Article, [WHO: Coronavirus is Ten Times More Dangerous Than the 2009 Swine Flu Pandemic]
YouTube, FSS, COVID 19, Causing Aids Like Illness By Destroying T-Cells,
190 Years Suddenly Lost, tens of millions in lives, suddenly gone, SUFFERERS of Bio-pandemic, Shaped Their Left Hand Into The Backward Letter C, Pandemic, Apb
I Will Not Leave You Ignorant! See Eze 5/Rev 14, God Is, AWARE!
-One of the first conspiracies about the coronavirus was that it was a type of the HIV-Aids pandemic, unnatural intercourse, now blood transmitting epidemic. The reaping of all fornication, as blood farming, I always said again so easily spread having no prejudice, this genocide of the Genesis man, marriage without divine intervention,Jesus' Cross, would one day wipe out all humanity, a Noah's Cousin.
-Plus, the friendly, lab designed, bio-terrorism I saw was a type of hybrid flu, but also I remember hearing a. "new phenomena." Fright night, with WHO saying just days past, COVID-19, it's ten times more deadly than the 2009 swine flu.
-Now to be honest, beside covert HIV-Aids every ten seconds into heavens ceiling deaths. I didn't think there was a pathogen more deadly than avian to swine flu's. But Americans being at multi-thousands a day in death tolls, fright night, this outbreak of mortuary come.
-Forewarn, just as billions are to be dead in less than seven years, was also portrayed as a towering, infested with fleas, pale horse. Still red alert is, according to it's Rev 6, 4th seal, a horse of Hades, also rides with the Pale of pestilence.
-This my surreal question, revisited 2015/2019, Rev 20, Lamb's book of life open to its own census taking, is your name written or stricken out? See, St Jn 3, see what Jesus said about first born's needing to be born-again, and like death and dying, HE nor I, nor hell enlarging itself by Volcanic apocalypse into earth' inherits neighborhoods,
- Righteous is We don't care about who you are just as long as you repentant, RUN, blessed escape into Georgia's/ Africa's Atlantic, counted as a Rev 2 Jesus offering a crown of righteousness, to all overcomers); or as Jesus also said, perish, beast mark, Great White Throne, second resurrection, the second death, all hath your immortal souls, just see also, Rev 20:11-15, beware, God Is, AWARE! Apb,
And these are the descendants of the beauty rescued from the hands of the beast: Beast Of Beauty Featuring King Bridegroom, Fallon Leopard Stonehenge and Queen Bride Aubrey Marietta Joyhouse
The Unending Love Antidote ...The African Juttah Genealogy, 1986-2016/2026/3036
The Tombola Genealogy, Holy, Temple, April, 17, 1986/2026/3036 into Infinity, God's Kingdom Reign From Heaven On Newly Replenished, Planet Earth
Unto El Shaddai Machail Coogan Saurus and Chodne Axil Wilhelm was born a son, Mem Tazaddl Saurus, a godson, Koph Reshiram Saurus, a godson PE. Khopesh Coogan, Wilhelm and a goddaughter Abekam Nedac Aleth Saurus, Coogan, Wilhelm
Mark Scene, Genesis Marriage Worshipers, Noah's Ark, A Noah's Cousin, XVII and VII, A Matrix, LXXXV,
"What on new Planet X, earth did you do this time? No, no, no, don't come running to me, I literally had to pay Negeb Ophel reapers to steal me away to our private garden. I thought you wasn't coming, I was about to turn away and leave. EL Shaddai, what did you do? Something Chodne really childish the child I am would do, I made prudent, free will of Holy Houses reveals, so I come here, stole away from loving parents all, to hear my beloved has been exiled to god knows where, it's various Parental Juttah's? No, No, I promise and still kinda yes, you're not making sense, even if burning emotions overwhelm to devastate us both! The Juttah, Paris Globe, the Deburk Tribunal saved me, saved us all, stood up for me Chodne, I don't, what's this, this us? Maha and Elyon as well, ah my god dai, dai, they're suffering the error of your ways? Ah, they must be Jesus day mad at money changers tables at you, even the sum fixed, the Rite Aid Pharmacy, back turn, closed counter 5 dollars into 15 dollars, in death tolls, exchanges! Excuse me? Okay, mad yes, but not beloved girl past that evening of not taking angry disputes into overnights, the blessed heart. I guess I'm trying to say I'm so sorry by also saying Chodne love our Tombola nuptials are still intact, my parents dai, dai, has somehow caught news of this near treason. It's not treason nor mutiny, I've heard some say, I only revealed, no, no, no! You don't stain my hearing, it's innocent heart, no, the tongue is too easily lead astray with what the heart doeth know or begrudgingly repels! So loving heart, are you telling me I can't come to you, touch you, this one time I'm sore in places, aching Chodne for it's one sweet healing? I so need to hold you close, will you not forgive, take me into your living spirit, loving, healing wings accordingly? I have to go, Chodne! I have to, I have to run actually, I stole away to the restroom, but soon they'll know, Chodne, don't leave me, when will I at least see you again, even if I can't touch you? Look at you boy, got me crying, I won't be able to hide it, stop it, dai, dai, I'll find a way, we will, we Genesis marriage worshipers, always do. And no El Shaddai, I will not let them use the Tombola to marry me off to another, may Negeb Ophel reapers have me first, us Chodne, may such sincere heart slayers, have us both, first. I love you so much, here, if nothing else, touch my fleeing hand, it's pulsating with our anxious blood, I touch it, kiss and ravish it as to ravish you, El, El, let me go! Soon, I'll steal away to you just as soon, Chodne, don't, don't leave me this way, Chodne! Ah my god is Christ, what have I done, all this childish, gainsaying this way, what my Lord, have I done?" Why speak In Parables? For they say today as in the days of the prophets of old, God seeth us not, God is ascended from the earth." Beware, Rev 17/18, God Is AWARE! Apb
Prophecy Links Fulfilling, seen to be seeing Jan/Feb (2020), a hybrid, Alexander the Great, Hitler's Germany, Antichrist, whose Egypt's Anubis'undertakers pose as in US households, lives, lands and churches, as friendly German Shepherds, Apb
Angel Gabriel Explaining to Prophet Daniel, His Being Gracely Beloved, He Would've Come To Him Sooner, If A Territorial, Ancient Beast Prince of Persia, Hadn't Withstood, Him, Bringing our Jan 20, (2019), Rev 12, Star Warring Michael, to the rescue!
Spiritual Warfare!
[As Big As It Is, Why Does Africa Have So Few COVID-19 Cases Compared To the US?], decades before protrayed in 2009, (2012), I was forwarning by prophetic parables a New Africa as the new fronteer, and by 1996, a proposed none Mayan prophesied (2012) come it's imminent exodus and taking this lead were young, genesis marriage worshipers, Only said commanded July (2002), The American exodus, was seen in reverse (2008), as an ocean of American refugees pouring into an African coastal island and 2018, as COVID-19, lock down, made mobile all it's stores and poured by the autos into Georgia's Atlantic, with Southwest Africa, pending, so gazillion quesyion is, how bad does it have to get, for Trump and other US leads, to as Moses Phaoah, finally let God's people and call for mandatory? I know the anwwe, I've know it, been told and shown this number, for 7 admins into trump, and losing count how many times, since Trump been in office, it's hearing Jan 20, 2017, it's invitation out of US states of barbecue, (2018); it's reminder, Jan 13, (2019), it's angelic overseer, Jan 20, (2019), an Aug, 5-Sept 13, 2o19, it's mega disasters causing the stampeding elephants of staying unaware, the running away of Brides of going on like normal and blessed Briexit Blaexit of refugee Americans, got him, got Jesus and gone yet? Beware, God Is Apb
You Tube AMTV, Christopher Green, Saying, I Hope You Ready, Trump Is No longer, President,, (I don't know how many understood, just know Jesus Millennium reign to God's Kingdom Come ruling over ALL, Kingdom, Nation building is a Righteous, NEW World Order, by it's Own Divine, Holy Will. I explained, Dan 7-12/Rev 13/17 Ancient Beast rule, their reigning prelude, President Obama's done; unknowingly allies Trump's to Western Rule administration until then pending Pres Trump and VP Pence were US 2016, campaign, both aligned to Ancient beast rule, two primary beast, men eaters and earth enders, Gog and Magog!
-Said evidence, is pretty much why Jesus warn all gone before you are thieves and robbers, and why once finally in heaven phenom celebrations, soon there's a silence in heaven, what do you know? Heavenly father is sobbing uncontrollably, again halting everything, "his people are dying, and they're being stripped of everything Jesus Christ has brought them! Just go see, Rev 1-3 chapters points out whoring, bloodletting mass assembly is actually where Satan's seat reigns. Soon one approach me, say, he wanna see you, and I go who? He says Him, an eyes blink, I'm standing before a mountain God's Holy Throne.
-Just as soon this Sunlight like the sun begins to rise, if you remember John testified, there is no need for the sun in heaven THEY ARE THE SUNLIGHT THERE. Let alone I've seen the Bride while in reign God's Throne, possessing and readying, Dan 2, stone cut out without hand, having a meteor surface, called the Antichrist, murderer, Here, hear, before,God's back Turn Throne, are reigning to pending this Almighty Mountain, this Almighty Sunlight which speaks, saying as to Moses' pending with commanded exodus, let my people go, as in, let my people, go!
-For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places. See, hear a Revelation, Book, Jesus explanation to John, saying first, marvel not, I shew you a mystery, the waters which thou sawest, where the whore, (Rev 17.18, Mystery Babylon, America), again where the whore sitteth, are peoples, and multitudes, and nations, and tongues, great ancient beast are basically ruling earth's inherit government who rule earth's inherit.
-As in my hearing both Jan 13, (2017), "one hour with the beast," and Jan 13, (2018), as, "whore and beast separated," here, Rev 17, 7 heads, ten crown, 7 horn beast is calling all other kingdoms, nations to come upon her, America, West rule and as 101 Yellowstone's, bring plenty of fire with them! Simply saying, Ancient beast reign with and as Kingdom Nation building, this evil territorial ruler over America, over West Rule is seen as a great blood guzzling whore, that literally sits upon it'd hundreds of millions inherits, a half of billion when you count stampeding The American Continent!
-These for many millennia damned turf wars right now it's Pres Trump, and all allying continuing the American Dream, despite, it's everything getting back to normal is followed by sudden destruction, that they're ll aligned to 50 million of your US deaths and how God's wrath since (2012.2013), is right now pounding it three, intervals of 5 mega disasters at a time, right into the near years worth, July 3, 4, (2019), of harmonic tremors signaling 101 Yellowstone eruptions, now come.
-Beware, Hawaii erupting into the Midwest Wyoming, eastern seaboard, new England, Canada, not even Caribbean, the Mexican southern border an escape. Just this outbreak of mortuary just a prelude to Rev 6, 6th seal volcanic Apocalypse, now come, as in right now, come! Clearly with tens of millions COVID-19, sitting ducks, why I said, kiss the one or his stampeding elephants of staying unaware, asking both, what if the big one hit California right now; what if Yellowstone erupts, right now? Just ask yourself, how many of those people TN to the South dozens in tornado deaths also COVID-19, lock downs, wouldn't have been in those now devastated homes.
Prophecy Links Fulfilling Only 3 Days and Another 40 Days Before Another Divine Ascent/NEW WORLD ORDER, Fulfills, Apb
-[Nearly half of Americans believe the Bible should influence US laws],
Come JESUS, Prince Of Peace, Get US ALL The Glory!
-[Nearly half of Americans believe the Bible should influence US laws],
Come JESUS, Prince Of Peace, Get US ALL The Glory!
-And the government will be upon His shoulder. And His name will be called Wonderful, Counselor, Mighty God, Everlasting Father, THE PRINCE OF PEACE, Isa 9:6
-And his feet shall stand in that day upon the mount of Olives, which is before Jerusalem on the east, and there shall be a very great valley, see Zech 14:4
-And the seventh angel sounded; and there were great voices in heaven, saying, The kingdoms of this world are become the kingdoms of our Lord, and of his Christ; and he shall reign for ever and ever. Rev 11:17
Invasion Of Deadly, Damaging and Damning Peace On Earth Rev 19:11-16,
A 2020 INUNDATION, SEEING THE SINGLE WORD MEETINGS/WEATHER/ TRIO, And A New 69 Million World-Wide, Backward Letter C Pandemic, Death Toll!
-Pres Obama's to Pres Trump separate intervals of two weeks and 7 years timetables these biblical, end time events fulfillment. Until no longer is the inquiry is America/West Rule included in final days eschatology, but will they hear, do?
-According to mocked nations summits Daniel 9:27 and Rev 17:16-18, both of which are being fulfilled first US/Western soil. There's the legalization of the abomination that maketh desolate, same gender perversion under Obama's/Biden's Admin, repent or perish, saith Jan 13, (2018), Rev 2 Jesus!
-Whereas Pres Trump near a year April 16/17, (2019) middle-eastern deal and all hell on earth has broke out since. Vehemently as Rev 11, 7th Angel, Trump sounds, God does influenced the laws of men, and has for 7 US admins aligned them ALL to 50 million of your deaths, not including COVID-19, 69 Million.
-Listen you'll hear Ancient Of Days say, yet have I set my king upon my holy hill of Zion, I will declare the decree: the Lord hath said unto me, (JESUS), Thou art my Son; this day have I begotten thee! Again biblical evidence one way too soon day, say and 2 quarters of the earth are no more, by April 2, (2026), Jesus as King Zion will rule over them, followed by Elohim, Eternal kingdom, Come.
-God, or Sunlight Gods back turn Throne, reestablished total rule until presently and without hesitation. Like the days of Noah's blessed escape by an ark of salvation, Jesus' Cross from bloodletting government is paramount. Unquestionably like the days of Moses, westerners exodus has since July 27, (2002), been called, escape route and destination gravely forecast, until Jan 20, (2019), we heard, star warring Rev 12 Michael sets his all-around blessed Briexit/Blaexit; knowing get it, get Jesus, get out! Beware, God Is, AWARE! Apb, see Jeremiah 37/Ezekiel 5/38/39, Daniel 7-12, REVELATION BOOK, wakeup running! Apb, see more here,…/youtube…, how it's ALL, ending, prophetically, Apb
Kill All Parents By, Finish All Schools, Rest 50 Million Lives, A Noah's Cousin/Aqua Era All US/World, New Normals!
Articles, [Pastor who snubbed nose at ban to keep preaching to packed church has died]
-Render unto Caesar what is Caesar and unto God what is God's. Jesus explained he that fear for this life shall lose it but he that sacrifice this life outreaching for Jesus' sake shall gain it forevermore, that's from the Holy Gospel SAVIOR who's saying pray against and RUN from COVID-19 and all other travel bans, you know where by now!
-Therefore this Bishop could be ascended for his efforts, while first born Americans predestined for molten graves and lakes of fire make this mockery. The born again are task with a heart responsibility to love unconditionally.To lead by example and persuade as many who will to walk by faith not by sight.
-Just being more aware of the immortality of this afterlife most fearful dreamers have forgotten. Death and dying isn't the anomaly, I keep telling you all. The fault in your abominable lives, lands, churches and your American Dreaming. Dying condemn to hell when the convert spiritual warfare is that Almighty Ancient of Days Himself has by the woman's seed put on Holy Flesh, endured a cross for the Genesis man, marriage that once was lost. Now even Angels have a God they can approach unto, no longer is the mystery of godliness nor the war in heaven/nor ARMAGEDDON!
-Sincerely if Bishop heartily persuaded any to walk by faith, things seen temporal, things not seen eternal. Unimaginably, next he heard after the same blessed death that took Jesus took him, also ascended him, was Holy Father, with opened bosom and healing wings, saying welcome my good and faithful servant. Got Jesus and also doing what He say not just hearing what He say? Blessed are hearers and doers, Eze 9 grim reapers bearing sword like syringes target all baneful transit, MOCKED CLEANUPS and stagnation, mobile your stores accordingly, such is blessed exodus!
-Just before (2017), hurricane Harvey and for over a year an incalculable alike to follow, I heard, "August 29," when Pres Trump would be in Texas assessing such damage; (2005), hurricane Katrina I heard, "all going on as normal can just forget it." But I saw and little understood, alongside my bed, a pile up of dark orange tide containers, so not just an orange/red alert about a building tide.
-Such martyred blood alerts also about a building, mocked cleanup, Jesus example toward religious leaders. That's about being more concern about those dead and gone, about he and his disciples anointed beyond understanding, though unwashed hands.
-That is more concern about the works of nature, than their dirty, black, condemning heart's. Twenty-four hours a day provoking these religious leaders as all first borns into unthinkable deteststions. Just such abominations as LGBTQ and P for Pedophiler churches and Jeffery Einstein Islands/Disney Lands/SCHOOLS, Beware, God Is, AWARE! Apb
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