Prophecy Links fulfilling, Thus saith Daniel 534 BC, Come Our May 15, 2004, so sixteen years now, again saying, the fulfillment of all things is upon Mankind, she go and come with a seventh angel, see more here, I Thess 4:16-18, I Cor 15:51-58, Rev 11, 7th Angel, Trumpet, Sounding, Apb
People Flee to Sudan Amid Violence in Ethiopia's Tigray Region, ( Come unto me all ye that labor and are heavy laden and I will give you rest, take my yoke upon you for my yoke is easy and my burdens lite and ye shall find rest unto your souls, ah my Jesus is Christ and the Sunlight God's back turn throne, commanding useless, apostate Kingdom, Nation building, "Let my People Go! May God forgive me to bless me, I think I envy them all, seeing nuclear, volcanic to cosmic apocalypse come, and there's nothing else but to RUNNNNNNNN! Fret Not, Psalm 37, Holy Father says, behold Jesus of Revelation 1-3, stands at the door and knock, open, sup with him, though your sins be scarlet they shall be white as snow though thy be crimson, they shall be a piercing, glistening, blinding white, for the glistening white is for the righteousness of the saints.
-I can't tell you how such a release of burdens I sensed here and how beyond astonishing they all are, you know, not as world give it, freedom from abominable, detestable, soul stealing, lives, lands and churches, churches, tithes, offerings and lately choirs, seen as highchair type traps, all, al, all having carnivore beast, stomping and chomping them into oblivion. Rolling Twilight skies to Black Fridays, and freezers to refrigerators making that thud, empty sound, since Matthew 24 Jesus forewarn, the Abomination that maketh desolate is here, even Rev 10, Mighty Angel, standing the world map, US map, verified near three years now, jan 22-29, ({2018}), desolation's predicted, come US soil, an earth ending triple threat at that, no further delays, blessed are hearers, doers and yes stampeders!
-Beware, according to Holy Father, and the Sunlight of God, HIS back turn Throne, THEY want you running, Ezekiel 5, Matthew 24 and Rev 18, or we're all suddenly extinct as those procrastinators Dinosaurs to Noah's day. Apostle THEY call me, I tell you, I sensed and felt they'd found such a freedom at last and were so blessed, I just thought these refugees where until, until I felt guilty. Apostle I am, admit, I admit, there's still this getting to where Psalms 91 Angels intercede to intervene their escape and Revelation 12, Michael and star warring angels battle overhead all around it's suggested trajectory, Hear, do, that's ether Jordan's Petra, that's come to us by prophet Isaiah 16, or US, Georgia's crossover into Africa's Southwest Atlantic, given US/Western soil since Rev 17:14, Jesus Husband delivered some either to US Georgia coast or into Rev 12, Second heaven's intercessions, with Southwest Africa coast pending.
- These things revealed to me, and I woke sighing we will build an ark! Apostle I am, just as ebbing and flowing in and out of world reign, a native African son, himself, Senator Hussein Obama campaigned. I tell you, just as it's awarded two weeks and 7 years timetable expired June 26/July 6, 2015, with a BETE awarded for Sept 23/24 come now, Clearly his, this ebbing and flowing in an out of Ancient beast rule, Gog and Magog, marvel not these Godzilla like world enders to people eaters, are aligned to the can't be righteous, don't have the heart nor the spirit for it, give me super spreading, Covid 19, rallies for sickening and slaying millions, non-white and unworthy, the Trump administration..
-Cleverly, as so, I'm witnessing such the lifting of tons of weights from achieving a reoccurring for many millennia post apocalypse, doomed is the world, while made to think you're achieving this world prized, the American dream.Then I must tell you, especially seeing the mother's bathing their children in these beds of water, may as well been John the baptist, baptizing them all, over to the blessed Lamb of God, Jesus the Christ, ah,yeah it all just gave me such this anointing satisfaction. Such a lifting of weights, but, the spring day, Bridegroom did arrive, with healing in his wings, for speedily snatching Holy Bride out. Related, just now, as I sat this prayer bed come a saying at my ear, 'he shall cover you with his feather and under his (healing), wings shall though trust.
-Remarkably another psalmist ask, who has done great things, O God, who is like unto thee, thou, which hast shewed us great and sore troubles, shalt quicken me again, and shalt bring me up again from the depths of the earth." I must say, not since wanting to go into the ministry full time, that I literally marched around the house in hallelujahs, I have and will do that, even if in my mind. This was once the house, the for over thirty years, Jesus husband in my demos, ascent, the house he left me release me to blessed outreach by actually going into foreclosure, brought a mighty celebration of hallelujahs! Though, prophet Isaiah, describing, the Genesis prescribed woman seed, Jesus's pending ,bloody Cross, saying upon it's world salvation, was also the chastisement of our peace right until woman seed Jesus said, peace I give you unto you, not like the world give, I give peace unto you, let not your hearts be frighten, nor let it be afraid.'
Smarter than dinosaurs and Noahian to especially Americans to Trumpians, I'm reminded of those, the world this planet no more, standing this lost, a ginormous maze of sin, these multi-millions awaiting patiently, this single water cooler. Nothing but this humanity in fiery extinction, when a woman at one point, bearing more bowls of fiery judgments, instead reaches into her upper right hand pocket,clearly in all our view brought out these amazing floral, flood, watered down, blood pink, business cards, for better homeless earth shelters, offering just as Jesus did, these mansions in heaven, blessed are takers, hearers, doers, stampeders and overcomers, as crown of life offsetting damning beast marks, also await!
-I know, I know, I know, like many times before, THEY come right into my Memphis kitchen, while I was messing around in there, like don't even fool yourself Apostle, once you're ascend, the Holy Church bride, from up there, will look down, and pray for the tribulation saints, given over to the anti-Christ, actually just as Revelation 13, Rev 13:5, say. Here I was now standing a Georgia's kitchen, looking out into this multi-color wilderness, thinking how THEY know what we're suffering, this ebbing and flowing of THEIR'S, first a BETE now a BET! Soon reminded, tempted in all points, yet without sin, Jesus knew indeed, tt ws here, I thought, actually neither of us are where we want to be, home, The phenom, Paradise Heaven, of Holy Father, Elohim.
Bridegroom Jesus descended into Revelation 12 second heavens intercession to meet the Holy Bride brought up there, so He's waiting to plant his feet again Mt Olivet, and for a thousand years His Millennium reign. Holy Bride, flesh weak, spirit willing, she want up there, her glorified body, crowns of life to mansions in heaven, the Lamb's Marriage supper, just all, all, all phenomenally pending. I must tell you realizing all that, that neither Holy Bridegroom to Holy Bride are where THEY want to be, for a little space I admit, gave me such a stunning satisfaction until I pray instead, Our Father in the paradise of Elohim God, give us this day our daily bread and give us, the sounding of Revelation 11, 7, Angel Trumpet; for when the 7th angel, trumpet, shall begin to sound, the apostate kingdoms of men, come the Kingdoms of God and his Christ, and they shall reign forever, hallelujah, I say, happy day, happy deity, beware, repent, RUN or perish, Apb
And these are the descendants of the beauty rescued from the hands of the beast: Beast Of Beauty, Featuring King Bridegroom Adlai Christianson George and Queen Bride Shaspiro Kennyson Bates,
The Unending Love Antidote ...The African Juttah Genealogy, 1986-2016/2026/3036
The Tombola Genealogy, Holy, Temple, April, 17, 1986/2026/3036 into Infinity, God's Kingdom Reign
Unto Tietel Feize Kwanskan and Eiffany Anneson Mowanna wa sborn a son Mephis Dreick Kwanskan, a son Lenion Tyr Kwanskan and a god son Xenfin Zein Kwansan Mowanna
Mark Scene, Genesis Marriage Worshipers, XVII and VII, It's CVIII Matrix Counts
"Tyleigh already said, since just the suggestion of a Biden, Harris US white house has arrived, is already positively affecting Daniel 9 to Rev 17, prophesied events concerning Kingdom, Nation building, so this administration simply pending and not sitting, Bitter is, no longer does desolations pending US soil like nuclear Hawaii, to Alaska to those 101 predicted Yellowstone eruptions has to stall. Fright night, as to a push button NO selected on the news ticker, referencing distributing Covid 19, vaccines to a deep freezer, frozen bag of poultry come a rocket launcher; lately as Nov 10, 2020 we have yet another escape from Memphis TN, this time by arriving brand new, red, monster trucks, a monstrous undertaking, because of a monstrous event, right? Yeah, ah Ivy man, but just think, taking the Holy Bride out, that's Holy Ancient of days as Noah's day, letting go of the whole entire planet and there's nothing then extinctional that can't to won't happen, then you bet all of you Sias's here, you'll glad, they're glad as never before bible prophecy is in control of it all. Take, like for instance, the Trump White house come the Biden White House to biblically fulfill the Abraham Accord; as so time being shorten because also during a fixed duration of exactly, 84 months. The final 7 years this planet until Jesus reign, take heed also, with what could be a year, 6 months and 27 days in, since (April 2, 2019}), and these things going as they will, so paramount, Jesus said, as Noahs's day, no flesh could survive it, all first born's repent or perish! So darling girl, see you in three hours, the most trying time of any long lived, day, ah, yes, that's about right and are we doing a picnic? I explained Ty how that's impossible today, we'll barely have time to eat as is, right, right, see you in three then, yes, love and don't be late, I won't, I can't be, I miss you already, me, tooo. Well if you think about it, Adlai, even Farrah man, the Roman Empire, they crucified Jesus the Christ and through it's British Empire, gave us the American dream in return, didn't Satan then, during Jesus 40 days nights trial like offer him a pending world system like American Dream to Western civilization. Reassuring tried but true Jesus, all He had to do was to forfeit the reason why the Ancient of Days use the Genesis woman seed, soon a teen age Mary to put on flesh and to endure a cross for the man who once was lost. This would be the Lamb of God Jesus forfeiting what would come billions earth's inherit in lives and souls to achieve a post apocalypse, doomed planet Earth, only since the Genesis fall disguised as the world's leader, the American dream. Yeah, yeah, no wonder Spiro girl as Jesus began to explain to inquiring disciples the day apocalypse come this planet first, let no man deceive you, things on the earth do not appear as they really are. Lest we forget, everything this planet was spoken into existence by Holy Creator Elohim and Holy He can easily wipe it all out with just one word of command. I must say Eiffany, grand saying she took so much pleasure in those stampeding Ethiopians, I did't get that, but how is her saying that Farrah man different from Holy Father saying he take pleasure in the death and dying of His Saints. Miraculously, as in the ultimate peace, this shaking off all troubles this planet and forever, and they'd Farrah man be no more tears, pain, suffering and sorrows, they'd be no more death and dying, for the former things are passed away. I say, just think what Grand Sia saw only, I repeat only, once the skies, by those 101 Yellowstone's alone, crystallized and missiled down in huge shards, those two crystallized Godzilla beast. Revealed here, keeping earth inherit with damning veils of illusions, darken mirrors, those now stampeded elephants of staying unaware to those Memphis brides of going on as Noah's day normal and suddenly taken, given running shoes, that they run away. Ah my God, then, to use that emacalent Beirut bride to emphasize to mock they're given running shoes for red, tattered wedding heels, one moment she's poising for these unforgettable memoirs and the next she's running for her everlasting country, life and soul. A priest, while preparing services, also having to, duck, dodge and weave, a ceiling caving in, still that fast, get away bride, so, so perfect an analogy. I just hope you all know also just before that Beirut eruption and those unforeseen ever it's history, ever, Godzilla California, infernos. There's like, Grand Sia, having that demo, waking a mirror reveal, her long hair shaved off into 4 perfect ponytails judgments, one suddenly disappeared, that too causing a catastrophe upon the planet. A red alert come, and he's running around, alerting her Memphis grands, only they're too distracted to notice, their own designed, destructive, labor camp. Labor camps, though abominable Americans have made going bald a fashion statement, still demeaning to deadly labor camps, were one embarrassing, humiliating things, to rip your glory and humanity, is that they strip you naked, shave your head and parade you as to mock you, before they martyred you. There's also ah, plus, have you Farrah man, thought about what is meant her hearing from Ezekiel 9 to Rev 18, Holy God, smiling faces don't last, wipe Canada from the map? Whereas Britain and American around the same time, July/Aug ({2005}), are commanded to go into itty, bitty pieces, I understand completely Tietel man, the smiling faces of religious, political pulpits to campaign promises so worthless, like right now, every time I hear one of them White House to Out House. Y'all know it, when they assure Americans they're free to throw caution to the four winds of Covid 19 restrictions, correct me if I'm wrong but isn't that saying just as they're free to kill and damn themselves, they're by a deadly pandemic free to sicken, kill and damn all of us this planet, this ridiculous, deadly, tug of mask wearing." Why speak in parables? For they say the Lord seeth us not, the Lord is ascended from the earth, for it is written, though they have eyes, they see not, ears they have, but they see not, their hearts are waxed grossed, like their many stone gods, so are they, beware, Apb,, see more, Run, Run, Run, Pastor Breaker, You Tube, Run! Here,
Stampede Them, I Will Send My Sword After Them, Run, We Will Come After Thee! Blessed Are Hearers, Doers, Stampeders and Rev 2, Overcomers, GOH/JCON/Apb
-Bless the Lord ah my soul and may his praise always be in my mouth, let everything that has breath praise the holy, Lord Father, During the April 2, 1986, demonstrated, great gathering of saints, holy bridegroom arriving with healing in his wings. I could tell how overwhelmed with joy and gladness I was being taken from imploding home Earth to celebrating home heaven and in the care of the Holy Father himself. Knowing me, you know I did, I argue with scripture.
-You gotta know, see, see, Holy Scripture say the Lord himself shall send from heaven with a shout with the voice of the archangel and the Trump of God and the dead/sleeping in Christ shall rise first then those who are alive and remain shall be caught up together with the lord and there should they forever be with the Lord.
-Only, only, only, I recognized Holy Bridegroom, come for to carry me home, well to Rev 12, second heavens intercessions of tribulation Saints as the Lord Father, Elohim, Himself.
-I figured since as Jesus leaving His Disciples, I was not happy, I was totally cast down in my spirit I was not happy. So much so, a cumbersome thing, until Holy He began to show me this wowing as Brooklyn Tabernacle Choir, but w tribulation Church l, and I mean beyond phenomenal in divine worship, so much so I said be careful father least they take your hear.t
-Jesus, knowing religious leaders prowled him for crucifixion, knowing His time to sacrifice himself as our virgin savior, blood Redeemer. Soon the weight of these unimaginable trials, he say softly, Father glorify thy son and Holy Father speak with a voice as thunderous, rolling across crystal skies to ears, I have glorified him and will glorify him.
- I know I know, save the number of made aware, brings me into a more recent demonstration, suffering an attack in my sleep, I woke up in , Surrealistically, just as Heaven's Host all around, were seeing me to exit stage Home Earth by Holy when the last thing I heard them say, and I quote, "we can't wait to be down there where you are," I know, blew my mind, heart, even my humanity.
- Soon waking thinking wait, we suffer to be heavenward they suffer, Mount Olivet return and how I swore, only with fear and trembling, I'm ever gonna tell anybody. I presume, like Apostle Paul left too flabbergasted to speak of his alike visit, The astronomical Paradise of God. Months prior, while I sat w new widow my bedroom, seeming right up into clouds, my then Raleigh home, Jan 22-23, 2013, was this hearing of a star wars battle, I thought so little of since, shown to be not my imagination running rampant with my griefs here revisiting, hearing a star wars in heavens, Jan 20, 2019, I'm actually blessed with seeing, Rev 12 Angels battling a star wars in the heavens, hearing and quoting, "Michael," (as in I Thess 4:16-18, mentioning, 'and the voice of the Archanegl,' "is setting his all around!"
-Apparently, say as the days of Nimrod's Babel into this planet's first humankind, worldwide migration. Undoubtedly, THEY'RE here seeing over the reassignment to relocation of earth's inherit, the multicultural genesis man marriage, blessed Brexit come for some either a Briexit to Blaexit. Clearly twice nice Rev 12 Angels star warring, anything preventing you from Jordan's Petra, US Georgia's Coast into Africa's, Southwest Atlantic are meet up with Archangel Michael and His star warring Angels.
-I know, too miraculous alas you say, unspeakable divine intervention, just revisited. Seen to seeing, world nations going nuclear, July 6 2015 here it's July 6th 2020, Rev 12, and there was war in heaven, revisited twice now, Oct 15, 2020, a birth womb crowing a head, as well, the cataclysmic end of Kingdom, Nation building into predicted, rolling black Fridays. Perhaps I am to do just that, go Tell It on Mount Olivet/Sunlight Mount Luther. Apostle they called me, the Holy Bride, THEY, entreat and honor me. Truly it THEY view me as Holy Trinity to the Twenty-Four Elders until THEY can't wait to be where I am. The American Dream seen fire-rocketing verses crystal skies seen missiling down. Easily what does THEIR, admiration say about the tens of millions this nation and this world.
-Prescribed by now, those hearers, doers, stampers and overcomers, admonished through HER by THEM, prophesied it is, since. is that Rev 6, 5th seal to Rev 14, God is avenging Martyred blood, what manner of earth inherit should you be? Beware, repent and get ye either to Jordan's Petra, US Georgia's crossover into Africa's Southwest Atlanta. Know also the Abomination that make everything treasured on this planet including our lives and our souls desolate they, with adjoining seismic to cosmic apocalypse will leave millions slain the American Continent alone and two quarters of Earth's inherit will be dead by the time of Jesus Olivet return beware, repent RUN or perish! Apb