Prophecy Links Fulfilling, Trump, West Rule Is God's Target, See Your Stampeding Elephants to Awaiting Bride's Of Staying Unaware, Come Runaway Brides! Beware
YouTube, IAF, COVID-19, How Far Will It Go?, (Beware, 46 billion a month lost in travel, revenues; Amazon employees are being told where they can't travel not only abroad but in the US. Though Christian we know how many will die down to percentages and fractions 2 thirds Israel, 15% here, US's, predicted, 5% the UK.
- For a grand biblical total, 2 billion the world and over the shortage ever period, still that's my signature inquiry, as well, like how many students will die before suspension?
-One demo I had years back was about public street forced vaccinations. Then I argued its same streets our constitutional rights, huh? Beware, Repent, Escape Yellowstone! Apb
Pres Trump Is A Puppet Admin, A Wrathful Beast Have Them, And A Wrathful God Hath Beast Rule! Repent, Run! Billions First Born Will Die, Peasant to Presidential, God's Winepress/The Beast Mark!
Rev 18
-And I heard another voice from heaven, saying, Come out of her, my people, that ye be not partakers of her sins, and that ye receive not of her plagues. For her sins have reached unto heaven, and God hath remembered her iniquities.
-Reward her even as she rewarded you, and double unto her double according to her works: in the cup which she hath filled fill to her double.... And Suddenly 190 Years Was Just Gone! Then a Pale Horse Pandemic Come!
99 Bowls Of Molten Lava, Written On Trump's Wall, What That Tell Y'all?
-Youtube, Christopher Green, Elites Warn Of Global Pandemic, What You're Not Being Told,, ( so has God's truth from genesis to revelation, into the finale, of acts of the holy Bride at present been telling us, a pandemic of death is come, especially unrepentant parents and their children.
-Just as so a towering, beige horse, infested with fleas, deemed since, Nov/Dec 24/25, 2001 2019, revisited as a pale horse flu outbreak, of a westernized bio-terrorism, the backward letter C pandemic. I also call it, as those back to the western days, in order to demonstrate, men, women and children shaped their hands into the backward letter C, similar to the love ot heart sign, only lose the left hand and keep the right hand, beware, God, Is! Apb , see here,
Prophecy Links Fulfilling, The Ordaining Kobe's Deadly Morn Of Ten, Dan 7/Rev 17, Kings, Ancient Beast/Beast Marks, Reign,Here!
YouTube, IAF, COVID-19, How Far Will It Go?, (Beware, 46 billion a month lost in travel, revenues; Amazon employees are being told where they can't travel not only abroad but in the US. Though Christian we know how many will die down to percentages and fractions 2 thirds Israel, 15% here, US's, predicted, 5% the UK.
- For a grand biblical total, 2 billion the world and over the shortage ever period, still that's my signature inquiry, as well, like how many students will die before suspension?
-One demo I had years back was about public street forced vaccinations. Then I argued its same streets our constitutional rights, huh? Beware, Repent, Escape Yellowstone! Apb
Elite Warn Of Global Pandemic; What You're Not Being Told,, (Sunlight God's Throne Commanded they, world leads, let us all go into blessed exodus, you know where, Jordan's Petra or Georgia into Africa's Atlantic, beware, Apb
Then There's A Mountain God's Throne, Yet A Sunlight Rise And Speak Let My People Go! All Plagues From Above, Beneath And All Around, Extinction Events, All Come!
Pres Trump Is A Puppet Admin, A Wrathful Beast Have Them, And A Wrathful God Hath Beast Rule! Repent, Run! Billions First Born Will Die, Peasant to Presidential, God's Winepress/The Beast Mark!
Rev 18
-And I heard another voice from heaven, saying, Come out of her, my people, that ye be not partakers of her sins, and that ye receive not of her plagues. For her sins have reached unto heaven, and God hath remembered her iniquities.
-Reward her even as she rewarded you, and double unto her double according to her works: in the cup which she hath filled fill to her double.... And Suddenly 190 Years Was Just Gone! Then a Pale Horse Pandemic Come!
99 Bowls Of Molten Lava, Written On Trump's Wall, What That Tell Y'all?
-Before President Trump come into office, his as all US administrations being king of kings Western Civilization. His Christopher had already been aligned to earth enders Gog and Magog, a nuclear fate, whether its nuclear, natural or NEO'S 50 million US deaths.
-Genesis Thru Revelation God, as forewarn Rev 17/18 is come not just for Trump but as Noah's day, for world stretching, influencing, whoring to warmongering America, West Rule.
-As I said, seeing (2005), Britain, America take separate forks in the road, and then hearing Britain, America separate them into itty, bitty pieces; smiling faces don't last, wipe Canada from the map! A Brexit come both Briexit to Blaexit, STAMPEDE!
-Cleanly mean, no way would world powers who have and will slaughter millions are to think they're to slink away to safe-haven somewhere, the American continent no more this planet, a commanded exodus.
-Look at what just happen to Australia, with New Zealand, Antarctica or any place they think to run, forewarn, Rev 6, 6th seal, not even your mountains will have to hide you. Including Elon Musk Space Centers, all, all, all, pending a barbecuing! Beware, repent, Escape Yellowstone! Apb
-Genesis Thru Revelation God, as forewarn Rev 17/18 is come not just for Trump but as Noah's day, for world stretching, influencing, whoring to warmongering America, West Rule.
-As I said, seeing (2005), Britain, America take separate forks in the road, and then hearing Britain, America separate them into itty, bitty pieces; smiling faces don't last, wipe Canada from the map! A Brexit come both Briexit to Blaexit, STAMPEDE!
-Cleanly mean, no way would world powers who have and will slaughter millions are to think they're to slink away to safe-haven somewhere, the American continent no more this planet, a commanded exodus.
-Look at what just happen to Australia, with New Zealand, Antarctica or any place they think to run, forewarn, Rev 6, 6th seal, not even your mountains will have to hide you. Including Elon Musk Space Centers, all, all, all, pending a barbecuing! Beware, repent, Escape Yellowstone! Apb
Prophecy Links,
-Youtube, Christopher Green, Elites Warn Of Global Pandemic, What You're Not Being Told,, ( so has God's truth from genesis to revelation, into the finale, of acts of the holy Bride at present been telling us, a pandemic of death is come, especially unrepentant parents and their children.
-Just as so a towering, beige horse, infested with fleas, deemed since, Nov/Dec 24/25, 2001 2019, revisited as a pale horse flu outbreak, of a westernized bio-terrorism, the backward letter C pandemic. I also call it, as those back to the western days, in order to demonstrate, men, women and children shaped their hands into the backward letter C, similar to the love ot heart sign, only lose the left hand and keep the right hand, beware, God, Is! Apb , see here,
Prophecy Links Fulfilling, The Ordaining Kobe's Deadly Morn Of Ten, Dan 7/Rev 17, Kings, Ancient Beast/Beast Marks, Reign,Here!
Article, ['People Dying All Over The City': Mayor Jim Kenney Warns More People Will Die After South Philadelphia Safe Injection Site Halted]
Article, [US and Taliban poised to sign historic agreement], (A Peter confirming Jesus is the Christ of Holy God, moment, and upon that rock of truth he's rebuilds God's True, Spirit, Temple.
-Presently, the acts of the Bride confirming Beast Reign, Antichrist, come. Marvel not, this is the way of end days prophecy and a declining America, its keeping with cease fires, obey or perish!.
-Herein biblically induced, all other warring Kingdoms, nations and factions might as well join them. The seeing during Bush, of a US General handing his war horse off to a Prophet Jeremiah, soon the end of world wide rebellion to bloodletting, and both warring beast and nations are angry, escape, you know where!
-The Obama's Admin finale, Mystery Babylon America is fallen, Daniel final week per declining West Rule. As so, per Pres Trump middle eastern deal, April 2 2019 thru April 2. 2026 fulfilled, but so is Jesus Millennium by then, beware, repent, Escape Yellowstone! Apb The RAM
Ahhh, What Tangled American Dreams To Hellish Real Nightmares, They've Weaved
-Not only to end America but this sinning world, did commanded reapers come bearing sword like syringes and one stab the tell all heart. While a recent as Feb 2019, demo of Medicaid abuse was done as set US death tolls 5% into 15%, a closed, back turn Rite Aid Pharmacy, counter.
-Providing these safe injection centers, too much looking in the mirror of one's harsh reality, the cursive American Dream/Doomed world. Verses though you live sin, see, hear, speak no evil of those for centuries elephants. As so apostate Bride's in waiting of staying unaware of how Antichrist and abominable they truly are; beware, one stroke the heart tells all, beware, repent, Escape Yellowstone! Apb
-And these are the descendants of the beauty rescued from the hands of the beast: Beast Of Beauty Featuring King Bridegroom, Red Moon Panther, Shortknives and Queen, Allergen Mirebella Bishop
The Unending Love Antidote ...The African Juttah Genealogy, 1986-2016/2026/3036
The Tombola Genealogy, Holy, Temple, April, 17, 1986/2026/3036 into Infinity, God's Kingdom Reign
Unto Ghost River, Eagle, Canyon, Sabertooth, Deburk and Erin Alexandria Brook was born their first daughter Whitney Nicole Deburk, a daughter Sunflower Falls, Deer Haven Deburk and a son, Soar Eagle, Mountain Brook, Deburk Mark Scene, Genesis Marriage Worshipers, XVII and VII
"And Dray, I'm just saying, that the first thing the Bride saw upon return was a battered earth, littered with the dead, what a home coming Though still a better understanding of Jesus saying this world wasn't his home nor his kingdom come, until Apostle John and grand Sia witnessed said Kingdom descending anew from heaven, Horribly first is that seven months to bury earths dead and seven years to rid the planet of Armageddon's spent, armaments. Yeah but don't discount that sunlight upon mount Luther, street to street world march, celebration she also saw, some thinking the Luther part representing both a prelude to Obama's White house and Dr. Kingdom freedom marches liberating so many world wide, right, right, Red Stallion man. Still Kenu almost 4 trillion lost since black Monday, a Feb 24, 2020, Rev 2, Matrix ten day countdown, and those enduring, given a crown of life, grand says like the beast mark automatically condemns you, and instantly you're the lake of fires, the crown of life automatically usher you into god's kingdom, and instantly, you're reigning God's Throne. Yeah, ah, one stock market report saying not in 125, years, so he telling Bush, over two decades,troubles coming, if you'r a hundred or more you've seen nothing like it. Something amtv Christopher didn't surmise, holding on to since 2008, 09, but no, this financial collapse is a never before occurrence, tremendously historic and thus horrific. Yeah the part about the Hawaii Missile crisis morning, demo they all missed, Rev 2, Jesus referring to know legalized whoredom's as riches to rags sickbeds, all wealth, now a financial collapse, so apocalyptic. The you guys revisited by Kobe's fiery crash, itself revisited the mockery of NBA Players, California dreaming, first it's 2018, Mighty Angel saying, "no further delays. Along its 2020, revisit, showing those 10 heads, those 10 Kings, come into fruition, as to be named. one by one. Equally, 2008, 09, revisited, Rev 13, the seeing of two beast rise and go into further fulfillment another, two weeks and 7 years. Here come Obama's Admin, also the cataclysmic end of all things Western civilization, ordain into position, Dan 9:27/Rev 17:16-18, Fret not, but by the time Jesus, King Zion, sat his kissed by Lord Urusalem feet atop mount Olivet April 2 2026. Heartrendingly, two billion more people are dead, including shown set death tolls 15% US/BC and 5% its Father nation, the UK; God being mankind's Spirit Father, Africa, human kind's crater of creation to birth and newly descending Jerusalem and White, Holy House, our Spirit mother. Unspeakably, just as Jesus equally forewarn all gone before us thieves and robbers, that truth with King of kings Nebuchadnezzar being blessed to see at lease one of Rev book written and NASA's reported, mountain from heaven, sudden crash into the damn thing, all of it since first parents fall, bringing it all to dust and wind, what will or have mankind given in exchange for his souls, nothing for a eons, to eons to come, worthy! Then your grand Sia was shown its possession and prepped, cut out without hands, just the same, a meteor surface, significantly beyond the one just now giving US South West Pacific that fire from heaven scare. Yeah, grand keep saying there's no place the America's continent Georgia's coast but US/Canada's Georgia's coast, one witnessed thought it was missile. Wasn't it, didn't Grand see the heavens fold back like a scroll, crystallize, crack along huge shards and missile down into the earth, First born's from Genesis to Revelation into the acts of the Bride present, know how mightily they're dying, but as long as America, West Rule take breath, they won't hear it and if they won't hear it they cant make mobile their stores it's blessed Blaexit, again all knowing where. Sirena babe, you decided, we going to the Tombola ceremony or home, you're not up to it, is that what am seeing? I was Drayon spending the weekend with my friend Caden family, she'd been a long time asking, and I'm asking my. parents, all. Babe, I got to do this, plus I been meaning to tell you and tell you, this was not a dream, if only it had been and what about my own family? Ren doll, you're not making sense, plus you're scaring us. I woke that morning so refreshed, Caden was already up, odd normally the smell of a hardy breakfast meet our noses, our senses, stirring us awake, up out. I guess we're having cereal, disappointingly I think, her parents near chefs. l'm up, stretching, wiping sleep from my eyes, the bathroom first, its quiet, too quiet, Caden I called, you down stairs, I catch myself, her parents probably sleep. But no, she's not there, she's nowhere, making no sense, but not panicking yet, she could've wondered into her parents room, does that. I'm starved I'm going back up for cereal and there's plenty of it, I the remote, its set, and on youTube's frozen screen there's two startling words, millions missing. Okay this is dream, Caden playing those jokes, one day, if I just disappear, don't be alarmed Jesus took us, I try to change this unthinkable, breaking of news, only it won't. I grab my phone, it's lock, fixed to one image, millions missing, tears begin to trigger, goggled words blurt out, please god let this be a dream and soon I said sudden intruding, insane sounds all around, it's like I'm in a horror movie to a war of the world, piecing, so piercing, I run, nearly fall down those stairs, I don't care who I wake up, Mrs Gross, Mr Gross, is Caden with y'all? Nothing, again I saw, Mrs Gross, Mr Gross, trying the knob, feeling it give it's entry, they can't say Dray, they're not there, bed disarray, all. They could've, ah, went out, yes, yes I fret, calculate, cover my ears, spill a ton of warm tears. I know they probably forgot I was here, went out for breakfast, daring not to look at their glaring TV screen, also frozen, but saying, disappeared. I gotta get home, thankful its walking distant, get my things my phone get home, call her from there let her explain why they left me, but horrifying still, what if my parents disappeared and soon out the door into the loudest ever chaos, and so many people's houses wearing burning cars, you know, you knew people were dead, sirens too, all over. Ah, excuse me to the restroom, I just had to get that out, the living, nightmarish terror I woke up in, the day of disappearance. Excuse me everybody, no, don't look at me, I had no idea, the multiple times we sat to share rapture morning testimonials, she never, never, yeah, you better get after her. So did she find her family? Yeah Wells, if they ascended so would she, but if not, unless she had individual faith, parents fate and their kids are intertwined, you know, until great white throne, soul judgments. Knock, knock, sorry I been trying to share that forever, please, please don't cry, I'm here, we're here, the African Juttah, not by our merits Kenu, but his. I wanna go home, we'll watch the Tombola on the, commy, hey, sound good, one look in the mirror, I'll be right back. {{{Drake here, hey, she okay? Yeah, we're going to our place, watch the Tombola, from there, I figured that, so see you two in assignments, yeah see y'all, look Bella want to know did she find her parents? No, that I know, Kenu lost her parents that day, a truck that lost control, see you guys in class, yeah, yeah."}Why? Beware, Apb, The RAM
Prophecy Links, The Flying Angel With A Water Pitcher, The Awaiting Commands Wall Of Water/The Noah's Cousin
YouTube, Staggering 70 BILLION pounds of water, weight to be drained out of reservoir (mrmmbb333 give a compelling argument here, the added catastrophe of how these faults could react. Buckle adversely to a loss of billions upon billions of pounds of pressure.
-Sound more like their genius debate of drilling into Yellowstone. That could actually relieve its imminent caldera into a monster apocalypse, the days the worse ever or ever again is in progress. Beware, your staying unware Bride's and Ladies in waiting running shoes on are, running away!
-Plus they just found one 30 times larger than Yellowstone laying in wait under Utah. As a matter of seismology and Vulcanism to extinction studies. Seems, when it come to mass disasters, world ending of every category and counting.
-The North American continent/craton is a powder keg of extinction level events beginning with Hawaii/Alaska/California, its US/Canada, W Pacific all gone, I saw this decades before, 2009, movie 2012, demos, see Left Behind White House burning, seen that way prior, why I say, they're all coming!
-Then down into New Mexico's super eruption, across until near missed hours ago, South West states are no more. Up into the midsouth, the midwest we're talking New Madrid, Wyoming's Yellowstone with 101 supers forecast, Aug 30/31, (2019).
-Just as so, into both the Eastern Seaboard and New England, US/ Canada's North, East Atlantic, all just as active, earth ending. When thinking to run into the Caribbean who's 7.7 that rumbled Florida only months past isn't an escape. Rev Holies and I keep saying, none of the Americas is escape but temporal Georgia's coast.
-Making Rev Holies stampeding all into Georgia's coast, with Africa for as far its south, pending. Just as been shown the best Blaexit before the blessed Briexit. Still a sky of commanded meteors to asteroids threatens from above. First your elephants of staying unaware, now your brides of the same, got him, got Jesus and gone yet! Get it, get Jesus, get out! Beware, God Is! Apb-And these are the descendants of the beauty rescued from the hands of the beast: Beast Of Beauty Featuring King Bridegroom, Red Moon Panther, Shortknives and Queen, Allergen Mirebella Bishop
Unto Ghost River, Eagle, Canyon, Sabertooth, Deburk and Erin Alexandria Brook was born their first daughter Whitney Nicole Deburk, a daughter Sunflower Falls, Deer Haven Deburk and a son, Soar Eagle, Mountain Brook, Deburk Mark Scene, Genesis Marriage Worshipers, XVII and VII
"And Dray, I'm just saying, that the first thing the Bride saw upon return was a battered earth, littered with the dead, what a home coming Though still a better understanding of Jesus saying this world wasn't his home nor his kingdom come, until Apostle John and grand Sia witnessed said Kingdom descending anew from heaven, Horribly first is that seven months to bury earths dead and seven years to rid the planet of Armageddon's spent, armaments. Yeah but don't discount that sunlight upon mount Luther, street to street world march, celebration she also saw, some thinking the Luther part representing both a prelude to Obama's White house and Dr. Kingdom freedom marches liberating so many world wide, right, right, Red Stallion man. Still Kenu almost 4 trillion lost since black Monday, a Feb 24, 2020, Rev 2, Matrix ten day countdown, and those enduring, given a crown of life, grand says like the beast mark automatically condemns you, and instantly you're the lake of fires, the crown of life automatically usher you into god's kingdom, and instantly, you're reigning God's Throne. Yeah, ah, one stock market report saying not in 125, years, so he telling Bush, over two decades,troubles coming, if you'r a hundred or more you've seen nothing like it. Something amtv Christopher didn't surmise, holding on to since 2008, 09, but no, this financial collapse is a never before occurrence, tremendously historic and thus horrific. Yeah the part about the Hawaii Missile crisis morning, demo they all missed, Rev 2, Jesus referring to know legalized whoredom's as riches to rags sickbeds, all wealth, now a financial collapse, so apocalyptic. The you guys revisited by Kobe's fiery crash, itself revisited the mockery of NBA Players, California dreaming, first it's 2018, Mighty Angel saying, "no further delays. Along its 2020, revisit, showing those 10 heads, those 10 Kings, come into fruition, as to be named. one by one. Equally, 2008, 09, revisited, Rev 13, the seeing of two beast rise and go into further fulfillment another, two weeks and 7 years. Here come Obama's Admin, also the cataclysmic end of all things Western civilization, ordain into position, Dan 9:27/Rev 17:16-18, Fret not, but by the time Jesus, King Zion, sat his kissed by Lord Urusalem feet atop mount Olivet April 2 2026. Heartrendingly, two billion more people are dead, including shown set death tolls 15% US/BC and 5% its Father nation, the UK; God being mankind's Spirit Father, Africa, human kind's crater of creation to birth and newly descending Jerusalem and White, Holy House, our Spirit mother. Unspeakably, just as Jesus equally forewarn all gone before us thieves and robbers, that truth with King of kings Nebuchadnezzar being blessed to see at lease one of Rev book written and NASA's reported, mountain from heaven, sudden crash into the damn thing, all of it since first parents fall, bringing it all to dust and wind, what will or have mankind given in exchange for his souls, nothing for a eons, to eons to come, worthy! Then your grand Sia was shown its possession and prepped, cut out without hands, just the same, a meteor surface, significantly beyond the one just now giving US South West Pacific that fire from heaven scare. Yeah, grand keep saying there's no place the America's continent Georgia's coast but US/Canada's Georgia's coast, one witnessed thought it was missile. Wasn't it, didn't Grand see the heavens fold back like a scroll, crystallize, crack along huge shards and missile down into the earth, First born's from Genesis to Revelation into the acts of the Bride present, know how mightily they're dying, but as long as America, West Rule take breath, they won't hear it and if they won't hear it they cant make mobile their stores it's blessed Blaexit, again all knowing where. Sirena babe, you decided, we going to the Tombola ceremony or home, you're not up to it, is that what am seeing? I was Drayon spending the weekend with my friend Caden family, she'd been a long time asking, and I'm asking my. parents, all. Babe, I got to do this, plus I been meaning to tell you and tell you, this was not a dream, if only it had been and what about my own family? Ren doll, you're not making sense, plus you're scaring us. I woke that morning so refreshed, Caden was already up, odd normally the smell of a hardy breakfast meet our noses, our senses, stirring us awake, up out. I guess we're having cereal, disappointingly I think, her parents near chefs. l'm up, stretching, wiping sleep from my eyes, the bathroom first, its quiet, too quiet, Caden I called, you down stairs, I catch myself, her parents probably sleep. But no, she's not there, she's nowhere, making no sense, but not panicking yet, she could've wondered into her parents room, does that. I'm starved I'm going back up for cereal and there's plenty of it, I the remote, its set, and on youTube's frozen screen there's two startling words, millions missing. Okay this is dream, Caden playing those jokes, one day, if I just disappear, don't be alarmed Jesus took us, I try to change this unthinkable, breaking of news, only it won't. I grab my phone, it's lock, fixed to one image, millions missing, tears begin to trigger, goggled words blurt out, please god let this be a dream and soon I said sudden intruding, insane sounds all around, it's like I'm in a horror movie to a war of the world, piecing, so piercing, I run, nearly fall down those stairs, I don't care who I wake up, Mrs Gross, Mr Gross, is Caden with y'all? Nothing, again I saw, Mrs Gross, Mr Gross, trying the knob, feeling it give it's entry, they can't say Dray, they're not there, bed disarray, all. They could've, ah, went out, yes, yes I fret, calculate, cover my ears, spill a ton of warm tears. I know they probably forgot I was here, went out for breakfast, daring not to look at their glaring TV screen, also frozen, but saying, disappeared. I gotta get home, thankful its walking distant, get my things my phone get home, call her from there let her explain why they left me, but horrifying still, what if my parents disappeared and soon out the door into the loudest ever chaos, and so many people's houses wearing burning cars, you know, you knew people were dead, sirens too, all over. Ah, excuse me to the restroom, I just had to get that out, the living, nightmarish terror I woke up in, the day of disappearance. Excuse me everybody, no, don't look at me, I had no idea, the multiple times we sat to share rapture morning testimonials, she never, never, yeah, you better get after her. So did she find her family? Yeah Wells, if they ascended so would she, but if not, unless she had individual faith, parents fate and their kids are intertwined, you know, until great white throne, soul judgments. Knock, knock, sorry I been trying to share that forever, please, please don't cry, I'm here, we're here, the African Juttah, not by our merits Kenu, but his. I wanna go home, we'll watch the Tombola on the, commy, hey, sound good, one look in the mirror, I'll be right back. {{{Drake here, hey, she okay? Yeah, we're going to our place, watch the Tombola, from there, I figured that, so see you two in assignments, yeah see y'all, look Bella want to know did she find her parents? No, that I know, Kenu lost her parents that day, a truck that lost control, see you guys in class, yeah, yeah."}Why? Beware, Apb, The RAM
Article, [Video captures asteroid's fireball explosion over several US states [WATCH]], (Residents in various states across the US reported seeing a bright fireball streaking across the sky. Based on the appearance of the fireball, it seems it was caused by an asteroid that exploded in the sky after hitting Earth. Eyewitness reports indicated that the incident occurred on February 26 at around 5:30 am. The fireball event was spotted by residents from Arizona, California, New Mexico and Utah), Article,
Article, [Trump says the coronavirus is the Democrats' 'new hoax']
-Beware, Bride's of staying unaware also fitted with running shoes. Is he a leader or a child who need a leader? Tug of blame games, yeah, that'll help. What part of they're aligned to 50 million US deaths y'all don't get? Britain will lose 5%!
-That's since Bush Clinton Bush, Obama/Clinton into Trump's 2017 Inaguration and any who follows. Meaning not one religious to political, to GLADD agenda, exempt.
-They're manslaughters and all looking to them have never been so endangered! So whether COVID-19 is more a restriction than a killer isn't on any of them, it's on God, beware, repent, Escape Yellowstone! Apb, RUN!
Prophecy Links Fulflling
-Presently come a Noah's cousin, Mat 24, Jesus saying the mood of earth's inherit both before the Holy Bride escape, and THEIR Olivet Return!
-But as the days of Noah were, so shall also the coming of the Son of man be.
For as in the days that were before the flood they were eating and drinking, marrying and giving in marriage, until the day that Noe entered into the ark, And knew not until the flood came, and took them all away; so shall also the coming of the Son of man be.
Ready, Set, Go, Run Elephants, Brides, AMERICANS, Escape Yellowstone, Even Commanded Asteroids!
-And these are the descendants of the beauty rescued from the hands of the beast: Beast Of Beauty Featuring King Bridegroom, Red Moon , Panther, Shortknives and Queen, Allergen Mirebella Bishop
The Unending Love Antidote ...The African Juttah Genealogy, 1986-2016/2026/3036
The Tombola Genealogy, Holy, Temple, April, 17, 1986/2026/3036 into Infinity, God's Kingdom Reign
Unto Durance Castillo Black and Joslyn Breana Josk was born, a daughter, Casius Ilene Black, a son, Cody Quentin Black and a son, Harrison Nathan Black, Josk
Ten Unwise Virgins Or Keeping Unaware Brides to Ladies In Waiting? Mark Noah's Ark, Cousin, 17 and 7!
-And these are the descendants of the beauty rescued from the hands of the beast: Beast Of Beauty Featuring King Bridegroom, Red Moon , Panther, Shortknives and Queen, Allergen Mirebella Bishop
Unto Durance Castillo Black and Joslyn Breana Josk was born, a daughter, Casius Ilene Black, a son, Cody Quentin Black and a son, Harrison Nathan Black, Josk
(Descendants, Mark 17 & 7, "Because like John witnessed them come into heaven she witnessed them come into Georgia. Then by the auto loads, watch them arrive at that church, now vacant, where she witnessed like the bottomless pit, demon filled smoke pour into it. Saying once inside she all teens boys erected with infant children. That was near a decade before Jeffery Epstein pedophile island. Bitter to sweet that mean her constant forewarning, especially her Jesus Husband seen in riches to rags sickbeds and sleepovers with them. Is more like God's heart, her heart too is long suffering that none perish, regardless like Holies she know their sky reaching death tolls. Wouldn't that Ghost man mean the rite aid pharmacy, back turn, mystery woman, of set death tolls, turning, saying they'll wait on her, a mockery as well? "Wait, is that Amirah Jordan? Princess Jordan!" Coming up this towering, stunned, stand, flawless build, features, the finest, "Jr Darius!" Like him, neither could Amirah, Amoral Jordan, believe her eyes, "my god it can't be, you better hug me and hug me plenty. Look at this flawless golden skin, these golden, brown eyes, locks, you really are a golden boy, you're Princess a radiating stunner, temptress even, you let your hair grow, it's down your back, these piercing eyes, you love me or mesmerize me? How long you been in the Euphrates, Juttah? Come, Carter is on his way here, bu there are other's you should meet, others I should meet? You know what I mean, you're so tall, you startled me, I backed up at first, I still got some years I guess, please don't Jr Darius, don't get no taller. Amirah, how beautiful, Ghost Horse, I should've known, attached to the hip you two. Hello everyone, here, sit, I can't, I'm in a wedding practice, just come for extra cups and napkins, look, now that I know you're here, I'll reach you next noon, we'll go for lunch, you smell really good by the way golden boy, see you all. Amirah Jordan, yeah, could be your wife, like Ghost I don't know that. Grand Sia, does believe that, those John saw come into Heaven, prophet Zechariah saw go into Jordan's Petra, she saw pour into Africa's Atlantic, and as far its south. As well witnessed Rev 12, second heavens prepped their Intercession; she also saw upon Royal Priesthood return the earth was littered with their dead. Memphis Carter said he's bringing a surprise, Eona is not that, I know she's come, you hope it's her, Haia your Aqua Juttah genealogy. Still seeing Amiral, Amoral Jordan, and seeing golden boy, we don't believe in coincidences, so God is telling me something? No, that's just good old fashion lust! better get back to trials, nothing sink to stick like tardiness, I just can't bear hearing it, good day you guys, sweet sleep, yeah you too Jr man." Why? Beware, Apb, The RAM
Article, [NASA Asteroid Alert: 4 Asteroids To Approach Earth This Saturday]
Prophecy Links Fulfilling
Article, [Wall Street rout continues into a seventh day, Dow falls 800 points]
Article, [Dow tumbles almost 1,200 points, 124-year record, amid coronavirus scare]
[Japan Shocks Parents by Moving to Close All Schools Over Coronavirus, ( There are those poking fun now, what happens when US officials drop the ball in this, disregard and cause a lot of people their children? Beware, Apb
Don't Come Again Into Your Devil To Demon Infested Houses
Forfeiting Military Loved One's, The 11:00 Shopping Lunch Hours!
Article, [Trump says coronavirus will 'disappear' eventually], (-I told y'all day one this man has always seem so animated to me, a bobble head even. As not even to be taken serious, written upon, know, love my stock market, know, love me!
-Now is there any wonder they been aligned to 50 million US death? Bush/Bush start an Islamic world war and tell y'all go shop. Obama has the bloodline of world peace, chose more US bloodletting instead.
-Pres Trump during his 2015/2016 campaign was aligned to error Islam, Clinton, Bush and Obama's Gog and Magog, a nuclear fate and 50 million in y'all deaths; so serious Rev 10 Mighty Angel come to warn, Rev 12 Michael come to lead us all out, make mobile your prepped stores, RUN!
-Let us calculate, during a Noah's cousin, along a commanded exodus, as of a sabotaging virus. Suspended forms of staying unaware, elephants, Bride's, GOVERNMENT, economy, schools and churches, such a perfect scenario for blessed escape, you know where! Beware, Apb, see more here,, how it's ending, prophetically, Apb
Prophecy Links Fulfilling
[Dow tumbles almost 1,200 points, 124-year record, amid coronavirus scare]
[Japan Shocks Parents by Moving to Close All Schools Over Coronavirus
( There are those poking fun now, what happens when US officials drop the ball in this disregard and cause a lot of people their children?
-I been sharing the cry since 2017, Eze 9, God, commanding all parents be killed by, (remember all first born's die, why we're admonished to be born again), all schools be finish! So did Japan just obey God by honoring the apocalyptic whisper that stood the world still?
-Hint, when God send Moses to tell greater world leaders then to let his people go! What were his now free people to then do, shelter in place or stampede? Fret not, Sunlight God's Throne, Star Warring Michael and deliverer Moses, (the Obama's) their blessed leads!
-And these are the descendants of the beauty rescued from the hands of the beast: Beast Of Beauty Featuring King Bridegroom Durance Castillo Black and Queen Bride, Joslyn Breana Josk
The Unending Love Antidote ...The African Juttah Genealogy, 1986-2016/2026/3036
Mark, Scene, Noah's Ark Come Noah's Cousin, XVII and VII-And these are the descendants of the beauty rescued from the hands of the beast: Beast Of Beauty Featuring King Bridegroom Durance Castillo Black and Queen Bride, Joslyn Breana Josk
The Unending Love Antidote ...The African Juttah Genealogy, 1986-2016/2026/3036
The Tombola Genealogy, Holy, Temple, April, 17, 1986/2026/3036 into Infinity, God's Kingdom Reign
"I did, I did, I heard grand say she had no ideal so many die from car crashes; she the one who got that demo of graduating tassels being used as toe tags for the dead. Then auto crashes teens no. one killer, now opioids to suicide. Especially the confusing agenda GLADD to Lesbians, Gays, Bi-sexuals, Transgender's, Binary, Queers and P for Pedophiler's, grands proof they all have one evil god, its father, Satan. They better take grand Sia's advice, and put on running shoes, repent and run back to the Mother Africa who hath them all. Holy Father back turn throne, repent or perish! The once sacrificial Jesus here, as recent as Jan 2018, is threatening sickbeds, great tribulation and their harvest wiped out by a pandemic of death; while Holy Bride now reigning herself. She's threatening, to prepping the mountain from heaven, those NASA can't shut up about, and suddenly an end to all kingdom, nation building this planet ever or ever again!"
Ten Unwise Virgins Or Keeping Unaware Brides to Ladies In Waiting? Mark Noah's Ark, Cousin, 17 and 7!
-I remember sharing the Hawaii missile crisis morning demo with one of its participates my Memphis son. Those riches to rags sickbeds to sleepovers I saw, even the inquiry by approaching watchers a year prior, 2017, what's the secret of Memphis? I asked how bad would it have to get if wealthy relatives had to come bunk with him and his family? He said pretty bad, actually the demo played out 2015, in their affluent area an EMP to CME that began the Memphis walk-a-thon into Georgia's Atlantic.
What my god, darling man kinda eggs are those? Loaded, grand call them loaded eggs,,here just taste, they're delicious, she making waffles as well, you better get in there, they're lining up, Just saying, God's back Throne,even the set death tolls, mystery woman, rite aid Pharmacy, back is also turned, once the mystery woman offer of mansions in heaven is also refused by them, crying thy won't full tern abortions. Jesus threatening pandemics of unforeseen suffering to deaths; the reigning, Bride is in possessions of the mountain cut out without hands from heaven that's to end all thing this planet treasured above God. No wonder Jesus says except for the elect sake all perish and that's only as they as well cry, blessed is he, who cometh, blessed is King Zion, Kiss the son lest he be angry and ye perish from the way! Why? Beware, Apb
Ten Unwise Virgins Or Keeping Unaware Brides to Ladies In Waiting? Mark Noah's Ark, Cousin, 17 and 7!
-Pres Trump nonchalant response to the tanking markets is to be weary over trying to plug a ship with too many holes and not knowing when it's time like the CEO'S mention here, to abandoned ship.
-Hint, when God send Moses to tell greater world leaders then to let his people go, what were his now free people to then do, shelter in place or stampede? Fret not, Sunlight God's Throne, Star Warring Michael and deliverer Moses, these blessed leads!
-Just as school shootings make all students vulnerable, workplace shootings make all employees vulnerable. As so public shootings make all such persons as well vulnerable!
Just remember, Christians don't die, they ascend, repent or perish!
-Biblically when we die or are killed, for that journey of the holy soul, we're use the believing thief dying alongside Jesus. Ephesians 4, 8-10, as of Ps. (68:18). Explains further once giving up the ghost, Jesus first descended to liberate the Holy souls in Paradise, held there before and until the blessed cross.
-Know this, this once believing, dying thief was with him all this time, experiencing all this phenom, Jesus said he would be, until he walked with him in paradise. Only Jesus had this stop to make first, until the cross actualized these old testament worthies were held up, but protected by Abraham's bosom.
-Just as prescribed, until Jesus cross chanted it is finished, looses them and let them go up with Jesus, where they belong, forever. So leading once captive Abraham's bosom, Jesus didn't arrive back to heaven alone but millions, even billions were with him, including this once a thief, now a righteous soul, by his belief.
-Now for the biblical journey of the unholy soul, we'll use Jesus parable of the rich, bank builder who woke up in hell. Actually woke up in torture, conversing with Abraham's bosom soon to be ascended, having two request.
-A finger dip of water for his thirst, also that a missionary is sent to warn as all first born's loved ones, that they get born again, don't end up in such a torturous place, like this shooter, mention here. Because of these biblical truths, it is such an oppression to possession of rebellion, devils and demons to take one's life.
-Meaning it's gravely beyond that evil to take another's life, our King Father David, Eccl, 12:7, explains the process of death that no one from birth to the great white throne should take power over, thou shalt not kill! see, 2 Cor 5:8, Phil 1:21-24, Hebs 12, Rev 6 Etc
-Nothing over powers death, except the second death, Jesus blood taking away the rule and sting of death permanently. The flesh as God cursed sin/disobedience, return back to mother earth, the spirit, ghost as portrayed that isn't tapped here, all spirits eventually return back to God who loan them, ALL!.
-Now the ungodly soul, as this banker, goes to hell, fall to fiery and demonic torture. Until it's judged by White Throne and tossed into the lakes burning with fire. Remarkably, while the Holy soul ascends to whatever position in heaven it's allowed until resurrection and glorification, Lord Supper/Mansions/ New Heaven and Earth.
-So stop it, no one can be deceived to disillusioned to choose an eternity of hell, devils and demons; wake up pound WMD's into repentant altars, repent, Escape Yellowstone! Don't make this volcanic hell on earth come yours nor anyone else's immortal fate, thou shalt not kill! Die on your knees for Jesus, be born again, live for all immortality, thy brethren with you, why die, why kill, live! Apb, The RAM!
Prophecy Links Fulfilling, As Noah's
Days Come A Noah's Cousin, Marrying And Giving Into Marriage, Then Sudden Destruction And UN/US Soil No More Planet Earth!
Article, [Bothell High School closing Thursday due to coronavirus concerns]
10 Unwise Virgins/ The Authentic Runaway Brides/Elephants Of Staying Unaware!
-Even going on as normal Brides and Ladies in waiting, set to run away, I just saw this, offered running shoes on, ready, set, go, elephants, brides of staying unaware, RUN, RUN, AWAY!! You know where!
Kill All Parents By, Finish All Schools, All First Born's This Vulnerable! Repent Or Perish! Saith Jesus/The Sunlight of God/Come Bearing Healing Wings!
-I asked this question for days, if this pandemic is a pandemic do we suspend or quarantine schools? Then amtv YouTube Christopher, Green, Arizona, saying he saw school bus drivers wearing mask, huh?
-I know the CDC spokeswoman approached this marveling subject, citing concerns about her own family. But how bad will schools have to get before they decide or can parents right now, self quarantine and home school their kids?
-My Memphis niece, nephew Carter in my stampeding of elephants of staying unaware, demo, of wrecking everything. Sent to mediplex for possible flu, got put with a suspicious COVID-19 patient, a false alarm.
-Understandable, she and others furious they were allowed into the facility with a suspicious case. Still she frighten COVID-19 quarantines more than it's sickness. Saying, now don't laugh, her special needs son and mom would both kill her if she got quarantined.
-Those who read behind me know YouTube Ice Age Farmer been warning for months to years we're in
a World, War food, situation, WWF, people fighting over staples, as onions, tomatoes, potatoes, RICE! I, nor my grands, won't live in a world, without RICE, come on Jesus now!
-A financial analyst himself, AMTV, been predicting this black Monday to black swan since before Superbowl Sunday/Monday. Now he's saying this latest since 2008/2009, crash, coupled with COVID-19 scares, food here in US of A will as well start flying off shelves, just as IAF, Christian, predicted.
-Of course this was YouTube Full Spectrum Survival weeks prior saying go and buy thirty days worth of provisions. What's coming is unforeseen for a hundred years, he said, what I told Pres Clinton/Bush (1999/2000), then New lost never before seen, thousands.
Something the smallest details during reveals, Youtube Ken Peters, I saw tribulation, he had this detail look of how bad it'll get between now and April 2, 2026, after all this running about he fet back to his house, only he hear a warning, as Jesus, don't go 8n his house, he opens the door there's the mightiest demon right there. Ivr told tiu Ive seen three Ancient Beast sitting in homes as other members of the family so given the opportunity no more economy, schools, churches that's when you run, you know where!
-I can only tell you even more, seeing just now Brides and Ladies in waiting of staying unaware. Instead given running shoes, come runaway Bride's, see Mat 24, Jesus saying flee, don't come again into your houses!
-So pray against COVID-19 travel Bans, make all stores mobile and get as far into the Southeast Atlantic as Georgia. Know this also, with a crown of life awaiting non-violent overcomers. See Africa's Atlantic is pending, into John seeing holy world refugees pour into God's Throne: death to martyrdom is not the anomaly, don't arrive into Hell whole, but damned, beware, Apb
Prophecy Links Fulfilling!
Article, [Trump says coronavirus risk to Americans 'very low,' administration effectively handling the outbreak], (Didn't Iran minister say the same as Pres Trump, there's no worry, before he himself come infected with Coronavirus? Experiencing horror down here or watching horror from up there, the seven years April 2, 2019 into its, April 2, 2026 will be there hardest ever this Adamic world, EVER! Beware, Repent, Escape Yellowstone! Apb, The RAM!
Prophecy Links Fulfilling
Article, [Trump says coronavirus risk to Americans 'very low,' administration effectively handling the outbreak],
-Even going on as normal Brides set to run away, I just saw this, running shoes on, ready, set, go, RUN brides, waiting Ladies of staying unaware, RUN AWAY!! You know where!
Prophecy Links Fulfilling
Article, [Trump: We Must Pay for Pandemic Prep by Cutting Aid to Poor]
-Though Jan 3 2019, it was being summoned to a red room, while ash build on bridges and cars, (see UK Michael, eruption, Jan 20, 2019). There's something Jan 3 2020, about meetings, see predicted, earth ending meeting Jer 37:8/Dan 9:27/Rev 11:1, 2/Rev 17:16-28. I was reminded when I read, Dow tanking and US bankers were meeting in secret, beware COVID-19, Travel Bans, my Memphis Carter just had close, cause, beware, Apb
-Even going on as normal Brides set to run away, I just saw this, running shoes on, ready, set, go, RUN brides, waiting Ladies of staying unaware, RUN AWAY!! You know where!
-Didn't Iran minister say the same as Pres Trump, there's no worry, before he himself come infected with Coronavirus? Experiencing horror down here or watching horror from up there, the seven years April 2, 2019 into its, April 2, 2026 will be there hardest ever this Adamic world! Beware, Repent, Escape Yellowstone! Apb,
No Where to Run, FOLLY, SOUTHERN WALL BLOCKING, Fall Out Malls, Or Was That A Return To Plantation Living, Slavery? Beware
Conspired Fema Camps
Conspired Fema Camps
-They used to be called concentration camps, now internment camps, even reeducation facilities. The ones I saw people like yourselves, like Canadians cattled into.
-The most shocking, not even celebrities were exempt. Just as I witnessed Pit running with his arms filled with children, I'd witnessed named celebrities like Van Dam, Durate, Westbrook, pulled into possibly COVID-19 quarantines.
-Many Instructors Paul said, since they're misleading millions, even billions. Though he accused Greece, see Hawaii, First Nation, of having more gods than people. Rev 18, God telling us to get away from whoremongers to warmongers, HE judge them mightily, gone in one hour!
-I told you while Sunlight God's Throne cried to controlling West Rule let my people go! The Bride prepped the stone made without hands, meteor surface of utmost persuasion, crying uts the Antichrist, murderer, no wonder Rev 12, Red Dragon went after her and hers!
-During the crying once causing the silence in heaven, weeping Elohim. Though HE Jan 13, 2018, placed a Rev 17:14, Jesus Husand in riches to rags sickbeds with them. Possibly knowing the Antichrist would kill millions, come on Bride's Dan 2, Holy Stone.
-Holy He did cry all the American misleading, I will strip their leaders birthday naked, so if NBA players arent exempt neither is any brand of celebrity to elitest, incorrigible with Antigod agendas.
-When it was conspired Walmarts were such holding places, why marvel during the Christmas CaroI flyover, I witnessed burn, Wal-Marts, THE WHITE HOUSE, Space Centers as Kennedy/Musk now all in progress.
-Thus saith Rev 10 Mighty Angel, then send Rev 12, star warring Michael to lead pending trib saints out before taking the Bride skyward. Kinda like Apostles saying that while you're yet sinners, Christ died for you; all first born's and a pandemic of it, to be had.
-Why I'm seeing Egypt's Anubis, keepers of the dead as closeup and friendly as house pets. I admit I'm running out of convincing you even why the back turn woman on your US set death tolls 5% into 15% saying to me I'll wait on you, was way creepy!
-Hump, was the Nov 23, 2017, Rev 2, Jesus, Matrix ten day countdown to doomsday US/Western soil. Presently into its nineties, set more for me than them; was it something I'd said; or this dang, blasted heart of my Holy Father? -Holy Angels saying THEY want down here with me; okay, I did say until all prophecy fulfilled. Working from down here verses working from second heaven intercessions was hardly a difference. Come on blessed rest, the folding of our washed and cleaned by Jesus' Blood, now holy ourselves. His Holy Throne, healing wings, now as He is, with Him, forever, beware, God Is, Apb
Prophecy Links Fulfilling
Prophecy Links Fulfilling
Article, [Trump says coronavirus risk to Americans 'very low,' administration effectively handling the outbreak]
-Didn't Iran minister say the same before he himself come infected? Experiencing horror down here or watching horror from up there, the seven years April 2, 2019 into its, April 2, 2026 will be there hardest ever this Adamic world! Beware, Repent, Escape Yellowstone! Apb,
Prophecy Links Fulfilling
-Though Jan 3 2019, it was being summoned to a red room, while ash build on bridges and cars. There's something Jan 3 2020, about meetings, see predicted Jer 37:8/Dan 9:27/Rev 17:16-28. I was reminded when I read, Dow tanking and US bankers were meeting in secret, beware COVID-19, Travel Bans, Apb
Article, [Trump: We Must Pay for Pandemic Prep by Cutting Aid to Poor]
The Enron Attack Killed Millions, Drop Your Pensions, and Get To The Hills! Plus Great Beast Devoured Your Peace Getting Skies, Politicians, Pulpits and Porches! Beware!
-Aligned to Gog and Magog, a nuclear fate and 50 million US deaths; then awarded a Dan 4:4 madness, plus its the worse time for centuries to be a Western leader. Just saying Rev 17:16-18, activated UN soil, all enemies embolden, and coming with fire!
-Still its hard to believe but being so racially anti-social maybe he blame the poor and migrants for the coronavirus; that's so cursed with sudden destruction, President Trump.
-Look, I won't say read your bibles, but remind you blessed ONLY are hearers and doers, the prayers of the (righteous) profit much. All disasters come are extinction level, the UN/UK/US and BC soil are as the days of Noah. Only with a much greater death toll, while procrastinating a commanded as Moses exodus, Volcanic Apocalypse also come.
-Truly like the terrifying Titanic days saving the rich by killing the poor. Yeah, those days just over, and by a thin line to biblical census between them, all first born's die, be ye born again, run, you know where, beware, Apb, The RAM!
Prophecy Links Fulfilling
I used to feel guilty praying heavenly father if he don't her, world stretching bloodletting she'll kill us all, but having Trump as world lead, as Jesus Gethesmane surrender, thy will Holy Father be done, beware, Apb