Monday, June 29, 2020

Godzilla Dust, tearing through homes, schools, pulpits, money markets, peace getting porches and crystal skies, destroying the falsity, the peace and safety of going on as normal

Prophecy Links Fulfilling, Rev 17/18, During Obama/Biden /Clinton, a funeral reef, attached to newspaper boy, handlebars, leaped into heaven's ceiling, beware, Apb

You Tube CNN, Texas Dr Patients are near death, coming in too late,

YouTube CNN, Dr Gupta explains new swine flu with 'pandemic potential discovered in China,

WHO says worst yet to come,

Hearing Aug 2017, Kill All Parents By, Finish All School's; hearing Jan 2018, downtown Memphis, newspaper bells, ringing," Thus Saith Eze 9, Holy Elohim God!

YouTube Pastor Anita, Hand Writing In The Wall,

-Remember Pastor, January 2019, around the time I witnessed Rev 12, Michael star warring up there, I got the letter by letter forming of the word thousands; having no idea, though two decades predicted it was also a come,mounting US. to world death tolls, the authentic, as Noah's days come, wake-up call.

-It was March 6, (2020), I heard 40 more days and we know what horrors ensures since. I witnessed Dec 29, (2019), Revelation Book described Holy Spirits in a running race to put US fiery judgments, one as a doomsday A Christmas Carol, Dec 24/25, 2001 thru 2019 back on track. 

-These Dan 5, hands writings on the wall go back in this outreach as far as Bush, Clinton Bush, a predicted 50 million US dead, alone. Which have been as recent as Trump's Jan 12/13, 2019, predicted 2015, a hand writing, 99 bowls of molten lava.

-The question is are we gonna just listen to revisited from the days of old into the present hour earth ending prophecies or are we gonna take its action. Know, Mat 24 Jesus also say when you see all these things, pray, take flight, get out, you know where, don't go, nor look back! 

-Whereas, here Aug 7, (2019), as one writing clumsily, Escape Yellowstone! Spinning into its Sept 1-13, (2019), three Aug 2019 reveals began it 5th, referring to a standing the world still event, and the word disappeared frozen on, as all HD, 5G and social media screening; ending its Aug 30, 31, (2019), the sound of a news report saying "after 101 Yellowstone Eruptions!" When here, Trump's mid May re-openings, May 15, 2020 come with more refers to eruptions and FEMA.

-Since US elections (2008, 09), we know Holy watchers been stampeding us as far as Africa's Southwest coast with a purpose; March 13, 2018, we learned its because, 49 US States exception Georgia's Savannah, crossover, are designed US States of Barbecue, until Rev 16/17, 7 Vials/BOWLS were shown blacken.

-Another Nov/Dec (2019), dream went like this, I'm as a young female, stranded in traffic. Reading behind the steering an article written in Dutch about greater US W. Pacific earthquakes; while all around others wave through flood waters.  Since May 10, (2020), mothers day, I've had three dreams about the prophesied hour Rev 3:3, Rev 17/ Rev 18, now here, manifested in multicultural flesh.

-Two were as mazes of sinful Churches/Choirs/to assemblies, one June 19, (2020) (Juneteenth), included a barking, ravenous, Anubis demon dog, undertaker and choirs locking newbies in highchair type traps; from the mouth of God's Revelations I too say blessed are both hearers and doers of US/The America's commanded exodus, volcanic apocalypse is here, with no more, doomsday, pass overs! Beware, Eze 5/Mat 24/Rev 18, Holy Elohim God, of stampeding to ascending His People, Is AWARE! Apb

Prophecy Links Fulfilling, Thus Saith Angel Gabriel May 15 2004 thru May 15, Trump's re-openings, 2020

Revisited June 16/17, 2020, a meeting, all on all fours, (See, Oct 2018/2019 thru Oct 2026, Dan 4:4 madness award); atop the old Arkansas bridge; by Memphis Churchians with Georgian Memphis escapees; it was June 16/17, (2002), heavenly celebrations, just shy of Rev 7 silence in heaven; both pastor, a Mountain, a Sunlight God's back turn throne, commanded as Moses day earth's inherit be freed to blessed Brexit, Briexit and Blaexit, you all know where, beware, Holy Elohim, God, Jesus' Cross, Ps 22, cried to, Is, AWARE! Apb

Prophecy Links Fulfilling

Seen to be crossing a street, Dec 3, 2017, Memphis Carter hand in mine, (see peace keeper ex Pres Carter); when suddenly their come a mighty, earth quaking ruckus. Soon losing this handle on Memphis Carter to world peace. 
-I look, see a green pasture being run over by stampeding Elephants of staying unaware! It entire Dec 2017 month was injected the tug of turf war to nuclear war, the road to Armageddon, Trump/Israel vs Palestine's Abbas and his threaten eight leads, conundrum, beware, Apb

Article, ["Godzilla" Dust Cloud Is Headed Towards The U.S. - Here's What You Need To Know]

Eruptions, FEMA, Rolling Twilight Skies, as of May 15, 2020 Reveals

Godzilla Dust, tearing through homes, schools, pulpits, money markets, peace getting porches and peace giving crystal skies, destroying the falsity, the peace and safety of going on as Noah's day, normal, Apb

-Like hearing weeks prior about this approaching nemesis, even twilight days. times come. In 2017 thru 2019, post hurricane Michael, post seeing Jan 20, 2019, a Rev 12, star warring Michael; you tube mrmbb333 was reporting I said what seem a battle between supernatural forces.
-These ancient feuds raging between the Atlantic basin hurricane season and these monster, belligerent sand to dust storms; I said look like two monster beast battling it out and soon a highly controversial, hurricane Michael was spurn. 
-Then right along the trajectory the southeast into Georgia's Savannah to Southwest into Africa's Atlantic. The commanded by a Sunlight God's sobbing, back turn throne, as Moses day, The Americas Continent own commanded exodus.
-Until hundreds of thousands with millions infected by COVID-19 is as best a distraction from a raging volcanic apocalypse. Those cursed under a Noah's day normalcy bias will be dead by the tens of millions beforehand of any surreal of sudden fiery, molten extinction, now come.  
-Still, this title Godzilla dust not only revisits seeing (June 26, 27, 2015), the random escape of Memphis grands by Rev book Holies into Georgia, before the Bride was taken skyward;  there's the waking, hearing its revisit to the exact month and date 2017, "get ye to repentant altars, God is avenging martyred blood!"  
-About a decade back, not realizing its John's Rev 6, 6th seal revisited; I wake in this demo and the sky is crystallizing, cracking and shattering along these huge shards and missiling down into the earth. Soon unveiled are these two amphibian Godzilla type beast, who're crystallized themselves; one the look of its 1998, Godzilla movie, the other a mutating Alligator, as the Egyptian Sobek.
-Clearly, they're being revealed as the keepers of delusions, the crystal skies of going on like normal, even Trump's, The American Dream. The since the Genesis garden fall, post, present and active nuclear, natural and cosmic apocalypse.
-Know also and beware, if you never understood prophet Isaiah saying who shall believe our report; or Jesus Gospel saying unbelievers are condemned already. There's Elohim God's book of unveiling Apocalypse come, saying blessed are heaers and doers.
-Understand there has always been a time from the early prophets to those right here at present even God's people are instucted when they see the abomination that maketh desolate, They RUN! This final Grecian to Hitler's Germany Antichrist is given werewithal power to overcome and overthrow them, all.
-Like every Jan 12/13, 2017 thru 2020, Rev 17:16-18, Rev 18, fulfilling on Westernized soil, they RUN! The forewarning 2004/05 the Antichrist will kill millions going broke; God said He will kill millions, and there's 2018, out of all visiting Rev Holies, a Rev 14, harvestor bearing reaping sickle at my prayer bed; repent, RUN or Perish! Apb, see here, Rev 6, 6th seal/

Prophecy Links Fulfilling

Seeing, I'm soon in this demo, Feb 13, 2020, an ex-Memphis partier to pending Noah's Day bride of going on as normal is there. It is she's being hand running tennis shoes for those red, tattered, wedding heels; told to runaway, come a runaway Bride, herself! About a week later, as spoil re-openings right now; both WHO and the CDC ban all such church to wedding gatherings, instead repent, RUN or perish! Beware, Apb

Prophecy Links Fulfilling, Jan 2019, seeing A Godzilla Beast To Egypt's Sobek And Hybrid Grecian, Hitler's Germany Antichrist With Egypt's Anubis Like German Shepherds All Around, and no more doomsday passovers, woe, woe, woe! Apb

And these are the descendants of the beauty rescued from the hands of the beast: Beast Of Beauty Featuring King Bridegroom Hybrid Angelson Fielder and Queen Bride, Lucy (Luc), Belle Bobbins 

The Unending Love Antidote ...The African Juttah Genealogy, 1986-2016/2026/3036

The Tombola Genealogy, Holy, Temple, April, 17, 1986/2026/3036 into Infinity, God's Kingdom Reign

Unto Hybrid Angelson Fielder and Lucy Belle Bobbins was born a son, Kincaid Paradise Fieldler, a son Cliffhanger Red Lakeside Fielder and a god-daughter Rumer Luciana-Sky, Fielder, Bobbins

 Mark Scene, Genesis Marriage Worshipers, XVII and VII, It's LXXXXI Matrix Count

"So Lucy Bobbin," as one sitting alongside him, or was it now her? A stringent rub of his palms his pant leg, its literal eye to eye examiner's, "that's your true relationship with both Sia, Dr Deburk and here, the Septennial, Brightville science lab and were you ever going to tell me, even explain the weirding out attraction? Whose Sawyer weirding out attraction, mine Saw man or yours? This facial hair, I must say make the delusion all the more invoking, inflicting. I'm reminded, these serpent like sky phenomenon what a fascinating way I say for Holies to remind of the first deluding of its kind, as a serpent  is right now here falsified skies and far more ginormous in its damning treachery. They come for me, I tell you that, the reapers did, I was in the shower all bear, no more such delusion there. There's all of them, six of them, bearing those sword-like syringes, readying one strike this betraying heart. Do you know Jesus I asked, his servant, godson, Sawyer Wilson Artz? Because I do, Jesus is my Lord too, I'd prayed Sawyer this heart before I knew it myself, confessed it, seeked forgiveness. When just as suddenly as they come they moved on, but we both know on to the next unrepentant, transgressor. So it's true, you're here for biological rehabilitation and whose best but Dr, Surgeon, Deburk, even Saw of reconstruction surgery. But you Luc never went that far, in my foolish heart Saw man, I did, you right and what's man heart lust, treasures Luc is rebellious man. So look beloved, besides diligent prayer, what can I do, how can I help? You're doing it, you're up here with me, I guess now I can try this tombola thing; yeah entering not a stud in distress but a damsel in distress. Ah, I actually like the sound of that, what mighty yoke lift off these shoulders, this bleeding, melting anew heart. Jesus Luc girl, says his yoke is easy and his burdens lite, truly because he wrestled victoriously its spiritual warfare overcoming its falsified world. Look, I gonna hurry off, so call when its appointments done and I'll be right here. I know you will best friend, I know I will, I'll commy you, Godspeed, thanks."     >>>" May I? Look for a while I been meaning to ask, like the bearded woman, the movie, the greatest showman is that what's going on with you? So you overhead our conversing whoever you are and make its mockery? No, no, I didn't and if that's too forward slap my face and run me away, why don't you? No, you're funny, sweet I guess, but no, some similar, yeah like something weird going on with your hormones? You sure you didn't overhear? Hey Hybrid man, I'm dying of thirst here, my worrisome little bro, Tenderfoot. So see you around the lab here, ah Luc right? Yea, how, there, your wrist, its medical name tag. I'm Hybrid Angelson, actually, maybe we can do lunch. So meet you down there, ah looks like three hours, we'll see I guess, I guess too, blessed day, Luc, you too, okay, what just happened and why to me?"  Why speak in parables? For they say today, as the days of old, God seeth us not, God is ascended from.the earth!" Beware, Holy Elohim God, Is, AWARE! Apb

Prophecy Links Fulfilling June 26/July 6, its for five year revisit a pending tug of nuclear war to the come down from a mutiny in heaven, battle of Armageddon, even Trump/Pence aligned to Gog and Magog like US soil manslaughter to death, tolls! Apb

[Article, [BREAKING NEWS: Russia paid the Taliban BOUNTIES for killing American troops in Afghanistan in plot orchestrated by secret unit which poisoned a defector spy - and White House has known for MONTHS], (Just seem to happen right around warrior heart Bolton sulking over being ousted by Trump, not that curious at all, right? Apb

Prophecy Links Fulfilling

Seeing April 13, 2020, a fence open and a single white rabbit being freed; the predicted 2017, flirting, to courting with Keanu Reeves movies, as The Matrix, beware, AI, aware, predatory and genocidal, Apb

Why Do The Heathen Rage, And The People Imagine A Vain Thing? The kings of the earth set themselves, and the rulers take counsel together, against the Lord, and against his anointed, only see also here, Rev 17:14, Apb

Seen to be seeing Jan 20, 2019, a Rev 12 Michael battling a star wars in the heavens, (the authentic battle of Armageddon spilled into the earth, a Gog and Magog); hearing, "Michael is setting his all around!" Apb

You tube Jon X Army On The Gray State Trailer,,

Kill All Parents By; Finish All Schools! Thus Saith GOH 2017, 

-Actually Jon X Army, God saw this Psalm 2, incoming gray state rebellion to mutiny and threw a COVID-19, pandemic right at its core of men's evil hearts, shutting down its damning efforts worldwide. When what we think we know for many centuries the American dream will go off the planet, skyrocketing as simultaneously as the Holy Bride escape, only never to be seen again.

-Understand further, Trumps/Kusners middle eastern deal of the century, say April 2, 2019, say with much tweaking is being reached. Right into its prophesied 7 years Dan 9:27, as so, its two 42 months intervals, Rev 11;1, 2/Rev 13:5.

-One prophecy of which, Rev 11, 1, 2, I used error Islam Bush's 2003, to put a Hussein in the US White House world reign, witnessed its 2008/09, campaign, its Rev 13, two great ancient beast reign, revisited; Dan 12, grace period finale, there are no more doomsday passovers, making 2020, the most pronounced, unprecedented year of its kind.

-Fright night, again as of the next 7 years, its April 2, 2019 thru its April 2, 2026, being fulfilled. Until then as Moses day commanded exodus, here, US soil. Those it's blessed Brexit/Briexit/Blaexit are either escaping into Jordan's, Moses Petra or Holy Brides/Georgia's/ Africa's Southeast to Southwest Atlantic, crossover.

-Beware, Rev 17:16-18, Rev 18, Holy Elohim God is AWARE! As Noah's Ark to Moses exodus days, repent, RUN or perish, all first born die, descend; easily why the pale horse and the horse of Hades ride simultaneously, Apb, see more here,, how it's ALL, ending prophetically, Apb

-And these are the descendants of the beauty rescued from the hands of the beast: Beast Of Beauty Featuring

King Bridegroom Hybrid Angelson Fielder and Queen Bride Lucy Belle Bobbins The Unending Love Antidote ...The African Juttah Genealogy, 1986-2016/2026/3036 The Tombola Genealogy, Holy, Temple, April, 17, 1986/2026/3036 into Infinity, God's Kingdom Reign Unto Hybrid Angelson Fielder and Lucy Belle Bobbins was born a son, Kincaid Paradise Fieldler, a son Cliffhanger Red Lakeside Fielder and a god-daughter Rumer Luciana-Sky, Fielder, Bobbins Unto Sawyer Winston Deburk, Artz and Danielle Kirtsen Gadson was born a son, Edison Blair Artz, a son, Patterson Bishop Artz and a god daughter, Bellazair Anielle Veneer, Artz, Gadson Mark Scene, Genesis Marriage Worshipers, XVII and VII, It's LXXXXI Matrix Count "So you woke from a seizure, caused by a 21 day Daniel fast, in heaven, a sorta out of the body, in the body experience while those of heavens host were leading you to an earth home exit; only with no memory of what happen previously, and they're all happily telling you, they can't wait to be down here where you are and not for a nano-second have you Maaseiah, ever realized you could be something to them other than just a chosen one? You are Nicholas talking to the one who've seen these Holies of Holy stand around helpless and watch me endure these attacks so horrid I wouldn't, couldn't wish them on my most horrid enemy. These seizures, this messenger of Satan you call it, no, that's what Apostle Paul, told instead God's Grace is sufficient, called these infirmities of divine transformation. I'm up, going to do breakfast, you want the usual? You're angry at me for asking, I'm not angry, but if these mammoth trials, at any given time, that can put me as Christ's dying, suffering, back upon horrid cross, Nicholas, supposed to make me feel like I'm especially theirs, then no, I don't get it. They entreat you as the Bride, explaining Rev 2, Jesus asking you Maaseiah, would angels all around you at the time, loving and safe guarding you, also ascend? No doubt love as you'd seen them all over and over again, they were right there, star warring Michael all; no, no, no, let's shower, dress and get out, my third day back in over a month, I'll use the other bath, you darling, sweet man, can have this one. I kinda, ah, you know, wanted us to do this together, I know, but I'm not, ah, available, ah, ah, wait, I don't, Nicholas, go, my belly is growling, so not sexy me'sure, Nicholas Edin Coogan." >>>"Ah my god Sawyer, what are, I'm sorry, sorry, lurking in dark corners, my heart is in my mouth, I can taste it, I didn't mean to scare you that bad, what I say, huh, what I say? Then with grim reapers prowling about, claiming more and more everyday. So spooked, I looked at the list of those missing and I recognized one of those girls, just played too much with God's holy things, that's all Saw, just played and played, speaking of which, what about Luc, you find her, she's okay? I found her yes, she's okay yes, but they did Kirst come for her, right into her shower, about six, six bearing those slayer weapons both Ezekiel and now grand Sia described, said right before they aim to take her, like they realized her heart was now of Jesus, Christ, she even spoke to them, she spoke to them? Right before they aimed for her, she asked them if they knew Jesus the servant of Holy God and his servant, Sawyer Winston Artz? And they left off from her. Luc said, to go after other transgressors, but strange is still, even with her heart repentant, they could've, even should've Kirst ascended her. I mean I'm glad they, they, wait, wait, this is her now!" {{{"Hey, so you ready? Look, tell me, well is Danny with you? Ah, yeah, right here, tell me you two haven't eaten lunch yet? No, standing it's line, don't, ah, ah, a Hybrid Angelson asked that I lunch with him, I'm so, anxious, I, will you two join us, the Brightville cafeteria? Yes, sound good, on our way, ah, thank god, okay, be right there, what was that, what you get us into? That was Luc, said she has a lunch date, ah what? Yeah, some named Hybrid Angelson asked her to lunch, I know him, Lab and Agg, classes, he's, his name, Hybrid, fit him so well, too well, he, his features Saw are so keen, so sharp, his eyes like golden brown, he look like one whose been caught between transmitting, we better run, I told her we're on the way, transmitting Kirst between what? I don't know like supernatural, between man and predator, an animal, but you don't wanna say, perhaps a wolf, but you don't wanna say, you'll see, then it's visually explanatory." >>>"You read the latest, here,, Iran issues arrest warrant for Trump over drone strike that killed Qasem Soleimani, so sweet is prophetic fulfillment. I always wondered and sicken why America could issue warrants for other world leaders, ask myself why is it they think they have a license to kill whoever Nicholas, they want, when and where. That is the one name I remember hearing, King Soleimani, Kobe's fiery crash morning that revisited for two years Rev 10, Mighty Angel saying no further delays US soil; before realizing Nicholas, it was the naming to ordaining of those ten headed Daniel 7 to Revelation 17, world ending kings, explaining their, Islam's to Europe's mounting boldness at America. Wow, look at this Maaseiah, even if nothing come of it, that is bold, well, don't forget not only did a fire as a sword from prison bars target Bush Islamic wars. The first hand writing on the wall come of regions now Islamic territory, of a relentless foreign military come to take and burn our cities, exactly, exactly what the seven horn, 7 crown beast told the ten kings to do, and Holy God of wrath of influencing them, it all, every Jan 12/13, since 2017 into 2020, these world enders take the great whore Mystery Babylon cities and again Nicholas, like 1010 pending Yellowstone's, burn them with fire and what I see after their weight of blood guilt, judgment, extinction level event? Those leaders of the middle east come right into power, even if the Antichrist, will come out of their Islamic/Israeli allowance, undoubtedly by Trump's own by April 2, 2019 thru April 2, 2026, middle eastern deal of the century." >>>"You guys, you guys really come, yeah, we said, your beard, yeah all gone, you look, ah, ah, like a girl, he's right over there, so let's do this, yeh, yeh, so there you are, yeah right here, ah waiting, for, ah you, I asked my friends to join us, I hope that's okay? Sure, fine, who do we, I'm Sawyer, and this is, yes, I know, Danielle Kirsten, ah goes by Danny, both my Lab and Agg, assignments. Right off, I'm going to the banquet table, you Lucy Belle coming with me? Yeah, right with you, I see what you mean, his features so artist, they seem animated, you know Kirst, if something come of all this, it could be why it is, they didn't ascend her. I know, could be he's her, well they're one the other's tombola match, hey we better, right, right, wow, holy Lords don't minced time huh? Look at them, would think they'd been always a couple, possibly Saw will always be, which lead me to ask, slowing our role of intermingling so, have we decided to wait and park-take of the wedding extravaganza I mean? I ask, the last I checked it was nearly filled, look figgy pudding Kirst, let's try it, I'll try greeny toad and we'll share, ugh, no, I don't think so, I'll just take your word Kirst darling, on that one." >>>"Okay, okay, you're just not yourself, haven't been since I return, it's not you, I'm dis-spirited I know, look, after Jesus cried, my god, my god, why has though forsaken me? It was Nicholas only moments later, merciful father knew it was time to receive him, his holy spirit back unto Himself, right? And, beloved Maaseiah, where are you going with all that speciality? I'm being excused to the rest room, be right back," {{{"Hey Sye, sorry, Maaseiah and I are out, couldn't talk, she's the restroom now, look, Sawyer Deburk findings come back as miners not of the earth, as Nickie in UFO, unidentified falling object! Well, that's good right? Not really, those findings gonna set the sight back for more testing, speaking of Maaseiah, she's just not here Sye, I've never seen her this disconnected from us. She haven't let me touch her since I been back, then don't touch her, have patience, then she asked me this hardest question, father God, knew Jesus had, had all he could take when he began to cry, why had he been forsaken? Look don't take her back there, back home, you all spend a few days away, somewhere special even and Nickie give her that space, she comes around, she always does, you know that, I'm just saying Sye, what if it's about him?"}}} "Him who, darling man?" {{{"Ah, Sye, let me get back with you, right, but take my advice, surprise her even, okay, got it, thanks."}}} >>>"You mind Hybrid I ask just what tribe you're from, or, or, is it now, African Juttah Tribunal? I don't mind, no, Tenderfoot, Hillsfeet Tribunal, but isn't that your little brother name? My lil sister, yes she being Juttah Tribunal first goddaughter, she's named for it's original tribe and you me'sure Sawyer, may I equally ask? Ah yes, my father is an Artz and my mother a Deburk, but seldom I say she's also a Longknife, a Longknife, most trusted, I can see it, yeah, even sense it, your spiritual ora as a godson yourself. So Luc I never asked, any sibling? Ah, yeah, an older brother, Charles, and a younger sister, Mat, Mattery, but I lost them along with my parent in what some call the transition, so does that Saw man, mean I'll never see them again? None Lucy Belle can know that, not even Sia, godson Sawyer, actually Hybrid man, that's not what the living word tell us, it's all Luc according to what they believed before volcanic apocalypse took so many. Ah, no where near the bible, I can tell you that, but neither did I, no, but Jesus explained, some to be taken, others left, surely they spared you Luc, by the heart of you, for a time, a moment such as this, exactly like this, explaining why the reapers, having opportunity, didn't Luc, ascend you, even your repentant heart. I so wondered about that, reapers, wait, are you saying reapers come for you? They did Hybrid, right into those shower waters of no more hiding, as promised to strip us back to birthday naked I guess, wait, wait, you're saying Lucy Belle, you had a personal encounter with those one strike the heart reapers and it's now your live testimony; please tell me you'll come and share such the extraordinary with the Juttah Tribunal someday soon? I will, sure but I want to hear about this other dream, the one Saw that followed Princess Nibewe meeting of Memphis Pastors chuchians, with grand Georgia's and hers atop the old Arkansas, bridge, all down on all four's, even; yeah and was it as religious leaders standing up to Jesus, a face off of sorts, between those good and those righteous? There's another, a to be continue? Yeah, like two days later, June 19th, 2020, so while every one Hybrid man were celebrating even Trump's acclaimed Juneteenth, she was in this dream, this demo, said, she and her recently discovered sister, were like traveling, come upon this dwelling, which are mazes of sin, said a demon dog, an Egyptian Anubis, right? Right, said he meet them, barking at them at the stairs, but she silenced him, and send him away in the name of Jesus, don't really remember anything other inside. But it was what was waiting outside, her and now like the daughter of this new sister, are being meet at this exit by this same Memphis Pastor and his group of churchians. Soon, he opens up and she's staring, down, into like a wagon train load of every type of religious incantation, brew, artifice and gadgets. Noted is the Memphis niece, standing her shoulder, totally like surveying what is she would do seeing Memphis Pastor is preparing her an imbibe and from every beggarly element, nailed to Christ's Cross and lead away captive at His resurrection, descent and ascension. Then all this is happening unveiling religious slavery if you will, the morning the world is celebrating the last day of African slavery and by it's closed case politics done totally missed President Hussein Obama, the ancestor to son of both Joseph and Moses, African slavery, it's world wide penance. I didn't see it, naw, naw, naw, I know grand Sia saw it, but I didn't see Obama in that respect. Yeah Hybrid man, but that's still like Jesus saying light hath come, but evil men of evil deeds love darkness more, as in everything that come down from the father of lights in the hands of cruel man, take Judas Iscariot, elected to be one of the 12 disciples of Jesus himself, but like Lucifer, even Helel he's called, things meant for blessings in the hands Hybrid man of religious, politics driving the nails still, had come something evil and transgressional God didn't intend. Right now, all Sia's know, like, it's been two decades now since Sia Maaseiah was told to take the gospel of the biblical Jesus into westernized, bloodletting, lives, lands, schools and especially churches, that's because Saw darling, if the righteous scarcely be saved, right, right, where shall the unholy and ungodly appear? So Sia Maaseiah conveniently had that dream on Juneteenth, the ultimate commemoration of black man's freedom only to be enslaved mightily the more by religious, political slavery? Yeah, only she didn't realized it was Juneteenth until she realized it was June 19th, two to three days past first Princess, Nibewe, June 16/17, 2020, old Arkansas bridge, dream, so it wasn't her mighty gesture anything remarkable, it's reveal, but as usual intervening Holy Lords. Now since they seem to see reveals in reverse Hybrid man, seeing him, well them on all fours, come secondary, both hearers and doers, could as well explain, that said old Arkansas bridge meeting as coming into Georgia's crossover was a humbling, obedience toward God's commanded exodus to crown of life, the Brexit come both the Briexit to the Blaexit, knowing righteous exodus is blessed. We better go, let you two have some time to yourselves, anyway my dad been signaling and signaling, and you, stop looking so mistrusting, Hybrid Angelson has you, it's apparent, I do Lucy Belle, I have you, trust, that I do, really, just trust, trust." Why speak in parables? That you be aware of spiritual warfare as Holy , Elohim, God, Himself, Apb, The RAM

Sunday, June 28, 2020

More Portrayed Sky Serpents, There's Something More About Eruptions, With 101 Yellowstone's Come, Some Bout And FEMA, With US Death Tolls Climbing Into The Tens Of Millions

Prophecy Links Fulfilling, Seeing A fence open and a single White Rabbit being released, was you tube Marfoogle,

being canceled a victim of AI Matrix, predators coming aware of US and Earthers being made aware? Apb

Prophecy Links Fulfilling, just saw, May 13, 2020, a fence open, and a single white rabbit, come hopping out; talk about 2017, being forewarn about flirting with Keanu Reeves Movies, Here Especially The Matrix, AI is aware, even predatory and genocidal! Apb

Prophecy Links Fulfilling, The US Weight Of Blood Guilt Sentence A Pale Horse Infested With Fleas! Beware, Apb

Article, [Chilling video shot inside surprise birthday party that created coronavirus cluster leaving 18 PEOPLE infected], (and these are the descendants rescued from the beast damning marks; "no, you all hear about that church told to stand down from saying they have a cure for the coronavirus, yeah Kadesh man, all those near to celebrating suffering for their president to gospel Donald Trump. I was thinking the other day, with a for 7 US admins, including Trump, outreaching death toll, US soil alone of 50 million, not even those Christ's Cross reborn can say they're exempt. Possibly why from Genesis to Revelation, when nation to earth enders dangers come, God's are either being lead out or they're being told to get out, there's Mat 24 Jesus, saying, end days desolator's come, get to your flight' Rev 18, Holy God, Jesus saying their's come out, in only an hour, Mystery Babylon America no more! Grand repeated use of Ezekiel 5 is about how furious God is at their procrastinating escape, like US soil. He's thrown at things at them, like those predicted 101 Yellowstone's, rumors of wars, famine, pestilence, and still they're a slow motion exodus, at best. Soon you hear God say, stampede them, I will send my sword after them, grands witnessed it was grim reapers bearing sword-like syringes, for one strike the telling heart. So accuser, judge, jury and executioner, getting after those stampeding breaking news like the days of the Cuban Missile crisis or the Hawaiian inbound missile alert. One stab, to jab the heart, some are ascended but mostly descended and, and, and BFA man, the part we mostly miss, nothing is then left of Mystery Babylon America; soon a W. Pacific to North East Atlantic impact crater boiling to bubbling over of those predicted 99 bowls of 101 Yellwostone's, of molten lava; but, but prescribed, a magnetic manner of memorabilia one in a distant land, say Southwest Africa is to hang on the fridge. Itself, the fridge, Sia's all, itself a live kitchen forewarning since the Maya 2012, America will go under occupation, it will come as occupied territory. Surely, well, what about the European Union right now, planning to ban US travelers? That world wide assessment alone, revisit Rev 17:16-18, of Ancient beast rule, ten fall empires, and America's lovers all being turn against her, equally putting the country in the twilight zone. Frightfully, of grand Sia decades now saying, refugees coming to America is as the saying, jumping from the boiling pot, again US states of barbecue, into the frying pan, it's 101 Yellowstone's come. Recently with Trump mid may 15 2020, re-openings targeted by a 7.4 Midwest quake, the same US Midwest, forewarn, Jan 23-29, 2018, by Rev 10, Mighty Angel to be just as aware, as diligently forewarn the US W. Pacific of impacting seismic troubles; and grand Sia only moments prior, getting, some bout more eruptions and now FEMA! Then King man, right after those Midwest dam's failures, tens of thousands had to be totally evacuated, and by guess who? FEMA, Hey Memphis man, so what's the secret of meetings down upon all fours, on the old Arkansas bridge, are Holy Spirits showing the only safe exit after the US W to S Pacific reach volcanic apocalypse all along the American craton into a 10.2, New Madrid, quake? Hey, hey, hey, also her youtube's Full Spectrum Survivor, saying, by surging COVID-19, cases, we've lost Texas; no, no, no, her youtube, Ice Age farmer, stunner, he has two vids or more now saying, they don't want just our ability to feed ourselves, but they want our children. You all know how may decades back grand grand reveals go, these constant reminders, actually it's our children, if Jesus tarry, pending for generations to come, that's the endangered species? To answer you, Brandstand, man, I can't see no other reason Holy Lords would take, the 18 revisit of a mountain and sunlight reigning, God's back turn Throne, sobbing, uncontrollably, causing a silence in heaven, commanding an as Moses world exodus. Here today, presently, to it's exact date, June 16/17, 2020, ah yeah, even that discovered by a mishap, know, it was days later, Sia Maaseiah, realized first Princess Nibewe, demo was this particular demo, of how the silence in heaven come about, revisited. Now stop and think about that, still, to use this phenom reveal to implant a demo of the meeting on all fours atop the, emphasized, old Arkansas, bridge, Sia Nibewe said, during the dream. Clearly there was something different about the bridge, but she knew doubting not, it was the old Arkansas bridge, you all realize, during such demos, like Holy God, for its time we too are omniscient. Just as so Brandy man, she knew what bridge, that we're down all on all fours, on Georgia side, all her escaped by Rev 17:14, it's June 26, 2015, Memphis grands and on Memphis, side, approaching, all recognized as Memphis, in-laws to church members, now come, I guess. Then if down on all four meant even for them, extreme penance, then yes, they were being shown a passageway of escape, as the old and not the new Arkansas bridge. But, but, but still, on that date, that demo, grand Sia herself, is in heaven, standing God's Throne, mesmerized more by a mountain being in God's Throne, than a rising Sunlight, that speaks, it has one for all control systems ever this planet, all Dan 2, Kingdom, nation building, for many millennia this request, let it's genesis man, marriage repent, RUN, they all know where, or they perish! Whose martyred blood we all know, will be, reaped at these rebellious leaders hands, a grand total at present Trump's Admin and since Bush Clinton Bush, of 50 Millions US soil dead, alone; with that, Feb 12/13, 2019, closed, back turn, Rite Aid Pharmacy, counter, reveal showing said, tolls, US/Western Soil 5% into 15%, a closed case of being set, thus grand Sia as Christ Lord Jesus cry, repent, RUN or perish!" Why Speak In Parables? That you be aware, as God Himself, Apb, The RAM

There's Something More About Eruptions, With 101 Yellowstone's Come, And FEMA, With US Death Tolls In The Tens Of Millions

YouTube, CNN, Sanjay Gupta: I'm concerned because if feels like we're giving up at this point:

(is the Coronavirus pandemic US soil, where US will suffer a third of its predicted to die by a backward letter C out break, as 16 to 17 million? Apb

Here, June 16/17, 2020, only 12 days after Holy Lords showing a meeting down on all fours between Memphis, relative, Churchians and relocated to Georgia Memphis grands, only atop the Old Arkansas bridge.  

-Said phenom meeting itself an 18 year revisit, June 16/17, (2002), of being in heaven just shy of phenom celebrations cut short by a silence in heaven

 Its entire mesmerizing host realizing Holy Father is sobbing uncontrollably. 

-Hear, with THEM, ELOHIM saying, His people are dying, are being stripped of everything Jesus Christ has brought them. When in HIS Holiness, injured heart stead a mountain reigning God's Back Turn Throne, stands up and with it an enveloping brightness, like the Sun, which speaks.

-Soon saying as Moses day mountain and its phenom burning bush, "Let my people go and we know what nation to earth enders then ensued where then no first born male was safe, behold the LAMB'S blood that washes clean as snow.

-Now we know on the fifth revisit of the Rev 17:14 Jesus Husband escaping my Memphis grands into Savannah Georgia before taking us, the Holy Bride skyward; right around the 3rd revisit.

-All demos the June month and here date, its 26th, of my waking hearing, "get ye to repentant altars, God is avenging martyred blood,"  know also, no first born American, no first born even this planet, survives, repent, RUN or perish!

-Regardless, seeing instead all up, in sobbing, wrathful God face, articles like celebrities going on in same gender perversions: mocking, asking what's pansexual averse to homosexual and other its abominable evils. 

-Rightfully ignoring Jan 12/13, 2018, Hawaii missile morn, Rev 2 Jesus, addressing these trespasses. Reminding such riches to rags sickbeds and sleepovers, also as themselves repent or suffer their children a pandemic of death. 

-Totally ignoring God's righteousness for six millennia now saying HE'S TO DESTROY THOSE WHO DESTROY THE EARTH; who like the A for abortion and LGBTQ and P for Pedophiler agenda threaten to genocide HIS Genesis Man Marriage of procreating His Holy Will.

-Beware of judgement nuclear, natural and solar, beware of sentences like COVID-19, 101 Yellowstone's and Asteroids commanded to finish and destroy perverse middle schools, overseers, Wisconsin even The entire, The Americas.

-Beware of biblical Jesus always crying repent or like those gone before, say those Rev 17, 7 past Empires and a pending these hours 8th, all described to Apostle John no more this planet, cast in lakes of fire; Holy Elohim God's launched, incoming and Impacting seals, trumpets and vials of apocalypse; now. plainly crying its for two millennia revisit, spring, April 2 (1986) thru spring April 2 (2026) and those who didn't die by the plague repented not! Beware, Holy Elohim God, Is, AWARE! Apb

Saturday, June 27, 2020

A Voice Called, Who Own The Church? Another Cried Back, ROME! As In Those Two Crystallized , Star Warring Godzilla Beast I Saw, Keeping US With Plenty These, Their Delusions

Prophecy Links Fulfilling, just saw, May 13, 2020, a fence open, and a single white rabbit, come hopping out; talk about 2017, being forewarn about flirting with Keanu Reeves Movies, Here Especially The Matrix, AI is aware, even predatory! Apb

Article, Before It's News, Israel,

Prophecy Links Fulfilling seeing a pointer at Israel, also point to change Jan 9, to Jan 12/13, (2020), a specific date forewarn three years, 2017-2020, Rev 17:16-18, being fulfilled US soil, into all Ps 2/Dan 2/Rev 11:15, Kingdom, Nation building, Apb

Youtube, Pastor Begley, 24, hour war in the middle east, (-Only the 5 year revisited June 26/July 6, 2015, escaping Memphis grands into Georgia's Savannah before the Bride is taken skyward, a then pending Cameron's Brexit/Briexit/Blaexit to fiery dangers come from the sky.

-I said months before. COVID-19 pandemic and hearing about hundreds of thousands in various military amassing in the middle east, God was seeing this, Psalm 2, when since April 2, 16/17, 2019 and per Trump's, Kushner middle eastern deal we're supposed to be seeing this Dan Eze 38/39/Dan 9:27/Rev 17:16-18. Until this Zech 14/ Rev 11 7th Trumpet and Rev 1-19, be fulfilled by April 2, 2026, get it, repent, RUN, you know where, Jordan's/Moses' Petra or Rev 12 Star warring Michael/US Georgia's/Africa's Southwest Atlantic, beware, Holy Elohim God, Is, AWARE! Apb

YouTube Pastor Anita, ARTIC on fire, Siberian heatwave alarms scientist,, ( hearing Jan 2020, "below sub-zero degree temperatures," before there were record Easter day snows US and world wide

Prophecy Links Fulfilling, see Mat 24, Jesus, here, revisiting Angel Gabriel for 16 years, saying the fulfillment of all things is upon mankind; she's going, coming with a 7th Angel; here, now May 15, 2020, come with more refers to Eruptions, with FEMA, stirred in and 101 Yellowstones pending, beware, Apb


YouTube, mrmbb333, Schumann ROCKED by Hole in Sun's Atmosphere! (seeing March 3, 2019, two ELE'S launched, incoming side by side like in a race to impact US, Western soil: I learn recently another 1880's Carrington event, EMP, missed the planet, a week the sun's rotation, the Mayans predicted end of the world, 2012. No doubt a technical world stood still event, indicated Aug 5, 2019, by seeing the word disappeared frozen on, as all HD, 5G and Social Media, screening, so including Trump's tweets; and here lately, June 3, 2020, as with rolling bouts of twilight skies causing a twilight planet earth; even see the unprecedented Saharan dust to sand storm 5000 miles travel, too dimming skies all along the US Sunshine, belt, beware, Holy Elohim God, Is, AWARE! Apb,

YouTube, CNN, Sanjay Gupta: I'm concerned because if feels like we're giving up at this point:
(is the Coronavirus pandemic US soil, where US will suffer a third of its predicted to die by a backward letter C out break, as 16 to 17 million? Apb

YouTube Anderson Cooper, Trump is pretending COVID-19, is gone!, see here, also,
(Hearing Jan 12/ 13, 2019, Beast and Whore separated, was a forewarning Rev 13:5, being revisited how in these end days nothing of man, other than Christ Jesus' Cross, will over-throw any end time as COVID-19 and 101 Yellowstones judgments. Otherwise, as in Moses day, commanded Noah's day to exodus, now US, Western soil, there was, is repent, RUN, you know where, or perish! Apb

Article, Coronavirus surge in more than half of the US,, (Trump May 15, reopening as predicted followed by sudden destruction, ICU beds in three major States Cal, AR And TX filled to capacity

Article, [Texas pause reopening as Coronavirus cases mount,

YouTube, GMA, Sounding the alarm, how bad could Coronavirus get?, (COVID-19 infections tens times what's reported, a predicted 200,000 or more dead another month or so, with announced tolls actually double or more, Apb

Article, [White people are furious that the archbishop of Canterbury said Jesus shouldn't always be white]

And They Who Didn't Die By The Plague, Repented Not, To Give Intervening Human Genocide By Christ's Cross, Elohim God, HIS Glory

A Voice Called, Who Own The Church? Another Cried Back, ROME! As In Those Two Crystallized , Star Warring Godzilla Beast I Saw,  Keeping US With Plenty Their Delusions

Saying Biblical Christianity Is religion...

-No, Christianity, walking out of that tomb as promised three days later, is a spirituality that none but the born again can approach unto; churchians, Judaism, Catholicism and Muhammadanism like all  religions have a form of righteousness at being ritualistic but denies the righteous, anointing power thereof. Christ Jesus blood of divine reconciliation.
-A spirit heart and mind transplant designing you a new hearted creature, sinful habits passed away. Apostle Paul saying I beg you present your bodies a living sacrifice Holy and acceptable unto Elohim God, only by Elohim Christ, Jesus is rebirth possible.
-Unquestionable, bringing Jesus back for a Bride Holy, without spot, wrinkle or blemish; those Rev 17:14, HE star war with, honest, faithful and true; be aware, HOLY and as perfect as Holy Elohim God Himself, repent, RUN or perish! Apb

Kingsley and Kieynan, Nano-Second Ascent, see here, 

-And these are the descendants of the beauty rescued from the hands of the beast: Beast Of Beauty Featuring King Bridegroom Sawyer Winston Deburk, Artz and Queen Bride Danielle Kirtsen Gadson

The Unending Love Antidote ...The African Juttah Genealogy, 1986-2016/2026/3036

The Tombola Genealogy, Holy, Temple, April, 17, 1986/2026/3036 into Infinity, God's Kingdom Reign

Unto Breedlove, Coleman Backler and Kamil Arielle Smyth was born a daugter, Keegan Bethany Beckler, a daughter, Eppthiny, Bellarose Backler and a son, Brier Elion Backler, Smyth 

 Mark Scene, Genesis Marriage Worshipers, XVII and VII, It's LXXXXI Matrix Count

     "You're saying Maaseiah, after days of finding odd quarters, now the crossover into Jesus millennium toll, two quarters; as so Nibewe, dream, all down on all four, meeting on the old Arkansas, bridge; you were just again reminded, its third since Mother's day 2020, the prophesied hour is here; then in the flesh of a multi-racial 30 plus year male? I know, all that is conflicting, regardless Nicholas, we're coming upon the first revisit that showed us the exodus of America July 2008, 09 into Africa's Southwest Atlantic. Though, first, June 26/July 6, 2015, into US Georgia's Savannah and not only so, June 26, July 6, 2017 and only hours later grand, grand is forcefully since relocated to Georgia's coast. Still, its morning, there's the waking from sleep, hearing, "get ye to repentant altars, God is avenging martyred blood," no first born's survives, repent, RUN or perish, thus says Mt 24, Jesus!. So seeing one of my YouTube feed titled with Jumbo quake rocks ring of fire, the ring of fire I predicted Nicholas will after 101 Yellowstone's reach across into the North Atlantic, soon claiming The entire Americas, deemed 2018, the United States of barbecue. All I could think was, well ask of, mrmbb333, saying Jumbo Quake, is that the 10. 2 quake I heard, Oct 15, 2018; has HE finally done it; is the Heavenly Host celebrating like shown behind Rev 11, 7th Angel Trumpet, now the Bridegroom, the Bride, Zech 14, Rev 19, heralding descent; the removal of Mystery Babylon America? And who Maaseiah are such US to Western leads for such a time of extinction as this; tens of millions suddenly dead, injured or missing, a half of billion stampeding; the one entrusted landlord you saw March 13, 2018, was of native African descent, so world leaders the Obama's to its hands out, Ghana Africa?"     >>> "I thought virtual husband you wouldn't wear such orgasmic stirring colognes until we're a marriage bed our own? With you virtual Juttah wife, cutting it mighty close to aqua Juttah resetting," yet to turn his head her way, laying this comfort a blanket, on his belly, staring into a stunning setting over the beach sun. "I kept my eye on it, ah, so what is it you now know about pending Juttah Africa's sons and goddaughter? I never explained once my dad was a strict Muslim, as strict Sawyer about the genealogy his daughters would marry into. But seems the conversation you two had about the from the genesis multicultural man, marriage, well here I am, if you're to still have me. Come, squeeze in here with me, that sunset doesn't look real, like a child took all the crayons of the rainbow and just had at it, well we know Kirst from Rev 12, reveal, Holy Lords now occupy and control such high places once the Red Dragon and his. I'm sure they have access to crayons, its supposed to look otherworldly, because this is not Kirst our as usual heaven, earth to solar systems, it's all changing, been in its prophetic decline, I read, visibly over three decades now. Especially Jesus' millennium since witnessed by Sia Maaseiah two-thirds descended, with God's kingdom descending exactly its thousand year reign, later. Hey, come close, so you can squeeze in, so tempter Sawyer, Artz squeeze into this facilitating, sexting cologne, raging flesh, all? You don't trust yourself or me? With my imagination wilding throughout blistering at limits passions to have you tearing at me! Huh, what, you, near Juttah wife, just come, finally we can have and keep each other close, Kirst, come right here. Wow, I've heard about these beaches at night and how so sexy, sexy starry bright, how intercoursing even, is it all. So tell me, tell you? You been away from me, how did you spend those roughing, toughing hours hopefully for all our lives, now spent up all? My brothers, sisters, nephews and nieces all come Kirst, threw a noonday beach party, unforgettable, with you Kirst so missed, this, you now laying under me, loving and trusting me, so missed, so, so missed. Then kiss me, I can't wait to kiss you, have your mouth, breath, and tongue entangled, like this," when an an aching bite of her mouth, a taste if its edible tongue, a spreading fascination her cheek, neck, pulsating her stiffening, rapid bosom to top tips, shhhhhh, shhhhh," again her edible neck, mouth, tongue, "shhhhh, not here, not yet," laying her head his bare, beating, edible heart, don't stop, Sawyer, don't, don't stop! I must, shhhh I must, the vows loving girl must come first, let me calm, let me, calm, you too, you too, calm, ah I love you, ah I love you, ...breath and move off Sawyer, get up, out! Don't do that loving girl, thinking my talking myself into getting away is odd, that cologne alone Sawyer, stoking and ravishing virgin blood, so I know, I know, ah, uh, meet me inside the pub, Kirst, I'm right behind you dear sir, alright, alright, definitely I hope dad's spies are seeing this covenant of genesis marriage, winning over such raging hormones.  Hey saw man, over here, come join us, soon, I got company coming, Kirst is here, ah, happy day then, you hear bout Luscious? What Maha about him, did something bad happen to him, is that why he's not answering his commy? Hey, Kirst, hey, look at me, here, look, I bought pictures, so this Sawyer is brother Emesk, and twin sisters Adaija, and Jasir, wow, they're just as electrifying as you and Niashir, huh? Order some snacks, drinks, I'll be right back, Mahasiah, what beloved girl are you talking bout? Some say those Negeb Ophel reapers come after him, but held back, why, why they do either? Because biologically he is a she, gotta come clean or she's pushing up olive branches as all the dead that dry hill? Okay, Sia triplets Shaddi, Emir and Maha, all, now I'm no longer confused and that's how strong is the delusion Saw man. That''s not possible, ah my Christ you're all serious, born instead Lucy Loren Bailey, only to adopt the name and identity Luscious Bobbin, wow, wow, wow!" As one visibly holding back stingy emotions, cutting into curious Danielle Kirsten, a table away, spreading his cheek, nose, this wipe of his neck up, away! "Okay, okay, I guess I need to go find him, her, you need to go find her, right, hey ah Saw man, I know a weird question, you alright? Look heads up still, the only thing that's to withhold such grim reaping is repentance, so light of righteousness, come and acceptable, still a happy day, lets hope so, Maha beloved, let's as well pray so."  Why Speak in parables? Beware, Holy Elohim God Is, AWARE, Apb

Prophecy Links Fulfilling, There's Something More May 15, 2020, About Eruptions and now, FEMA, Beware also, of rolling twilight skies to days...Apb

Prophecy Links Fulfilling, The Jesus Husband In My Dream Here Thirty Rapture Spring Demos lost his battle with cancer Feb 22, (2012), now a date revisited by Cameron's Brexit/Briexit/Blaexit, beware, Apb

What's The Secret Of The Rev 17:14, Jesus Husband Seen Your Memphis Sickbeds, Jan 12/13, 2018? Even Rev 2, Jesus Just Then Asking Me Will Angels Also Ascend? Apb

Let My People Go! Said A Sunlight, From A Mountain, Just Post The Rev 7, Silence In Heaven

-Brexit, Briexit or Blaexit, today June 26, 2020, with its July 6 to September 23/25, following. Five years ago, revisits waking and finding my Memphis grands gone and relocated to Savannah Georgia before the Holy Bride is lifted skyward. 
-Oddly by their granddad who in my demos for over 30 years has been portrayed as a Rev 17:14. reigning Jesus Husband, Savior who star war together with his faithful saints; just as it was then said, there's something about Cameron, the pending Feb 22, 2016, Brexit/BRIEXIT/Blaexit, beware, Apb, see,

-And these are the descendants of the beauty rescued from the hands of the beast: Beast Of Beauty Featuring King Bridegroom Adonis Jaquez Alfredo and Queeb Bride Mishal (Mish'a-el), Ahadi Cobberson 

The Unending Love Antidote ...The African Juttah Genealogy, 1986-2016/2026/3036

The Tombola Genealogy, Holy, Temple, April, 17, 1986/2026/3036 into Infinity, God's Kingdom Reign

Unto  Marcello Vincente Nobrella and Arisole Avannah Lewy was born a son, Hunter Prestwick Nobrella , a godson, Grey Owl, Seabrook Nobrella and a goddaughter,  Mirisole Havana Nobrella, Lewy     

Unto Soar Eagle, Mountain Brook, Deburk and Cathia Vallejo Gooseman was born a daughter, Rena Anyanika Deburk , a son, Acetyls Castor Deburk, a son Connor Mailey Deburk, Gooseman 

    "The old Arkansas bridge, completed in 1949, it is the only bridge spanning the Mississippi River designed to carry exclusively vehicular traffic that was built before 1950. Built before the introduction of the Interstate Highway System, the span was not built to Interstate Highway standards; it lacks the concrete barrier between the different directions of traffic which was added later.  So ideally carries, Route 61, US 64, US 70 and US 79; whereas those failed terrorist could add to the fact of it's revisited by this new dream, the importance of escaping. So perhaps, not so much the getting of Memphians out of the way but also Arkansan' to South Westerners who're by now, stampeding an in progress, Rev 6, 6th seal, volcanic apocalypse, with tens of millions known dead or missing. so post the Arkansas, Memphis, bridge, we have what, whom? With fear and trembling, stinging tears forming my nose, eyes, all, please Memphis Carter man, tell me you're kidding? You are talking over half of the country, oh, oh, oh, not including, Canada, dead, injured, missing to stampeding, did we like a predicted, fiery Noah's cousin just lose those fifty million predicted dead US soil, in one swell swosh, did we Memphis Carter, huh, huh? Calm down, Cassius man, we're only watchers to messengers, of holy God sending Rev 10, Mighty Angel, and Rev 17, 7th angel these forewarningings, but who cares? Do you remember how it rocked our reality when hey showed grand Sia  both the slow motion exodus of millions American refugees knowing but hardly doing; then that ginormous maze of sin, traps being laid fr children and multi-millions awaiting a single water cooler? Here,  just revisited three times, since mother's day, May 10th, 2020, which also revisited, the prophesied hour now manifested in multi-cultural flesh; Rev 3;3. Jesus saying he's to come in hour we know not, can't know it; Rev 17, talk about an hour, world kingdoms, nations are deceived into handing over all we treasure this planet as it's inherits to the control of ancient demons, it's Antichrist, disguised as a new world order of world peace; Rev 18, even Holy God, father, threaten to end it's centuries of ruling this planet by bloodletting in just as hour, and removing intervening, Bride, Angels in just it's nano-second.  Didn't we know, by those two reveals alone, know much trouble we're in and even more if we didn't get The America's Dream exodus together, and as Moses Hebrews, repent of all previous to pending abominations, and get out, get out, get out! For Godsake's by March 13, 2018, it was all being described as US States of barbecue, Canada,  Britain as well, with those apocalyptic fires of Australia showing how, fast, furious and completely it all happen, only, only, only with again, millions dead, horribly,  even Kobe's fiery morning, before she knew, she woke from seeing a child like charcoal, arm, being raised for better it's viewing. We, Juttah Sia's all, are not discussing anything here, we have been hearing since birth, we just don't want to hear the part it's all happening right now. Just as Angel Gabriel 534, now 2004, forewarn here on our watch, until it's at least from Genesis book into  Revelation 1-19, done, including Satan's imprisonment and lake of fire eternal judgment. You right, you right, you right Meshullum Kadesh man, I was here only weeks it seem before COVID-19 hit, and we were discussing, grand Sia's predicted disaster Hawaii leaving into Memphis orphans and how they and parents could be separately targeted.  Then you Memphis Carter man, stunning everyone it's forewarning asking did we realized how many people are dead by the time it's fiery apocalypse reach into Memphis? Nor Sia's all here, is it about America being punished for Israel, stop believing that goddamn crap, Israel is being punished, for it's prescribed, unrepentant abominations and detestation's it's own, just like America, West Rule. Only they're to lose two thirds with the other, third repenting and running to safe haven Jordan's to Moses exodus, Petra. All, all, all, just as well revisiting holy scripture saying all hath sin, and hath fallen from God's glory, those like Trump, saying they don't  have sin, holy word says they lie, and do not the truth, but if they confess their sins,  presently get to blessed exodus, God, for gives their sins, and now by Jesus descending, millennium and Holy Father, Kingdom following, cleanse them from all unrighteousness' presently a descending, new, white holy, house with Royal Bridegroom, Bride and Royal priesthood, all, all, all, intact.  Look, I read days past, grand saying this date, June, 26, 2020, also revisits, July 6, and September 23. 25th, well, last from July 3 into it' 6th 2019, US/Canada West Pacific were being displaced by record size earthquakes. Yeah July 6, since 2015, then a pending Cameron 's Syria/Russia trial to it's Brexit has been plagued by alike announcements, this tug of nuclear war to Armageddon. Just like Russia, who safeguarded Assad against US interest until now, recently announcing they're do the same in US backyard for Venezuela 
, no doubt as grand Sia saw years back, like a Cuban missile crisis revisited, which gave her the Eze 9, of those grim reapers, chasing down stampeder's, for one strike the heart. Then  here, now, error President Trump equally setting up his follows for greater it' sudden destruction, planning others 4th of July 2020, celebrations; where right now, it's US/Canada/Midwest is already displacing along 7 plus quakes, with an oddity happening at predicted to launch volcanic apocalypse, Hawaii, an extinction level event that sends both the Bride, and West rule skyrocketing heavenward, one, never seen again, so nothing to withhold, no more doomsday passover's, said days to hour of doom, now come. Then there's you guys, her, well ,THEIR predicted September 23, 25; well in 2015, Ry, man it, that date fulfilled, John predicted Rev 12 sign, not for 7 thousand years planetary phenom, but during, June 26, 2015, escape to Georgia or heaven, then five years back, this date shown as the Holy Bride, estimated time of escape: as so, we're in a 93, 94th Rev 2, Jesus matrix ten day countdown award, right, with, with none knowing how high it will go, right? No, not with grand Sia, saying, this count will last until Jesus again sat his feet atop Mount Oliveth, we now know could be as soon as April 2, (2026). As with Trump and his waking in foreign lands, from the 7 year,Oct  2019/ 2020, Dan 4:4, madness, award, seeing Elohim God alone is God, knowing that God's King Zion is in rule planet earth and for a thousand years. So have you Carter man, any here, calculated, how many matrix counts by then, by Jesus Olivet Mountain return? No, I haven't, but I would love too, Blaine man, so get back at you with that, I'm gone man, gotta get with my family, as I think we all should, just saying with re-openings this master disaster it's own. Evidently, mutating into both grand Sia's backward letter C and John and her, infested with fleas, Pale horse pandemic, a lot of people are terrified along every evil work. Doing really bad things, like a new round of shootings at a Walmart facility, it'll only get worse people losing hope, blessed day all, sweet sleep to dove wings, yeah, later, Car man. You all hear about those two recent family gathering, one a birthday party, now infected with more COVID-19 trial,s even death to ICU stays? Look, Cassius, man, when you said family gatherings, the second of Sia Maaseiah's prophesied hour, around mother's day 2020,  was she and he sitting, conversing during a family gathering, that was intervene upon, this cursive, going on like normal by a rain storm. When, she's again the maze of sin, whereas church choirs, conductors, were shown to be overtaking people, by fasten, highchair like traps.  Sitting, talking with him? Yeah Soar man, grand Sia said he seems torn, a tug of indecision, yeah don't y'all think like Obama right now, and African countries like Ghana, telling multi-cultural Americans to come back home, The One, Barack Hussein Obama, has to be torn between convincing along doomsday America verses what's shown to be, safe haven Africa's Southwest, Island coast.  You know Kadesh man you just prophesied slave, Prince to world reigning, President Hussein Obama, isn't just prophesied as being, "The One," but he's the prophesied hour that possibly with holdeth the Bride's escape, it's finale?  Yeh, well, I'm gone too you guys, all I can say, Memphis, Caden, is perhaps, the approaching, to be revisited, even 16 years the Angel Gabriel forewarning, the only given estimated, time of escape, the Bride's Chariot, liftoff, it's any given nano-second, is September 23, 25, 2020! Ah, Kadesh man, if only I had wings, as a diamond, carved, crystal dove, Bride's chariot, I would fly away and rest, no you wouldn't, not, yet, even there Rev 12 stay over Cay man, we're assigned to diligently intercede those Rev 13, described overcome, Tribulation saints. Right, right, but at least we're a two thirds way into God's Kingdom reign, and, and, and actually, two thirds way into Jesus  millennium reign, later guys, go, go, be with family." Why?                                         

Friday, June 26, 2020

Trumps Tweets frozen along the word disappeared, Holy Bride By Grace, West Rule by Fiery Judgment, As All HD, 5G and Social Media

Prophecy Links Fulfilling, The Rev 17:14, Jesus Husband In My Dream Here Thirty Rapture Spring Demos lost his battle with meso lung cancer Feb 22, 2012, now a date revisited since by Cameron's Brexit/Briexit/Blaexit, beware, Apb

What's The Secret Of The Rev 17:14, Jesus Husband Seen In Your Memphis Sickbeds, Jan 12/13, 2018? Even Rev 2, Jesus Just Then Asking Me Will Angels Also Ascend? Apb

Article, ['I'm leaving and I'm just not coming back': Fed up with racism, Black Americans head overseas]

Let My People Go! Said A Sunlight, From A Mountain, God's Back Turn Throne, Just Post The Rev 7, Silence In Heaven

"Kill All Parents By, Finish All Schools," Now We Know, By A New Two Weeks And 7 Year Timetable, April 2, 2019 thru April 2, 2026

-Brexit, Briexit or Blaexit, today June 26, 2020, with its July 6 to September 23/25, following. Five years ago, revisits waking and finding my Memphis grands gone and relocated to Savannah Georgia. 
-Oddly by their granddad who in my demos for over 30 years has been portrayed as a Rev 17:14. reigning Jesus Husband, Savior who star war together with his faithful saints; just as it was then said, there's something about Cameron, the pending Feb 22, 2016, Brexit. 
-Presently a choice between a Briexit world-wide skyward or a Blaexit US Southeast into Georgia Crossover into Southwest Africa. Odd is just as a Prince of Abraham/Islam, son of slaves, no not Moses, but a type, was campaigning for the US Whitehouse. 
-Then the demo was I woke chanting we would build an Ark! Because while I slept a tent, at the name Pat I was brought out by an African male soon showing me a sea of American refugess pouring into the Africa Island coast. Then July 27, (2008/09); now here 7 years Obama's last Admin passing into Trump said crossover was from no other US state but Georgia. 
-Thing is March 3, 2018, revisited its Oct 15, 2018, I walk into the kitchen, tell my now relocated to Georgia kids, now three years June 26, 2017, today's exact month, date, Jesus Husband escaped some to both Georgia and Heaven.
-I say, I just dreamed of inviting people from a barbecuing all 49 states into Georgia instead. From there past said responsibility, the American exodus to the African native male, whose now our Hemingway Street, Georgia's Landlord. 
-Decade's before the movie 2012, my 1986/2016/2026 work, stampeded the refugee world into Mother Africa's by transforming ARKS, cruise ships I called Aqua Juttahs, the extended grace design an ever terra forming, repopulating New Africa.
-Here's June 16/17, 2002, a meeting with Memphians with relocated Georgians down on all fours atop the old Arkansas bridge just revisited, (06/17/2020), then, 2002, a SUNLIGHT from a mountain God's back turn throne commanded as Moses day, let my people go!  Pretty much all world, technical systems great and small but especially, rebellious, whoring, bloodletting, West Rule, get it, get Jesus, get out! Be aware as Elohim God Himself, Apb

Prophecy Links Fulfilling

YouTube, Full Spectrum Survival, Red Alert Texas Is Falling,

Article, [Russia Vows to Back Venezuela in Fight Against 'Regime Change' by U.S.], (-Seeing a running race by Revelation Book Holies to put America's weight of blood guilt, judgment, sentence. Originally from Dec 24/25, 2001 thru 2019, as a fiery doomsday A Christmas Carol. Accept it, believe it or not tens of millions are perishing with a half of billion stampeding into Georgia's/ Africa's Atlantic; America, The Americas Continent Is fallen! Apb

Prophecy Links Fulfilling 

From Aug 5 into Sept 13, 2019, I'd gotten 5 refers to 101 Yellowstone Events, one as a hand wrote clumsily, Escape Yellowstone! Another like an extinction level event that left all HD, 5G and Social Media, including Trump's tweets, frozen on the word disappeared! Beware, Genesis thru Revelation Book, Holy Elohim God, Is, AWARE! Apb, see here,, how it's ALL ending prophetically, Apb

-And these are the descendants of the beauty rescued from the hands of the beast: Beast Of Beauty Featuring King Bridegroom Breedlove, Coleman Backler and Queen Bride Kamil Arielle Smyth

The Unending Love Antidote ...The African Juttah Genealogy, 1986-2016/2026/3036

The Tombola Genealogy, Holy, Temple, April, 17, 1986/2026/3036 into Infinity, God's Kingdom Reign

Unto Sawyer Winston Deburk, Artz and Danielle Kirtsen Gadson was born a son, Edison Blair Artz, a son, Patterson Bishop Artz and a god daughter, Bellazair  
Anielle Veneer, Artz, Gadson 

Mark Scene, Genesis Marriage Worshipers, XVII and VII, It's LXXXXI Matrix Count

     "Really, you leave a note with the hostess and just abandoned me, why didn't I see that about you? Wow, the Juttah Heliport is busy, almost like a holiday is come, I was just too mesmerized by what you told me, yeah that Kirst, knowing you before you're born, that had to be really, really mind-heart heavy, you don't just know me, you Sawyer know our future genealogy. How many are godchildren? Ah, uh, like most fifth gen African Juttah, our daughter is, but we have sons? I didn't go that far into it, plus I already feel guilty, I wanted to wait and we, you know Kirst, do this together. I'm going home to Ethiopia, Ethiopia, you're from the Parental Juttah, Ethiopia? I was only in the Septennial Juttah for the Tombola, so you didn't know that? I didn't, yeah now it's done, my parents are expecting me, so that's no Kirst to the African genealogy, we are now, meaning if I check again, it's all changed? It can do that? Yeah, as easy as we tug to and fro yeah it's not permanent until we're vowed, covenant all, even that up coming wedding extravaganza.  So about how many sibling do you have, can we sit, at least? There's five of us, you know, Niasyr, she's my older sister, yeah, ah, St Cloud's match, since you say, I see the likeness, yeah she carries father name, and I my grandmother's, the other three are younger. So you returning without your Tombola match, is not so good on your part? I mean I can return with you, no, don't break with your assignments, not, an assignment Kirst, we're volunteers, so I'm, you know, free. No, it's going to be taxing explaining what has happen, so am I seeing you again? I'll call you three days to let you know, three days, you do know that's like forever? Niasyr Veneer, as in specialist agent, head of Global Juttah, security, Me'sure Cullum, Veneer? I better go, my flight just went green, you know Kirst now that you're Tombola approved you too can visit our genealogy, ah, so, our genealogy? I gotta go, I know, I'm letting you Kirst, but only with a promise you keep me waiting in suspense only three days, so if father Jacob, can do two 7 year intervals, three days are like nano-second in comparison. I hope anyway, good you see it that way, so, I failed, this trial, of trials, you was perfect even as you Sawyer, your god in heaven is perfect and I know why you asked about my dad. Yeah, I want to ask him for his daughter's hand in marriage, you would do that? In a flash, why wouldn't I? I want what both fate and our faithfulness has gotten us Kirst, an Aqua Juttah Genealogy, (AJG), and all it's phenom works, so would that hurt or help? I can't say, can only say Sawyer, yes, I will marry you and in three days I'll have the Ethiopian parental Juttah approval, so approaching it's birth  father, can't hurt. That's the last call, I gotta go and no more Desrek Chocolate for you virtual husband, until we're marriage bed covenant, you better run, so hard, me too, like all I wanna do is climb into my shower of missing you and just cry, ah god I hope I didn't say that out loud. I do love you Sawyer Artz, see you soon, right stunner girl, see you soon, godspeed, right, godspeed,"     >>>"Look, I just passed the message, the request your, well our little brother Decius, needed you, needed to talk to you, he's having genealogy problems verses girl problems, so Selah, man, followed him right to volunteering with dad, thousands of miles away, both of them, a supposedly escape, all? I know dad said, he cried his you know what off in the shower, a reminder knowing your genealogy ahead of time is not always a good thing, I said, and said, and said then! Achilles, we know, what I tell you Labyrinth man bout calling me by that ridiculous name? There he is now, we're here for support, been there, done that, that's all he want from us, to delve in our own experiences, not make the same mistakes. Actually Bridge man, at his junction torn twixt the Juttah tombola and the Aqua genealogy with two promises in toll, he's ahead of anything we tugged the romantic to Juttah heart over. You guys, all of you, what a surprise, and all this way, just say Saw man, we made getting right to you a holiday, brought the families all, we're a beach party tomorrow noon, and what an incredible place. Yes, agreed, but wait until you're Sahara's Juttah, it's Dr Countess Dracula's royal gardens alone, John's God's phenom Throne, descriptor, I bet all of you. You look frail, sit, let's talk, just using Kirtsen three day promise, as a fast to strengthen divine intervention, what are you guys drinking, tried it's apple tea, it's seafood to poultry Junglelaya? Three days ha? Yeah, with only a few hours to spare, this 9 pm hour, but what is faith, but blindly waiting, standing the promises of God, not so much man, hers, then, let's just debate her not calling you Nor saw man, intermingling with you ever again, she don't get it's parental Juttah approval, and Aqua Juttah genealogy reset? Tell your older brothers Saw man, you're just as heartily prepared? I'm just a young hearted thing, been waiting and weighing all good things descending, spreading all around upon God's promises, I even Bridge kinda did what you said, seek out Kirsten's our Me'sure Veneer, her father, asked for her sworn to me genealogy. Wait, wait, wait, what I said? Yes, you said, so it's not just a too mundane thing, propose marriage, Kirtsen admittedly upon departure said she would be my genesis bride. As well brothers said, taking such request to her father, this is while she take said request, to Ethiopians Parental Juttah, how you guys, it couldn't hurt, so if you three would just wait out these few hours with me. The hardest ever, like a husband whose waiting his wife travailing in new birth, I suppose anyway, ah, yeah, ah yeah, little wise brother, we know those shortest, longest moments ever so well; then let's stop talking and try these dishes you're so adamant about, thanks you guys, I'll also never forget this night because you're all here it's bitter-some sweet endurance, with me." Why Speak In Parables? That you as aware of Rev 12, Prescribed Spiritual Warfare, as Holy Elohim, God, Himself . Apb, see more mission butterfly, here,                

See Kingsley and Kieynan, Nano-Second Ascent, see here, 


Prophecy Links Fulfilling Nuclear January, 12 APOCALYPTIC FIRESTORM,2023 MASS Murderer Suicide On The Ris e,