See more here, The Expositor's Study Bible, Jimmy Swaggart.
Randomly flipping through the pages of my bible, just now, April 28, (2020), I focus when it stopped and non unsuspectingly I began reading
...And I stood upon the sand of the sea (not a body of water, but a sea of people), and saw a beast rise up out of the sea (pertains to the Antichrist, now empowered by Satan as no other man ever has been), having seven heads and ten horns (represents seven Empires that have greatly persecuted Israel in the past, with the “ten horns” actually being the seventh head; the “ten horns” representing ten nations are yet future), and upon his horns ten crowns (the horns now being crowned show {what Apostle THEY call me both witnessed snd heard, Kobe's Jan 22/23, fiery crash morning, Apb} that these ten nations have now come to power, and will use that power to help the Antichrist; they will be located in the Middle East {I explained how these ordain ten kings named sound mostly Islamic, Apb} and in parts of Europe and possibly North Africa, all being in the old Roman Empire territory [Dan. 7:7-8]), and upon his heads the name of blasphemy. (Satan controls these Empires, and will control the ten nations, therefore, the name blasphemy.”)
2 And the beast which I saw (represents the fallen Angel who will be let out of the bottomless pit to help the Antichrist [Rev. 11:7]; both the fallen Angel and the Antichrist are referred to as a “beast,” but they are two different beings) was like unto a leopard (this fallen Angel will help the Antichrist to speedily conquer; Daniel describes this event as well [Dan. 7:6]), and his feet were as the feet of a bear (carries the characteristics of the ancient Medo-Persian Empire, which is ferociousness), {just as Apostle John saw, and revisited upon Apostle THEY call me, two years prior Kobe's fiery crash morning of hearing the ten heads being ordain, Rev 10, Mighty Angel, as an anxious husband with a wife travailing in birth, stood one foot the sea, one foot the planet, US map, and Rev 17, 7th, Angel, bearing 7 bowls was with him, saying no further delays US soil, desolation's predicted now come, beware! Apb }, and his mouth as the mouth of a lion (portrays the finesse, grandeur, and pomp of the Babylonian Empire): {one of the three ancient beast (2017), in the home as everyday, loving pets, was the Lion mention here, the Leopard, and an Anubis, undertaker, were present as well, Apb}, and the dragon (Satan) gave him (the Antichrist) his power, and his seat, and great authority. (the Antichrist will have Satan helping him as well as this powerful fallen Angel, and, no doubt, a host of other fallen Angels and demon spirits.) {revisited from Feb 12/13, (2015), as the Antichrist seen in great prowess planet wide, the Jan 12/13, (2020), Antichrist, was an Alexander The Great hybrid Hitler's Germany, type, whose demons themselves posed as Anubis type German shepherds, Apb}
3 And I saw one of his heads as it were wounded to death (doesn’t refer to the Antichrist, but rather one of the Empires of the past, which greatly persecuted Israel; it pertains to the Grecian Empire under Alexander the Great, and in reality speaks of the same fallen Angel helping Alexander; when Alexander died, this fallen Angel who helped him to conquer so speedily was locked away in the bottomless pit [Dan.7:6]); {I explain in my prophecies for an example, Saddam Hussein was the wounded head, a predicted Bush's 2003, Hussein White House, with Barack Hussein, this perfect Islamic, African, European bloodline actually (Dan 9:27, Rev 11, 1, 2, Rev 13:5), Islamic/Israeli/Antichrist reign, is this wounded head indefinite sweet to bitter world rule until Jesus reign, Apb} (refers to the fact that this fallen Angel will be released out of the bottomless pit to aid and abet the Antichrist [Rev., Chpt. 17]; {before (Rev 17:14), Jesus husband come to rescue and together, righteous He and righteous His slay Gog and Magog; this is that greater than the beast of religion manslaughter, come; I saw imprisoned in a dungeon, whose imprisonment was slowly giving him his end time genocide of the genesis human being, Apb} (t is doubtful the Antichrist will know or realize the source of his power, taking all the credit unto himself): and all the world wondered after the beast. (This refers to the part of the world he has conquered, but with the entirety of the world definitely paying him homage as he now seems to exude superhuman ability.) {although this was perfect man, Rev 2 Jesus appearance as well, but possibly to drive followers right alone, another reason why, the perfect, dangerous man looked like a gorgeous, Hollywood actor, as African American, Michael Ealy, see here,, Apb}
4 And they worshiped the dragon which gave power unto the beast (refers to the fact that men worship power): and they worshiped the beast, saying, Who
is like unto the beast? who is able to make war with him? (This proclaims the means by which power is worshiped.) {seeing a Michael Ealy dangerous, perfect man, whore Jezebel correcting perfect man Jesus, that was Jan 12//13, (2018); it's following Jan 20, (2019), early that morning, I was seeing a Rev 12, Michael battling a star wars in the heavens, hearing, "Michael is setting his all around."
-Possibly, why I've told people, I have in my outreach ministry, as many Michael's as Jesus's Gospel has Mary's. Wait, I have one of those too, three family members to one bike, a Memphis Mother Mary, an eldest son Reuben and a baby, 7th son, soon the Rev 17:14, Jesus husband in and out of the spirit body, near three decades my various demo's; the horrid reveal? Legalized wh0redoms like same gender perversion was giving rise to a generation of demonic, Pedophile teen males, perversely infected with your infant children, Apb}
5 And there was given unto him a mouth speaking great things and blasphemies (powerful claims will be made, with the Name of Jesus being ridiculed); and power was given unto him to continue forty and two months (the last three and one half years of the Great Tribulation; despite his power, the Lord still controls the time frames, and, in fact, all events). {When during Bush and while US soldiers having a license like no other nation to steal, kill and destroy were hunting down for persecution and execution, a Saddam, I used (Rev 11:1, 2), to predict a Hussein White House and world reign, holy spirits used both Daniel 9 490 year prophecy and Daniel 12, man in linen grace period, to make Hussein rule indefinite until those two 42 months again (Rev 11, 1, 2 and Rev 13:5), Apb
6 And he opened his mouth in blasphemy against God, to blaspheme His Name (he will use all the power of print, Radio, Television, and computers to demean the God of the Bible; it will be a regiment of blasphemy on a worldwide basis, such as the world has never known before), and His Tabernacle (refers to Heaven), and them who dwell in Heaven. (Even though it refers to all believers in Heaven, pointedly it refers to the 144,000 Jews who have been raptured and are now in heaven. The insults will be thick and fast, in effect, ridiculing Heaven.) {Showing, the anti Christ Jan 3/13/23, Rev 2, Jesus' matrix counts, 2020, as a hybrid Alexander The Great, see here, to Hitlers Germany, see here, whose, for thirty plus rapture springs, in my demos, Egypt's Anubis undertakers, here, posed as German Shepherds, leaves no doubt Ancient Beast rule is beyond anything comprehensive lethal, deadly to human extinction.}, Apb
7 And it was given unto him to make war with the Saints, and to overcome them (this will include all Believers all over the world; as well, the Text implies by the word “overcome” that the Lord will allow such to happen): and power was given him over all kindreds, and tongues, and nations. (This doesn’t include the entirety of the world, but rather the area over which he has control, which is basically the area of the old Roman Empire.) {I was standing my kitchen cooking when as often showing THEMSELVES, readily present, Hol Lord begin to say in my ear, and I quote, "soon the church-bride could be in heaven, looking down upon and praying for the tribulation saints, as the Antichrist, has been given power to overcome them.
-Though said Church bride is over a year into what I believe is the final since April 2, (2019), two weeks and 7 years prior to Zech 14/Mat 24/Rev 19, Jesus' April 2, (2026), return, though it'd even behooved me, sorta like (Rev 2), perfect man Jesus asking me, Jan 12/13, (2018), only hours before Hawaii inbound missile alert, would angels also ascend?
-Personally, here Holy Lords were, (2011/2012), no more debating, putting us in pre-tribulation, Rev 12, second heaven, intercessions, also see those two 42 months intervals, Rev 11:1, 2, Rev 13:7, one I used during error Bush's Islamic wars, to predict a Hussein White house, and indefinite world reign, beware, Genesis thru Revelation, Holy Elohim God, Is AWARE!} Apb
9 If any man have an ear, let him hear (refers to the ability to hear spiritually, and to hear properly in this manner; Jesus used the term many times [Mat. 11:15; 13:9, 43; Mk. 4:9; etc.]).
10 He who leads into captivity shall go into captivity (could be translated, “He who is destined to captivity will go into captivity”; it refers to the fact that those who will not hear the Word of the Lord, but rather the Word of the Antichrist, are guaranteed the worst type of spiritual bondage): he who kills with the sword must be killed with the sword. (This pertains to the nations of the world that will follow the Antichrist in his quest for world domination and power. The Second Coming of the Lord will bring swift and sure Judgment upon them.) Here is the patience and the faith of the Saints. (This refers basically to Israel, and that her Redemption is very near, which will take place at the Second Coming.)
11 And I beheld another beast coming up out of the Earth (refers to the false prophet; by the use of the word “Earth,” the Holy Spirit is telling us that this man is not from above, but rather from the masses of people); and he had two horns like a lamb (he has a lamb-like appearance which is intended to deceive), and he spoke as a dragon (refers to the fact that he will be greatly anointed by the Devil; in a sense, the Antichrist will claim to be Christ, while the false prophet will try to fill the role of the Holy Spirit).
12 And he exercised all the power of the first beast before him (the power or authority exercised by the false prophet will come directly from Satan, and not through the Antichrist), and causes the Earth and them which dwell therein to worship the first beast (the false prophet is promoting Earth and not Heaven, meaning he will promise Heaven here on Earth; the promises he makes will be tied to the “worship” given to the Antichrist), whose deadly wound was healed (doesn’t refer to an assassination attempt or even to the Antichrist being killed and raised from the dead as some teach, but rather that the powerful fallen Angel, who helped bring the Grecian Empire into power under Alexander the Great and has locked up for many, many centuries, has now been loosed and is helping the Antichrist; this “deadly wound being healed” speaks of his release from the bottomless pit [Dan. 7:6; Rev. 11:7; 13:2]).
13 And he (the false prophet) does great wonders (signs), so that he makes fire come down from Heaven on the Earth in the sight of men (will be literal, which means it’s not a trick; he will do this through the power of Satan),
14 And deceives them who dwell on the Earth by the means of those miracles which he had power to do in the sight of the beast (refers to the efforts of the false prophet to elevate the Antichrist; the word “beast” is used interchangeably between the Antichrist, the false prophet, and the fallen Angel; whatever they call themselves, the Holy Spirit refers to them as “beasts”); saying to them who dwell on the Earth, that they should make an image to the beast (it is an image for the purpose of worship, and will probably be set up in the Temple built by the Jews in Jerusalem), which had the wound by a sword, and did live (refers to the Antichrist somehow being wounded, a wound incidentally which should have taken his life; that he lives is construed as a miracle, with credit probably going to the false prophet; this is not the “wound” of Verse 3; that was on “one of his heads,” which had to do with an Empire [actually the Grecian Empire], and not an individual; this wound of Verse 14 pertains to an individual, in this case the Antichrist). {Seen to be seeing, during error Islam Bush's wars, (2003), after I predicted by (Rev 11:1, 2), that while US soldiers were hunting down Saddam Hussein for persecution and soon execution, instead he would sit the US White House and rule the world. Soon in a dream a time later, not unlike King Nebuchadnezzar's mountain from heaven, Here presently, with a meteor surface, in the reigning Bride's possession, that when she released it I heard, "this is the Antichrist, murderer!"
Randomly flipping through the pages of my bible, just now, April 28, (2020), I focus when it stopped and non unsuspectingly I began reading
...And I stood upon the sand of the sea (not a body of water, but a sea of people), and saw a beast rise up out of the sea (pertains to the Antichrist, now empowered by Satan as no other man ever has been), having seven heads and ten horns (represents seven Empires that have greatly persecuted Israel in the past, with the “ten horns” actually being the seventh head; the “ten horns” representing ten nations are yet future), and upon his horns ten crowns (the horns now being crowned show {what Apostle THEY call me both witnessed snd heard, Kobe's Jan 22/23, fiery crash morning, Apb} that these ten nations have now come to power, and will use that power to help the Antichrist; they will be located in the Middle East {I explained how these ordain ten kings named sound mostly Islamic, Apb} and in parts of Europe and possibly North Africa, all being in the old Roman Empire territory [Dan. 7:7-8]), and upon his heads the name of blasphemy. (Satan controls these Empires, and will control the ten nations, therefore, the name blasphemy.”)
2 And the beast which I saw (represents the fallen Angel who will be let out of the bottomless pit to help the Antichrist [Rev. 11:7]; both the fallen Angel and the Antichrist are referred to as a “beast,” but they are two different beings) was like unto a leopard (this fallen Angel will help the Antichrist to speedily conquer; Daniel describes this event as well [Dan. 7:6]), and his feet were as the feet of a bear (carries the characteristics of the ancient Medo-Persian Empire, which is ferociousness), {just as Apostle John saw, and revisited upon Apostle THEY call me, two years prior Kobe's fiery crash morning of hearing the ten heads being ordain, Rev 10, Mighty Angel, as an anxious husband with a wife travailing in birth, stood one foot the sea, one foot the planet, US map, and Rev 17, 7th, Angel, bearing 7 bowls was with him, saying no further delays US soil, desolation's predicted now come, beware! Apb }, and his mouth as the mouth of a lion (portrays the finesse, grandeur, and pomp of the Babylonian Empire): {one of the three ancient beast (2017), in the home as everyday, loving pets, was the Lion mention here, the Leopard, and an Anubis, undertaker, were present as well, Apb}, and the dragon (Satan) gave him (the Antichrist) his power, and his seat, and great authority. (the Antichrist will have Satan helping him as well as this powerful fallen Angel, and, no doubt, a host of other fallen Angels and demon spirits.) {revisited from Feb 12/13, (2015), as the Antichrist seen in great prowess planet wide, the Jan 12/13, (2020), Antichrist, was an Alexander The Great hybrid Hitler's Germany, type, whose demons themselves posed as Anubis type German shepherds, Apb}
3 And I saw one of his heads as it were wounded to death (doesn’t refer to the Antichrist, but rather one of the Empires of the past, which greatly persecuted Israel; it pertains to the Grecian Empire under Alexander the Great, and in reality speaks of the same fallen Angel helping Alexander; when Alexander died, this fallen Angel who helped him to conquer so speedily was locked away in the bottomless pit [Dan.7:6]); {I explain in my prophecies for an example, Saddam Hussein was the wounded head, a predicted Bush's 2003, Hussein White House, with Barack Hussein, this perfect Islamic, African, European bloodline actually (Dan 9:27, Rev 11, 1, 2, Rev 13:5), Islamic/Israeli/Antichrist reign, is this wounded head indefinite sweet to bitter world rule until Jesus reign, Apb} (refers to the fact that this fallen Angel will be released out of the bottomless pit to aid and abet the Antichrist [Rev., Chpt. 17]; {before (Rev 17:14), Jesus husband come to rescue and together, righteous He and righteous His slay Gog and Magog; this is that greater than the beast of religion manslaughter, come; I saw imprisoned in a dungeon, whose imprisonment was slowly giving him his end time genocide of the genesis human being, Apb} (t is doubtful the Antichrist will know or realize the source of his power, taking all the credit unto himself): and all the world wondered after the beast. (This refers to the part of the world he has conquered, but with the entirety of the world definitely paying him homage as he now seems to exude superhuman ability.) {although this was perfect man, Rev 2 Jesus appearance as well, but possibly to drive followers right alone, another reason why, the perfect, dangerous man looked like a gorgeous, Hollywood actor, as African American, Michael Ealy, see here,, Apb}
4 And they worshiped the dragon which gave power unto the beast (refers to the fact that men worship power): and they worshiped the beast, saying, Who
is like unto the beast? who is able to make war with him? (This proclaims the means by which power is worshiped.) {seeing a Michael Ealy dangerous, perfect man, whore Jezebel correcting perfect man Jesus, that was Jan 12//13, (2018); it's following Jan 20, (2019), early that morning, I was seeing a Rev 12, Michael battling a star wars in the heavens, hearing, "Michael is setting his all around."
-Possibly, why I've told people, I have in my outreach ministry, as many Michael's as Jesus's Gospel has Mary's. Wait, I have one of those too, three family members to one bike, a Memphis Mother Mary, an eldest son Reuben and a baby, 7th son, soon the Rev 17:14, Jesus husband in and out of the spirit body, near three decades my various demo's; the horrid reveal? Legalized wh0redoms like same gender perversion was giving rise to a generation of demonic, Pedophile teen males, perversely infected with your infant children, Apb}
5 And there was given unto him a mouth speaking great things and blasphemies (powerful claims will be made, with the Name of Jesus being ridiculed); and power was given unto him to continue forty and two months (the last three and one half years of the Great Tribulation; despite his power, the Lord still controls the time frames, and, in fact, all events). {When during Bush and while US soldiers having a license like no other nation to steal, kill and destroy were hunting down for persecution and execution, a Saddam, I used (Rev 11:1, 2), to predict a Hussein White House and world reign, holy spirits used both Daniel 9 490 year prophecy and Daniel 12, man in linen grace period, to make Hussein rule indefinite until those two 42 months again (Rev 11, 1, 2 and Rev 13:5), Apb
6 And he opened his mouth in blasphemy against God, to blaspheme His Name (he will use all the power of print, Radio, Television, and computers to demean the God of the Bible; it will be a regiment of blasphemy on a worldwide basis, such as the world has never known before), and His Tabernacle (refers to Heaven), and them who dwell in Heaven. (Even though it refers to all believers in Heaven, pointedly it refers to the 144,000 Jews who have been raptured and are now in heaven. The insults will be thick and fast, in effect, ridiculing Heaven.) {Showing, the anti Christ Jan 3/13/23, Rev 2, Jesus' matrix counts, 2020, as a hybrid Alexander The Great, see here, to Hitlers Germany, see here, whose, for thirty plus rapture springs, in my demos, Egypt's Anubis undertakers, here, posed as German Shepherds, leaves no doubt Ancient Beast rule is beyond anything comprehensive lethal, deadly to human extinction.}, Apb
7 And it was given unto him to make war with the Saints, and to overcome them (this will include all Believers all over the world; as well, the Text implies by the word “overcome” that the Lord will allow such to happen): and power was given him over all kindreds, and tongues, and nations. (This doesn’t include the entirety of the world, but rather the area over which he has control, which is basically the area of the old Roman Empire.) {I was standing my kitchen cooking when as often showing THEMSELVES, readily present, Hol Lord begin to say in my ear, and I quote, "soon the church-bride could be in heaven, looking down upon and praying for the tribulation saints, as the Antichrist, has been given power to overcome them.
-Though said Church bride is over a year into what I believe is the final since April 2, (2019), two weeks and 7 years prior to Zech 14/Mat 24/Rev 19, Jesus' April 2, (2026), return, though it'd even behooved me, sorta like (Rev 2), perfect man Jesus asking me, Jan 12/13, (2018), only hours before Hawaii inbound missile alert, would angels also ascend?
-Personally, here Holy Lords were, (2011/2012), no more debating, putting us in pre-tribulation, Rev 12, second heaven, intercessions, also see those two 42 months intervals, Rev 11:1, 2, Rev 13:7, one I used during error Bush's Islamic wars, to predict a Hussein White house, and indefinite world reign, beware, Genesis thru Revelation, Holy Elohim God, Is AWARE!} Apb
8 And all who dwell upon the Earth shall worship him (first of all, we’re speaking here of worship, not dominion of nations; as well, the word “all” doesn’t refer to every single human being, but rather people from all nations of the world, however many that number might be), whose names are not written in the Book of Life (refers to the fact that Believers will not worship the Antichrist) of the Lamb slain from the foundation of the world. (This tells us that the only way one’s name can be placed in the Book of Life is by acceptance of Jesus Christ as one’s Lord and Saviour, and what He did for us at the Cross. Also, the phrase, “From the foundation of the world” proclaims the fact that the Doctrine of “Jesus Christ and Him Crucified” is the Foundation Doctrine of all Doctrines. In other words, every Doctrine from the Bible must be built on the foundation of the Cross of Christ, otherwise it is bogus.) {After I was hand off to the prophet/elder Ezekiel, by the winged Jesus who'd it's first spring rapture of now 30 plus years of such demos, arrived me to him, one of the three time tested doors of prepping end days labors. Soon demonstrated what Elder Ezekiel is describing here, (Eze 36:26), I will give you a new heart and put a new spirit within you; I will take the heart of stone out of your flesh and give you a heart of flesh, Apostle THEY call me, witnessed their old heart this surgeon of surgeon blessed hand take it's last breath and be transplanted anew, until they all left God's throne, for the perfecting of holy Saints, Ephesian's 4, Apostles, Prophets, Evangelist, Pastors and teachers}, Apb
9 If any man have an ear, let him hear (refers to the ability to hear spiritually, and to hear properly in this manner; Jesus used the term many times [Mat. 11:15; 13:9, 43; Mk. 4:9; etc.]).
10 He who leads into captivity shall go into captivity (could be translated, “He who is destined to captivity will go into captivity”; it refers to the fact that those who will not hear the Word of the Lord, but rather the Word of the Antichrist, are guaranteed the worst type of spiritual bondage): he who kills with the sword must be killed with the sword. (This pertains to the nations of the world that will follow the Antichrist in his quest for world domination and power. The Second Coming of the Lord will bring swift and sure Judgment upon them.) Here is the patience and the faith of the Saints. (This refers basically to Israel, and that her Redemption is very near, which will take place at the Second Coming.)
11 And I beheld another beast coming up out of the Earth (refers to the false prophet; by the use of the word “Earth,” the Holy Spirit is telling us that this man is not from above, but rather from the masses of people); and he had two horns like a lamb (he has a lamb-like appearance which is intended to deceive), and he spoke as a dragon (refers to the fact that he will be greatly anointed by the Devil; in a sense, the Antichrist will claim to be Christ, while the false prophet will try to fill the role of the Holy Spirit).
12 And he exercised all the power of the first beast before him (the power or authority exercised by the false prophet will come directly from Satan, and not through the Antichrist), and causes the Earth and them which dwell therein to worship the first beast (the false prophet is promoting Earth and not Heaven, meaning he will promise Heaven here on Earth; the promises he makes will be tied to the “worship” given to the Antichrist), whose deadly wound was healed (doesn’t refer to an assassination attempt or even to the Antichrist being killed and raised from the dead as some teach, but rather that the powerful fallen Angel, who helped bring the Grecian Empire into power under Alexander the Great and has locked up for many, many centuries, has now been loosed and is helping the Antichrist; this “deadly wound being healed” speaks of his release from the bottomless pit [Dan. 7:6; Rev. 11:7; 13:2]).
13 And he (the false prophet) does great wonders (signs), so that he makes fire come down from Heaven on the Earth in the sight of men (will be literal, which means it’s not a trick; he will do this through the power of Satan),
14 And deceives them who dwell on the Earth by the means of those miracles which he had power to do in the sight of the beast (refers to the efforts of the false prophet to elevate the Antichrist; the word “beast” is used interchangeably between the Antichrist, the false prophet, and the fallen Angel; whatever they call themselves, the Holy Spirit refers to them as “beasts”); saying to them who dwell on the Earth, that they should make an image to the beast (it is an image for the purpose of worship, and will probably be set up in the Temple built by the Jews in Jerusalem), which had the wound by a sword, and did live (refers to the Antichrist somehow being wounded, a wound incidentally which should have taken his life; that he lives is construed as a miracle, with credit probably going to the false prophet; this is not the “wound” of Verse 3; that was on “one of his heads,” which had to do with an Empire [actually the Grecian Empire], and not an individual; this wound of Verse 14 pertains to an individual, in this case the Antichrist). {Seen to be seeing, during error Islam Bush's wars, (2003), after I predicted by (Rev 11:1, 2), that while US soldiers were hunting down Saddam Hussein for persecution and soon execution, instead he would sit the US White House and rule the world. Soon in a dream a time later, not unlike King Nebuchadnezzar's mountain from heaven, Here presently, with a meteor surface, in the reigning Bride's possession, that when she released it I heard, "this is the Antichrist, murderer!"
-I witnessed a huge container fall on Saddam Hussein, heard, "Saddam is injured and will not recover: days later in real time, I heard a White house press, personnel, literally word for word say the exact same thing. Truthfully why I now say one head was wounded to death, Saddam Hussein, yet it lived, Barack Hussein or (Islamic/Antichrist reign), and it's President Obama was given two weeks and 7 years until Daniel 12, dispensation of grace be fulfilled, July 27, (2016), beware Apb}
-And I heard April 2, 2019, two weeks and 7 years, then two weeks in April 16/17, (2019), so already over a year in, April 2/16/17, (2020); Trump and Kushner offered up the middle eastern deal of the century, Actually the for many nations, non aggression pact, that could've put us in the for many millennia predicted (Daniel 9:27, Rev 11:1, 2, Rev 13:5), final week of years territory; undoubtedly arriving Jesus Millennium here around, April 2, (2026), and God's mightily summoned Kingdom Come, by April 2, (3026), beware, Genesis through Revelation Holy God Is, AWARE! Apb}
15 And he (the false prophet) had power to give life unto the image of the beast (should have been translated, “For he had power to give spirit unto the image of the beast”; that is the actual word used in the Greek; to give life is solely the prerogative of the Godhead), that the image of the beast should both speak, and cause that as many as would not worship the image of the beast should be killed (by the powers of darkness, this image will be able to somehow speak, and will, as well, pronounce the sentence of death upon all who will not worship the image of the beast; this will probably be in Jerusalem!). 16 And he caused all, both small and great, rich and poor, free and bond, to receive a mark in their right hand, or in their foreheads (“all” represents only those in his domain, not the entirety of the world; this domain will include virtually the entirety of the area of the old Roman Empire, which includes North Africa, the Middle East, and most of modern Europe; this will be a literal mark):
17 And that no man might buy or sell, save he who had the mark (we are told in Verses 11 through 13 that the seduction of the Antichrist will be religious; now we are told in Verses 16 and 17 it will be economic), or the name of the beast, or the number of his name. (The thought is that either the “name” of the beast or his “number” will be required as a brand or mark upon all.)
18 Here is wisdom (this is the wisdom of God). {The home earth since, a shaky, shaky shelter, the elephants of staying unaware, Dec 3, (2017), stampeding the abomination of desolation, of Palestine's Abbas threatening Trump with eight leads, his and Nethanyue's making ten heads; God no longer wink at spiritual unknowing as ignorance, but rebellion, repent or perish! Apb} Let him who has understanding count the number of the beast (the idea is that it is the number of a man, not of God, which means he will give account to Jehovah, Whom he has repeatedly blasphemed): for it is the number of a man; and his number is Six hundred threescore and six. (It is the number of a man, not a kingdom, not a religion, not a dispensation, but a man. The number will be 666.) JSM, Expositor Bible, in the red,
see more here, Jimmy Swaggart Daniel the prophet,, see here,
see Jimmy Swaggart, Gog And Magog, Ezekiel 38, 39,
See more here, The Expositor's Study Bible, Jimmy Swaggart.
-And I heard April 2, 2019, two weeks and 7 years, then two weeks in April 16/17, (2019), so already over a year in, April 2/16/17, (2020); Trump and Kushner offered up the middle eastern deal of the century, Actually the for many nations, non aggression pact, that could've put us in the for many millennia predicted (Daniel 9:27, Rev 11:1, 2, Rev 13:5), final week of years territory; undoubtedly arriving Jesus Millennium here around, April 2, (2026), and God's mightily summoned Kingdom Come, by April 2, (3026), beware, Genesis through Revelation Holy God Is, AWARE! Apb}
15 And he (the false prophet) had power to give life unto the image of the beast (should have been translated, “For he had power to give spirit unto the image of the beast”; that is the actual word used in the Greek; to give life is solely the prerogative of the Godhead), that the image of the beast should both speak, and cause that as many as would not worship the image of the beast should be killed (by the powers of darkness, this image will be able to somehow speak, and will, as well, pronounce the sentence of death upon all who will not worship the image of the beast; this will probably be in Jerusalem!). 16 And he caused all, both small and great, rich and poor, free and bond, to receive a mark in their right hand, or in their foreheads (“all” represents only those in his domain, not the entirety of the world; this domain will include virtually the entirety of the area of the old Roman Empire, which includes North Africa, the Middle East, and most of modern Europe; this will be a literal mark):
17 And that no man might buy or sell, save he who had the mark (we are told in Verses 11 through 13 that the seduction of the Antichrist will be religious; now we are told in Verses 16 and 17 it will be economic), or the name of the beast, or the number of his name. (The thought is that either the “name” of the beast or his “number” will be required as a brand or mark upon all.)
18 Here is wisdom (this is the wisdom of God). {The home earth since, a shaky, shaky shelter, the elephants of staying unaware, Dec 3, (2017), stampeding the abomination of desolation, of Palestine's Abbas threatening Trump with eight leads, his and Nethanyue's making ten heads; God no longer wink at spiritual unknowing as ignorance, but rebellion, repent or perish! Apb} Let him who has understanding count the number of the beast (the idea is that it is the number of a man, not of God, which means he will give account to Jehovah, Whom he has repeatedly blasphemed): for it is the number of a man; and his number is Six hundred threescore and six. (It is the number of a man, not a kingdom, not a religion, not a dispensation, but a man. The number will be 666.) JSM, Expositor Bible, in the red,
see more here, Jimmy Swaggart Daniel the prophet,, see here,
see Jimmy Swaggart, Gog And Magog, Ezekiel 38, 39,
See more here, The Expositor's Study Bible, Jimmy Swaggart.
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