Saturday, April 25, 2020

Beast Of Beauty Featuring King Bridegroom, Mem Tazaddl Saurus and Queen Bride Tahiti Consquella Saicam

Prophecy Links Fulfilling The First Hand Writing On The Wall, Jer 37:8, (1998/99), Relentless Enemies Coming, Bringing Plenty Of Fire! Beware! 

Article, [COVID-19 Causes Sudden Strokes in 30- to 40-Year-Old Adults, Doctors Say] ( So does Eze 9 stampeders, bearing sword-like syringes, one stroke the heart you're ascended but mostly descended! Apb

[Article), [More Than 50,000 People in the U.S. Have Died From Coronavirus]


    -Then according to Dr. Fauci there's only ten thousand more to go; only according to Dr Phil swimming pool debacle, we're still three hundred thousand short. So has it been cruel and unusual to let US/Western soil go so long without the reality of mass die off's; just these decades of wars fought on foreign soil alone? When one other primary lesson God's truth teach besides repent or perish, is we can only reap the grace to blood guilt we sow! Apb

And these are the descendants of the beauty rescued from the hands of the beast: Beast Of Beauty Featuring King Bridegroom, Mem Tazaddl Saurus and Queen Bride Tahiti Consquella Saicam     

The Unending Love Antidote ...The African Juttah Genealogy, 1986-2016/2026/3036
The Tombola Genealogy, Holy, Temple, April, 17, 1986/2026/3036 into Infinity, God's Kingdom Reign From Heaven On Newly Replenished, Planet Earth Unto Caden Mikel Saurus and Roslyn Novella Haverty was born a son, Mattingly Eduardo Saurus, a son Johnson Ceilidh Saurus and a daughter Rosesharon Jermaine Haverty Mark Scene, Genesis Marriage Worshipers, Noah's Ark, A Noah's Cousin, XVII and VII, A Matrix, LXXXV,

"Alistair, you seem dazed, is it Macias always like that, like you're portal into heaven to sit among the 24 elders in conference yeah it's always like that. Ahhhhh, look he's crying, Mercedes, really? Look there's more, I heard from her own Sia grands the bride she saw reigning in heaven, prepping Dan 2, prophesied stone from heaven. That it was her, she.saw herself, they guess sorta like John had to see himself sitting among the 24 elders, right? Then the way King Zion and these Revelation book Holies visit and entreat her, I was watching a Jesus movie, when He described to a disciple. Saying, one-day they'd see angels of heaven descending and ascending upon him, increasing their belief, like they do her, Jesus asking her that, that fateful Hawaii morn, will angels also ascend? Verifying at least Psalm 91 Angels, they're right there where she is, grand Sia's say, like she's seen since childhood. Come Alistair man, let's get you to the restroom, babe, just get me what you get, but you normally don't eat what I eat, I will, I'm starving, you're right Macy, he is beginning to sound just like them. Look, what you think about Elyon Coogan, you mean besides he's as drop dead gorgeous as they come, the entire triplets of them, Mahasiah, Shaddai? You're too young, I know where this is going and you're  too young, that creamed cauliflower look delicious, yes, Mace, but what doesn't? Look at that eggplant, I think I'm gonna fix Calven a salad, bacon bits all on the side, what if the global tribunal take over my guardianship? I don't get it, why you Merces over any other? Just something Elyon and Shaddai said, they're grand Sia's, of course they can probably make those kinds of promises, but that's all. So if ours too take a parental Juttah Nigeria, post, you're going, Calvenal as well? I'm at that age Merces I don't have to follow my parents around unless I want to, neither does Calven, you know that, so you gonna have to ask them will they allow you the responsibilities of a prenuptial dorm? You gonna have to ask, not me, I'm going to get my husband back, and you, you talk about Elyon Coogan, what about Alistair, isn't he Merces crazy about you?" >>>"That's just it, you die on the way to blessed exodus Jordan's (Sela) Petra to Georgia's/Africa's Atlantic. Like those whose blessed death you ascend, one stroke the heart you're there. Possibly the speediest blessed escape since the promise whosoever call on the name of the Lord shall be saved. I think I just heard Sia Maaseiah say chances are Tribulation Saints will lift off the planet as those 3 day and a half, martyred two witnesses hear God say come up here and again they all ascend together, such, such blessedness. So? So what Justice man? Does your grand Maaseiah really does hallelujah marches around the house? Yes, all of us in a line behind her and we practice who can scream hallelujah the loudest while we're on various walks, and, and who Jr Darius man win them all? You Memphis Caden man, from the birthing center doctors said you had such a set of lungs. Did I just then detect a bit of mockery, did I really? I think so darling husband, but was it sarcasm or envy? Jr Darius has no reason to be envious he's Jr Darius and he has me, says his Chelsea Fabrice. All kidding aside, what the heck bombardments the planet got incoming at them any day now into mid May; like what just happen to Akure Nigeria only at an extinction level? You all know what mid May revisit Sia Maaseiah's reveals, right? Yeah Shelby and what Rev 2 Jesus Matrix countdown will that be by then? Mid May revisit Blaine dear, Angel Gabriel reassurances Holy Bride lift off by, with a 7th Angel, actually Sia Maaseiah believe 7th Angel Gabriel Himself. So I think we're in an 85th Matrix, so by then May 3/13, (2020), an 87th. So any significance there? Verses Blaine taking the beast damning Mark and instantly they're in eternal molten lakes of fire; the fact Sia's all that they're Rev 2 Jesus assigned matrix ten day countdowns into crowns of righteousness, instant reign in heaven, is their significance, so right, Memphis Carter man, so right. How many realize still, like March 6/7, 40 day count, Mid May is a 40 day count from instead an April 6/7, resurrection, wow Danielle, wow! And, and April 16/17, did reveal the more, Antichrist is here, but so is blessed Christ, readying to call us near to him, again blessed Danielle. Look Danny is right, we don't believe in conferences, what are the chances what began a March 6, 7 (2020), countdown, will land us a perfect revisit to Angel Gabriel verifying the Bride escape rumored also Christ Jesus escape? You decided, you staying, going? I'm thinking Car man if I stay there won't be a Memphian representing the African Septennial, I can't stand for that. You're not that important, I keep telling and telling you, there you go again Vladimir man, Vladimir, like Vladimir Putin, the authentic most powerful man on the planet, that's you? Actually Darius, Juttah, Prince Vladimir but yes that's me and blessed American exodus wise, a native African son, ex Pres Obama is still the most important and powerful man on this planet. You Memphis Caden man, you went there, telling all my business, I did, I went there, so this could be you and Roslyn last night the Euphrates Juttah, Brecy, what say we take them to our other worldly spot? Ah hello, how long I, we, how long we been here? I know you not gonna like it Car man, neither of you, you and Danielle being so tit for tat. But come, I'll record the moment you two Carter man, crying on each other shoulders, scream and cry, I wanna go back, only you can't, not until dawn. You're not Jr Darius scaring Danny and I, right babe? We coming, alright, you were warn, Blaine, Shelby? You ready love? Been there Carter man, done that, can't pay me, well us, to go back, wait, wait, where y'all going, what, what the heck that mean?" Why speak in parables? Beware, God Is AWARE! Apb

See more Christopher, the miraculous of your descending crafts; my descending, shift-shaped out of the sunlight, diamond carved, crystal Dove, Chariot, Prophecy Links Fulfilling June 26 into July 6, (2015) the Rev 17:14, Jesus Husband first having escaped some into Georgia's, Africa's Atlantic, now escaping the Bride skyward, saying, be aware of alien dangers from above, beware, Apb youtube, Breaking: "Megnetar Blasts / Incoming Clusters / Planet X / Mike From Around The World / Begley, (the prophetic parable I share, called the phoenix is about my waking from a demo , where I like John Rev 6, 6th seal, witnessed the heavens crystallize, break and spit along huge shards and missile down into he earth, what Mike from around the world is saying, now come, an outbreak of mortuary I also call it, beware, God Is AWARE! Apb youtube, mrmbb333, Something Kind of STRANGE Going On Up There - Split in TWO!! (something I been saying long before Kobe's fiery crash, actually since Trump's Jan 20, (2019). I witnessed a Rev 12, Michael battling a star wars up there, revisiting Archangel Michael, tossing down to earth the Red Dragon, a legions of fallen angels, and a legion of demons, days past I surmised were disguised as phenom lightning strikes to sky phenomenon, again I forewarn was even tampering with air travel, beware, Apb

Prophecy Links Fulfilling, 2017 Eze 9 Holy God, Kill All Parents By, FINISH ALL SCHOOLS, Apb Article.ABC [ How COVID-19 turn US nursing homes into devastating hots| Nightline|, (the reaping of grandparents seen before Haiti's Deadliest Quake Burying Their Own Grand's Alive? if Truth Redeems, LGBTQ And P for Pedophiler, Deception And Lies, Kills/Damns...

[Twins, 37, who both worked as nurses die after both being diagnosed with coronavirus], (the surreal, unbearable face off of the COVID-19 Pandemic, and Anti-lockdown marches, subsides! Beware, God Is AWARE! Apb

And these are the descendants of the beauty rescued from the hands of the beast: Beast Of Beauty Featuring King Bridegroom, Koph Reshiram Saurus and Queen Bride Laydon Seashell Bianca Voightright 

The Unending Love Antidote ...The African Juttah Genealogy, 1986-2016/2026/3036
The Tombola Genealogy, Holy, Temple, April, 17, 1986/2026/3036 into Infinity, God's Kingdom Reign From Heaven On Newly Replenished, Planet Earth

Unto Berenice Eloise Derek and Channing Keanu Briggs, was born a goddaughter Ashley Reece Derek, a goddaughter, Teresina Willow Derek and a goddaughter, Coretta Florence Briggs        

Mark Scene, Genesis Marriage Worshipers, Noah's Ark, A Noah's Cousin, XVII and VII, A Matrix, LXXXV,

"These are Americans, they're only gonna argue going back to normal Kieran also honors US COVID-19, dead and you know it. Morning you two, I can't stay King man but Grand Sia's say Sia Maaseiah say prepare for the darkness. God is not cruel, He's a righteous judge, merciful God of wrath. He haven't allowed hundreds of thousands to die so especially America can get back to old fashion whoredoms, warmongering, stealing, killing and destroying. So HE's bringing on the second wave, darkness either something as highly reported from above or Sia Maaseiah"s molten death bringer from beneath. Gotta go, meeting Phe, Phe at the birthing center, so let's do dinner, I'll commy you with details, alright Brandy man! Wait, which darkness, the three days or the 190 years lost, the America into Georgia/Africa walk-a-thon? I'm running man, darkness is all they said, you find out more King man, let me know, I wonder did he call mom? Hey did you call, ah, I, I, Kingsley love need to tell you something, remember when you had that Christmas thing, you froze the middle of the mall of America? Ah, a live vision of us an eye's blink Kieran shooting through the heavens. I had two mall dreams of my own, I know I didn't say, but a year back, a shopping center where a micro flood come through. Washed out the bridge, shoppers were stranded, made to spend the night and that remind me. Okay,  just tell me, tell us, hey Cassius man, what you two, not eating? Had bagels and coffee, where's your better half? She had the earliest of classes, on her way, so King, the first mall dream, it was like we're locked inside and making fun playing, smooching, window shopping, all. Ump, for some reason Kingsley, the first Cloverfield movie come into my head, wow those movies Signs and Knowing as well. I guess since we just suffered Sia Maaseiah's predicated Aug/Sept (2019), the day the earth stood still. The ah, second mall dream, post apocalypse happen. Terrifyingly fun mall was now a dark, chaotic fallout shelter filled Kingsley with the injured and dying just pouring in and I woke." >>>"What the hell Darius Jr. and yes I say hell, what the hell did you just do? We, we Carter man, we leaped into the Juttah Brightville space center, giving us the feel of falling with, as the stars while descending into incoming Planet X, all around. Leaped, leaped he says, one moment I'm standing. laughing, talking next my footing is lost and I'm, we are, we're falling, horrifyingly to our deaths, Stop it, my wife will probably never respect me ever again, speak to me even, this screaming mad man! Nor you, husband I, I thought we were dying, falling, burning, screaming, dying, ah my God I know I threw up, did I wet to soil myself as, as, restroom, bath, shower? All Danielle girl right there, see that sign, a key card to an overnight suite Carter man is in your upper right hand pocket, you'll be fine. Did you really record us going all bat crazy mad like that? I will Memphis Carter man neither admit nor deny, ah you think this is so funny, just beware of Negeb Ophel reapers, wait on me Danny babe! Hey, we'll be in the cafe, just follow the blue stripes, find your way. I warn you, I'm not hearing or speaking to you, so did Blaine and Shell warn you, well kinda, any way! You two hungry? Starving Jr Darius man, then walk this way, this place being other worldly is an understatement, I'd swear we're on the planet itself. I contend Memphis Caden I can't confirm nor deny your assessment, ah my God, your training, you just took us on one of your crazy as heck Juttah Darius training missions! The Brightville Space center, any affiliation to its scientific medical labs? Yes. heavily funded by the Juttah Globe and I'm not surprised Cay man you figured it so fast, how you know we wouldn't freak out as well, well I wouldn't? Just as I knew Brecy here wouldn't, her first trial, I know my people, and you, your first trial? I could tell you but I'd have to descend you to Negreb Ophel myself, no, just say when it come to freakazoid Memphis, Carter, the blood genome is quit contagious. Ah my Christ you freaked out! So bad, just as Car, probably worst, hating, hating, ah so hating to admit it, out of my bearings what Brecy, for a week or more? And if you tell Cay man, but don't you think you should at least tell Car? Ah, I'll tell Car, but, fun, fun, fun first!"     >>> "All that's true Sia Cockeron, that it seems we're being forced against our will into exodus, but whether to obey or not is still intact. Still what just happen with apocalyptic Australia;s fires, when it happen was supposed to be US soil, so I suggest you go and view all these harrowing testaments of escapees from all around burning infernos like those, Hear how they who procrastinated escape now cry, pray and beg God to save them, the God Sia's who hears and see those who can't or don't make it, those who literally burn alive calling His and His son, Jesus name. You all think Eli want to suffer such horrors on a national scale were tens of millions will suffer and die this beyond horrid way? No, a long suffering God, shown recently as a Rev 17:14 Jesus Husband in our sorely earn sickbeds still not wanting to give us up, knowing this, that 101 Yellowstone's are coming, what kind of heavenly father would He instead be? That is except one of stampeding the people, especially those hundreds of millions who're depending upon Holy God invention to save them as much as God is dependent upon their faithful obedience to as well save themselves and His longing after them heart of love. we're dismissed, excuse my haste, I have quite a drive to make, the blessed Sia's all is that just as Rev book John witnessed them come pouring into heaven, Sia Maaseiah witnessed them in blessed exodus, so amazing grace, so sweet the sound!" Why? Beware, Genesis thru Revelation Holy God Is, AWARE! Apb, see here,, how it's ALL , ending prophetically, Apb

Article, [COVID-19 Causes Sudden Strokes in 30- to 40-Year-Old Adults, Doctors Say]

Prophecy Links Fulfilling, seeing Eze 9 Commanded Reapers Getting After Those Like Eze 5, Refuting Blessed Escape! As Moses Hebrews Days Penance And Exodus Are The Only Sacrifices God Will Not Despise!

Slay Literally Old And Young And Begin At My Sanctuary! 

-I can't help but be reminded of the Eze 9 reapers on US soil, bearing sword like syringes one strike, (stroke), the telling heart. Instantly you're ascended but mostly first born's, you're descended. 
-Said slayers counting it as unrighteous target by various disasters all in alternate transit other than Georgia's/Africa's Atlantic, instead counted blessed escape. 
-There are those reading behind me this confirmation such are my relentless forewarnings! According to revisiting Rev Holies from disaster W. Pacific Hawaii/Canada into North East Maine/Canada 99 bowls of erupting magma at snapping at our heels, beware, Apb

Prophecy Links Fulfilling

Destroy This Temple And In Three Days It Shall Be Rebuild! JCON 

Article, [What Does 'Thy Will Be Done' Mean during a Global Pandemic?] 

Seen to be seeing God Dancing Over The Faithfulness Of His People! See John's Rev 7, Surely Those I Witnessed By The Auto Loads Pouring Into Georgia's Atlantic, coast, Apb 

-Thy will be done of trusting God alone during unimaginable trials mean the same it meant for Jesus especially the night of Gethsemane,(see here,; Though death and dying is scary as heck, spirit willing, flesh terrified, see here,; We press on by faith, things seen temporal, things not seen, eternal. Truly trusting a Holy God, Father who for many millennia showing Himself faithful isn't about to fail us now, see here,, Lauren Daigle, Rescue! Beware, God Is AWARE! Apb, see entire blog here,, how as we've prayed God's Kingdom come, it's ending prophetically, Apb 

Prophecy Links Fulfilling, A Poster Saying Christians Need To Settle down! 

Seen To Be Seeing a Daniel 534BC, here May 15, (2004), AD An Angel Gabriel saying the fulfillment of all things is upon mankind, she's going, (I Thess 4:16-18), she's going, (Rev 11, 7th Trump), by a 7th Angel

Commenter, Christians Just Need To Calm Down!

Halle-luj-ah, halle-lu-jah, halle-lu-jah, halle-lu-jah,halle-luj-ah, halle-lu-jah! 

    -So  Let me get this straight those who by a divine inherit as Jesus Christ, who've been waiting for the fulfillment of endtime prophecy for six thousands years now; Rev 10 Mighty Angel come standing one foot the sea, one foot the planet, US soil, saying ALL UN FULFILLED, with no further delay; instead you want we take a chill pill, no, as a matter of fact I just stopped matching hallelujah all-around my house to make this comment and will go at it again, even if only by imagining I'm marching Hallelujahs all around, beware, God Is Aware! See here,
Halle-luj-ah, halle-lu-jah, halle-lu-jah, halle-lu-jah, halle-luj-ah, halle-lu-jah! 

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Prophecy Links Fulfilling Nuclear January, 12 APOCALYPTIC FIRESTORM,2023 MASS Murderer Suicide On The Ris e,