Prophecy Links Fulfilling Seeing (Jan 22, 2019), a hybrid Alexander the great/Hitler Germany Antichrist, whose horde of Anubis demons, posed as friendly German, shepherds; mercifully followed by a Sunlight Mt Luther world, stretching street parade, instead celebrating Jesus Millennium Reign; when Trump and His wake from 7 years of Dan 4, appointed madness, April 2/Oct 2 2026, to the NWO of Psalm 2/Zech 14/Rev 19, King Zion Rule, beware, repent, RUN or perish! Apb
Joy Reid: Trump Is Openly Encouraging More Violence | The ReidOut | MSNBC, (I call them nails in your coffins, presently 180,000 and vounting plus, Apostle Jude had this to say
March on Washington highlights generational divide on police reform
My World Need You Right Now,
-Why do the heathen rage, we won't full term abortions and same gender lives, lands, churches and schools, despite how abominable, detestable and kings of the earth gather together against Rev 12 Archangel Michael and His star warring Angels? More militant warriors will die it's Armageddon, than any war dead ever before, hundreds of millions, so many it'll take seven months to bury it's dead-Here, see, knowing who? Revelation book God; Why? US Dec 24/25, weight of blood guilt; what? ELE's nuclear, natural and NEO's solar, cosmic; when, (Jan 22-29, 2018), Rev 10, Mighty Angel, Rev 17, 7th Angel, saying no further delays, US soil; and where to, two area maps these blessed escapes, prophet Isaiah predicted, Jordan's Petra to Rev Holies, predicted US's Georgia's coast, crossover in to star warring, Holy Angels, repent, RUN or Perish!
Do They Know,Their Children Will Grow Up In Occupied Territory, In An Occupied America? See more here, Warn Nephew Mane,, Aug 15, 2018,
-Ericka, here's the video, Darius asked for and Darius during a Jan 12/13/2018, demo, your present home, crying, "momma, your worrying after me, got the down town, newspaper bells ringing, something also said, like now, about a plethora of earthquakes and Volcanic activity, even those NEO's, forewarn to be aware of that June 26/July 6, (2015), blessed escape into US Savannah Georgia, or skyward, into second heaven, intercessions.
-Need I mention? I've gotten too many references already to Memphis TN, this 2020 year alone, one a down town Memphian name was mentioned, here it is, the same phenomenon causing MAJOR, never, ever before Mega fires in 11 or 12 US West coast states, burning an 8 plus million acres, since early August, 2020; the cause, a predicted 101 Yellowstone's eruptions to come, now seen under the New Madrid fault zone where Memphis, TN, Alabama and Arkansas, all sit.
-Even ask your eldest about her Arkansas dream, (June 17, 2020)... and there's no way he could've known, I didn't know until a research in my prophecy links, days later; but 18 years to both, month and date, (June 17, 2002), The Sunlight, from behind a Mountain, God's Back Turn Throne, commanded an American/West Rule, Exodus, presently those called by God's Christ, Jesus name, hearer, doers and stampeders, into US/Canada's Georgia's Coast, Crossover into Africa's Southwest Atlantic, JCON/Apb,
See here, Time to head east video,
Burst of hotspots,
New Madrid, Memphis seismic zone,
Direct energy weapon, DEW,
EMERGENCY MANAGEMENT ASSOCIATION CASCADIA CAPITAL C M E T EARTHQUAKE IN ALASKA MONDAY OCTOBER 19TH, beware, no longer will rebellion be counted as ignorance, see Ezekiel 5/Dec 3, 2017, stampeding of elephants of going on as unaware!, JCON/Apb
And these are the descendants of the beauty rescued from the hands of the beast: Beast Of Beauty, Featuring King Bridegroom Brookstone Paris Lathem and Queen Bride Cassedy Jessica Olene
Unending Love Antidote ...The African Juttah Genealogy, 1986-2016/2026/3036
The Tombola Genealogy, Holy, Temple, April, 17, 1986/2026/3036 into Infinity, God's Kingdom Reign
Unto Bacha Veronica Usihjka and Sabrina Aleigh Yocman was born a son Sacha Verona Usihjka, a son Crispen Viceroy Usihjka, and a daughter Dayleigh Henretta Usihjka, Yocman
"That's apocalyptic infernos, more horrible death and dying President Trump made mockery of, said Mega to Magma fires that's been burning in California and across the North West, to Midwest since the tug of war over same gender schools re-openings. Yeah, educators forbidden to teach Adam and Eve but turn Adam and Adam and Eve and Eve into churches ordinations and school curriculum's and if that little reveal right there, even church boys, reproduction organs seen infused to infected with your infant children, and you still don't surmise why all such overseers are in so much trouble, you're Trump's White House to the American Dream disillusioned, ahhhhh, RUN! Y'all hear Ivanka Trump talking vote for her father, the President and Vice President who openly chose their lives over hundreds of millions of American lives, and are infecting to killing them still, these Covid 19 rallies. That's insane and she's, they're insane for suggesting it, that man win the White House again and they still don't realize why Revelation Holies aligned them to Gog and Magog, a nuclear fate and 50 million US death; as in Trump's White House to his America to his Evangelicals, are the abomination that maketh desolate Mat 24 Jesus' said flee! Elohim God to Jesus' Cross, forbid, but they deserve to be overtaken by the Antichrist, ah my God is Christ Jesus Himself saying, those who believe not are condemned already, repent or perish, as reconcile by HIS Bloody Cross or wake up in eternal hell, ah my God! Wow Maha, wow! Remember Dai, Dai, one of those recent dreams, the prophesied hour manifested in the flesh, she let down her stunning hair, this family gathering, so all could see, totally representing God's glory toward her. Then months later, during the self made labor camp, she's in a mirror, her head is bald along four perfect ponytail judgments and gone is the glory of God, the brides's ETE now a BETA, with one judgment, representing a world to planet altering disappearance. My God Dai Dai, I forgot about that part, meaning the least unveiled is what's most of all catastrophic, we knowing, simultaneously skyrocketing to fire rocketing, are world systems the Church Bride to Western Civilization, one by it's abominations never seen, heard of again! I woke the other night, a doc on about Ancient empires, who's excavator name was Dunlop. Instantly I thought of grand Sia's Memphis to the Obama's to the little Miya girl, Memphis Dunlap Street, the first demo of America's Exodus, right? Then I ask myself, why does Memphis play such a huge role in America's, Hemingway exodus? Then brothers and sisters I ask, well, is that asking why did Nazareth play such a huge part in Jesus' crucifixion, even Apostle Paul's Damascus road? If you Maipo brother think, Dunlap was hers, her Nazareth to Damascus, even her Gethsemane garden, nothing was again the same for our Sia mom, not after that Memphis, Dunlap Street's, head trauma. Plus my young Sias, we've since our first parents Adam and Eve expulsion from Eden's Garden to Nimrod's Tower of Babel, even as to reconsider Noah's Ark, the genesis man marriage been exile's and migrants this planet. Actually a siege it's Ancient of days laid against all rebellion, all whoremongering to warmongering kingdom, nation building from Sia Moses's Memphis' Egypt thru to Sia Maaseiah's Memphis Tennessee. So with the Lamb of God, come down there reminding, get ye to repentant altars God is avenging for many millennia now, weights of martyred blood, guilt no further delays, all first born's beware. So the bloodletting Ancient of days to free world at present were always a pending failed project, except it's rooted and grounded in righteousness, the only divine, saving intervention. Stunning Maha, even brilliant, Holy Spirits designed lately, I'm swallowing a tighten throat, stretching tingling nostrils, blinking and sniffing back nearing tears, to say. So is Mad on her way or what, what are we doing, we waiting for her, meeting her somewhere? I thought you said she was coming, no, I didn't, I suspect Dai, Dai, you assume I said Mad would be with us, with me. The last time we were together she made it clear that things will go according to her terms and not mine or our terms. So no ruffling feathers by me, I'm leaving it all up to her to decide, especially seeing both the Juttah genealogy and the tombola put us together and that's really good, I'll be faithful to praying without ceasing, all that. Wow,b listen to my little grown up brother, nall, he been talking to Sia mom, you Mahaseiah, think you always know that, I know you visited her just now. Anyway Sia mom was telling me about hearing the Star Wars in heavens the year we lost Grand, grand Saurus, like 2013, so six years before she witnessed, Rev 12, Angels battling a star wars in the heavens. How Maha, Dai, Dai all the events that transpired right there in her bedroom, that 2013, had all the hallmarks of the great gathering of saints, including a deafening Trumpet, a deafening Trumpet Elyon she at once witnessed passed to the Angel Gabriel, unveiling him as seventh Angel, trumpet, right?.Don't forget Eli, that's the same year of that amazing visitation to heaven, next she realize, she's there and Angels are seeing her back here, admonishing her, flooring her even, THEY can't wait to be down here, where she is. Totally different residences, months later, twice within weeks she witnessed to experienced Angels all around, through her, but the same year, actually during a 21 Day Daniel fast. I'm thinking it could all be connected, especially with her reveals come in reverse and holy Spirits, omnipotent, omnipresent and omniscient. Think, we use dates and times, even localities for memory, but divine intervention have no specifics. The cherubim, Ezekiel described, Elohim's chariot to Glory had four faces and movements all directions to places at once. Eli man, what is that look? Ah, sorry Dai, Dai, but Mad just stepped off the elevator, I'm sorry, why is that Maha suddenly so funny? You're sitting alone with your siblings and their tombola matches, do you Eli know how trusting, grounded and mature that make you look, why not just laugh and go along with it? Plus Eli, that wouldn't be the first THEY'VE taken her off this planet and it had all the hallmarks as you say, of the great gathering of Saints. Hello everyone, I heard you was on this side of Africa's Juttah, I feared I wouldn't see you. Yes I'm here but not for long, well how long, do we have time to talk? Ahhhh, I, look, I'll just be at our usual spot, okay, ah, I'll be right there. See, told you, you look so, so together and she can't resist, now go, but calmly, reserved, yeah, commy you guys later. I can't believe you're advising someone, especially Eli, what you saying big brother, I can't be trusted, I'm not a good mentor, my conferences with Sia Evolent, Sia Braveheart serves nothing. Stop it, what we doing, all of the above and if so, in what order? I say the pub first, Eastside, that's hours drive, Maha, yes and Maipo and I can snuggle all the way, just as you and Choade, right? I know I been eavesdropping, but my lil cousins know we're coming up on the end of October's month, two years ago 2018, grand Sia heard major, major earthquake West Pacific Canada and after that she heard 10.2 earthquake. Just thought I'd mention it seeing her dutchsinse is proving the North American Craton, with her 101 Yellowstone's pending, is on the move, is more active with potential earthquakes and volcanoes than in recorded history. So, ah, getting back to my corner, blessed evening you guys, yeah thanks, Memphis Collins, man." Why speak in parables? In case those first born hear, in case those first born see, in case those first believe and receive and join the divine priesthood, who're faithful, hearers, doers and stampeders, Apb