Monday, November 30, 2020

Run Ethopians, Sudians, Run Africa's Continent, Blessed Esacpe is Southwest Africa's Atlantic

 Prophecy Links fulfilling, Thus saith Daniel 534 BC, Come Our May 15, 2004, so sixteen years now,  again saying, the fulfillment of all things is upon Mankind, she go and come with a seventh angel, see more here, I Thess 4:16-18, I Cor 15:51-58, Rev 11, 7th Angel, Trumpet, Sounding, Apb   

People Flee to Sudan Amid Violence in Ethiopia's Tigray Region, ( Come unto me all ye that labor and are heavy laden and I will give you rest, take my yoke upon you for my yoke is easy and my burdens  lite and ye shall find rest unto your souls, ah my Jesus is Christ and the Sunlight God's back turn throne, commanding useless, apostate Kingdom, Nation building, "Let my People Go! May God forgive me to bless me, I think I envy them all, seeing nuclear, volcanic to cosmic apocalypse come, and there's nothing else but to RUNNNNNNNN! Fret Not, Psalm 37, Holy Father says, behold Jesus of Revelation 1-3, stands at the door and knock, open, sup with him, though your sins be scarlet they shall be white as snow though thy be crimson, they shall be a piercing, glistening, blinding white, for the glistening white is for the righteousness of the saints. 

-I can't tell you how such a release of burdens I sensed here and how beyond astonishing they all are, you know, not as world give it, freedom from abominable, detestable, soul stealing, lives, lands and churches, churches, tithes, offerings and lately choirs, seen as highchair type traps, all, al, all having carnivore beast, stomping and chomping them into oblivion. Rolling Twilight skies to Black Fridays, and freezers to refrigerators making that thud, empty sound, since Matthew 24 Jesus forewarn, the Abomination that maketh desolate is here, even Rev 10, Mighty Angel, standing the world map, US map, verified near three years now, jan 22-29, ({2018}), desolation's predicted, come US soil, an earth ending triple threat at that, no further delays, blessed are hearers, doers and yes stampeders!  

-Beware, according to Holy Father, and the Sunlight of God, HIS back turn Throne, THEY want you running, Ezekiel 5, Matthew 24 and Rev 18, or we're all suddenly extinct as those procrastinators Dinosaurs to Noah's day. Apostle THEY call me, I tell you, I sensed and felt they'd found such a freedom at last and were so blessed, I just thought these refugees where until, until I felt guilty. Apostle I am, admit, I admit, there's still this getting to where Psalms 91 Angels intercede to intervene their escape and Revelation 12, Michael and star warring angels battle overhead all around it's suggested trajectory, Hear, do, that's ether Jordan's Petra, that's come to us by prophet Isaiah 16, or US, Georgia's crossover into Africa's Southwest Atlantic, given US/Western soil since Rev 17:14, Jesus Husband delivered some either to US Georgia coast or into Rev 12, Second heaven's intercessions, with Southwest Africa coast pending. 

- These things revealed to me, and I woke sighing we will build an ark! Apostle I am, just as ebbing and flowing in and out of world reign, a native African son, himself, Senator Hussein Obama campaigned.  I tell you, just as it's awarded two weeks and 7 years timetable expired June 26/July 6, 2015, with a BETE awarded for Sept 23/24 come now, Clearly his, this ebbing and flowing in an out of Ancient beast rule, Gog and Magog, marvel not these Godzilla like world enders to people eaters, are aligned to the can't be righteous, don't have the heart nor the spirit for it, give me super spreading, Covid 19, rallies for sickening and slaying millions, non-white and unworthy, the Trump administration.. 

-Cleverly, as so, I'm witnessing such the lifting of tons of weights from achieving a reoccurring for many millennia post apocalypse, doomed is the world, while made to think you're achieving this world prized, the American dream.Then  I must tell you, especially seeing the mother's bathing their children in these beds of water, may as well been John the baptist, baptizing them all, over to the blessed Lamb of God, Jesus the Christ, ah,yeah it all  just gave me such this anointing satisfaction. Such a lifting of weights, but, the spring day, Bridegroom did arrive, with healing in his wings, for speedily snatching Holy Bride out. Related, just now, as I sat this prayer bed come a saying at my ear, 'he shall cover you with his feather and under his (healing), wings shall though trust. 

-Remarkably another psalmist ask, who has done great things, O God, who is like unto thee, thou, which hast shewed us great and sore troubles, shalt quicken me again, and shalt bring me up again from the depths of the earth." I must say, not since wanting to go into the ministry full time, that I literally marched around the house in hallelujahs, I have and will do that, even if in my mind. This was once the house, the for over thirty years, Jesus husband in my demos, ascent, the house he left me release me to blessed outreach by actually going into foreclosure, brought a mighty celebration of  hallelujahs! Though, prophet Isaiah, describing, the Genesis prescribed woman seed, Jesus's pending ,bloody Cross, saying upon it's world salvation, was also the chastisement of our peace right until woman seed Jesus said, peace I give you unto you, not like the world give, I give peace unto you, let not your hearts be frighten, nor let it be afraid.'

 Smarter than dinosaurs and Noahian to especially Americans to Trumpians, I'm reminded of those, the world this planet no more, standing this lost, a ginormous maze of sin, these multi-millions awaiting patiently, this single water cooler. Nothing but this humanity in fiery extinction, when a woman at one point, bearing more bowls of fiery judgments, instead reaches into her upper right hand pocket,clearly in  all  our view brought out these amazing floral, flood, watered down, blood pink, business cards, for better homeless earth shelters, offering just as Jesus did, these mansions in heaven, blessed are takers, hearers, doers, stampeders and overcomers, as crown of life offsetting damning beast marks,  also await! 

-I know, I know, I know, like many times before, THEY come right into my Memphis kitchen, while I was messing around in there, like don't even fool yourself Apostle, once you're ascend, the Holy Church bride, from up there, will look down, and pray for the tribulation saints, given over to the anti-Christ, actually just as Revelation 13, Rev 13:5, say. Here I was now standing a Georgia's kitchen, looking out into this multi-color wilderness, thinking how THEY know what we're suffering, this ebbing and flowing of THEIR'S,  first a BETE now a BET! Soon reminded, tempted in all points, yet without sin, Jesus knew indeed, tt ws here, I thought, actually neither of us are where we want to be, home, The phenom, Paradise Heaven, of Holy Father, Elohim. 

Bridegroom Jesus descended into Revelation 12 second heavens intercession to meet the Holy Bride brought up there, so He's waiting to plant his feet again Mt Olivet, and for a thousand years His Millennium reign. Holy Bride, flesh weak, spirit willing, she want up there, her glorified body, crowns of life to mansions in heaven, the Lamb's Marriage supper, just all, all, all phenomenally pending. I must tell you realizing all that, that neither Holy Bridegroom to Holy Bride are where THEY want to be, for a little space I admit, gave me such a stunning satisfaction until I pray instead, Our Father in the paradise of Elohim God, give us this day our daily bread and give us, the sounding of Revelation 11, 7, Angel Trumpet; for when the 7th angel, trumpet, shall begin to sound, the apostate kingdoms of men, come the Kingdoms of God and his Christ, and they shall reign forever, hallelujah, I say, happy day, happy deity, beware, repent, RUN or perish, Apb    

And these are the descendants of the beauty rescued from the hands of the beast: Beast Of Beauty, Featuring King Bridegroom Adlai Christianson George and Queen Bride Shaspiro Kennyson Bates,

The Unending Love Antidote ...The African Juttah Genealogy, 1986-2016/2026/3036

The Tombola Genealogy, Holy, Temple, April, 17, 1986/2026/3036 into Infinity, God's Kingdom Reign

Unto Tietel Feize Kwanskan and Eiffany Anneson Mowanna wa sborn a son Mephis Dreick Kwanskan, a son Lenion Tyr Kwanskan and a god son Xenfin Zein Kwansan Mowanna        

Mark Scene, Genesis Marriage Worshipers, XVII and VII, It's CVIII Matrix Counts

"Tyleigh already said, since just the suggestion of a Biden, Harris US white house has arrived, is already positively affecting Daniel 9 to Rev 17, prophesied events concerning Kingdom, Nation building, so this administration simply pending and not sitting, Bitter is, no longer does desolations pending US soil like nuclear Hawaii, to Alaska to those 101 predicted Yellowstone eruptions has to stall. Fright night, as to a push button NO selected on the news ticker, referencing distributing Covid 19, vaccines to a deep freezer, frozen bag of poultry come a rocket launcher; lately as Nov 10, 2020 we have yet another escape from Memphis TN, this time by arriving brand new, red, monster trucks, a monstrous undertaking, because of a monstrous event, right? Yeah, ah Ivy man, but just think, taking the Holy Bride out, that's Holy Ancient of days as Noah's day, letting go of the whole entire planet and there's nothing then extinctional that can't to won't happen, then you bet all of you Sias's here, you'll glad, they're glad as never before bible prophecy is in control of it all. Take, like for instance, the Trump White house come the Biden White House to biblically fulfill the Abraham Accord; as so time being shorten because also during a fixed duration of exactly, 84 months. The final 7 years this planet until Jesus reign, take heed also, with what could be a year, 6 months and 27 days in, since (April 2, 2019}), and these things going as they will, so paramount, Jesus said, as Noahs's day, no flesh could survive it, all first born's repent or perish! So darling girl, see you in three hours, the most trying time of any long lived, day, ah, yes, that's about right and are we doing a picnic? I explained Ty how that's impossible today, we'll barely have time to eat as is, right, right, see you in three then, yes, love and don't be late, I won't, I can't be, I miss you already, me, tooo. Well if you think about it, Adlai, even Farrah man, the Roman Empire, they crucified Jesus the Christ and through it's British Empire, gave us the American dream in return, didn't Satan then, during Jesus 40 days nights trial like offer him a pending world system like American Dream to Western civilization. Reassuring tried but true Jesus, all He had to do was to forfeit the reason why the Ancient of Days use the Genesis woman seed, soon a teen age Mary to put on flesh and to endure a cross for the man who once was lost. This would be the Lamb of God Jesus forfeiting what would come billions earth's inherit in lives and souls to achieve a post apocalypse, doomed planet Earth, only since the Genesis fall disguised as the world's leader, the American dream. Yeah, yeah, no wonder Spiro girl as Jesus began to explain to inquiring disciples the day apocalypse come this planet first, let no man deceive you, things on the earth do not appear as they really are. Lest we forget, everything this planet was spoken into existence by Holy Creator Elohim and Holy He can easily wipe it all out with just one word of command. I must say Eiffany, grand saying she took so much pleasure in those stampeding Ethiopians, I did't get that, but how is her saying that Farrah man different from Holy Father saying he take pleasure in the death and dying of His Saints. Miraculously, as in the ultimate peace, this shaking off all troubles this planet and forever, and they'd Farrah man be no more tears, pain, suffering and sorrows, they'd be no more death and dying, for the former things are passed away. I say, just think what Grand Sia saw only, I repeat only, once the skies, by those 101 Yellowstone's alone, crystallized and missiled down in huge shards, those two crystallized Godzilla beast. Revealed here, keeping earth inherit with damning veils of illusions, darken mirrors, those now stampeded elephants of staying unaware to those Memphis brides of going on as Noah's day normal and suddenly taken, given running shoes, that they run away.  Ah my God, then, to use that emacalent Beirut bride to emphasize to mock they're given running shoes for red, tattered wedding heels, one moment she's poising for these unforgettable memoirs and the next she's running for her everlasting country, life and soul. A priest, while preparing services, also having to, duck, dodge and weave, a ceiling caving in, still that fast, get away bride, so, so perfect an analogy. I just hope you all know also just before that Beirut eruption and those unforeseen ever it's history, ever, Godzilla  California, infernos. There's like, Grand Sia, having that demo, waking a mirror reveal, her long hair shaved off into 4 perfect ponytails judgments, one suddenly disappeared, that too causing a catastrophe upon the planet. A red alert come, and he's running around, alerting her Memphis grands, only they're too distracted to notice, their own designed, destructive, labor camp. Labor camps, though abominable Americans have made going bald a fashion statement, still demeaning to deadly labor camps, were one embarrassing, humiliating things, to rip your glory and humanity, is that they strip you naked, shave your head and parade you as to mock you, before they martyred you. There's also ah, plus, have you Farrah man, thought about what is meant her hearing from Ezekiel 9 to Rev 18, Holy God, smiling faces don't last, wipe Canada from the map? Whereas Britain and American around the same time, July/Aug ({2005}), are commanded to go into itty, bitty pieces, I understand completely Tietel man, the smiling faces of religious, political pulpits to campaign promises so worthless, like right now, every time I hear one of them White House to Out House. Y'all know it, when they assure Americans they're free to throw caution to the four winds of Covid 19 restrictions, correct me if I'm wrong but isn't that saying just as they're free to kill and damn themselves, they're by a deadly pandemic free to sicken, kill and damn all of us this planet, this ridiculous, deadly, tug of mask wearing."  Why speak in parables? For they say the Lord seeth us not, the Lord is ascended from the earth, for it is written, though they have eyes, they see not, ears they have, but they see not, their hearts are waxed grossed, like their many stone gods, so are they, beware, Apb,, see more, Run, Run, Run, Pastor Breaker, You Tube, Run! Here,

Stampede Them, I Will Send My Sword After Them, Run, We Will Come After Thee! Blessed Are Hearers, Doers, Stampeders and Rev 2,  Overcomers, GOH/JCON/Apb

"My Help" sung by the Brooklyn Tabernacle Choir in HD,, (-Soon realizing I'm with Bridegroom Jesus, return, The Royal Priesthood, and a host of heaven unfounded, atop Mount Olivet, the air so cool and crisp.  This is the second time these months this multi cultural choir has pleasantly brought me into the presence of the Heavenly Host and has brought Heavens Host down into our presence, Blessed the Lord O my soul, one of my prayers, to enjoy music and praise so holy spirit THERE'D want to come visit and  sup with me., 

-Bless the Lord ah my soul and may his praise always be in my mouth, let everything that has breath praise the holy, Lord Father,  During the April 2, 1986, demonstrated, great gathering of saints, holy bridegroom arriving with healing in his wings. I could tell how overwhelmed with joy and gladness I was being taken from imploding home Earth to celebrating home heaven and in the care of the Holy Father himself. Knowing me, you know I did,  I argue with scripture.

-You gotta know, see, see, Holy Scripture say the Lord himself shall send from heaven with a shout with the voice of the archangel and the Trump of God and the dead/sleeping in Christ shall rise first  then those who are alive and remain shall be caught up together with the lord and there should they forever be with the Lord. 

-Only, only, only, I recognized Holy Bridegroom, come for to carry me home, well to Rev 12, second heavens intercessions of tribulation Saints as the Lord Father, Elohim, Himself.

-I figured since as Jesus leaving His Disciples,  I was not happy, I was totally cast down in my spirit I was not happy. So much so, a cumbersome thing, until Holy He began to show me this wowing as Brooklyn Tabernacle Choir, but w tribulation Church l, and I mean beyond phenomenal in divine worship, so much so I said be careful father least they take your hear.t 

-Jesus, knowing religious leaders prowled him for crucifixion, knowing His time to sacrifice himself as our virgin savior,  blood Redeemer. Soon the weight of these unimaginable trials, he say softly, Father glorify thy son and Holy Father speak with a voice as thunderous, rolling across crystal skies to ears, I have glorified him and will glorify him.

- I know I know, save the number of made aware, brings me into a more recent demonstration, suffering an attack in my sleep, I woke up in , Surrealistically, just as Heaven's Host all around,  were seeing me to exit stage Home Earth by Holy when the last thing I heard them say, and I quote,  "we can't wait to be down there where you are," I know,  blew my mind, heart, even my humanity.

- Soon waking thinking  wait, we suffer to be heavenward they suffer, Mount Olivet return and how I swore, only with fear and trembling, I'm ever gonna tell anybody. I presume, like Apostle Paul left too  flabbergasted to speak of his alike visit,  The astronomical Paradise of God. Months prior, while I sat w new widow my bedroom, seeming right up into clouds, my then Raleigh home, Jan 22-23, 2013, was this hearing of a star wars battle, I thought so little of since, shown to be not my imagination running rampant with my griefs here revisiting, hearing a star wars in heavens, Jan 20, 2019, I'm actually blessed with seeing, Rev 12 Angels battling a star wars in the heavens, hearing and quoting, "Michael," (as in I Thess 4:16-18, mentioning, 'and the voice of the Archanegl,' "is setting his all around!" 

-Apparently, say as the days of Nimrod's Babel into this planet's first humankind, worldwide migration. Undoubtedly, THEY'RE here seeing over the reassignment to relocation of earth's inherit, the multicultural genesis man marriage, blessed Brexit come for some either a Briexit to Blaexit. Clearly twice nice Rev 12 Angels star warring, anything preventing you from Jordan's Petra, US Georgia's Coast into Africa's, Southwest Atlantic are meet up with Archangel Michael and His star warring Angels.

-I know, too miraculous alas you say, unspeakable divine intervention, just revisited. Seen to seeing, world nations going nuclear, July 6 2015 here it's July 6th 2020, Rev 12, and there was war in heaven, revisited twice now, Oct 15, 2020, a birth womb crowing a head, as well, the cataclysmic end of Kingdom, Nation building into predicted, rolling black Fridays. Perhaps I am to do just that, go Tell It on Mount Olivet/Sunlight Mount Luther. Apostle they called me, the Holy Bride, THEY, entreat and honor me. Truly it THEY view me as Holy Trinity to the Twenty-Four Elders until THEY can't wait to be where I am. The American Dream seen fire-rocketing verses crystal skies seen missiling down. Easily what does THEIR, admiration say about the tens of millions this nation and this world. 

-Prescribed by now, those hearers, doers, stampers and overcomers, admonished through HER by THEM, prophesied it is, since. is that Rev 6, 5th seal to Rev 14, God is avenging Martyred blood, what manner of earth inherit should you be? Beware, repent and get ye either to Jordan's Petra, US Georgia's crossover into Africa's Southwest Atlanta. Know also the Abomination that make everything treasured on this planet including our lives and our souls desolate they, with adjoining seismic to cosmic apocalypse will leave millions slain the American Continent alone and two quarters of Earth's inherit will be dead by the time of Jesus Olivet return beware, repent RUN or perish! Apb

Saturday, November 28, 2020

Run, Run, Run, Pastor Breaker, You Tube, Run Thus Saith Matthew 24, Jesus, The Sunlight Of God, God's Back Turn Throne! !

Prophecy Links Fulfilling (July 6, {2020})

Seem to arrive in a demo just in time to see Rev 12, new born snatched off the planet; went on to  witnessed birth mother tossed into a grown up cradle her own, and stood over by a beloved, estranged husband, blowing in indescribable perfumed winds, and admired by an adoration unfounded this planet, beware, Apb, see more here, Songs Of Solomon, 1-5, Isaiah 16:1-5/Zechariah 14

The Great Prophet and the Vaccines,, (The Angel Gabriel Dan 534 BC, our May 15, 2004, AD, saying the fulfillment of all things is upon mankind;  just revisited, May 15, 2020, Trump's deadly, damning re openings;  as to remind of eruptions, 101 Yellowstone's alone,  and FEMA,; with recently as Nov 10, 2020, the showing  of escaping Memphis, Highland Park Area by intravenous, brand new, red Monster/Munster trucks, I know right,

-You know I witnessed, near two decades back, the US lab making of a deadly flu pandemic, a hybrid, 1918 flu/pneumonia combined with a deadlier, Avian to swine flu. This here, your  reveal,  the reminder, I call it the backward letter C pandemic, you see under a microscope the flu virus look like a backward letter C, only this domestic, bio-terrorism, had a cluster it's middle, plus as western days suffers, seem to shape their hands into a backward letter C, with  an additional judgment, a deadly to hellish pandemic, as a towering, beige horse, infested with fleas, woe, woe! 

Also here, your topic, is the reminder lately of seeing, hearing, Sept 22/23 2020, the predicted, (June 26/July 6, 2015, Sept 22/23/,  the Brides ETE here come HER BETA, Gog and Magog like territorial spirits, conversing with Rev 12, like Holy, Star warring Michael and Armies.  Fright night to poultry in the deep freezer, come as a rocket launcher, THEY'RE, good verses evil , this spiritual warfare, heard discussing how we're now in their timeline; straightly the two weeks and 7 year timetable, given during Senator Barack HUSSEIN Obama campaign did see Dan 12, dispensation of grace finale 

-Know also, with it's 2015/2016 year, commemorated by witnessing, Jesus Millennium, descend but not yet, (July 27, {2016}), presently His Millennium fully descending stalled behind what has come, 108, November, Thanksgiving ({2017}), Rev 2, Jesus, Matrix ten day counts, crown of life, awards. Though just as so, another, two weeks and 7 years timetable, (April 2, {2019}), until, April 2, 2026, be fulfilled, possibly fulfilling, all end time prophecy Genesis 1 thru Revelation 19, like the last 7 years before Jesus again sat his feet atop Mt Olivet, Dan 9:27, Rev 11:1, 2, and Rev 13:5, Rev 13, beware, Apb      

US could have eight times more covid-19 cases than previously thought save the CDC,

Nearly 7 million households at risk of eviction when moratoriums expire on Dec. 31,

Top Iranian nuclear scientist assassinated,

The Anti-Christ Is To Kill Millions Going Broke, Run, We Will Come After Thee!

-Make sure you see more here, Rev 6, 6th seal, also a 6th Rev 2, Jesus, Matrix, ten day countdown, presently 108 total, see Ezekiel 5, as well. I explained long before Trump come into office, you're not gonna war, bomb, shoot, WHORE, steal,, kill and destroy your way out of great tribulation come, those very evils that put you on Rev 14/17-19, Elohim God's piercing radar, with reoccurring sudden destruction come. No, you hear life saving fore- warnings and you do, by repenting and getting out of the  most targeted nation on the planet, just as suddenly, tens of millions will die; Israel, America, Britain, Canada and all their affiliates. 

-Just as the time come for Noah's evil world to be wiped off the planet, just as said time come for ancient empires, Egypt, Assyria, Babylon, Medo Persia, Grecia the Roman Empire, The British Empire! Beware, said time has come for those nations making up Western Civilization, their weight of blood guilt, sentence, come as earth ending, triple threats, nuclear, natural and NEO's.

-Besides the fallen Abraham Accord into Armageddon, there's volcanic and cosmic apocalypse, fiery doomsday, a Christmas Carol into a commanded, Hemingway exodus. Fright night not including Jesus' Himself reappearing like, shooting down like a  nuclear sun; with the reigning Bride, like those missiling down crystal skies, SHE's seen tossing a mountain with a meteor surface down into us; get ye to Jordan's Petra or US Georgia's crossover into Africa's Southwest, Atlantic coast, those only Brexits to Blaexits Holy Elohim God has blessed and count as righteousness to Rev 2 Jesus, awarded  crowns of life, beware, repent, RUN or perish! Apb

And these are the descendants of the beauty rescued from the hands of the beast: Beast Of Beauty, Featuring King Bridegroom Blaine Daniel Cockeran The Third and Queen Bride Ariadne Desdemona Christen

The Unending Love Antidote ...The African Juttah Genealogy, 1986-2016/2026/3036

The Tombola Genealogy, Holy, Temple, April, 17, 1986/2026/3036 into Infinity, God's Kingdom Reign

Unto Bringham Erfrin Kudus and Camelton Erielle Plopl was born a daughter, Paisley, Erielle Kudus a son Beijing Elon Kudus and a goddaughter, Ambrosia Syechell Kudus Plopl

Mark Scene, Genesis Marriage Worshipers, XVII and VII, It's CV Matrix Count

"Yes, that's true, ah, Romans one does say, God has given these people up, to practiced an Adam on Adam and Eve on Eve, abomination, because insisting that is their free will to live and die comfortably as the American Dream, in their sins, then judgement, then a molten death that never ends, So, no, what the bible teach is you're a free soul and you can lose it or have it given over to sin and Satan, again your free will. I mean did we lean anything from AIDS and it's deadlier, than Covid at once time, a person dies every ten seconds, RAIDS, how many millions dead alone by that sexually transmitted earth ender? You all know, every time you see a Trumpian with a sign, ban abortion, first sin, as fornication to adultery, can't cast out sin, but fornication would have to be banned, to bring abortion and any other marriage abomination even to a crawl, stop being deceived, stop deceiving, God is avenging it's Martyred blood. Though that death and damnation is on you, your will house, but when, the like Rev 2 Jezebel whore take a genesis man, marriage abomination to genocide, again F for Fornication, A for abortion, LGBTQ and P for pedophiler and make it law, and craft it a church ordination and school curriculum, forewarn chaos and every evil work, follows, then you're, anointed by devils and demons pledging sin and damnation, just as grand Sia, teh holy church is instead sowing righteousness and all that is godliness, anointed by the Holy Trinity and Holy Angels/ watchers and there is no debating middle ground, biblically, by your everlastiing soul you're a saint or you're a sinner, with Jesus the savoir saying simly repent or perish, the deaf, blind and harden hearted are condemned already, serving only evil and easily by the tens of millions, disappeared from the planet. Beware beware, beware, these mean well leaders, the Obama's we know, but the Bidens, The Harris' and the Trump's, heck world leaders to overseers period, they have got to get themselves to altars of Jesus Christ, your good works can't save you, heck prophet Joel said once there, sleep there, and before you know it, as witnessed June 17, 2020,  you're escaping into Georgia's crossover, down on all four, by way of the Arkansas bridge.  Look, Deer man, as Memphis Carter would say, the elephants of staying unaware in grand Sia reveals right now, that Memphis caravan of arriving to the slow motion exodus, those brand new red monster truck, to the rescue, what the heck is all that? You asking the wrong person, home detailing is sitting beside you, Global, Tribunal, El Shaddai, don't do that Cassius man, I'm not exalted above any other, but besides the date, Nov 10, 2020, a perfect, Rev 2, Jesus forewarn whore Jezebel, matrix ten day countdown, over a hundred now, what I paid most attention to, they arriving back home, when Mat 24, Jesus warn don't come again into your houses, flee! They detecting from the porch, and as they entered something we would say paranormal had like vandalized the house, the neighbor's too, signaling nothing the neighborhood was right.  I mean not a single American to earther, with tens of millions and soon a quarter of the earth in death tolls at their doors, should be going on as normal, Look at even their rolling black fridays and holiday shopping, during the deadliest pandemic in a hundred years,  all worse that's to happen in anyone's lifetime, revisit, Pres Bush, as they invaded Hussein's Islam, directed American's to shop, think about that. Though not too fast, just as soon, Sia mom witnessed them all granted, a weight of Islamic blood guilt, of reaping an 11, O'clock shopping lunch hour, when all they had to do was forfeit their military loved ones to tortuous, relentless warrior.  Holy Elohim father is not mocked, sin Bush's, the US White  House, America's wars, can't cast out sin, it is from within, Ezekiel seeing divine heart transplants and Jesus telling religious, political leaders, every human heart, is with a birth defect that influence them into a life of sin, chaos and damnation, so clearly we're talking to the extent, she witnessed some of these US solder's navel's attached to pulleys' and pull apart into bloody pieces, see what IED's do to some, and another time, she saw them all charcoaled rolling and tumbling along a convey belt as made to order. Actually no different than the slow motion exodus just now, how many died in US West Coast fires, were left barbecued to charcoaled, men, women and children, while Trump and his made mockery of causes like climate change, ah my God is Christ! So El Shaddi man, that's why? What's why Ivy man? is that why she said, she'd seen charcoal bodies before, when she saw that teen to female's charcoal arm, lift up to view and fright night woke learning of prescribed to her a year prior actually as Obama's reveal, July 27, 2916, NBA's California dreaming, Kobe's Bryant fiery crash? Yeah I, we Shaddai, know, it revisited Rev 10, Mighty angels, saying, the US, Canada west coast gone under, volcanic apocalypse here, beware every combustible US state, else, it's just witnessed blazing itself, N American seismic Craton but was Kobe's crash after her visiting that cockpit, witnessing auto pilots being tampered with, causing fiery crashes, devastating her? I think Seychelles, that was after she was warning something up there was tampering with air travel, but that make sense, seeing there's a little watcher girl of transit, and yes, that was after she got the dream of being up and close with this tampering with auto pilots, soon come to the reality, it wasn't just airplanes, but all such rebellious transits set to crash and burn, totally revisiting Eze 5, and God's wrath targeting those procrastinating their own Sia's all, blessed escape. Yeah, yeah, yeah, but before that dream, Dai, Dai, Sia mom, aligned seeing Rev 12 angels battling a star wars up there, casting down as tens of thousands, say an unnumbered in lightening strikes, Red Dragon and these legions in devils and demons, even days later Los Angels air traffic had such an event and on to close causes, even the most fire breathing, Godzilla, monsters, fires in California just now, were first described as sparked by lightening strikes. Yeah, yeah Maha, but if I'm right, that; all just as she got the letter by letter writing of the word thousands, she was shown the correct spelling of Los Angels, we think as averse to Lost, to fallen Angels, Rev 12, Michael and his, the war in heaven, just revisited, then days later, July 6, 2020, she got a hand writing only Culum, a reminder she said, of an article she passed over, talking about leaders of legalized fornication, introducing a school same gender, curri-culum and still some are shock to hear about a child sexual abuse case, the boys Scouts, nearing 100,000, so that's trumping, the Catholic church, child abuse cases, ridden with HIV-Aids at one point, but  Grand Sia had already heard three years now, Ezekiel 9 reapers US soil commanded to kill such abominable parents and overseers by, we now now, from April 2, 2019 until April 2, 2026 and finish all schools, pretty much all, assembly, churches, homes, schools, businesses what deadly pandemic, coronavirus has done, even that Nov 3, 4 funeral reef into the heavens, just now, as in just now the US election, and wide world this planet, in 11 months time, with the word disappeared, Elyon, frozen on, as all HD, 5G and Social Media pending, either that commanded asteroid or those 101 Yellowstone's, then her mrmbb333, keep seeing these earth directed C to X class earth directed, predicted CME's, which ever combination is to take those made aware, as unaware, also as you Tennys man say, a curse upon all United states of barbecue, even the White House seen an inferno. Look, didn't President Obama, finally opting to get in on this Biden campaign just pick a side between being a deliverer to a destroyers, with President Trump openingly, again openly for those 70 million following him, show him the destroyer and every time, Hawthorne man, someone in the media say he's a dangerous man, President Trump, is. I tell y'all, instantly I'm back at grand Sia, Jan 12, 13, 2018, demo and soon Hawaiian's, are literally, running for their souls, this incoming missile attack, only she's looking at a Michael Ealy, (as in angel Michael arriving early to the rescue), a dangerous, perfect man, surely President Trump, while an identical looking, perfect man Jesus then ask her, "will angels also ascend?" No question, all around her, safeguarding her, even enveloping her, star warring angels to intravening angels, so my question, is Senator Obama being designed the one, in her demos, also the sunlight mount Luther and the prophesied hour, manifested in the multi-cultural flesh, they're all the same advancing, prophetic world leader or not, and, and, and, what's a baby Gabriel come the little Miya girl of translation, have anyone, like you Memphis Carter, put that in the commy search, just to see what you get? Doing it now,  Keyshawn girl, let you know jut as soon, yeah, his, Obama's seeming like Moses's  bloodline , also the secret of Memphis, choosing to be deliverer, campaigning for Biden alone,  is that why grand Sia witnessed a peaceful transition between the Royals, portrayed as the Obama's and King Bridegroom, Queen Bride and the Royal Priesthood, a descending, New, White Holy House? You all do know, Erele by that time, it's the April 2, 2026, a finale to all end time bible prophecy, as of Jesus millennium reign, descending there'd be a post apocalyptic West rule to kingdom, nation building, world wide, and this, the Obama's are possibly, referenced as royalty because of ebbing and flowing in and out of world reign The Obama's African, Arab, well Islamic, bloodline and to answer your question, Ivy man, I think those three reveal does reference one person, as New Madrid, Memphis, Dunlap street, the Obama's. Hey, heads up, just so you  all know, grand Sia and Sia Soledad join rehearsals today, just saying, last one there, yeah I'm coming, right behind you Cassius, Ghost Horse. So Dai, Dai, what where they, why red monster trucks, and so shiny new, the white, trimmed in gold, you know the Intrepid car in her demo, Christmas 2001, was also shown to be brand new and trimmed in gold. so all related?  I can't as yet say, but Sia mom Maha, seems to think, it's to referenced Memphians procrastinating still, we could lose some, she's stressing that 130 number, and having demos lately, about some disappearing, that can be down, and or up, we know, we better go, Sia mom and Sia Soledad singing, I'm not missing that!'     >>>"Come on guys, shhhhh, Soledad is gonna sing, 'Someone To Love,' you guys met his drop dead gorgeous wife, Kassle, Berlyn? So stunning, yeah but isn't she the sister of the Media department head,  Sia, Commander Desrek, Aggart stunning wife, Kiefer Bay, the bronze sisters they call them,. If I'm not mistaking, they'r equally elated to our Lazarus, Sia Ctentri Israel, yeah like their brother cousin, sh, sh, sh, you guys, he's getting ready to sing, ah my god, o my god, ahhhhhh, and it's Lewis Capaldi's version,, UHOOOOOOOO, sorry, sorry, did you just scream? I did, sorry everybody, do we Dome need to take a minute, shhhhhh, you guys, please, we're missing it, sorry, just sound like a mating call to me, then get a room or get quiet, want to love, shhhh, stop it, really, you want to? You're asking me, let's do it, guys, guys, ah my god, seriously though, Aggie man? Catch you all later, ah so beautiful, yeah, don't you wanna find Belize, where is she? Ah, she's a fashion, designer now, tied up in designing and making the wedding dresses for all this, you all ever think grand sia is so good at these other worldly decorations because she's visited heaven so often, actually Itcus man Belize is here, where, I see her, I'll be right back Hain, Andrea, I guess we'll see!  Hold on babe, are they doing a duet, look at those two, Itcus, Belize, they're getting out too, hey, hey, hey, they're getting set, ah my, they're doing, The Prayer,' which? While Soledad is beleaguered, so they could do either versions, hey, you want to, you wanna slip away? Are you kidding, I was about to ask you, let's let's do it, well okay!" Why Speak In Parables? For those today, like those Ezekiel day to the days of the prophets, though Holy Father, cry, your sins have reached unto heaven and I hath remembered thine, inquiries, yet strongly deceived they cry, "the lord seeth us not, the Lord is ascended from the earth." Beware, Apb,

See also, Top 5 Male Covers of Someone You Loved -    

 "This is all beyond wonderful, as the garden big end, really, says the one who's been in phenom celebration, the phenom throne of Holy Father, so just say I believe you. You know how long Maaseiah I've wanted to share our blazing, screaming marriage bed with a natural phenom all around, like steamingly marking our own territory, yeah and we  a wilderness wonder. Regretfully, we've got to get out of these wonderful entanglements, dress and go.  I know, I know, but not yet, Nicholas, I know, but something bugging me, this wrist burning thing, yeah my left arm, your left, I thought it was, no, only the left, the one with the scares, I'm dressing, Nicholas, dress, what's more alarming, more alarming? Something similar happen right before that 911 terrorist attack, only then there's a car I'm occupying being poured over with fuel, and you suffer it's horrid burning? Ah, no, I wake long before that, Nicholas, dress, you gonna have us really late, assignments call and call. Okay then, what's a terrorist attack that involves your wrist, how does that even make sense?  Don't forget, the backward letter C pandemic I saw was an act of domestic terrorism, come a pale horse judgment so first man's evil upon man, then God's wrath stroking out at those evils, even the reigning bride prepped an, as Asteroid Apophis, when for near two decades Nicholas, Jesus been described to return by what can only be described as a planetary nuclear event, with Zechariah 13, saying, and this shall be the plague of that day, now go and research the unthinkable bombing of Hiroshima and Nagasaki, look at this tie, look at you period my towering knight, you're just too stunning to be this real, but here ou are and still all mine, now hurry."  Why Speak In Parables? For those today, like those Ezekiel day to the days of the prophets, though Holy Father, cry, your sins have reached unto heaven and I hath remembered thine, inquiries, yet strongly deceived they cry, "the lord seeth us not, the Lord is ascended from the earth." Beware, Apb,

YouTube, Pastor Breaker, The Blood the book The blessed hope,, 

And He Shall Make A Covenant With Them For One Week, And In The Midst Of The Week, Oblations Shall Cease!  

-I, Apostle THEY call me, I believe because of two various timetables  two weeks and 7 years one during Senator Obama's campaign, referencing the duration of the Man in Linen awarded within Daniel's 70 week's of years, time's, times and a half. Then he, Hussein Obama, by Revelation Book Holies, being declared 'the one,'  Come another two weeks and 7 year timetable,, within a, ( Nov, Thanksgiving, {2017}), Rev 2, Jesus', Matrix, 10 day countdown, referencing the Gog and Magog, Trump Administration's, Abraham Accord, duration, April 2, 2019. 

-No doubt, we're talking in progress, a triple threat, post apocalyptic America, West Rule, and soon, Rev 17/18/19, Kingdom, Nation building, no more and Jesus millennium here, by April 2, 2026, with Trump waking from a Dan 4, madness, Oct 15, 2018, award,  by Oct 15, 2027, the American Continent long removed.

-Prophetically, we Know why Biden, Harris took the White House, especially if the Abraham Accord fulfills Daniel final week, shown to be evident Isarel who suppose to be aligning with her Arab Nations, Dan 9:27/Rev 11:1, 2. Here recently instead hinted by Trump to commit  assassinations, sin, casting out sin, followed by sudden destruction, Israel/US/Bible Belt soil, why doeth thy marvel?

-Using Rev 11:1, 2, while Saddam Hussein was being hunted to instead put a Hussein in the White House, make him the most powerful; no doubt this ebbing and flowing in and out of world Reign, even as Jesus Millennium descended, Barack, Hussein Obama  Here, US soil, while already a pending Hussein/Biden/Harris White House as predicted, have World Nations crying peace and solidarity, the authentic Dan 9, Rev 11 and Rev 13, 84 month Abraham Accord, only a year, 7 months and 26 day's into it's end day's peace pact, happy subtracting, happy day, happy deity, beware, Apb, see here, Ezekiel 4/, 5 Daniel 4/5/


Yeap, Europeans suffered Thanksgiving lock downs to save Christmas celebration, if only self absorbed Americans were that sacrificial,. Saving and protecting life to immortal souls, for the most special holiday the planet. No wonder for them, they get the ink horn man, marking them eligible for crowns of life, and mansions in heaven, this planet earth, home no more,. Fright night to missiling down crystal skies, Rev 6, 6th seal, while abominable Israeli/American soil Instead, get its six grim reapers, bearing swordlike syringes, one strike the telling heart, marvel not PS 37/51 ELOHIM God is Not mocked! Beware, Apb

PS to Hashtag, Cancels Your Plans For Thanksgiving, Says Doctor As Cases Rise | Morning Joe | MSNBC,,

(Beware possibly the hearing, (Nov 3, 4, 2020), "every 20 seconds," possibly the unprecedented surge in coronavirus infections, hospitalizations and daily deaths, again near two thousands a day, boy, how far we've come, from (January 3, 2020), the seeing of the letter by letter forming of the word, thousands. Least you forget, since it's sentence toward US weight of blood guilt, (Thanksgiving, Christmas 2001), we have a nuclear Thanksgiving to Christmas pending, these could be it; just as we had a massive death toll US soil begin to be met, since a (Nov 3, 4, 1975/{2013}), again, coronavirus, with 101 Yellowstone's pending this could be it, beware, repent, see more run The American Continent Run, here,, how it's ALL ending prophetically, Apb

Thursday, November 26, 2020

Run, Run, Run Brooklyn To Memphis Tabernacle Choir, Run

Prophecy Links Fulfilling

Shown as a fork in the road, (Aug 10, 2005,), a pending Brexit, Briexit and Blaexit, seeing  FFS a fork in the sand, Oct 15, 2020), of what happens to what's  left of any US to West Rule effort, civil war , Islamic war to world war, even the battle of Armageddon,  see here, Rev 20, before and after Jesus' millennium, reign, Apb

Breaking: "LA County Shuts Off Power For Thanksgiving,

-We know pastor a permanent black out is coming and suddenly we're set back for 190 years exactly, I can only say wow, the measures US leads are talking to protect lives, is commendable. Straightly when Pres Trump, verses any American leader to world leader, not only took none, but down played and sabotaged, coronvirus response, even by campaign rally, super spreading events. Plainly he's the nail in US inherits coffins while it's Republican Senate, Congress, Governors to  Evangelists, drive and drive these partisan nails still. 

-Possibly why, three demos since May 10 2020 Mother's day feature more Egyptian Anubis, undertakers, but what's to really be expected from an administration since, it's 2016, campaign aligned to earth enders and people eaters, Gog and Magog; since awarded a Dan 4, madness curse, until it's 7 years, Oct 15, 2027, be fulfilled, fright night, a post apocalyptic America , West Rule wayyyy,  before  then, beware, Apb    

Brooklyn Tabernacle choir Psalms 34,, (HAPPY THANKSGIVING DAY,  You Tube!!!!  

Stampede Them, I Will Send After Them, My Two Edge Bearing, Sword Like Syringes, Reapers, Judging All Syampeders One Strike The Telling Heart! Run, Run, Run! Apb

-Hardly a lyric said, tears come into my eyes, nose, imagine this amazing, multicultural worship and praise in heaven. Millions upon millions, even billions in attendance, roll, after roll, for as far, standing God's Throne, teary eyes can see. I've seen it, experienced it, I was there, a celebration beyond anything describable or comprehensible.

-Little book, Mighty Angel hand, sweet come bitter, then the silence in heaven falls, this surrealistic alarm. You see despite that there are billions in the heavens celebrating; know also for Heavenly Father, there are billions on the earth that are dying, most of them losing their immortal souls.

 -Silence falls, the Apostle John said for at least half an hour, then all you hear is heavenly Father crying uncontrollably causing all others to cry uncontrollably, myself as well; Elohim crying, "my people are dying, dying and they are being stripped of everything my Christ has brought them."

-This melting the heart into the bowls, sorrowfullness repeat, Psalms 22. "my people are dying, dying and they are being stripped of everything my Christ has brought them, behold I will strip their leaders and leave them as in the day of their birth!"  

-The next I know I am approached upon by a heavenly one, he say,  He want to see you, (I presume, HE as in Elohim,  the One  Eli, Jesus Cross called on), I said who? He said Him, the next I know I am standing before a mountain in heaven and I can't shake that there is a mountain  in God's Throne..

-Soon from that mountain an illumination like the Sun began to rise ,began to speak, The Sunlight Of God I call Him, again Holy, Sunlight begin to speak to Pharaoh type world leaders,, as in Moses day, "let my people go!"  A for eighteen years reveal, just revisited, the Demo, (June 17, 2020), of seeing Memphis Churchians, down on all fours, Dan 4, penance, crossing the old Arkansas bridge, into US Georgia's COAST,  crossover Into Africas'Southwest Atlantic coast, run, the American Continent Run! Beware, Apb, see,

And these are the descendants of the beauty rescued from the hands of the beast: Beast Of Beauty, Featuring King Bridegroom Elvison Syefan Chesney, Voxen and Queen Bride Chesney Lorena Aggart

The Unending Love Antidote ...The African Juttah Genealogy, 1986-2016/2026/3036

The Tombola Genealogy, Holy, Temple, April, 17, 1986/2026/3036 into Infinity, God's Kingdom Reign

Unto Adlai Christianson George and Shaspiro Kennyson Bates, was born a son, McCullumson Zair George, a son Havana Nickelson George and a goddaughter, Belize Mariah Grorge, Bates 

Mark Scene, Genesis Marriage Worshipers, XVII and VII, It's CVIII Matrix Count

"Don't they get it, Trump them only celebrate your freedom to commit mass murder, stealing, killing and destroying by a Coronavirus because such earth enders, people eaters, they benefit from your death and dying. Just see just as the coronavirus is surging so is the stock market. Plus, we've seen two Republican, the upcoming Senate seat runoff, both are accused of benefiting millions of dollars off of the covid-19 stock market. What did Europe just do? They just suffered; Jesus' saying suffer the little children and bring them to me, again they just suffered the loss of celebrating Thanksgiving to perhaps celebrate a more vibrant Christmas, Americans by their loving Republicans granted freedoms just forfeited their lives and immortal souls to celebrate Thanksgiving so they can have more surging death tolls and record funerals for Christmas  look at these new comments,  Run, Run Run, Brooklyn Tabernacle, choir, the backward letter C flu pandemic, and not for a hundred years, pneumonia, domestic terrorism. Know also, that she heard like 12 years later, a voice crying disappointingly, we'll say out of Hell's kitchen, 12 years without a pandemic. Then it's conspired those suffering, dying the most are non-vaxxers, which will then explain the drive before Coronavirus that as many people as would hear get vaccinated against the flu pandemic as so the drive so far during the Coronavirus that people get vaccinated against the pending, seasonal flu .  Which made aware, lead to one question, is the surging coronavirus right now the twindemic that had been predicted to come around this time, around the flu season? When John witnessed the great whore of abomination, a scripture, Rev 17: 16;18 revisited US soil to world wide Kingdom, nation building, three years since, Jan 12, 13, beginning it's 2017 including, it's Jan 9/12/13, 2020,beware all first born's, great Mystery Babylon whore has a cup and she's imbibing on martyred, human blood. They are a death squad and then over a currency that is worthless post-apocalypse America and Western Civilization, come, that's how strongly deceived they are, that they believe a lie, that they all might be damned, believing not the love of the truth but having their pleasures in  unrighteousness, still, again, still. Look, this was while I sat the bathroom, also a prayer closet, grand, grand keep a hand held bible in there and I decided I would see what the entire book of Psalms, 37, says, not just the first 6 verses given grand Sia during the death rider from the molten beneath, and next she hear, fret not thyself because of evil doers! The one demo Adlai, she saw Jesus Cross outreach, suspended, yes, yes, yes and  guess on who's behalf Holies of Holies are intervening for, and my God is Christ, how Mightily? Then, then Sia's all, THEY'RE against an administration just like The US, West Rule, Trump administration? Amazing grace, THEY'RE here for all those Jesus described, Luke 4:18, 19, the poor; the brokenhearted; the captives; the blind, deaf and dumb; as so THEY'RE  come to set at liberty them that are bruised, just think about that and Holy Father having for millennia destroyed Kingdoms and nations simply for mistreating all those in this category.  How bout that escape, lately? (Nov 10, 2020), a building Memphis, Highland, caravan, by arriving, brand new, red, monster/Munster trucks, and grand Sia having taken such refuge from invasive, territorial beast, prowling her, in a red automobile, so now it's a monstrous undertaking.  Just so amazing grace as you say Spiro girl, look up and come to rescue not only her loving husband, but also Rev 17:14, star warring, Lamb of God, Bridegroom, Jesus, see, marvel not her proclaiming there's a Rev 17:14, Jesus Husband in her demos, since. The Psalms 37 chapter, as said, given the death rider prophecy, so yeah, Sia's all, all along those 30 plus scriptures, Holy Father Elohim assured we're not to fret nor stress over evil doers. Then He confirms, for as soon and brilliantly as green lawn's are dug, chopped and cut away, what? A second time lately, even during the Red, Monster trucks escape, yard work as this been referenced, but assured, we shall diligently seek these evils like Trump and his 70 million plus base, except thy repent, come hearers, doers and stampeders, no doubt, we'll seek and not find them, nor their remnant, any places this planet.  So, since this is the time of the dead like no other time, Rev 11 post 7th angel trumpet, sounding and procrastinating tribulation Saints are given over to those Anti-Christ spirited, unquestionably, those like Trump to Trumpians, indeed, hesitating not, get ye to repentant altars, Christ's Cross grace suspended, Holy Father is avenging Martyred blood, none but the Saints to the Righteous elect survives, hell seen enlarging itself accordingly. I still say the freakiest part of Grand Sia's, that back turn, death tolls 5% into 15% sealed, the Rite Aid Pharmacy reveal, is that she had the feeling, she had done this all before. I tell y'all I can't help it and since flirting to courting with Keanu Reeves, movies, has also been forewarn here, especially 'The Matrix,' she seeing a standing the world still event, it's Aug 5,2019, also a Keanu Reeves movie, come with the coronvirus, by January/February 2020. Still, you all remember when Neo finally made it to the human city, as he conversed about AI Smith, with it godlike feature, this setting the human inherit free of AI the matrix; in the background it was referenced he'd done that or been there many times before, just as she sensed during the Rite aid Pharmacy reveal, right? You know, Landon man, what freaked me, this only other opened counter, just slammed, someone referenced just days ago could too be about a run on the coronavirus, vaccine while the stock market to Yellowstone is exploding.  Anyway, when she turn to walk away from a seeming closed counter, this mystery woman her demos, turn to her and said, I'll wait on you, and I don't think she meant wait as in serve you, though the Heavenly Host does that as well, although, was she like saying, let's say, of the Rev 2, matrix ten day count, that we'll let the Rev 2, Jesus, matrix ten day count, until she is be taken out of the way, right, Apostle Paul's sayings, II Thess  2, right? I guess you two, Adlai, Spiro, each of us get something different, but most of all, they're showing again, for near two decades that announced 15% dead us soil, and it isn't going anywhere, coronvirus vaccines or not, even during the  demo of Jesus descending millennium, there was the showing of American to Western soil losses 5% into 15%.  I tell y'all, what got me, she's sensing, she's not alone, very elusive, but someone is with her, and odd is, during the Syed Farook, car jacking, she's now determined, followed this reveal.  How it is, that outside, in that Rite Aid parking, lot, is his reveal like waking to happen, anyway this original reveal, Syed Farook, there's no indication she's not alone. Someone would say, there is a little Angel Gabriel, well actually a baby, Angel Gabriel she described, she now presumed is now the little Miya girl of transit to translation. Only according to this possible, proceeding Rite Aid dream, she is not alone, again possibly, the little Miya girl, she says linking another demo, still years prior, when she retrieved, into a red automobile, a misplaced little Miya girl from Memphis Dunlap street, the, the, same Dunlap street she witnessed the first stampede into the evacuation to exodus of America.  Here's a button for pushing No response, concerning, distributing coronavirus, on the news ticker, she'd witnessed, at separate intervals, President Obama, his first administration and first lady, Michelle, Obama, his second administration, on Memphis Dunlap street. Which, which would make Syed Farook, reckless hijacking, that left Sia Maaseiah shewn aside the road, with no driver, when soon she realized, in the back seat, is the little Miya girl of translation, which then mean she's there all along, and soon for a toll of two silver, US quarters, they crossover into a new era, that is Jesus millennium reign come, itself, while descending, again showing deaths tolls ,now a post apocalyptic N. America,  5% into 15%! But, but, but, Ragiel man, even as you begin to say, Sia Maaseiah sensed she wasn't alone, okay when is it she's ever alone, is she okay, is she ever alone, even was Jesus, ever, truly alone? Doesn't this mean she shouldn't have been surprised, predicted to go nuclear, Hawaii, is imminent, Bridegroom Jesus asking her, would angels also ascend? I been, ah, is that the equivalent, ah angels all around her, ascending, descending, you all know, that's what Jesus explained to his disciples, first thing, as proof, he's the Christ, Son, Savior, their witnessing, including the transfiguration on the mountain, they would witnessed holy angels ascending and descending upon him again, ultimate proof, he's the Lamb of God.  Then, this other miraculous thing, with second Prince Silverton and others it's 24 leads, testament, the Aqua Juttah, Hemingway exodus, come yet another transfiguration on a mountain, of passing off those 144,000 specialty saints to Christ Lord but also Present with him, is the Bride manifested in the flesh, and by now, dubbed, Lord Urusalem. I would think Sia's all, Rev 12, references of the new born snatched off the earth, and what followed? But what would've proceeded the exit womb of a crowning head, and now, it's Gog and Magog, star warring red dragon, of territorial spirits complaining we're now in their timeline, I figure, we're so out of time, yeah I was finna say literally, Ivy man, we're out of time, o wow, we are, everybody, ah dismissed, ah blessed day, sweet sleep! Ah see you all at lunch, ah, I'm out of here!"     >>>"What's happening, I guess I should say, ask, why art thou cast down, ah, oh my soul? I guess Mom and dad, Briton, they're thinking about going back to Israel instead of US Georgia, that's no good Ivy man, Israel, as soon as the Abraham Accord fall Rev 1, 2, 42 months in, already over a year in, (April 2, {2019}), they're gonna be escaping into Isaiah 16:1-5, Rev 12, Jordan's Petra and the Arab nations, possibly the UAE will see after them, some say for near it's 84 months, great tribulation duration, see also, Revelation 12. "{{{"Mar, you hear, that? I heard that, yes, right, if you and dad go back to Israel, you're only choosing between escaping into Jordan's' Petra verses US Georgia's Atlantic, until it too commanded crossover into Southwest, Africa, coast. Then, then, first you gotta get to Israel, I, I, mar, I know you and dad can afford it, but that's still choosing hundreds of miles verses thousands of miles, wait, wait, mar, let me get, yeah, let me get where I can hear better!"}}} Why speak in parables? For they say the Lord seeth us not, the Lord is ascended from the earth, for it is written, though they have eyes, they see not, ears they have, but they see not, their hearts are waxed grossed, like their many stone gods, so are they, beware, Apb, 

Prophecy Links Fulfilling

PS to Hashtag, Cancels Your Plans For Thanksgiving, Says Doctor As Cases Rise | Morning Joe | MSNBC,, 

(Beware possibly the hearing, (Nov 3, 4, 2020), "every 20 seconds,"  possibly the unprecedented surge in coronavirus infections, hospitalizations and daily deaths, again near two thousands a day,  boy, how far we've come, from (January 3, 2020), the seeing of the letter by letter forming of the word,  thousands. Least you forget, since it's  sentence toward US weight of blood guilt, (Thanksgiving, Christmas 2001), we have a nuclear Thanksgiving to Christmas pending, these could be it; just as we had a massive death toll US soil begin to be met, since a (Nov 3, 4, 1975/{2013}), again, coronavirus, with 101 Yellowstone's  pending this could be it, beware, repent, see more run The American Continent Run, here,, how it's ALL ending prophetically,  Apb      

You Tube, news, 50 million people ignore advice, travel for holiday while thousands die from COVID-19,, Americans by their so called freedoms, always do the opposite of what they know, again, doing the opposite of what they know to do, not only causing them their parents, grandparents, children and grand children, but this freedom to commit super spreading events is causing them  their humanity as this not a century killer instinct is saying to kill tens of millions US soil and therefore, hundreds of millions world wide, beware, Apb  

You Tube, This pandemic must be seen maybe images of covid-19, could help fight complacency,, (Yes a choice between covid-19 fatigue or covid-19 incubation's loaded up refrigerator trucks, just as deadly as the coronavisur, is disinformation into complacency, a traumatic fear toward surrealism which ensue denial. Promising not to leave us ignorant, don't be deceived by the speaking of biblical parables to my prophetic parables, there is a Holy Star wars battle in Rev 12, second heavens, going on against Earth's inherit, endangering their lives and their immortal souls, this urgency to stay unaware, even hearing of such star wars in my ear, Jan 20, 2019, "Michael is setting his all round," the Archangel Michael is spoken of in holy scriptures, the book of Daniel, 10, and the Epistle of Jude...  

'For as in the days that were before the flood they were eating and drinking, marrying and giving in marriage, until the day that Noe entered into the ark. And knew not until the flood came, and took them all away; so shall also the coming of the Son of man be.' Mat 24: 38-39

-Do you all know the difference between the American dream verses the American Denial, both the slow motion exodus and those elephants of staying unaware, yes of staying unaware, to those Feb 12/13/2020, Bride's of going on as Noah's day normal, giving running shoes, all mock the American Denial. I know there are there those from the White House to the outhouse, saying peace and safety but only to have such falsehood, all the more followed by sudden destruction, and the unprecedented 2020 year showing holy father, is no longer amused. Denial, a withdrawal from reality, to pretend a truth is false, like same gender abomination turning the truth of the genesis man, marriage of procreating humanity into  a lie, as to rest in falsehood. 

-I know some say inquire, the stampeding of elephants of staying unaware yes, to bride's of going on as normal, giving running shoes for red, tattered wedding heels, told to runaway, and what's a slow motion exodus and for a decade now? I saw that, those claims of denying elephant size surreal is present, say the 70 plus who voted for Pres Trump, having pleasure seeing, hearing, speaking, even dying, with one front line nurse having encountered some denying Coronavirus is real, even that they've been duped by those sitting in the highest positions this planet, into their death beds and beyond the grave, like the following great White throne judgment.

-Though the slow motion exodus, near a decade now, people were in an active exodus, they knew like now it was, over, the fiery doomsday, apocalypse of America to The American Continent, soon long lines at the ATMs, the Corner Stores to fast food windows. Just as so long lines at the filling stations, yes I'm either flying over, or I'm yet walking all about them all, seeing this, these long lines even at pharmacies until home earth a shaky, shaky shelter there were millions standing eerily patient as well, but single water cooler, though a mystery woman, bearing black bowl judgments but in her upper left hand pocket are offers of business cards for better homeless shelters as mansion in heaven. 

-Fright night, when soon there's the single word disappeared, the Holy Bride, abominable, West Rule, frozen on, as all HD, 5G and Social Media screening, a sudden catastrophe upon the earth, one of it's world systems never to be seen, heard of again, see, more Run, Run, Run Bride's and Elephants of Keeping Americans Unaware, RUN! here,; Unquestionably and unequivocally, the most phenom era/error of denial since Noah's mocked where is the world flood, presently Volcanic apocalypse, beware of a nuclear Hawaii; of taking all breathers life away, again? 

-Clearly this denial into damnation, easily deemed a slow exodus, only with losses US soil, even during the descending of Christ's Millennium of 15%, with both Britain and Canada each sitting at 5%, here, Zechariah 13:8, we're told, so thousands of years now, Israel at this time, the Abraham Accord come the abomination that maketh it desolate, Mat 24 Jesus call it, even as the days of Noah, this, THEIR elect, will lose, two third, it's inherit, fright night still, with the Trump administration, since it's 2016 campaign aligned to these earth enders and people eaters, Gog and Magog, beware, Apb, even see more here,, why over two decades ago, 1998, you, especially churchian are admonished to learn of end times, events, Apb  

Tuesday, November 24, 2020

Run, Run, Run For When The Seventh Angel Shall Begin o sound, The Kingdoms Of men Now Come The Kingdoms of God and His Christ, And They Shall Reign Forever!!!!!!

Prophecy Link Fulfilling And I Will Kill Her Children With Death, Except, riches to rags sickbeds and sleepovers repent, Rev 2, JCOR, 

A Voice Declaring: I’m back in charge, go to the middle school and cast a stone 06/09/2002 (see Ephs. 6:10-20)

Mat 24 Jesus, For When You Shall See The Abomination That Maketh Desolate, So Aligned The Trump And Trumpians Administration, Run! Just as I've known since 1996, a molten death rider from beneath looms; I've also heard commanded for over a decade now, stone, as in Asteroids to meteors destroy Wisconsin, I like to think referencing, Asteroid,  destroy westerners constantly sinning, this is Jesus asking what you give in exchange for your souls; and Apostle Peter asking, knowing it's to all be consumed, nuclear, to volcanic to asteroid apocalypse, what manner of  American, to Noahian to Trumpian, out you to be?   

 Doctors say CDC should warn people the side effects from Covid vaccine shots won't be 'a walk in the park

-Trump Dismantles Decades-Old Surveillance Treaty Irreparably On His Way Out The Door | Rachel Maddow,, ( I just commented on Georgia, not for near 30 years voting for a Democratic candidate, that in that year, again 1992, 1993, this is when I would begin to remember. This Jesus having healing wings, appearing to me that spring, April 2, 1986, here seven years later 1992/1993, understand this, when I begin to remember, actually, Jesus delivered me into heaven, hand me off to the prophet Ezekiel, again, 1992 1993. Oddly, hesitating not, He, Elder Ezekiel was opening up three, time tested doors to me.

-Vaguely each time, I would look in, witness the Sunlight of God, as so a Mountain reigning God's back turn Throne, seeing here, as HE prepared laborers unto the harvest, so if you remember, Jesus suggested to His Disciples they pray that Holy God would send more laborers into the harvest. Straightly, see here, during these Revelations, Apostle Paul designed, 'The Paradise of God,' the last two thing I remember seeing. the Sunlight of Holy God do, beside take out their old hearts of sin and give them a new, holy, heart..

-I, Holy bride THEY also entreat me, I remember the Sunlight Of God, sealing them in their foreheads, Apostle John even said they're marked their forward to wrist, going on to become as a mouth. Just as so, He's Speaking great things, instructing them all to be acquainted with both HIS grieves and sorrows, know also , the ink horn man, I heard mentioned twice, only days past, Nov 10/11, 2020, he would be assigned to mark for immortal life, those having Jesus' heart and Eze 9 reapers, would slay the rest, having no mercy, old, young, just as those, at present, the surging coronavirus, targeting those parents and grand parents age.

-Carrying on as predicted for many millennia, this miraculous compassion to brotherly love would also be Jesus telling His Disciples none would recognize them as HIS Disciples except they showed loved one for another, to Apostle designing heir forewarnings, epistles of love. The laws come by Moses but truth and grace by Jesus,The Christ, the Sunlight of Elohim's back turn throne, Jesus taking thousands of years of old testaments laws and precepts and crafting them all into the two great commandments of Divine to Brotherly love, only those born again, by Jesus Christ's Cross could actually honor, follow and worship, truly blessed are the peacemakers, for they shall be called the sons of God, beware, Apb

And these are the descendants of the beauty rescued from the hands of the beast: Beast Of Beauty, Featuring King Bridegroom Blaine Daniel Cockeran The Third and Queen Bride Ariadne Desdemona Christen

The Unending Love Antidote ...The African Juttah Genealogy, 1986-2016/2026/3036

The Tombola Genealogy, Holy, Temple, April, 17, 1986/2026/3036 into Infinity, God's Kingdom Reign

Unto Elvison Syefan Chesney, Voxen and Chesney Lorena Aggart was born a godson, Whitney Erin Box, a son Brittany Eiden Voxen and a daughter Parker Alexandria Chesney, and a daughter Sawyer Cleopatra Voxen, Aggart

Mark Scene, Genesis Marriage Worshipers, XVII and VII, It's CVIII Matrix Count

"I know you all have seen mrmbb333, showing of this white, round cloud to cotton ball looking UFO, yeah Blaine girl, I can't help but think about the ballooning cloud that grand Sia witnessed, wondering was it actually a craft as seen in in these videos? I'm sorry Memphis Collin man, but a ballooning cloud? Yeah, during one of grand Sia's demos, the Bride's escape, just as witnessed each skyrocketed skyward, she witnessed each be collected into this cloud, that balloon and balloon bigger and bigger, when they did. Actually, here lately she aligned the Lamb's Book, name roll, possibly the order we actually shoot skyward and there, we're forever with Lord Jesus Christ! My Jesus, our Jesus, Memphis Collins, you right, they could've easily been some captured as such, into cloud like craft, as, as, what was being shown here. Look, especially with some thinking, Ezekiel 1, witnessed and description of God's Chariot, could as well, be a craft, something I heard anyway! Look I say the whore and beast separated, something grand Sia heard like Jan 12/13, 2018, you all then say, yeah North Lee, man, President Trump like right now even, look like he's conceding the US Presidency. Only, only, only those evils, great and small that supported him, say he and his being aligned to Eze 38/39/Rev 20, Gog and Magog, now instead turn on him, making President Trump alone one of the most endangered US leaders the country and eventually, the planet, with no where to run, no where to hide, But of course Christ's Cross, wait, think, that doesn't throw off the Dan 4 madness, only as sufferer King Nebuchadnezzar, he'll awake, The Americas no more, so a distant land, like the middle of October, 2027, now humbled as once, King Nebuchadnezzar and just as blood redeemed, grand says, Trump with glass over eyes, will look out, the earh littered with the dead and ask, did I do that? Which all, Memphis man remind me, I listened to one of US's Ambassadors comments on Pompeo being in Jerusalem just now and he said that what he was doing there, could only drive a deeper wedge between Jerusalem and Palestine. Instantly, I thought, oh my God, that's exactly what Grand Sia told us, that Holy God would want Biden to Harris in the White House over Trump because only Biden would help unite World Nations behind a banner of World Peace. Actually Sia's here, the awarded (April 2, 2019), Abram/Abraham Accord that would ensue to fulfill end days prophecies, Daniel 9:27,  Revelation 11:1, 2. So, yes, yes , yes, the same Rev 11: 1, 2  grand Sia used while they hunted Saddam Hussein o Bed Laden to any error Islamic, she placed him in the White House and made him the most powerful man, the planet. Here, right here, right now, ebbing and flowing in and out of world reign, a prophesied Feb 12/13, here, 2020, not unusual, revisiting demos of hanging out with the the Obama's. such the like, reveals always proceeding, President Hussein Obama come again the forefront of US's politics to Kingdom, Nation building, world wide. Undoubtedly, scriptures, Revelation 13:5 also used to explain to her, by a live visit, her 2011, kitchen, the ascending, reigning Bride commission, is to intercede Tribulation Saints, looking down and praying down from up there, we now know as John's Rev 12, described, presently the second heavens, intercessions. Such, surreal end of days prophecies, Memphis Collin man, already began to be finalized, again since April 2  2019 until it's finale, April 2, 2026, awarded two weeks and 7 year timetable, so a year, 6 months and 22 days, now, I know, and just how many months is that? Though, though, though, even before that priceless nugget, I listened to Germany's Chancellor Merkel, her speech from the Saudi Arabia G20 summit, at the root, world peace. Lord help me, when she was finished I said to myself, if only our President spoke like that, heck even the Republican Senate, driving and leaving devastated American dangling over the cliff, this double whammy of a mass disaster. Still, still, I was like if only the US President felt like that, no way would there be over 200 thousand plus people dead and, dying in the US, no way would there be over 12 million people infected and mounting also. This worshiping gain for godliness and the rich young banker woke in hell, even grand Sia's, multi-millions a single water cooler, crying for just a drip of water. Unquestionably, all tripped and tangled up by this stumbling block of iniquity, a cannot worship both love and money, clearly, apostate Christianity, America now is. Then Silverton man there's no wonder the three times since mother's Day, May 10th 2020 Grand Sia seeing the prophesied hour manifested in multicultural flesh, always related to some abominations going on in places of assembly, like churches, schools to businesses and especially, abominable, detestable lives, lands and again, churches. Mightily proven to be evident bringing us to tears, to the silence in heaven, enough to sicken the mother vomiting 101 Yellowstone up, the Boy Scouts being accused of nearly a million cases of child, sexual abuse. I ask, any doubt Sia's here, grand Sia,'s 2017, red alert to dressed in red, ten year old boy; yeah but even the Memphis, Georgia's Kitchen, rose of Sharon, grand ma, morphed into, a native African boy, has to be related, right? Then, then, then guys you can hear someone in the background say that near a million total in sexual abuse cases is more than the pedophiler, Catholic Church. The pedophiler, Catholic church to fornicating religious facilities to homes, revisited by the demon smoke seen by three to a single bike, pouring into a church, leaving it's teen, boys, infected and infused with infant children. I, I, I, so want to say, seeing it all roll back like a burning, forewarning scroll, crystallize, cracked along huge shards and missiles down, killing millions of more; knowing, this is how it all ends for earth's inherit period, cataclysmically, what manner of man ought you to be? Britain, you guys, Sia Grand saying, the other morning, Nov 23, 2020, she woke having been bombarded by forewarning's about Britain. i mean we know it's predicted as America to go into itty, bitty pieces, the fork in the road, hurricane Beta, Katrina 2005, come the fork in the sand, 2005, Hurricane season revisited and heighten, by the 2020, hurricane season, gone viral! Yeah Dez, but remember, Jan 20, 2019, as she was having demos about a Star warring, Rev 12 Michael, in the real, causing red alert meetings, while volcanic ash was building upon escape bridges and escape vehicles, there was an unusual, erupting, UK Michael, volcano, again showing how vulnerable, they all are, any and every volcanic apocalypse alone.  Look Silverton, Meshullum, grand told me recently, we were talking about about sex education in the schools, and I how I hated it, they just not knowing what they're talking about. I brought it up, know that, I forget what else she said but, she responded like okay, so they can't teach Adam and Eve in schools but they can teach Adam upon Adam and Eve upon Eve. Here cursed to go on strongly deceived, Holy Elohim God, who forewarn He's to destroy those who destroy the Earth, by the way, this includes HIS from the earth, the Genesis man, marriage, and here the human being own deigned genocide. Unimaginable, this going on as Noah's day of marriage abomination, a striking back at them Holy Father, creator, judgement, sentence, that reduced a planet of abominable, detestable breeders down to one ark family. Right, right you guys, Sia's all, pushing the button no, on the news ticker of getting the nation vaccinated against COVID-19, with Jesus near two millennia now, designing these end days as the days of Noah; not only because of this beyond imagining marriage abomination they're legalizing into practicing ordinations to curriculum's but as those for many millennia forewarn into this very second but still Sia mom saw, taken as suddenly as one stumbles from a steering wheel, the definition Sia Juttah's of being taken suddenly by sudden destruction. Before we El Shaddi, Sia Prince Silverton, visiting Sia Prince Meshullum Kadesh, call this conference in, I was in Sia Maaseiah's prophecy links, Soon I ran across, when she heard synchronize Israel and she have revisited that command twice the last two years, only it originally says, synchronized Judah, completely separate. We're talking the Ancient of Days, divine elect, your name sake, Prince Meshullum Kadesh and The entire African Continent, Terra forming, New Africa, Juttah and if I'm not mistaking, that's like being the old testament and the promised woman seed to predicted Virgin birth, son, is also referenced as Israel, and you pause and shout a while. So here's what wiki pedia say when you research Judah, as the African Juttah, here it says, Juttah is a town in Palestine, we just mentioned how the Abraham Accord is mute without those two, agreeing, still saying Juttah & its territorial periphery is listed as one of the 13 Kohanic cities, given from the hill-country of Judah, and it begins to name them. I remind 12 tribes of Issac, some say 13, those 12 Princess of Ismail, some say possibly 13, to the 12 Apostles of Jesus, again some say  13, really. So to call a growing metropolis paradise Africa, the African Juttah, is like the ultimate prodigal son come home, and no wonder the celebrations both Apostle John and Apostle grand Sia have experienced the paradise of heaven, I know before that 30 minutes silence felled, are beyond anything this planet comprehensible; I'll say further, despite, despite how, Sia Juttah, Grand Sia Maaseiah, through these otherworldly, wedding extravaganza's, hope to relive just the minimum of their intoxication, right?" >>>"What's happening, why art thou cast down, Oh my soul? I guess, Mom and dad, Briton they're thinking about going back to Israel instead of US Georgia, that's no good Ivy man, Israel, as soon as the Abraham Accord fall Rev 1, 2, 42 months in, they're gonna be escaping into Isa 16:1-5, Rev 12, Jordan's Petra and the Arab nations, possibly the UAE will see after them, some say for near it's 84 months, great tribulation duration." {{{"Mar, you hear, that? I heard that, yes, right, if you and dad go back to Israel, you're only choosing between escaping into Jordan's' Petra verses US Georgia's Atlantic, until it too crossover into Southwest, Africa. Then, then, first you gotta get to Israel, I, I, mar, I know you and dad can afford it, but that's still choosing hundreds of miles verses thousands of  miles, wait, wait, mar, let me get, yeah, let me get where I can hear better!"}}} "You all do remember 2010, and 2011, both kinda come in like it was the end of the world and, and, Mitchell man it, they would've been, if it hadn't been for a two weeks and 7 years timetable. Soon enough a pending Obama White House, as so, a two weeks and 7 year time table, and counting, during a Trump Administration, then those two time tables, were during to followed the 190 months duration given the intrepid, weight of blood guilt, a judgment sentence. I been meaning to ask, Aleth, just how many Sia Grand time tables are we in? Ah god, ah well, first Sia Grand would say they're not her timetables, but like you said, Sura Danielle, I know, sorry, I mean Epiphany. the two weeks and 7 years given during US election year 2008, 2009, was apart of that Dec 24/25. 2001, 190 months  timetable. Know that's like until Oct 2017, plus one of those easily injected a 40  days duration, gave us until Nov, Thanksgiving 2017, where then that Rev 2, Jesus matrix ten day count was added, So, so, so, ah both the Oct 15, 2018, Dan 4, 7 year madness, and the April 2, 2019, two weeks and 7 year time table, into it'a April 2, 2026, were added during one of those ten day matrix counts, how many now? Let's see today, Nov 23, 2020 is a matrix ten day count, so we got , 13, 12, 11 months, times 3, counts per months, so like 108 and counting. I don't know about all Sia's here, but possibly this count regardless of other time tables come and gone, like the Dan 4, madness curse has until like Oct 19 2027. Prophetically, still, until Rev 11, the two witnesses, Rev 12, Israeli birth mother and Rev 13, Tribulation saints, goes off the planet, I mean if you think, I think any way, Grand Sia's assigned, second heaven intercession would have to be suspended until then, you Maha, would think right, well your Sia Mom, anyway? Ah yeah, I can't see how Rev 2, Jesus Matrix ten day count would expire before then, cause now you're talking Rev 11, sounding of the 7th angel trumpet, and Angel Gabriel, 16 years, May 15, 2020, having explained she'll both ascend and descend a the 7th angel sounding trumpet. Plus Rev 19, the marriage supper of the Lamb, finale into the Bride and Bridegroom being prepped the Holiness Of The Lord, Olivet return and I'm out! Maipo and I have a fantastic date set, a fantastic date, just Maha, you two? Well lil sis, don't do anything we shouldn't, since your sister is Queen Bride, Juttah, Sia Karsiann to Tribunal, Jaguar Brave heart, mentored, and flawless, you big brother El Shddai should be more concern about you own tug of righteousness, see you guys later, later, Maha, thanks! But did all that answer your question, Blaine girl? I think it did, it would seem, as long as we keep up those matrix ten days counts, we're not to miss, any expiring to approaching timetable, possibly why the most important evidence, we're all out of here, is when the 7th angel trumpet summons Holy Church skyward, brilliant analogy to it all, Blaine, darling, wife, good following." Why speak in parables? For they say the Lord seeth us not, the Lord is ascended from the earth, for it is written, though they have eyes, they see not, ears they have, but they see not, their hearts are waxed grossed, like their many stone gods, so are they, beware, Apb, see More here, error, and here,


Prophecy Links Fulfilling Nuclear January, 12 APOCALYPTIC FIRESTORM,2023 MASS Murderer Suicide On The Ris e,