasons not supporting the Gog and Magog type Trump Administration; in other words they yet have heart's, they yet, like the Obama's, they care.

-I witnessed until said commanded slayers on US soil, chased some down, spin them around like in a dance, a waltz even. Then you can see these sword like syringes piercing through the air and come down a stabbing point blank the telling heart. Instantly some are ascended. But speedily accused, judged, sentenced to executed, being first born still, they're descended, then on to the next stampeding procrastinator, and no longer is the abominable, American, The Americas, slow motion exodus. 

-Presently, revisiting, Apostle John witnessed, Rev 10 Mighty Angel and Rev  17,7th Angel standing the US map indescribably anxious. THEY saying no further delays US  soil, as in you truly are in a battle for your soul, and the soul of humankind, the Genesis, man, marriage.

-Fright night to freezers making that thud empty sound, here's Revelation book holies, THEY'RE saying, and I quote.  "No further delays US soil,  desolation's predicted now come! Beware the Midwest, the Eastern seaboard as the inundated with such forewarnings US West Pacific; unquestionably clarifying Rev 17:14, Jesus Husband and His Beloved, blessed escape into US Georgia's crossover, Savannah's Atlantic, Coast, beware, report, RUN or perish, GOH/JCON/Apb

Trump Chooses Bizarre Covid-19 Doctor Lie As Closing Argument, (-Who is error, Islam/Palestine's Abbas Trump, aligned to 50 million US deaths, calling greedy? When it's his American to Evangelical base saying, we don't care who they by the hundreds of thousands, die, give us Trump's economy.  Imagine Jesus, already surmising, it's unlikely a rich man enters heaven, again imagine Jesus standing right there saying, commenting, what shall it profit you if you gain another Trump White House and lose your soul?

-Here's the wrath of the Holy God you mentioned, Rachel, "and I will send them strong delusions that they might believe a lie that they all might be damned who believe not in the love of the truth but had their pleasures in  unrighteousness. No doubt, this is when the heavens glassed over, began to crack along these huge shards and missile down.

No question, killing millions, but unveiled only at that time there're two crystallized, as in no first born can see them, Godzilla like beasts, one an Egyptian Sobek, like the Trump Administration, aligned to Gog and Magog, these evils were keeping earth's inherit with the American Dream deception, that all is crystal clear well, where Rachel, any such notion to campaign itself is followed by sudden destruction, impacting US to world soil right now.

-Actually in a Noah's cousin, home planet seem to be in Dinosaurs to Noahian extinction mode, so can we trust Holy Godfather, to these for many millennia now promises of Elohim? Just this one fantastic thing said of HIM, like God  so loved the world that he gave his only begotten son that whosoever believe in him shall not perish but shall have everlasting life. 

-Though let's be reminded it is also said of Satan and legions of fallen Angels come as devil's and demons, they also believe and tremble. So we'll clarify and say it as Jesus said to religious leaders/political, leader's, driving nails still, except cursed soil to birth man be born again he shall not enter the kingdom of God;  that except he be of born again of Holy Spirit, he shall not comprehend the righteousness of God, he walk blind, deaf, dumb and heartless.

-Whereas except for the elect to royal priesthood sake and again divine promises, all flesh on this planet perish. Those highly valued promises to unspeakable joy, let every knee bow, every tongue confess; the Virgin birth, the virgin cross of Jesus Christ, blood reconciliation, resurrection, ascension. Right into his witnessed, July 27, 2016, millennium reign descent, a post apocalyptic US/Western soil.

-I know, America 15% loss, Britain, Canada 5% each, Israel with two thirds no more, this planet, Trump, Pomeo and Kushner, Abraham Accord. Fright night to a death bringer from the molten beneath, a date since revisited, July 27, 2019, as to mock NBA players as all US celebrity, California dreaming instead of getting millions their admirer and getting to the only safe haven this side of the Atlantic, US Georgia, Coast, Crossover!

-Holy scripture, saying vain is the help of man, Presidential to peasant, as in your mad man  President just saw to tens of  millions US dead so he could get a photo op of hearing  a mob dressed in red, White and blue chant, jeering, we love be you. Blessed is our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ, come in the name of Lord, Holy Father.

-Equally, coming as the brightness of the sun a nuclear event vanquishing to dissolving our enemies their Armageddon stand! Saints of the most, high, holy God, Father, HE hath given us the heathen for our inherit and set his King Zion over all world government, for when the diligently prayed after 7th angel trumpet shall begin the sound, the kingdom of men come the kingdoms of God and his Christ and they shall reign forever, knowing, get it, get Jesus, get out! 

Prophecy Links Fulfilling, Spring, April 2, 1986-April 2, 2019, Thru April 2, 2026, These Are The Descendants Rescued From the Beast marks, Beast Of Beauty this Planet, "you said Memphis man, grand sia got Turkey as a word before? Yeah she did, wow, glad you asked, 2015, it was around this time, because the Thanksgiving holiday was approaching and before Turkey even then was breaking news, she thought it more so referenced the Holiday, than the Country.  Heads up, Sia's here, I heard from Sia El Shaddai, she got Mississippi as a word,  just  know, 10/31/2020, the bride given running shoes for red tattered hills, the person used, have ties to both Memphis and Mississippi, and , ah my god, as I reconsider the date, today, Halloween is her birthday. But, but, but, at the root of it all, revisited is Rev 17:14, as a Jesus husband, as the days of Father Abraham's Nephew Lot, here, His, Memphis, TN grands, are being delivered as far as Georgia's coast, Savannah. As with us we now knowing the death bringer, unleashed from the molten beneath, predicted twice now, as 99 bowls of molten lava, one as a hand writing that very forewarning on a wall. One still, Red Hawk Hillsfeet, man, as a hand writing clumsily escape Yellowstone, and as I little bear, big bear brother was about to say. One, fiery, doomsday extinction level event we now know include, no further delays, 101 Yellowstone's and easily as predicted, tens of millions are suddenly dead!"  Right, right, grand Sia saying, beware, they're all coming, all things world ending events, repent, RUN or perish, those only blessed end time come, hearers, doers and stampeders! I been wanting to ask, just before Holy Father's weeping uncontrollably, His people are dying, are being stripped of everything holiness of lord, Ancient of days, Jesus has brought them all. Easily cause this not for many millennia imagined, silence in heaven, what celebration in heaven does grand Sia find herself in and is this phenomena thing what she see's the first live demonstration, the spring Rapture, of being carried, off by healing wings to heaven? Only to heartily hear what Apostle John, had to hear, he yet had outreaching to do and both, they found themselves again human planet.  Both sweet and bitter, with those things yet thereafter, before them, with grand Sia hearing, "the Eastern Seaboard is gone, as well, the for near two millennia outreaching church bride, still I ask Sia's here, which celebration was this? There could wife Chels easily be just this Lamb's Marriage Supper celebration, only with many intervals, to events, like Rev 11, 7th trumpet sounding, it's finale, finally arriving Jesus millennial here, it's Mount Olivet landing. Then per that demo, only allowed to take all that's unimaginable in moments at a time, could explain why every time, one of those time tested doors were closed, grand Sia's says she was filled with a joy and gladness unspeakable.  I'm thinking, Jr Darius, of the one heavenward extravaganza mentioned during her Lord Urusalem parable. Remember HE, Long Bridegroom, Lord Israel lead her to this appearing far off, phenom celebration, and like abandons her there, to Angel Sariah, soon she enters Sia Ancient of days God, of God Elohim's Maaseiah Adonai and leaves dubbed, Prince Of Peace's, City f Peace, Lord Urusalem, that's a beyond, past finding out, grandiose event all it's own.  A stunning analogy Chelsea Fabrece, ah, you have really intrigued all our hearts of mystery, yeah where do I fine that Lord Urusalem parable? We Epiphany, doll girl, where do we find it? Surely you Memphis, know the exact chapter, stanza all, knowing I'd be called I'm looking right now, just give me a moment. So also dying to know, Turkey 2015, what was it's breaking news back then, was it seismic to volcanic, or none of the above, is it because middle eastern nations combine, makeup those once ancient empires from Egypt to the Roman, even the British empire? Yeah Ghost horse, these are also our fore to founding fathers and they all one way or another, joining the Abraham Accord, (April 2, {2019}), fulfills the last final 7 years this planet, Daniel 9:27, Rev 11:1, 2, and Rev 13;5, then Jesus millennium reign, April 2, 1986 thru April 2 2026, grand Sia saying knowing, RUN, you know where, just know, your ignorance, this era of knowing, will be counted as rebellion, then death, judgment and hell! Hey, number, couple 409, is up, which remind, you decided which of the two gowns you're wearing?  No, not yet, why? They're both Chels even more stunning with you in them, I know that, I mean thanks Vladimir love for that, I still can't believe, Jr Darius, your name is Vladimir, please can't I call you, Vlad, no, Memphis Caden man, not if you want me to answer, look there's something you're not telling me, okay, well which dress would look best with a belly bump? A belly what, I'm supposed to know what that mean, don't you know how slow I am when it come to slang notions? I gotta go, see you for lunch, if I can't I'll commy you, hey you're not mad at me, right? Urgggggg, I hate when I angered her without knowing why, here, look at this illustration, this is what is meant by a gown with a belly bump, you got to be kidding me, look, got you guys later, Chels, look here, I got it, Chels, come on, don't be like, Chels! Look, before all others like Jr Darius break off going their various ways, you all should know, Grand Sia is saying, America's whoremongering to warmongering evils. Shown to be evident, go see the US weapons deal with Vietnam, with China threatening, retaliations,all getting us the black hearted, mind, errors Trump White House, are we then worthy of a Biden, Harris, Obama White House? Sia Grand then saying seeing millions voting for anti-humanity, the Trump Administration, means, repentant knees, shown broken, no we're not worthy. How we only look to be liberated from it's weight of blood guilt, judgment, sentence, ELE's come, and come and come to resume, whoring, lying, stealing, killing and destroying, only Almighty, Holy Elohim God, isn't mocked. Why is it again Memphis Cory man, you're not one of our Sia's of reveals, the Globe to Parental, Hillsfeet Juttah, Tribunal? It's apparent you're totally qualified, that's Memphis cousin man, isn't up to me, plus I'm fine where I am, I don't wanna imagine the responsibilities that goes with being a Parental to Tribunal Juttah.  I'm chilled, I'm going for something hot, Kennede, Belize darling,? No, I'm stuffed, meet you in the reveals library, right there, blessed day guys, sweet sleep, all that, you two Kennede as well, later." Why speak in parables?  That those choosing to see, speak, hear and know no evil, but with elephants of staying unaware stampeded, that's likely less to be true, that you're unknowing but rather, Eze 5, rebellious, stampeding to overtaken, one strike the telling heart, descended, beware, repent, RUN, or perish! Apb  


Prophecy Links Fulfilling

    -Seen to be just now, Aug 11, 2020, rushed upon by aggressive neighbors, about having a yard size Duracell battery in the yard; but more odd, weeks back, say, July 6, 2020, seeing a hand reach up from the bottom of the deep freezer, take hold of and begin to fire a package of poultry like it's a rocket launcher, so mammoth blackouts to food fights, wars? Apb 

Prophecy Links Fulfilling 2012, 

-Seen to be seeing a ginormous maze of sin, showing traps laid for school kids. There's multi-millions awaiting a single water cooler, when a woman bearing, Rev 16/17 blacken bowls cut in, stumbles. Here enters this debate, when mystery woman reach into a business man to a Scrooge, banker's upper, left hand pocket. Offer business cards for better homeless, earth shelters, as Jesus' offered mansions in heaven, the Spirit and Bride sayeth come, repent, RUN or Perish! Apb

You Tube, Rachel Maddow, Some sites of irresponsible Trump rallies, see subsequent Covid spikes.

-He doesn't care, the opposite of Obama care; neither does his Republican Party to allying Evangelicals. Pres Trump want his rallies, he mainly agreed with herd immunity so he can continue his covid-19 rallies, we know this. 

-I compared this abomination to Nations around the world standing back as Adolf Hitler killed 10 million people; 10 million people, not 100 not 1,000 not 100,000, horrid enough, but 10 million people. Then they have the audacity, a warmongering petro-currency  their own  to ask what's a Dan 5, US soil weight of blood guilt, judgment, sentence, launched, incoming, impacting, fiery doomsday apocalypse?  Beware, Apb

The Tombola Genealogy, Holy, Temple, April, 17, 1986/2026/3036 into Infinity, God's Kingdom Reign

Mark Scene, Genesis Marriage Worshipers, XVII and VII, It's CV Matrix Count

"You see the heart breaking interview of those young three Latinos, could Challis have been four? Yeah, I thought of grand Sia comparing as she did Ice Cube, to a hen house siding with the big, Black wolf, agreeing to rid them of their enemies not not realizing just as soon he's coming for them.  Then Deja, those their age, number one killer by some legal, illegal drug, mostly descend, mostly wake up in hell, so we're not talking just their lives here. Grand Sia hearing 2017 Ezekiel 9 reapers being commanded to kill all parents by, finish all schools, what Covid-19 is during. Then we got that telling us by timetable April 2nd 2019, two weeks and 7 years. Until then there's a revisited post apocalyptic America to an outbreak with mortuary,  til April 2, 2026, finale. Rolling twilight skies now, Colorado burning, a month prior, Jan 2020, Deja, we talked, well discussed an event that can possibly claim parents and not children,whereas children and schools again as Revelation 2 Jesus cursed, could be used as a delivery system for a pandemic and seems days later coronavirus, come breaking news. Kinda, just as we feared, using children and schools, soon targeting American Dreaming parents and grandparents. But like Trump's followers, his base, they say they're voting for Trump because he's anti-socialism, calling good, evil, as in they support him cause he's anti Holy God, Antichrist and anti-human being. I guess if you wanna know Deja, why he still have followers that's why. People who're deluded into a surreal spirit of selfdom, when selfdom Challis can't serve Jesus as Lord, can't inherit God's Throne nor His Kingdom come. But you right, selfdom is their blacken hearts to blacken mirrors and now blacken US soil. Religious leaders have really failed God's people when it come to the Gospel according to Jesus Christ, I say again, the Gospel according to Jesus Christ. The entire old testament beside pending prophets shaped into two of the greatest commandments of love that can't be followed unless you're rooted and grounded in the righteousness of God. The entirety of the Bible from Genesis to Revelation shaped into Matthew 5 be-attitudes they call them, again, that can't be followed unless you're rooted and grounded into the righteousness of God . No doubt Jesus saying, the spirit of the Lord is upon Him, so upon His Holy, outreaching Bride, to preach the gospel to the poor, to heal the brokenhearted, to preach deliverance to the captives and recovering of  sight to the blind, to set at liberty those that are bruised to preach the acceptable year of the Lord, presently the Bride's estimated time of arrival, (BETA)l. No wonder when Jesus had to face them and be Dr Fauci honest with them, He told them by the millions, confirming he didn't know them their sins remain. Then Deja, we're talking about people with some of the most phenomenal spiritual gifts that you can imagine, raising the dead; healing the sick; casting out demons, drawing crowds of hundreds of thousands to millions! Still Jesus told them I don't  know you because your sins remain, you worship God with your mouth, your inconceivable works, but His forgiveness, grieves and sorrows toward all people is nowhere near your selfish hearts.  Sh, sh, sh, cuddle in here, ah, excuse that yarn, we're as one love  Deja, dreaming about the BETA, that's finally come. Ah, ah, ah, yawning tears in my eyes, sorry, sorry, so, sorry,  what'da, really Blain man, you throw a ball at me? Come on Challas man, one game of vollyball, no, no, no, Deja and I beach relaxing, BETA dreaming. Meaning they can't delay any further, THEY'RE here, even Gog and Magog complaining we're in their timeline. Come on man, ten, fifteen minutes to take out our parents, how did you even find me? Really, Dissuasion, Teen, heart throb Challis, look around, you still draw fans, tell him Deja. Where's Chamois, Kingsley them, all waiting on you, when will we all be here together again, when Challas man? Then they bragging, challenging us, okay, okay, go, go, go, I'm, we're coming, one game right? Blain, in the words of Jesus the Christ to inquiring disciples, come and see! Next time we're chartering a transit, I don't care what, where we go Deja, but away from worrisome, friends, wait, are we being followed?" Why Speak In Parables? For they say the Lord seeth us not, the Lord is ascended from the earth, instead beware, repent, RUN or perish! Apb, see, Run Ericka Run, here,, how it's AL, ending prophetically, Apb

Prophecy Links Fulfilling, revisiting Rev 17:16-18, Jan 12/13. 2017, hearing, "one hour with the beast; 2018, hearing, "Whore and Beast separated; 2019, come a hand writing on a wall, predicted, 2015/2016, 99 bowls of molten lava; 2020, a hand with a pointer Jan 9, 2020, see here,, changing this date to Jan 12/13, 2020, beware, Apb 

Prophecy Links Fulfilling, Seeing Bush's 2003, A Build Up Of Torture Vehicles US General Called A Dirty Mede, A United Arab Emirate/To Hamath? Seeing a build up of torture vehicles, Israel fall to Hamath, elephant stampeding Palestine's Abbas mentioned eight leads, seeing, hearing the beginning to naming of ten kings, that abruptly stops, like  king  Soleimani; Rev 3:3, Rev 17:12 Rev 18:17 prophesied hour, shown here, manifested in the flesh, three times, since, May 10, 2020, mother's day; beware Mat 24, Jesus forewarning,  flee the (these), abominations that maketh all desolate, Apb

And these are the descendants of the beauty rescued from the hands of the beast: Beast Of Beauty, Featuring King Bridegroom First Prince Silverton Nicholas Chow Liverpool and Queen Bride, Princess Torrance Allegra Lattern 

The Unending Love Antidote ...The African Juttah Genealogy, 1986-2016/2026/3036

The Tombola Genealogy, Holy, Temple, April, 17, 1986/2026/3036 into Infinity, God's Kingdom Reign

Unto Brookstone Paris Lathem and Casedy Jessica Olene was born a son Cadison Vincent Lathem, a son, a godson, Bear Lake, Eaglenest Lathem and a daughter, Kindle Heather, Yellowbird Lathem, Olene 

Mark Scene, Genesis Marriage Worshipers, XVII and VII, It's CV Matrix Count

Saturday, October 24, 2020

Run Doug Perry/Prepper Nurse, Run

 Prophecy Links Fulfilling, US/West Rule Exodus Commanded, By The Sunlight Of God, God's Back Turn Throne, June 17, 2002; US Soil/West Rule, Commanded Exodus, Seen In Progress, Those American, Churchians and Trumpians In Extreme Penance, Down On All Fours, Crossing Over The Old Arkansas Bridge Into Georgia's  Atlantic Coast, June 17, 2020, knowing, get it, get Jesus, get out!

And Your Sons and Daughter's Shall Dream, Dreams, I Dreamed Two later, June 19, 2020,  As  To Revisit An Ezekiel 8: 3-10, and Acts, 11:8, combined,  ( see here, Juneteenth, June 19, 2020 – also known as Freedom Day, Jubilee Day, Liberation Day, and Emancipation Day – is a holiday celebrating the emancipation of those who had been enslaved in the United States, Annual Date, June 19, ({2020}), Again I Dreamed,What Would've Actually Proceeded, Grand (Jan 12/13, June 17, 2020}, Dream,  Apb  

     -Know also, Jan 12, birthday girl, had a similar dream (June 17, {2020}), that went like this, "grandma, she come in, "I just had the weirdest dream, I say weird caused we're all like animals, down on fours, hands and knees." (Instantly I get vibes, (Oct 2018/2019 thru Oct 2026/2027), Dan 4, madness award, then King of king Babylon, Nebuchadnezzar, now King f king Mystery Babylon, Pres Trump/American refugees. Revealed, by the curse revisited upon him, until 7 years come as a wild animal, primed to wake, chanting, Elohim, God alone, rules over the kindoms of men, and giveth to whom HE WILL...Dan 4:4-); she then say, "we're meeting atop the old Arkansas bridge, it seem different, (re-calibrated, to even allow predestines), but I know its the old Arkansas bridge. There's my mom, dad and brother and our church members, coming from Memphis side, they look like animals, but I can tell it's them.

     -Appose to this side (Georgia's side), also down on all fours (Apostle I am, say, Joel 2, suggested, King David, Ps 51, again, extreme penance); again on Georgia side, she's continues, it's you and all your grands; as in the demo, those relocated from Memphis, by Rev 17;14, Jesus Husband/Grand-dad,(June 26/July, 6, {2015},) "I'm with you since we're here, (Savannah Georgia) and so is, her younger sister; there ended her testament.

-Of course, it, would be days later, during other research, I learned this grand dream, it's exact date revisited a June 17, (2002), demo, I'm standing in heaven, these beyond description celebrations, just short of its made silence, when just as it's duration expires, one approach, say he wanna see you, I ay who, he say him and an eyes blink I'm standing mesmerized  there's a mountain reigning God's Throne, soon a Sunlight rise, command as Moses burning Bush, as in verse's America's Burning Bush, 2003, I hear, "let my people Go!" 

-Meaning all there's to do, no more doomsday Passovers, other than God's bloody Lamb, now reigning Jesus; as with Moses escaping Hebrews, repent, RUN or suffer Egypt's weight of blood, guilt, a sentence by a series of 10 nation ending to presently an incalculable number of earth ending exction level events, only all first born's die, again beware, just a plethora of end days disasters launch, incoming and impacting, beware as Holy Elohim, God, Himself, Apb, see entire blog here,, how it's ALL, ending prophetically, Apb

You Tube, News, Two largest wildfires in Colorado history could merge

32,008 views•Oct 23, 2020,, (Prophcy Links Fulflling, seeing Dec 29, 2019, ascending and descending Revelation Book Holies, in a running, race to put predicted, near two decades, US soil, fiery, doomsday a Christmas carol, back on prophetic track. Revisited, Sept 3/13/23, 2019, crystal skies, breaking apart and missing down in huge shards, it wasn't only by this Christmas Carol type flyover the country. How it was I watch US cities burn, Walmarts, the White House, even Kennedy Space center, I've also stood the banks of the river, another similar demo and watched US cites burn up, so when the demo come, whereas I'm inviting all US states from a barbecuing, instead into Georgia's Savannah's coast, just say, said, mockery, wasn't wasted on me, since I've seen the entire country teh clor red, now we know, this was just the coronavirus, map, but Us/Canada, Continent reaching, fire map, beware, repent, RUN or perish! Apb     

And these are the descendants of the beauty rescued from the hands of the beast: Beast Of Beauty, Featuring King Bridegroom Alexey Excelle Goodfellow and Queen Bride Brookwin Madiliya Bloomberg

The Unending Love Antidote ...The African Juttah Genealogy, 1986-2016/2026/3036

The Tombola Genealogy, Holy, Temple, April, 17, 1986/2026/3036 into Infinity, God's Kingdom Reign

Unto Brookstone Paris Lathem and Casedy Jessica Olene was born a son Cadison Vincent Lathem, a son, a godson, Bear Lake, Eaglenest Lathem and a daughter, Kindle Heather, Yellowbird Lathem, Olene 

Mark Scene, Genesis Marriage Worshipers, XVII and VII, It's CV Matrix Count

 "Speaking of that, Caleb, in the Old Testament, was one of the spies sent by Moses from Kadesh, in southern Palestine to spy out the land of Canaan, (yes as in our second Prince, Meshullam Kadesh). Only Caleb and Joshua advised the Hebrews to proceed immediately to take the land; for his faith Caleb was rewarded with the promise that he and his descendants should possess it and that's Numbers 13–14, if anyone want to take a gander. Palestine, just saying when Palestine's Abbas, Dec 3-15, 2017 threaten Pres Trump with his eight leads that's when those elephants of staying unaware stampeded the Mat 24, Jesus forewarn, desolation of abomination, pending Abraham's Accord, soon to ensue.  As so you guys, were the name Cameron is biblically concern, it is a christian boy name and it is an English originated name with multiple meanings. Cameron name meaning is bent, crooked and the associated lucky number is 6, as in UK's Cameron's Brexit, is considered a fork in the road, targeted by a cataclysmic removal of which such Western powers come as a fork in the sand as of Rev 20, Gog and Magog, infinite deletion. So did grand, grand convince Caleb, even Cameron Memphis parents to get the hell is coming, she say, out of there, out of Memphis, the reasons for Caleb's ghostly revisits, right? No, that's why prophet Isaiah asked that question, who shall believe our report; and Revelation 1, saying blessed are hearers and doers, even holy watchers come, inquiring of grand Sia, what's the secret Of Memphis? But Jesus' Cross did already tell us, he that believeth not is condemned already, as in their sins remain.  They are cursed by Jesus to be caught as Noah's day, by sudden destruction, actually Apostle Paul said those like America's democracy, saying, peace and safety instead, this blood letting world system, gone under fiery judgment, such a deluding campaign is too being followed by sudden destruction. Just as grand Sia saw, the intrepid dream demo, as speedy as one is ejected from the driver seat and Daniel final week reaches it's finale, strewn along the side of a dead end street, no driver, with a little Miya girl of blessed translation to crossovers, it's back set, and where on earth did all that come from? But Hybrid man, we know this generation, dying so horribly are less likely to opened their eyes in heaven, and descend with King Bridegroom and Queen, Bride, THEIR Royal Priesthood than any generation ever this planet, so say, II Tim 3, 1-5;  Presently, this nearing election, proven to be evident, the damning world system they put and keep, keep, keeping in the White House is aligned to the ancient earth enders and people eaters Gog and Magog.  Please know, every deadly war for many millennia into it's tug of civil wars to Armageddon right now, even the Nov 3/4, US 2o2o, election, are, were all, influenced by them, slaying and damning billions, so US White house to West Rule, aligned so, actually is the first evidence we're in extinction mode; are you smarter than dinosaurs to Noahians, how about those Rev ,1-3, Churchians to those Mat 25, five, unwise virgins?  Hey Jr Darius look, Sia's all, really, I hate to say it and it really freaked me out, looks like if there's yet an October surprise other than Pres Trump super spreading events got coronavirus surging right now, The breaking of news report, way back when Bush was in office, going after his Saddam Hussein and grand Sia witnessed those America's dream homes grab their kids and run, and of course those Eze 9 reapers gave, are by mega disasters giving chase, that breaking of news report could be the first Yellowstone eruption, with a hundred more pending. We kinda grasp that Sugar Pie darling, we were shown (Aug 5, 2019), again more than a years it's post apocalypse, whatever extinction level event, it was explosive enough to wipe both world systems, the outreaching bride to  whoremongering slash warmongering West rule off the planet, until next we know, we're like Holy Gods, to Holy spirits, to the prophet Jeremiah's lamentations watching our planet home implode, down from Rev 12, second heaven intercessions, yes, grand Sia saw it, experienced it and didn't fully understand that as well. Look guys, ah Sia's I'm saying, you're right, what we discuss here come breaking news, her mrmbb333, who give us updates on Yellowstone, the graphics are showing deep blues, he say for the first time in a while, with her Mary Greeley saying days past, Yellowstone, closed early for the first time in fifty years.  Kinda meaning as predicted Yellowstone, even if by inundating cosmic activity, is coming a growing threat. Fright night to stampeders with loaded up autos,  it could blow to keep especially Pres Trump, Pence and their Evangelical followers from both national and international world rule. Grand Sia forewarn this Gog and Magog, allowance will take even Abraham's Accord and inject Eze 38/39, Dan 7-13, to Rev 13/17 prescribed Antichrist, an Alexander/Hitler's Germany mix, who's predicted as far back as 2005, to kill millions we know right now, even pres Trump's economy, going broke.  Then Jr Darius man, no one would win, but if you think Breedlove man, no one should win, they're all aligned to 50 million US deaths, seeing again, as his own 2008, 2009, campaign, references to Pres Obama's itinerary, Feb 3 to 13, 2020.  Ebbing and flowing in and out of world reign, putting not just him, but his first lady as well, again behind another campaign podium, we really just saw begin to be fulfilled in Pennsylvania, just now.  So what does his return say about him saying, know his itinerary, know him clearly, was the Obama family in France before COVID-19, travel bans,  hit? Still, still, still, anyone allocating America to West Rule as you, Memphis Breedlove man just said, as peace and safety, when it's a commanded as Moses's day, an exodus, are in danger of having said, misrepresentations, again. followed by sudden destruction, US, western soil, apparently is.  I gotta go, but it's all throwing off grand sia saying, there's no US Georgia's coast but US Georgia's coast, so what do we know about her run Prepper-nurse to Doug Perry, run? If I'm not mistaking they like many others thought Colorado, looking any moment now to have two mega fires merge, was a safe-haven. I know for sure Jr Darius she's been meaning to reach Doug Perry, ask him is he and his caught up in all this fiery mess; but aren't they all, all US states, isn't that why THEY finally revealed, stampeders that side of US West Pacific into it's Eastern seaboard need to get into Georgia's coast? Since I'm new here, as you all say, so why not Florida? Though she knew, AE man, even forewarn, Florida wasn't a safe haven, when she witnessed Walmart's and the White house burn, she saw fire damage done to it' Kennedy's space center, she would learn like years later, the Kennedy Space center is actually in Florida.  Dr Fauci speaks with a double tongue, Americas die by a lock-down or by coronavirus, which does he choose, isn't his peddling anti full closures, also to infect and kill just as many as with Trump's White House to Black House, herd immunity? They threaten to genocide the Genesis man, marriage, Alexey Excelle, error Obama's same gender legalization's, yes that and each having an error Islam, weight of blood guilt under their belt. Fret all first born's, this mean Dr Fauci decides either, or, theirs is a deadly pandemic. Rite Aid Pharmacy, said weight of blood guilt, sentence, death tolls are set, and said Nov 3.4, sky reaching funeral reef totals, just went viral, the Bride's five year now, revisited ETE into a BETA.  Just now, Sept 22/23, 2020, eerily, hearing every 20 seconds, with commanded Asteroids and Yellowstone's launched, incoming.  Look, I wanna know, when was it grand Sia and Juttah's kids adapted that chant, 99 bowls of molten lava on Trump's wall, if one of those bowls just happens to erupt, 98 bowels of molten lava on Trump's wall? I think that's where Run Alex Jones Run, come in, she was frequenting his page 2015.2016, already hearing, 99 bowls of molten lava,, Just as so, this is when an article, reported 50 volcanoes erupting, drove her to youtube, now we got Run dutchsinse and all N America's Craton to Continent, run! You guys read her Run Ericka Run to Run AMTV Christopher Green, Run? That's all Rev 6, 6th seal revisited, and we know it, people running to their treasures instead of puppeteering all earth, enders Genesis through Revelation Holy God; they crying those worthless preps instead fall on them, hide and save them from the day of God's wrath come, presently US soil and no first born's can stand, not even if you're Abraham, Isaac and, or Jacob, repent or perish! Right Aleth girl, right, wow, the American Continent is being swallowed up coast to coast, breached at every angle, by those 99 bowls of molten lava while it's occupied by near a billion people, the America's to be left nothing but an impact craters, this ocean of magma. If you guys think, also, kinda like prophet Isaiah describing hell enlarging itself, as into the W Pacific ring of fire, those apocalyptic infernos right now burning football fields totals, every so many minutes, run Americans run; know just as Eze 9 reapers to it's little Miya girl surveyor stampede you Rev 12 star warring Angels clear to lead the way, the only blessed trajectory, you know where! Prophet Isaiah also say, did Maha say, another time Holy Father is caught crying, his people perish, and presently no Trump administration lay it to heart, why doeth thou marvel; don't you remember prophet Isaiah said, inquired, the righteous are taken out of the evil, these evils now come? So a renewable blessing, grand Sia seeing a cloud balloon and balloon as to capture every one of us skyrocketing into the heavens, I like to think Blain my darling, promised to cover us with their feathers, they're ballooning, healing wings, that there work too, Shell girl, happy day Juttah Sia's, happy deity!"  Why speak in parables? For those first born who're blind, may see, those who're deaf, may hear, those who's hearts are harden, may believe and come blessed hearers, doers and stampeders, Ezekiel 5, 9, Holy Elohim God, know you know where and have  launched grim reapers bearing sword-like syringes, for only one strike the telling heart, they too bringing on mass disasters, to target all transit else! Beware, repent, RUN or perish! Apb 


Prophecy Links Fulfilling Nuclear January, 12 APOCALYPTIC FIRESTORM,2023 MASS Murderer Suicide On The Ris e,