Tuesday, March 31, 2020

Go Down To The Middle School, (Age Of Innocence), Cast A Stone! Sunlight Comet Atlas? Beware

-Prophecy Links Fulfilling, March 31st seeing the Rite Aid Pharmacy 5 dollar bill, a 5% death toll set. Just as so, mean only WHO's COVID-19 Predicted 17 million US dead, is accurate its prophecy with 33 Million, Run! Apb

-Watching Jericho, A TV Series , a forewarning Worrying Me For Days, Right Before Pres Putin's Feb 29, (2019), US soil threat and March 3, (2019) I Witnessed two ELE's launched, incoming, side by side like a race to impact US, western soil; only since, Dec 29, (2019), I witnessed forewarning, Rev Holies, putting Dec 24/25 2001 thru Dec 24/25 2019, back on track,   

2007, Go Down To The Middle School, (This Age Of Innocence), Cast A Stone! Sunlight Comet Atlas? Beware

Article, [First child dies from the coronavirus in New York City as Gov Cuomo begs for help amid a 'staggering' number of deaths in the state] http://va.topbuzz.com/al/FYmefe, (God of today like in Moses Hebrews, days, want blessed Exodus and He'll pound them all into 99 bowls of molten lava until his are all stampeding into Georgia's/Africa's Atlantic. Especially, its Sunlight, Atlas Comet come, could be the June (2002), Mountain, Sunlight, God's Back Turn Throne Saying To Pending Reigning, Lord Urusalem, "Let My People Go!"  So April 2, (2020), a year the new two weeks and seven year timetable, Obama's 2009 into 2016, ended  Daniel's day, announced times, times and a half grace period, even near two millennium Jesus' Cross, with Jesus until those 7 years are finished,  descending into, Rev 12, Michael second heavens.. The Holy Bride's the prelude to it all, and Ps. 91 intravenous angels, Jan 13, (2018), again y'all a prelude to getting the Bride also up to Jesus, to second heavens intercessions and away from Hawaii to New England, the Eastern Seaboard and eventually,  The America's, volcanic apocalypse! well if not the rapture, Giovanni man, I hope a year this final timetable come with way more evidence that all they treasure truly is sitting, historically actively on top of Revelation 6, 6th seal described a recent as Aug 30/31, (2019), measured, 101 Yellowstone's!" Look, I tell y'all grand, grand Sia gave my parents the Olive, branch to Rose of Sharon, that any it's day Memphis like most US states would go off the planet. See, we'd arrived in Georgia so timely, like they'd been warn by distant cousins by marriage to get into the southeast, into Georgia So grand, used that thinking to ask, so you all must know, Holy Spirits been stampeding all of the Americas into Georgia, even Africa for decades now? Next we knew, they packed and got themselves right back to Memphis, like they said, well if Memphis is going off the planet I wanna be there when it happen. No, don't even as the bible say, try to lean on your own understanding, it's maddening, you can''t figure it for a million years. Well were they Christians and just, they were Churchians and you Ghost Horse man know like I do, Chuchians know the American Dream, they know nothing about walking or even running in faith, I stayed with grand because I was of age, they couldn't make me return, now I'm talking, after she forewarn them, thinking that's why they'd come, they didn't just leave, they packed and left in a hurry, feet to the pedal ,like saying man, we don't wanna miss that apocalyptic fire work. well what, ah, you know Cash what happen, missing with the other hundreds of millions. Daniel's 4:4, madness award spreading nation to world wide I guess,  nothing else make's sense, then grand just knowing and being glad her Memphians were spreading the RED ALERT! But no, even first blood cousins, totally clueless. Preaching to the choir I know, not even wanting to know, their works to prep, unless running aside them with their elephants of staying unaware to their Noah's day Bride of going on as normal, such fearfulness couldn't, had'n't and wouldn't save them, right now into the end, this is repent, run or perish and grand Sia always ! saying, you know where! Why? Beware, Apb


KILLER ASTEROID, https://youtu.be/5cUeVOzMppY

VOLCANIC APOCALYPSE!, https://youtu.be/uwd0cMDPZvg 

HIT BY GAMMA RAY BURST! https://youtu.be/X1hnWoFZjls

From Dec 24/25, (2001), Put Back For Near 200, Years, (1811, 1812), The Year Without A Summer, Mount Tambora,  

Blessed Death!

     -No one wanted to hear, but the morning hours later traumatized Hawaiian parents would be this unimaginable on US soil inbound missile alert; possibly even the predicted volcanic apocalypse come,tossing their children under manhole covers. This appearing hours prior as a Michael Ealy's A Perfect man, to riches to rags whoremongering, Rev 2 Jesus. Easily saying for many millennia to those murderers like his A Perfect Man co-host, trans kids parents to advocates, Union/NBA'S. Here, its Jan 13, (2018), repent or I WILL KILL YOUR CHILDREN WITH DEATH!
-Only some mocked JESUS saying kill with death, don't we all die? Yes, the second death, judgment, HELL! But, here perverted children lives, souls required at their parents unrepentance, those like Jesus slain by blessed death, rise again to reign King Zion Millennium, to God's Kingdom Come, New Jerusalem/New White, Holy House,  Descend Down with Royal Priesthood intact! Beware, God Is! Apb, www.invasionofpeace2017.blogspot.com

Prophecy Links Fulfilling

Article, [Fauci Warns Trump That If Everyone in U.S. Dies It Could Affect His TV Ratings] http://va.topbuzz.com/al/jbwpfe, (This prophesied and predicted outbreak of mortuary come, and first born's won't escape. I don't know bout y'all but this moms asking is it to mock ELOHIM, HIS ANOINTED more so, than to actually save her dying daughter? Apb, see here, https://phearsonreganachristmascarol.blogspot.com/2020/03/stone-to-finish-all-schools-www.html, how its all ending prophetically, Apb

Prophecy Links Fulfilling, March 31st seeing the Rite Aid Pharmacy 5 dollar bill, a 5% death toll set, mean only WHO's COVID-19 Predicted 17 million US dead, only with 33 Million to go, is accurate! Run!

Article, [Family of 17 caught coronavirus at funeral of COVID-19 victim, leaving one dead and others seriously ill] http://va.topbuzz.com/al/xhdQfe, (It is not the whole that need a physician, but those that are sick, get ye to repentant altars, Rev 6, 5 seal God avenging martyred Saints, martyred blood, RUN!

Article, [Fauci Warns Trump That If Everyone in U.S. Dies It Could Affect His TV Ratings] http://va.topbuzz.com/al/jbwpfe, (This prophesied and predicted outbreak of mortuary come, and first born's won't escape. I don't know bout y'all but this moms asking is it to mock ELOHIM, HIS ANOINTED more so, than to actually save her dying daughter? Apb
see here, https://phearsonreganachristmascarol.blogspot.com/2020/03/stone-to-finish-all-schools-www.html, how its all ending prophetically, Apb


-Jesus knocking on church doors to my thirty plus year calling. A Jesus to early church foundational Apostle/Prophet. All proves to be evidence something is wrong with churches. The blind leading the blind, so much so that calling rebellious Churchians to repent is the reaping of COVID-19 globally sown!


-It'll take the length of the bible just the 30 years I been forewarning churches. So we'll pick the year 2013, during a Daniel fast, thus unforgettable. Here I am channel surfing assembly world wide.

-When all around a Holy Spirit  say so clearly, THESE PEOPLE NEED TO FALL IN LOVE WITH GOD. Jesus did say all gone before HIM, us were thieves and robbers! Too many heaers and not enough doers. Worshiping God with all things church but their knees and hearts of repentance.
-You couple these reveals with Mat 7, Jesus describing the day he'll tell millions thinking they're His, He never knew them; just sit, well run on that surreal for a time.

(1987) Nazi Parents Deemed Homicidal Toward Children, 2008, ASTEROID DESTROY!

-Look, like the days of Moses God's Anointed faith and faithfulness actually is proven this COVID-19 falling away of assembled whoredoms, BLOOD MARTYRS. The American come African again doomsday The Americas being stampeded!
-Making no further arguments Hawaii to Wyoming Volcanic Apocalypse come 99 bowls to 101 Yellowstones measured  coast to coast lava lakes. Commanded by the Sunlight Gods back turn throne, with a Rev 12 Michael star warring overhead. Blessed hearers and doers, their stores all, are evacuated into Georgia's/Africa's coast.
-Beware, all transit else from Wade and daughter to  Kobe and daughter. As so all people dead and dying by the COVID-19. Behold, all non-compliant transit is being targeted by Eze 9, sword like syringes bearing reapers. The only sacrifice Ps 51 God will accept, when one waltz to one strike your telling heart you're ascended but mostly first born's, descended!


-Reaffirmed Aug 5 thru its 30/31st (2019) a global shut down to a pale horse pandemic like COVID-19. These earth enders only followed a Rev 6, 6th seal Volcanic Apocalypse; even March 3, (2019), an event like SUNLIGHT Comet Atlas/Atlantis/Atlantic, is impacting UN/US soil.
-During commanded exodus more Frightening than COVID-19 travel bans There is, March 9, (2020), yet another death toll of 69 million. Fight night, just as of a 50 million death toll for 7 US Admins into Trump set by weights of US blood guilt. Answered prayers for blessded rescuer HE'S coning but not until King of kings Jesus again sat His feet atop Mount Olivet.
-Beware, let no man deceive you until Jesus Olivet return, extinction to the BEAST MARKS have you. Then new normal, to blessed hope, is the Briexit skyward to the Blaexit Georgia's southeast coast into Africa's Southwest, coast, RUN, a Rev 12 star warring Michael, sets His all around and a little Miya girl watcher of blessed translation,THEY have all, faithful escape! Beware, God Is, Apb


-Admitted both during to post-reveals I never asked why, just hurry and share what I both see, hear and even experience. Say like Aug 5, waking from seeing the word DISAPPEARED, frozen, on, as all HD TO 5G screening, only left knowing, some event, like a predicted flirting with Keanu Reeves Movies, standing the world still, come.
-This seeing  the other counter, slammed with desperate costumers. Just as I approached this seeming closed, soon to learn, set death tolls, 5% into 15% back turn, Rite Aid Pharmacy counter. I'm moving to walk away, only she turn, say I'll wait on you! Just what did that mean, she'll wait on me? Only ask the one whom Holy Spirits, have for 30 plus rapture April 2/16/17, Springs, demonstrated in ways unprecedented the I Thess/I Cor, great gathering of Saints, beware, Apb, The RAM

Seen To Be Seeing A Huge Enough To Block Out The Sky, In Bold, Capital, Italicized Flood Water Down Weights Of Martyred Blood Pink, The Single Word, OFFER!

STILL, APOSTLE I AM,  HOPE YOU DANCE, SEE SELAH, HOSANNA, HERE, https://youtu.be/pJJ1kqpbFTE, also see, www.lordurusalem.com

Prophecy Links

Article, [Chicago ER doctor explains why Coronavirus scares him
https://youtu.be/jft5E7em858 (beware first clink I got minutes after minutes of YouTube's stay at home with me campaign. My Christ no wonder Hawaii into Wyoming volcanic apocalypse, death tolls are set to the tune of 10's of millions who just got barbecued! Beware, God Is! Apb

2007, Cast A Stone, The Dying Of Middle Schools Is Painful; 2005, Wipe Canada From The Map! 2017, Finish All Schools!

Article, [Preacher interrupts Sky News interview to insist 'judgement coming' and demands UK repents] http://va.topbuzz.com/al/rxhRee

Article, [First child dies from the coronavirus in New York City as Gov Cuomo begs for help amid a 'staggering' number of deaths] (God of today like in Moses Hebrews days want blessed Exodus. He'll pound them all into 99 bowls of molten lava until His are all stampeding into Georgia's/Africa's Atlantic. Especially, its Sunlight, Atlas Comet come, could be the June (2002), Mountain, Sunlight, God's Back Turn Throne Saying To Pending Its Reign Lord Urusalem, "Let My People Go! So April 2, (2020), a year the new two weeks and seven year timetable. Obama's 2009 into 2016, ended Daniel's day grace period, announced, until a times, times and a half be fulfilled. Even near two millennium now Jesus' Cross, with Jesus until those, April (2019), 7 years are finished, April 16/17 (2026), descending into, Rev 12, Michael second heavens. The Holy Bride's the prelude to it all, and Ps. 91 angels, Jan 13, (2018). Just as so y'all also a prelude to getting the Bride up to Jesus, to second heavens intercessions. Hurriedly, away from Hawaii to New England, the Eastern Seaboard and eventually, The America's inundation by fiery doomsday come ! Well if not the rapture, Giovanni man, I hope an April 2, (2020), a year this final timetable come with way more evidence. That is, how all they treasure truly is sitting, historically active atop of Rev 6, 6th seal described as recent as Aug 30/31, (2019), measured, 101 Yellowstone's !So instead here's Rev Bk Holies to The Acts of the Bride, RUN, campaign! Why? Beware, Apb

Monday, March 30, 2020

Outer Darkness Until Lakes Of Fires For Second Death to Suicide Isn't The Anomaly is Your Name Lamb's Book Written Or Stricken? ,

A Commenter Said, God  Have Mercy

I commented: HE HAS, FOR TWO MORE MILLENNIUM NOW SINCE CHRIST'S CROSS, now HE  answers the prayers of martyred saints, Rev 6, 5th sea, that HE take their vengeance; know this, II Chron 7:14, 15, know Ps 66:18, know I Jn 3, repent here, Ps 51, ALL PERISH! Apb

Prophecy Links Fulfilling, The Dying Of Schools Is Painful;The Seeing Of Graduating Tassels Used As Toe Tags For The Dead! The seeing of traps being laid for schools kids, the hearing; KILL ALL PARENTS BY! Beware! Apb

Article, [Bachelor star Michelle Money reveals her daughter, 15, is on life support after skateboarding accident: 'This is the worst experience of my life'] http://va.topbuzz.com/al/xhmvfe

WHOREMONERING, WARMONGERING, Repent Or I'll Bless Your Children With Death!
-Passed the age of accountability, passed those of middle schools age, the only way now to die and descend as Christ's Royal Priesthood. Perhaps during present suspension she meet and accepts Jesus, (see here,https://youtu.be/lW7rl5bG7uw, miracles from heaven); or she's blessed to be redeemed by her parents righteousness, thus says Rev 2, Jesus -The Oct (2018), Daniel 4:4, for 7 years madness award, so until Oct 15, (2025). When the free world comes out of all this comatose madness. Though it's rightly apparent cataclysmically they're no more planet earth andctens of millions are dead: HALLELUJAH, Jesus Millennium readies to reign! -More so the Amazing Grace of what after two 42 months intervals, they'll know. Almighty, Creator God rules in the kingdoms of men and giveth to whom Elohim Will's. -Totally ruling out the claim America like no other nation to world system. Like has been given a license to judge, persecute and kill at will, all, all, all,vanity into weights of blood guilt judgments followed by sudden destruction, its reactivated, Dec 29, (2019), fiery Doomsday Christmas Carol ! Beware, Apb Our Fathers Cried Unto You And You Heard Their Cry And At Night They Were Not Silent! Article, [Fauci Warns Trump That If Everyone in U.S. Dies It Could Affect His TV Ratings] http://va.topbuzz.com/al/jbwpfe, (This prophesied and predicted outbreak of mortuary come, and first born's won't escape. I don't know bout y'all but this moms asking is it more to mock ELOHIM, HIS ANOINTED more so than to actually save her daughter? - I'm reminded of Beyonce's Jay Cee, during an award show, mocking how he was to give god a little credit; a Thandie Newton, during awards shows did some similar. Referring, to mocking god as she, instead of Jesus BLEEDING, Crying Cross, (DELIVERER) ELI! -Though here remembering who Jesus say they really worship, even why he speak in parables, see here, http://preeceeboneebele1986-2016.blogspot.com/2020/03/i-admit-i-felt-sorrow-hearing-hed.html; how, even why it's all ending prophetically; their father Satan and its him they actually serve, now they're both hell's molten lakes practicing who can scream the loudest. -Seems I'm more terrified for them.all than offended, even by this mother asking for prayer toward whichever god you interceed. The word of Almighty God says the PRAYERS OF THE RIGHTEOUS, AVAILETH MUCH! -Probably because only His Holies especially during the reaping of martyred Saints, martyred blood, and no first born's survives,THEY'RE the only ones that can penetrate Gods back turn throne, get his Sun/SONlight ear, His attention and miraculous blessing, knowing who, why, what, when and where to blessed Briexit/Blaexit, get it, get Jesus, get out, and get out!
-Admitted both during to post reveals I never asked why, just share hurry and share what I both see, hear and even experience. Say like Aug 5, waking from seeing the word DISAPPEARED, frozen, on, as all HD TO 5G screening, only left knowing, some event, like a predicted Keanu Reeves Movie, standing the world still, come.
-This seeing the other counter, slammed with desperate costumers, just as I approached, this seeming closed, soon to learn, set death tolls, 5% into 15% back turn, Rite Aid Pharmacy counter, I'm moving to walk away, only she turn, say I'll wait on you! Just what did that mean, she'll wait on me? Only ask the one whom Holy Spirits, have for 30 plus rapture April 2/16/17, Springs, demonstrated in ways unprecedented the great gathering of Saints, beware, Apb, The RAM
Prophecy Links Fulfilling, The single, blocking out the sky, word, WEATHER! Article, [70 million people in the US are under a severe weather threat that includes tornadoes and hail] http://va.topbuzz.com/al/dZZkke Article, [Tracking Severe Weather You Tube, mrmbb333, https://youtu.be/HWJGQEWHB-k Article, [He caught COVID-19 on a cruise ship. His family had to say goodbye over speakerphone] http://va.topbuzz.com/al/dphUre THUS SAITH REV 18, DESTROY! -Extremely obvious monster weather (2005), to be honest with especially western tourism targeted, seems lately all world wide cruise ships have come pending last ships to ghost ships. Although the free world, American dreaming are always the last to get the memo. -Let's say since before Katrina into the for over a year worst hurricane season ever, 2017-2019, US, Western soil. There's the rearranging Florida Mexico beach Michael, even a Yutu, showing how easily it's done, both California/ Canada/ even Memphis to be no more, YUTU wiped an uninhabited Hawaii Island off the map! Beware, God Is, Apb

Prophecy Links Fulfilling

Article, [Eighth earthquake in four days... And counting] http://va.topbuzz.com/al/Qyxfje

Article [Trump declares major disaster for Georgia counties, governor says] http://va.topbuzz.com/al/evxfje, ( I speak on this further below, but the sea of people I witnessed Obama's 2009-2016, pour and pour into Africa's Atlantic coast; whereas Trump's (2017-2019), those by the auto loads, stores all pouring into Georgia's Atlantic, coast.  They weren't running from a COVID-19 pandemic but Asteroid to Volcanic judgments, finally as predicted hitting UK/US/BC soil. 

-Right until all are to see, they're all no more planet earth, I guess I can finally appreciate, WHO's, COVID-19,  worse case, saying 17 million, a US's death toll assessment, more a surreal look at their bloodied soil reaping weight of blood guilt, planet earth, sown, for a grand total of 50 million, wouldn't you instead as the days of Noah's RUN!  If you remember March 13, Oct 5, (2018), invitations was from a greater barbecue come all US states into a lesser, barbecue US state Georgia's, Atlantic coast. 
-I explained to my Memphians who only seem to hate me, my outreach the more, I told you how my also Jan 13, (2018), prior to disaster Hawaii, responded, said my worrying after him, had the downtown newspaper bells ringing!  I told them what they must know, Memphis, as all The Americas are come as a world wide judged by fire, abominable, detestable Sodom: while Georgia to Africa's Atlantic coast, are more like blessed escape Moses Canaan land, to now, Jordan's Petra. Then nothing withholdeth, the cataclysmic end of our world, once Jan 23, (2018), Rev Mighty Angel, Rev 17, 7,  Angels, bearing 7 vials, saying, some like, desolation's predicted now come; when March 3. (2019),  I witnessed two such ELE"S launched, incoming, side by side, like in a race to impact US, Western soil!    
-Apparently, Americans shown a decade back to be in a slow motion exodus, but an exodus no less, rightly, you're choosing between a COVID-19 that might kill you, descend to ascend you, Then just as so, this sudden Asteroid to Volcanic apocalypse that'll make Australia's apocalyptic bush fires seem a Sunday, picnic, of roasting mash mellows in a pit fire.  Only, only with a plethora  of skyward incoming, take comic Atlas for example, that can make already the most volatile seismic territory on the planet.  Imminently, as to  go Rev 6, 6th seal so viral, so molten, mountains are actually melting away, while American to world refugees ran off crying their worthless gold to prep all; still they sigh, useless, fading mountains, fall on us, and hide us  from God's wrath come, the total fiery extinction, of their, our world! Beware,  Jer 37/Rev 17/18 God Is! Apb 
Prophecy Links Fulfilling!

FRET NOT THYSELF! Christ Cross Grace suspended, no more doomsday Passovers.

I tell you it was so weird hearing king of kings David Say That, Well Not Him But Holy God through Him; An outbreak of mortuary was coming, and I'm hearing, Ps 37, FRET NOT THYSELF! Then I must say, all elite, in an escape Ark not of Elohim's making, beware as the days of Lot's, Wife, Sodom!

Stone To Finish All School's

Outer Darkness Until Lakes Of Fires For Second Death to Suicide Isn't The Anomaly, Beware, Apb

Article, [German finance minister commits suicide as coronavirus blitzes economy] http://va.topbuzz.com/al/yZRrje

Thou Shalt Not Kill! 
www.repentnow 2011.blogspot.com

-Now if that worked, Suicide, be no need for Almighty God putting on flesh; enduring a cross, for the man, who once was lost; no more is the mystery of godliness, or the winged Jesus of resurrection/ascension; even now Angels have a Holy God they can approach unto, saying to His Anointed!

Jesus To Disciples/The Believing World

     -In me you might have peace, during American dreaming, you shall have tribulation, but be of good cheer, I Jesus, God manifested in the flesh, even arriving Sonlight in healing wings, have overcome the world! Beware, God Is, Apb. see here, www.2016onewayprayer.blogspot.com

Kill All Parents By; Repent, Blaexit or Perish!

     -Article. [8 killed as plane reportedly carrying medical supplies crashes in the Philippines] (Since that's how most Americans will die, I stopped counting such fiery accidents kinda after Kobe's fiery crash. This gross seeing as Bush 2003, charcoaled US soldiers, a lifted charcoal arm, just hours prior to Kobe's, tragedy.

-But since I witnessed a Rev 12 Michael, star warring up there; when Red Dragon and his third of the heavenly host mutiny. They all rain down in multi-thousands lightning strikes to unprecedented sky phenom.
-Then horrifyingly, I witnessed myself as a pilot tampering with autopilots to cause transit crashes. So since such stranger things come, too true. I been saying, there's something wrong, this tampering with air travel.
-Long before praying against COVID-19 travel bans, blessed exodus come. I said there's something, perhaps those Eze 5/9 reapers, targeting all non-compliant transit. I told you they would, Eze 5 God, commanding scatter them, I'll send my sword after them. This capturing you, spinning you into like a waltz, dancing with the stars, even.
-THEY even getting after stampeders, one strike with those sword like syringes. A vulgar stabbing, the tell all heart, you're ascended but mostly first born's, you're descended. Shown to be evident, the horse of hades rides with the pale horse of pestilence, like COVID-19. Then so speedy is humankind sin to sickbeds gotten, genocide, come!
-Prophetically, two quarters of the earth's 7 to 8 billion inherit is to be its prophesied to set death tolls. You West Rule, America are hundreds of millions to a billion strong its earth's inherit, especially its Dec 24/25, 2001,inherited end days judgement, tens of millions to be dead, alone, your weight of blood guilt sown. 
-Heretofore fastened upon an ELE, as a Noah's Cousin, the most pronounced trying of your FAITH/fate. Truthfully, since Jesus Gethsemane garden agony of indecision. Even the first Adam its Eden's garden forbidden fruit, our, its first disobedience. No further delays, Get ye to blessed Briexit to Blaexit, Georgia's into Africa's, escape! Thus saith Mat 24 Jesus and all agreeing God's Back Turn Throne, Revelation Holies! 
-Even the Spirit and Bride, saith come; that's the reigning Bride who herself prepped and launched, Dan 2, once reigning mountain from heaven, leaving nothing of kingdom, nation building, but itty, bitty pieces, whose fan is in the hands of decreasing to ascending John The Baptist, Behold the Lamb, Of God, Elohim's celebrated, Reigning, King Zion! 


   -Fright night, revisited by Kobe's fiery crash, the way most Americans now under COVID-19 travel bans will die, Rev 10, Mighty Angel, as a husband with wife travailing in birth mean saying, desolation's predicted now come; what is the secret of Memphis, will Angels also ascend? Asked Jan 13, (2018), Rev 2 Jesus, 
-Truth is the mobile stores to massive stampede of loaded vehicles pouring into Georgia's Atlantic coast. Honestly they weren't running from a COVID-19 pandemic no, a fire sent after procrastinators, snapping at Noah's Day Bride's red heels; a near three decades now, loosed from beneath damater herself, a victorious molten, death rider.
-More reveal into 2015-2019, unleashed death bringer come from US/Hawaii/ Canada's W. Pacific Ring of fire. Fright night, not just 99 bowls of molten lava but 101 Yellowstones. Soon nothing was left frozen on all HD/5G screening but the single word, disappeared. 
-Seemingly because nothing was left of The Americas, of its US States to United Nations but a commanded to impact Asteroid, why Jsn 23, 2018, Rev 10, 6th Matrix, Mighty Angel, with Rev 17, 7th Angel pending said, beware the Midwest, the Eastern seaboard as well! 
-Nothing is left to tug a turf war to black gold over, this increasing ring of fire, but a coast to coast. This cosmic impact crater bubbling and boiling over with molten magma, no more is the mystery of America's commanded Exodus, not even the little Miya Girl watcher of transit.
-Right into deliverers themselves, the  Obama's/American NBA' s, now Mother Africa dreaming, blessed Blaexit. Mystery Memphis Dunlap street, America/West Rule done lapsed, ( UN/USA COLLAPSED, WILL NOT RECOVER); now for many millennia predicted, Ancient Beast rule and no first born survives, repent, run or perish!
-Remember long ago,I  was in a Joel Osteen type congregation demo of Satan to demons covert seat to foot hole.
 Evidently, just as mesmerized by mesmerizing pulpits as all others. Soon crystal clear, in the back, behind a closed door a woman was being bound by three or four other women, and for the third time, three times each she's calling my name, Pat, Pat, help me Pat, clearly a call for divine help, very precise, the midst of damning apostasy. 
-When I come to my not spidy by spirit senses, to go investigate, threw off delusions. Odd thing is, and I never made big of it till now, the Holy Spirit stood up with me. Again I only just now realized for the first and last time this mystery, the Holy Spirit was as a man also manifested in the divine flesh.
-Then further to think, I was, I'd become this one on one as Christ Jesus, HIS disciple; Soon Holy Lord would tell me, it's her eyes, something is wrong with her eyes, with their eyes actually! A veil of delusion, since the genesis garden of disobedience. 
-Thunders roar, taking the little book out of Mighty Angel hand, its sweet and bitter, digestion. Blessed, amazing grace, the gospel, garden of last Adam blessed obedience. Just as so, the genesis man, marriage has walked by a darken mirror. 
-When Sonlight/candlelight of righteousness come and for eons to eons there'd be no more this damning twilight; no more its foolish vanity, God's Sunlight Kingdom come! What's the secret of Memphis, indeed? Beware, God Is! Apb

Prophecy Links Fulfilling

Article, [WATCH: Massive Tornado Touches Down in Jonesboro, Arkansas] http://va.topbuzz.com/al/Sfhfre, (I thought so weird, Jan (2020), I got the blocking out the sky, single word, WEATHER! I

Commenter, Please miss do not include Yellowstone, with your weather turmoil. 

Destroy America Constantly Sinning!

     -Not only did I get the word WEATHER as a blocking out the sky alert; I include Yellowstone as of the revisited decades now, predicted 99 bowls of molten lava events. Here, supposedly to follow a global shut down, what COVID-19 has down and is doing; as I also predicted no American dreaming, saw it coming!
-Yes I said Aug 5, (2019), mass disasters followed a global shut down. Because come also was 101 Yellowstones; as so a hand writing clumsily, escape Yellowstone, get into Georgia's/Africa's Atlantic, coast!
-How since the book of Mat 24/ book Revelation is US/World soil period inundated with these earth ending forewarnings; so aren't we just talking such cataclysms no longer pending, but come? Take heed, all first born's repent, Ps 51, or suffer as well second death, Rev 20, beware, God Is! Apb

Sunday, March 29, 2020

Scatter Them, I Will Send My 2010, Reaper, Bearing Sword Like Syringes After Them! Eze 5, God

Prophecy Links Fulfilling, Like in Jesus day, you can call it thunder or the voice of God, but when Americans cried, Trump make America Great again; Holy Heavens cried back, but yours America is a nuclear fate! Apb

Article, [Trump, Pence join 700 pastors in prayer call during coronavirus outbreak] http://va.topbuzz.com/al/kSjSke, (they want Easter Back, instead the hearing "Britain, America, Separate Them Into Itty, bitty pieces; smiling faces don't last, wipe Canada from the map! Rev Bk God, 2005...Ah, RUN!

...Scatter Them, I Will Send My 2010, Reaper, Bearing Sword Like Syringes After Them! Eze 5, God...

    -I often say, God Is So Angry At These People, look, Eze 9 grim reapers, bearing sword like syringes, took their tell all hearts, even while they finally stampeded, away!

Is Your Telling Heart Lambs Book Of Records, Written or Stricken?

-Turning His Throne back at them, IS GOD ANGRY AY HUMANITY? More than the days of Noah is Rev 18, God angry, making us a Noah's Cousin, ELE'S, nuclear, natural, NEO'S. This final spiritual warfare, until there's a Rev 12 Michael battling a star wars overhead. Just as of hundreds of thousands, perhaps millions amassing of the military in the middle east
-Biblically, seeming a revisit Holy God claims this cataclysmic end of such the Armageddon. ELI forewarn through the Psalmist, Psalm 2, asking why do Kings and heathen rage? So I ask you if God so loves the world, here lately, Jan (2018), shown, Rev 17:14 Jesus Husband in your riches to rags sickbeds and sleepovers.
-Even months back Feb (2020), Noah's day Bride of normalcy bias given running shoes for broken red heels, told to run away, SLEEP AT THE ALTAR/VOTING BOOTH! Actually as far back as Dec 3, 2017, THEY stampeded those elephants of keeping American refugees so unaware, RUN AWAY.
-Then when the crystal heavens did crystallize, shattered and rain down in huge shards, it unveil two Godzilla's beast, one Egypt's Sobek, of whats keeping such delusions of American dreaming; just See here, Rev 9/ www.thephoenix1012.blogspot.com.
-I can tell you, the end of the world stretching, The American Dream has been ebbing and flowing. Let's say this prophetic ministry since the LIVE Spring Rapture April 2, 16/17, 1986-2019/2026. So surrealistic doomsday Passovers and for over three decades their various compilations/ complications.
-Still, as Psalm 2 Holy God ask, why do the heathen rage and their Kings gather themselves against the Lord? Did they ever know, weren't they ever told, West Rule systems would cataclysmically end; did they ever, ever pray God's Kingdom come from heaven, as heaven in its place? Beware, God Is, Apb, www.intrepiddream2001.blogspot.com

Prophecy Links Fulfilling, Sunlight Atlas, (Atlantis/Atlantic),Comet Plows Toward Us!

-Hearing, The Saying, "It's The Antichrist Murderer," Even the Bride reigning in heaven prepped to toss into all Psalm 2/Rev 20, rebellion, a Dan 2 stone, cut out without hands, which had the surface of a meteor! Run, you all know where, Beware, God Is! Apb, www.invasionofpeace2017.blogspot.com

Article, [Pope Francis Prays In Empty St. Peter's Square In Hauntingly Moving Images] http://va.topbuzz.com/al/jsZcre

Prophecy Links Fulfilling

Article, [Trump, Pence join 700 pastors in prayer call during coronavirus outbreak] http://va.topbuzz.com/al/jcQcre


    -This would be Jesus telling Jerusalem how often their biblical Savior made flesh, would have brought and held them together. I guess, like those capturing us up ballooning clouds to healing wings, but they would not. Beware, they wouldn't see Him again until they cry blessed is HE would come in God's Elohim Name. 

-Catching a glimpse of Rome's Pope just now finished praying against predicted world pandemic. So admirably kissing the feet of a stone cold, Jesus, statue, along this crying, reaping, HIS BLOOD BE UPON US AND OUR CHILDREN!
-I once, found myself, actually kissing blessed flesh and blood, Jesus' feet. This was  before I was brought up to see, amazingly, Holy Lamb of God keeping this very promise to HIS Jerusalem. 
-Men eaters, world enders, Gog and Magog armies yet giving the third left chase, and THEY ALL arriving so almightily. Mt Olivet, perhaps Georgia's/Africa's Atlantic. Amazing grace, all doing here a Moses deliverer Red sea and spit in two, this great valley, this King of kings doomsday pass over, Israel's, BLESSED MOTHER'S, end day escape, but after the thousands years were finished, beware, God Is, Apb, see here, https://phearsonreganachristmascarol.blogspot.com/2020/03/prophecy-links-fulfilling-hearing-march.html, how it's all ending, prophetically, Apb

Article, [NYC school principal dies from coronavirus] http://va.topbuzz.com/al/evUUre

Article, ['It can kill anyone': 'Perfectly healthy' Texas father-of-six, 44, dies from coronavirus just two days after he tested positive] http://va.topbuzz.com/al/emRSce ( A for once kindergarten teacher, perfectly healthy devastated wife say. I explained the F for fornication school curriculum and though ex-President Obama repented Col Gaddafi, assassination; to resend legalizing same gender perversion gonna take some seriousness of  pounding voting booths into repentant altars for sleep apologizing. 
-Again now legalized F for Fornication to Rev book prescribed whormongering , this since forever genocide of the Genesis, man, marriage, Holy Spirit regard children, especially like Kobe's daughter and sports mate. Those most endangered, again human genocide, their own, come, the most endangered species, are such perverted parents, pending, perverted children! 
-Until I saw early to late (2019), both  an activated red alert ten yr old old boy, to a type of biblical, a  Memphis grandma, Rose of Sharon/America's, imminent exodus, shift shape into a native, African boy, no more both African and American, only African! Get it, get Jesus, get out! 

Prophecy Links Fulfilling, Like in Jesus day, you can call it thunder or the voice of God, but when Americans cried, Trump make America Great again; Holy Heavens cried back, but yours America is a nuclear fate! Apb

"Britain, America, Separate Them Into Itty, bitty pieces; smiling faces don't last, wipe Canada from the map! Rev Bk God, 2005


Article, [70 million people in the US are under a severe weather threat that includes tornadoes and hail] http://va.topbuzz.com/al/dZZkke

Article, [Tracking Severe Weather
You Tube, mrmbb333, https://youtu.be/HWJGQEWHB-k 

The single, blocking out the sky, word, WEATHER!

Article, [He caught COVID-19 on a cruise ship. His family had to say goodbye over speakerphone] http://va.topbuzz.com/al/dphUre

     -Extremely obvious monster weather (2005), to be honest with especially western tourism targeted, seems lately all world wide cruise ships have come pending last ships to ghost ships. Although the free world, American dreaming are always the last to get the memo. 
-Let's say since before Katrina into the for over a year worst hurricane season ever, 2017-2019, US, Western soil. There's the rearranging Florida Mexico beach Michael, even a Yutu, showing how easily it's done, both California/ Canada/ even Memphis to be no more, YUTU wiped an uninhabited Hawaii Island off the map. 
-It is I been warning about Pres Trump's everything being followed by sudden destruction, backfiring, even as as to boomerang. Here lately his Kushner offered up the  middle eastern deal of the century and as if they have a license to kill, they don't, they bombed Iran, one of this peace offering, Daniel 9:27, affiliates, sudden destruction follows.
-Then his Pompeo, spend an allotment of time making cease fires with the Taliban and only days later broken by US military and next we know COVID-19 stands the globe, auto fuel, a tug of black gold having killed billions can't be given away. 
-Then this hearing that the elite setting a depopulation protocol and is off to safe haven, its damning get way, I say its damning getaway, just say all goodbyes, for at a speed of Rev 20, God's blink. Just see the flooring of Astronomers, alone, this firing toward us sunlight comet!
-This revisited upon US soil, lost city of Atlantis; this Atlantic ocean, into Africa's coast blessed escape? March 3, (2019), Sunlight Comic Atlas, impacting by May 29, (2020) such murderers no more planet earth, sea nor universe; the only as blessed Blaexit, asca Briexit God as a Noah's Cousin come has formulated, is Jordan's Petra to US Georgia's, Africa's, Atlantic.
-Soon I awake Aug 5, 2019, from seeing the word disappeared frozen as on all HD, 5G and Social Media. Eerily like its the last thing reported before it all went silent as God's Heaven 30 minutes suspended. 
-Fret not, trust, delight, and commit, God Will! Dec 24/25, 2001, I witnessed the Bride by a doomsday Passover and West Rule, by a fiery doomsday judgment, simultaneously disappear off the planet, with post-apocalyptic West Rule to face even greater its total extinction. 
-So question, is COVID-19, just months later, Aug 5th prediction, standing the globe still, the first wave of all catastrophic removal? Desolation's, predicted, now come, is the Coronavirus the predicted backward letter C even the pale horse pandemic, a mass die off, even making all Rev Holies ascended, descended hearts like wax it is melting into the bowls of Elohim's, Christ's cross bearing, bleeding heart!? Beware, God Is! Apb

Saturday, March 28, 2020

I commented, God is also the author of the book of Revelation! Need I say more? What is Seattle Washington now, since this Jan (2020), prediction, a sea of COVID-19, trembling, right, right!?

Prophecy Links Fulfilling

Article, [70 million people in the US are under a severe weather threat that includes tornadoes and hail] http://va.topbuzz.com/al/dZZkke

Article, [Tracking Severe Weather
You Tube, mrmbb333, https://youtu.be/HWJGQEWHB-k

-This Monster Event, Which Remind Me Pastor,  I thought so weird, Jan (2020), I got the blocking out the sky, single word, WEATHER! I also got, for a third time since 2012/2013, 5 more disasters. Lest I forget these are the area map, Jan 23-29, (2018), Rev 10, Mighty Angel said be just as aware
-That would be, US/Hawaii/Canada and now an announced Aug 7th, (2019), 101 Yellowstone's, all pending volcanic apocalypse! RUN! You know where, Jordan's Petra or Georgia/Africa's Atlantic, Apb, The RAM!

Beware, Apb,

Prophecy Links Fulfilling, 
Hearing March 6, (2020), what could be the revisited 40  Day Prior to Bridegroom Jesus Ascension, Now The Holy Bride, Ascends, Beware, Spring, April, 2/16/17, Again Apostle, Prophet, Evangelist, Pastor and Teacher THEY call me, saith beware! Apb

Beware, Jer 37:8, EZEKIEL 8/9, Daniel 9-12, Rev 17:16-18, God Is, Aware That Is, Apb

Prophecy Links Fulfilling Stop! A Commenter Said To Me!

-Holy God, Laying the members in the church as it hath pleased HIM, Eventually Sealing My Visiting Holy Spirit, Ordination, And I Gave Some Apostles, Prophets, Evangelist, Pastors and Teachers, Until A Perfect Man, ....Jesus Christ, Reign!
-I Said, From Behind a Mountain, God's Back turn Throne, Son/Sunlight Of God sent me, I'm sorry, who're you? Stop seeing, hearing, knowing, like your stone useless gods, and rebellious creatures? Take blinders off, unplug your ears, ignore your distractive elephants/Noah's day Brides for a time. Mark this reveal, Apb, STOP reading behind Apostle Patrica Bradford, THEY call me, you already know! Apb

Commentor quoted, at me, my reveal Jan (2020), I got Seattle Washington   

     -God is not the author of confusion, but of peace” (1 Corinthians 14:33).

-I commented, God is also the author of the book of Revelation! Need I say more? What is Seattle Washington now, since this Jan (2020), prediction, a sea of COVID-19, trembling, right, right!? Prophetic reveal is love, (thus New Testament writings called, Epistles Of Love), like Jesus love unconditional, when will y'all ever get it, please don't be in hell's hindsight when you do! Beware, Apb, see here,

http://lordurusalem.blogspot.com/2010/12/maaseiah-xxvii.htmlsay hell in hindsight, even retrograde... Apb  

Hearing 2017, "Kill All Parents By, Finish All School!"

[43 people fall ill at Pentecostal church after revival, 10 test positive for coronavirus] http://va.topbuzz.com/al/kdmske

1996, I Am am Going To Destroy America! Thus Saith Back Turn Throne God! Apb

Article, [Pope Francis invites world to join unison prayer during outbreak] http://va.topbuzz.com/al/UQsSke

Article, [Trump, Pence join 700 pastors in prayer call during coronavirus outbreak] http://va.topbuzz.com/al/kSjSke

Article, [Georgia pastor calls for 90 days of fasting, prayer to get through pandemic] http://va.topbuzz.com/al/SjdSke

All God's, Adam's, Noah's, Abraham's' And The Genesis Woman Seed, Jesus, Make This Thunderous Report Go Viral, Blessed Are Hearers And Doers, Blessed, Briexit to Blaexit Here! 

     -Holy God, especially at these times have a gazillion at a time prayers rising unto him, only early morning, (1987), while I groomed myself in the mirror, said mirror took on a live vision, showing God himself, had taken up his throne and turn it's back throne at us, I did what'd miraculously learned to do, I felled on my knees and I prayed, I interceded he not give up on us, but give us just another chance.

   -Actually that intercession could be why, by May 15, 2004, when I witnessed Daniel's to Jesus's gospel Angel Gabriel come, I was not a happy camper. I was so disappointed God yet had to go to such extremes. anyway, the church I attend at the time, I did this at times, only when I tried to bring Jesus and the working of the Holy spirit into congregations of men. Anyway once a thriving church, has reduced to the counting of members on your fingers pastor then, like Pope and all western pastor right now, call for a three day fast and prayer.

     -I've confessed during a 21 day fast 2013, that landed me in heaven and all mass assembly was suggested they again fall in love with God, Jesus is knocking, knocking and knocking. Doing this earlier fast, put the memory of King David phenom prayer of repentance to memory. If those of you don't know, King David conspired against one of his generals to his death so he could take his wife, this blasphemous intercourse gave us King Solomon, but not before he and she suffered as Joseph's Jacob!

     -Three days later, all his spent members meet for prayer, when it come my turn, now remember these are the penance words of Father Abraham's and Israel own King of kings, so, kneel at pews as we all where. I began to pray, now we're talking 19 verses,(Ps 71 says we are a wonder to many, but you God are our stronghold), I record only 17. I as moved to do the same when Father Swaaggart, my own to Timothy, Apostle Paul, when he come before the world confessing he'd sinned against God, and thus against them, anyway if we don't forgive men their trespasses God, won't forgive us ours.

-So into my prayer closet, for him this remarkable prayer as well, praying, "have mercy upon us, O God, according to thy lovingkindness: according unto the multitude of thy tender mercies blot out our transgressions. Wash us throughly from our iniquity, and cleanse us from sin.

     -For we acknowledge our transgressions: and our sins are ever before us. Against thee, thee only, (FATHER), have we sinned, and done this evil in thy sight: that thou mightiest be justified when thou speakest, and be clear when thou judgest.
Behold, we were shapen in iniquity; and in sin did our parents conceive us, ( all born sin, all first born's die, repent or perish)! Behold, thou desirest truth in the inward parts: and in the hidden part thou shalt make us to know wisdom.

     -Purge us with hyssop, and we shall be clean: wash us, and shall be whiter than snow. Make us to hear joy and gladness; that the bones which thou hast broken may rejoice. Hide thy face from our sins, and blot out all our iniquities.
Create in us a clean heart, O God; and renew a right spirit within us.

     -Cast us not away from thy presence; and take not thy holy spirit from us. Restore unto us the joy of thy salvation; and uphold us with thy free spirit. Then will I teach transgressors thy ways; and sinners shall be converted unto thee. Deliver us from bloodguiltiness, O God, thou God of our salvation: and our tongue shall sing aloud of thy righteousness. O Lord, open thou our lips; (when faithful prayers, turn to hallelujah praise and street marches), and our mouth shall shew forth thy praise. For thou desirest not sacrifice, (multitudinous heartless churches, prayers), else would we give it: thou delightest not in burnt offering. The sacrifices of God are a broken spirit: a broken and a contrite heart, O God, thou wilt not despise... AMEN!

When Two or More or A Globe, Are Gathered In My Name

The Candlelight of Pete Buttiege, https://preeceeboneebele1986-2016.blogspot.com/2020/03/i-admit-i-felt-sorrow-hearing-hed.html, (Ezekiel 36:26, a new heart also will I give you, and a new spirit will I put within you: and I will take away the stony heart out of your flesh, and I will give you an heart of flesh; it then make sense, that when of the 24 Elders, Prophet Ezekiel showed me behind three tested doors, I witness Sunlight, God, Back Turn Throne, as Surgically remove the old hearts of pending end time laborers, I watch old heart best away in his hand, he made them new, returning, a heart of Jesus's Christ, Cross, beware, God Is! Apb

   A New Heart I Will Give You, I will Take Away the Old Heart Out Of Your Flesh! Be Ye transformed By The Renewing Of Your Heart, Thus saith Apostle Paul! 

     -I probably don't have to tell it was as though these people heard from God Himself, the church return to normal and the greater. I, still only months old in Christ, I was assigned the next pulpit message, this time, King Solomon's dedication of his new temple, and Holy God, responding back. Now I'm standing my first Podium message, sharing God's, who's not mocked by mass assembly and there shall be a falling away, and I'm sure we're right there...  Holy Father of Heaven said, back to Americans crying Trump make America great again, "your is a nuclear fate! Until Jesus reign, said to be wisest man to world leader all this earth, king of kings Solomon, hearing Holy God response, here, also from memory, II Chron 7:14, 15!

-"If my people, which are called by my name, shall humble themselves and pray and seek my face, AND TURN FROM THEIR WICKED WAYS! Rev, 9, during worst tribulation ever, said you refuse to turn from the works of yours hands, that they should not worship devils, and idols of gold, and silver, and brass, and stone, and of wood: which neither can see, nor hear, nor walk: Neither repented you of your murders, nor of their sorceries, nor of your fornication, nor of you thefts, so if moneyed elites are by  deign transits, escaping all these evils come upon the earth, they their target, they're also stealing away at your blessed exodus, go and see Holy Father, Rev 6, 6th and Rev 20, response

     -Again Back Turn Throne Gone is saying, by your penance prayer, only then when HE hear you from heaven, only then will His Eyes be opened, (only then will HE turn HIS Throne back into us,them). I went from this amazing, holy Ghost anointed message to tell all of them of the phenomenon of actually having descended holy spirits sleeping at your, my house, Forming and transforming me as suggested into every form of Jesus Christ, scripturally, even greater, works, Jesus said,

-Even before all this unspeakable reveal, one of theirs, like a religious leader Nicodemus, come visit me, here now basking and basking in all of Heavens Glory come down into me, us even, again phenomena! "Then you were a disciple, now you are an apostle!" Wait, wait, what? Talk about Peter hitting on the brakes of Jesus like a slave preparing a wash, washing his feet, saying no way Lord...

-I'm sorry, I have Rev Holies, literally living with me, Jesus of Resurrection, arriving with healing wings. Holy He too, had just appeared in heaven to me, three times told me yo come; seven years later, I would realize I did ascend with Him, once it's Holy Places I  was hand off to the Prophet Ezekiel, showing three time tested doors and all that surreal. But I couldn't, wouldn't fathom, nor would any of these for decades ministering staff, pulpits to congregations.

-Heaven's own visiting Host, saying, I'm straightforward, the ordination, like the original 12, I was now a foundational Apostle.  Indescribably the more,  chosen and groomed by a winged Jesus, Himself.  I guess you can say for days and days that's when it plenty of confusion of even ballooning clouds, some say wings, of capturing all us  righteous, skyrocketing upward o Jesus,  yeah I actually experienced and witnessed that as well

-Hence, my argument, they, Jesus Holy Apostles, they were here a long time ago, try near two millennia now, they been dead and gone since, remember it's only been months since I got saved. Poured out it's Rom 12:1, 2, heart/heavenfelt prayer, it's stunning prayer closet. Ask Holy God to send me into you, took a visit to heaven with Jesus, who, who, actually look like Father God, again, confusing. So is trying to take everything preachers preach from God's Holy Word bring it into their own mass assembly, so as Apostles's Epistles of love say, be careful how you build upon another man's form of his own, righteousness, and now rightly tell you,  woe, woe, woe!.     

Getting Cary Elwes That Linked Up To UK Westminster, ( as western ministers) Now Gone Under Noah's Cousin Flooding/COVID-19 damning travel bans; Is like getting two a decade apart Wisconsin, For Asteroid, Possibly The Spending Toward US Sunlight of Atlas Comet, "the hearing, 2008/09/2018/2019, "Asteroid Destroy West Constantly Sinning!

2017, Kill All, (First Born),  Parents By, FINISH AL SCHOOLS!

     -Last I heard from Holy Spirits concerning these error church leaders, their error followers, I'm sitting my sofa, folding clothes, watching tv. Holy one as so often come into my ear, herein I quote, "somebody need to tell them, somebody need to warn them: holy he repeats, "somebody need to tell them; somebody need to warn them, get ye to repentant altars of Jesus Christ, a darkness is coming; behold, that was 1998, so over two decades at present!

    -Over Thirty spring rapture demos, apparently the only way God, God's Back Turn Throne is ever again gonna hear world prayers, if all Popes, Imam's, Presidents, Politicians, Pastors and even parents, according to each world nation time zone. Herein united, they're to devise a time, when they too can stand the globe still, by everyone. Just you remember it's own time zone, stop whatever, wherever and with all heart, mind, soul and religion, as in all Father Abraham's Adamic Children to nephew Lots, pray our King of kings David penance prayer, Psalm 51, according to Elohim, it's the only time he will again, hear you, see you and as so rescue you!

-Though it's every formation of Western Civilization must decease, whore and beast separated, the Bride's escape, West Rule Blaexit and Ancient Beast rule. Amazing Grace, how sweet the sound, your heaven-felt prayer, you'll be with King Bridegroom THEM, when New Jerusalem, New, White, Holy House, It's descending Planet X, new Earth, Heavens and solar system. Unspeakably, just as promised and prayed again, descend down from the Father of lights, who Jesus of resurrection look just like, Apostle THEY call me tell you, with Holy His Eternal Kingdom Come, following, by April 2/16/17, 3026, before, God Is, Apb

Satan's Most Hated Biblical Promise, Whosoever Shall Call Upon The Name Of The Lord Shall Be Saved,  Now His Most First Hated Holy Scripture, Your Most Memorized, For God So Loved The World, That He Gave His Only Begotten Son, That Whoever Believeth In Him, (As Lord) Shall Not Perish, But Have Everlasting Life! 
     -Heretofore in pending Obama's 2008, in reverse the sea of refugees I witnessed pour and pour into Africa's coast; the sea of refugees Trump's 2018, both of these world leads are behold their blessed exodus.  Those stampeding 101, Yellowstone, I witnessed pour and pour by auto loads into Georgia's Atlantic, now Royal Bridegroom, Royals Bride and Royal Priesthood, Rev 12, Second heaven intercessions, miraculously are those apostle John witnessed now washed and made white, by the blood of Lamb Jesus, here pouring a multicultural number, Rev 7, John prescribed, no man could number, into God's, Jesus, Throne, Bosom! Beware, Apb   

  -And these are the descendants of the beauty rescued from the hands of the beast: Beast Of Beauty Featuring Lakeside Pier Swanson and Evolent de' Rossi

THE UNENDING LOVE ANTIDOTE ...The African Juttah Infinite Genealogy

1986-2016/2026/3026,God's Kingdom Reign, 

     -Unto Lakeside, Pier Swanson and Evolent de' Rossi, was born triplets sons, Aleph ben Jermaine Swanson, Daleth ben Jacob Swanson and Teth Iod Judah de' Rossi and a daughter, Lamed, Samech Swanson, de' Rossi

10:59, 7:17, thirty minutes into America's complete extinction, no more western rule this planet , www.layasiege2016.blogspot.com

I Will Go My Way To The Mountain Of Myrrh And To The Hill Of Frankincense.
                                                       Scene VIII 

     Inhaling deep as to calmly exhale awake, first thing, was his Giant of a father leaning over him, startling him, surely something wasn't right. "There's been a 10.2 earthquake, the West Pacific Canada, what? Raising confusingly into his elbows, ingesting hard, not believing what he was hearing, seeing, "what, father, what, am I dreaming? Not dreaming, we got to go son, this major, major quake has fractured all the more, the highly active areas along the US West Pacific, they're saying it's going, so son are we,  ...just as sia Maaseiah warn, a 10.2, earthquake, what? That dern Maaseiah again, if you Lakeside son believe in her so such, then why didn't you join your friends who went Southeast for 'Spring Break? (Thinking: because I couldn't leave you): "Everything is ready, get some breakfast in you, and we son, you said pack and prepare as though we're going on one of my long, wilderness excursions, right? Right father, father, if a boil egg is fractured how many points of entry, of invasions would it then have? That son would be according to the extent of the damage, but said invasion would be incalculable, now imagined that's the earth right now, all four elements with chaotic intent and the fifth dad is the anger of God raining extinction levels down from heaven, not since the days of Noah itself. Then Lake son, you are describing a scenario that will end this earth, let alone this nation, just Dad as Jesus said, heaven and earth will pass away, the entire book of Revelation is given to it. Let alone so many early to present day prophets, let me guess son, including this Maaseiah of yours, why father, why do you hate her so much? I don't hate her, I have God in my life, having God in your life and having God in your heart is not the same, it's only a form of godliness, that apostasy Jesus warn of the religious leaders. How soon son can you be ready? I want to be on the highway before thousands of others, don't you father mean millions of others? Now son, now you are dreaming, I got everything we need in case the worse happens, man, I just spend all that money on this place, yes father, like all Americans and Westerners building your artificial 
leopard skin treasures upon the most fractured zone this planet as this chaotic planet earth. Only father we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but ancient beast reign that has come, factored in with God pouring out of His wine-press ...and I assume son that's not good?" As the two tighten two mountain bikes in place, fishing rods, everything needed, so everything but the kitchen sink; "God's wine-press, along a calculation of the horses' bridle, is said, to measure some 175 miles of martyred blood, ...now son, you know that's an incalculable amount, yes, even that Maaseiah's witness of the prophet Jeremiah, being given a US General's war horse, all the more verifies this unthinkable death toll, possibly father in total to some two quarters of the earth's inhabitants   ...hey, hey, hey,  son, son, you might not want to hear that broadcast, what dad? One of the largest quakes ever the US West Pacific and as usual, only a couple people are dead? More than that son, how much more dad, a dozen, okay, okay, a couple hundred? How Lakeside, son about, well. they're predicting Canada's death toll alone could far surpass the Indian ocean 2004, earthquake, tsunami that took two hundred thousand lives as they were nothing, including your mother and six of her friends. It's gone son, it and hundreds of thousands, possibly millions of others, I'm so sorry dad, ...no, I'm sorry son for doubting you and your, this Maaseiah, whoever he, she is. I read behind Maaseiah once father, she said just as Jesus was describing to the early disciples the worse that's to happen as the end of the world into His  second Return, He was describing God again cataclysmically making the earth as He Wills it. How earth's inhabitants make this process even more arduous refusing to come into the end time ark that is Jesus until it's all but finish. Explaining further, she said, Elohim created the first Adam and gave him the garden of eden into the promise of a woman seed. How He created the second Adam, the woman seed fulfilled and granted him the cursed fate of the fallen Adam, awarding him a decision making of  Gethsemane's garden, death by this world's pleasures or by men's blood reconciliation? She said now, the woman seed fulfillment, God is now granting Lord Israel and Lord Urusalem, a paradise this earth, a Paradisiacal era father is what will happen, the moment this host of heaven sat its feet again atop mount Olivet. For it is written, these ancient regions are to cleave father into a far reaching this planet phenomena graceland unspeakable in description whereas if you  had a thousand years, yet pending  a new Jerusalem. That is as of God's Kingdom descending, will reign, eternally as this authentic peace on earth, so father, all this time, all man had to do is rest first in Abraham's bosom now lead, that's ascended right in Jesus, Christ heirship, so a marriage supper into mansions in heaven, that is now a predestine one thousand year invasion of peace on earth. 'Ah my, christ, father!" As to show mouth covering awe, but with the streets, the highways down to mimal traffic, no more than a work day appearance, seeing this infraction of God's forewarnings, was staggering as to heart gripping alone. "What you think son, you think they just didn't get the message? You can count those escaping on one hand, father, father look at me," just as they come to a stop, so dramatic, chunks of highlighted curls, light caramel skin, as smooth, flawless as a baby's, perfect, artist features and those as his moms, light eyes, jet setting, piercing right into his father's. "I ask you again, am I dreaming this? No, this prove son that these people are incorrigible in their rebellion, as this son refusal to save themselves, even their entire houses, are you at all son sure we're both, not dreaming this, is this Maaseiah's slow motion exodus as you call it?" Witnessed upon as to wipe his cheek, his chin, even wondering if his wife, Lakeside's mother had gotten such a warning, would she still be alive right now? But, as Jesus has warn, surely now this curse, these two thousand years now, she, with hundreds of thousands of others, and now Canada, so with the entire West Pacific fractured in all likeness. Easily, they're talking from the San Andres, to the Cascadia subduction zone, the most regretted to mention, a possible mega eruption at yellowstone, and just as so, the single, earthquake zone. The secrets of Memphis, that one that has produced the largest earthquakes Us soil, the New Madrid, in reality, like those here, she possibly would've sheltered in place and as fellow Americans sealed her fate. "Dad, I'm okay son, ah, though I hate to ask, what did your Maaseiah predict for these areas? You sure you want me to say? A witness as his father, inhaled, wiped all the better, of even kicking himself, that he'd allowed he and his only son, their only son, to remain in this manner of danger. "I read father, she heard it commanded, like the commanded reapers of Prophet Ezekiel's day, that Canada be wipe from the map, that's America and Britain be separated into itty, bitty pieces, and talked often about how speedily it all happen. She dad, even called it, a Noah's cousin into a Moses day exodus, so much so when she heard Senator, not president Obama declared, 'the one," she saw it as him being declared a Moses deliverer more so than a Mohammad of an Antichrist. It would seem of what she saw, as in father she was shown this, that the whole US west pacific was gone, as in it was nowhere to be found, ...coupled that son, with what Seismologist and Volcanologist been warning and warning and warning along these now historic with activity, with earthquakes and volcano eruptions, areas, how many son, how many predicted to die? Not only that father, but it is that today, March 7th 2018, mark's a tenth day, thanksgiving 2017 awarded matrix ten day count, ...matrix, as in the movie? Yes sir, Maaseiah say it mean, God is asking the first Adam's lineage, are we all these many millennials living in a post apocalyptic era from Egypt to the Roman Empire we now call the American Dream? Father! fearing him bursting into a cry, pulling the car alongside the road, devastated as he was of news of Lakeside's mother, only this was guilt, the guilt of all of them knowing and just going on as though troubles, now extinction level were all honky, dory, especially they being Americans. Then what? Their replacing an old, perfect dangerous man, with yet another perfect, dangerous man, all while losing a handle on Jesus, the perfect man, Bridegroom, these tremendous errors, for which Maaseiah heard in her hearing, 'smiling faces don't last, wipe Canada from the map.'  "Dad,  ...ah, dad!" Leaping out of the car, fastening upon and grabbing his father into a hug, both their shoulders, their necks,, with father thinking how tall his son was now, no doubt this heart to mind reader; though was it apparent his father's breakdown was deeply about this horrible circumstance that was for years now left of a loving wife and mother. "Maybe dad everybody else are just flash blinded and shell shock right now, I mean how many times did I ask you whether I'm dreaming? And I heard these predictions fathers only hours after Sia Maaseiah, received them, all the young nuptial to prenuptial dorm did, ...the dream son, that made her think, as a battered Israel is to get to Petra, all refugee America's are to get into the southeast, into the many shores of Africa, tell me about that? We need to get back to the car father, get out of these areas, not only if we're to live, but if we're to persuade others with our obedient-trust and faithfulness, tell me, I'm right behind you. Sia Maaseiah explained to my class that day, how when she woke that morning, and her grands were just gone, just nowhere to be found, and how heart sickening. Father, she said she knew why it happen, she herself procrastinating escape, she knew immediately it was the Jesus' husband in her dream who'd taken them. That when she went to reach them, to contact him, she located instead the only one of her granddaughters, a Princess Ni Be we, she called her, who'd relocated into the southeast coast of America and that's were those of  hers were like a thief in the night taken to as a safe haven and just as soon, the Bride's escape was just as imminent. A divine rescue she now father compared to when guardian angels delivered Father Abraham's nephew Lot and family out of imminent danger, of the sky itself raining down upon them, the same father Abraham who was granted to father the entire human family, just reconsider that reveal alone and a sky Maaseiah equally say crash down upon us. So, a Jesus' husband? A type of Christ of resurrection, she explains in her dreams, it's her husband, but it's the Christ of resurrection as well, it make scene, seeing father the righteous, escaping church is referred to as the Bride. As so, making Lord Israel, the Bridegroom, so you see father, Sia Maaseiah didn't create this scenario, as THEY named the church the Bride, THEY named the Christ, the A Jesus' Husband. I brought both of the tanks son," pulling them both into a filling station, admittedly one that should be overrun with back to back customers, waiting this line upon line, but not even close, business as normal, or is that, business as a normalcy bias? With Lakeside Pier Swanson, further thinking, it was nothing less that Maaseiah's prophesied, slow motion exodus, "this is Maaseiah's slow motion exodus, look son, I brought them both, we will fill them both, I'll go pay, and you can tell me about this Maaseiah thing when we're again on our way, you need to go son? No dad, not yet; {{{hello, what, you guys are still sleep? Father and I are on the road, we're finally escaping, ...escaping, escaping to where? Wake up Caleb, wake up your entire house, it has happen, what, Pier man, what has happen, Canada, by a 10.2 earthquake, has been wiped off the math, just as Maaseiah predicted. "What, am I still sleep, dreaming?" Wake the heck up! I'm at a filing station filling up two huge drums right now, wake up Caleb, and get your family out of there, right now Caleb! Look, it's like Maaseiah' slow motion exodus out here, but the more people realize, the more they take note, the more streets are gonna be filled and more and more people are gonna be angry, desperate, fighting and killing one another, get out of there now! I'll call you back later, get out! ....Aid, Aid man wake up, Pier just called, said whatever Maaseiah predicted, just happen to Canada, is about to happen to this whole area, we got to go, wake, Halde, I'll reach mom and dad, where are they anyway?  Only Cay on that anniversary cruise we just send them on, ..get up! Pier said highways are gonna get really bad, we need to get out before they do, grab our stuff and get your sister, okay, okay, I'm going, wait, where are we going, really, is that another of your trick questions? Pier. wake, look mom and dad being on a cruise, is that good or bad? This earthquake, was it followed by a Tsunami warning? Pier said nothing about it, that's crazy, they answer, they tell you hold for a rep, music plays and then it ends the call. I'll keep trying, you get us out of this house in ten minutes tops, got you, got you. I'm glad we'll already dressed, yeah starting to sleep in our clothes is a good ideal;  {{{"ah thank God, I'm trying to reach my parents, it's urgent, it's Vincent and Doris Marjorie, no, no, I won't, no message, I need to speak with them directly, why aren't their comy's working? Hel, hello, hello, ah Jesus is Christ!"}}}, "Jesus, yes Jesus, please help me, please help me, {{{"don't hang up, don't hang up, yes, I was holding for the Majories, I'm their son Caleb, we have an emergency at home, please, please, it's a matter of life, ..mom? Hey, it's me, no Caleb, did you all hear about Canada's quake? Yes honey, they just informed us, told us we had nothing to worry about, which instead son caused us to worry. You to need to exit the next dock, and you and dad get to the southeast coast, wait, wait, where are you guys? We're coming upon the Virgin Islands, is that good enough son? Son? Mom, hello, mom!}}} "Ah god Jesus help me, see after my parents, ah, make them okay, make them safe,  ...okay Cay man, I got Halde, we're out the door. I called Mrs, Morrison and the others, I warn the dorm about what Pier said about the highways soon come themselves a death trap,  ...okay, okay then brother, then we're out,  ...mom said they're about to dock, the Virgin Island, she asked Aid man was that good enough? And then we lost contract, don't worry, God's grace will intervene, I just feel it, we got to go! Who is that pulling up behind us? That's, that's Evolent, Evolent, here? Now I know I'm dreaming, hey you guys, I got your message, you got our message? Yes, when you alerted the dorm, can I come? Get in quickly, we're out of time, I so fear Maaseiah's 99 bowls of molten lava, and the sky crystallizing and falling is the same thing, as a mega volcano eruption, even world stretching, like Yellowstone and America is no more. You sure Aid man you got everything? I got exactly what we packed, good, that's so good." Why speak In Parables?  For they sat the Lord Seeth Us not, the Lord is ascended from the earth! Beware, Apb 

Prophecy Links Fulfilling 

2007, Thus Saith Eze 9 God, The Dying Of Schools Is Painful, Go Down to the middle school, (tjose students not yet the age of accountability), and cast a stone; only now realizing its reference to predicted, raining down, NEO'S.

Article, [VIRAL] COVID-19 Kills Daughter 24 Hours After Killing Father! Is The Virus Killing Faster Than Expected?] http://va.topbuzz.com/al/UmFwke

-This is the pandemic of death you can't pray away, you can only by faith die and ascend. This is why so many were offended hearing I woke June 26, (2017), two years Jesus Husband escape, Georgia or Heaven? Only to the tune of, "get ye to repentant altars, God is avenging martyred blood!"

-Since Christ Cross until now. easily what withheld such imminent death and dying until now, like the curse of death on steroids. Everybody dies, first born by second death, reborn, new born, like Jesus, by blessed death. 
-Explaining the blessed to wise suggestion get ye to repentant altars, God is avenging martyred blood! This is where Jesus say no first born lives, except for the elect sake! God, Jesus, even the lineage of biblical patriotics made covenants and promises.
-When I said the Daniel 12, man in linen grace period finaled with President Obama. Then having Pres Trump to enter as with Ancient beast rule, the aligning He and his with men eaters and earth enders, Gog and Magog. 
-Virtually meaning no more doomsday passovers bringing up back to the ultimate suggestion, repent or perish! Did I say any in blessed exodus, Georgia's/Africa's Atlantic are counted as righteous. You're by Eze 9 reapers, with sword like syringes one strike your telling heart, ascended, RUN, you know where.
-I know it sound like Jan 13, 2018, Rev 2 Jesus, saying even to abominable, riches to rags, Americans to Churchians. Fear none of those things which thou shalt suffer, ye shall have tribulation ten days, (actual doomsday, every 10th day since Nov, Thankxs, ( 2017): be thou faithful unto death, and I will give thee a crown of life.
-This anti beast's mark intercession, Christ Lord descended into second heaven; now Holy Bride its ascension. Holy Lords lately said just as taking beast's mark can no question ask land you the eternal lakes of fire. The crown of life, usher you no courts, judges to inquiries, the Kingdom of Heaven! Beware, Apb

Prophecy Links Fulfilling, Prophetic Parables

     -Hearing, The Saying, It's The Antichrist Murderer, Even the Bride reigning in heaven prepped a Dan 2 stone, cut out without hands, which had the surface of a meteor! Run, you all know where, Beware, God Is! Apb, www.thephoenix1012.blogspot.com; www.invasionofpeace2017.blogspot.com  


Prophecy Links Fulfilling Nuclear January, 12 APOCALYPTIC FIRESTORM,2023 MASS Murderer Suicide On The Ris e,  https://photos.app.goo.gl/9dh4...