Prophecy Links Fulfilling, Spring Rapture, 1986/2016/2026
-After the relative grand who witnessed nuclear Hawaii leave hundreds to thousands of miles of scorched autos and motorist into US Georgia's Coast, crossover; and twice now, verified during 2010 and 2016, Jesus Millennium descending, 5% to 15% in US/West Rule death tolls. A relative, Memphis Grand sees Feb 1, 2021, another tragedy targeting first born sons, an approaching precedent to this outbreak of mortuary.
-Soon I'm placed in the role of babysitting, he trying to name some, soon saying, I'm the keeper all children; marvel not, 2001, I saw them all playing under a ginormous, pearl, twirling into God's Throne, staircase in heaven; marvel not, Feb 12/13, 2021, I saw them as ghost children, this portal, having by some, knotted ropes being cast in after them. -Undoubtedly, these ancient of years improbable retrievals, when Jesus simply said, suffer the little children and bring them to me," but no, because Jesus also said, plainly, you repentaneth not, for your deeds, your lives, lands and Churches are evil, beware, GOH JCOR, Apb/The RAM
Run, Run, Run Saith Both Matthew 24 Jesus and Holy Father Ancient Of Days, He Judge By Volcanic Apocalypse In One Prophesied Hour, Described, Even US soil, Eze 31/32, Pharaoh Like Leaders and Overseers; Run, Run, Run!
-Though Trump and Trumpians, those last chance, Michael's list would say there's no cause for alarm, we knew millions of others in non White lives had to be sacrificed to reach their basis for depopulationism only disguised as herd immunity.
-The longer I listen to ABC David Muir reporting the more I'm reminded, yes he and his entire election night broadcast literally come into my home. My kitchen of revelation even, marvel not two American dreaming, Asian preteens were with them. Soon they all giving me grief to lemons for my impute, come a mixture of truth serum lemonade, soon two to three fourth consumed.
-Still, getting to Dr Osterholm and the CDC concerns, new variant, even a double headed one affect children and reopening of schools most of all. I'm reminded of the running, speeding backward man, his obvious note, red alert blowing in the wind. Additionally forewarning Nov 10, 2020, approaching monstrous undertakings by national guards to FEMA, the forfeiting of loved ones.
-Those days as days like violent, vulgar gaming, GTA and flirting with Keanu Reeves movies from, ' When The Earth Stood Still, revisited, Aug 5, 2019 to John Wick, type killing sprees, forewarn prayer closets,1987/Jan 2021. Marvel not seeing Feb 15, 2021, a red as a red bird, red horse of domestic to international discord to terrorism, your world nations on WW3 setting to biblical Armageddon, right now!
-Fright night to hearing a relative Memphian, March 28, 2021, "I got 15 in my pocket," (US's 15% in death tolls, so 49.5 million to go). These new coronavirus scenes, even hearing, March 26, 2021 " in San Bernardino, they're incubating people again," seeing some in white Hazmat suits, before Miami toxic flooding, beware, as predicted, an outbreak of mass disasters, reoccurring until the end, with some bout evacuating 3 to 3 million, Californians
-Fright night to Anubis'demons launching a warpath and Archangel Michael star warring, setting His all around. There's breaking news, Brazilians once like America, now being wiped out three thousands a day, so reoccurring, one every 20 seconds. All the while US's pandemic is looking similar to it's deadliest 2020 days, fright night, this time as Jan 12/13 2018, Rev 2, wrathful Jesus, threaten, repent abominable marriages,, the Genesis man corvert genocide or your offspring, instead dead, marvel not the command that all parents be killed, that all schools, a perfect launching pad, be finished, now deadlier variations threatens all children with death, beware, GOH JCOR,Apb The RAM
Prophecy Links Fulfilling, Explosive, 2021 ,
Seeing to be hearing as I did election year, 2008/2009, July 27, two weeks and 7 years, again here, April 2, 2019, revisiting, into fulfilment it's 2025/2016, July 27 finale, Daniel 12, man in linen dispensation of Grace, leaving the planet wide open for satanic demonic invasion, and what withheld? Until it's April 2 2026, be fulfilled? As always Holy Bride to Holy Spirits, Genesis through Revelation? Only, Jan 12/13, 2018, Rev 2, Jesus', asked would THEY, earth's, earthers for millennia, intravening Angels.
-Here come the BETE/BETA, he ascending Church Bride would THEY also ascend? The heathen raging, God thrusting in reaping sickle to the horse's bridle, the bottomless pit opened to unimaginable mansayers, Jesus said HE's not returning until His accusers to crucifers ask Him to; why doeth thou marvel near four billion dead to damned by then, a post apocalyptic Western Civilization//Planet Earth/Universe, beware, GOH, JCOR, Apb, The RAM
Volcanic activity worldwide 30 Mar 2021: Pacaya volcano, Fuego, Dukono, Reventador, Sangay, Sinabung...
-Youtube News, -FormerDiplomate To China Explain The Weaponisation of Coronavirus,, (You all keep accussing Russia, China and Islam, for greater atrocities. To genocidal acts America to western civilization history, it's mighty weight of bood guilt, Holy God is avenging right now. An Ezekiel 4:to Daniel 5 measure of 50 million in American dead sealed in Holy, Rghteous Judgment, its told you're an ebbing and flowing Armageddon that no earthly warmongering can or could ever win.
-Marvel not it all threatening for many millennia, shown Trumps madness escaping date, mid Oct 2027, here Mid Oct 2020, a westernized fork in the road 2005, presently from Egypt's Pharaoh, to King Nebuchadnezzar Chaldeans to Rome's Titus, manslayer, presently, Jesus millennium descending, it's they're all left as a fork in the sand of defeat, tossed into eternal lakes of fire, see more here, Eze 4/Rev 20.
Rev 11:15-17
And the seventh angel sounded; and there were great voices in heaven, saying, The kingdoms of this world are become the kingdoms of our Lord, and of his Christ; and he shall reign for ever and ever.
And the four and twenty elders, which sat before God on their seats, fell upon their faces, and worshiped God, saying, We give thee thanks, O Lord God Almighty, which art, and wast, and art to come;
Because thou hast taken to thee thy great power AND HATH REIGNED, Ask Me And I will Give Thee The Heathen For Thine Inheritance! GOH
-Still, former diplomat to China explain the weaponization of Coronvius, but so did Genesis thru Revelation Holy Lords, Dec 24/25,2001, with me reminding, a 1918, type pandemic was coming, unknowingly, its very anniversary of leaving 50 million dead world wide, its spring, 2018. Marvel not, a stone Egyptian Anubis, Jan 3, 2021, launching an arrow, a warpath, more eternal death.
-Here it's, Feb 12/13, ({2019}), Egyptian Anubis' posing as policing German Shepherds, surrounded the hybrid Alexander the Great, Hitler's Germany Antichrist. Surely, not only Rev 6, second, seal, the Red as a Red bird, Red horse I saw, Feb 15, 2021, gifted to take peace that yeah, you all nationally and internationally yeah war, whore, steal, kill and destroy and wake in hell with torturous devils and demons all around.
-Even riddle, Apostle, THEY urged to call me this, how surrealistically narcotic is it, that black lives matters, attack Asian Americans like Asians lives don't matter, what a damaging, deceptive scar of hypocrisy on the BLM movement, right? Coming back to subject at hand, just think, when they're bout finish and Jesus come into its Armageddon as a nuclear event Himself.
Prophetically they'd be enough of you dead to bury for seven months and enough of your armory, some now pound into plowing shears, to burn for seven years. Jesus Millennium reign come, a demo Obama's Aug 2010, a demo, Obama's July 2016, presently Trump's, April 2, 2019 for two weeks and seven, Aprl 2, 2026, America's post apocalypse.
Holy, returning Bride sees the earth is littered with the dead, 5% Into 15% of was once America to Western Civilizations. Descendings King Zion with healing truth, healing wings, leaves from the tree of life. As God Throne, a peace on planet Earth, beyond millions of years of human imagining to scientific/ technological efforts; blessed are hearers, doers, stampeders and Mat 24/Rev 2/12, Jesus' over-comers, why do the heathen rage and imagine a vain thing? Prince of Peace, is here, and for a thousand years, beware, GOH JCOR Apb, The RAM, see here,
And when he had opened the second seal, I heard the second beast say, Come and see.
4, And there went out another horse that was red: and power was given to him that sat thereon to take peace from the earth, and that they should kill one another: and there was given unto him a great sword, Rev, 6, ....the Biblical to prophetic forewarning of the color red as a red bird, Horse of Judgment I saw Feb 15, 2021, marvel not both world powers to small tribes are an escalating front to it's Armageddon, deadliest of all.
Run, Run, Run Saith Both Matthew 24 Jesus band Holy Father Ancient Of Days, He Judge In One Prophesied Hour, Described, Even US soil, Eze 31/32, Pharaoh Like Leaders and Overseers; Run, Run, Run!
-Apostle THEY call me, Holy Bride THEY entreat me, must come to terms, coronavirus isn't the backward C pandemic I saw, that eventually mutated, Dec 24/25/2001 into the Pale horse of a world stretching pandemic and an enlarging molten mother into everything they treasure molten Hades on mother earth and it's eternal beneath, marvel not, Jn 22-29, 2018, REV 10, Mighty Angel stroll back and forth, back and forth, the planet, the sea, US map, saying no further, delays US soil, predicted volcanic apocalypse. come, beginning US/Canada W Pacific.
-What I remember, Holy Lords, happy holidays 2001 brought me into a demo, it was one of our own local labs, clearly I was to know, like the CDC, WHO, Trump's White House, this was those we trusted. As this weaponization of coronavirus, Dr Fauci and others verified they had 17 years of research. Plainly, all one its expert had to do of its lethal variations was feed it into many years its technical to genomic makeup and apparently not only design a warp speeding vaccine, roll out, but a mutating bio weapon, an a coronavirus 2020, white supremacist to depopulationist dream come true, but even after 12 years they aren't happy, "twelve years" so like 2013, I heard such men slayers disappointedly, "and still no pandemic," as you can hear, these manslayers, weren't happy.
-Just so, in this demo, these localized rebellious given into evil had taken something old, like the 1918 Spanish flu that killed 50 million world wide and they'd married it with its deadliest 21st century, variant yet, prophesied to kill a quarter of earth's inherit, see here Rev 6, 4th seal. So when I looked to see under the microscope his killer instinct, it had the shape of a backward letter C, as does the flu virus but it had a mass its middle, only back then, my google search showed no comparison, so I drew what I saw, put it on line. Additionally, said sketch is a very popular animal print, in fashion, house ware of every category, accessories, etc. I've seen this now famous print as lately as a dress, a guess on the mask dancer and a media person the other day wore it as a stunning, silk, neck scarf. Dauntingly, right behind as I sit, write a year's back gift of a shower curtain, it's matching soap dispenser, gone unnoticed for a year or more, said illustration of what I saw that day, no decorates my bath/prayer closet.
-Fright night to hearing a week or so past, hearing "in San Bernadino, they're incubating people again," there's this physical version of this domesticated bio weapon, happy, holidays 2001; as with those sufferers. Equally what appear the emerging western days revisited again Dec 21, 2020, to demonstrate such horrid death and dying, they all shaped their hands into a backward letter C pandemic. Only recently, by my prophetic parables, its book character, its thirty plus years of teen, Genesis, marriage worshipers. Introducing, Sia Vallejo and Kemkia, (Sugar Pie), I was made to see further, if you display the famous hand, heart gesture, take out the left hand but leave the right hand, that's equally what I saw portrayed of the domestic, backward C pandemic, terrifying, genocide, of women, men and children.
-Where this mass murderer, it's mass murderering originated and who weaponized it into a hybrid of a killer instinct going warp speed as surely as vaccine roll out, mutating into a more advanced warpath on all first born parents, grandparents and soon as unrepentant, murderering saboteurs, Rev 2, Jesus forewarn he'll also, target their children, their just as perverse themselves, offspring, this standing the world still, extinction level event, differs as friendly science part from friendly genocider. Take note further, I was at home, sleeping peacefully in prayer bed when Holy Lords decided THEY'D show me the weaponization; just as I was when they showed me this was Obama's, Clinton 2013, by its Nov ¾ election, into it Jan 20 inauguration we'd have a paper boy's handled bar, attached by a funeral reef soaring into heavens, mounting with US soil death tolls, predicted since Bush/Clinton/Bush, mismanaged by Trump.
-Then its election Nov ¾, 2020, night we further heard," every 20 seconds," which come the speed by which incubated Americans were dying, hearing March 3, 2021, they're being incubated in San Bernardino," so like your CDC coordinator is literally crying, this domestic bio weapon, terrorism is far from over and even more fight night, March 23, 2021 what's the secret of Memphis, will Angels also ascend? This Memphis procrastinator, so clear in my ear, hinted losing 15% of US inherit was easy, only she thought it meant the sum of 15 dollars, the 5 dollar come, 15 in exchange, in sealed death tolls, during the equally Feb 12/13,2019, back turn, Rite Aid Pharmacy counter. Those who're Psalm 31/Mat 24/Rev 2/12/17/18, Christ Jesus' are running to rising and Eze 9 commanded reapers, stampeders are easily ascending some, only one strike, those sword like syringes, into their procrastinating hearts, got him, got Jesus and gone over or up yet?
Mauna Loa volcano (Big Island, Hawaii): ongoing seismic swarm,
And these are the descendants of the beauty rescued from the hands of the beast: Beast Of Beauty, Featuring King Bridegroom Raudan Markx Hinge and Queen Bride Gaina Dion Nicely
The Unending Love Antidote ...The African Juttah Genealogy, 1986-2016/2026/3036
The Tombola Genealogy, Holy, Temple, April, 17, 1986/2026/3036 into Infinity, God's Kingdom Reign
Unto Keegan Tabetha Songbird and Dalley Zarah Eleon was born triplet sons, Hunter Travis Songbird, Conway Tabeth Songbird and Mehra Tavion Songbird, Eleon
Mark Scene, Genesis Marriage Worshipers, XVII and VII, It's CXX Matrix Counts
"I'm just saying reading Facebook pending, got so many people attention, they knew that was long ago. Yeah, grand said they should've capped off these giant men and women multi gazillions in earnings long ago, used it's overage for social services, employment benefits and world charity, like Col Qaddafi's efforting only now Revelation Holies all star warring to realize, the Bride skyrocketing its blessed second heaven. intercession, US of Africa. Right until not a single person on this planet would be classified, below, a westernized, categorized middle class to upper class, disappear world hunger, like they did a devastating earth's inherit, polio. So Trump's White House, enablers, the humanitarian crisis now at the border they so want to call it, its as equally on them all, as it is their blaming the Biden Harris administration. You Sia all, you have to look at that date, now equally Mighty Angel's, NBA, California dreamers, Kobe Bryant's, with Rev 1-13/Rev 20, opened and now Biden and Harris, Dan 2-12 to Rev 1-17/19 fulfilling, Jan 22-29, 2018/2020-2021, Really, really, not only Mighty Angel pacing back and forth, pacing back and forth worriedly between the planet, the sea and the US map. There's for hundreds to thousands of miles into Memphis Tenn, left in scorched autos and motorist, and onward volcanic apocalypse for the rest, near a billion its American Continent, inherit. But the warning Sia all, go forth that the Mid West, the Eastern seaboard into US/Canada, even the UK mid Atlantic, Caribbean, all be just as aware, yeah Dalley love, no more wondering why are they all being stampeded as far as Southeast to Southwest US Georgia's to Africa's Atlantic coastal land lords, like Pangea continent days revisited, which would be reverse terra-forming, right? Surely Keegan man, they marvel no longer Grand Sia, the little Miya translated thousand of miles away, the side of the road, no driver, that for two quarters toll booth, only miles forward, they cross over into Jesus Millennium come, all, all, all, equally linked to the back turn, in sealed 5% to 15% US death tolls, the Rite Aid Pharmacy counter. Wait, how are they linked, Keegan man? I could tell you Breach man, but I'm late for reveals, actually glancing the time, so are we all, equally tardy, really Keegan, man, really? My, my Jesus is Holy Father, it's a part of the crossover toll, yeah Keegan man, the two quarters, no, grand Sia Memphis sister, Mahaseiah saying, days past, like March 26, 2021, I got 15 in my pocket." No doubt she thinking a measly 15 dollars, when it's 15%, of its inherit, that's alone US soil death tolls. Where'you, it just come, pop up reveal as y'all say, I guess, wow, how amazing grace, wow, and they say the Lord seeth us not, the Lord is ascended from the earth!" > >"I found a quarter, I found a quarter, I found a quarter, just now, I just now, found a quarter, I found a quarter just now, what does it mean, what does, it mean, youuuu, don't wanna know, what does it mean, what does it mean, youuuu don't wanna know! I found two quarters, I paid the Miya toll and crossed into Jesus' millennium reign, I found two quarters, I paid the Miya toll and crossed into Jesus' Millennium reign." >>>"The color of a red bird, a red horse she saw, Jan 15, 2021, said how odd to see a horse that color red, we know revisit Rev 6, second seal. Unholy spirits, come to take peace from man that they kill, even her seeing Jsn2030, references to game playing, GTA, Like from North Korea launching missiles, to both spring breakers to border crossing crisis, stirring in all the latest mass shootings. Don't we know, don't we know, all American as reopening America, as grand Sia forewarn months back, Americans only want to get back to whoring, stealing, killing and destroying, marvel not it's their sinful nature to freedom to license. Look, look, look, all this Anubis' stuff and loved ones of procrastinators being targeted, sacrificed by procrastinating parents and grands. That's also Breach man the scenario of that Nov 2020, building caravan of escape, red monster trucks showed up, run or forfeit loved ones. One featured we know lost a first born son, one, an Abraham daughter, just dodged 11 bullets flying through her home. Okay, okay, one Anubis, launching an arrow just as Jan 2021 come in, is that as a grim reaper, even Eze 9? Kinda, but Anubis' undertaker is more professional, taking it slow, he is mummification, with the Egyptian Sobek his assistant. Yeah, thanks for that Aleck man, welcome lil bro, any time, but they're all the reminder we're in spiritual warfare. Y'all know, like those two territorial beast and an Anubis', she saw 2017, posed American homes as other loving house pets, then posing all around as policing German Shepherds, just think about that, that's beyond anything mass assembly to the Roman Pope. Yeah, but isn't Sobek one of those crystallized beast she saw keeping us in delusions with peace getting porches to crystal skies and only as crystallized skies themselves missiled down, killing millions? Our God y'all is God, HE is God, alone, Mighty in battle, all, all, look bro's, I'm out, Astrid and I got dinner plans. Don't worry, from the kitchen, to the living room, to the bedroom, I'm not after a half of million Americans dead, millions the world, mocking it all by going on as normal, it alone since before hurricane Katrina being targeted. God shut all its WHOREDIMS down world wide, abominable, detestable, He called it all, said Run, get out, you know where, I judge them, double, one hour time. Trump, the humanitarian crisis, now error Islam Biden said no, we'll build it all back better, only now with Noah day evils, as same gender abomination its root. No wonder grand Sia remembered, just now, seeing blasted, black cars and motorist for hundreds and thousands of miles. Wait what, what? Yeah Adam man, and that Jan 22,2021, flaming, blazing, frying pan liftoff of President Biden and Vice President Harris just now, probably triggered that unforeseen reveal. No wonder more of those Jan 22-29, 2018, Rev 17, 7th Angel bowls during that decade prior, ginormous maze of sin, during that million man awaiting a single water cooler, were themselves blacken. Marvel not brothers, a pre-coronavirus, back turn Rite Aid Pharmacy counter was used to verify, American, Western Civilization death tolls 5% into 15% are set,, United States of America with 49.5 million to go. I have to admit, March 13, 2018, invitations from a barbecuing for as far as US Georgia's Atlantic Coast, now makes since, but so does crossing over the old Arkansas bridge, down on all fours penance; nothing prior is left, scorched, black earth, again tens of millions suddenly no more.". >>> " That look good, a new twist on pasta, it is good, here, try some, you all hear about the Big Hawaii Island, Mauna Loa volcano is swarming. Yeah Marston man, but its been pretty active, well since grand Sia heard Sept 2020, Hawaii is burning. So I asked grand, grand about it and she's like there's been no urgency to snatch out the Bride, since July 6, 2020 revisited Rev 12, snatching out the new born to getting its predicted 2015 Sept 22 23, BETE here, 2020, the BETA. Y'all know like the morning of the Hawaii missile alert, and THEY ALL showed up at Memphis son home, like predicted of Jesus earth shattering, second return to My Olivet. Yeah Aleth, but this being for grand, grand the original April 2 1986, spring, rapture and two years since grand Sia heard April 2, 2019, two weeks and 7 years, holy ascension those two revisits alone is automatically a D-Day, nano second away. Yes and for Angel Gabriel come telling us the bride both ascend and descend with the 7th Angel 2004, just now, May 15, 2020 remind eruptions and FEMA is coming. Then, then not counting grand Sia predicting, sudden destruction coming more imminent March and April months, 2021. Like especially with those earth ending disappearances, one we know the Bride's estimated time of arrival, and for many millennia intravening Angels, simultaneous liftoff in question to limbo. But is it really Lameth man in limbo, whether her guardian to star warring Angels ascend as surely as the Bride, even that the two witnesses Enoch and Elijah, come; aren't THEY both per Daniel 12 timetable of Grace, that reached a finale a predicted two weeks and 7 years after Hussein Obama's Administrations, plural? Wait, you guys ever factor in, end days fulfilling US soil has been shown to be just as much about President Obama as the ascending Bride to crossingover American refugees, wasn't the debate about Him whether or not he's born in America and raised I remind in predicted to go nuclear first of all, Hawaii into Memphis TN, what's the secret of its, now the Obama's, its Dunlap street? Wait, wait sis Macbeth, are we sure about that, the secret of Hawaii to Memphis Dunlap Street, us Obama and is that good or bad? I think Aleth doll wife, the inquiry, is this made aware bitter or sweet or just more evidence, he is still, "The One?" A pending, ebbing and flowing, man of prediction, possibly as Moses to Dr King a deliverer, commsnded Hemingway Exodus come. You think before massive storm's, devastated it all, he's the, at one time sitting, talking with grand Sia, a white over tent, so indecisive, a building family gathering, May 10, 2020, mother's day; then for three consecutive times, the prophesied hour manifested in multicultural flesh as Biden Harris, White House? Okay first stop with Memphis Carter's long running questioning, though Gamaiel man, it was mightily portrayed, it'd come to fruition, what's the secret of the American Dream, the since the Genesis, predestined, multicultural Godman. The edges of our seats, watching especially Vice President Harris blended family, like do that walk of fame toward she and first gentleman amazing quarters. I think seeing, the first Asian, to Black American, female, Vice President and President elect Biden safeguard during that flaming, blazing, frying pan, flying saucer, liftoff, then Mighty Angel's, for there years, forewarning date, leave no question, they too are predestined. Though more the continuity of the US Government to Western Civilization, crossover into Africa's Southwest Atlantic, its fiery doomsday, a Christmas Carol, come, so yeah, blessed escape, be most aware of Mauna Loa volcanic activity. Yeah Aleth sis, thus saith Mighty Angel Jan 22-29, 2018 slash the Seventh Angel, Trump of God, Angel Gabriel, His revisited, sixteen years now, May 15, 2020, reminder of eruptions. Going for more pasta, you do know my being pregnant isn't an excuse, but you do Beth want more, right, right? I see that sweet, edible smirch, that's what I thought." Why speak in parables? That you beware as Father Elohim Himself,/the Sunlight of God His Back Turn Throne, THEY promised not to leave us ignorant, get it, get Jesus, get out! GOH, JCOR, Apb/The RAM
Article, America, The coming Earthquake Tsunami, Youtube Perry Stone,
-Tennessee massive flooding right now, two weeks prior I was online, on google, researching, the capability of a huge New Madrid quake, actually, Oct 15/25 2018, I heard 10.2, earthquake, possibly causing massive Tennessee flooding. Especially Memphis TN, wiping it off the map, as I'd seen to experienced, 30 of my near 58 years living there, plus the three years now US Georgia, crossover of escaping suddenly come, volcanic apocalypse, then nuclear, cosmic.
.-Marvel not getting, March 7, 2021, the huge enough to block out the sky, in capital bold letters, the single word FLOOD! After seeing a towering tsunami on pause for orders, after learning You tube Final Days witnessed a huge tsunami hit US W Pacific, the year, Happy Holidays 2019, I witnessed some waving through flood waters as I sit a young lady stranded, reading behind a steering wheel about greater US W Pacific quakes, like the S. Pacific Kermadec Island, 8 plus, just now, only said article is written in Dutch; "major, major earthquake, West Pacific Canada," I also heard, Oct 15/25, 2018.
-Just as shared, I've seen California to US West Pacific coast wiped off the map, heard it command Canada' be wiped off the map, smiling faces don't last," I heard first. Heard it announced like by a Ham radio, "the Eastern Seaboard is gone." Whereas I've witnessed since Senator Obama campaign, now, a sea of American refugees stampeded as far as Africa's Southwest Atlantic, Islands. Meaning all earth ending movie, scenario, just mocked, during the flaming, blazing, frying pan liftoff of President Biden, Vice President Harris; know also such story telling the last near three decades in one way or another, revisited what I been predicting on line, since AOL and My Space and Yahoo, were social media, with Facebook equally pending.
-Whereas during Trump's March 13/Oct 15, 2018, it was inviting from a barbercuing and witnessing loaded autos into US Georgia's Atlantic COAST, with Africa's Southwest Atlantic pending. Until both the month of Aug/Sept 2019, we got five or more references to a Yellowstone event, including a breaking of news report, saying, "after 101 Yellowstone eruptions." Apparently, like the salt, losing its savor and is worthless to evil. Like as Noah's demonic days, as to genocide the Genesis man marriage, is cursed to make its same abominations, Western Civilization, until I heard 2017, "Kill all parents by, finish all schools," presently volcanic apocalypse is here and Mat 24/Rev 2/12, Christ Jesus's are running, you know when, you know where, Eze 9 commanded slayers, target all other transit, all followed by sudden destruction! Beware, GOH, JCOR Apb The RAM