Sunday, August 30, 2020


 Prophecy Links Fulfilling

Beginning tomorrow, (Sept 1-13, 2020), revisit for a year (Sept 1-13, 2019), getting three references to 101 Yellowstones by the time I revisited the heavens missiling down and heard, shaky, shaky shelter! Marvel not the mystery woman, bearing blacken vials, the maze of sin, but as blessed Jesus, offering up in exchange for homeless earth shelters, mansions in heaven, beware, Apb  

You Tube, The Two Preachers, Raw Footage God Is Shaking Tge World,

Prophecy Links Fulfillment, Right Down Your Alley, FSS, Debating With Jealous Neighbors, A Yard Size Duracell Battery, (Aug 10/11, 2020), beware! 

You Tube, Full Spectrum Survival, 100, 000 Lay Off, Massive Hungry Coming,

Rolling Twilight Skies, Sahara Godzilla Dust Storm to California with hundreds of Fires? Beware!

-We been warn, Clinton 1996, God come, said He'd destroy America, finish her wealth; Bush's 1999, we're told nothing for a century past would again be the same, 50 million US soil would die, pending every US Admin since, EVERY; 2001, we got the intrepid dream, weight of blood guilt, until 190 months be fulfilled, (Oct 19, 2017); here, see, H. Katrina 2005, rolling  in we're told no more normal days to be had. 

-There's been many demos since about blessed escapes into Southwest Africa; into US southeast Georgia; even as recent as (July 6  2020), into Rev 12, second heavens intercessions, and a (Nov 23/24, 2017), Rev 2, Matrix ten day countdown, (Aug 22/23, 2020), there's 99 Rev 2 Jesus, Matrix counts since. 

-Here come the morning Republicans Congress are by a sudden train wreck, once fleeing whoever just launched a missile unto Hawaii, Jan 22-29, 2018; 

-Though also, here come Rev 10, Mighty Angel as well, standing the US map saying no further delays, beware, what just took out the US/Canada West coast is coming for all US states and will eventually claim the American Continent, RUN! 

-First get to those area map,  star warring Rev 12 Angels are setting safeguards to safehavens all around just as you listen to FSS. 

-One of theae intravenous safehavens for as far back as Prophet Isaiah has been proven to be Jordan's. to once Moses exodus, visited, desert city, Petra. 

-Here, see more recent beginning Obama's 2008/2009 into Trumps 2015/2016/2020, US soil slow motion exodus. Remarkably was shown to be as to escape, US W coast fiery apocalypse all around, into its east coast, get to its southeast, only not Florida.

-Plainly,  into Georgia's coast with them, with Africa's, Southwest Atlantic pending, blessed are hearers and doers, meaning Eze 5 type procrastinators are cursed. Please, I beg you all, don't tell me I have to witnessed, even from Rev 12, second heaven intercession.

-Those predicted since Bush, tens of millions of you suddenly dead; probably before I witness the blessedness of instead stampeding, refugees?  Because Apostle I Am, tell you, spiritually I'm feeling that's the harsh reality. Even of Jesus saying we're as the days of Noah, taken suddenly as California lightning fires; ironically with these times deemed a Noah's cousin, beware, Repent, (Psalms 51), RUN, (Mat 24/Rev 18), or perish, Rev 1-3/17-19 chapters, Apb, see more here,, how it's ending prophetically. Apb, 

And these are the descendants of the beauty rescued from the hands of the beast: Beast Of Beauty, Featuring King Bridegroom, Stonewall, Pathfinder Deburk and Queen Bride, Hadley Nicoli Cummins 

The Unending Love Antidote ...The African Juttah Genealogy, 1986-2016/2026/3036

The Tombola Genealogy, Holy, Temple, April, 17, 1986/2026/3036 into Infinity, God's Kingdom Reign

Unto Sia Tribe Sabertooth, Wounded Knee Deburk and Lyndsay Kierra Bledsoe was born a son, Stallion Creek, Indian Battle Deburk , a daughter, Angelica Grace Peak Deburk, a son Brightstone, Starlight Deburk and a Daughter Painted, Rock Creek    

Unto Stallion Creek, Indian Battle Deburk and Glorianna Biakakka Vents was born twin god sons, Maximo Sychelles Deburk, a son, Stofan Maximus Deburk, and a single, godson, Stonewall, Pathfinder Deburk 

Unto Maximo Sychelles Deburk and Dannica Ashley Xani was born a son, Lexus, Decimus Deburk, son, Cleopatrus Demario Deburk, Xani, and a god daughter, Alergra Alexander Deburk, Xani    

Unto Stofan Maximus Deburk and Roseetta Stone, Kenyon Lawson was born a god daughter Deandra Melania Debuk, a god daughter, Chasity Adrianne Deburn and a god dughter, Belize Adonai Debuk, Lawson  

Unto Stonewall, Pathfinder Deburk and Hadley Nicoli Cummins was born a god daughter, Lasidy Breonna Deburk, a son, Geoffrey Jamison Deburk and a godson, Sacagawea ,Deer Creek,  Deburk, Cummins 

Mark Scene, Genesis Marriage Worshipers, XVII and VII, It's XCIX Matrix Count

     "I tell y'all a prophetic hindsight we haven't touched on, this described type of Olivet mountain return, only her Memphis son home, and all its prescribed Zechariah 14 to Rev 19, holy characters there, earth ending to earth shattering alone. We now know, so much so Mt Zion complete typography was totally changed, split in two, made a way as the parting Red Sea, some say when it's time, a partying, Africa's Southwest Atlantic, then, Jesus return, for escaping Israelis. You kinda Kadesh man describing the earth quaking event she saw also, those stampeding elephants, the first, Rev 2, Jesus Matrix 10 day count, now a hundred in total, still a mighty quaking enough, causing her to lose a hand on nephew Carter just as particularly the Trump Admin has lost whatever non-aggression accords those like Pres. Carter Era, pending world wars, naturally causing a mighty quaking of the earth. Yeah, yeah BFA man, but those two Pence and Trump aligned to Gog and Magog, territorial beast, who've influenced bloodletting empires, kingdoms and nation, of systems, systems like America, like West Rule to slay multi-billions, going on to leave billions dead by the time Jesus again sat his feet mount Olivet, we know by grand Sia timetables, could be as early as (April 2, 2026). Right, right Evolent, more to die their Armageddon than any military confrontation, ever, ever! Still, you was saying Meshullum Kadesh, Meshullum Kadesh, what, it's my birthday Beeth man? No, if it was your birthday I would've said continue, second Prince, Meshullum Kadesh, right, right. But back to that Memphis home and its typography too is completely changed, I'm even grand Sia, Oct 2018, predicted, 10.2, quake, even there, out of this Memphis son mouth come the predicted, earth enders leading into this most unprecedented (2020), year, his claiming her diligent outreach to forewarning got the downtown newspaper bells ringing. Something Memphis, New Madrid two large quakes did 1811, to 1812, along the Midsouth to the Midwest and, and Kadesh man, is that what set them back to the Western days; when the Coronavirus really have its way, easily reaching that 17, million death toll? That's not her first newspaper reveal, the first come as a funeral reef attached to a paperboys handlebars, leaping into heavens with millions upon millions its US death tolls as well. Plainly, why this (2020), year alone most her demos include Anubis undertakers, how did I know, Memphis, man, you'd mention them, so, so creepy, not just them, 2017, with that Anubis demon, undertaker, sitting the home like any other family pet, were also ancient, territorial beast, the Lion and the Leopard, now influencing both area map, Palestine, Arabia to Islam. During the death rider from beneath deal, grand Sia seeing Jesus there but HE could only act as a surveyor, their unrepentant sins, this rampath. Look you Torrance asked will that 10.2, quake set us back, but if those 101 Yellowstone's are going, we're instantly the western to cavemen days before New Madrid goes, possibly causing an extinction level New Madrid. Which part don't we get? A type of Rev 17:14. Jesus Husband, like the days of Abraham's Lot, escape even his sinful beloveds as far as Savannah Georgia Pending there is no escape into Florida nor any of the Mexico to even Central, South America, nor its Caribbean. Only it's US Southeast into Georgia's crossover into Africa's Atlantic, southwest, still only because Rev 12, Michael is setting his star warring angels all around these mentioned trajectories into these assigned escapes. Think, think, think, Sia's, if such a commanded exodus, how volatile the entire American Continent, meaning Americans playing follow campaigning leaders, these are dangerous, dead, damned men walking, grand Sia deem them nails in your coffin, alone, their procrastinating the Hemingway exodus, they're aligned since Clinton/Bush to 50 million of your deaths, Know this also, beware also, it's finna happen again, some revisited from (Aug 5, 2019), and just now, (Aug 5, 2020), stopping the world event, Americans are at it again, this fueling into a civil war to world wars and Holy Lords not gonna let it happen, God is avenging martyred blood, earth's inherit are to beware, repent, RUN or perish. The genesis man, marriage underlying problem Dr Fauci is the curse of death, saying you perish, meaning out of Jesus' hands,  you descend, hell hath enlarged itself by those 101 erupting Yellowstone's to receive again all first born's and all their pomposity. Righteous, Silver man, all that's righteous, so what people don't realize is apostate America, West Rule, out of  Jesus and intravenous Angels outreach, with no more doomsday passovers. Just as so, commanded into a Hemingway exodus need a Moses day deliverer right now, with grand Sia  thinking Holies declaring Senator Obama the one, and seeing him and his, that's he and his ebb and flow along world rule until Jesus millennium reign, now it doesn't take a genius to figure who, even what  those two are; don't forget God's thoughts, ways not ours, just as Senator Barack Hussein Obama is campaigning for the White house, grand Sia woke from seeing the masses of American refugees crossing into Africa's Atlantic, and she's chanting we will build an ark! Then again saw him, Obama, some bout France, in this capacity of world rule February this year, (2020), just as he's pending to assist the Biden/Harris ticket. But all for naught we see, the bloodletting American Dream weighed, judged, sentenced and is cataclysmically skyrocketing, leaving but a remnant of those, Christ Jesus. Look, look, I started this council with an inquiry, how possibly answered by now, ah to what extremes trials first born's are to suffer perfect man Jesus, well there's a flawless as Michael Ealy appearing, dangerous, perfect man, did sit, perfect man Jesus asking, grand Sia would Angels also ascend? Intravenous, star warring Angel suspended, what role if any will those 144,000 specialty saints play interceding tribulation saints, given over the Antichrist. I know some say they will, but some erroneously say all children go in the rapture as well as all Americans simply because they're Americans, heart ripping I know but true, it's being taught. Hey not the fiasco, Laura Ingram's Trump interview, and good enlightenment for her and millions watching. No, you all sense Pres Trump when asked about Jacob Blake emit a type of Eze 9, reapers marking for life, those with passions as Jesus Christ, again when asked about Jacob Blake back shooting? That's because Memphis man, no one with even a minuscule of humanity could watch that shooting, even Rittenhouse shooting and not realize it's inhumanity to our single Jesus Cross redeemed humanity. I'm thinking that minuscule compassion could be why Pres Trump is being treated with king of king Nebuchnezzar's judgment sentence and not Rev 19, Gog and Magog sudden cataclysm, and a number, the sands of the sea are abruptly hell's lakes of fires! Dismissed, dismissed, dismissed, I'm falling on my face, exhausted, ah the Angels ascent to 144,000 intervention, inquiry Kadesh man. Yeah, Ghost Horse man, but any ascending church Bride, to those Psalm 91 angels meeting up with Jesus in Rev 12, second heavens. Truly until Lamb's marriage supper, those 144,000 specialty saints are with Him, wherever He goes, again, Rev 12, second heaven of Intercession. Surely, THEY'RE all descending and ascending upon those two, outreaching  Olive branches, Enoch and Elijah, right, right? Now I'm falling on my face sleepy, look babe, I'm gonna need your shoulder, y'all welcome to stay at this, I'm gone, sweet sleep to me, all that. Alright Kadesh man, but no, we're all behind you, with, with you, blasted as well, that's what I thought Lakeside man, yeah, that's what I thought. Hey as we drag ourselves out of here, here's some Rev 12, July 6, 2020 Jesus's sweet-smelling fruit, grand said the other day, an ominous light played around her head as she washed dishes, and a day later as motion lights, around her getting down the hall, the same hall Memphis, she witnessed a blowing in windspeed, Daniels man in linen? No, that was the Hemingway address, that's where she witnessed auto loads of American refugees stampede into Georgia's coast, passed to an African, native land lord, they first born's stampeding, she and hers, new born, instead ascending, so, we'll talk about it later, sweet sleep all, and to all good night, a very good night, really Memphis man, I couldn't help it, it was right there, I'm telling, it was right there!" Why speak in parables? Disciples asked Jesus, with Him answering by quoting prophets of old, saying, while see here, Mat 13:10-17

Prophecy Links Fulfilling, what you all forewarn to happen along the San Andreas, and Rev 10 Mighty Angel, (Jan 22-29, 2018), saying the Midwest, The Eastern Seaboard be just as aware!

-I've for decades forewarn, happens to Memphis, TN, by way of the New Madrid seismic zone, producing a predicted (2018), 10.2; quake. Right until (2017), I was approached by biblical watchers, who asked, what's the secret of Memphis? Beware, Apb

Prophecy Links Fulfilling, (Jan 20, 2019), I witnessed Rev 12, Michael, battling a star wars in the heavens, setting his all around; just now, (July 6, 2020), I come into a demo just as Rev 12, new born is snatched out of the Red Dragon hands; just as His Birth Mom is tossed into a protective cradle of unspeakable adoration by a sweet smelling, passionate, deity, beware!  Apb

Go Down To The Middle School And Cast A Stone, Asteroid, Destroy Now Apparently Trump's  Wisconsin! 

YouTube News, Trump Camp Politicizing COVID-19, Has Deadly Consequences

Kill All Parents By, Finish All Schools, Commanded Of The Six Slayers, Bearing, Sword Like Syringes, Brought In By Holy Elohim God, His Throne,  Higher Gate North slaying without mercy both old and young, beginning with Rev 1-3, Churchians... Beware, Apb

-Republicans to Churchians, like their father Satan, lying, murders from the beginning. Democrats are not stopping you from going to church, no more than they're jeopardizing your precious lives. Trump saying they are  is like Hitler telling Germans, Jews were responsible for their pains and sorrows. Though Trump and Pence are aligned to 50 million US deaths, Hitler blaming Jews caused a genocide that left 10 million dead, see more here, beware Of Politics Preying On Tribal Loyalties,

-Instead see the (Feb 13/23, 2019), Hitler's Germany Antichrist and all around Anubis German, Shepherds, undertakers, see, pray here, Palms 88/Dan 9, begin Vss 4!

-Science and medical experts are telling us not to socialize in the midst of a deadly pandemic/Plandemic, with a Twindemic pending. Stop being deceived people, this would include. gathering in churches and businesses; Frontline doctors are literally begging us don't make this worse for them, as to beg us to save our own immortal souls, by safeguarding our own cursed, temporal lives.

-I listened to a Texas Frontline doctor, said he got a call from a local funeral director. Asked he come by. He get there, this man is stressing with what do with the remains, of a hundred of your COVID-19 loved ones. Holy Bride THEY entreat me, Apostle THEY call me, suggesting (2015/2016), US campaigning, you pound, guns, bombs and voting booth into alters of Christ! 

-THEY say God is avenging martyred blood;THEY say as the days of Noah, no flesh survives Yellowstone volcanic Apocalypse, fiery doomsday, a Christmas Carol come, THEY say no more doomsday passovers left, Holy Elohim, God's back turn Throne, RUN! THEY say you know where! B

-I say it's sacrilegious for there to be continuing into anything as normal. Just a slap in the face of you will of both front line workers and its hundreds of thousands of your horribly deceased loved ones.  to be fueling, this tug of whose the better, dangerous, perfect leaders of America.

- How laughable, we're supposed to be the epitome of unison, yet Kushner and Trump bragging about Israel's and UEA amalgamation, what about America's own 50 tattered disjointed states? According to the bible Trump keep bringing up, God only created one man, one language, one race, human being. Two kind, male and female, husband and wife, so they procreate the billions in either first borns to new born's earth's inherit right now! 

-Herein proven evidence, Mighty, Elohim God, like His Christ Jesus, THEY'RE biblically correct, the multicultural man, even his black skin matter because God so loves the Genesis, Man, marriage. Prophetically, has sacrificed His only begotten Sonlight, that not even one perish.

-No wonder the Dan 2, stone cut out without hands the now reigning Bride prepped upon release was described the Antichrist murderer, leaving all they treasure but charcoaled, itty, bitty pieces! Fright night, with both Pence and Trump aligned to its two, earth ending demon beasts,Gog and Magog as so all US leads past, present and pending with 50 million of your deaths.

-Here lately as (Feb 12/13, 2019), even using a back turn, closed Rite Aid Pharmacy, counter reveal, as a show of its weight of blood guilt, US Western soil death tolls 5% into 15%, beware, the Holy Elohim God you pray instead His Kingdom come, Is AWARE! Apb

Prophecy Links Fulfilling, Kill all Parents By, Finish All School, Begin At Sanctuary, US/Western Soil

My Procrastinating Memphis Family Keeper, Reapers Bearing Swordlike Syringes Hath Them

-Lil sis, thinking of your big sis saying goodbye Aug 30, 2020, dream. This time, Aug 30, 2019, last year, we were warn Escape earth ender Yellowstone!  

This was Aug 5, it's Aug 7, I know, mom's birthday and again its (Aug 30, 31, 2019). 

-We' were warn, volcanic apocalypse, from Hawaii to California fires into 101 erupting Yellowstone's were here. An extinction level event powerful enough to send the Holy Bride and apostate America/West Rule off the planet, killing, injuring and stampeding tens of millions beware, Apb

Why Doeth Thou Marvel? I Will Show You The Mystery Of The Great Whore!

 -Hey Marfoogle, I tried to find and comment on the one on one you just had. This guy prophetically referencing America, West rule to Rev 17/18, great whore of Babylon, so on target. Since Jan 12/13, 2019, Rev 17, whore and beast separated, all enemies are come, bearing fire, as we see in California, including thousands come with lightning strikes. 

-Only it's any day, hour to nano second Holy Bride to Unholy West Rule can simultaneously skyrocket off the planet. Especially, since the (2015), Lamb' book, name roll call, to divine census taking. As so earth's being since April 2, 2020, two weeks and 7 years timetable a year, 4 months and 28 days into Daniel's 9:27, final week of years.

-Actually what Trump and Kushner peace pact is, the UK Brexit continues, these nails in US/West rule coffins, now totaling 180,00 and counting, in COVID-19 deaths alone. Know also, in prophetic hindsight, since error Islam, Bush Clinton Bush an estimated 50 million dead US soil, alone, before Jesus millennium descends. 

-Miraculous is Rev 17/18, referenced to revisited into its finale, every January 12/13, 2017, 2018, 2019. Whereas Jan 9, 2020, we got a pointer changing this date to Jan 12/13, 2020. Apparently, Israel and the UAE entering an agreement, isn't an anomaly, but prophetic fulfillment. 

-Such amalgamations since error Bush as Israel falling to an enemy Hamath, also fulfilling, it's 42 month duration, the scripture Rev 11:1, 2. Prophecies I used to predict a Hussein American father and world leader. Fright night to glorious, just as Senator Hussein Obama made its US Presidential bid

-Ironically, I witnessed its Rev 13, two great beast rise upon US soil, one from land, one from the sea, and for an additional 42 months. This Mat 24, Jesus described, abomination that maketh desolate come, that's totalling 84 months of this new (April 2, 2019), timetable, totalling 7 years until instead (April 2, 2026), be fulfilled, prophetically into Jesus Millennium Reign.

-Totally why Jan 12/13, 2018, THEY appeared a Memphis son home, all its prophesied Holy Spirits, perfect man Jesus, the Bride, guardian to star warring Angels, all described Zechariah 14, as of Jesus Olivet return. Remarkably, this Memphis home, even a Jesus husband in their sickbeds, when in come, its odd inquiry of prefect msn Jesus, will angels, also ascend? 

-I admit, Lamb's book, name roll call specific date, I don't know, I know I was Memphis, Hackcross. There's a street called Spring Morning, a Duck pond its backyard and a stalled, 2001, Intrepid auto, wearing  Oct 2017 plates, down the street. Fright night, the Memphis, Hackscross, Emp to CME multicultural man, Walk-athon into Southeast Georgia come, all, all, all, each themselves, beyond imaging reveals. Beware, as predicted, there'd be extinction level events, into an outbreak of mortuary until then, whereas COVID-19 alone could claim 17 million, US soil, all first borns beware, repent, RUN, or perish! Apb

March on Washington highlights generational divide on police reform My World Need You Right Now And they had the hands of a man under their wings on their four sides; and they four had their faces and their wings. He Shall Cover You With His Feathers and Under His Wings Shalt Thou Trust, His Truth Shall Be Thy Shield and Buckler!!! -My world Need you right now, I know, keep sharing this amazing video, come into my YouTube selection as recommended. Understand, despite how phenomena speeches to comments the DNC, the NBA/WNBA, the annual memorial, March on Washington, and all commercial to social media support. -Believe, hearing lately brilliant and he shall cover you with his feathers and under his wings shalt thou trust. The black church, its Blaexit of a slow motion exodus, has never been so right nor will they ever be again, as when they spread this message, "Jesus, my world need you right now, repent, RUN or perish! -This was Jesus saying, how I would love to cuddle you in healing wings, but you would not, you won't see me again, no more doomsday passovers until you pray, blessed is HE who cometh in the Lord Ancient Of Days, name. Holy HE having put on Jesus the Christ and endured a cross for the multicultural Genesis man, marriage once lost. -Why do the heathen rage, we won't full term abortions and same gender lives, lands, churches and schools, despite how abominable, detestable and kings of the earth gather together against Rev 12 Archangel Michael and His star warring Angels? More militant warriors will die it's Armageddon, than any war dead ever before, hundreds of millions, so many it'll take seven months to bury it's dead -Here, see, knowing who? Revelation book God; Why? US Dec 24/25, weight of blood guilt; what? ELE's nuclear, natural and NEO's solar, cosmic; when, (Jan 22-29, 2018), Rev 10, Mighty Angel, Rev 17, 7th Angel, saying no further delays, US soil; and where to, two area maps these blessed escapes, prophet Isaiah predicted, Jordan's Petra to Rev Holies, predicted US's Georgia's coast, crossover in to star warring, Holy Angels, repent, RUN or Perish! -Apostle I am, I know how helpless this all seem, like Moses in-combustible burning bush, to fire from prison bars targeting Pres bush, my head is on fire, one fourth disappeared. so affecting three fourths of the country and the world. Only like Noah's day normalcy bias, it's hundreds of millions it's inherit are too mesmerized to distracted their own demanding Moses', Egypt days, labor camps to notice, molten, human extinction come, beware, repent, RUN, or Perish! - Holy Bride, Rev Holies, entreat me, Marvel not, I will show you a mystery, it's start raining in Georgia blessed escape, just as fires begin to burn in California; easily because predicted to revisited Aug 30/31 2019), to by 101 Yellowstone's go fiery apocalypse and spread across the American continent Hawaii/California/Canada are burning, also the mystery woman, arriving the behemoth maze of sin, bearing Rev 16. 17, vials, only blacken, beware as Holy Ancient Of Days Himself, Is AWARE, Apb

Saturday, August 29, 2020

Sunlight Mount Luther

Prophecy Links Fulfilling Seeing (Jan 22, 2019), a hybrid Alexander the great/Hitler's Germany Antichrist, whose horde of Anubis demons, posed as friendly German, shepherds; mercifully followed by a Sunlight Mt Luther world, stretching street parade, instead celebrating Jesus Millennium Reign; when Trump and His wake, , April 2/Oct 15 2026, from 7 years of Dan 4 madness to the NWO of Psalm 2/Zech14/Rev 19, King Zion Rule, beware, repent, RUN or perish! Apb

Jesus, My World Need You Right Now,,

-The born again national to international anthem right now; churches beware, worshiping God with your mouth, with vain lives, lands and churches to abominable, detestable choirs, tithes and offerings but your legit heart is nowhere near Holy Elohim. Like the Apostle Paul. I've seen everything canal built upon God's one foundation, burn up, instantly killling tens of millions, Walmarts, AMAZON'S, the White House, all consumed, leaving the Kennedy Space center with fire damage. The American Continent no more, right until for this lost of 15% in US lives, a new, White Holy House descended into the Holy Land, a Royal Priesthood intact.

-Clearly a fiery apocalypse, like those hundreds of lightning fires burning in predicted to go nuclear, US W Pacific Hawaii to California's right now. Bellowing losses rising up to God mourning, when soon I begin to hear, behold it is the church, it has been cast down and literally destroyed, but the foundation haven't been destroyed, it can rebuild, it can be rebuild, back upon the foundation laid by Christ and his Holy Apostles and this surreal made aware, passed from me. Apb

You  Tube, News, Al Sharpton speaks at, the 2020 March on Washington, ( like the pulpit message on repeat, each year in and out, but nothing ever changes band aids into heart transplants, know, five of the churches of Asia Minor, were in back-slidden condition, the two who weren't were suffering churches, with Bridegroom, of Resurrection, Jesus come, saying, for ten more days, they're to have tribulation, endure, He'd give them a crown of life, ushering into God's, Heir throne.  
-Only as most assembly recently, the LGBTQ and P for Pedophile, male teens, openly ordaining whore mongering, as whore Jezebel,  the as Noah's day, the marriage  abomination, threatening to genocide, the genesis, man marriage, destroy this temple, and in a nano-second, holy bride, to unholy West Rule, skyrockets off the planet, one never seen, or heard of again, soon it's own mystery Atlantis, beware, beware, beware!  Apb, see more here,     

Article, Actor Chadwick Boseman, star of 'Black Panther,' dies at 43 , more details :

-So admittedly heart wrenching, but let all around Anubis undertakers, bury the dead, as I often explain, all first born's die, Jesus saying he saving this life, (see all those tens of millions in churchians, designed Trump's base), losing immortal life, but those, losing this life for my sake, for Jesus' sake, gaining life for all immortality. Biblically, the question is where do they, even the Walkers, Bryant's and here a Boseman, where do the dead, regardless of statue end up? We know from Apostle Jude, demons tried laying claim on Moses remains until Archangel Michael's overpowering rebuttal.

-Some say He's, even seen star warring Michael Rev 10 to Rev 12, Apostle John and now this Apostle, witnessed, is the Mighty Angel. Mighty he's, standing one foot the planet, one foot the sea, recently, standing the US map, US West Pacific, but forewarning it's Midwest, it's Eastern Seaboard. Just don't forget, Jesus of resurrection appeared to me, having Prophet Malachi, predicted, stretched out, healing wings, arms as well stretched out, saying three times, come!"

-Fallen from God's grace, the cursed body returns to dust and ashes, the spirit returns to God who gave it, but the immortal soul. Just say, if out of Jesus's outreaching hands, they descend into the molten deep, there legions of demons have been witnessed to wait, to entreat and bedevil, fright night, that's until the great white throne, judgement, presently, at least the duration of Jesus' millennium reign, April 2 2026 thru April 2, 3036.

-Biblically, dying instead holding Jesus' unchanging hands, to flying skyward on star warring Angels wings, they're this welcomed heir into God's, Throne, Holy healing clouds to wings embrace. Truth is if you like me thought Pres Obama, declared 'The One," ebbing to flowing along world rule since his 2008/2009 campaign, his DNC speech, just wasn't all that convincing.

-Well that's because actually the elephants of reveal  in the 2020 US campaign is all, world stretching catastrophic events, and colored people more proportionally affected are all sure fire  evidence we've entered the 400 year finale, now the commanded, Hemingway exodus, into the repatriation of mother Africa. Understand, since revisited upon me, as THEY did Jesus, Angels descending and ascending upon me, these three decades, now I been by prophetic parables, since our (1986/1996), only my prophetic parables, graduating class of (2012).

-Remarkably, I been evacuating national to international refugees into a new paradise Africa, only recently realizing in hindsight all along, THEIR, Holy Spirits to the Sunlight of God. THEY'RE star warring, spiritually along, battling out a Hemingway exodus I'm to realize again, this is the for centuries pending, the repatriation of Mother, Africa. Whose, your procrastination is being targeted by Eze 5, Holy God's wrath and Eze 9, commanded reapers, bearing sword like syringes and meeting every manner of peace and safety, say the US presidential Campaign, reopening finished schools to business and the NBA bubble, all continuously being met with sudden destruction, knowing get it, get Jesus and get out! Apb, The RAM

And these are the descendants of the beauty rescued from the hands of the beast: Beast Of Beauty Featuring King Bridegroom Dexter Sanford Joyhouse and Queen Bride Bronwyn Gazelle Galileo


The Unending Love Antidote ...The African Juttah Genealogy, 1986-2016/2026/3036

The Tombola Genealogy, Holy, Temple, April, 17, 1986/2026/3036 into Infinity, God's Kingdom Reign

Unto Jessup Torry Gainsman, Smithonian and Reessa Bethel Kilkirt was born a son, Kirtlyn Winston Smithsonian, godson, Ashwick Hananiah Gainsman, and god daughter Meessa Reanna Smithsonian Kilkirt    

Mark Scene, Genesis Marriage Worshipers, XVII and VII, It's LXXXXIX Matrix Count

"Nall, nall, nall, everybody, everybody, tell me y'all read it, when she say, see more here,; and next you know, you're reading behind teens one to two hundred years from now, fright night, in their history class they're studying whether,  North America, or even the American continent ever, ever, ever existed; nall, nall, nall, y'all wait, wait, because from one coast to the other, it's under oceans of molten lava, the ring of fire extended, and how freaking real it all seem! Yeah, yeah now raise your hand if you've since read it and got away from the US W Pacific; nall, nall, nall, got further away than us running to Arizona, when California hundreds of fires left into Kansas just now, with twilight skies. I told you, I told you, wait, wait, did you say twilight skies, cause that's hers too, she said a couple months ago, rolling twilight skies, coming. Since, giving us twilight skies, this for 5000, miles, Sahara, Godzilla, dust storm, now these California fires, choking, coughing, smogging the skies and the unprecedented storms thrown off by hurricane Laura, lessening to blackening skies. You know that hers too, that descriptor, Godzilla dust, her ah, ah, ha, Intrepid Dream, nall, nall, ah, ah, The Phoenix, dream, Godzilla like, crystallized demons, caught falsifying crystal skies, why skies are so phenomena right now, none of it to be hidden anymore, assuring forewarning signs in heaven. Y'all know that threat is approaching only days from now, what threat? Those 101 Yellowstone's of hers, that's why Reese and I are on our way to get us an RV, make our everything mobile, make your everything, mobile, what, are, guys, guys, guys, shouting, debating and or disagreeing, y'all wayyyy too loud. Now we know the Jesus husband escape some as far as Georgia's Savannah coast, so if you're not leap frogging as far as the US southeast coast, not Florida, then you're playing a game of boiling pots to frying pans with your temporal life to immortal souls. I did Westly man see one elderly couple, escaping Cal fires just now, glad they had a an RV, because we're still in the middle of a deadly pandemic and that mean they didn't have to chance, COVID-19, shelters. Just saying, I'm talking to Miles soon, I'll put that in her ears too, getting mobile, you James man, said it's coming up, as of her reveals, yes, this time last year, she heard Yellowstone come as an extinction level event, a hundred and one times. Instantly nothing Western civilization again this planet, except the soon descending bride ...except the descending bride, only she got to ascend first, yes, but even that demo of escape, follows since (2015), like (Sept 23-25), so within a nano-second, but less than a month. Still knowing all that Jessup man, but you're the southwest coast, yeah I know and glad hurricane Laura didn't mess us up, cause damning travel bans, I won't get caught like that again. Truly, it's hell or high water, literally, like grand Sia said, and each of y'all know what I mean, y'all do know, if Laura had been the not for a century flood event predicted, we'd need boats, yachts and wave runners to reach into Georgia's coast, and only hours go, we come terribly close, terribly and still you guys, no more doomsday pass-overs forewarn since Jan 2018, , what, who withheld it all?" Why speak in parables? Disciples asked Jesus, with Him responding by quoting the prophets of old, saying, well, see, here, Mat 13;10-17, Apb, The RAM, See even more here,, how it's ending, prophetically, Apb   

Wednesday, August 26, 2020

Debating Yard Size Duracelle Battery, Beware Of Rolling Twilight Skies

Prophecy Links Fulfilling Seeing (Jan 22, 2019), a hybrid Alexander the great/Hitler Germany Antichrist, whose horde of Anubis demons, posed as friendly German, shepherds; mercifully followed by a Sunlight Mt Luther world, stretching street parade, instead celebrating Jesus Millennium Reign then Trump and His wake from 7 years of madness, April 2/Oct 2 2026, to the NWO of Psalm 2/Zech 14/Rev 19, King Zion Rule, beware, repent, RUN or perish! Apb

Hearing Resounding In My Ear, This So Familiar, It Is Melted Into The Midst Of My Bowels; Recently, I heard this glory, He (Bridegroom Jesus of Resurrection, Arriving With Healing In His Wings), He Shall Cover You With His Feathers And Under His Wings Shalt Thou Trust! Apb

RNC Guide: Schedule, Speakers and How to Watch

4 NAILS, 6 WOUNDS, THEY NAIL MY HANDS AND MY FEET And Cast Lots For My Vesture! But In Three Days! JCON

- Speakers, the RNC, these are all nails in your coffins to graduating tassels used as toe tags for the dead; the climbing up to God on catwalks, acrobat ladders and footbridges, even the leaping, to soaring into heaven funeral reef. Remarkably, to come so close you hear so soothingly Father God, "and I will wipe all tears from their eyes, and there shall be no more death! Only to lose its shaky, shaky footing, fall, screaming, crashing and burning the entire family of you into fiery, doomsday a Christmas Carol, beginning at US W. Pacific, stampeding all into US Georgia's Atlantic coast, American Dreaming No more! -Watching the RNC, enough to oneself, vomited up those written on Trump's wall, (Jan 12/13, 2015/2019), 99 bowls of molten lava. Honestly, it is like watching some having sold their immortal souls to America's father Satan. To have the DNC, The Obama's, Biden's and Harris' bring its clarity, then knowingly as of Noah's day blissful ignorance and Rev 17/18 Holy God is no longer flattered. But follows all its spiritual warfare, not willing that any immortal soul perish, HIS casting in sudden destruction upon their everything treasured,recently, just a damned schools reopens. -See, hear the (Aug 10, 2020), speeding, running backward, man, sign in hand, written in English but interpreted in Dutch. Admittedly, in my demos, I know, interpret Dutch. so yeah, again, written in Dutch, Escape Yellowstone! I, Apostle THEY call me, Holy Bride THEY entreat me, I can't wait. Obviously we'll be meeting descending, (July 27, 2016), I Thess 4/I Cor 15, Jesus in Rev 12, second heaven intercession, kept by Rev 12 Michael and his star warring armies. Those mighty divine, done, (Jan 20, 2019/July 6, 2020), already thrown down Red Dragon and hordes of devils and demons, disguised as these incalculable sky to ground, lightning strikes, presently hitting, as to finish The America's, beginning with Los Angeles, beware!

-Watching to witnessing it from extraordinary there, I'm on pins and needles for them to make another sacrilege of Mat 5 Jesus sermon on the mound. When Pres Trump stand in Jerusalem, where Pompeo just stood, as it is written. telling all his constituents, actually He Is God. Watch them come horrified, began to shatter to pieces and blow to scatter away. Rightly, like in Moses exodus the molten earth opens up, also see Rev 6, 6th seal; again those world stretching 101 Yellowstone's and swallowed it, them into molten hell alive, men, women and children.

-Fright Night to Los Angeles, California lightning fires to rolling twilight's, for this shall be the end; for this shall be the plague of Sunlight Jesus return, with the power/NUCLEUS of the sun. Why y'all think for near two millennia His Sacrificial Cross, Jesus been telling y'all; when you shall see, the error /era 2020, the RNC of both present day Elephants and Noah's day Brides are stampeding. The US White House gone Gog and Magog, even its Hamon-gog, THEY plead, come, yourselves runaway brides, beware, RUN or Perish!! Apb, The RAM

Article, Wind, rain and a chemical fire. Hurricane Laura was gone but the crisis wasn’t over.

And these are the descendants of the beauty rescued from the hands of the beast: Beast Of Beauty, Featuring King Bridegroom, Stonewall, Pathfinder Deburk and Queen Bride, Hadley Nicoli Cummins The Unending Love Antidote ...The African Juttah Genealogy, 1986-2016/2026/3036 The Tombola Genealogy, Holy, Temple, April, 17, 1986/2026/3036 into Infinity, God's Kingdom Reign Unto Stonewall, Pathfinder Deburk and Hadley Nicoli Cummins was born a god daughter, Lasidy Breonna Deburk, a son, Geoffrey Jamison Deburk and a godson, Sacagawea ,Deer Creek,  Deburk, Cummins  Mark Scene, Genesis Marriage Worshipers, XVII and VII, It's LXXXXIX Matrix Count

"Yeah, I heard their governors say they dodged a bullet, but it's hard to stampede refugees from one US West Pacific coast into its US's Atlantic coast with 20 or more feet of ocean, flood water, some say permanent, right there between the two. You all know Sia grand does have that one dream she's summoned by a single woman rolling a boat through flood waters, whom she realize Ghost Horse was actually her, herself, summoning us to again escape, actually fiery doomsday apocalypse, come. Just think, like the mystery woman, the maze of sin, of laying traps for kids, having now blacken, Rev 16/17, vials, but offering up mansions in heaven, home earth no more. Ah Jr Darius, I'd not realized, you all hear at one time they liken hurricane Laura potential flooding to a 1913 event; you all remember grand Sia reveal 2013, I mean other than hearing five more disasters? That's when she first mentioned a star wars battle being fought in the heavens, only not a dream or vision, totally live, is that the Memphis resident Memphis man, she woke and there are angels all around her, that same bedroom and a few days later, something similar happened live, while they're doing yard work? The same, Memphis Caden man, she suffered its area swallowed up of itself, this phenom sinking, the floor left her, sunk her deep and like a bouncer, sprung her back up, this live demo? Equal this horror to come, can't leave that out,
especially with a possible 10 plus quake, pending, nall, nall, nall, can't leave that out! You all know what's approaching in three days, like (Aug 30, 31st, 2019), now here, (Aug 30, 31, 2020), references from May 10, mothers day, like the prophesied hour manifested in the flesh and within said hour, US/West Rule is no more this planet, all come; references to her mother's birthday and a handwriting escape Yellowstone, references to even her dutchsinse's birthday and 101 of those Yellowstone eruptions, you do know Jr Darius, what that mean, that nothing survives? Yeah, it would be the world wide volcanic apocalypse, apostle John is describing, Rev 6, 6th seal, saying, the heavens rolled back like a scroll, these are world stretching events, those described Revelation book. We, their fulfilling generation, Angel Gabriel said, May 15, 2004 thru 2020, beginning at God's apostate sanctuary, Israel, Rev 11:1, 2, lost to an enemy Hamath, the UK, The US and British Columbia, Rev 18, gone off the planet. Get over it, get out of its way, what extinction suddenly happen send both world systems, , the Bride and West Rule, skyrocketing, this we know, grand Sia witnessed it. Yet yet, yet, Jr Darius, another reference to a birth mother, seeing, predicted, July 6, 2020 Rev 12, new born, snatched out, yeah, both references to the mother who hath her and dutchsinse earth quake forecasting, that'll prove her, predicted, Psalm, 37;1-6, beware, beware, beware!"      >>>"Good news, a chemical plant fire, burning, smoking, I thought I heard a nuclear plant was sweltering, yeah Nicholas, I did too, thinking it couldn't be serious. I'd not gotten my usual red alerts, the Bride is in imminent, nuclear danger, being snatched skyward, no further delays. Only dear Nicholas, I did, you, you, watcha, watcha, watcha, I'm sorry, ah, what you mean, you did? Earlier, while in the kitchen fixing lunch, I had a strong, transforming feel of deja vu, I've never had a deja vu of revisiting a reveal, never. I may as well been back to (June 26, 2015), the Rev 17:14, Jesus Husband, has come and delivered all my Memphis grands to Savannah Georgia's coast. Returning for me, and this Nicholas is where the feel of deja vu just now come, like they're right behind me, this kitchen, here. Enters a grand Caden, cousin by marriage Cameron mix, they say are you ready?  Yet at my desk outreaching, I stand as I hear, there's something about Cameron, referencing we now know, UK Cameron's Brexit, come both blessed Briexit to Blaexit; next I know, I'm boarding the chariot, scrolling along the panel, is the date" September 23 into its 25, and just as we touched the sky, I hear, Rev 17:14, Jesus husband say, "beware of alien dangers from above." You know the rest Nicholas, we from Rev 12, second heaven witness home planet implode and intercede Tribulation Saints, given over to the Antichrist, apparently including once procrastinating, Memphis grands. Don't forget Nicholas, that's a two-part dream (July 6, 2015), begins grounds for UK's Cameron's Brexit, Putin's Russia and Assad's Syria are all breaking news, actually this date since, 2015; (July 6, 2020), just now Nicholas, you know, I revisited Rev 12, new born being snatched off the planet, another reference to the Bride's speedy escape. Which Nicholas explains, Nibewe's, (June 17, 2020 slash my June 17, 2002, Sunlight of God, commanded exodus), but grand Nibe's old Arkansas, bridge, crossover on all fours. She, little Miya and all my grands were on Georgia side with me, that's except Jr Darius, who was on Memphis/Arkansas side with his parents and their Churchians, just saying those specified dates are approaching.  Wow, wow, wow, Maaseiah, now I'm feeling it, I have never felt it before, it feels both sweet and bitter, what my God, what? I'm anxious in my blood all over, through, this is separation anxiety, spirit willing, flesh weak, just as you described. Ah yeah, ah yeah, there's that, there's always that, Nicholas Edin, walking by faith, still there's this, gnawing unknowing. Come, what? Let me kiss your tears, you loving girl mine, ah, no, I can wipe them fine from here. You don't trust me? Don't follow me, I have another batch of down boy spray, I'm just warning you. Okay, okay, but we have this stunning, 7 bedroom Chalet to ourselves and every time I find you, like now, you're running. Not running, I have a lunch date with Chodne, very, very important, as you know, we can play hide and seek to catch me if you can, when I return. Ah, just know, I'm so gonna win either, or, or  both, we'll see me'sure Attorney Coogan, now kiss me goodbye so very well, but tempting hands, hands and sexting moves to yourself." Why speak in parables? Disciples asked Jesus, with Him responding by quoting the prophets of old, saying, well, see, here, Mat 13;10-17, Apb, The RAM

Prophecy Links Fulfilling, Aug 30/31 2019, I woke from hearing like a breaking of News, report, saying, after 101 Yellowstone eruptions, after I'd its Aug 7, watched a hand write clumsily, Escape Yellowstone!" 

Prophecy Links Fulfilling Seeing (Jan 22, 2019), a hybrid Alexander the great/Hitler Germany Antichrist, whose horde of Anubis demons, posed as friendly German, shepherds; mercifully followed by a Sunlight Mt Luther world, stretching street parade, instead celebrating Jesus Millennium Reign, beware, repent, RUN or perish! Apb

For When They Cry Peace And Safety, And Sudden Destruction Come As The Holy Bride And Holy Angels Being Snatched Out!

Article, [Court: School transgender bathroom policy unconstitutional, more details :,( Massive flooding come  revisited Thanksgiving to Christmas [2019], also a written in Dutch US W. Pacific, earthquake forecast, larger quakes 8 and up come. Truth is the last time this evil issue was strongly debated, street marches all. Know also, Holies send a demo, that involved an as hurricane Laura, massive flooding to a massive disappearance, event. See the word disappeared frozen on, as all HD, 5G and Social Media screening,( Aug 5, 2019). 

-Crystal, just as COVID-19, broke, targeting transgender overseers, homes, schools, churches and other businesses; master disasters hitting lately, the Heart Land, the Midwest; CALIFORNIA fires burning over a million acres within ten days.

 Massive destruction all, all, all happen just as commanded 2007/2017, to be finished schools, reopened.

-Here now, with NBC Lester Holt saying leave it to 2020 to send two tropical systems into the gulf at the same time, with one a not for a century, 1913, flooding event. Presently reaching in as far as forewarned Arkansas old bridge to Memphis TN, downtown news paper, bells ringing.

-Honestly, like going on as Noah's day, peace and safety, targeted by extinction level events, nuclear, natural and NEO'S. The NBA solved their COVID-19 problems but the stampeding Elephants to Runaway Brides in the room.

Mystery Babylon, America's/West Rule catastrophic finale, reminds, The American Continent have multiple, apocalyptic infernos burning and pending the more monstrous, deadly.

-Fright night, to mercifully with a stampeding into a commanded Hemingway exodus stirred in. Meaning chances The America's minority workforce is to get off fiery, doomsday continent with something other than a grave to a backpack of goodies is slim to none, knowing, get it, get Jesus, get out, beware, Apb, The RAM


-Not to side with people eaters and earth enders Trumpians, but yeah I witnessed a demo of Jesus snatching HIS Holy Bride out, during these debates. 

-Same gender anything, the genocide of the genesis man/marriage, like a nuclear threat, also places the HOLY Bride in imminent danger! Beware, repent, RUN! Or Perish, Apb

Prophecy Links Fulfilling,

-Having a meteor surface, even the Bride reigning in heaven, possessed, prepped and cast down Dan 2, stone, cut out without hands, making dust and wind, of all Kingdom, Nation building to rebellion, beware, RUN, Apb

You Tube, House Of Highlights, Lakers And Clippers To Boycotts Rest. Of 2020 NBA Play-off

WEATHER, Eruptions and FEMA, Those Latest Forewarnings, Beware! Apb

-I walked into the kitchen two days ago, as I did grand Caden, said, I have this video you need to see, something silly, I'm thinking, shrugging off even. The grand who witnessed the recent, new Batman premiere, only (Oct 2019). Said he and I attended, only the existing concession stand was actually a benefits dinner to fundraiser, for Pres Trump. Fright night to him, whereas Pres Trump's brown skin supporters were treated lest of his White skin supporters. The back of the line,  they were even waiters and waitresses, he woke from it's demo, asking me was Pres Trump a racist?

-Apostle grandma I am should've said no, Holy Spirits have shown him to be worst. A dangerous, perfect man, as a white supremacist aligned to world enders Gog and Magog, a nuclear fate and 50 million US deaths.

-I stood there in paralyzing awe, horrified even, tingling in my nostril, my throat, blinking back tears. Not believing police officers had just literally shot a man not only in the back but multiples times.

-Since, I've included Jacob Blake, his family in one of my COVID-19, deaths, memorial, sacrificial burnings. Burning on a small grill, 3000 torn out pieces of people, places and things, smoke rising crying and mourning, God take our vengeance. Only then, my 11 year old grand showing me this; heartily commenting, some kind of way I processed the video was exaggerated. 

-Moved away, went on with the day, until watching You Tube NBC Breaking News and there it was. The glaring evidence these horrors weren't about defunding local officers but humanizing them, training them to protect and serve every American as though they're White Americans to White Trumpians. 

-Now the NBC, WNBC, some of the wealthiest black to brown people on the planet. Trying to go on in total chaos as all's normal are again outraged!. Good, just as all apostate preaching to parenting, perverse schools and simply business, all as great celebrations in heaven, Rev 8:1; (June 17, 2002), brought to a screeching halt. NBA'S like Westbrook, Durant, mocked as California dreamers, Obama's pending White house exit, (July 27, 2016), now NBA'S (07/27/2019), Brexit/Blaexit. Here, given Kobe's fiery death as an example, there's no going on as normal. No, not for the multicultural man, as long as America, as West Rule stand, for when they shall say peace and safety, like reopening, sexually perverse homes, churches and schools, sudden destruction follows.

-Just as error Pres Bush come into office, fired up to take Islam on. I was told to forewarn him, nothing would again be the same, if you're a hundred or more years old, you'd seen nothing like it. 

-Just look at this unprecedented 2020 year of breaking to shredding, century's records one after another, get ye to repentant altars, RUN or perish, God is avenging martyred blood, Jesus even said, no first born nor Mystery Babylon, the American Dream/ Continent survives! Beware, the predicted 400 year repatriation of Mother Africa is here, get to Blaexit's Jordan's Petra to US Georgia's crossover, into Africa's Atlantic, Southwest coast. Clearly, the only sacrifice God designed and will not despise. Blessed exodus, Eze 9 commanded, grim reapers, bearing sword like syringes won't target, one strike the telling heart; that's ALL first born's beware, repent, RUN or perish! Apb

Prophecy Links Fulfilling hearing 2017, Eze 9 Holy God, "kill all parents by; finish all schools," beware" RUN! Apb

NBC Nightly News Broadcast (FULL) - August 26, 2020, (host Lester Holt, saying, leave it up to 2020 to send two tropical systems into the gulf coast at the same time,, (Beware, testing down, sending trolling infections down, your death tolls soaring. A  predicted 200,000 by the time you celebrate, Labor Day and 300,000 as you approach, Christmas, day 2020! Beware, no first borns are safe, repent or perish, Apb

You Tube, Mary Greeley Yellowstone Increase Activity, Giantness. Geyser Major Eruption,

Kill All Parents By!

-Not to frighten but to forewarn, I said just a day past, unprecedented California fires. This for decades forewarn, reiterated (Dec 29, 2019,) fiery, doomsday, apocalypse, in 10 Rev 2, Matrix ten day. counts, over a million acres has burn. 

-I just thought to myself this could be God's way of clearing out these US states of barbecue. We all know now, for as far southeast as Georgia's Atlantic coast. 

You see (Aug through Sept 2019), I got seven references to 101 Yellowstone eruptions.

-One was as a hand writing clumsily, (Aug 7, 2019), so a year and 19 days ago, Escape Yellowstone! Though what proceeded two days prior (Aug 5, 2019), was a standing the world still event, (like COVID-19 since, Jan 2020), but, that left the word disappeared frozen on, as all HD, 5G and Social Media screens, beware, repent, RUN, or Perish! Apb, see more here, and here,,  how it's all ending prophetically, Apb


Colored People Nimrods Babel Into John Seeing An Incalcuable Number Every Nation, Kingdom, Tribe, Tongue. and People

 NBC Nightly News Broadcast (FULL) - August 24, 2020, (host Lester Holt, saying, leave it up to 2020 to send two tropical systems into the gulf coast at the same time,, (Beware, testing down, sending infections down, your death tolls soaring, a predicted 200,000 by the time you celebrate, Labor Day and 300,000 as you approach, Christmas, day 2020! Bewarw, Apb

We Exalt Thee, La Mass Choir,

-Today, Aug 26, 2020, Apostle I Am, I will declare this amazing song, the Saints of the Most High God world-wide anthem. Revelation talk about once the 144,000 specialty saints are with Jesus Christ, they're to learn a song none other can. 

-Well, doing the soon physically exhausting, ceremony, Lamb's book of life opened into a name roll call. To divide census taking, finally separating between sheeps and goats, these were the lyrics, WE EXALT THEE sounding beautifully all around. Until I woke again in bed with memory first, only of these now treasured lyrics, marching  Hallejuah, all around I say, Hallejuah! Apb

The Saint To Sinner In The Darken  Mirror

I'm talking to the man in the mirror, showing, from God's back turn Throne; to an obvious Asian invasion; to a triple threat of ELE'S come, beware, Elohim God Is! Apb

     -The most recent mirror vision I woke in (Aug 5 into Aug  7, 2020), instantly horrifying me. Through I searched and searched, one instantly disappeared and was totally forgotten. Fright night to rolling twilight's, my long, glorious head of hair come out in four equal, pony tails, with three left, see more here Rev 6,

-Running me around in a panic, these now three ponytails left of my hair, my head now bald. I couldn't get anyone else to attend this horrid thing, not even my endangered Memphis grands. Those seen as too distracted by the ginormous maze of sin, of a covert, labor camp, they totally possessed. 

-Remember, before 2020 come this year of unprecedented everything, my Memphis son said to me, a significant (Jan 12/13, 2018), my worrying after him, had the downtown newspaper, bells, ringing, something to be revisited, and its  Midsouth is no more this planet, even come the western days I saw, this sudden Dec 2001, 190 years lost; something Memphis New Madrid quakes did 1811, 1812, ah beware, ah, RUN!

-Since every event into 2020, a year, four months and 22 days into the (April 2, 2019), Dan 9:27/Rev 11, 13/17:16-18,, Israeli/ Islamic non aggression pac, the abomination of desolation, Mat 24, Jesus described it. Even before He, (June 2, 2002/ and here 06/17/2020), like Heavenly Father, Sunlight God's back turn Throne. Seen with wrath her own, the reigning Bride and Heavens intervening host suggested we all RUN, presently, only know the righteous man by his blessed stampeding, a Briexit to Blaexit.

-I'm talking Lot's family style, don't look back, go back, pray for women with infants; I with you, heard some Cal fire sufferers did that, went back, crossed forbidden lines. Only rescuers had to equally risk their lives to save them, how indescribably ridiculous, repent or perish, all first born's die!  

-Historic, lightning fires, burning in ten days the size of the grand Canyon. Actually is nothing in comparison world wide even and tens of millions procrastinating The America's exodus, horribly barbecued. This ebbing and flowing, decades now, with 99 bowls of molten lava and 101 Yellowstone's come. Until recently as (Aug 10, 11, 2020), there's this running, speeding backward man, sign in hand, written in English but interpreted in Dutch, Escape Yellowstone! 

-Fiery Apocalypse come, just imagine Yellowstone super eruptions during the year of 2020 unprecedented everything? Knowing who? Elohim God; why? US, Dec 24/25, 2001 weight of blood guilt; what? ELE'S nuclear, natural and NEO'S, solar/cosmic; when?  (Jan 22-29, 2018), now who's date, 2020, is California dreamer, Kobe's fiery death memorial; Rev 10, Mighty Angel and Rev 17, 7th Angel standing US map, herald sooooo anxiously, "no further delays US soil, desolations predicted, now come!"

-Then where to escape? As portrayed Jan 20, 2019, Isa 16:1-5/Rev 12, star warring Michael, there's a place set aside for stampeding Trump/ Kushner/Pomeo bloodletting peace, Israelis and Islamic's, as into Jordan's Petra; on this side of the Atlantic. Revisiting star warring Michael and his (Jan 20, 2019) and now (June 6, 2020), said UK/US/BC exodus ends at Africa's Southwest Islands, but begin at US Georgia's, Atlantic coast, crossover into Africa's Atlantic, beware, beware, beware! 

-Even see Pres Trump's, post apocalyptic America, regardless, cursed to endure timetables into (April 2/Oct 15, 2026). There's a 9 day countdown into his itinerary, (July 16/17, 2020), apparently before another hurricane system, target to threaten gulf states. Truly as the days of 2017, the count down into his itinerary, until he'd be assessing Texas hurricane Harvey, damage. So who's Jer 37:8/Rev 17/18, Rev 18, Holy Elohim, God puppeteering who, who's the God of all gods, crying kiss His SON/KING ZION, lest HE too be angry? Beware, Psalm 2, Holy Elohim God Is, AWARE! Apb

And these are the descendants of the beauty rescued from the hands of the beast: Beast Of Beauty, Featuring King Bridegroom, Stonewall, Pathfinder Deburk and Queen Bride, Hadley Nicoli Cummins

The Unending Love Antidote ...The African Juttah Genealogy, 1986-2016/2026/3036

The Tombola Genealogy, Holy, Temple, April, 17, 1986/2026/3036 into Infinity, God's Kingdom Reign

Unto Sia Tribe Sabertooth, Wounded Knee Deburk and Lyndsay Kierra Bledsoe was born a son, Stallion Creek, Indian Battle Deburk , a daughter, Angelica Grace Peak Deburk, a son Brightstone, Starlight Deburk and a Daughter Painted, Rock Creek Unto Stallion Creek, Indian Battle Deburk and Glorianna Biakakka Vents was born twin god sons, Maximo Sychelles Deburk, a son, Stofan Maximus Deburk, and a single, godson, Stonewall, Pathfinder Deburk Unto Maximo Sychelles Deburk and Dannica Ashley Xani was born a son, Lexus, Decimus Deburk, son, Cleopatrus Demario Deburk, Xani, and a god daughter, Alergra Alexander Deburk, Xani Unto Stofan Maximus Deburk and Roseetta Stone, Kenyon Lawson was born a god daughter Deandra Melania Debuk, a god daughter, Chasity Adrianne Deburn and a god dughter, Belize Adonai Debuk, Lawson Unto Stonewall, Pathfinder Deburk and Hadley Nicoli Cummins was born a god daughter, Lasidy Breonna Deburk, a son, Geoffrey Jamison Deburk and a godson, Sacagawea ,Deer Creek, Deburk, Cummins

Mark Scene, Genesis Marriage Worshipers, XVII and VII, It's LXXXXIX Matrix Count "I hope you all heard all around news is they found Dai, Dai's Choade, lost and stranded the le sable maze, so all who don't take those signs serious, its a maze, seems aunt Oceana and uncle Todrick who frequent them couldn't shake looking for her there, said she ran and leaped ino Dai, Dai arms, promised she'd never wonder off like that again. Heard she also said, she wasn't alone, claimed to be visited by both Grand Sia and First Prince Silverton little miya girl watcher, though elusive, she was there with her. Just what is the little Miya girl? I just said Maximo man, a watcher, first detected as a baby Gabriel, this backseat surveyor and soon, loan to grand Sia a type of her own grand Miya, presently you guys, forewarn middle school age, we're to presume, a reminder of both a post and pending apocalypse that human kind can't seem to escape. Anyway lean not unto thy own understanding, Trump's campaign slogan, ignorance is bliss and God no longer looks over it but counts it as unrighteousness, avenging martyred blood. In case you didn't know no first born survives except by divine intervention, but still, still faith without works, so sacrificially, we have a Hemingway exodus to get to and, and Stofan man Hemingway mean, we're down to nothing but backpacks, and the righteous are known by their running, their escaping, into Briexit to Blaexit, right, right?" >>>"Nickie, what is Tip, well Maaseiah saying about all this, is she here, is she intimidated? There's something similar Sye explained during both Moses exodus and the Acts of the Apostles, there's even a time Sye what you said was said to her Memphis, now Georgia grand, who experienced an army of angels engulf her, safeguarding her, all around. Yes, yes, Nickie that's it, they overtook me like an entire football team, rushing me up, down and all around, but there was nothing glorious about it. Instantly taking me, my breath away, all, I was dying and they didn't let up Nickie until THEY heard Tip, ah Maaseiah, there's some bout a Lord Urusalem, until that girl said what she said, they'd taken me, heaven or hell, Nickie, I don't even know, I only know I don't ever, ever want to suffer anything that horrifying again. Don't look at me brother, he told me and Brad the same, Sye said on that other side our Tip Nicholas is, has God's Throne authority. I still don't know why Sye, they're keeping you here, they said there's an anomaly with my heart, something curious to miraculous Nickie, and only the three of us sitting here know what that is, and there's Maaseiah as well. They'll releasing me soon, I'm sure, but you two won't be here, Sissy said this urgency with Dai, Dai and Choade need your direct attention, but is that really it Nickie? Yes, I should say Sye it's that urgent, even life or death, we would it's duration, if it wasn't, I hear you two are a perfect fit, for the Sahara, parental Juttah, Hillsfeet tribunal asked in trust; I guess Nickie they must have told Tip, ah, Maaseiah, more Sissy like she possibly suggested it to them, let me get her, thanks Nickie, thanks." >>>"No, no, no, who would stay in a country that would re-elect Pres Trump? Come on now, the most heartless, tyrannical leader this planet, a dangerous perfect man, as of his followers calling his evil, good, why Jesus said when you see such abomination, run, for in an hour they'll be literally destroyed and all within their proximity. But, if they're aligned to Gog and Magog, Trump and Pence that make their followers devils and demons, again Run, pray against travel bans, pray for women with small children. Look why y'all think this Beto O'Rourke called GOP members a death cult? I wonder if he know how close he come to describing them as Holy Spirits, that they're Gog and Magog. We not even supposed to be on the US West Pacific, running from fires that's burn in less than two weeks the size of the grand canyon. Something else, how does one rock, target all middle schools earth wide? Don't start Memphis man, you was asking a similar question about schools and parents being target apart from one the other, how schools, the work place could serve as perfect delivery systems, then COVID-19 hit like days later, one pandemic two targets abominable parents and their sexually perverse kids, as the world's next more perverse than ever generation. Still all y'all, how does one stone, finish all middle schools? Perhaps Carter man, it already has, who to say a not for over a century pandemic isn't also an apocalyptic stone of stumbling rebellers? To be honest Trump doesn't even want the presidency, he'll just be damn and damn tens of millions supporting before allowing any to upset him, don't matter God is no longer into the saving America business. accord to grand Sia, THEY'RE more about stampeding The America's, a fiery apocalypse come, but be reminded massive flooding, leaving myrid''s atop rooftops is a sure indicator, and wer'e approaching upon the single Sept 23/25, Bride's ETE, Jesus done got the Bride and gone, all prophetic, all, all, prophetic." Why speak in parables? Disciples asked Jesus, with Him responding by quoting the prophets of old, saying, well, see, here, Mat 13;10-17, Apb, The RAM

Prophecy Links Fulfilling, Seeing Pres Trump Admin Oct 15, 2018 Rewarded, For The Year, Beginning ct 15, 2019,, Daniel 4 Madness aware, Making June 17, 2020, Old Arkansas Bridge Escape, As Those Church Memphians, Down On All Four, Even More Foreboding, Repent, RUN or Perish! Apb ,

-Enforced upon, by a YouTube Trump Campaign Ad, Lying and Lying, as always,,soon I said ya;ll know y'all be dreaming, then I caught myself, wait, this is the American dream, laughing out loud,. Acts forewarn, ignorance to them is bliss even if it's Noah's day extinction level event, (ELE), damaging, deadly and damning. Though aligned since their 2016 campaign to Gog and Magog, a nuclear fate and 50 million US deaths; actually they all are, all US,.Western leads those past, present and pending, nothing especially Trump, is a laughing matter, beware, repent, RUN, RUN, RUN or perish! Apb


Prophecy Links Fulfilling Nuclear January, 12 APOCALYPTIC FIRESTORM,2023 MASS Murderer Suicide On The Ris e,