Monday, March 2, 2020

The Light Of Ctentri

THE UNENDING LOVE ANTEDOTE ...The African Juttah (1996), 2012

    -And these are the descendants of the beauty rescued from the hands of the beast: Beast Of Beauty Featuring Phearson Mycal McPhearson, Branch Vincent Dante, Ctrenti Israel Bonai 

     Starring: Branch Dante Vincent, Cadence Nicole Coledalay, Phearce Mychal McPhearson, Regan Central Whitehead, Celestial Allison Lopez, Roman Neal Copeson , Herenton Egan Lowed,  South Lee Whitehead, North Lee Whitehead, Est West Anderson Whitehead and Regan Central Whitehead, Ctentri Israel Bonai, Tennyson Natali Rus’sell, Ambrey Carson Vincent, Kyler Nicole Duncan…

The African Juttah Infinite Genealogy 

Unto Regan Central Whitehead and Phearson Mycal McPhearson was born their first son Tyson Dimitri McPhearson and a son Skylar Mycal McPhearson and a daughter Brandy Eriel Whitehead
Unto Branch Vincent Dante and Tennyson Natali Rus’sell, was born their twin sons first Haze Coven Dante and Coven Blaze Dante, and a daughter, Bristol Arvin Russ’ell  
Unto Ctentri Israel Bonai  and Natasha Myan Simpson was born a daughter Danielle Paris Bonai, a daughter, Ellison Peril Bonai and a son Genesis Hayden Simpson    

In The beginning God                                                          05/21/2000 

                                     How Long, O Lord, Holy And True?
                                                      Scene XXVII 

     “My goodness,” looking up from his drink at the bar did a cheerful Phearson find himself face to face with an astonishing thing. “I see you made it to New York, yeah, I see you remember, Ctentri right? Yeah I remember. I thought I would take you up on your offer,” happily shaking his hand, never could Phearson McPhearson imagined such the like. “Just how did you find me? Ahhh,” having glanced curiously around the night club soon seeing a kind wave of Branch Vincent, did Phearce seeing as well, get up, with this guess following, to join Branch Vincent. “I thought you told me you would never be caught dead in this place again, well Vince I guess you can say I’ve done a lot of dying since. I had to bring Ctentri here to you, he said he felt lead of the Lord, even the Holy Spirit, that he couldn’t let you Vince get away. It’s not of God, what?” Having a smile of uncertainty to whether Vincent was talking to him or Phearson, did he rub a nervousness as this into his slacks, a defective glance about at easing into a seat. “What you’re seeking Ctentri, it’s not of God and if Holy Spirits did indeed lead you here, that’s what I’m supposed to tell you, actually we, it’s what we’re to tell you. What make you, how, why are you so certain? You’re talking about same sex relations right, courtships, marriages? There’s only one god Ctentri that can give you what you’re searching for and it’s not the God of heaven, not unless He’s to abandon His Own Will for mankind, even this Christ Lord, Jesus. You ever heard of the Genesis, of Adam and Eve? Of course, I know about God, Ancient of years ago creating one man, and that one man Ctentri, not just male and female, but husband and wife. You have to then realize even painstakingly, this is God’s Will for mankind despite the passage of time, male and female, husband and wife. Yeah, yeah, you think I haven’t heard this all before, ok Ctentri, what is sin? What you mean what is sin? All unrighteousness is sin, but whose to say, sin is a transgression Ctentri, against the righteousness of God, and same sex relations fit under the banner of fornication, right? Unless you’re married, if it’s not, if Ctentri it’s not of God how will you ever justify it marriage or not? As so Ctentri when Vince say marriage, he’s talking about the physical conjoining of a naturally born male husband and a naturally born female, wife, hence God knowing the heart.  I know mankind builds freely upon what he considers his foundation only there is only one foundation laid, which hath been laid, and God by His Own Son’s Blood, hath laid it, we build, live and worship accordingly or we perish. People are allowed to transgress against God every day, twenty-four hours a day, it doesn’t mean it’s justified by God. Though that man, like God is free to practice his own will, he’s even free to kill and die but after this, I know, I know, reaping what’s sown, the judgment await. Though if sodomy can never be justified, not only is it fornication, it is a transgression against the body, it’s the one sin. That's a transgression against the body, the very body Holy Spirits want to take and make into the temple of God. The temple of God Ctentri is where God in all of His Glory, by the anointing of Holy Spirit power and mercy dwell, it’s The Christ citing, 
destroy this temple and in three days it shall be rebuild. Yeah, its what the Supreme Christ was describing to the Samaritan woman, how the cathedrals and the temples and churches and congregations would all be done away with. That for whatever purpose they served would now be performed individually within each believer, now serving God in Spirit and Truth and where not even the gates of hell could against it, prevail. But, but, it’s not possible, talk about away with the middle wall of partition, the entire assembly would, I know, like Jesus, they would fight us to the death, which Ctentri they do, all over this world, but without prevail, Jesus's anointed always ascends. No, no still, what you’re saying that would make us like god, more like the Christ Lord, who was God manifested in the flesh, making us Christian, like God ourselves. My Jesus in heaven,” displaying a gasping sigh of bedazzlement at falling back from an attentive edge of his seat, of all he was seeing and hearing. Truly, the very implication, the sure glory, even divinity of what he was realizing, two of the most gorgeous men in the world, most of all what he was hearing. “Even guys if what you’re saying is true, I couldn’t do it, no, none of us can, as you say, do it, it’s why we have to surrender, why Christ's Apostleship is begging us to.  It’s why Ctentri we have to lay down our arms so to speak that they’re to do it, God’s will through us, you must be born again,” passing away into a blank awareness at quoting this especial Christ of them all, at thinking what indeed had he got himself into, indeed who were these guys? “Yes, but most of all Ctentri you must be willing, willing because the Supreme Heavenly Host cannot, and the emphasis Ctentri is on, can’t, they cannot go against your free will. Only as you reconcile with them, and yield your will forthwith do they then by a spiritual intervention inexpressible. Do they then begin to shape your heart, unto your mind, unto your soul into a holiness of the Lord Father Supreme, yeah the only sacrifice the Holy Lord will not despise. Okay, okay, it make sense, flesh and blood, sin, cannot inherit, this is why they hated him so, but they only got a glimpse of what you guys are telling me now. Yeah Ctentri, but even this indication of God’s form of righteousness, right there manifested in flesh jeopardized and imperiled all things they’d believed and taught since Father Abraham.  And, and, what make you, how do you, what make you guys so sure? It’s the truth, the truth according to the living and righteous word of God, it is this greatest testament of all at God’s will for the spiritual will of mankind. We haven’t Ctentri told you anything that isn’t according to the living word, just ask yourself, what is God’s will for not only this life, but mostly for your eternity? As you just quoted, if flesh and blood can’t inherit God’s Kingdom, then how does flesh and blood then transform to Holy Spirit, how do sinful flesh become Holy? The Supreme Christ born of a free will, tempted at all points inherited God’s Kingdom because he gave over His will to the will of God. Yeah it happen to me right here, well not right here, up there, sitting at that bar, coming here was everything and all things. It was like clockwork, my favorite thing of all to do, then all of a sudden this particular night I saw things in a light.  Even in a revelation if you will, like I’d never seen it before, I know Vince I never told you this, but I suddenly glanced about the entire club and I said to myself, all these people are going to hell, and I’m going with them. I didn’t know it then, but it was a breaking through of the illusive veil pulled over our sense of spiritual awareness from our mother’s womb, a darken mirror even. Though now like you Ctentri, I begin to know and to accept and believe what was by Holy Spirits made known to me, so that’s Phearce, why you abandon the club. Correct, that’s why, this belief didn’t come easy, the truth was like stabbing thieves all over and through, because I didn’t want it to be true. I didn’t want the will I treasured so to be hostile to God’s will, even a hatred and a rebellion, but there it all was. There, in the Supreme's living word, forget choosing the will of a perverse lifestyle, though from my mother’s womb, I was a transgression against God as all are, cursed. Thus you two, is the lesson of the woman with the issue of blood, not only that she was cursed, so was her womb and all mankind proceeding from it, with Jesus separated and come from the woman  seed, the seeds of  Holy spirit, Jesus alone is, the only Blessed Hope! Everything else then Ctentri being temporal hope, Band-Aids if you will, when a divine heart transplant, by intervening God Himself, is the answer, wow Phearce, I never, me either, ah, Regan, I got it from her, so amazing grace, I know. So you guys are saying this is what has brought me to New York, to you two? We’re saying Ctentri, if this, as you say is the Holy Spirits guiding you, it's will for all mankind, knowing the heart, they will not leave you ignorant therein, again, God’s will, that mankind, all of them, us, are to dwell like Holy Spirits, in the House of This Lord Father, forever, Amen.”

     That you be aware, that you be born-again, that you know an apostle of Jesus Christ is among you. As to pluck Ambers from the burning, take heed that no man deceive you. For the great day of his wrath is come, and who shall be able to stand? Apb, The RAM
Cadence Nicole  
Regan Central

Light (righteousness) hath come, but men loved darkness (unrighteousness more than light for their deeds (lifestyles) are evil...JCON See Jn. 3:19

I Beheld the transgressor and was grieved because he kept not thy word Ps. 119:158

For Salvation Pray: I'm sorry Lord God, forgive me for my sins, wash me, cleanse me and then, by Jesus Christ receive me into thy glory again...Amen

Listening To: John Starnes: Midnight Cry

Hurry Lord Christ and get us the victory…

A Ministry Above

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