Monday, April 26, 2021

Run, Run Run, Revelation Book Righteous God Of Wrath Promises Double Judgments , One A Pale Horse to Horse o f Hades, And Suddenly A Quarter Of The Planet is Dead To Damned, Run, Run, Run!

Prophecy Links Fulfilling, The Sunlight Of God, June 17, 2002/Revisited June 17, 2020, Commanded Hemingway Exodus

-Admittedly, not a happy passenger, boarding the bride's chariot, rapture to separation anxiety, I'm guessing. Only moments prior THEY'D been shown securing Memphis grands, the age of accountability as far away from US/ Canada, W Pacific, Cosmic to Volcanic Apocalypse as US Georgia's Savannah COAST. Only with since before President Obama first White House, pending, a Sea of American refugees, called the Blaexit, verses the Briexit to Brexit, also the abomination that maketh desolate.

-Apostle THEY call me witnessed, July 2009, US refugees pouring into Africa's Southwest Atlantic, though it was now Obama's Whitehouse exit, 2015, June 27, with July 6 pending with world nations on the warpath, this pouring into US Georgia's, Atlantic Coast. When, as I glanced the scrolling panel I saw an ETE of Sept 22/23, here, revisited Sept 22, 23, 2020 revised into both a world changing incoming to an outgoing event a 'BETA," the bride's estimated time of arrival, beware, GOH, JCOR Apb The R AM,

Run, Run Run, Revelation Book Righteous God Of Wrath Promises Double Judgments , One A Pale Horse to Horse o f Hades, And Suddenly A Quarter Of The Planet is Dead To Damned, Run, Run, Run

!You Tube, mrmbb333, starting to seem like These things are watching us;,(Daniel 4, WATCHERS; The use of the word Alien, be aware of Alien dangers from above, was by capturing us off skyward, biblical holy spirits, description. Anyway, I'm thinking. said analogy, alien is no more curious to intimidating than being reminded in the end days to end hours there'd be signs in terrestrial heaven and the cerestrial earth beneath. Rightly, until we're born again and Heir again to Ancient Of Days, Holy Lords Throne to Wisdom, omniscient, omni-present, Omni-potent, it's all a little bit alien to paranormal to phenomenal skies, right?

Pentagon Confirms, UFO Video, Is real, Triangle Crafts,

-All this fluidity recently to come clean about UFOS' and their possible Alien drovers is said to have at its root, the explaining away or the biblical rapture once it happens. Only as I been saying all the mystery behind especially ancient civilizations, like the Sumerianss, Egyptians to the Aztec. Marvel not how it could all be explained away with the biblical knowledge and overall purpose of millions in fallen Angels and demons, with their own wicked devices not just to meddle, to degrade and desolate but to genocide the Godman, and like then, right now, there is star warring in heaven.

-But still we must ask what's the underlying cause of triangle crafts and their interest over nuclear plant and is this mystery, their interest with nuclear plants, alone evidence they're more divine than devilous? Honestly not only is there a since I was a very protective child, and all its details, the shape of a triangle craft, scare on my left wrist, this oddity for decades.

-Christmas Holidays,2018, a for a month later soon detected oven scar soon gave this triangle craft scar the look of it blasting off and away, the righteous,resurrected seen skyrocketing right into a capturing, ballooning, cottony cloud. Marvel not peering from my living room window a 1998, night I caught was appeared as a triangle craft. I admit the shock wasn't that I was looking at a possible UFO but left baffled, that something that humongous could come into a neighborhood and even hoover without quaking, shaking, terrifying sounds? 

-Though come a habit of mine, I know, just what moved me to walk over there and take a look out the window that night, and experience such this inconceivable event? Only now the question, was this like so many near misses, did I experience another type of rapture demo of too many to count to come? Bim us up Michael and his star warring Angels, Revelation 12 intercessions await. Marvel not, desolators truly followed, Ezekiel 1 description of God's Chariot as it flee with the holy temple, holy city, holy land graces, a man's arm under its wings was too surmised by some biblical scholars as being an alien craft and portrayed as a hybrid Angel to Alien the movie, 'Knowing,' beware GOH, JCOR, Apb The RAM

You Tube, Ancient Aliens; Lost Race Of Biblical Giants,

-First Adam wasn't born he was created, from the dust ye are unto the dust ye shall return and for six thousand years over 7 billion earth's inherit, has been it's procreation,for better understanding marvel no longer, the chicken come first then the egg, Secondarily, the purpose to rid the Eden, Genesis man marriage bloodline of this new threat, of this abominable hybrid  to satanic genocide, and there was war in heaven. Actually was the purposeful world flood, extinction, Noah's Ark of divine restoration, Mother's Eve, Creator God, promised kept. Plainly, faithfully endeavoring to enduring a post to present apocalypse to restore the Adamic pure blood genome. 

-Miraculously, pending to produce a perfect woman seed, Jesus, the last Adam, virgin conception, birth, Gospel, cross, resurrection, ascension,  spirit and Bride saith come,  and secund Olivet return. Got him, got Jesus Christ Cross of blood reconciliation and while stampeding cosmic to volcanic apocalypse skyrocketed to crossed over yet? Beware, GOH, JCOR, Apb The RAM, see more here, www.thephoenix1012.blogspotcom/

The Nexus Global, all trained from the age of 7 to the age of 17, as in the next Deburk, Tribunal Global, one male heir from each Deburk Genesis Marriage, in no certain order; Unto tribunal *Bridgeover Aldean Efren Deburk, Artz, Unto Tribunal *Sage River, Fallen Water Deburk, Unto Tribunal *Nifco Ewan Deburk, Unto tribunal *McMillan, (Millan), Alwen Deburk, unto tribunal Brightstone, *Starlight Deburk, Unto Tribunal *Lone Wolf, Howling Lion Deburk, Unto Tribunal *Maddox River Bison Deburk, Unto tribunal Antonio (Halo) Valley, Deburk, and Unto Tribunal *Dancing Branch, Still Waters, Deburk, Freestone    

The Unending Love Antidote ...The African Juttah Genealogy, 1986-2016/2026/3036

The Tombola Genealogy, Holy, Temple, April, 17, 1986/2026/3036 into Infinity, God's Kingdom Reign

Unto Barrol Trevor Longknife and Diavonna Angelical Hamberg was born a godson Michael Drake Longknife, a godson Ariel Matthew Longknife and a god-daughter,    

 Mark Scene, Genesis Marriage Worshipers, XVII  VII, It's CXX Matrix Counts

"True, true, but have you all considered planting ABC Election night debate especially into grand, grand kitchen to the fridge, freezers of revelation, just as so revisit her seeing those two predicted the entire months of Aug into Sept 2019, sudden world to kingdom, nation rule altering disappearances, 2011/2012? wasily we're talking the grands the opened fridge, telling of a not for centuries an occupied America come, just revisited, May 2020, also, golden boy Caleb standing in the fridge, his back turn Notedly, just as the mystery woman, the Rite Aid Pharmacy counter reveal, as shown these last thirty plus, their rapture springs, Holy Father, God's with His Throne back at rebellious, unrepentant mankind Marvel not,  equally revisited from the days of such forewarning the book of Psalm and II Chronicles, marvel not only the prayers of the righteous to the repentant reaches into the brazen altars of Holy Fathe ears, sight and reaction. 

Then then, Sage River, grand, grand, when she got those Holies, come, explaining resurrection, ascension, was also pending tribulation saints, overtaken by the Antichrist, their intercessions down from heaven, THEY actually described it, as the Church Bride now in heaven, looking down upon and praying for the Tribulation Saints. Fright night, just as so clarifying one of grand, grands mystery demos, she, ever  praying in an unknown tongue, is from heaven, across the planet, again in an inconceivable for her, unknown language, these reveals were all, all, all while she's busying about the kitchen. Until, here we go election night 2020, pending with a US election, 2013, that'd been astronomical in US death tolls, equally, the hearing, 2020, election night, US soil pending, coronavirus daily death tolls to be "every 20 seconds!" Marvel not portrayed here as all entirely imminent, by grand, grand Sia's kitchen of revelation, so Nextus Global, all here, March 7, 8, 2021, "in San Bernadino, they're incubating people, again," does that forewarning reference, prophesied, Central, South America, as well as North America, with it's Brazil, one dead, three per a minute, so every 20 seconds as well, you heard that Brightstone man? Ahhhh, yeah, a week or so past, that and fright night, Brazil being described, this petri dish of a COVID-19, outbreak, that you guys dangerously borders, twenty plus, countries, and that's NEXTUS all! Then not even speaking of India, for decades, now, a blinking light of caution, early openings recently, now they're in an unprecedented second wave as well, people dying in the streets, meaning this COVID-19, outbreak of mortuary  isn't over, not even close, and Halo man, could be mutating into grand Sia predicted pale horse of unforeseen mortuary and hell, so marvel not, Grand Sia months now, reminding Apostle John, Revelation ( saying, and those who didn't die by the plague, repenteth not, Jan 1, 13, 2018, Rev 2 Jesus saying, if they didn't repent of abominable, detestable, lives, lands, churches, schools, excreta, a pandemic of death is come for their equally perverse offspring, with grand saying now, especially procrastinators first born sons or daughters and Nextus, Global Juttah, Sage River, Fallen Water Deburk, there was silence all about breakfast time, reveals table, and in time, a few minutes before the alert bell sounds."     <<<"I'm just saying, Laura probably because her mom had one, said, she thought abortion was okay and grand, grand was like what about the fornication of Adultery to marriage abuse that goes into the abortion of new life, is okay? First you took pleasure in making this unborn now you're to commit torturous murderers to rid of this new life, abortion isn't a form of birth control. Truthfully you have two biblical choices once a holy spirit to living soul is growing inside you, keep the child or put the child up for adoption. Soon grand said you can't interpret God's righteousness according to what you think or believe, and be careful how you advise people, God will hold you accountable, then she start praising God for all  it's Revelation. Something else Sia Juttah, she said that mad my ears stretch, we're, like Moses supposed to be leading Memphians to Americans, yes including their procrastinating religious, political leaders not following them, this boxing with God and commanded Hemingway Exodus, curse to damnation, stop being deceived, stop deceiving others, woe Meadowlark, woe, you tell Sia Mom, Mahaseiah? Yes, Meadow, holy scripture saying as far as what man think, say Anderson to Elon and what Holy Father knows is the difference to distance as far as planet earth is from the paradise of God, possibly why the psalmist say their help is vanity, a reaching for the wind. Such rebellers Sia's all, Satan their father, Jesus said, just refuse to realize, the damning things you do with your soul, that's even your anti Jesus Christ, Cross gotten freedom, but when you take these damning errors and influence others sometimes hundreds of thousands to millions, then that number being deceived and soon except they return, repent, and damned  are now aligned to you and there's no Noah's cousin reoccurances of extinction level events you're to hide to escape. Marvel not, this is all according to Rev 6 the 6th seal, also a sixth matrix ten day countdown to fiery doomsday and according to Rev 20, revisited mid October 2020, as a fork in the sand of both what happen to battling world enders WW3 to Armageddon? Yeah Barrol man, scripture says you're to wake in eternal lakes of fire with both tortuous devils and demons all-around, and apparent Anubis mummifers, and for a thousand years Jesus Millennium come, then these horrors for all eternity, once your soul is equally cursed during the Great White Throne judgement. Hey, hey, hey, before we all run away, off, did I just read grand Sia had yet another two weeks and 7 years timetable given? Yeah, says her son El Elyon, she woke from sleep April 20 2021 just now, hearing again its third time, that two weeks and 7 years, timetable. Grand Sia Coogan, our dad  said it really threw her, getting a two weeks and 7 years timetable inside a for two years and eighteen days April 2, 2019,  two weeks and 7 years timetable, that she too went walking off to heaven. Right, right until it was revealed to Sia Dad after those two weeks, that's just a revised into another 7 year duration, but beware, grand Sia say of those two weeks, falling around what could cause. Like I just saw on my phone news, there's a concerning asteroid upon approach like May 4, 5 2021 or so, and as you all begin to fright night and reconsider that just can't be a coincidence, two weeks before a predicted to revised  7 year timetable. Yeah, yeah Elyon, the Bride's lifting off escape, June 26 2015, sunlight designed, diamond carved, crystal dove chariot touched the skies, even Revelation 12 second heavens, down here earthers were to be aware of Near Earth Objects, NEO'S NASA is again saying beware of. Plus Elyon to Halo man, we know, predicted to commanded asteroids don't have to make impact to cause a plethora of massive troubles, but it is engineered by Holy Father's Righteous Wrath the Prophet Daniel, King Nebuchadnezzar to Grand Sia reigning, prepping Holy Bride's mountain tossed down from heaven, having a meteor surface and she hearing, once its launched, "this is the Anti-Christ murderer,"  marvel not, Holy Fath, revelation 18 saying come from among yem, i judge them double, heck even the reigning Bride hath wrath. But if it's Red Hawk man the Anti-Christ murderer, he still have like 42 months left, following 42 months of the Abraham Accord, false peace, the total duration that now April 20, 2021 revised 7 years, pending timetable, even as of Angel Gabriel's May 2004, saying all things unto fulfillment, May's 1st to 5th 2021, matrix ten day countdown, cosmic incoming.  Truly, really, or is it you Sia Juttah, tribunal all, another failure to launch Briexit to BETA, intravening, yes, Rev 2 Jesus awarded matrix ten day countdowns to Psalms to Revelation book, star warring Angels? Be careful big brother how you say the BETA, once our Sia mom, grand Sia Maaseiah, got that revisited Sept 22/23 2020, near slap in the face reveal, she knew we had incoming, which could equally be first of May 2021 and start the questioning, are we smarter than Dinosaurs? Ah my god El Mahaseiah, ah my, our God is Jesus Christ, yeah, yeah, cast down in his spirit El Shaddai man, we all better go, we can debate it all in reveals classes. Right, right, Shadow Lark, man, I'm just tired, who's first to the elevator, hold it for us, tired for grand, grand and Grand Sias thirty rapture springs demos they been seeing the Briexit come presently all now a BETA, to Brexit to Blaexit. So Sias all, first of May 2021, two weeks in, come that catastrophe this planet double disappearances, when Holy Bride nor Western Civilization are ever seen again this planet. Only the Holy Bride return anyway, but not until a seven year duration to finale, presently and ebbing and flowing post fiery doomsday, Asteroid to Armageddon apocalypse, by it's April 20, 2028.  So now, new timetable, not new little big Bear, but revised, right, an equally revised, pre Jesus' Millennium reign, awarded mid October 2018/2019, Daniel 4 ,7 year madness curse, finale, Mid Oct, 2027, repent Churchians to Trumpians to all those Michael's list or be in beneath as well as above, 101 Yellowstone's to 99 bowls of molten lava, eternal troubles.  Marvel not its 2021 year already deemed Jan, Anubis' heartfelt arrow, Feb's Michael's deadly, damning list; March Madness to April's fools, yes grand Sia actually heard that, April fool's, the equivalent of Rev 9, Apostle John saying, and those who didn't die by the plagues,' killing over a half of million US soil alone, 'repeneth not,' therefore, April fools, thanks there Chess man for holding the elevator, yeah lil Bear, sure, April fools huh? During a for 7 years Daniel 4 madness curse, my Hawaiian family to legacy, it's clutches, regardless of running to California and from there, to erupting, exploding daily the Caribbean islands. Oh my lord, so they're running again, just as Apostle of Revelation says, vain is help of man, they all running to mountain's grand Sia said, she too just saw melting, crying fall on us and hide us, for the great day of His Wrath is come, and who shall be able to stand or is that hide? Still better than mine, Bull man, they're in Jesus cross awarded safe haven Southwest Africa's,  blessed crossover, but their knees are broken, as they refuse to enter the Juttah so no thanking God or Christ, for blessed deliverance from the worst forms of death and dying ever this planet Like you Sia's said,  the Bride launching also Nostradamus, predicted mountain from heaven, despite Jesus arriving too the battle of Armageddon as a type of nuclear to solar event Himself, catch you guys in Sia Deburk class, yeah Cress man, see you then, can't wait to hear him explain the two weeks and seven years timetable into a for two years and eighteen days, April 20, 2021, April 2, 2019, two weeks and seven years timetable." Why speak in parables? For those rebellious today, like those rebellious, the days of the prophet of old still say, the Lord seeth us not, the Lord is ascended from the earth."  Beware, GOH, JCOR, Apb, The RAM 

You Tube, Pastor Fuentes, Western US prepare for first ever water shortage declaration,, (-I guess I should've been equally reminded, the report out of Miami Florida of thousands having o be evacuated from  toxic flooding, marvel not during the ginormous maze of sin, one of the reveals that stood out the most, that million man patiently awaiting a single water cooler when in come this Mystery woman,  bearing blacken bowls, breaking the line. Striking up conversations, reaching into her upper pocket, bringibg out an offer of business cards for better homeless earth, shelters, blessed are hearers doers stampeders and Rev 2 12 Jesus' overcomers, GOH JCOR Apb The RAM

And these are the descendants of the beauty rescued from the hands of the beast: Beast Of Beauty, Featuring King Bridegroom Barrol Trevor Longknife and Queen Bride Diavonna Angelical Hamberg 

The Unending Love Antidote ...The African Juttah Genealogy, 1986-2016/2026/3036

The Tombola Genealogy, Holy, Temple, April, 17, 1986/2026/3036 into Infinity, God's Kingdom Reign

Unto Lamb Rial Zion and Pandora Felicity Eversworth was born a son Rivers Husdon Zion, a son Jackson Reeves Zion  and a godson, Page Conley Zion, Eversworth 

Mark Scene, Genesis Marriage Worshipers, XVII and VII, It's CXXI Matrix Counts

"If you think about it Sia Juttah, only the two years and two weeks we just spent were restored, making the five years yet reminding revised into a reset of seven years, April 20, 2028 finale, but Sia, Nextus El Shaddai a finale of what? Grand Sia been telling us what May 15, 2004 Angel Gabriel, possibly the 7th angel trumpet/Trump of God revisit mid May 2020 with news of more concerning eruptions and FEMA to the National Guard interventions, THEY been telling her, Genesis through to Revelation 19 has been fulfilling thirty plus rapture springs demos, with, with Sia's all its multi-million man WW3 into Armageddon, human genocide, shown long running finale date, she hearing mid October 2020, as nothing left of this unimaginably massive army to war but a fork in the sands of the seas. Fret not, royal priesthood, but still those unnumbered the sands of the sea rising into a paramount multi-millions in wounded post Jesus millennium, Satan and Satanist last chance effort to defeat Ancient of Days, God man, only a cataclysmic blink of His other eye, in hellish, lakes of fire, torturous devils and demons pending, forever, again I say forever, repent run or in likewise, perish. So right now young Genesis, marriage worshipers I'd be most concerned about this Israeli Prime Minister Nethanyu, staring in the face of Juttah Sia Apostle, Prophetess, also entreated by Genesis thru Revelation Holies as the Bride manifested in the flesh or was it Sia's All, Juttah Sia Apostle, Prophetess, staring Israeli Prime Minister Nethanyu, in his face, and what it all mean?Then, then as to mock NBA'S California to all alike celebrities American dreaming themselves mocking fiery doomsday apocalypse, Kobe Bryant's fiery crash Jan 22-29, 2020, morning we just got the naming, ordaining and appointing of Dan 7-12 to Rev 13-19, end time those Gog and Magog awarded ten head's of nations, ordained King one hour with the beast, she seeing, hearing mostly Islamic, names. Mat 24 Jesus describing the abomination of desolation, the point of no return we're marching either to Heaven's, it Revelation 12 intercessions or we're marching to Armageddon and hell both above and beneath, following. Both demos Sia's, a matrix ten day countdown,  April 2, 3, 2021, face to with Prime Minister Nethanyu and counting down those ten mostly Islamic leaders revisit Daniel 9:27, predicted a final week of years before Zech 14  and Rev 19, Jesus arrive again Mt Olivet, King Zion Millennium reign. Grand Sia, over a decade back while Saddam Hussein was being hunted down like he's more of a criminal, murderer than US President's whoring bloodletters soon aligned to 50 Million US deaths. Know also, Sia Pandora Felicity Eversworth, again referenced during this time, the scripture Revelation 11:1,2, she used ingeniously to predict a US's Hussein'reign, ebbing and flowing in and out of world reign since those now prescribed Memphis, Dunlap street,Hussein, Obama's. Know, Know, Know, the prophesied Daniel final week, Dan 9:27, is rooted in Israel and Islam, the holy land and holy cities Jerusalem and Mecca, the abomination that maketh all earths treasures go away by barrage of extinction level events, again prophetic fulfilling starring us right in the face, Daniel 9 and Rev 17 explain these two and many nations enters into a seven year peace accord. Marvel Sia Lamb Rial Zion, not two weeks into an April 2, 2019 two weeks and 7 years timetable, the Israeli, Trump to Kushners Abraham Accord begin to be agreed upon by other important Islamic nations, especially those the Arab Emirates, UAE and said for many millennia proposed 82 month non-aggression pact been gaining prophetic to biblical ground since. Clearly, Sia's alll, why a US Georgia gotten Biden Harris White House, is needed to bring in all Israeli/ Islamic warring factions especially Syria, Iran and the ruling class, Dec 3, 2017, a first ever Rev 2, Jesus awarded matrix ten day count, Abbas mentioned eight leads and elephants of staying unaware stampeded, to a needful Hamas, admittedly with grand Sia seeing Israel reluctantly  cater to an enemy Hamath, possibly Hamas, only when the US to West Rule was no longer a factor, this entire planet, the Briexit, Brexit to Blaexit, all come simultaneously. Marvel not both the duration of the final week of Daniel and world orders The Holy Bride and Western Civilization cannot, will not coexist, they're skyrocketing to fire-rocketing as these three empires, New world order, Israel, Islam and Gog ad Magog, get their final days, hours to nano-second footing. So here's our debate hour and El Elylon this time its on you, thank you Sia Tribunal Cheyenne Deburk, all Sias here, what's been said here, again that those counting down since April 20, 2021, 14 days could fix us into the last seven years this old heaven and earth before the Christ of God, Olivet return. Fright to a Memphan claiming having 15 in the pocket, there's Grand Sia, mom, another April 23, 2021 matrix ten countdown, seeing we're living in luxury only while in exile or should I say while in commanded, designed exile to a blessed continuity of the Genesis man marriage, Mother Africa's Southwest Atlantic Islands. Fret not, which Sia brother all make sense, though seem stalled, coronavirus massive death and dying in North America will continue, lessening only as blessed stampeders draw closer and closer to US Georgia's Atlantic COAST, crossover. Further, fret not Shaddai to Elyon, my brother's, hundreds of thousands of North AMERICANS are to reconsider God commanded Hemingway Exodus, of suffer especially their first borns dead. But Sia El Mahaseiah, not God's, Elohim, Creator God has shown grand Sia for 30 plus rapture springs, like the stone gods they instead worship His ears too are deaf, his eyes also are blind, his heart harden, this people out of His reach, their everything left unto them desolate except they all repent, run, again I say run! Revelation 10 Mighty Angel, Rev 17, 7 Angel 7 bowls shown pending, even forewarn passovers are suspended, just as Mighty Angel said no further delays, desolation's predicted US soil, now come, beware! I Tribunal Cheyenne Deburk, say marvel not, two days before reports of Florida's Toxic flooding grand Sia witnessed the emerging of events needing White Hazmat suits and frightening matching gas mask, some bout the number three. If we think alone, which young Sias revisit the shaved head into a triple apocalypse come, a fourth an earth altering to ending disappearance and more Californians evacuating, are you Californians hearing this? There's a mass disaster approaching that's gonna send you all stampeding again with no true safe haven but your hearts faith and flight into the direction of the southeast, Mid Atlantic. You're saying Sia Juttah, despite obstacles, if one is with sincere hearts and faithful attempts of obeying and are efforting North America to the American Continent toward either US Georgia's or Africa's Atlantic, said faithfulness will be followed by divine intervention? Yes, Holy Lords have been shown to intervene to intercede from there, and not only so, they were shown to get pending tribulation to safe haven mid Atlantic coast before God's Trump sounds and Holy Church bride is snatched skyward. I'm reminded Sia Juttah Deburk of grand Sia, mom being in all manner of translations, one her Memphis grands were delivered for hundreds of miles into Georgia's Atlantic COAST and one she and the little Miya girl surveyor, were translated for what grand Sia, Mom described for Thousands of miles, a new country to era, even Jesus millennium come. Plus grand Sia, Sia brother, yet shy to say that's pretty much how a sea of American refugees arrived Africa's Atlantic, coastal cities, easily they were all translated, could Sia brothers explain the first spring rapture demo, a Malachi 2, Jesus cone, bearing yes healing wings but also wings for flight, for delivering. Okay, okay, okay Mahaseiah love, okay now your freaking us out! Yeah plus grand, god-triplets, we're talking near a billion in American escapees and how many multi-millions are being whisked off to heaven? So were also Memphis Caden talking about waiting to translate them either Southwest Africa to heavenward intercessions, just as many in holy guardian to star warring Angels, their could be one guardian angel or more per each stampeder. You was there, still young enough to escape with grand Sia,  being one of them, when grand Sia MEMPHIS grands were translated hundreds of miles away, you Caden, Cameron were there, they weren't worthy to board the Bride's Chariot, so how else did Lamb of God, Jesus Husband translate them, again you with them, you just don't remember. You and with Star warring angels even return to see after the Holy Bride's boarding, ebbing and flowing WW3 to Armageddon, Britain, Russia/China and Syria was upon us and it was time to get out of it and before we touched the heavens, those left behind, like aged, first born Memphis grands were to be award of NEO's. ***Ah, ah, ah El Mahaseiah, I just heard on NBC NIGHTLY NEWS, April 26, 2021, not only is the Pentagon verifying footage of triangle crafts, they said they seem to be hovering around nuclear plants. You Sia Juttah Deburk just point out grand Sia's revisiting White Hazmat suits and gas mask, also referencing a nuclear event, actually those predicted nuclear events grand Sia has said whenever Holy Bride to Holy Priesthood are threaten, ah like years 1986, 1992, to 2011, lest we forget especially that Hawaii inbound missile alert, the predicted gathering of saints, always, always come imminent with Genesis to Revelation Holies frequently showing up to snatch us out, meaning those piloting Triangle crafts are friendly, intravenous Holy Ones, right? Grand, grand Sia Barrol, years back compared Angels keeping us aware of approaching nuclear threat and yes threatening to snatch us out to that scene out of the movie, the Abyss, when those extraterrestrials, point out to caring humans a nuclear weapon on board was to be used for the extraterrestrials extinction. So yes white hazmat suit of made aware, also a reminder Holy Father threatening to destroy those destroying the earth, which especially ALL nuclear weapons are, as in there's no friendly nuclear weapon, again I express, all to any WMD is earth ending to genocidal. Directly bringing God's righteous wrath to judgement and on that assessment Juttah Sia's we are dismissed! Huh Sia Deburk, dismissed, how, how with, ah, so many unanswered questions? We'll Sia Barrol touch on such things the 11:00 shopping lunch hour, report, especially the sunlight of God. God's back turned Throne commanded, exodus, make this effort to get too laid safe havens faithfully and Holy Lords, regardless of threatening Reapers to Anubis', take such blessed flight from there, I am running, so, sweet sleep, blessed, day. Hey, hey, so, Memphis Caden you was there? According to grand Sia I was a hybrid grand Caden, cousin Cameron by marriage, come back with Rev 17:14, Lamb of God, Jesus, from delivering Memphians to US Georgia's Savannah COAST, now the described Church bride's ETE to references, hold up ("Hey pretty lady, I'm free, you, we're meeting or not? Actually babe I've been held up, could be another hour, I'll comny you then, love and kisses, right, love and kisses.. miss you, miss you too, see you soon, bye"); Ah yeah Barrol man, that Caden, Cameron mix, asking a yet busy, outreaching Bride was she ready?Also referenced a soon to come Britain, Russia and Syria military offensive presently the Bride's Briexit to the UK Brexit to West Rule, even a stampeding world, Blaexit, all points bulletin, doomsday planet get either to W Mediterranean, Jordan's city Petra. As so, North America, the Mid Atlantic, Africa's Southwest COAST, the Bride taken up, pending Tribulation Saints carried over, just as WW3 to Armageddon, nuclear, natural and NEO'S, hit the fan so to speak, blessed are hearers, doers, stampeders and Rev 2, 12, Jesus' overcomers. Wow, what a reveals class, yeah Barrol man it's like that especially with grand Sia's, god-triplets, you know El Shaddai is already Sia Juttah, Global to Nextus Tribunal,its youngest yet, and Memphis Caden man no wonder, they're just too amazing to intimidating, catch you later, yeah Barrol man, blessed day."      >>>"Only to debate Jan 15, 2021 Michael's List you'd have to first reconsider that Jan 2020, torn out of the Lamb's Book, of names, and page torn would be the equivalence of names stricken out or in the verge, which then would make sense of those names cataloged Michael's List. Seems if we're to reconsider Micheal's List to Grand Sia page of names back to the 2015, Lamb's book of life made into a name roll call to taking of census, both 2020 page of names and 2021, Michael's List, no doubt, revisit. Well, I was thinking the pale horse pandemic is about judging those abominable, detestable lives, lands, churches, (religious political, example, Sia's all, Roman's Pope, after there's no telling how many souls he has perverted now during the deadliest of a coronavirus, suspending every formation of going on as Noah day normal, now decides to stand on biblical truth, all fornication, legalized all, such marriage abuse is sin, therefore damaging and damning, rebellious Americans, Jesus described riches to rags sickbeds and sleepovers, having burn mask parties, despite hundreds of thousands US dead, they're to go on whoring, stealing, killing and destroying to achieve, again marvel not a half of million dead US soil with a fourth, deadlier coronavirus wave approaching, and millions dead and dying, world wide, many three per each minute,  Revelation 17/18, Judgement is at great, bloody whoredoms and there's no telling how many billions have awaken in hell over Genesis marriage abuse alone. I can only say Jr Darius man, Sia mom Mahaseiah April's 8, 2021 dream, was about those same June 17, 2020, characters, family, Church family and their predicted to be dead mostly by gun violence, children, Portrayed here, not only boxing with God but by their own rebellious to procrastinating wills overwhelming to overcoming Holy Him. I guess you can say Roman's 1, the giving up on rebellious to grand Sia's Jesus hands off, come from beneath, molten death bringer, so victorious. Yeah until for the last two decades Sia mom, she's been blocking out come with US/Canada West Pacific volcanic apocalypse was hundreds to thousands of miles of scorched autos and motorist. US states of barbecue, no question, marvel not the mystery woman breaking line, those millions awaiting a single water cooler the bowls that she too bore were also as blackened, as now behind them, a once green, flourishing Yellowstone national park." Why speak in parables? Jesus disciples asked Him, with Him replying by quoting the prophets of old saying well see here, Mat 13:10-17, beware, GOH JCOR, Apb The RAM!

Article, Before Its News,Hillary Clinton To Hang At GITMO, yeah let's just overlook, the half of million US Covid 19 dead and dying because the whole country has been aligned to abominable detestable lives, lands, churches, choirs and peace getting porches. All the American Dream seen as recent as 2017 to have great demon beast the Lion, the Leopard and demon dog Anubis, in the home, as loving house pet's, marvel not the command, 2017, to Eze 9 reapers, kill all parents by, finish all schools! GOH JCOR, Apb The RAM!

Run Run Run Unlike Chicken Little, I Like Apostle John Rev 6, 6th Seal Did Too Witnessed The Heavens Crystallize And It's Very Crystal Sky In Huge Chunks Fall Into The Earth, It's Billions Inherit, Run, Run, Run!

-I'm afraid as prophesied since error Islam Bush Clinton Bush, to follow her, except she repent, error Islam Col Quaddfi, she's one of many into Obama, Trump, and the flaming, blazing frying pan, flying saucer liftoff of President Biden and Vice President Harris. Fright night to rolling twilight skies, happening both Mighty Angel and Kobe Bryant's, Jan 22 -29,, here ,2021. All error Isalm, to Mystery Babylon aligned to a weight of blood guilt, Happy Holidays, 2001, fiery, doomsday a Christmas Carol. No further delay cried Mighty Angel, US/Canada West Pacific into US/Canada Mid Atlantic, cosmic to Volcanic Apocalypse, with calder's of molten lava found beneath Mid Atlantic cities as well its W Pacific cities,, 30 times the amount of Yellowstone Super Volcano. 

-Just like Apostle John, Revelation 6, 6th seal described there's no running from it, stampeding to prepped mountains, they're melting themselves. So unless like Rev 2 Jesus' explains you're faithful to overcome by divine intervention, no doubt like blessed escape Into US Georgia's Atlantic COAST crossover with Africas' Southwest Atlantic pending;; Revelation book also say,  blessed are hearers, doers, stampeders and Rev 2, 12 Jesus' overcomers, GOH, JCOR, Apb The RAM,; enduring March madness, don't be an April fool, ah, just Run, Aug 30/31, 2019, described a stopping the world event as 101, Yellowstone eruptions, again, Run, you know why, you know where! Apb The RAM

Thursday, April 22, 2021

Run Run Run Unlike Chicken Little, I Like Apostle John Rev 6, 6th Seal Did Too Witnessed The Heavens Crystallize And It's Very Crystal Sky In Huge Chunks Fall Into The Earth, It's Billions Inherit, Run, Run, Run!

 Prophecy Links Fulfilling, Seeing to be seeing Feb 12-19, 2015, the Anti-Christ in great, unstoppable prowess across planet; whereas Holy Bride was instead shown reigning in heaven, prepping the stone, cut out without, hand, it having a meteor surface, that when she released it all I heard was this is the Anti-Christ murderer. inconceivable for six millennium into ever prophesied nano-second, seeing Jan 20, 2019, Revelation 12 Angels, battling a star wars in the heavens, hearing, Michael is setting his all around, until here, Gog and Magog earth enders and people eaters, revisited, Feb 12-19, 2019, seeing a hybrid, Alexander the great slash Hitler's Germany of an Anti-Christ, with Egyptian, Anubis demon, under takers, mummifers posing all around as policing German shepherds: why doeth thou marvel? See here, Eze 38/39, Dan 7-12, Rev 9-19,  blessed are hearers, doers, stampeders and Revelation 2/12, Jesus's overcomers, GOH, JCOR, Apb, The RAM

You Tube, What If, What If An Asteroid Hit The Earth?, ( Didn't You Read It Lately NASA says such Near Earth Objects can't hit us, even won't, leaving Feb 28, 2021 Eze 31 Holy Father God to ask such demi-gods, whom art thou like in thy greatness? Marvel not Mat 7 Jesus says to many gifted followers, He never knew them, couldn't see, nor hear them, how except they repent, they  perish, their children dead! Fright night truly, to rolling twilight skies, I heard as recent as escape to either US Georgia or skyward into Heaven, June 26, 2017, get ye to repentant altars, God is avenging martyred blood, again how fright night, with Jesus saying as Noah's day, no flesh survive except for the elect sake, Lord Zion Jesus, Olivet rturn!

-Actually with an Asteroid commanded 2002, to hit middle schools and as so around 2009/2019, to destroy Wisconsin, and regardless of what NASA says, with said cosmic threats more and more imminent, this explosive than ever this 2021 year. What if you guys stop doing these end of the world scenarios, only to come back and tell us how improbable they are? 

-When those who both study and believe the bible, especially endtime escatology, know the sky to stars falling will kill millions this planet. Even this country with tens of millions of US deaths aligned decades now to their rebellious, religious, political and domestic leaders. Here their mas murder, shown as a funeral reef attached to a Pres.Obama, 2013, Nov 3/4, paperboy, handlebars, shooting skyward we with equally climbing.US death and dying.

-Just now, Jan 22-29, 2021, after THEY, Genesis thru Revelation Holies, showed me the flaming, blazing, frying pan liftoff of President Biden and Vice President Harris. Fright night to rolling Saint Vincent Caribbean twilight skies, what to follow? Especially since you've made a mockery of divine foretelling,/forth-telling mocked in return you're to followup on earth ending movies scenarios. 

-Only like the help of six millennia of rebellious man, all end days scenarios, they're too are vanity,  worthless, no sincere red alert to urgent guidance, this continent, this earth, heaven, by a fiery doomsday apocalypse heaven passes away, Jesus even said.

-In prophetic hindsight, over two decades and escalating to the point a pre schooler can see it. We know and were forewarn again  two entire 2019 months, Aug/Sept, volcanic to asteroid apocalypse, including 101 Yellowstone eruptions targets US/Canada' W Pacific into US/Canada Mid Atlantic, I remind you, only a month past, even its Caribbean, Central, South America.

-More unimaginable than what coronavirus has done, as a post apocalypse, leaving scotched autos and motorist for hundreds to thousands of miles. As forewarn, like right into Memphis prophesied Dunlap street, with orphan children. When its guardians of every form come crawling, across the old Arkansas bridge. Witnessed, June 17, 2020, down on  all fours in Ps 51, Dan 4 to Eze 31, penance; where is that scenario?

-Marvel not hearing three years before Coronavirus hit, my Dec 2001, predicted backward letter C pandemic over two decades before Bill Gates start forwarning you, "kill all parents by,"  I heard, "finish all schools."  Marvel not it all goes dangerously, deadly and damning, when your expert leaders try to undo the American/Western fiery, doomsday's, apocalypse.

-Riddle Apostle THEY call me this, the ginormous maze of sin, a decade prior, why did the Mystery women, also offering Jesus' mansions in heaven; have alike Jan 22-29, 2018 ,Rev 17, 7th angel bowl's of unlimited Judgement; only hers were blacken as US states of barbecue; where is that scenario? -Whereas a Sunlight of God, June 7, 2002, revisited as recent as continuing, Commanded Hemingway Exodus, June 17, 2020, God's back turned Throne. Fight night to Anubis'demons dogs posing all around as policing German Shepherds, just as Moses' fiery, mountain adventure. The Mal 2, Sunlight of God, moments after that 30 minutes silence in heaven, His Own, commands a present day Exodus, of The American Continent/world

- Rightly commands to use Dan 9, Rev 12, Archangel Michael' and his star warring Angels to pave, lead  and safeguard the way; into US Georgia's Atlantic COAST, with Africas' Southwest Atlantic pending.get  Into itty, bitty pieces, this taking out every tittle of Western Civilization, affiliates, ALL. Prophetically, near 4 billion to die world wide, again tens of millions US soil alone, let no leader, fallen Angel, deceive you; so besides biblically, prophetically, where are these blessed scenario? Blessed are hearers, doers, stampeders and Rev 2, 12 Jesus' overcomers, GOH JCOR Apb The RAM

And these are the descendants of the beauty rescued from the hands of the beast: Beast Of Beauty, Featuring King Bridegroom Hunting Bull Maverick Ndew and Queen Bride Malena Diem Viceroy 

The Unending Love Antidote ...The African Juttah Genealogy, 1986-2016/2026/3036

The Tombola Genealogy, Holy, Temple, April, 17, 1986/2026/3036 into Infinity, God's Kingdom Reign

Unto Legacy, Keithan, Ethanyu and Elizabeth Irebe Seligh was born a son Hendrick Edward Ethanyu, a god son, Efron Erin Ethanyu, and a daughter Electra Gwendolyn Beard

Mark Scene, Genesis Marriage Worshipers, XVII and VII, It's CXX Matrix Counts

"Here you are, I've looked everywhere, yes and Nicholas Edin only found me cause I wanted you to, I am beginning to realize that. So how you keep finding these amazing, other worldly hiding places? When your query Nicholas Edin should be, why such unspeakable, hiding places, as you describe.just keep presenting themselves to weary oh me? So you don't wanna, don't do that, cut, those, they're al the eyes l I have, running tears all. Any way loving husband,  I can't tell you this, I just feel so betrayed, that I've equally betrayed others. Jesus Holy Spirit to heart and seed is Maaseiah never betraying, come, tell me what's devastating you so, I won't come and I can't tell you this. Ah my holy Christ is God, I can't tell you this, it makes no sense, momentarily, changing everything. So like, even with, young, Genesis, marriage worshippers, thinking maybe I'll strike out walking to heaven, I guess Nicholas, that's how I found this indescribable place. But I don't know, maybe you Nicholas, can make sense of it, no, no, no, you can't, how can I even think it, say it, it can't be right. Maaseiah, I'm coming close, look, it's me okay, it's me, it's Nicholas. Okay, okay, then here I go, I heard  as I woke  just now so April 2, 2021 and been confused since, " two weeks and seven years," and you my daring knight in God's whole, shimmering armor know that's impossible. I even Nicholas Edin Coogan see it in your face, another two weeks and 7 years timetable, two years and 20 days inside an already existing two weeks and 7 years timetable, April 2 2019. Not only inside a hundred and eight since Thanksgiving 2017, Rev 2 Jesus Matrix Ten Day Countdowns to volcanic apocalypse. All,  all, all extinction cone, inside the original Happy Holidays 2001 Intrepid Dream 190 months and mystery for many millennia this 40 days, insertion, timetable. When yes as you say Nicholas Edin, leaning into all these various timetables is yes devastating pure hearts to minds, mine own, why do they keep doing it, why? Okay, okay I see your feeling betrayed, even the betrayer but didn't we wonder, even you head unholy angels inquiry how could we Maaseiah be near 28 months into the final week of Daniel's 82 months of the greatest of near extinctions to come ushering in Jesus Millennium reign unless we're in mid rapture, right? Here you are expecting any, every prophesied hour and within its prophesied nano-second both Holy Bride and Great Whore Western Civilization skyrocketing to fire-rocketing. But don't you see precious Maaseiah, this new April 20, 2021, timetable is more verification, within two weeks the five plus years reminding Maaseiah. Truly plus the two years pursuing to interceding Holy Spirits just spent, getting Tribulation Saints the better homeless shelters to safe haven. Crystal clear, restores a prophesied pre tribulation rapture, that put us skyward with Holy Christ, still for a duration of seven years; not one misstep, being spurn Into a waltz by Eze 9 reapers, one stab the telling heart, ascended to descended. Don't you see, with this revised timetable, we're back to what Apostle Paul said Anti-Christ can't be revealed until the preventors, the Holy Church Bride is taken out and its duration is for two 42 months intervals. Marvel not Maaseiah, the back turn Rite Aid Pharmacy counter, sealing those 5% to 15% in US/Western death tolls, serving only you, saying only to you they'd wait on you. Maaseiah, beloved? Yes, of course yes I hear you, need I say, Incredible reveal Nicholas Edin, especially coming from you, all the  more proof you're Rev 17:14 Lamb of God Jesus Husband. Still, what do we all do with the April 2, 2026 finale, apparently it's revised April 20, 2021,until two weeks and 7 finale, April 20, 2028, again until then, revisiting end day cataclysms, those two years, April 2020, April 2021.Come here, I need you to see this amazing place Nicholas, at one time it acted as a lighthouse, look through here. That's the Euphrates River, and that dirt trial right there, it look exactly like the area I witnessed those elephants of staying unaware stampeding, causing both a shaky, shaky shelter all around it's earth's Inherits. The Euphrates River, where those four fallen Angels are bound, Apostle John heard Maaseiah, loose the four angels bound in the great river Euphrates. Not anymore, I don't believe they've been bound there since Obama's two Presidencies ended and Trump humanitarian crisis of a US Administration began. As predicted, Gog and Magog described Revelation 13 ebbed and flowed into both fulfilled Obama's US election 2009; until Trump's 2015-2017 campaign win. Clearly to his White House was aligned to earth enders and people eaters Gog and Magog, a nuclear fate and 50 million US deaths, and no wonder. Why THEY do it, another announced timetable,THEY had to know Nicholas it'd freak me out, as so others following, two months and 20 days Into a two weeks and 7 year timetable, THEY plant still another? Rhetorical question,I know, darling, THEY revised the existing timetable, but aren't you Sia Maaseiah yet doing daily burnt offerings, those appeasing God's righteous wrath, to seeing to covid-19 memorials to those pending Tribulation Saints, holy blood reconciliation? I say, marvel not in prophetic hindsight Maaseiah, holy spirit come telling you, your resurrection to ascension assignment would he to intercede pending Tribulation Saints, as THEY beloved already foresaw your indescribable, faithful, daily burnt offerings. Plus Nicolas I always wondered heartily, privately, why there weren't three timetables,but is there, April 20 2021 as you say, more a revision? Even if not, you've beyond descript Lord Urusalem heard thrice in your ear, over two decades now, timetables, two weeks and seven years. Ah my god Nicholas it was after showing us the flaming, blazing, frying pan, flying saucer liftoff of President Biden and Vice President Harris, holy Lord then signaling evidently before the for 190 years subtraction, the only worthwhile entertainment is watching end times TV  series to movies scenarios? No doubt all telling them something other, than fulflilling all around end day fiery apocalypse, indicating to verifying this is the biblical end, reoccurring sudden destruction, this outbreak of mortuary, is your new normal, stop being deceived stop deceiving others. Looking here Maaseiah, this spy window again, you really think this is the dirt path you saw those Dec 3, 2017, elephants of staying unaware, stampeded approaching, end days deolation's? Odd still Nicholas Edin, one moment hand in hand artistic, Memphis Caden and I are crossing a street, soon there's this massive quaking and instantly I could see this dirt path and I see frightful, fretful quaking was of elephants stampeding, leaving all-round shattered, terrified people. So, fiery apocalypse to Eze 9 reapers are stampeding some, as the little Miya girl, Michael and star warring Angels are setting a perimeter, Psalm 91 has assured many millennia now, a thousand shall fall at thy side, ten thousand at thy right hand but they shall not come nigh thy dwellings, predicted two decades now, US Georgia's Atlantic COAST crossover into Africa's Southwest Atlantic, and there, Holy Bride THEY entreat me , guardian angels to star warring Angels where, Georgia's Atlantic to Africa's Southwest Islands waiting their arrival Nicholas Edin and like Apostle John witnessed them all come, and come, and come, just think about that. Look tell me again about that 21 day fast, visitation to heaven, even by your transformation infirmity, my transformation infirmity? Make it sound so minuscule, I didn't mean too, you know I've been right now, this terrifying cross with you, even Maaseiah hearing Jesus, most beyond blessed assurance, sins once Scarlet now white as Snow, how today we'd been in the paradise of God with holy blessed Elo-Him, " as one witnessed moving into, just glistening in the sunlight the window there, just this beyond, unfathomable creature, woman, 'Maaseiah Adonai, only THEY dubbed her, Lord Uruaslem, city of peace. "It's only called a revisited 21 day fast, cause that's how long it took for Angels to directly and personally get to a sincerely praying Prophet Daniel, because Nicholas, simply as with Apostle John and I, Apostle THEY call, me,  it was time for such bedazzling, overwhelming, revelations. Soon an arriving to him, Angel Gabriel explained, how an evil territorial spirit, just like those Nicholas, that Lion, the Leopard and demon dog, portrayed posing in homes, as pets, as other members of people's families. Only here with Daniel, described a Prince of Persia, pending The Medes and Persians, overthrowing Ancient Babylon to present day Mystery Babylon, anyway Nicholas, his powerful evil withstood Angel Gabriel 21 days until Michael and now we know his star warring angels come to the rescue. So it's not like, the lord supper wine and blood, those 21 days weren't to be a memorial fast of sorts, desperate to mend our differences. There I am, already a mental break down like 20 or so days in, this Damascus road, transformation infirmity, the form of a seizure, next I know I'm in heaven, being lead to earth home exit by all-around intravening Angels. Then Nicholas, I begin to hear what I swear to never tell anyone and I quote intravenging, Holy Angels , "we can't wait to be down there where you are," and I stir awake, flabbergasted by THEM affirming just that, like wait, aren't we trying to get up there to them, what could this dare mean except Jesus Millennium to Only, God', Elohim's Kingdom come? I wanted to hear all that again Maaseiah, but isn't that surreal assurance to divine intervention, safe haven, even that should convince procrastinators if for six millennia of Holy Lords adore you, to trust you, to entreat you to such extremism, they're to be where you are, then where you are in the world Maaseiah is where all doomed earthers should want to be, right; so how could you not share such blessed revelation to adoration with them all? You know why, Holy Gospel of Jesus saying, explaining why he Nicholas, even Holy Elohim, God, explaining to an ordain prophet, who those he's sending him, won't listen, so it is imperative only that they KNOW, easily Nicholas Edin, that Holy Father, Elohim Almighty God, mightiest be justified when HE speakest, and be clear when HE judgest, repent, RUN or perish! Come, there's something else you should see, there's a garden of Eden to Amazon jungle, this exit just below us, as otherworldly Nicholas as Ethiopia's skyfall, if you can believe that, before I open this way out, be warn, like skyfall, chances are you're not, gonna, wanna leave, inhale, exhale, ready your heart and hankie!' Why speak in parables? Jesus disciples, asked him, with him responding quoting prophets of old, saying, well see more here. Mat 13;10-17, beware, Apb, The RAM 

Prophecy Links Fulfilling, July 6 2015/July 6, 2020

"Next I know, predicted to go both WW3 and Armageddon, ({2015}), here, July 6, 2020, I'm arriving just in time to witness Revelation 2, specialty new born being snatched off the doomsday planet, then like I imagine hearing, Holy Father, standing right there, thinking out loud, yes take His, (Holy Bride, Lord Urusalem), to Him, (Lamb Of God, Bride Groom), but this one, (apostate Bride, Lord Jerusalem), this one is mine, when as suddenly as Holy pursuer, Elohim, say, I'm laid in mine own grown up cradle, and he standing over me, blowing in the wind, this unspeakable, indescribable overwhelming  sweet perfume , with an equal, indescribable for eons and eons to come, adoration is again this wind man, front, cover, model caliber, husbandry and my equally overbearing terror is that he can instead detect my, vulgar, putrid, decaying, birth upon humanity, then I wake, from the first ever demo of being portrayed Jerusalem, in abominable, detestable, even damning flesh, repent, RUN or perish, you know why, you know where, GOH, JCOR, Apb, The RAM, see more here, how like for many millennia, its all been ending, prophetically, Apb

And these are the descendants of the beauty rescued from the hands of the beast: Beast Of Beauty, Featuring King Bridegroom Legacy, Keithan, Ethanyu and Queen Bride Elizabeth Irebe Seligh 

The Unending Love Antidote ...The African Juttah Genealogy, 1986-2016/2026/3036

The Tombola Genealogy, Holy, Temple, April, 17, 1986/2026/3036 into Infinity, God's Kingdom Reign

Tombola Genealogy, Holy, Temple, April, 17, 1986/2026/3036 into Infinity, God's Kingdom Reign Featuring Unto King Bridegroom Lord Jerusalem, Selama, Kesaté Birhan and Queen Lord Urusalem, Maaseiah, Adonai, Was Born A Descending, 05/17-19/2010/07/26/2016, New, White, Holy House, With Royal Priesthood Intact, that's twice I witnessed Jesus' millennium descend into Obama's, US White house rule, only by then, a post apocalypse, America, 15% it's losses assured twice, so tens of millions dead/The American Continent/World Stretching West Rule, an African Obama, ruler, beware, GOH/JCOR/Apb

Mark Scene, Genesis Marriage Worshipers, XVII and VII, It's CXX Matrix Counts

“Who are you and what am I doing here? You have been brought here Maaseiah as the time of your appointment hath come. My appointment? The true reason that you are come into the world and now to here. Is this a dream, is that what this is? It is not a dream, you’re actually here as so am I. Then I’m dead, that's what this is, no and yes, you’re dead afar from the world but alive for all eternity as in heaven bound. Who are you? I know you don’t I? You seem so familiar yet such the foreigner, tell me this is a dream and it’ll all make, I can’t do that, it’s of no truth and thus I’m without said liberty. This is heaven? If this is heaven then I’m either dead or dreaming, you Maaseiah have been bidden to the marriage supper of the lamb, there can be such the like marriage without you, the bride. The what? At bringing stinging emotions to the forefront, even along the design of her perfect facial structure at having too plenty to mention dreams but was this a doozy. “This is our father’s house,” as to showcase to her in a way rather remarkable were his efforts literally unrealizable that he's to persuade her his directive. “You’re now in one of its many mansions, I’m not staying here,” as to leap into a run away although the door, the seeming exit ahead wasn’t a door, not as in a way out. Just as soon there was nothing but space, clouds, unto the unspeakable universe and soon a display of the entirety of the earth below. "My god," again activating a flood of tears along her face at the sudden, rather abrupt reminder it was all real. “My god I remember this, I stood here and I spoke to the masses of the earth below, I spoke to them all in one tongue. A tongue unfamiliar to me,” ideally positioning Him with this marvelous testimonial, marvelous countenance to marvelous countenance, eye to eye, "but familiar to the entire world as one. I remember the feel of those unfamiliar words rushing through every vein of my being, an actuality my Lord above and beyond any comprehension, there was such a peace, such a liberation, a humbling grand-stand. It wasn’t a dream Maaseiah but a memory and it was a reminder from which you’d come and to where you would go. "What do you mean it’s wasn’t a dream?" Additionally spilling old tears to new what was happening and why to her? Indeed how astonishing it all was, how remarkably implausible, unwordable. "Some of the things I remember as you say could only be performed by Supreme God’s deeming me only a by-stander. I can only Maaseiah speak the truth, this I tell you is the truth, then where are they? The chosen at transferring me from spirit to flesh, they are of course as you’ve always suspected cared after by one of the many rooms here. I know Maaseiah you’re to have many questions, but those who will prepare you for thy final and eternal purpose of all are here to assist you. Wait," as one questionably grabbing his hands into a physical astonishment unparalleled did this sweet, wholly incredulous interlude obscure her the more. "My god what was that?" As if she’s to be pleasantly shocked by electrical currents all over and through what indeed a titillating, even exhilarating plight. "My god what was that?" As one blinking and swallowing back new tears what, how indeed who were these blood startling occurrences, if she still had blood, what was happening to her? "I touched you and it was like I became you, that in a second I became all things that you were, are and shall for all eternity be. What was that? It is Maaseiah what you are, it is what we shall be for life, wed-lock everlasting, now trust me," as to passionately touch her temple did she just as soon lose consciousness at gingerly collapsing into his magnificent arms, passionate heart away. Why speak in parables? For those rebellious today, foolishly worshiping god's of Stone, no eyes, ears, heart or divine wisdom, say today as in the days of the forthtelling prophets, the Lord seeth us not, the Lord is ascended from the earth! Most 24 Jesus forewarn, stop being deceived, stop deceiving others, blessed are hearers, doers stampeders and Rev 2,12 Jesus' overcomers, beware, GOH, JCOR Apb The RAM, 

Prophecy Links Fulfilling, 

"Next I know, suddenly, we're stranded aside the street, no driver, like thousands of miles from our moments ago location, translated, seeming a new country to era and there's a Little Miya girl in the back seat. Shaking off the shock and confusion of it all, soon I raise, stretch my neck seeing better, the direction the car is now, is spent, no traffic, only right across the media, there was plenty, traffic, going on like normal.  

So I scooch over, behind the steering wheel, do a U turn, get fixed in traffic, until we finally reach a toll, booth. Oddly enough, this is when i it's keeper, insist , for passing over into this new era, even Jesus millennium come. Again, oddly, it's gonna take exactly two US quarters, marvel not all these odd quarters I keep finding, we search, soon find and pay this toll, and this surreal, portraying a baby Angel Gabriel to a little Miya girl surveyor, translator in our midst, passes from me, see more here,  

Article, Bodycam footage shows fatal police shooting of 16-year-old girl in southeast Columbus,

-I know based on this shooting, police can use something other than lethal force to deescalate such events, I know with you, I saw he was a point blank marksman, easily her hip, leg, foot. I know also gun violence in this country, especially concerning children; as we been forewarn since mine now married with grown children were children,. Weapons of mass disasters, gun violence, legal, illegal is a US/America, humanitarian crisis, marvel not seeing graduating tassels being used as toe-tags for the dead.

-I suppose the only way policing is going to be less lethal is when said police treat every call as they're responding to their own neighborhood, their own address or those of persons they love. Marvel not Jesus taking hundreds to thousands of years of biblical truth to evidence, experiences, only pending endtime prophecies fulfilling presently the exception.

-This new, His Holy Blood, covenant it's new, the first, the old passed and reshaped into two great commandments. The second, love thy neighbor, (those you protect and serve) as thyself, what greater love is their, as to sacrifice selfdom, even forfeit the American Dream? Jesus also asked, repent RUN or while you rage, perish, your children die, GOH, JCOR Apb, The RAM

Article, St Vincent Volcano: 'We don't know if we can go home', (-By the time FSS, I come into the Aug 2001, demo, Washington DC,  the White House was already in tremendous flames and coming for predicted, doomsday apocalypse right into the Caribbean,Central and South America; marvel not we've been shown since before President Obama come into office, and twice during President Trump Administration. Believe it of not, America's a commanded as Moses, fiery mountain, assignment, also what's described US soil.

The Sunlight of God, God's back turn throne, commanded a Hemingway exodus, chances are, y'all going on as Noah's  day normal, 'millions of you will hardly escape with anything other than your emergency back packs, beware, repent, run, you know why, you now where marvel not, Mat 24, Jesus, just before explaining how by reoccurring, fiery apocalypse, this heaven, earth, this American continent passes away,  forewarn, let none deceive you talking make America great nor build back America, instead make sure your flight isn't on any put up weather or regular travel ban, praying Jesus also said, for those with small children, beware, Apb, The RAM    

Article, St Vincent volcano, "we were frantic when we heard the call to leave. We had to gather our things so quickly," she said, 

Shellisa said it was painful to leave the home she shared with her mother, sister, her sister's partner and their two-year-old child.

"We were all scrambling to get our belongings together and we could feel the heat. It was heart wrenching and overwhelming to just leave our home like that, leaving behind so many memories, Article

My Daily Burnt Offering, memorial, intercession, prayer, Heavenly Father, if thy people, which are called by thy name, which are stampeding by thy name, shall humble themselves and pray, and seek thy face, an turn from their wicked ways, hear thy them from heaven, forgive their sins, and by Jesus Christ's Olivet Return, For All Eternity heal their lands...

Holy Father biblical response, II Chron 7:14, 15, If my people, which are called by my name, shall humble themselves, and pray, and seek my face, and turn from their wicked ways; then will I hear from heaven, and will forgive their sin, and will heal their land. Now mine eyes shall be open, and mine ears attend unto the prayer that is made in this place, GOH

{Marvel not seeing by a live mirror vision, thirty plus rapture springs back, Holy Father with his Throne back turn toward apostate, anti Jesus Christ Churches and they, pending tribulation saints intercessions, right into ascension assignments, Revelation 12, intercessions the same...blessed are hearers, doers, stampeders and Revelation 2, 12, Jesus' overcomers , GOH, JCOR, Apb The RAM 

Sunday, April 18, 2021

Run, Run, Run, Fright night to rolling twilight skies, with Jan 2021 opening with references to a popular game play, Grand Thief Auto, (GTA), Mass Murder Is The Pandemic, Run, Run, Run!

Prophecy Links Fulfilling, Thirty Plus Rapture Springs Now, April 2,1986, 2019, 2026, Apb, The RAM, Beware Of Game play, Like GTA, As Predicted Three Decades Back, Come Your New Normal, GOH, JCOR, Apb, The RAM

Seen to be seeing a Mighty Angel fiery Jan 2018, NBA California Dreaming, Kobe Bryant's fiery Jan 2020, here fiery Jan 2021, this flaming, blazing, frying pan, flying saucer, liftoff of President Biden and Vice President Harris; following, this sure mockery, pending Tribulation Saints, they're to look to various. earth ending movie, scenarios, like The Day The Earth Stood Still/JOHN WICK/KNOWING/2012 and the latest, Green Land.  Woe, woe, woe to earth's inherit, be aware of Alien dangers from above, saith, Sept 22 23 ({2015}), demo, Bride's skyrocketing Chariot, it's Archangel to star warring, drover, beware, GOH, JCOR, Apb,The RAM,

Article Israeli intel agencies believe Vienna talks will lead to U.S. return to Iran nuclear deal,

Article, Israel and Greece sign record defence deal,,

Run, Run, Run, Those With White Hazmat Suits Indicating Dangerous to Deadly Chemicals to Toxins Instead Of Those In Orange Hazmat Suits Moving In Just Before Covid-19 and just now, before, Florida's Toxic Flooding, Run, Run, Run!

-Waking just now, April 20, 2021, with Prime Minister Netanyahu's face locked into my face, 2019, while slumbering, it was a speedy whisper at my ear, "Israel." But knowing biblical prophecy, there's no fulfilling endtime eschatology

Gog and Magog, here September 22, 23 2020, BETA. These earth enders, their mentioning, WE now in their timeline, April 2 2019, Abraham Accord, two weeks and 7 years, April 2 2026.

-Clearly as I explained, they, these ancient Kingdom, Nations and manslayers debated with Rev 12 Michael and his star warring Angels, we, the prescribed, BY THEM, Church Bride, Spring 2011, soon to ascend, and from up there intercede prescribed Tribulation Saints, given over to the Anti-Christ. Only we witnessed them March 13/Oct 15 2018, as an exodus into US Georgia's Atlantic COAST,  with the Church Bride again being delivered skyward.

-These phenomena end day's prophecies, we witnessed begin to be fulfilled, as so Daniel 12 dispensation of grace one during and one after an awarded US election year 2008/2009, two weeks and seven year timetable. Allowing a predicted during error Islam Bush, 2003, Rev 11: 1, 2, how even after assassinating a SaddamHussein, a Hussein would father this nation America and rule the world

-Just now as predicted Feb 13, 2020, seen campaigning  a Biden, Harris Whitehouse, ebbing and flowing in and out of world reign, this native African Father, son, Barack Hussein Obama. Sincerely, as I said weeks past,  March 3 2021 or so, we can't have prophecies Daniel 7-12/Eze 39/39, fulfilling all around us without especially Rev 10-19 fulfilling as well knowingly an outbreak of WW3 into Armageddon, an outbreak of fiery mortuary, nuclear, natural, and cosmic, with the Holy Land/Free world, also aligned to Gog and Magog, its fire starters.

-Unquestionably as all biblical scripture, believe Apostle, I am, along my own Damascus road to cross bearing, heart of unspeakable love and sacrifice. Oftentimes melting into my own bowels, the sight of hundreds of millions dead US/Western soil, alone, Hawaii Into the Caribbean Volcanic Apocalypse come. Biblically, the  prophet Zechariah 13 having unvieled these thousands of years, during these military squirmishes. Indefinitely, stop being deceived, stop deceiving others, turf wars Holy Lords prescribe them, yes Netanyahu's Israel is due to losses, two thirds its population, see more here,, and here,, how like for six millennia its ALL been ending, prophetically, Apb The RAM

Prophecy Links Fulfilling

Seem to be seeing, July 6 2015, pending, stampeding Brexit/Briexit/Blaexit, WW3/Armageddon, here, July 6, 2020, Rev 12 new born, (The Holy Church Bride), snatched off the planet and HIS Birth mother, (Mother Africa/Mother Israel), tossed into a grow up cradle of indescribable safety and phenom adoration, see more here, Isaiah 16:1-5/Rev 12, see here,, how like for six millennia it's ALL been ending prophetically, Apb The RAM

And these are the descendants of the beauty rescued from the hands of the beast: Beast Of Beauty, Featuring King Bridegroom Jayshawn Makha Withers and Bride groom Treasure Adele Morrison 

The Unending Love Antidote ...The African Juttah Genealogy, 1986-2016/2026/3036

The Tombola Genealogy, Holy, Temple, April, 17, 1986/2026/3036 into Infinity, God's Kingdom Reign

Unto Hunting Bull Maverick Ndew and Malena Diem Viceroy was born a son Stallion Zebra Ravine Ndew, a godson, Deming Chelsey Ndew and a goddaughter Lorisnna Peake Ndew, Viceroy

Mark Scene, Genesis Marriage Worshipers, XVII and VII, It's CXX Matrix Counts

"Dutchsinse back, ., not really gone anywhere Macbeth dear, he's on twitch more, no, no love, that's what we all thought, but he mentioned being stalled all this time, weeks now. Then no way wonder, standing in the way rebellers, of earthers being made aware, there's an erupting like the days of Ancient Atlantis to Pompeii, St Vincent, Caribbean; while the entire US West Pacific to the Mid-Atlantic to Central, South America, Mexico all forewarn not an escape, get ye to US Georgia's COAST, says, drives, Revelation book Holies! The Running backward man, Ghost Horse man, red alert in hand, written in Dutch, (Dutchsinse), Escape The American Continent, cosmic to volcanic apocalypse. They protest gun violence lnstead of gun laws, purchases, crafting to usage, those Psalm 2,  heathen rage about lock downs and mask mandate. They're even having narcissistic, burning of mask rallies, only with little regard, their opening up to get back to whoring, stealing, to human genocide. More and more evident, getting back to prescribed by Jan 12/13, 2018, Rev 2, Jesus riches to rags sickbeds and sleepovers is why God is cataclysmically using their earth, the seas, the four winds and molten mother all while tossing down the explosive cosmos at them, clearly replenishing all by fire, planet home earth, heaven, Jesus' Millennium come. Marvel not, Sia's all, upon the Holy Bride return, she too prepping and tossing down Dan 2, mountain from heaven; marvel not home earth is littered with the dead, 15% US soil, alone. Admonished decades back run from anti Jesus Christ Churches, read your bibles, Dan 7-12/Rev 10-20, know end time prophecy. Know also, all warring evils Aug 2005, portrayed a fork in the road, it's Mid Oct  2027 deadline, here its Mid October 2020, all warring factions, portrayed as a Rev 20, fork in the sand/tossed into eternal lakes of fire. Fight night to Memphis procrastinators, forfeiting your first born's, with a prophesied seven months to bury hundreds of millions of them and seven years to rid pending new heaven and earth of all it's battle armament, God's eternal Kingdom to follow. Whewwwww, yes, yes, hallelujah Jessup man, but if, "get ye to repentant altars," as of Noah's day a virtual human extinction is come, and as Jesus Himself said, no flesh survives, "God is avenging martyred blood," didn't get their upmost attention, with procrastinating Memphians supposedly, leading by example. Then it's revisited forewarning, two years exact month and date this inconceivable choice, escape to US Georgia's Atlantic COAST or as Jesus' born again, Heir, yes all while stampeding, get snatched skyward? True, true, Aleth wife, but how many should've stood still in awe and listen closely. Truly it's when she, grand Sia brought them into that ginormous maze of sin, traps being laid for children, all. There's more blacken bowls of Judgments to come for US/Canada Mid Atlantic, post US/Canada, W Pacific, post apocalypse. Right, mockingly into a choice between mansions in heaven and that multi-million man single water cooler, and don't saying that, multi-millions man, a single water cooler, make your dry mouth, throat, so  thirsty, actually, as Jesus mourn, I thirst from our bloody cross of blood redemption? Only instead, Revelation Book Holy Lords of stampeding them all, design them, found them as the running backward, man, red alert in hand. Instead of running to and sleeping at the altars, of reconciliation, especially those US Georgia's  Mid Atlantic, crossover to those the S. Mediterranean Sea's, Jordan's desert City Petra, repent, run or perish! Yeah little, big bear man, grand Sia had another dream about that transforming late sixties blue Ford; of getting some to either US Georgia or skyward into Jesus offered Mansions in heaven. What Jr Darius, what? I know, I know Memphis Caden, lost in translating so much incoming made aware, only this time, the Ford driver. Sia Mahaseiah is trailing escaping to rescue, to deliver, huge, Red Monster, Munster Trucks, with Rev 17:14, Lamb of God Jesus Husband now its lead driver. Ah my God, you know each driver of that blue Ford are border line, a bull's eye Eze 9  reapers one strike the telling heart to Rev 9, undertaker Anubis' shooting arrow, and a procrastinating, Memphian, first born son shot dead it's very Jan 3, 2021 date, I know all that Halo man, I say, marvel not coronavirus vaccines causing, targeting the brain to heart, blood clots. Okay, okay, so when Sia El Shaddai, before what you both just said, when? Like Chassis before the disallowed reveal April 8, 2021, so like months before grand Sia was researching tsunami flooding. Just so you know, just after, this is when massive flooding hit Nashville instead of Memphis. So it's on you Memphis Carter man, keeping up with such dates, yeah I'm on it; you all know it happen again. Grand Sia never thought the backward letter C pandemic would proceed nuclear, cosmic to volcanic apocalypse. Now here, predicted to go nuclear the Caribbean proceeding predicted to go nuclear US/Canada West Pacific Hawaii to Alaska to California. I thought that as well, Bridgeover man, thought about that Rite Aid Pharmacy counter, back turned woman. Soon only serving her, grand Sia, 15 dollars exchange for 5 dollars, saying I'll wait on you. Then here we are, even Gog and Magog September 22 23, 2020 complaint, like over two years into that Dan 9:27/ Rev 11, Rev 13, April 2, 2019/2026, two 42 months intervals, finale into Rev 11, 7th Angel Trumpet, reassuring, ancient turf wars to Kingdom, Nation building/WORLD ORDERS  are no more, forever, posthaste Jesus Millennium is descending! ***But if you think Bridger man, in prophetic hindsight US/Canada West Pacific Volcanic Apocalypse into US/Canada Mid Atlantic and all around the American Continent, began to be fulfilled entire months August to September 2019, including those two earth ending disappearances, so the Caribbean, St Vincent isn't a precursor but an escalation, as in prophetic high-sight, along the US, Canada West Pacific there are scotched autos and motorist for hundreds to thousands of miles, yes, and a Mighty Angel to Rev 17, 7 Angel over-seeing  it all, standing up there, now saying, beware the Midwest the Eastern Seaboard, as in beware, US/Canada Mid Atlantic. You look, you finna walk, march, Hunting Bull man? Cause I'm with you, I have some time before  reveals class, newbies normally can't sit in fir long these table revelation, actually Gamiel man, I think I'm feeling sick, you coming, helping me, holding my hand? Actually Bull man I see wife Malena is on your heels, you don't look good, you coming, I think I'm throwing up? Thanks anyway Memphis Collin man, yeah anytime Bull man you wanna walk, march or run I'll be your huckleberry, that's funny, so, it's, not funny, okay not funny. Actually the Caribbean molten lava troubles, its as Pompeii eruption, just saying, said sudden destruction is revisiting the for sixteen years now, Angel Gabriel May 15, 2020, forewarning eruptions and FEMA. With, with Sia Nextus, Shamere man, all Sia's, a total of 101 Yellowstone's, pending, even Mighty Angel forewarning's, put these earth shattering events in hindsight as recent as Jan 2018 with molten, flaming, blazing infernos caught up to the Biden, Harris White House, Jan 22, 2021, fiery liftoff, woe, woe, woe!  I say, Shamere man right  into neighbors debating to questioning grand, grand US  Georgia's yard size Duracell battery, any doubt with that we're revisiting, Psalm 91, promise of guardian to star warring Angels? We know, believe, Michael and his star warring up there, how during the height of spiritual warfare these mass disasters shalt come nigh our dwellings. Like presently our amazing grace, dwellings, commanded, Hemingway exodus into US Georgia's Atlantic COAST crossover into Africa's Southwest Atlantic.  Brilliant Nextus Juttah,  but that ancient, phenom message revisited, predicted July 6, 2020, Rev 12 birth mother abruptly cast into her own grown-up cradle and not just for safe keeping but for a divine adoration, grand Sia described, past finding out. Blessed safe havens, portrayed again Rev 12, we know through Isaiah 16:1-5, is Jordan's desert City Petra. That's just it Sage River man, when you revisit the Nov 10, 2020, building caravan of an escape, one thing was certain, more climatic events were come, whereas commanded exodus could or would no longer be denied. Then with that Jan 3, 2021 Anubis undertaker, launching an arrow, he isn't just on a warpath but one targeting the new born sons to daughters of incorrigible procrastinators. Fright night to US soil 15% in death tolls just revisited, March 29, 2021 and Grand Sia now saying it'd be better for Moses's Egypt's first born sons than for those Memphian to Americans, in slow motion exodus.  Look, that threat explain, Shadow Lark come up missing Sia Mom, Mahaseiah April 8, 2021 demo, with you Jr Darius being Sia, first Princess' Nibewe's," ah first born son, I mean, isn't that Meadowlark what we believe? Grand Sia did years back watch you disappear in a storm and hear lately it was as though you and your dad couldn't exist in the same space, like in Georgia's crossover, together.  I even think of the son lost to warrior Anubis' Jan 3, 2021 passed over you to get to him instead, there's still, that, I mean your Mom, with tens of millions of Americans know they're jeopardizing their first born's to forfeit even their own blessed exodus, and what a strong delusion. Yes and what Meadow, an as Noah's day normalcy bias curse, Jesus spoke of, even forewarn seeming ancients ago, grand Sia Meadow, assured, labor not in vain, just reminded just as John witnessed them, tribulation saints come into heaven, In like manner she witnessed them all pouring into both US Georgia's Atlantic COAST and Africa's Southwest Atlantic, only those two extraordinary events in reverse, right, right Ghost Forrest man.  So the demo you Meadow nor you Jr Darius can tell us both Sia Princess Nibewe and Sia Mahaseiah shared, you both think would've proceeded those June 17 to June 19, 2020, a predicted Big June, reveals? Get this, grand, grand just confirm, Sarah's Memphis niece to Abraham's Memphis daughter in that Juneteenth 2019 demo, his Aug birthday to nickname, was a predicted years now, Big June, to come! But to answer your question, I think so yes, because there April 8, 2021, demo, procrastinating Memphians/ churchians to Americans are yet boxing with Holy Father but by June 17, ({2019}) we're talking, they're in extreme penance, down on all fours, US Georgia's Atlantic, arrival. Fright night to deadly procrastination, only those autos to motorist seen by Grand Sia and possibly her grand, First Prince, Silverton Nicholas, having the same fiery Christmas Carol flyover, scorched for hundreds to thousands of miles could do that, cause extreme penance, to speedy escape, exodus, don't y'all think? This April 8, 2021 demo and I'm sure Meadowlark knowing, will agree they successfully wrestle with God thwarting his divine intervention, remember what happened to those thinking they're to prevent Moses in blessed passover to crossover, remember what happen to those, procrastinating escape, portrayed, Eze 5? Look, look, look, a little off subject, here, I was wondering if Florida actually have tornadoes, then saw through mrmbb333 just now, this mess maker, like hurricane Michael, 2018,  like reoccurring Hurricanes, 2020, especially those horrors back to back into Louisiana. Here  this one come into Panama Florida right now, up through the gulf of Mexico, first a water sprout, that come a major tornado and I'm like can they do that? Then I'm researching Hurricane Micheal 2018, that's the mid October, in prophetic hindsight since 2001, America, Western Civilization went off the map simultaneously fire-rocketing as the Holy Bride went skyrocketing, marvel not, we just now got a state just above disaster Texas, equally as India for decades, now a blinking light of caution. But what is that Halo, didn't John say even after an outbreak of apocalypse and unprecedented death and dying, they repented not, so what's so unprecedented, being described, Nov 10, 2020, the building caravan of escape that's gonna render procrastinating blessed escape, totally  futile? Like run for your lives as to run for your souls, Michael and his star warring accordingly, while holy bride and royal priesthood now intercede Tribulation Saints from Rev 12, second heaven, intercession's. Excellent, little, big bear man, no, on, no, still talking off subject, so when are you returning to the Septennial Juttah? Yeah Jr Darius aren't your trials, parental Juttah, Brightville cosmology, space center, done? Yeah some say you're never returning, only this at times like these, visitor of fantastic reveals, what say you? Fabrice and I are with our second child, I know, I know, celebrations all around but we're determined to give birth and settle again here, home, the Septennial Juttah and that's as clear, true as an answer I can give right now. Isn't that, our return loving man ,what the parental, Juttah conference about, don't you present that very scenario  to argument later today? Yes Fabrice let me be the reminder, if the Grands gonna see their grandson, we need to get going, so Jr Darius the next we see you, yeah Halo man I could be relocated home, perfect, we'll be praying, standing on its promises, all, good, Cassius man, thanks.  What a curse, Memphians, Churchians to American s, seemingly wrestling with God, deceived by procrastination to the point Holy Father's intervention is the enemy. Yeah, yeah, but how that strong delusion, Red Fox man, different than the mask burnings they're having over a half of million and counting US's and millions the planet? Treasure Adele, you coming, Treasure, wait, I, I thought, what about our solar project, were the Mayans solar event seeing Jesus return, described by prophet Zechariah as a nuclear event, even the reigning bride witnessed by Grand Sia, prepping Dan 2, stone from heaven? We have another Twenty four hours Oceania, calm down, we'll keep researching, make sure we,  I'll be at the elevator, ah, we got time, see you guys. Wow Oceania, how you and Treasure Adele, come to that theory? Actually Halo, if you really think, it's a good a theory as all others, what Maya saw, revisited during that Dec 21, 2020 planetary conjunction, even as the horse and buggy days reemerging. Unquestionably, the projected extinction of humankind, and this time, a Noah's cousin, without Jesus Olivet return, no more is this Genesis man, marriage, its billions in inherits, ever or ever again." Why Speak In Parables? That you be aware, as Holy Father, Elohim God, Himself, evently, that you, Jesus' Holy Blood, Heir, repent, run or perish, GOH, JCOR, Apb, The RAM   

Prophecy Links Fulfilling, "Get ye to repentant altars God, is avenging martyred blood," June 26, 2017, see Psalms 51/Rom 10:9/10/Rev 14

-Seen to be seeing, Feb 15, 2021, a red as a red bird, red horse, as described to Apostle John, Rev 6, second seal. This particular rider is loosed the reaping of unrepentant sin, US weight of blood guilt, to take peace, that they kill.

- Fright night to rolling twilight skies, with Jan 2021 opening with references to a popular game play, Grand Thief Auto, (GTA); revisiting the flirting with Keanu Reeves movies, like John Wick, stop being deceived stop deceiving others, GOH, JCOR, Apb The RAM

USGS Raises Volcano Alert Level to WARNING; Color Code RED,, 

You Tube News, Mass Shooting At Indianapolis Fed X

Except Those Days Are Shorten, No Flesh Survives! But For Intervening For The Elect Sake/Tribulation Saints, Those Days Shall Be Shorten! JCON/Apb

-This was around 1986, 1987, mine who were small children then, now have children, grand children. I began to notice changes in my sons holy spirits. As usual, soon for answers, I was come into my closet, when as usual here come God's Throne, its holy spirits. THEY'RE explaining not only what's happening to you and yours, you're reaping right now but what was happening to me and mine then, reaping chaos and every evil work, sown.

-Soon I begin hearing, if we, allow entertainment like vulgar, violent viewing and game play in the home unaware, it'd be like  parents ( all overseers, parental, religious, political, social/domestic). How said unaware play, it'd be as putting a gun to children's heads and pulling the trigger. Beware, guns being a weapon of mass disasters, people owning, acquiring and using guns yes, clearly they do kill people, even those their own and themselves.

-Fight night to Church choirs laying high chair feeder, traps, those same children years later. Described, all with graduating tassels, being used as toetags for the dead, specifically, yours dead by a pandemic of gun violence.. 

-Then all  being aligned to easily, covertly sowing mental to social, to domestic weapons of mass destruction. Easily thought innocent as pharmacies and legal drugs, stop being deceived, stop deceiving others, repent, Run or perish, GOH JCOR, Apb


Prophecy Links Fulfilling Nuclear January, 12 APOCALYPTIC FIRESTORM,2023 MASS Murderer Suicide On The Ris e,