-Prophecy Links Fulfilling, March 31st seeing the Rite Aid Pharmacy 5 dollar bill, a 5% death toll set. Just as so, mean only WHO's COVID-19 Predicted 17 million US dead, is accurate its prophecy with 33 Million, Run! Apb
-Watching Jericho, A TV Series , a forewarning Worrying Me For Days, Right Before Pres Putin's Feb 29, (2019), US soil threat and March 3, (2019) I Witnessed two ELE's launched, incoming, side by side like a race to impact US, western soil; only since, Dec 29, (2019), I witnessed forewarning, Rev Holies, putting Dec 24/25 2001 thru Dec 24/25 2019, back on track,
2007, Go Down To The Middle School, (This Age Of Innocence), Cast A Stone! Sunlight Comet Atlas? Beware
Article, [First child dies from the coronavirus in New York City as Gov Cuomo begs for help amid a 'staggering' number of deaths in the state] http://va.topbuzz.com/al/FYmefe, (God of today like in Moses Hebrews, days, want blessed Exodus and He'll pound them all into 99 bowls of molten lava until his are all stampeding into Georgia's/Africa's Atlantic. Especially, its Sunlight, Atlas Comet come, could be the June (2002), Mountain, Sunlight, God's Back Turn Throne Saying To Pending Reigning, Lord Urusalem, "Let My People Go!" So April 2, (2020), a year the new two weeks and seven year timetable, Obama's 2009 into 2016, ended Daniel's day, announced times, times and a half grace period, even near two millennium Jesus' Cross, with Jesus until those 7 years are finished, descending into, Rev 12, Michael second heavens.. The Holy Bride's the prelude to it all, and Ps. 91 intravenous angels, Jan 13, (2018), again y'all a prelude to getting the Bride also up to Jesus, to second heavens intercessions and away from Hawaii to New England, the Eastern Seaboard and eventually, The America's, volcanic apocalypse! well if not the rapture, Giovanni man, I hope a year this final timetable come with way more evidence that all they treasure truly is sitting, historically actively on top of Revelation 6, 6th seal described a recent as Aug 30/31, (2019), measured, 101 Yellowstone's!" Look, I tell y'all grand, grand Sia gave my parents the Olive, branch to Rose of Sharon, that any it's day Memphis like most US states would go off the planet. See, we'd arrived in Georgia so timely, like they'd been warn by distant cousins by marriage to get into the southeast, into Georgia So grand, used that thinking to ask, so you all must know, Holy Spirits been stampeding all of the Americas into Georgia, even Africa for decades now? Next we knew, they packed and got themselves right back to Memphis, like they said, well if Memphis is going off the planet I wanna be there when it happen. No, don't even as the bible say, try to lean on your own understanding, it's maddening, you can''t figure it for a million years. Well were they Christians and just, they were Churchians and you Ghost Horse man know like I do, Chuchians know the American Dream, they know nothing about walking or even running in faith, I stayed with grand because I was of age, they couldn't make me return, now I'm talking, after she forewarn them, thinking that's why they'd come, they didn't just leave, they packed and left in a hurry, feet to the pedal ,like saying man, we don't wanna miss that apocalyptic fire work. well what, ah, you know Cash what happen, missing with the other hundreds of millions. Daniel's 4:4, madness award spreading nation to world wide I guess, nothing else make's sense, then grand just knowing and being glad her Memphians were spreading the RED ALERT! But no, even first blood cousins, totally clueless. Preaching to the choir I know, not even wanting to know, their works to prep, unless running aside them with their elephants of staying unaware to their Noah's day Bride of going on as normal, such fearfulness couldn't, had'n't and wouldn't save them, right now into the end, this is repent, run or perish and grand Sia always ! saying, you know where! Why? Beware, Apb
KILLER ASTEROID, https://youtu.be/5cUeVOzMppY
VOLCANIC APOCALYPSE!, https://youtu.be/uwd0cMDPZvg
HIT BY GAMMA RAY BURST! https://youtu.be/X1hnWoFZjls
From Dec 24/25, (2001), Put Back For Near 200, Years, (1811, 1812), The Year Without A Summer, Mount Tambora,
Blessed Death!
KILLER ASTEROID, https://youtu.be/5cUeVOzMppY
VOLCANIC APOCALYPSE!, https://youtu.be/uwd0cMDPZvg
HIT BY GAMMA RAY BURST! https://youtu.be/X1hnWoFZjls
From Dec 24/25, (2001), Put Back For Near 200, Years, (1811, 1812), The Year Without A Summer, Mount Tambora,
Blessed Death!
-No one wanted to hear, but the morning hours later traumatized Hawaiian parents would be this unimaginable on US soil inbound missile alert; possibly even the predicted volcanic apocalypse come,tossing their children under manhole covers. This appearing hours prior as a Michael Ealy's A Perfect man, to riches to rags whoremongering, Rev 2 Jesus. Easily saying for many millennia to those murderers like his A Perfect Man co-host, trans kids parents to advocates, Union/NBA'S. Here, its Jan 13, (2018), repent or I WILL KILL YOUR CHILDREN WITH DEATH!
-Only some mocked JESUS saying kill with death, don't we all die? Yes, the second death, judgment, HELL! But, here perverted children lives, souls required at their parents unrepentance, those like Jesus slain by blessed death, rise again to reign King Zion Millennium, to God's Kingdom Come, New Jerusalem/New White, Holy House, Descend Down with Royal Priesthood intact! Beware, God Is! Apb, www.invasionofpeace2017.blogspot.com
-Only some mocked JESUS saying kill with death, don't we all die? Yes, the second death, judgment, HELL! But, here perverted children lives, souls required at their parents unrepentance, those like Jesus slain by blessed death, rise again to reign King Zion Millennium, to God's Kingdom Come, New Jerusalem/New White, Holy House, Descend Down with Royal Priesthood intact! Beware, God Is! Apb, www.invasionofpeace2017.blogspot.com
Prophecy Links Fulfilling
Article, [Fauci Warns Trump That If Everyone in U.S. Dies It Could Affect His TV Ratings] http://va.topbuzz.com/al/jbwpfe, (This prophesied and predicted outbreak of mortuary come, and first born's won't escape. I don't know bout y'all but this moms asking is it to mock ELOHIM, HIS ANOINTED more so, than to actually save her dying daughter? Apb, see here, https://phearsonreganachristmascarol.blogspot.com/2020/03/stone-to-finish-all-schools-www.html, how its all ending prophetically, Apb
Prophecy Links Fulfilling, March 31st seeing the Rite Aid Pharmacy 5 dollar bill, a 5% death toll set, mean only WHO's COVID-19 Predicted 17 million US dead, only with 33 Million to go, is accurate! Run!
Article, [Family of 17 caught coronavirus at funeral of COVID-19 victim, leaving one dead and others seriously ill] http://va.topbuzz.com/al/xhdQfe, (It is not the whole that need a physician, but those that are sick, get ye to repentant altars, Rev 6, 5 seal God avenging martyred Saints, martyred blood, RUN!
Article, [Fauci Warns Trump That If Everyone in U.S. Dies It Could Affect His TV Ratings] http://va.topbuzz.com/al/jbwpfe, (This prophesied and predicted outbreak of mortuary come, and first born's won't escape. I don't know bout y'all but this moms asking is it to mock ELOHIM, HIS ANOINTED more so, than to actually save her dying daughter? Apb
see here, https://phearsonreganachristmascarol.blogspot.com/2020/03/stone-to-finish-all-schools-www.html, how its all ending prophetically, Apb
-Jesus knocking on church doors to my thirty plus year calling. A Jesus to early church foundational Apostle/Prophet. All proves to be evidence something is wrong with churches. The blind leading the blind, so much so that calling rebellious Churchians to repent is the reaping of COVID-19 globally sown!
-It'll take the length of the bible just the 30 years I been forewarning churches. So we'll pick the year 2013, during a Daniel fast, thus unforgettable. Here I am channel surfing assembly world wide.
-When all around a Holy Spirit say so clearly, THESE PEOPLE NEED TO FALL IN LOVE WITH GOD. Jesus did say all gone before HIM, us were thieves and robbers! Too many heaers and not enough doers. Worshiping God with all things church but their knees and hearts of repentance.
-You couple these reveals with Mat 7, Jesus describing the day he'll tell millions thinking they're His, He never knew them; just sit, well run on that surreal for a time.
(1987) Nazi Parents Deemed Homicidal Toward Children, 2008, ASTEROID DESTROY!
-Look, like the days of Moses God's Anointed faith and faithfulness actually is proven this COVID-19 falling away of assembled whoredoms, BLOOD MARTYRS. The American come African again doomsday The Americas being stampeded!
-Making no further arguments Hawaii to Wyoming Volcanic Apocalypse come 99 bowls to 101 Yellowstones measured coast to coast lava lakes. Commanded by the Sunlight Gods back turn throne, with a Rev 12 Michael star warring overhead. Blessed hearers and doers, their stores all, are evacuated into Georgia's/Africa's coast.
-Beware, all transit else from Wade and daughter to Kobe and daughter. As so all people dead and dying by the COVID-19. Behold, all non-compliant transit is being targeted by Eze 9, sword like syringes bearing reapers. The only sacrifice Ps 51 God will accept, when one waltz to one strike your telling heart you're ascended but mostly first born's, descended!
-Reaffirmed Aug 5 thru its 30/31st (2019) a global shut down to a pale horse pandemic like COVID-19. These earth enders only followed a Rev 6, 6th seal Volcanic Apocalypse; even March 3, (2019), an event like SUNLIGHT Comet Atlas/Atlantis/Atlantic, is impacting UN/US soil.
-During commanded exodus more Frightening than COVID-19 travel bans There is, March 9, (2020), yet another death toll of 69 million. Fight night, just as of a 50 million death toll for 7 US Admins into Trump set by weights of US blood guilt. Answered prayers for blessded rescuer HE'S coning but not until King of kings Jesus again sat His feet atop Mount Olivet.
-Beware, let no man deceive you until Jesus Olivet return, extinction to the BEAST MARKS have you. Then new normal, to blessed hope, is the Briexit skyward to the Blaexit Georgia's southeast coast into Africa's Southwest, coast, RUN, a Rev 12 star warring Michael, sets His all around and a little Miya girl watcher of blessed translation,THEY have all, faithful escape! Beware, God Is, Apb
-Admitted both during to post-reveals I never asked why, just hurry and share what I both see, hear and even experience. Say like Aug 5, waking from seeing the word DISAPPEARED, frozen, on, as all HD TO 5G screening, only left knowing, some event, like a predicted flirting with Keanu Reeves Movies, standing the world still, come.
-This seeing the other counter, slammed with desperate costumers. Just as I approached this seeming closed, soon to learn, set death tolls, 5% into 15% back turn, Rite Aid Pharmacy counter. I'm moving to walk away, only she turn, say I'll wait on you! Just what did that mean, she'll wait on me? Only ask the one whom Holy Spirits, have for 30 plus rapture April 2/16/17, Springs, demonstrated in ways unprecedented the I Thess/I Cor, great gathering of Saints, beware, Apb, The RAM
Seen To Be Seeing A Huge Enough To Block Out The Sky, In Bold, Capital, Italicized Flood Water Down Weights Of Martyred Blood Pink, The Single Word, OFFER!
STILL, APOSTLE I AM, HOPE YOU DANCE, SEE SELAH, HOSANNA, HERE, https://youtu.be/pJJ1kqpbFTE, also see, www.lordurusalem.com
Prophecy Links
Article, [Chicago ER doctor explains why Coronavirus scares him
https://youtu.be/jft5E7em858 (beware first clink I got minutes after minutes of YouTube's stay at home with me campaign. My Christ no wonder Hawaii into Wyoming volcanic apocalypse, death tolls are set to the tune of 10's of millions who just got barbecued! Beware, God Is! Apb
2007, Cast A Stone, The Dying Of Middle Schools Is Painful; 2005, Wipe Canada From The Map! 2017, Finish All Schools!
Article, [Preacher interrupts Sky News interview to insist 'judgement coming' and demands UK repents] http://va.topbuzz.com/al/rxhRee
Article, [First child dies from the coronavirus in New York City as Gov Cuomo begs for help amid a 'staggering' number of deaths] (God of today like in Moses Hebrews days want blessed Exodus. He'll pound them all into 99 bowls of molten lava until His are all stampeding into Georgia's/Africa's Atlantic. Especially, its Sunlight, Atlas Comet come, could be the June (2002), Mountain, Sunlight, God's Back Turn Throne Saying To Pending Its Reign Lord Urusalem, "Let My People Go! So April 2, (2020), a year the new two weeks and seven year timetable. Obama's 2009 into 2016, ended Daniel's day grace period, announced, until a times, times and a half be fulfilled. Even near two millennium now Jesus' Cross, with Jesus until those, April (2019), 7 years are finished, April 16/17 (2026), descending into, Rev 12, Michael second heavens. The Holy Bride's the prelude to it all, and Ps. 91 angels, Jan 13, (2018). Just as so y'all also a prelude to getting the Bride up to Jesus, to second heavens intercessions. Hurriedly, away from Hawaii to New England, the Eastern Seaboard and eventually, The America's inundation by fiery doomsday come ! Well if not the rapture, Giovanni man, I hope an April 2, (2020), a year this final timetable come with way more evidence. That is, how all they treasure truly is sitting, historically active atop of Rev 6, 6th seal described as recent as Aug 30/31, (2019), measured, 101 Yellowstone's !So instead here's Rev Bk Holies to The Acts of the Bride, RUN, campaign! Why? Beware, Apb