Friday, May 29, 2020

Prophet Isaiah said, and hell enlarges itself, well Apostle John again said, even mountains melted out of their places!

Prophecy Links Fulfilling Hearing (2017), Eze 9 God command, kill all parents by, finish all schools, begin at US's abominable, detestable, lives, lands, SCHOOL'S and churches!" Apb

Article, [Floyd killing shows 'true face' of US: Iran's Khamenei], (Presently the beginning to be named of the final ten heads of Ancient Beast rule, Dan 7-9/Rev 13/17, Kobe's fiery crash morning that revisited, Jan 22-29, 2018, Dan 12/Rev 10)rev 17, 7th, Mighty Angel come saying, "no further delays US soil, desolation's predicted now, come. Right from when I during error Bush Admin, witnessed a huge container fall on Saddam Hussein, saw his blood letting against his own Islamic Princes.
-Soon Saddam's injuries, it's weight of US blood guilt reaped as a Bush/Cheney, Obama's Admin, petrodollar, bike handlebar, funeral reef, that leaped into the heavens with it' tens of millions in US death tolls. I know, just so many various, damaging to damning to all first born's references these reminders Holy Elohim God, thrusting in reaping sickle, US soil, isn't mocked, indeed. Until by May 10, 2020, mother's day, there'd been two references more where I witnessed the prophesied hour, Rev 3:3, to Rev 17 and Rev 18, all now manifested in multicultural flesh, repent, RUN or perish, second death, eternal lakes of molten fires, have all unrepentant! Apb

And I heard, 2008, "Go And Get he Twelve Heirs,"

     -And after these things I saw four angels standing on the four corners of the earth, holding the four winds of the earth, that the wind should not blow on the earth, nor on the sea, nor on any tree. And I saw another angel ascending from the east, having the seal of the living God: and he cried with a loud voice to the four angels, to whom it was given to hurt the earth and the sea, Saying, Hurt not the earth, neither the sea, nor the trees, till we have sealed the servants of our God in their foreheads, beware, 

Jan 3, (2020), getting the blocking out the sky, single word, WEATHER! May 15, (2020), getting both references to Eruptions and FEMA, with disaster Hawaii and 101 Yellowstone's pending any d-day, June 2/3, (2020 the plastering over of my eyes, with the single word, Twilight, see Zechariah's 14;6, 7, predicted twilight of Sunlight Jesus, return, Apb

The Weather Channel Phenom, (meteorologist baffled by wild weather, even reminding us, well this is 2020, the year of stranger things), Apb Hearing 2008, Asteroid Destroy Wisconsin, hearing April 2019, Asteroid Destroy!

You Tube, Final days Striped Planet,, (God's fulfiling prophecies to promises, bringing teary praise to my spirit heart, thy will Father Elohim, be done on earth as in heaven, hallelujah, Amen, Apb

You Tube, mrmbb333, Here They Come,, (even the reigning Bride, seen in heaven, (Feb 12-19, 20150, possessed, prepped and tossed down, this prescribed, Antichrist murderer, Prophet Daniel to King Nebuchadnezzar's, cut out without hands, now having a meteor surface, mountain from heaven, see here, Daniel, 2, Rev 8, beware, YouTube, AMTV, Nothing Will Again Be The Same! -Exactly what I was told to tell (President Bush), at the time, soon aligned to "one error, a new fear-factor and 50 million US deaths. How it was even then, once 2000 come in, nothing would again will be the same, that if you're a hundred or more you would've seen nothing like it, beware, Holy Elohim God Is AWARE! Apb All This Evil Is Come Upon Them Yet They Repenteth Not Of Their Abominations and Detestations, Thus Saith Dan 9/Rev 9 Holy God! -Though I woke 1998/99, seeing a hand write Jer 37:8 US martyrdom of Islam reaped. Who better to know the US petro-dollar cruelty than the most prosecuted and embattled by them other than minorities and immigrants? -I keep trying to beat back even 2015/2016 campaign Trump and Pence, and Eze 38, 39 Holy Elohim cutting a fury at them as Ezekiel witnessed rise of men eaters and earth enders Gog and Magog. -Although learning from Senator Barack Hussein Obama to know a man, know his Itinerary. If that error man standing before that church holding that bible wasn't the most surreal campaign stunt. I'll stop showing those staying unaware not only the way of the cross, but blessed Brexit, Blaexit and Briexit. Soon a half of billion of stampeding Americans will escape W Pacific Hawaii, suddenly come The Americas volcanic apocalypse. -Only with seeing eyes just last night June 2/3, 2020, painted with the words Twight, Jesus millennium arrival will be a twlight day, neither day nor night but at evening. With the Sunlight of His coming, having overthrown Gog and Magog and its monstrous armies; as a nuclear event shall be the plague of that day. -Though I scoffed at how extremely immature Pres Trump, of the so called free-world is right now. Honestly as he spoke I imagine him this little boy, standing the leg of his heathen, Goliath, policing father. -Just giving these peaceful protesters of a world spreading ruin of a democracy the upmost disrespect, calling them every derogatory name. "Get them dad, (Satan), get'em all, show them whose boss, get them, get them! How often I try to give him the benefit of the doubt, even knowing his every advice is followed by sudden destruction. -Anyone notice what a deadly cup of trembling the nation since Pres Trump months back cried, LIBERATE! Well alike Mat 24 Jesus saying flee the abomination that maketh desolate, again Ezekiel's Gog and Magog disguised as Trump's Admin. Besides a nuclear fate, a volcanic apocalypse, also 50 million US deaths are aligned to Pres. Trump and any US Admin pending! Beware, Holy Elohim, God, Is, AWARE! Apb Prophecy Links Fulfilling, Rev 2, Perfect, Dangerous man, Jesus, I will put you in a bed, (sickbed), thy lovers into great tribulation, except ye repent, I will kill your children, (newborn to middle school), with death, JCOR Article, [UK Bans Sex Between People From Different Households Due To Coronavirus Pandemic] (Not a laughing matter, the UK whose Jesus arrival death toll set at 5%; see Jan 12/13, (2018), Rev 2, Perfect Man, Jesus designing said whoredoms, riches to rags sickbeds and sleepovers, coming to kill all such rebellers children, with blessed death, beware, Apb

Prophecy Links Fulfilling, seeing Dec 29, (2019), Rev Holies in a running race to reset Drc 24/×5, 2001-2019, predicted fiery doomsday A Christmas Carol, Apb

Article, [A 'Rattled' Donald Trump Was Rushed To Underground Bunker As Protesters Moved Near White House, Report Says]

Asteroid Destroy!

-How long I been telling you all during the (2001), alike Eze 8:3, flyover the country I witnessed the White House burn. Admittedly I thought the Hawaiian to Wyoming/Canada's Northeast Atlantic Volcanic Apocalypse would take it.

-But since Clinton into Bush we've been forewarn as written Jer 37:8/Rev 17:16-18, all America's enemies nuclear, natural and NEO'S come bearing fire,, burning her cities. -Making much more since of being invited from US States of barbecue inti Georgia's coast, by March 13, (2018), and Aug 5, 7, 30-31, (2019), getting 3 references to a locking down the world event that included 101 Yellowstone's. -Until by early morning May 15, (2020), again were more alarms about eruptions and now FEMA, and just now, a revisited, downtown Memphis Newspaper bells ringing, beware, Holy Elohim God Is, AWARE! Help me, help others,

Asteroid Destroy Wisconsin!

-By the time May 10 2020, Mother's day come I'd had two dream about the prophesied hour (Rev 3:3, Rev 17;16-18, Rev 18:17), now manifested in the flesh. One reveal,revisited that ginormous maze of sin laying traps for school kids. Whereas now choirs fooled newcomers into baby high chairs type traps. As so,, UK's Dutch and Dutchess, new son 33 years his progression, was this imminent hour appearance, don't be confused these evils are now, right now, with April 2/16,/17 2019-2026, their Jesus return finale. 
-Presently In hindsight said duration 33 years was also Jesus birth, ministry and resurrection. As so Apostle THEY call me, I've been in demos of the spring rapture, 33 years, 5 months and counting, beware, Holy Elohim God, Is AWARE! Apb

[Barack Obama on George Floyd Killing: 'This Shouldn't Be 'Normal' in 2020 America']

That's what you all saw, a white police sitting on a black man's neck, here's what God sees and has predicted For many millennia. 

And he (Sunlight of God, Jesus), saith unto me, (Apostle John), The waters which thou sawest, where the whore (Religion/West Rule) sitteth, are peoples, and multitudes, and nations, and tongues.
And the ten horns (Ancient Beast/Antichrist rule, April 2, (2019) thru April 2, (2026), which thou sawest upon the beast, these shall hate the whore, (America, West Rule), and shall make her desolate and naked, and shall eat her flesh, and burn her with fire.
-(For God hath put in their hearts), to fulfill his will, and to agree, and give their kingdom unto the beast, until the words, (US/WORLD weight of blood guilt, judgments) of God shall be fulfilled. And the woman(America, West Rule, religion, politics), which thou sawest is that great city, which reigneth over the kings of the earth. Rev 17

Jan 12/13, (2018), One Hour With The Beast; Jan 12/13, (2019), Whore And Beast Separated; Jan 9, (2020), a pointer changing its date to Jan 12/13, 2020! Got Him, Got Jesus Yet?  

-When your elephants of staying unaware stampeded Dec 3/13/23, (2017), Palestine's Abbas mentioned eight leads. Actually it was these evils pending the abomination that maketh desolate they fled, those Jesus said we instantly flee, no going, to looking back.
-Remember these are the ten headed kings I heard begin to be named the morning of Kobe's fiery crash. Frighteningly which date Jan 22-29, (2020) revisited Rev 10, Mighty Angel (Jan 22-29 2018).

-THOSE Holies as with A. John come, saying no further delays US soil, desolation's predicted; ( Hawaii, Wyoming, into Canada's Atlantic Volcanic Apocalypse, now come. Then the running race I saw Rev Holies in, Dec 29, (2019), to put Dec 24/25, (2001) thru (2019 fiery doomsday back on track. Apparently, US come a cup a cup of trembling is the least if your concerns, beware, know your blessed Briexit to Blaexit or Perish! Apb

Prophecy Link Fulfilling, A Hussein White House Predicted Bush's 2003, Senator Obama Assuring His Affinity For People, Saying, know his Itinerary, Know Him Apb

Article, [Barack Obama's Statement About George Floyd Is Absolutely Heartbreaking], {As also Holy Bride THEY entreat me, I testified during 2008/09 US Campaigns, Senator Obama designed, 'The One; here, only a month back indefinite Pres. Barack Hussein Obama was again taking front stage; saw a month earlier, February, (2020), I'd been hanging out with the Obama's, last stop France, Sooo, what's the secret of Memphis, Dunlap Street and the Obama's; will Psalms 2, Angels also ascend? Beware, Apb


-Ah so now its Trump lovers all up in usual Trump haters since Taylor Swift is the one criticizing him. Abominations, and detestation's can't cast out sin whether you're a peasant or celebrity. Y'all do know the double minded can't be trusted, you're Holy Christ, you're Antichrist or you're American, whereas you're counted as heathen and yet hell and worm bate.

-You all know license to extinct us Father Trump was as immature as ever threatening to meet violence with violence. Yeah that scare tactic will ward off those all the most dangerous Americans on the planet, liberated, locked and loaded, COVID-19 and end days trials hopeless, as in having nothing to lose. 
-Too bad while he was his entire Admin firing members of his cabinet left and right, again, too bad He couldn't oust out himself and Pence. Served the American people as one of the riches to rags sickbeds and sleepovers, an ever malignant apocalypse. Ingeniously disguised as their prized America until no genesis man/marriage is left, their planet earth.
-So how do you talk suicidal Americans, Churchians and Westerners off a ledge, this fiery deletion come? You don't, I head one criticize Pence turning to God, saying that's a spineless way out; seeing there isn't a god for six millennia of divine intervention. 
-Come, settling an outbreak of Armageddon nuclear, solar and molten the moment his devastating Sunlight to both those healing wings to healing leaves touchdown atop Mt Olivet. Seems the planet is littered with its dead, even 15% US soil alone. But
 restored is all hope and for a thousand years pending. 
-What has it profit man, putting Trump in the White House; when before his campaign he too is aligned to an outbreak of US mortuary? Knowing reapers bearing sword like syringes, one strike the telling heart, are you Holy Christ's, Antichrist's or American, equally spewed and stricken out? Beware, Holy Elohim, GOD Is AWARE! Apb

Prophecy Links Fulfilling Hearing, Jan 12/13, (2018), revisited a week past, May 23, (2020), there's something about downtown Memphis Newspaper Bells Ringing and Beta-GMT, beware, Repent, RUN or Perish! Apb

Hearing April 2, 2019, what could be the last seven years this side of Jesus millennium, two weeks and 7 years, then it's April 16/17, two weeks later, Trump and his Kushner made a moved that could've fulfilled, Daniel 9:27, even more evidence we could be over a into the last weeks of Daniel's 70th weeks of years and worse trials and tribulations planet   

-And these are the descendants of the beauty rescued from the hands of the beast: Beast Of Beauty Featuring king Bridegroom Gustavo Dimetricks Alonaso and Queen Bride Chassis Seychelles Sundown 

The Unending Love Antidote ...The African Juttah Genealogy, 1986-2016/2026/3036

The Tombola Genealogy, Holy, Temple, April, 17, 1986/2026/3036 into Infinity, God's Kingdom Reign

Unto Marcello Vincente Nobrella and Queen Bride Arisole Avannah Lewy was born a son, Hunter Prestwick Nobrella , a godson, Grey Owl, Seabrook Nobrella and a goddaughter,  Mirisole Havana Nobrella, Lewy     

Mark Scene, Genesis Marriage Worshipers, XVII and VII, It's LXXXIX Matrix Count

     "Grand said suppose this is all a test, how people don't mind failing God's as long as God's by divine intervention don't fail theirs, beware Jan 12, 13, (2018), Rev 2 to 17, perfect man Jesus asking the Holy Bride they also entreat her, will Angels also ascend? Like those promises of Ps 91, the prayers of Psalms 35, those star warring Rev 12, again Jesus asking would Angels of divine intervention also ascend? Their absence alone too, non stop apocalypse come, how people don't realize the benefit of having God's chosen at their safe haven. You know many called, but few chosen, she said look at Lazarus family, because they had Jesus they lost a brother for four days to a tomb, yet Jesus, the resurrection of the dead come call him right back to them. Asking, what sister Mary say? Yes, I know my brother will rise again, on the last day, but I also, know whatsoever you Jesus, ask the father, he will give it to you, that's Jesus both telling his Apostles they would do greater worker, see that's Jesus saying what we want, ask the father in his name, he'd give it to us, even that we escape end days trials. Yeah she remind me, when I told her about seeing her on the 4th of July, (2020), how she couldn't, even wouldn't pray God hold off Volcanic Apocalypse until then, tomorrow isn't promised, she reminded and she's tired of being one of the ones that witholdeth for many millennia awaited ascension because of her as Abraham's Lot, rebellious to procrastinating beloved ones.  Let's just say I understood fully well and she didn't have to tell me twice, all evidenced by my being here, the phenom above any explication African, Septennial Juttah, but also was that saying, the two edge sword of God's truth to seeing, hearing, speaking and confessing we do indeed wrestle against spiritual warfare and have these six millennia failed miserably, with hell enlarging itself mankind entry, it's entire duration. Look, look, look, where the same angels that appeared to Lot and family, just as God was about to fire bomb Sodom and Gomorrah off the planet, the same that appeared to Grand Maaseiah; we all know, come Hawaii W. Pacific into the eastern seaboard, Canada's Northeast Atlantic, when all come volcanic apocalypse, now totaling not just 99 bowls of molten lava but a predicted since August to September (2019), 101 Yellowstone's? I suspect Baxley some of the angels all around were as those Psalm 91, getting Lot's out, but, those with grand Sia that early morn, soon Hawaii's inbound missile alert. Those she now call Revelation Book Holies, Rev 2, Jesus, threatening, whoremongers children, Rev 17:14, Jesus husband, actually shown in those evil sickbeds and sleepovers with us, revisiting God being long-suffering toward us, not willing that any perish; there's Rev 10, Mighty Angel, and since He's swearing by Ancient of Days throne and calling the end to Daniel 12, man in linen equally sworn in timetable of grace both are said to be types of perfect man Jesus Himself; there's Rev 17, 7th Angel, surmised as Angel Gabriel, soon evidenced by grand sia herself once seeing a trumpet passed off to him. Then last but beside Lamb of God, Jesus, the mightiest of them all, you see Rev 12, star warring Michael, said to be setting his all around, is also Apostle Jude, reference Archangel. Possibly since 
Lucifer's fall, and come the Red Dragon, Archangel Michael now the only one of this kind. Unquestionably Jr. Darius, all that vast number arriving with King of Kings and Lord of Lords, Sunlight Jesus and Lord Urusalem atop Mt Olivet, so itself, magnanimous instantly it splits along a great, Graceland of both blessed arrival and blessed escape! Uh, ah, look, Chelsea Fabrice and I have an announcement, though, though it's parental Euphrates wedding extravaganza is yet months way, we're now holy Juttah vows, husband and wife. I knew it, I knew it, there's no way my bestie as close as a brother, can hide such things, wow, congrats, all pounding the table here say, ...thanks, ...thanks, ...thanks everybody, but just so you Ghost horse man know, beloved Fabrice here, just knew you'd figured it, still Jr Darius man, I can't believe it, I mean of course I can, but can you believe us nod heads would be married by now and on our way to start a Juttah family? Okay you guys, movie night is starting and sticking our hands into this jar of goodies we're watching Christmas Winter Song, I started watching that last night. Now if that's Amirah, a spoiler alert, no, no, I felled asleep, so no, no spoiler alert, alright you guys into the theater room we go. How long you guys before Obama kick against the pricks, that there's one way to save doomed Americans, Churchians to westerners, come as surely as his blood-lineage a present-day from Moses to Dr King deliverer, yeah with both Prince or Deliverer references to ancient and present-day mysteries of Egypt's Memphis." >>>"But look, I'm right in saying, unspeakable sky phenom isn't about destroying the world or it's planet, but it's entire universal renewal to exchanges both negatively and cataclysmically affecting all earth's inherit and first born's can't survive it, Jesus saying ye must be born again to be found worthy to escape it all, right? So either you repent and get out of the way of star warring for these many millennia ancient days righteous to unrighteous powers, or you rebell, not only find yourself battling Almighty God, but straightly tossed into lake's of fire, these evils allegiance.  Just as so Braiden man, unprecedented sky phenom advancing exponentially since grand Sia witnessed of a Rev 12, Michael battling a star wars up there, saw the letter by letter forming of the word thousands and witnessed Red Dragon shooting down, as a legion of fallen angels posing as phenom lightning strikes.  Yeah Shell girl, but before that incomprehensible reveal, the seeing of Rev 10 Mighty Angel and  Rev 17 7th Angel standing one foot the earth, one foot the sea crying no further delays US, soil, again as Obama exiting the White house, finalizing Dan 12, set grace period, far, far, far beyond anything up there, extraordinary! Only then you guys, go back ten days prior, we have in one demo, that while she's eyeing down the rising Rev 13, seven headed, ten crown beast, a Rev 2, Jesus, targeting riches to rags, sickbeds, perverse children. Untellable,  he's asking about ascending with her, Psalm 91, guardian angels, a Rev 17:14, Jesus husband is seen in said sickbeds yet trying to save them.  Easily, if we learn anything from prophet Zechariah description of arriving Jesus Millennium, is how nuclearly changed and destructive the universe and the planet when these Rev Holies are as heaven to earthbound as THEY all are right now. Still, still, Beth, grand sia's all, are we forgetting early (2000), though Rev 7, saying the opposite, siege the four winds until, she's hearing, I don't care what the heavens do anymore, and 2013, when she screen live from her bedroom the sound of a star wars battle happening in the heavens.  A potential event so profound a matter of fact she felt a walk outside and glance skyward she would actually see a mighty battle in the heavens, what she actually did see, the two year revisit of Trump's like 6 US Admins prior also aligned to 50 million US deaths.  I feel totally signaling it was time to get Gods out, holy saints skyward and tribulation saints, southeast to southwest and yes THEY know who we all are! Really, Plank man, the rest of you guys, Armageddon beginning up there and there was war in heaven, Michael and his angels fought against the dragon and the dragon fought and his angels, and prevailed not; neither was their place found any more in heaven, and the great dragon was cast out, that old serpent, called the Devil, and Satan, which deceiveth the whole world: Proving he was cast out into the earth, and his angels were cast out with him, meaning there's no telling how long Lucifer and fallen angels had been exiled here, before they approached Adam's Eve with that damning debate and attempt even now by legalized abominations to genocide the genesis man, marriage.  Clearly grand keep telling them, yeah you see, hear and think to do one thing, while Holy Father see, hear and has laid it's three way damning siege, repent RUN, or like billions in hell, perish.  Look Jr Darius man, when you quoted, neither was their place found any more in heaven, the red dragon and those fallen angels of his, no more heaven bound. That's because it'd all been renovated into the ascending Bride, Rev 12, second heaven intercessions, not willing that any tribulation saints are lost, ...hallelujah, ah my God, let's all pound the table and shout!"     {{[“The year the great seventh number is accomplished, appearing at the time of the great games of slaughter, not far from the age of the great millennium, when the dead will come out of their graves.} "I’m sorry, where did you find this? It’s one of Nostradamus' predictions, I looked, I found this, only hours ago, (04/25/2014, 6:20 pm), said scholars Sioux have been beating their heads about the number seven, especially since we’re passed 2007. So they said it must mean 2070, and I’m sitting here going, why not 2017, what happen to 2017? The Great seventh number, (year), it could as well Apache mean Sia Maaseiah's predicted as Noah's day, 17 and 7, whoa, I didn’t see that! ‘Great games of slaughter,’ meaning Apache war games, though the greatest war of slaughter will be, the battle of Armageddon, it is said, this battle will be so severe and the death of such magnitude, that it is (written), said that the blood (wine press) will flow to the horses bridle, by the space, of a thousand and six hundred furlongs, (Rev. 14:20). Meaning Sioux, a river of blood, to about one hundred and eighty miles, justly, meaning more people will die in this battle than ever, ever before. Then ‘the age of the Great Millennium,’ that’s all Maaseiah has been talking about all this year, how we’re upon Christ’s Millennium, how God’s Kingdom is come, then, 'the dead rising,’ that Apache is the resurrection of the dead in Christ that has to happen before the Jesus' Millennium. This man, Nostradamus was predicting here everything we’ve up to this very hour been ministering as the fulfillment of this generation at present, even the appearance of heaven’s Gabriel.  Ah my god, I mean we’ve never laid any trust in Nostradamus, but I began to wonder about something of his regarding two rocks that would worry great, western leads at this time and as I said, I found this. Does she know, Maaseiah, know? Yes, I sent it to her, I’m waiting to hear from her, it’s everything she has been warning us of especially since the Intrepid Dream of 2001. As so Gabriel’s appearance (May 15, 2004), with the Holy Spirits reminding her how soon we could be in heaven 2011. Then Sioux as I talked to her a day ago, she said that night, she found herself looking into a list of names, that she even recognized a few of them, first and last names, until they dissipated just as soon, she’s sure she was looking into the book of life, (Mal. 3:16, Ps 139, Rev. 20:12).  Ah my God Apache, ah my God, as I was in the kitchen just now, just before you called, said you was heading this way, over, I been constantly thinking about a conversation I had with Maaseiah, shockingly Apache around 2007, yes I clearly remember the year. It seemed we were on the communicator, I was being rushed as she had a Christmas party to get too, I can’t clearly remember what it was we were talking about. Just as soon she paused at what I said and she said, that’s because we should’ve gone out of this a long time ago, we’re really in overtime, Christ return is overdo, we shouldn’t still be here. What? That’s exactly what I said to myself, how did she know that, how could she even say that? And when she said it Apache, she wasn’t questioning it, she was making a statement, that it was a known fact, yeah, like she said we're right now living on the fumes of end time prophecy. Though this find sweet Apache, it could be the additional sign Maaseiah seeked the Holy Ones after, sign, what are you, talking about? so are we saying grand grand again hanging out with the Obama's before all hell COVID-19, hit,  as just before Senator Obama's 2008,09, presidency,  their last stop  France, was as see now a referenced to the world's darling France at one time being rafted with world and sky stretching riots? It is Avannah girl a pit concerning, seeing during that very campaign is when Senator Obama, it's Rev 17;16-18, mocked summit, surmised to prove his affinity for the people, that Obama Care, to k now him is to know his itinerary so what's the secret of France as well! Then grand Sia's all, how does seeing twice on and since May 10, 2020, Mother's day, the prophesied hour manifested in the flesh fit into all that?  Well one thing we know for sure they're both acknowledged as multi culture, of having parents defined as from separate ethnicity, yeah but are they the same, she's was demonstrated as having a meeting with them both, only the prophesied hour, more personal than professional and which prophesied, she's now referencing three, only one, you guys, Rev 3:3, is more about his second return, with Rev 17 and 18, prophesied to be fulfilled simultaneously sending the church-bride skyward and The America's inherit, southeast and eventually  southwest until they're Africa's Continent, making him, more reassurance to her, no question, the ed days abomination that maketh desolate all worshiped above Holy, Elohim, God! What about now seeing church choirs as setting traps as infant highchairs, for new comers, or the question, Vincente man, what greater measures will Elohim take, to keep both these spreading of the genesis man genocide closed? Is said apocalyptic measure  why for two whole months, August to September 2019, all it's 7 to 8  reveals referenced rev 6, 6th seal, also a 6th matrix, volcanic apocalypse as 101 Yellowstone's, one what like two weeks prior, as a hand not just writing on a wall, but as Damater as  a drunkard clumsily writing escape Yellowstone! Lets just say, one of the titled articles I saw was American is burning, where is Trump, America burning, not only referenced by rev 17, 7th angels bowls, now being blacken, but Grand Sia between, this after hearing, 2005, smiling faces don't last, wipe Canada from the map, here,  March 13 and Oct 15, 2018, the demo of inviting all 49 US  States, from a barbecue into US map Georgia, with Africa's Atlantic, wait, wait, didn't she around that same time 2004, 2005, I mean I read it in her prophecy links, she witnessed Canadians lead away as cattle? Right, so those saying America's sky go third heaven reaching riots, they're to run to Canada, to Central, South America, no you're not,  you're running to Jordan's/Moses Petra, or Sia Maaseiah and Angel Michael's US Georgia's crossover, or you and your will perish by the second death, like the Briexit, they're the only blessed, Brexit to Blaexit, hear, hear, Jr Darius man, hear hear!" Why Speak In Parables? That you be aware of spirit warfare as Genesis thru Revelation, Holy, Elohim, God, Himself! 

Prophecy Links Fulfilling, Seeing Aug 2, 2019, the single word disappeared frozen as, upon all HD, 5G and social media, type of stand the world still scenario, as in both world systems, the righteous church, unrighteous West Rule simultaneously no more planet earth; seeing revisited from Jan 12, 13, 2019, a hand writing on a wall 99 bowls of molten lava, only now, Aug 7, (2019) as Damater come a drunkard, writing on a wall clumsily, 'Escape Yellowstone!' Until by it's 30, 31, (2019), I hear this breaking news report, saying after 101 eruptions," surmising what I additionally heard (2004/05), Britain and America have been left in itty, bitty pieces, Canada as California has been wiped off the map, tens of millions are dead, injured or missing with a half a billion The America's escaping into The America's Southeast Coast to Africa's Southwest coast! Beware, Rev 17:16-18, 18, Holy, Elohim God, Is, AWARE! Apb 

Help me help others here,

You tube, Bunker Time, AMTV Christopher Green,, ( I saw the head line, Pres Trump himself had to be taken to a bunker, beware, according to Rev 6, 6th seal, a 6th matrix, US soil volcanic apocalypse, all underground hideaways must be 99 bowls of molten lava safe, we're talking seismic events so nuclear, mountains for hiding themselves melted, away, beware, Apb,

Youtube, mrmbb333, Here They Come,, (those impounding meteors, even commanded since (2008), I saw March 3, (2019), like all in a running race to impact sinful US soil, Apb

Prophecy Links Fulfilling, Holy Spirit, Present, Live In This Home, In My Ear, Clinton/Bush, (1998, 99), saying, repeatedly "somebody need to tell them, (RELIGIOUS ASSEMBLY, Eze 9/Mat 7:21-23, Rev 1-3) get ye to preachers, churches and altars of Jesus Christ, a darkness is coming! Until by US election, campaign, 2016, Trump and Pence, were aligned to Ancient Beast, man eaters and world enders Gog and Magog, whose everything, is aligned to sudden destruction until 50 million are dead US soil alone, repent, RUN! Or Perish! Even your Noah's day brides of going on like normal, Feb 23. (2020), were given running shoes for red tattered heels, told to run away! Beware, Apb

-June 26/July 6, (2015), the demo of Rev 17:14, Jesus husband escaping some into US map Georgia's Savannah, with June/July (2008/09), before taking the Holy Bride skyward, with Africa's Atlantic pending; June 26, (2017), an hour later, grand Caden and I would forcefully, indefinitely leave predicted, disaster Memphis for predicted safe haven Georgia's coast; it's early morning waking as I hear, "get ye to repentant altars, God is avenging martyred blood," listen closely, this is where Jesus says, except for the elect sake, no first born's world survives Rev 14/18, God avenging martyred blood, repent, as Moses' RUN or Perish! Apb

Prophecy Links Fulfilling, And There Shall Be Desolation's Until God's King Zion Sat His Holy Feet, Atop Mount Olivet, Kiss The Son, Lest He Be Angry And we All Perish!"

You tube now has a within seconds infomercial so many things to do to keep safe against COVID-19,

Here are Apostle THEY call me, to Holy Bride THEY entreat me, six ways for eons to come, to keep both you and your immortal soul safe from COVID-19 mutating into the Rev 6, 4th seal, Pale Horse Pandemic and Allying Horse of Eternal Hades....

(1), Acknowledge you are sin, shaped your father's bloodline and mother's womb sin, ask God to forgive you for living in sin and worshiping the creature, even those destroyers, Gog and Magog above Holy Elohim

(2), Ask Jesus to come into your death-style, and be Holy Him, be Jesus through you, now a blessed death, putting Jesus on, like Holy Him, be just as perfect as your Father in Heaven and Kingdom Come

(3), Ask the Holy Spirit to come into your spirit, make you a temple of God's dwelling holy and acceptable unto God, which, can only be accomplished, any of the above, as you suffer, off any desires of the flesh, of self seeking, even off with the American Dream

(4), Teach transgressors this strait gate, way of holiness, and praise Holy Father as often as you breath...

(5) Teach transgressors this strait gate, way of holiness, and praise Holy Father as often as you breath...

(6), Teach transgressors this strait gate, way of holiness, and praise Holy Father as often as you breath, a divine exhalation to be continued for eons and eons to come, beware, holy Elhim God Is Aware, Apb, see here, Psalm 51, also see the entire, prophetic parable here,, how it's ALL ending, prophetically,

Help me help others here,

PS, Hashtag/Excetra, since Angel Gabriel's forewarning 16 years May 15, (2020) here are more refers to Eruptions and now, FEMA, even since, I got down town Memphis and oddly, Beta-GMT? Apb 

Prophecy Links Fulfilling, Rev 6, 3rd Seal, Peace Taken That They Kill To Extinct Each other, Apb

    Article, [Cop Fired For Saying It's 'Unfortunate' More Black People Haven't Died] What Would SONLIGHT JESUS/Dr. King, Sunlight Mt Luther Do?

Article, [George Floyd protests spread nationwide,, (What I tell y'all the moment Trump also aligned to 50 million of your deaths cried Liberate? I said godless Americans just wanted to get back to whoring, stealing, killing and destroying. Don't y'all know how all this chaos read like Rev 9, Apostle John saying even those who didn't die by the plague, repented not; prophet Isaiah said, and hell enlarges itself, well Apostle John again said, even mountains melted out of their places! Apb

Separate Britain, America into itty, bitty pieces, wipe Canada from the map, kill all parents by, finish all schools! AOD/Apb

Feb 23, (2020), Even Noah's Day Brides Of Going On Like Normal, Given Running Shoes Told To Run Away! Apb

-See, there you experts go thinking as liberated Americans to Churches to Westerners again, all first born's die, be ye born again. The saying you're doomed if you do or don't but are you equally damned?
-Marvel not, since the Genesis the curse of death and dying isn't the anomaly; but whether your soul wake heavenward or now in hell, immortal, cursive, death.
-I woke in bed Feb 12/13, (2015) truly exhausted, the lyrics going, going, going we exalt thee seem seared in my memory. Only I begin to recollect what'd just happen, those Rev 20, books were opened. The books of life and the books of death.
-Miraculously the book of life had all been crafted into like a school, name roll call.You see each time a name was called it would leap from this mentioned also Psalm 139 ancient scroll of record, divine keeping. Parade itself proudly all around and fitter off away to heavenly places, NEXT!.
-Recently I imagine this unspeakable ceremony is during the rapture. Like Lazarus resurrection, time the righteous dead hear their name. Like his blessed death, they too shake off the sting and dust of the grave and shoot like skyrockets skyward. This cottony cloud, winged Jesus and a host of heaven await us second heavens intercession.
-Know also, there's a book of death, a great white throne judgement. After Jesus millennium and He, Holy Bride and the Royal Priesthood, too sit its judges. Those books are also opened and its ancient contents begin to call recorded sinners by name.Whether you believe in hell or not, just as lifeless body obeys a natural process.
-Your immortal spirit, soul also obeys an immortal process. Ancient of Days wouldn't have put on Jesus Christ, endured a cross if the genesis, man, marriage wasn't before and from the womb, eternally lost.
-Even its Father king David cried his pence for in sin my mother, well his father, the seed of sin, made him, made us, ALL, you are your brethren human keeper, prick one, just one. Actually how Jesus procreation was a virgin birth of holy spirits and the sinless woman seed.
-Here, hear, that God be true when he speak and clear when he judge. Post Jesus reign and all dead is called forward. Those keeping of records are also opened and every damned soul; not written the book of life are judged and tossed into lakes of fire. Hallelujah, the unrighteous even during a world pandemic whoring, stealing, killing and destroying a plethora of news reports, no longer abide with the righteous.
-Just saying, if I was schooling my as Abraham's Lot stubborn Memphis grands right now. I'd tell them the moment they begin to hear about Hawaii to the Midwest disasters, get out of there; said extinction left thousands of miles into Memphis children orphan and onward to leaving The American Continent, nothing but a pacific coast to Atlantic coast impact crater boiling to bubbling  over with 99 bowls of molten lava,  Where only  southeast into the Atlantic, is a blanket of divine protection, US Georgia's Savannah crossover into Africa's Southwest coast, beware! Apb
-The month of May 2020,  by its 15th date, revisited was a not for 16 years Angel Gabriel come, saying, (May 15, 2004), all unto fulfillment. Already my Rev 17:14, Jesus Husband birthday; now my first great grandson, Jr was here, born. Even while on this specialty date, I get more refers to eruptions to FEMA, and Nevada, the forewarn Midwest, suffered a 6.5 quake, its largest in 65 years, knowing, repent, RUN, you know where, beware, the Sunlight of God, from a Mountain, both reigning, pending Elohim's back turn throne, crying Let My People Go! Is, AWARE! Apb

Help me, help others,

Article, [Cop Fired For Saying It's 'Unfortunate' More Black People Haven't Died] What Would SONLIGHT JESUS/Dr. King, Sunlight Mt Luther Do?

Prophecy Links Fulfilling, 2007, the dying (sexual perversion) of schools is painful, go down to middle school and cast a stone; 2017, kill all parents by, finish all schools! Beware, Holy Elohim God Is AWARE! Apb

Saturday, May 23, 2020

No Further Delays, As Noah's to Moses Days Repent, RUN You Know Where! Or Perish!

Prophecy Links Fulfilling, Jan 12/13, (2018), my Memphis son, his house predicting (2015), a disaster Hawaii, to leave into Memphis orphan children, here saying my worrying after him, has the downtown newspaper bells ringing, something said about an outbreak of earthquakes, beware with more references to eruptions to FEMA, early morning, May 15, (2020), beware, Apb 

Prophecy Links Fulfilling, For We Wrestle Not Against Flesh And Blood, See here, Rev 9, 12,

Article, [More Than 100,000 People Have Died Of The Coronavirus In The US, The US has the highest number of confirmed coronavirus cases and deaths in the world, but public health experts say the actual count is likely much higher.,  (That's why Holy Bride they also entreat me, even explaining one time, 2013, being lead to a home earth exit, Heaven's Host, saying how THEY can't wait to be down here, where I am, even Rev 2, Jesus, Jan 12/13/(2018), clearly asking me, would angels also ascend? I know right, plainly, trying to compare COVID-19 death tolls, those I saw, Obama's/Biden's/Clinton's 2013, so (7) US admins now into Trump's (2017) inauguration, a since Nov 4, (1975), petro dollar funeral reef, that leaped into the heavens, it's mightier than ever, US death tolls, with Britain 5% to Canada 5%  taking up the rear.  
-Crystal clear, any other US toll of death by comparison, is just evil deception man, like the trillions spent to hide predicted signs in heaven; trying to again throw off, not only is there a Holy God of Righteous wrath. But by multiple Rev Holies, including by Jan 20, (2019), a Rev 12, star warring Michael, He's right here, seen, Jan 22-29, (2018), as a Mighty Angel standing one foot the Sea and one foot the Planet, US/Western, soil, Map. Holy He's not only avenging martyred blood but apparently by the Genesis man, marriage, Eden Garden, original order of Nimrod's Babel, ethnicity, beware, all first born's die, repent, RUN, or perish!  
-Still it's the coronavirus killer instinct, speed Dr Phil, Dr Oz, and all those with such vain comparisons, that's more unprecedented than them all. Racing onward to claim 15%, calculated since error Islam Clinton/ Bush/Cheney's, into 50 million US deaths, a like this, outbreak of mortuary I've always said. Only a month and ten days prior, hearing 40 more days, March 6, 7. (2020) but since (2017), I'd been predicting hearing the Eze 9, command of God's Wrath, kill all parents by, finish all schools! 
-Also see more here,, presently, with Philippine's leader saying no more schools for them until there's a COVID-19, vaccine.  Fright night, only a week prior to COVID-19 outbreaks and deaths, I discussed this command by prophetic parables, asking what could it be that can target parents over children? As so how genius using schools and students would be as an expert delivery system,  saying, how Americans all about the daily business of maintaining their American Dream. Easily made them unimaginably vulnerable so such attacks, all their lives land, churches, schools and social media, beware, Eze 9 to Rev 9 thrusting in avenging, gleaming sickle, Holy Elohim God of Revelation Book of Righteous Wrath, is totally AWARE! Apb

Prophecy Links Fulfillment, Beware Jesus Parable Of The Rich Young Banker Damned To Hell By What Apostle Paul Deems A Stumbling Block of Iniquity! Beware, Apb  

-Heralding A Healthy Dow, But What shall it profit? Seen those left behind once Jesus snatched the Bride out, stranded atop Trump and Sons high towers, Genesis rainbow covenant broken, a Noah's cousin to an aqua age come! Beware! Apb

Gained The American Dream, Only Now A Coast to Coast Of Hell Enlarging Into An Ocean Of Damater Vomiting Up 99 Bowls Of Molten Lava!


-Article, [Eric Trump Tweets 'GREAT DAY for the DOW;  [Eric Trump Tweets 'GREAT DAY for the DOW' As Coronavirus Death Toll Tops 100,000], (Then the rich young banker woke in hell practically with two Abraham' bosom's wishes his now blacken bucket list. Just a finger dip of water for his inconceivable thirst and a missionary of convincing sent to his equally doomed elite family to planet. 
-Those keeping us with crystal delusions, two crystallized Godzilla beast I saw, one an Egypt's Anubis army and yet another an Egypt's Sobek. Such disguised Satanic, demonic gods of this doomsday world to planet. 
-Seems for many millennia now, they have for Holy Elohim Genesis, Man Marriage, that's one goal for the Adamic Man. Temporal Hell on earth, now incoming, impacting, right into eternal hell reaching up by 101 Yellowstone's from beneath, knowing get it, get Jesus and get out... VAIN IS THE BROADWAY OF REBELLIOUS MAN! Beware, Holy Elohim God, Is AWARE! Apb

Help me, help others, 5808

Prophecy Links Fulfilling, Also What Lies Beneath! 

     -There's something ginormous about NEVADA ( Volcanic Apocalypse US/HAWAII/BC W. Pacific into Wyoming with 101 Yellowstone's). There's also by May 15, (2020), refers to eruptions and FEMA), see (2008/09) US campaign predictions, outbreak of ambulances to States of emergencies; presently, a plethora of troubles, (2018, 2019), US (2020) campaigns, beware, Holy Bride THEY also entreat me, THEY are AWARE! Apb, see here,, how it's ALL, ending prophetically, Apb

Article, [Small quake rattles part of southeastern Saline County]

-After Aug 5, 7-30-31 getting 3 references to 101 Yellowstone's, including one, a hand writing clumsily, Escape Yellowstone! All these quakes, especially May 15, (2020), Nevada, I woke early with refers to eruptions and FEMA. Justly all remind me of seeing again Sept 3, (2019), the crystal skies cracking and missiling down.
-As so hearing Sept 13, (2019), shaky, shaky shelter, as so to remember the (2015), mystery woman the maze of sin, though she carried more, now blacken bowl judgments. Plainly it was that she offered business cards for better homeless shelters. Amazingly, those as mansions in heaven, signaling, home earth, no more! Apb, beware, Holy Elohim God Is, AWARE! Apb
-You Tube, 5/23/2020 -- Major Seismic Unrest spreads across West Coast USA + W. Pacific earthquake compensation, (waking may 15, (2020), getting references to eruptions and FEMA, just as Nevada's 6.5, quake; seeing last night, May 26, (2020), the huge, blocking out the sky, single word NEVADA; there's also something about listening to the World Health Organization, (WHO): (see you tube mrmbb333, here,, She said it looked like a PORTAL next to the Sun - Captures Compelling Photo! - "Gateway" and here, mrmbb333, 
-Electric Blue SLASH Splits the Sky WIDE Open Revealing 'Parallel Universe',, (-I'll admit, the unveiling of sky phenom, like final days, plain to see striped planet, (, I get beyond excited, these are the signs and wonders they can't cover-up, despite the trillions they spend. Example, the cover of Hawaii inbound missile alert, which could've as well been a meteor impact verses the Hawaii for months eruption.
-Anyway soon, predicted disaster Hawaii, giving us an up close and in our treasured lives, lands and churches and money markets , lakes of fires, they couldn't cover up! Remember Mat 24 Jesus said, when you shall see all these earth end things, laced with a tug of nuclear war to civil unrest. Even so, glazed over by the so, so, apparent Abomination that maketh desolate, repent, flee, to Jordan's/Moses' Petra, or The America's/Africa's, Atlantic, all first born's perish, then know also blessed death is surely blessed escape, beware, Holy Elohim God, Is AWARE! Apb, see entire blog here,, how it's ALL ending prophetically, Apb

PS, Hashtag, Excreta, early morn, May 15, (2020), there's something about Eruptions and FEMA; May 25, (2020), There's something truly ginormous about US area map, NEVADA, beware, Apb

Help me to Help, Others, 

Prophecy Links Fulfilling

Article, [Evangelical pastors respond to Trump's call for churches to reopen]

Prophecy Links Fulfilling

-When I heard 2017, kill all parents by, finish all schools, and since said judgement. Like Noah's day is basically about same to transgender schools and pending Pedophiler teen churches.
- I'm sure shutting down all businesses abominable lives, lands, schools and churches. Evidenced as  both re-openings (2020), Easter and Midmay were met as all Trump's, with sudden destruction, so not coincidences, beware, Apb

PS, Hashtag, Excreta, give here,, when I eventually include a donation alert, it's Holy Spirit influenced; not that I don't need it as much as you need to give to, THEIR Apostle, but so Holy Father is justified by all Elohim promises to judgments, Apb 

No Further Delays, As Noah's to Moses Days Repent, RUN You Know Where! Or Perish!

-Any wonder why US Leads since Bush and as of Trump's inauguration are aligned to Eze 38/39. Rev 20, Gog and Magog; a nuclear fate and 50 million US deaths? Meaning, come a triple threat, a third, 16 to 17 million could be US COVID-19 death tolls alone. Then those ELES nuclear and molten, also 16, 17, mill each, again with no time left, beware,Holy, Elohim God Is AWARE! Apb,

Prophecy Links Fulfilling

You tube Marfoogle, Was This A Meteor?

Seem to be seeing into heaven Feb 12-19, (2015), the reigning Bride is possessing, prepping and releasing Dan 2, mountain from heaven... Kingdom, Nation Building No More, Indefinitely, Apb

Forewarn two-years, really? An asteroid been shared to be commanded to hit Wisconsin since (2008), revisited (April 2019), just by hearing, Destroy Wisconsin; I believe reference destroy West to even lately Westminster, constantly sinning.

-Angel Gabriel May 15 (2004), was revisited it's exact date, (2020), by more references to eruptions and FEMA! The phenomenon over a decade of seeing the crystal skies crack and missile down; even June 26, (2015), Bride's escape, it was forewarn be aware of dangers from above.
-Only with YouTube, Final Days, Pastor Begley's, Mike, to mrmbb333 skywatchers. All, all, all, telling us especially to be alert of incoming meteors from (2020), midmay to its June, July. Those incoming, impacting right now causing many pop up fires even US soil, disguised as natural events.
-Just imagine even with 101 Yellowstone's coming, truly how much already the world is virtually a revisited post apocalypse. Since I saw Aug 5, (2019), an event standing the world and all Tech, still. Heard March 6/7, (2020), intervals of forty more days each, repent, (RUN) or perish! You know where; Eze 5/9 reapers Marfoogle, target all non compliance, beware, Holy Elohim God Is AWARE! Apb

      -And these are the descendants of the beauty rescued from the hands of the beast: Beast Of Beauty Featuring King Bridegroom Lamed Samech Swanson and Queen Bride Junifer Macbeth Levingston  

The Unending Love Antidote ...The African Juttah Genealogy, 1986-2016/2026/3036

  The Tombola Genealogy, Holy, Temple, April, 17, 1986/2026/3036 into Infinity, God's Kingdom Reign

Unto King Bridegroom Mem Tazaddl Saurus and Queen Bride Tahiti Consquella Saicam was born a son Dever Haden Saurus, a son Burgess Harem Saurus and a daughter Crownwyn Hananiah Saurus Siacam    

Mark Scene, Genesis Marriage Worshipers, XVII and VII And Matrix LXXXX

     "What is it Baxley man? Ask her, ask Macbeth, I don't know if I should say, Lament didn't say, while did he Beth say you couldn't, say? Okay, okay get me exiled to Negeb Ophel, valley of the dry bones, why don't y'all? Their now Georgia grand, grand text one of her entrusted Memphis grands in transit to her. Then confined in her to make sure she have two solid US quarters either on her person or in the transit, something bout Holy Spirits treating them either as the prophet's of old The man in linen mark of eternal life, to Jesus promise of the crown of life or Moses day, the Lamb's, blood, crossover, ...the ark of the covenant Aleth, Moses's to Joshua carried, wasn't it also a sort of safety net to divine intervention? Even saying you all, doing so, not only revisit Sia Maaseiah's little Miya girl transit to crossover into Jesus millennium, toll, for exactly two solid quarters, but in the real, their protection from a sudden come hurricane.  This was Memphis Caden 10th, birthday, come so bad until they thought they would see cars flying through the air, but just as suddenly depleted. Only when
The next morning, as they prepared to leave grand notice there were two solid quarters laying the car's floor board, how the last person she remember having coins, was Caden's ten year old friend, Cameron. So, Lament said, remember during one of grand Sia's demos, a pending Briexit come Briexit to Blaxit, that there was a Caden, Cameron mix who were the one's inquiring whether or not she outreaching down to the last nano-second, was ready to board the arriving chariot, the one she witnessed it's ETE of September 23-25, again, 2015.  Soooo, what you all think, worth a visit from Negeb Ophel Reapers? You mean Beth after we get over the initial shock of that Genesis to Revelation, amazing grace of further Holy Father's divine intervention? You just gave an example Beth of Elohim God, once again showing He's the same when it come to both His blessed Glory and His Righteous Wrath.  Hey, not to get you in trouble loving Beth, but I'm telling all mine, whether they hear or whether they forbear, I'm telling them and I'm doing it right now! Look, just saying, Sia Maaseiah revisiting May 15, (2020), eruptions and, and something about FEMA, the revisit of Angel Gabriel 16 years now, it's same date (2004), so again saying all things unto fulfillment.  How Holy Bride is both escaping and returning by a 7th angel, again as Rev 10, Mighty Angel just said, Jan (2018), no further delays US soil, with Rev 17, 7th Angel bearing 7 bowls pending, signaling all time is what? Out, so yeah, mine will be warn, even if  I'm ascending while I'm during it, holy Jesus husband while carrying us all off, saying even then, be aware of alien dangers from above. Yeah Baxley man and then the heavens themselves as said Rev 6, 6th seal, cracked and shattered apart and missiled down, huge shards, like volley ball size hail y'all, some part of procrastinating US states, like Texas just got. Yeah Phiney girl, I saw that, but nowhere near it's predicted 75 pound hail stones, so even more evidence we're in the last two 42 month intervals of Daniel 9, as so, Rev 11, Rev 13, final week, yes, no, or are we yet debating?"      >>>"Good day everybody, I'll make this quick so I don't disturb your eating tables, please raise your hands if the American Exodus has brought you here, into US Georgia, Atlantic! The American exodus? So no one, alright thanks for your time, sir, the American exodus, really? Yeah, we have an Apostle commanded from the mountain, by the Sunlight God's Throne to as Moses Sunlight Mt Sinai, call US soil into exodus, over three decades now with a 4th, April 2, (2026), pending Jesus' reign. I'll make this short, the Holy Apostle, hearing, sharing (2007), the dying of schools is painful, go down to the middle-school,  (those kids bless with death, yet below the age of accountability), and cast a stone; but instead hearing (2017), kill all parents by, finish all schools, so three years before COVID-19 start targeting world wide, those parents and grand parents age and shutting down all schools.  If possible, but more frightening, thinking the prophecy was too harsh she'd stopped sharing it, only two weeks before it come to past. Should I tell you what prophecy she's now thinking to desist from for the same reasons, is those also predicted, three decades now, 101 Yellowstone's, recently revisited, only days ago? Thanks for your time, enjoy your meal, your name sir? Nobody, so you can't tell us your name, yet you want us, that is my name,  Pastor Ignacio Axwel Nobody. Actually Pastor I've read behind her, she seeing an exodus into Africa and second, into US Georgia, I want to, I need to go back and get, can't go back, that's the curse of Lot's wife, plus it's against Jesus saying once you're on the run, don't look or go back.  I'm, we're coming pastor, we just suffered another of the floods, those two failed dams she forewarn the end of December (2019), were still coming, those and greater earthquakes, Nevada not for 65 years, just suffered and only a week back something more bout eruptions and FEMA! Yes, yes, please come, you're welcome, I'm one of the Ministries along it's trajectory all other US's 49 states, southeast into Georgia, Apostle said would help American refugees along this blessed exodus, if there are none others, please continue! My god, what Vince man? Y'all didn't notice that, did y'all? No godspeed, nothing, just as Jesus said, those who don't receive them, kickoff the dust from their feet, don't bid goodwill, it'll be better for Sodom and Gomorrah, than for them.  I'm staying, what the hell you mean you're staying, forget Rac, man something like a wife and family back there? I'm calling Ginger right now, telling her to load up both SUV's she drive one, Hender the other, get here! My god, you're serious?  That guy, well couple that followed pastor, I read behind her too, and she's rethinking those 101 Yellowstone's, mean they're here, I can't go home but I can use Cinder to mobile whatever stores and get them here. Pastor, pastor, I'm right saying I can't go back but I can have my family pack up everything and come here to us? Yes, just like Moses Hebrew, after 400 years of slavery weren't to leave Egypt empty handed, Apostle encourage American escapees to mobile all stores and bring them right along.  Rac man, you're serious? I am, look, she's the same one, five years ago saying, all we have now the end come, are wind, fire and flood treasures, that's all guys exactly right now, right now, Then how fast, huh, huh, only a few months ago this was a completely different world and she alone telling us all manner of extinctions was coming. Okay, well Rac man, call us when Ginger curse you out, so we can swing back for you, yeah, y'all be careful, I'm ready Pastor if you are, just Rac, right? Right, It's short for Shadrach, with Pastors, brother's Meshach and Abednego, here he's calling right now, {{{"Hello Abe man"}}} alright introduce yourself to the others. {{{"No, I figure she'd call you, but that's my wife, my family"}}},  "and welcome, got a few more stops, then we're back at the ministry until your family get here," {{{"how sacred as hell were you Abe man when she used that passion movie scene as Satan squealing demonstrating the horrors of finding oneself the wrong side of those 101 eruptions?"}}} "Thank you, I can't tell you how relieved I feel already, ah I know, better than damning oneself by suicide, what you're doing Shadrach, that's walking by faith, God's promises, the peace Jesus said we might have in him, as the world bring nothing but greater tribulations." {{{"Stop it Abe man, nothing is to stop you and Mesh from doing the same but yourselves, we watched those infernos videos she gave us together. Watched people waiting too long, praying begging, crying and cursing, but like her death rider from beneath demo, not even Jesus could help them, they'd waited too long! Look, look, look, here's Ginger now, I'll call you back, decide what you gonna do big brother, before it's too late, babe, yeah, you know to trail Hender and drive safely. The neighbors out doing yard work are wondering what we're doing? What you tell them? You said it's time to get out of this part of the country, we're headed into the southeast Atlantic, Georgia, my god Shac, I'll never forget the look on their faces. Hender's, either, but we're packing, getting as much in as we can, we'll stop for fuel, ice and such and here we come my crazy, loving husband., okay then, but Cinder, don't it feel good? It does yes, stress just pouring and pouring off, joy unspeakable all, I know, I know, love you, please be careful, love you too and running right to you!"  Why Speak in Parables? That you be aware as Holy Elohim Himself, beware, Apb

Help me help others,

Prophecy Links Fulfilling, A Poster Saying Christians Need To Settle down! 

     -Seen to be seeing a Daniel 534 BC, here May 15, (2004), Angel Gabriel, come saying all unto fulfillment, she's going, coming, with a 7th angel... (this is an insert, my first Memphis, great grand son was born on this specialty date (May 15, 2020); also the birthday of Jr's, great granddad, my for thirty plus springs demos, in temporal flesh and since ascending (Feb 22, 2012), in the Holy Spirit, Rev 17:14, Jesus' Husband, Mack, soooooo, coincidence?) Again come, May (2004) AD, an Angel Gabriel saying, as mat 24 Jesus, the fulfillment of all things is upon mankind, she's going, (I Thess 4:16-18/I Cor. 15:51-58), she's coming, (Zech 14/Rev 11, 7th Trump, Rev 20, king o f king, lord of lord banner), Holy Bride THEY entreat me, she's coming, going by a 7th Angel...

Commenter, Christians Just Need To Calm Down!

Halle-luj-ah, halle-lu-jah, halle-lu-jah, halle-lu-jah,halle-luj-ah, halle-lu-jah! 

    -So Let me get this straight, those Christ's Anointed, who by a divine inherit as Jesus Christ, who've been waiting for the fulfillment of end time prophecy for six thousands years now; Rev 10 Mighty Angel come standing one foot the sea, one foot the planet, US soil, saying ALL UNTO FULFILLED, with no further delays; instead you want we, well us, The Royal Priesthood, to take a chill pill? No, as a matter of fact, Apostle THEY call me, I just stopped matching hallelujahs all-around my house to make this comment, so will I go at it again, even if only by imagining I'm marching Hallelujahs all around, beware, Holy, PS 91, Rev 18, Elohim God, Is Aware! See here,

Halle-luj-ah, halle-lu-jah, halle-lu-jah, halle-lu-jah, halle-luj-ah, halle-lu-jah! 

-And these are the descendants of the beauty rescued from the hands of the beast: Beast Of Beauty Featuring King Bridegroom Paris Jacque Flent and Queen Bride Chamois Brittany Lawson

The Unending Love Antidote ...The African Juttah Genealogy, 1986-2016/2026/3036

  The Tombola Genealogy, Holy, Temple, April, 17, 1986/2026/3036 into Infinity, God's Kingdom Reign

Unto Harrison Edward Markton and Mahaseiah Adonjiah Saurus, Cook was born twins, a son ShawdowLark Petra Cook and a Daughter Medowlark Peton Cook, a son Fabian Emetre Bloomberg and a son Audran Phelip Cauldron    

 Mark Scene, Genesis Marriage Worshipers, XVII and VII And Matrix LXXXX

"All I'm saying Hailey, having a change of US coins on you and setting aside two quarters specifically is totally different, one show that you believe God and His Anointed, you're exhibiting faith; whereas Holy God embellishes and intervenes on behalf of the faithfulness of His People! Yeah, yeah at one time Shadowlark, Sia Maaseiah averse to being emotionally affected by Holy Father crying, causing a silence in heaven, even HIS Throne to be turn and backed into heathen raging even now, we want full term abortions to legalized same gender perversion, it's churches to school curriculum's! Grand Sia also witnessed God dances over the faithfulness of His people, as described Rev 17:14, those ten heads that shall make war with the Lamb, and the Lamb shall overcome them: for he is Lord of lords, and King of kings: and they that are with him are called, and chosen, and, and, and, faithful); just as of the inherit of Sia Maaseiah witnessed descending, New White, Holy House. Look, if an as Ezekiel 4, a seize is laid US /Western soil, wouldn't it look just like this, like a sudden destruction COVID-19 pandemic, as predicted killing all guardian sorts from parents, pastors, parishioners to politicians finishing all schools to businesses actually? Only to then have it all subside as all is normal, the ultimate as Noah's day peace before total human extinction 15% US, 5% each UK and BC, until a grand total of two quarters earth's inherit are dead and mostly descended. I heard Fabian man, well read how grand Sia responded to all these, even violent liberate us, block parties, saying look as Prince song to lyrics, "party like it's 1999," is the new US National Anthem, US's re-openings despite it's hellish consequences! How odd is it grand Sia's, all, since 1999, Genesis, Psalm thru to Revelation Holies hath said at that point, from 1999, nothing would be the same, if you're a hundred or more years, old, you'd seen nothing like it! Look, look, look, did you all know the Mayan 2012 prediction did come 2012, just as a Carrington CME event missed the earth two weeks it's rotation, just two weeks. So when Rev Holies say, no more doomsday Passovers US soil that proceeding number of divine interventions, could be no, no, no, is, is incalculable. Make you wonder after Noah's and family finished the ark, prepped and filled it, how many deceiving, stunning days come, totally as now fooling the people, before sudden destruction, as Noah's flood? Which Meadow sis, also lasted as these 40 day intervals, countdowns we're also in and how beyond horrid the surreal it was actually. Yellowstone was going, 101 eruptions and 99, bowls, a forewarning revisited, as eruptions, as so given FEMA, only May 15, (2020), and what oh my God is bout to happen in Nevada? Yeah Meadow, that's to revisit as well those outbreaks with ambulances and states of emergencies she saw as Senator Obama was campaigning, so before most of us were even born. So Niemyer, we can actually say we're in the cone of silence of Noah's to Revelation book apocalypse come, right, and after tens of millions there are suffering and dead by a VEI 8 Yellowstone, with 100 more following they're to then run their you know what's off? Yeah Baxley, also as the days of Noah, Nimrod, Lot and Moses, you all should realize, Lot's procrastination caused him everything, not just his wife, but he lost his daughters, losing all hope, they felled to acts of rape and incest.  In case destroying Sodom and Gomorrah was the end, they both drunken their father and raped him, to impregnate themselves and repopulate themselves; just a reminder, Jesus saying during this earth's end, we will have tribulations. Only with end times disobedience and rebellion and every evil work,  sudden destruction  has, will and is claiming hundreds of millions,  indefinitely until Jesus Mount Olivet return,  pray, stand, accordingly." Why speak in parables? That you be aware of end time spiritual warfare, as Holy Elohim God, Himself! Apb, see here, Rev 6, 6th seal here, it's 6th matrix, Jan 22-29, (2018), here,  

Tuesday, May 19, 2020

Youtube, Weather Channel, Catastrophic Flooding, State Of Emergency, Dam Failures - The Weather Channel Live Forecast - 2020,

Prophecy Links Fulfilling

From Jan to May (2020), Seeing the blocking out the sky word, WEATHER; hearing that very alarming, "subzero degree temperatures," waking with references to eruptions and FEMA, after getting between Aug 5/7, 30 31, (2019), 3 refers to 101 Yellowstone events, Beware! Apb

You Tube, IAF, SOLAR LOCK DOWN: Plandamic & Grand Solar Minimum,

Seeing Aug 7, (2019), a hand write clumsily on a wall, Escape Yellowstone! 

     -My response Christian exactly, I said Ice Age Farmer, that I've shared often, been warning of these compounding solar minimum troubles. Also their effect upon all earth's life keeping resources for years now! So like you ask what's change?
 -More and more wild weather and other unprecedented natural events; perhaps to blame something besides prophesied judgments as its culprit. Apparently not knowing prophesied for many millennia also the last days, the sun won't give off its light, but nor will the moon.
-See YouTube Final Days and mrmbb333, keeping eyes on sky phenom, including the moon, the sun, one showed a nearing stripped planet. Until having both a 4 headed sunlight comet.
-This one, comet swan, a newbe our solar system, with a multi-million mile long tail. Both again headed for an already compromised sun, prophesied to leave earth black to twilight. Perhaps all joined in IAF Christian because they just wanna be right about something! Beware, Gen thru Rev God Is AWARE! Apb

Prophecy Links Fulfilling, Soon 40, Rapture Spring Demo's (1986-2016/2026), Apb

-As of, Jan 13.(2018), Rev 10 Mighty Angel, Rev 17, 7th angel, baring 7 bowls, forewarning come is, volcanic apocalypse, beginning, US/BC W. Pacific; Rev 12, star warring Michael, come, Jan 20,( 2019), leading them as of US soil commanded exodus, said to be setting his all around.
-Truly, how many of your God's loan sheep are being stampeded Jordan's/Moses Petra to Georgia's/ Africa's Atlantic? Thus said, inquire, the Son/Sun-light of God, from behind It's reigning,pending Dan 2, Mountain, God's Back Turn Throne, or like 7 US Admin including Obama's/Trump's also be aligned to 50 million US deaths, Apb 

Prophecy Links Fulfilling, Is This During One of Many Rapture Demos, One Was as Many Left Atop High Rise Buildings?

-Getting Jan 3/23/23. (2020), the single, blocking out the sky word WEATHER; after during Thanksgiving to Christmas (2019), I'm shown as a young lady, stranded in winter weather traffic, reading behind the steering wheel, an article about greater earthquakes, (see since, both Nevada and Iowa, 6 plus quakes), only its written in Dutch, while all around men, woman and children were waving through thigh to waist high flood waters, beware, Apb

Youtube, Weather Channel, Catastrophic Flooding, State Of Emergency, Dam Failures - The Weather Channel Live Forecast - 2020,, ( A cat 5, plus Hurricane, never recorded it's targeted Area),

Prophecy Links Fulfilling, I Saw God Dancing Over The Faithfulness Of His People, Apb

-Amen, according to Job's biblical story, Elohim God is also about total restoration. After I watched the White House and The Americas burn up, thus the exodus into US Southeast Georgia coast to Africa's Southwest Atlantic. I also witnessed July (2010), for 15% US soil losses, a New White, Holy House descend. Holy Bridegroom, Holy Bride and the Royal Priesthood, all intact, beware, Holy God Of Genesis Thru Revelation, is AWARE! Apb

And When He Had Opened Rev 20, The Lambs Book Of Life, It Come A Name Roll Call To Census Taking! Your Names Written Or Stricken?

-The book of Apocalypse, the things which were, the 7 churches of Asia Minor. Pending the entire movement of early, Holy Apostles the structuring to restructuring of Jesus Holy Church. Why I asked lately, did you know what churches were mainly doing; right before Rev 18, God used COVID-19, ended it all? They like all other religious to political systems, were in a tug of war over same gender lives, lands, schools and churches.
-When God needed to show Ezekiel the horrors of what evil leaders do in the dark. God had to take him by a lock of his hair, bring him. Tear a hole in the wall and say see, see the evil they do? But pretty much since Obama's watch they'd legalized the evil that reduced Noah's earth into one ark family. Making it a world movement and worst than crucifying Jesus once, taking hold of him 40 days after resurrection and crucifying him again.
-They'd made what was described the genocide of the Genesis, man abominable to detestable now a school curriculum. In 2007, like an Eze 9 command went to slayers, go down to the middle schools cast a stone! Whereas by 2017, we were hearing, Kill all parents by! By April 2, (2019 ),we're a date until two weeks and 7 years. Over a year in, but by April 2, (2026), though nothing American to West Rule will be. Jesus reign could be here, I mean, this being the last week of Daniel.
-Described are such horrid times the final human extinction, well billions will be dead by then. So America alone losing tens of millions is a drop in bucket in comparison, just ask Dr Phil and Dr. Oz they're experts with US death tolls. Fifty million US dead was shown during Obama/Biden/Clinton; as a funeral reef that leaped into the sky.
-Whereas as Clinton/Bush, during Trump we keep getting referred to 99 bowls of molten lava and 101 Yellowstone's. Just say if you're with anything American or West Rule, horrendous types of death, dying and eternal death. They're here to stay even when America is long gone, repent its weight of blood guilt, RUN, don't look or go back, or Perish! Beware, Holy Ancient Of Days Is, AWARE! Apb

Prophecy Links Fulfilling, Thus Saith Arriving To Us, Angel Gabriel, Just Revisited, May 15, (2004-2020), Apb

-Beware (Jan 23-29, 2018), Rev 10 Mighty Angel,, and Rev 17, 7th Angel precariously saying, no further delays US soil, also said further, beware the Midwest and the Eastern Seaboard, as the inundated with such forewarning's US/BC W Pacific, remember THEY stood one foot the sea and the other the planet, even US map, beware Holy, Father Elohim God Is WARE! Apb

PS, Hashtag, Excreta, give here,, when I eventually include a donation alert, it's Holy Spirit influenced; not that I don't need it as much as you need to give to, THEIR Apostle, but so Holy Father is justified by all Elohim promises to judgments, Apb

Prophecy Links Fulfilling
-Prophet Isaiah, also I heard the voice of the Lord, saying, Whom shall I send, and who will go for us? Then said I, Here am I; send me. (Only Apostle I am was only months reborn in Christ and in my transporter prayer closet. When I cried the same to desperate Holy Father, seen, heard crying behind a silence in heaven, His people, stripped of everything Jesus Christ, send me, I'll make the difference, ah, the sweet enthusiasm of the child of faith, Apb

Article, [Georgia church closes two weeks after reopening as families come down with coronavirus], (Like Apostle I am said, no more going on like normal, as the days of Moses exodus repent, escape or perish! See why your elephants of staying unaware stampeded.
-Whereas your Noah's day brides of going on as normal, were offered running shoes for tattered red wedding heels, come run away brides, Themselves, as Moses commanded exodus, beware, repent, RUN or perish! Apb
-And these are the descendants of the beauty rescued from the hands of the beast: Beast Of Beauty Featuring King Bridegroom Preece Caspian Hemingway, Weddle And Queen Bride Preecest Aridity (Ari) Kierston Ross,

The Unending Love Antidote ...The African Juttah Genealogy, 1986-2016/2026/3036

  The Tombola Genealogy, Holy, Temple, April, 17, 1986/2026/3036 into Infinity, God's Kingdom Reign

Unto Spirit River Artelon And Csterling Mdagan Vr'ana was born a son Cullum Enid  Artelon, a daughter Nadia Adyson Spring Artelon and a son, Lambeth Trevor Artelon and a daughter Chastain Belin Vr'ana                
     "Yeah but think Bronze man, who would reward someone jabbing a two edge sword, even fiery of God's word into their ear, jamming it down their throats and stabbing it into their cemented hearts? But imagine the conversation God is gonna have with such rebellers. Especially if they end up the great white throne judgment because they can't take the double edge sword like biblical truth. World stretching, star warring, outreach justified, Jesus hath declared it, IF I BE LIFTED UP I WILL DRAW ALL MEN UNTO ME! Probably Lion Wolf that phenom tribulation saint, church she saw, even saw decades later our resurrection, ascension land us first with Jesus the second heavens to intercede them, genesis rainbow covenant broken, flood water down, martyred blood, pink, TRIBULATION SAINTS! Look I tremble, to know how often people revisit it, perfect man Jesus asking would angels also ascend? Flooring alone, but Sia Maaseiah also seeing Rev 17:14, Jesus Husband in her demos, here in their Rev 2, Jesus described, riches to rags sickbeds and sleepovers.  Revisiting even the God to Jesus of Apocalypse are long-suffering toward us not willing that any perish, that even while we're yet sinners, Christ died for us all, behold he stand at the door and not, if any genesis man, marriage. You Sioux, you all know what? I'm beginning to speculate the same Holies arriving Mt Olivet were there, that Memphis son, grandson and now Angel Gabriel's May 15, (2004-2020), great grandson, home, to reveal and no power found anywhere ever for eons is to withstand King Bridegroom and Queen Bride Zion, come to reign, ...woe, woe, woe Apache Arrow man, woe, woe, woe! But that Memphis Son home, all Zechariah 12, Holies arrival Apache Arrow, that while she stares down a Michael Ealy appearing dangerous, perfect man,  pre or post her kissing also a Michael Ealy appearing, Jesus feet, arriving THEM all Mt Olivet  and, and realizing no place a post apocalyptic planet, is the oxygen pure but up there, sweet, sweet Mt Olivet, all crisp and clean? Wow, wow, wow, Sia Sioux Noel Deburk ask that again and again, okay, okay, by that YouTube rapture demo she shared this young man describing how they're loving on on and kissing on Jesus of ascension, arriving to them.  I too being Sawtooth, Hightower, Hillsfeet thought about Sia Maaseiah waking to realized THEY'RE all Rev Holies, the Olivet mountain return, only as she's actually kissing Jesus feet, ah my God is Christ Jesus, and worth marching Hallelujahs Sawtooth man, all around! Look I was up fixing a ceiling fan when it dawn on me not only does Noah and possibly a son, fit Sia Maaseiah description of the May 10, (2020), prophesied hour, the Gospel to Revelation, manifested in the flesh. but, but, so does the 45th US President and possibly one of his sons, any of you seen his sons? I asked Sia Maaseiah that, she said she couldn't pick them out of a line-up, Trump either, if he wasn't US's President, love not God's And His Anointed main enemy, the religious, political world who drove and drive those nails still.  Yeah, remember she looking at error Islam Bush mistreatment of Saddam Hussein, used Rev 11:1, 2, to prophesy a Hussein White House, clueless, there was a Senator Barack Hussein Obama, and none for many millennia God's prophecies, saw it coming, amazing, just amazing! So you Chey pitched that surreal to her? I keep telling you my brothers, Sia Maaseiah and I work together, my relationship with her is totally different, personal. But no Marked man, I only asked did she know them and no, she didn't have a clue.  I'd not considered Chey, we hadn't it seem, but just another reminder we come from one God, Holy Spirit, Christ Cross and Genesis Woman seed slash blood-lineage, just prick this last ADAM!  The prophesied hour made in the flesh she's seen twice now since Mother's day, May 10, (2020), frightfully one revisited that huge maze of sin, returning parishioners taken in traps by lying and thieving choir leaders and choirs, so please do preach to the choirs, seeing they're just as lost and damning as rebellious pulpits.  That was after she and this prophesied hour sat in like a family outing, conference and he's described by Lord Urusalem, a ball of confusion to indecision, yeah Sabertooth, a prince over Rev 17:1, 15, described, enslaved man or a deliverer of this great whore's, enslaved man? Right, only when rain storms ran them inside she found more of these laying of traps, the maze of sin reveals, but crystal, is no longer an elephants of staying unaware, those two combined, Obama and Trump we have them both, Prince and Deliverer, these balls of confusion.  Come together, kick against damning pricks US Presidential campaigns, the genocide of us all, call mandatory exodus, get us to blessed Briexit to Blaexit.  Yeah Sawtooth man, tens of millions dead, still enters the mystery woman and though she offers from her upper, left hand pocket, these Jesus designed floodwater down, martyred blood, pink, business cards. All, all, all, for mansions in heaven, home earth soon no more, in her hand are more Rev 16/17, bowls, only as molten and blacken as first, The American Continent. You all know seeing those returning parishioners as trapped and fasten into infant high chairs, there goes another reference (2018), as interpreting English into Dutch. Seeming just another exodus, they arrived a fast food window, get it, as food on the run, (mind to mobile all your stores, RUN) . Whereas Sia Maaseiah is deciding which can have only liquid, which can have only meat or both, categorizing them along their maturity, as in newbies are more vulnerable right now than ever.  I know you Sioux Noel, you too Apache Arrow know, what's the different in Senator Obama, during a two weeks and 7 year timetable, being declared, "the one," and this prophesied hour, also during a two weeks and 7 year timetable,  being torn twix two lovers, a prince of evil or deliverance, or, or, are they two in the same?  Just think Sia Sawtooth, wasn't Moses, two in the same, until he heard God's command and one over the other followed, but so was the first Adam, the last Adam, Jesus or you guys there'd be no examples, the Genesis garden to the garden of Gethsemane of indecision to speak of. See, see, I knew if I asked you two, I laid that inquiry before the Hillsfeet tribunal and I'm still waiting. You men even first Prince Silverton Nicholas? No, no, he wasn't there at the time, the wisest of them all, come to think of, it, I'd not considered that, thanks Bronze man for jarring my memory hum, can't wait to see how first, grand Sia will answer, neither can we Sawtooth man, neither can we." Why Speak in Parables? That you be aware of forewarn Books of Prophets to Revelation Books, spiritual warfare, as Elohim God, Himself, Apb 

-Prophecy Links Fulfilling, just as a pointer turn Jan 9, (2020) to it's Jan 12,13, for three prior years, date, 2017-2019/2020. predicted the ten headed beast arrival, predicted, (Clinton/Bush 1998,99, Jer 37:8), to as nuclear, solar and molten events come by fire, burning US/Western Cities, hence you're escaping US states of barbecue, instead into Georgia's/Africa's Atlantic, beware, Creator God, Genesis thru Revelation Is, AWARE! Apb

Youtube, Breaking: " Yehudah Glick / Paul Begley Interview Jerusalem

-Don't you be deceived, said Mat 24 Jesus, the biblical, prophetic, vision for Jerusalem, and two third will be no more this planet, Zechariah 13/14,, Revelation 12, So, Jan 13.(2018), Rev 10 Mighty Angel, Rev 17, 7th angel, baring 7 bowls, forewarning come is, volcanic apocalypse, beginning, US/BC W. Pacific; Rev 12, star warring Michael, come, Jan 20,( 2019), leading them as of US soil commanded exodus, said to be setting his all around; how many of your God's loan sheep are being stampeded Jordan's/Moses Petra to Georgia's/Africa's Atlantic? Thus said, inquiry, the Son/Sun-light of God, from behind It's reigning, pending Dan 2, Mountain, God's Back Turn Throne, APB 

The sun has entered a lockdown period which could cause freezing weather and famine

Prophecy Links Fulfilling, saith May 15, (2004), Angel Gabriel, May 15, (2020), getting, words, eruptions and FEMA; possibly after getting the blocking out the sky word, WEATHER; weeks later also hearing, before America and the world suffered the coldest, snowest April on record, "subzero degree temperatures," saying, I don't wanna be here for that. But also pastor one of the extinction events following US/BC W. Pacific predicted Volcanic apocalypse, also blocking out the sky, the sun, like a Tombora eruption, volcanic winter, beware Apb

Prophecy Links Fulfilling 

-YouTube, Marfoogle, The Next Hero's,, (I told y'all what God see's, Ps 2, Rom 1, and how He responds, Eze 1, 38, 39, Zech, 13/14, Rev 11, 17/18. Though Ezekiel 5, Holy God said, stampede them, I'll send my sword after them, and said slayers come US soil, one strike the telling heart, all unrepentant first born's are descended! Matthew 24, Jesus said when you shall see the abomination that maketh desolate, (like your elephants of staying unaware, stampeded Abbas', Dec 3/13/23/ (2017) Matrix counts, mentioned eight leads and Noah's day Brides of going on like normal, run away, Feb 3/13/23/ (2020), Matrix counts); run so fast, you don't even return to your houses, why I said more a decade back, keep grab bags as handy as you transit and recently mobile even your COVID-19 stores, RUN, you the Mediterranean to the Mid Atlantic, know where, beware, Eze 5/9 slayers target all other procrastination to transit! All, All, All! Apb

Prophecy Links Fulfilling As Gospel Jesus Predicted And Apostle John Witnessed, And Ascending The Faithful Bride Rev 17;14, Jesus Husband, Forewarn, Even Your Universe To Solar System Invaded By A Plethora Of Planetary Renewal

YouTube, The final days. Meteorites coming, more earthquakes, volcanic activity, God's judgments. 5-7-2020, and here, Final Day, Large Stripped Planet (with a revisited, four headed starlight comet Atlas and multi-million miles long, tail, newby, Comet Swan, both headed for our Sun. All I described since day one, Planet X Incoming Solar Systems, John's witnessed, new heaven, new earth and New Jerusalem. The old passing away, following a darken sunlight and moonlight, all descending anew! Beware, Apb

-The debate here is whether its a military invasion or the most phenomena peace keeping force ever. Jesus, the Prince of peace, Holy Bride, the city of peace, arriving with tens of millions its star warring forces to peacekeeping Holies. There shall be neither light nor dark across the planet, but at evening, there shall be light!

-Think back to when Apostle THEY call me said the most concerning issue with COVID-19 weren't as predicted it's speedy death tolls, but its lock downs. Understand the parable of Mat 24, Jesus forewarning of travel bans, as during commanded exodus, now the entire America's continent, escaping southeast, into Georgia, Florida too, to be no more, crossing over into Africa's southwest, coast, South, Central America to be no more, even it's Caribbean as I've warn years now. Herein the cry from anxious, visiting, Rev Mighty Angel, and 7th Angel, these two also standing the US map.
-Fright night, by the time THEY said beware the Midwest, the Eastern seaboard, US/BC W Pacific and all its millions inherit were already suffering Rev 6, 6th seal, now a 6th matrix count, (666), post Volcanic apocalypse. Beware, these social media screens I now draw attention to, only I say beware if these leads aren't as well heralding Sunlight of God commanded exodus and you're just following those like error Islam President Trump. Even error, Biden, Obama, those revisiting sudden religious, political and social media fame, milking it for all it's worth. Too hoodwink to realize its worth in collaborated damages, your temporal lives yes but especially your immortal souls, as Noah's, Nimrod to Moses days, beware, repent, RUN or Perish!  
-Jan 13, (2018), now Hawaii's unforgettable date, Jesus threaten rebellers, children with death, something called lately as a Kawasaki, COVID-19 mutation, your children as Kobe's daughter die horribly but blessed death unlike first born's, they ascend, again newborns into middle school, like Kobe's daughter, her teammate, I saw into these ruins, witnessed a child's charcoal arm being lifted, it was hours later in real time I was hearing Kobe's Helicopter crashed, he and all his daughters died with him. Actually, since this happen to Kobe and his acquaintances, I never asked my Memphis son again who else has to die before he and his both hear and obey and to Georgia's/Africa's Atlantic? 
-Knowingly counting Jesus, but unknowingly discounting the billions righteous dead before him and those billions martyred after Jesus. Who else has to die I asked to get you southeast, to get you into Georgia's, Atlantic coast? Yeah seeing how serious such an inquiry that horrid crash. I'll settle with Rev Holies heralding 2017, revisited from June 26, 2015, US's Southeast Briexit to Blaext, and hours later Memphis TN would no longer be my for near 6 decades, home; "get ye to repentant altars, RUN or perish, (Elohim), "God is avenging martyred blood."
-Fright night, bitter to sweet, meaning tens of millions of Kobe and daughters will die and not scratch the bottom of those predicted 99 bowls of molten lava, of these 101 Yellowstone's equally to kill off tens of millions of more, it's deadly, cocktails of now it's toxic, volcanic environment. Beware, that's US, Western Rule alone, beware, Holy Creator telling first parents if they disobey they and all predestined their womb, what, 7, 8 billion now, all first born's die, repent, RUN or perish, blessed death await, what's fame profit if you're in temporal to eternal hell? Beware, Holy CREATOR God is AWARE! Apb, see here,

PS, Hashtag, Excreta, give here,, when I eventually include a donation alert, it's Holy Spirit influenced; not that I don't need it as much as you need to give to, THEIR Apostle, but so Holy Father is justified by all Elohim promises to judgments, Apb

Prophecy Links

Commenter Said Stop, I said Sunlight God's Back Turn Throne Sent Me, Who Are You? Even The Church Bride THEY entreat me...Again, Beware! 

Article, [Dozens of body bags tagged with 'Trump COVID deaths' dumped outside White House by activist group]

Eze 9 Holy God Said, (2017),  Kill All Parents By, (April 2, (2019) thru April 2, (2026), Finished All Schools! 

Tis Death People!

-Y'all gonna need alot more bags, actually 50 million of your lives have been aligned to errorr Islam, Clinton/Bush/Cameron. Right into error Islam, Obama/Trump/Trudaue, including any, every US Admin pending, the any-day now, end of Western Civilization, beware, Apb

Article, [Texas Mayor Says Bible Forbids Women From Giving City Council's Invocation]

I'm The Way, Truth And The Life, No Genesis Man, Marriage Come Unto The Father, Except By Me? JCON! 

-But the gospel of Jesus, by his holy disciples to apostles, and Jesus astounding relationship with women. Espousing the miracles of the enmity placed between CURSED man's seed and rhe BLESSED woman seed.
-That when cursed man seed crucified the blessed woman seed redeeming her blood issues and all who would believe post and present.
-Actually said there's now by Jesus suffered, cross, except for procreating the Genesis, man, marriage. Again there is by Christ's Cross no longer the human being considered Jew to Greek, bond to free, male to female. Though in Jesus, grace to spiritual gifts are not limited by biological statue, gender nor ethnicity. 
-No doubt why by the time error, cursed man told me I couldn't be in his pulpit. I'd already one spring morning, been approached by a Malachi described winged Jesus Christ, who was also entreated as Father God. 
-Told three tines to come, and follow, HIM, well THEM, Rev Holies. Hand off to now, Elder Ezekiel who opened three time tested doors in Gods, Throne to me. Those so bright I vaguely watched a Sonlight there morph into various human forms. Prepping Jesus suggested we pray for more labors into the harvest, soon given new hearts, all.

-Until the last thing Sunlight come a hand, touched to marked their forward. Then a mouth speaking great things, I couldn't tell all He said, but what I heard was. Like being HIS, they're to be acquainted with HIS grieves and sorrows. Psalm 22/51repenting King David was right, vain is the help of rebellious men. Those like Trump, Obama, two others besides Clinton, Bush/Cameron's Briexit, aligned to 50 million US deaths; beware, Holy Elohim God Is AWARE and thrusting in reaping sickle, avenging martyred blood, no first borns live, repent, Briexit to Blaexit or Perish! Apb, see here, and here,, how it's ALL ending prophetically, Apb

Prophecy Links Fulfilling

Article, [California doctors say they've seen more deaths from suicide than coronavirus during the lockdown], (suicide for the most part is committed out of spite, you God destroyed my life, my AMERICAN DREAM, now I destroy your, genesis, man marriage! Only they're the ones who just damned their souls; in likenesses of crucifying Jesus afresh. But only in likeness, Rev 17;14 Jesus and HIS are King Zion Reign, followed by God's Eternal Kingdom Come! GOT THEM? Beware, Apb

Suicide, Anti God, Anti Jesus' Cross And Anti The Genesis Man, Woman, Marriage, Woe! Apb

-Fight night, this is Jesus warning those about thieving into heaven. Those, before they crashed and burn back into fiery doomsday planet. They come so close, entire families I witnessed climb footbridges so high they could Gods voice, "and I will wipe all tears from their eyes!" Beware!

-Article, to get back to their usual, Article. Only Holy Creator, casting in avenging sickle hears this, "and those who didn't die, neither repented they of their murders, nor of their sorceries, nor of their fornication, (legal abominations) nor of their thefts, Rev 9:20/21. 
-By the time Bush come to office I was to tell him even if you're a hundred or more once 2000 come nothing would be the same. Just before hurricane Katrina hit and now we're suffering daily its COVID-19 death tolls.
- I was told those going on as normal could just forget it; here's 2008, we're hearing the dying of schools is painful, Asteriod destroy all parents, finish all middleschools constantly sinning. Until by 2017, sin infiltration US lives, lands, schools and churches. -Fight night, they not only have great beast stomping, and chomping thru homes, pulpits, porches, money markets and crystal skies. As house pets, there's an infestation of Egypt's abubis undertakers in the home. 
-Indicating one thing, the predicted outbreak of ambulances, states of emergencies and mortuary, are here to stay! Arranged by percentages death tolls come, there's five references to 101 Yellowstones from Aug 5 thu to Sept 23, (2019).
-There's two more, including FEMA, by May 15, (2020); talk about Americans arrogantly building dream houses beside obedient Noah building an escape ark. As so Moses and Holy his, crafting the best escape route, is beyond Ludicrist. 
-Surely after hearing Eze 9 God say stampede them, I will send my sword after them and they come one strike the telling heart; to hear and not do for many is eternal damination.  

-Tell you what, while great scientist and Dr Phil, Dr Oz explain away how exactly 101 Yellowstones and tens of millions of US are suddenly dead isn't the come Judgment of God,. Pray while The Americas go under 99 bowls of molten lava, see (; instead, you're escaping skyward or into Africa by southeast to southwest and Creator God bless it! Apb


Prophecy Links Fulfilling Nuclear January, 12 APOCALYPTIC FIRESTORM,2023 MASS Murderer Suicide On The Ris e,