Prophecy Links Fulfilling, Thirty Plus Rapture Springs Now, The Ascension
-Waking early morning, the sixteen year revisit, May 15, 2004-2020), Angel Gabriel, come confirming, the end of world Scenario, Mat 24 Jesus atop Mt Olivet, explained to his disciples, first saying, Let no man deceive you, or, or Apostle Paul said, an angel from heaven; Quoting Him, the fulfillment of all things is upon mankind, she's going, coming with a 7th angel; presently there's something about eruptions and FEMA, beware, possibly the outbreak of ambulances and states of emergencies I did see, US elections (2008/09), Apb
give here,
Herald The Antichrist, Murderer, The Stone, Cut Out Without Hands, The Reigning Bride Prepped, Too Had The Surface Of A Meteor, see more here, Dan 2
-Just more proof we're in the last week of Daniel, since (1996), backward running clock of years, reveals, no doubt, these are the fires from heaven, US soil and the world, sky watchers also, Final days and Mike from around the world, told us around May Mid (2020) to begin to be aware of. Even hearing the Phoenix, area, US Map. See, I named seeing the sky crystallized, crack and break apart, and rain down in huge shards, the phoenix. Know also, pretty much what John is describing or being described, a no where to run scenario, Rev 6, 6th seal; well, go see, www.thephoenix1012,
-This is when Apostle THEY also call me, these 30 plus rapture springs, take what I see, and make them into book characters, my prophetic parables, beware, Apb. Also see here,, my decades now, native Indian characters, The Deburk's, Paris, Juttah Globe, debating whether what's being revealed is a military invasion or Jesus Christ and His Holies finally come to put an end to it all, when come genuine peace on earth, an invasion of false, deadly peace? Beware, Holy Elohim God, Is AWARE! Apb
Could be a Sign of Things to Come! - Only May 18th and ALREADY a POWERFUL CAT 5 on the LOOSE!
Now Fires In California, Florida, Phoenix, Arizona and Counting Until As Predicted All US States Except US Southwest Are Georgia's Savannah, Are US States Of Barbecue! Beware, Apb
-No Doubt, these are the fires from heaven, US soil and the world, sky watchers also, Final days, (The final days. Meteorites coming, more earthquakes, volcanic activity, God's judgments. 5-7-2020,,
and Mike from around the world, "Can We Survive May 12, 2020 / Mike From Around The World / Paul Begley "Virus Update, told us around May Mid (2020) to begin to be aware of.
Sweet to bitter, did the for thirty plus rapture springs, Rev 17:14 , Jesus husband of both the Briexit and Blexit just have our first Memphis, great grandson, born both his birthday.
-As so, the 16, year commemoration, May 15, (2004-thru 2020) of Angel Gabriel Himself, descending, forewarning all things unto fulfillment, a revisited Jan 23-29, (2018), Rev 10, Mighty Angel saying, no further delays US soil, desolation predicted now come, as in The America's refugees, now come?
-Even hearing mrmbb333 day the Phoenix, area, US Map is on fire, see, I named seeing the sky crystallized, crack and break apart, and rain down in huge shards, the Phoenix, pretty much what John is describing or being described, a no where to run scenario, as mountains themselves melt way, Rev 6, 6th seal; well, go see, www.thephoenix1012,
-When Apostle THEY also call me and my now deceased husband, also the Jesus husband in my demos, these 30 plus rapture springs, take what I see and make them into book characters, my prophetic parables, beware, Apb.
Also see here,, my decades now, native Indian characters, The Deburk's, Paris, Juttah Globe, debating whether what's being revealed is a military invasion or Jesus Christ and His Holies finally come to put an end to it all, when come genuine peace on earth, an invasion of false, deadly peace? Beware, Holy Elohim God, Is AWARE! Apb
Prophecy Links Fulfilling, seeing Jan/Feb (2020), Matrix counts, the blocking out the sky, single word, WEATHER! seeing May 15, (2020), references to those predicted Aug 5, 7, 30/31/Sept 3/13/23, Matrix counts, 101 eruptions and FEMA, be aware as Holy God Of Unveiling Apocalypse Himself, Apb
Hearing (2007/2019), Asteroid Destroy!
-I'm even reminded (2013), glancing from sleep, seeing a women, rolling a small boat, signaling I come; only now to. realize, that woman was me signaling you, days of rapture, those left high rise buildings, massive floods, come.
-You all know like March 13/Oct 15, (2018,) inviting all US States from a barbecue into Georgia, right into where I witnessed three years earlier, June/July (2015), a described since (1986/87), Rev 17:14, Jesus Husband escape some endangered Memphians to Georgia's Savannah. Through I'd seen it July/Aug, campaigning Senator Obama (2008/09) prior, a sea of you pouring into Africa's Atlantic coast.
-Still not yet realizing its connection, you're being stampeded as far away from The Americas, Rev 6, 6th seal, Volcanic Apocalypse as Africa's Southwest coast. Beware, also hearing Jan/Feb (2020), subzero degree temperatures," of what would follow and worst, Volcanic Apocalypse, both blocking and raining down heaven; beware, the God you plead and pressure His Kingdom come, the author its book of unveiled Apocalypse, is aware! Apb, see here,, how it's ALL, ending prophetically, Apb
Prophecy Links Fulfilling, Seeing Jan 3/13/23, matrix counts, the blocking out the sky, single word, WEATHER! Apb
More Than Just A Weather Report, See here,, mrmbb333, Big Storms Brewing,
Article, [Obama just told the world what we've all been thinking:, (Neither impresses me, both aligned to 50 million US deaths, its weight of blood guilt. Owe Jesus their penance and us biblical truth that leads to blessed escape, Briexit to Blaexit.
-I'm reminded of the movies, Bruce Almighty to Alvin Almighty, both given a chance to serve as God, as now, this world, the end come, who's Nimrod to Moses the, biggest loser to righteous deliverer?
-Psalms to Revelation Books Of God's Wisdom says vain is the Help Of Rebellious, Man, driving the nails still. Blessed Are Hearers And Doers Of Righteousness, For The Time It All End, Is At Hand! Beware,
Prophecy Links Fulfilling
Prophet Isaiah, Also I heard the voice of the Lord, saying, Whom shall I send, and who will go for us? Then said I, Here am I; send me! (Only Apostle I am was only months Christ's reborn and in my portal of a prayer closet when I cried to desperate, even crying Holy Father, The Same, send me, I'll make a difference, the faith and enthusiasm of childlike faith, Apb,
They See The Continuing American Dream, God Sees As Noah's Evil Days, More Traps Laid For School Kids, The Final Nail Its Coffin, to Genocide, The Genesis Man/ Marriage, Ah, Repent, RUN, or perish! Apb
Article, [Georgia church closes two weeks after reopening as families come down with coronavirus] (Marvel not Rev Holies and Apostle THEY call me, said, there's only one Jordan's/Moses Petra and Georgia's/ Africa's Atlantic and the only Briexit to Blaexit Ps 51/Rev 18, Elohim will bless.
-Plus like all else you treasure, including missiling down upon you crystal skies. I witnessed great beast stomp and tear through pulpits, pews and porches, as in blessed Noah to Moses day, escape, repent, RUN or perish! Apb
Sudden Destruction And They Shall Not Escape, Slay Literally Old And Young! Thus Saith, Eze 9, Elohim
-Odd, most experts say this number too isn't accurate, in some cases Dr Phil, Dr Oz, it could be in only 3 months double. Predicted since Clinton/Bush so every US Admin to follow. I think I know now what kills 50 mil US alone. Only lately a world-wide death toll of 69 million. Call them as you want but at the root of US COVID-19, being around 17 mil dead. Those same evils that mocked God, prowled and crucified his Christ and are now doctoring these numbers, religious politics.
-Be clear, as predicted (2018), Rev Holies use of Keanu Reeves movies, like the Matrix. Know also, It's not they don't care, they can't. They're robotic, AI, careless and we're fatten sheep, just their collateral, power wheel of salvaging their everything treasured above Father Elohim, God.
-I'm not gonna fret, those who were to escape the last designed apocalypse. Just say or there'd be no Christ's Cross, God's Glory to Divine Adoption. All who were HIS SHEEP and to escape were right there faithfully helping to filling Noah build on blessed escape.
-Plus can't change fate to predestination, those who're to survive to those who're to perish. They were all portrayed (June 26/July 6, 2015) as an in heaven ceremony. The books Ps 139 speak of and John saw, the Lamb's books were opened. Those books of memory, those books of immortal life and living to immortal death and dying!
-Only this time opened to a name roll call and census taking, making first born's more vulnerable than ever before to COVID-19 and 101 eruptions, speedy die offs. For God so loves, avenge and harvest earth's inherit until like Christ, they're Righteous White.
-Thrust in thy sickle and reap, for the time hath come for thee to reap, for the harvest is plenty. What I was to say to an at my bed, 2018, Rev 14, harvester. Then John saw a number no man could, of tribulations saints alone.
Whereas the census taking counting for six millennia now.
-Just say, I woke in bed quite mystified and extremely exhausted, with only for its memory, the lyrics, WE EXALT THEE, playing none stop in my head. So my question, death and dying, not an anomaly rapid mortuary come. The prophesied hour here and in the flesh, your names Lamb's book, written, stricken or never, even recorded?
-The second woe is past; and, behold, the third woe cometh quickly. And the seventh angel sounded; and there were great voices in heaven, saying, The kingdoms of this world are become the kingdoms of our Lord, and of his Christ; and he shall reign for ever and ever. Beware, Holy, Elohim God, Is AWARE! Apb, see here,, how it's ALL, ending prophetically, Apb
Prophecy Links Fulfilling, Jan 12/13, (2018), Rev 2 Jesus and All Holies A Memphis Son Home, Asking Me Will Angels Also Ascend? Apb
-As I said, May 15, (2020), wasn't just Pres Trump official re-opening; or predicted by sky watchers when fire from heaven would pound us, and every inferno is now questionable; nor it just the birthday of Rev 17:14, Jesus Husband in my 30 plus rapture springs, demos.
-Remarkably that a first grandson to great grandson new birth, May 15, (2020, just amazingly commemorated. Blessed assurance, May 15, (2004), like He'd come to a teenager pending Jesus' Mother Mary; Angel Gabriel is here, saying something bout all things unto fulfillment and she's going, coming with what I just shared, I Thess 4, Trump of God/Rev 11;15, 7th Angel, got Him, got Jesus and rose to ascended into Rev 12, second heavens Rev 13, intercessions yet? Beware, Apb
-And these are the descendants of the beauty rescued from the hands of the beast: Beast Of Beauty Featuring King Bridegroom Zion, Winterhawk Seabreeze and Queen Bride Meadowlark Peton Cook
The Unending Love Antidote ...The African Juttah Genealogy, 1986-2016/2026/3036
Article, The Q Anon Antichrist Deception Revealed, Prophecy Links Fulfilling, the single word disappeared frozen on all HD, 5G and Social Media. I said, like a day the earth stood still scenario, only this was long before COVID19 world wide lockdowns, Aug 5, (2019) beware, Apb Article, [[Sweden records one of its strongest ever earthquakes as 4.1-magnitude tremors strike the world's biggest underground iron ore mine] There Is No Need For The Sun In Heaven, THEY Are The Sunlight There, Apostle John, Said -The Sunlight from behind a mountain both reigning Ps 66:18/2 Chron 7:14, 15, God's Back Turn Throne. Take note, this was after the silence in heaven brought a screeching halt to mammoth celebrations. Next I heard, while marveling and you would too, a mountain in God's Throne, was, "let my people go!" -Prophetically, Genesis thru Revelation as to all those in any and every authority over ELOHI'S inhetit, let my people go! Clearly as to tell them all biblical apocalypse ending this world and replenishing this planet by nuclear, solar and molten fire, is here, as in now here.
-Whereas escape's, Jordan's Petra to Africa's Atlantic, are the only, as Noah's Ark and Moses exodus, Ps 51/Rev 18, God, blessed, beware, Elohim God, Is AWARE! Apb, see here,, how it's ALL, ending prophetically, Apb
-Waking early morning, the sixteen year revisit, May 15, 2004-2020), Angel Gabriel, come confirming, the end of world Scenario, Mat 24 Jesus atop Mt Olivet, explained to his disciples, first saying, Let no man deceive you, or, or Apostle Paul said, an angel from heaven; Quoting Him, the fulfillment of all things is upon mankind, she's going, coming with a 7th angel; presently there's something about eruptions and FEMA, beware, possibly the outbreak of ambulances and states of emergencies I did see, US elections (2008/09), Apb
give here,
Herald The Antichrist, Murderer, The Stone, Cut Out Without Hands, The Reigning Bride Prepped, Too Had The Surface Of A Meteor, see more here, Dan 2
-Just more proof we're in the last week of Daniel, since (1996), backward running clock of years, reveals, no doubt, these are the fires from heaven, US soil and the world, sky watchers also, Final days and Mike from around the world, told us around May Mid (2020) to begin to be aware of. Even hearing the Phoenix, area, US Map. See, I named seeing the sky crystallized, crack and break apart, and rain down in huge shards, the phoenix. Know also, pretty much what John is describing or being described, a no where to run scenario, Rev 6, 6th seal; well, go see, www.thephoenix1012,
-This is when Apostle THEY also call me, these 30 plus rapture springs, take what I see, and make them into book characters, my prophetic parables, beware, Apb. Also see here,, my decades now, native Indian characters, The Deburk's, Paris, Juttah Globe, debating whether what's being revealed is a military invasion or Jesus Christ and His Holies finally come to put an end to it all, when come genuine peace on earth, an invasion of false, deadly peace? Beware, Holy Elohim God, Is AWARE! Apb
Could be a Sign of Things to Come! - Only May 18th and ALREADY a POWERFUL CAT 5 on the LOOSE!
Now Fires In California, Florida, Phoenix, Arizona and Counting Until As Predicted All US States Except US Southwest Are Georgia's Savannah, Are US States Of Barbecue! Beware, Apb
-No Doubt, these are the fires from heaven, US soil and the world, sky watchers also, Final days, (The final days. Meteorites coming, more earthquakes, volcanic activity, God's judgments. 5-7-2020,,
and Mike from around the world, "Can We Survive May 12, 2020 / Mike From Around The World / Paul Begley "Virus Update, told us around May Mid (2020) to begin to be aware of.
Sweet to bitter, did the for thirty plus rapture springs, Rev 17:14 , Jesus husband of both the Briexit and Blexit just have our first Memphis, great grandson, born both his birthday.
-As so, the 16, year commemoration, May 15, (2004-thru 2020) of Angel Gabriel Himself, descending, forewarning all things unto fulfillment, a revisited Jan 23-29, (2018), Rev 10, Mighty Angel saying, no further delays US soil, desolation predicted now come, as in The America's refugees, now come?
-Even hearing mrmbb333 day the Phoenix, area, US Map is on fire, see, I named seeing the sky crystallized, crack and break apart, and rain down in huge shards, the Phoenix, pretty much what John is describing or being described, a no where to run scenario, as mountains themselves melt way, Rev 6, 6th seal; well, go see, www.thephoenix1012,
-When Apostle THEY also call me and my now deceased husband, also the Jesus husband in my demos, these 30 plus rapture springs, take what I see and make them into book characters, my prophetic parables, beware, Apb.
Also see here,, my decades now, native Indian characters, The Deburk's, Paris, Juttah Globe, debating whether what's being revealed is a military invasion or Jesus Christ and His Holies finally come to put an end to it all, when come genuine peace on earth, an invasion of false, deadly peace? Beware, Holy Elohim God, Is AWARE! Apb
Prophecy Links Fulfilling, seeing Jan/Feb (2020), Matrix counts, the blocking out the sky, single word, WEATHER! seeing May 15, (2020), references to those predicted Aug 5, 7, 30/31/Sept 3/13/23, Matrix counts, 101 eruptions and FEMA, be aware as Holy God Of Unveiling Apocalypse Himself, Apb
Hearing (2007/2019), Asteroid Destroy!
-I'm even reminded (2013), glancing from sleep, seeing a women, rolling a small boat, signaling I come; only now to. realize, that woman was me signaling you, days of rapture, those left high rise buildings, massive floods, come.
-You all know like March 13/Oct 15, (2018,) inviting all US States from a barbecue into Georgia, right into where I witnessed three years earlier, June/July (2015), a described since (1986/87), Rev 17:14, Jesus Husband escape some endangered Memphians to Georgia's Savannah. Through I'd seen it July/Aug, campaigning Senator Obama (2008/09) prior, a sea of you pouring into Africa's Atlantic coast.
-Still not yet realizing its connection, you're being stampeded as far away from The Americas, Rev 6, 6th seal, Volcanic Apocalypse as Africa's Southwest coast. Beware, also hearing Jan/Feb (2020), subzero degree temperatures," of what would follow and worst, Volcanic Apocalypse, both blocking and raining down heaven; beware, the God you plead and pressure His Kingdom come, the author its book of unveiled Apocalypse, is aware! Apb, see here,, how it's ALL, ending prophetically, Apb
Prophecy Links Fulfilling, Seeing Jan 3/13/23, matrix counts, the blocking out the sky, single word, WEATHER! Apb
More Than Just A Weather Report, See here,, mrmbb333, Big Storms Brewing,
Article, [Obama just told the world what we've all been thinking:, (Neither impresses me, both aligned to 50 million US deaths, its weight of blood guilt. Owe Jesus their penance and us biblical truth that leads to blessed escape, Briexit to Blaexit.
-I'm reminded of the movies, Bruce Almighty to Alvin Almighty, both given a chance to serve as God, as now, this world, the end come, who's Nimrod to Moses the, biggest loser to righteous deliverer?
-Psalms to Revelation Books Of God's Wisdom says vain is the Help Of Rebellious, Man, driving the nails still. Blessed Are Hearers And Doers Of Righteousness, For The Time It All End, Is At Hand! Beware,
Prophecy Links Fulfilling
Prophet Isaiah, Also I heard the voice of the Lord, saying, Whom shall I send, and who will go for us? Then said I, Here am I; send me! (Only Apostle I am was only months Christ's reborn and in my portal of a prayer closet when I cried to desperate, even crying Holy Father, The Same, send me, I'll make a difference, the faith and enthusiasm of childlike faith, Apb,
They See The Continuing American Dream, God Sees As Noah's Evil Days, More Traps Laid For School Kids, The Final Nail Its Coffin, to Genocide, The Genesis Man/ Marriage, Ah, Repent, RUN, or perish! Apb
Article, [Georgia church closes two weeks after reopening as families come down with coronavirus] (Marvel not Rev Holies and Apostle THEY call me, said, there's only one Jordan's/Moses Petra and Georgia's/ Africa's Atlantic and the only Briexit to Blaexit Ps 51/Rev 18, Elohim will bless.
-Plus like all else you treasure, including missiling down upon you crystal skies. I witnessed great beast stomp and tear through pulpits, pews and porches, as in blessed Noah to Moses day, escape, repent, RUN or perish! Apb
Sudden Destruction And They Shall Not Escape, Slay Literally Old And Young! Thus Saith, Eze 9, Elohim
-Odd, most experts say this number too isn't accurate, in some cases Dr Phil, Dr Oz, it could be in only 3 months double. Predicted since Clinton/Bush so every US Admin to follow. I think I know now what kills 50 mil US alone. Only lately a world-wide death toll of 69 million. Call them as you want but at the root of US COVID-19, being around 17 mil dead. Those same evils that mocked God, prowled and crucified his Christ and are now doctoring these numbers, religious politics.
-Be clear, as predicted (2018), Rev Holies use of Keanu Reeves movies, like the Matrix. Know also, It's not they don't care, they can't. They're robotic, AI, careless and we're fatten sheep, just their collateral, power wheel of salvaging their everything treasured above Father Elohim, God.
-I'm not gonna fret, those who were to escape the last designed apocalypse. Just say or there'd be no Christ's Cross, God's Glory to Divine Adoption. All who were HIS SHEEP and to escape were right there faithfully helping to filling Noah build on blessed escape.
-Plus can't change fate to predestination, those who're to survive to those who're to perish. They were all portrayed (June 26/July 6, 2015) as an in heaven ceremony. The books Ps 139 speak of and John saw, the Lamb's books were opened. Those books of memory, those books of immortal life and living to immortal death and dying!
-Only this time opened to a name roll call and census taking, making first born's more vulnerable than ever before to COVID-19 and 101 eruptions, speedy die offs. For God so loves, avenge and harvest earth's inherit until like Christ, they're Righteous White.
-Thrust in thy sickle and reap, for the time hath come for thee to reap, for the harvest is plenty. What I was to say to an at my bed, 2018, Rev 14, harvester. Then John saw a number no man could, of tribulations saints alone.
Whereas the census taking counting for six millennia now.
-Just say, I woke in bed quite mystified and extremely exhausted, with only for its memory, the lyrics, WE EXALT THEE, playing none stop in my head. So my question, death and dying, not an anomaly rapid mortuary come. The prophesied hour here and in the flesh, your names Lamb's book, written, stricken or never, even recorded?
-The second woe is past; and, behold, the third woe cometh quickly. And the seventh angel sounded; and there were great voices in heaven, saying, The kingdoms of this world are become the kingdoms of our Lord, and of his Christ; and he shall reign for ever and ever. Beware, Holy, Elohim God, Is AWARE! Apb, see here,, how it's ALL, ending prophetically, Apb
Prophecy Links Fulfilling, Jan 12/13, (2018), Rev 2 Jesus and All Holies A Memphis Son Home, Asking Me Will Angels Also Ascend? Apb
-As I said, May 15, (2020), wasn't just Pres Trump official re-opening; or predicted by sky watchers when fire from heaven would pound us, and every inferno is now questionable; nor it just the birthday of Rev 17:14, Jesus Husband in my 30 plus rapture springs, demos.
-Remarkably that a first grandson to great grandson new birth, May 15, (2020, just amazingly commemorated. Blessed assurance, May 15, (2004), like He'd come to a teenager pending Jesus' Mother Mary; Angel Gabriel is here, saying something bout all things unto fulfillment and she's going, coming with what I just shared, I Thess 4, Trump of God/Rev 11;15, 7th Angel, got Him, got Jesus and rose to ascended into Rev 12, second heavens Rev 13, intercessions yet? Beware, Apb
-And these are the descendants of the beauty rescued from the hands of the beast: Beast Of Beauty Featuring King Bridegroom Zion, Winterhawk Seabreeze and Queen Bride Meadowlark Peton Cook
The Tombola Genealogy, Holy, Temple, April, 17, 1986/2026/3036 into Infinity, God's Kingdom Reign
Unto Aristotle Nicolai Cornrow and Cicely Breanna Étienne was twins, a son Ellison Isakson Cornrow, a son Nicolai Allison Cornrow and a son Tavon Federico Etienne
Mark Scene, Genesis Marriage Worshipers, XVII and VII
"You talking when the Holy Spirit made flesh and grand Sia found that woman bound by other women these inconceivable mass assemblies. But you Shadow man must remember as far back as prophet Jeremiah we're forewarn the spirit of jealousy and then every evil work sat their temple entry doors, that's hundreds of years before such strong delusions, religion and politics crucified Jesus. Whereas, whereas Jesus encouraged the Samaritan woman, serving the holy spirit of truth, in, by holy spirit and truth would deliver her from damaging, damning mass assembly. Here, seen lately just as everyday friendly pets, as to have Anubis undertakers parked the doorway, all of which I'm sure Apostle Paul reconsidered saying God is not mocked or will not be mocked, but will have all world leaders in derision, sitting his own king Zion upon this world's Governing Throne. But how can He be mocked, Maitlis? Holy Elohim knows and judges the telling heart, so to stampede some from earth ending events like COVID-19, only fall back into a regiment of religious assembly, that's a curse. Actually grand Sia say blowing her mind at the time, but she was commissioned to take the gospel of Jesus to church leaders and parishioners. How there's no telling how many church to religious persons have awoken in hell during the duration of a mesmerizing Sunday service, fighting words I know, but as Jesus saying, the many come after Him are not His, despite the enormity of their spiritual gifts and works, their sins remain." >>>"So Memphis man, hows separation anxiety, treating you? You Chance man tell me, she's describing the Antichrist appearance which prophetically can't happen until the bride is out of here, but Memphis Carter if as a backward running clock of years brought us to Antichrist unveiling, rewinding, the Bride's reign is just prior, what's next? There it is Kierney, I think you just found and renovated ascension anxiety, I heard about that, what is ascension anxiety? You hear Shadow man he went into a Christian chat, for some reassurance and they no ideal, either, but why would they? They have America. look, even grand Sia Maaseiah, the first spring rapture demo, had ascension anxiety, meaning mockers, it's only human. So this Covid-19, come a Kawasaki Children pandemic, Rev 2, forewarn death to fornicators kids? Yeah Blaine man, no doubt, no doubt, since grand Sia Maaseiah heard 40 more days March 6, 7,( 2020), we have a Sept 11 to Katrina daily death tolls, US soil alone, no other toll of death Dr Phil to Dr Oz, can match COVID-19 speed, read, reap, repent, run or like other sinning nations prior, perish! Wow, wow, wow, the entire world turn upside down and worst the Holy Brides and Angels lift off, all, all,all as you say, in such little time, so more evidence we're in the last week of Daniel? If so Meadowlark dear, expect Memphis ascension anxiety to flare up double, though bloodletting US/Western soil is gone as well, seems the earth would fair better. Though there's what it's predicted to replace it, even since Trump come into office, Ancient Beast rule with God apocalyptic retaliation, nearly ending the planet alone, we're taking leaving death tolls in the billions, children, parents all by April 2, (2026), mind your Briexit to Blaexit accordingly. So Justice man, do kiss and tell, how was your outing with Cokers twin? Wait, wait, Coker has a twin, yeah identical, didn't hesitate to approach and ask Justice here to the Septennial Museum grand opening. You went? ah regretfully yes, so it was a strike out and worst? Yes, all nosy, folks here and no, I think I'm contemplating her hand in marriage, what the heck Fabian man! I think I swallowed something, a fly or something, there are no flies in the Juttah, wait, are we insect free here? Just, saying you've only known her one date and how long Winterhawk did you and Meadow know each other, any of your spouse's, especially those Tombola conjoined? Parker being a genesis marriage worshiper tells me everything, to be honest, once she touched and took my hand so passionately, nether of us wanted to let each other go, ever again, wow Justice man, good for you, so wedding, Juttah vows or both? We're meeting after assignments, I can't Jacque man answer that riddle until then, look at you being all serious, when have you Chamois, sis, known me not be, serious? You know Just man for Coker to find you a perfect mate in her twin sister is divinity, I do Jacque know, I really do. been thanking and blessing Holy Father since, he is worthy Justice man, let us all say, he is worthy."
-Why Speak In Parables, why send God's Anointed to those having eyes but won't see, those having ears, but won't hear, those having hearts happily waxed grossed, their American Dreaming, even a tug of war same gender lives, lands, schools and churches? Their Elephants of staying unaware stampeded the world into massive troubles, three years now; their Noah's day Brides of going on like normal, here as recent as Feb 23, (2020), given running shoes for tattered, red, wedding, heels, come runaway Brides, themselves; you know, then WHO and the CDC, cancelled all groups of weddings.
-Yet to revisit Apostle John Rev 9, saying, and the rest of the men which were not killed by these plagues, (see by the thousands daily, COVID-19), yet they repented not of the works of their hands, that they should not worship devils, and idols of gold, and silver, and brass, and stone, and of wood: which neither can see, nor hear, nor walk:
-Neither repented they of their murders, nor of their sorcerers, nor of their fornication, nor of their thefts; yes America by all your centuries of bloodletting you've robbed and killed the world, see more here,, the day your as Eze 4/Daniel 5, King Babylon, weight to blood guilt, judgement. sentence, come, beware, Holy Elohim, Father God, Is AWARE!
Prophecy Links Fulfilling, Jan/Feb 03/13/23 (2020) Matrix counts, I got two references to the Antichrist and Hitler's Germany; one was as his Anubis demons, posed as friendly house pets, as German Shepherds, beware, ApbUnto Aristotle Nicolai Cornrow and Cicely Breanna Étienne was twins, a son Ellison Isakson Cornrow, a son Nicolai Allison Cornrow and a son Tavon Federico Etienne
Mark Scene, Genesis Marriage Worshipers, XVII and VII
And Matrix LXXXIX
-Why Speak In Parables, why send God's Anointed to those having eyes but won't see, those having ears, but won't hear, those having hearts happily waxed grossed, their American Dreaming, even a tug of war same gender lives, lands, schools and churches? Their Elephants of staying unaware stampeded the world into massive troubles, three years now; their Noah's day Brides of going on like normal, here as recent as Feb 23, (2020), given running shoes for tattered, red, wedding, heels, come runaway Brides, themselves; you know, then WHO and the CDC, cancelled all groups of weddings.
-Yet to revisit Apostle John Rev 9, saying, and the rest of the men which were not killed by these plagues, (see by the thousands daily, COVID-19), yet they repented not of the works of their hands, that they should not worship devils, and idols of gold, and silver, and brass, and stone, and of wood: which neither can see, nor hear, nor walk:
-Neither repented they of their murders, nor of their sorcerers, nor of their fornication, nor of their thefts; yes America by all your centuries of bloodletting you've robbed and killed the world, see more here,, the day your as Eze 4/Daniel 5, King Babylon, weight to blood guilt, judgement. sentence, come, beware, Holy Elohim, Father God, Is AWARE!
Article, The Q Anon Antichrist Deception Revealed, Prophecy Links Fulfilling, the single word disappeared frozen on all HD, 5G and Social Media. I said, like a day the earth stood still scenario, only this was long before COVID19 world wide lockdowns, Aug 5, (2019) beware, Apb Article, [[Sweden records one of its strongest ever earthquakes as 4.1-magnitude tremors strike the world's biggest underground iron ore mine] There Is No Need For The Sun In Heaven, THEY Are The Sunlight There, Apostle John, Said -The Sunlight from behind a mountain both reigning Ps 66:18/2 Chron 7:14, 15, God's Back Turn Throne. Take note, this was after the silence in heaven brought a screeching halt to mammoth celebrations. Next I heard, while marveling and you would too, a mountain in God's Throne, was, "let my people go!" -Prophetically, Genesis thru Revelation as to all those in any and every authority over ELOHI'S inhetit, let my people go! Clearly as to tell them all biblical apocalypse ending this world and replenishing this planet by nuclear, solar and molten fire, is here, as in now here.
-Whereas escape's, Jordan's Petra to Africa's Atlantic, are the only, as Noah's Ark and Moses exodus, Ps 51/Rev 18, God, blessed, beware, Elohim God, Is AWARE! Apb, see here,, how it's ALL, ending prophetically, Apb
Prophecy Links Fulfilling, The Holy Bride, West Rule disappeared and no more. So Aug 7/30/31 (2019), were about those 101 Yellowstone Eruptions and. Escaping them into Georgia's/Africa's Atlantic, beware, Apb
Prophecy Link's Fulfilling, Come One Go Down To The Middle School, And Cast A Stone! Apb
Finish All School Traps, Fornicating, Same Gender Perversion
-I'm reminded of the movies, Bruce Almighty to Alvin Almighty, both given a chance to serve as God, as now, this world, the end come, who's Nimrod to Moses the, biggest loser to righteous deliverer?Prophecy Link's Fulfilling, Come One Go Down To The Middle School, And Cast A Stone! Apb
Finish All School Traps, Fornicating, Same Gender Perversion
[Teacher shares image of his daughter, 5, in hospital and warns against reopening schools as WHO chief scientist insists there is still NO clear link between coronavirus and 'very rare' inflammatory disease in children], (although they're not listening to God, thank God they're not listening to WHO saying this new COVID-19 mutation isn't Coronavirus!
-Revisiting only hours before the Hawaii missile alert, Jan 13, (2018), Rev 2 Jesus, threaten US riches to rags whoring parents repent or their children dead! Only since re opening's are evidence said rebellious parents are getting back to even legalized abominations, marvel not both parents and children are being targeted, they're suffering the blessed death of their riches to rags, sickbeds, what scripture calls whore-mongering, beware, beware, beware, Genesis Thur Revelation God is AWARE! Apb
Prophecy Links Fulfilling, Seeing Jan 3/13/23, matrix counts, the blocking out the sky, single word, WEATHER! Apb
More Than Just A Weather Report, See here,, mrmbb333, Big Storms Brewing, Large storms
Article, [Obama just told the world what we've all been thinking:, (Neither impresses me, both aligned to 50 million US deaths, its weight of blood guilt. Owe Jesus their penance and us biblical truth that leads to blessed escape, Briexit to Blaexit.
-Revisiting only hours before the Hawaii missile alert, Jan 13, (2018), Rev 2 Jesus, threaten US riches to rags whoring parents repent or their children dead! Only since re opening's are evidence said rebellious parents are getting back to even legalized abominations, marvel not both parents and children are being targeted, they're suffering the blessed death of their riches to rags, sickbeds, what scripture calls whore-mongering, beware, beware, beware, Genesis Thur Revelation God is AWARE! Apb
Prophecy Links Fulfilling, Seeing Jan 3/13/23, matrix counts, the blocking out the sky, single word, WEATHER! Apb
More Than Just A Weather Report, See here,, mrmbb333, Big Storms Brewing, Large storms
Article, [Obama just told the world what we've all been thinking:, (Neither impresses me, both aligned to 50 million US deaths, its weight of blood guilt. Owe Jesus their penance and us biblical truth that leads to blessed escape, Briexit to Blaexit.
-Psalm to Revelation Books Of God's Wisdom says vain is the Help Of Rebellious, Man, driving the nails still. Blessed Are Hearers And Doers Of Righteousness, For The Time, The End, Is At Hand! Beware,
-And these are the descendants of the beauty rescued from the hands of the beast: Beast Of Beauty Featuring King Bridegroom Zion, Winterhawk Seabreeze and Queen Bride Meadowlark Peton Cook
The Unending Love Antidote ...The African Juttah Genealogy, 1986-2016/2026/3036
The Tombola Genealogy, Holy, Temple, April, 17, 1986/2026/3036 into Infinity, God's Kingdom Reign
Unto Harrison Edward Markton and Mahaseiah Adonjiah Saurus, Cook was born twin, a son ShawdowLark Petra Cook and a Daughter Medowlark Peton Cook, a son Fabian Emetre Bloomberg and a son Audran Phelip Cauldron
Mark Scene, Genesis Marriage Worshipers, XVII and VII
Unto Harrison Edward Markton and Mahaseiah Adonjiah Saurus, Cook was born twin, a son ShawdowLark Petra Cook and a Daughter Medowlark Peton Cook, a son Fabian Emetre Bloomberg and a son Audran Phelip Cauldron
And Matrix LXXXIX
Why, Speak In Parables? For They Have Eyes, But They See Not, Ears They Have, But They Hear Not, Their Hearts Are Waxed Cold, As Their Many Hawaiian Stone God's, So Are They! Beware, Holy God Is, AWARE! Apb, see here, Jn 4:1-25/, how it's ALL ending prophetically, Apb
Prophecy Links Fulfilling
['Lightning strike' sparks massive blaze at condo building in Texas causing $7million worth of damage], (You Tube Final days forecaster said more, more fire from heaven incidents like these would be disguised as other regular events, like lightning to fires from severe drought, beware, Apb
Article, [Explosion In Downtown LA Injured Firefighters,, (Is This As Akure Nigeria, Even Florida, Meteorite Fire From Heaven, See Australia Apocalyptic Bush Fires, A Crystal Sky, Missiling Down Predicted To Commanded To Hit The World's Area Map At This Time?
-Fright night, with the phenom of two comets, one four heads, one a tail that goes for multi-millions of miles,. Both headed for Late May sun predicted at these deadly times, to lose its light, the moon as well. Right until Sunlight of God, Jesus returns to a twilight earth, neither light nor dark, but at evening tine, there shall be light! Beware, Apb, see also here,
Prophecy Links Fulfilling, Go Down To The Middle School, And Cast A Stone! Apb
Finish All Schools! JCON
[Teacher shares image of his daughter, 5, in hospital and warns against reopening schools, Article, (-Although they're not listening to God, either, thank God they're not listening to WHO saying this new COVID-19 mutation isn't Coronavirus related!
-Revisiting only hours before the Hawaii missile alert, Jan 13, (2018), Rev 2 Jesus, threaten US riches to rags whoring parents repent or their children dead. Since re-openings are evidenced they're getting back to legalised sins.
-They will not repent, marvel not both parents and children are suffering the blessed death of their riches to rags parents whoremongering, beware, Gen Thru Rev God is AWARE! Apb
-And these are the descendants of the beauty rescued from the hands of the beast: Beast Of Beauty Featuring King Bridegroom Paris Jacque Flent and Queen Bride Chamois Brittany Lawson
The Unending Love Antidote ...The African Juttah Genealogy, 1986-2016/2026/3036
"I saw Spirit River only I kinda wondered why that video, even though its obvious why that particularly demo. Sia Maaseiah Christian said that scene is what she imagined the image in her head since she read of the tens of thousands for thousands of miles all around poured into Georgia its first week reopening, that she again couldn't sake off imagining them all just an inundation of mobile trailers pouring into Georgia's coast readied its crossover into Africa's Atlantic, so just as she witnessed. So screening through earth ending movies, Independence day caught her eye and once she watched she remembered though the day after tomorrow showed a world where the American Dream was no more. This dramatic Cinemax Christian was the first movie that actually showed us a cataclysmic human extinction, whether nuclear, natural or NEO'S, again whether nuclear, solar or molten lava. Then she saw that scene, how only those kept at bay were those their everything to houses on wheels, yeah Spirit River her saying a while back now, mobile all your prep to stores, run, you know where. Then 3 years past seeing Elephants of staying aware stampede Abbas mentioned eight leads; long before COVID-19, lock downs took hold, she witnessed Noah's day brides of going on as normal, red wedding heels tattered, offered tennis to running shoes, told Spirit River to as well run away, just so amazing, its mind-boggling for some, references! Sia Maaseiah said she remembered during a Marfoogle video of a night past, an article about a record amount of riches to rags Americas getting out, she thinking how poor things they all were, money, gold, diamond all up the wasue, only like told Rev 6, 6th seal, volcanic apocalypse, there's no where to run. None Christian but those blessed escapes crafted by the GOD of all gods they love, love, love Christian to hate the most. Even when these (April 2, (2019)-April 2, (2026), two intervals of 42 months embolden them, this Gog and Magog to Armageddon, Ezekiel 38/39, Zechariah 13/14 and Rev 12/13/20, tells us what happens to the Almighty Red Dragon, A Legion of both Anubis demons and Lucifer like fallen Angels, The Antichrist, the false prophet, and all hundreds of millions earth's inherit. All who now wears their damning mark instead of Jan 12/13,( 2018), Rev 2, Jesus, even Rev 17/14, Jesus Husband offered riches to rags sickbeds, crown of life, ushering them all right into the heirship of Holy God! I admit Spirit River, I like her using Passion Movie, Red Dragon, Satan squealing in defeat, in likeness will be all those horrifyingly finding themselves on the wrong said of the mid Atlantic, those predicted to follow a world lock down like COVID-19, 101 Yellowstone's, all of God wisdom to genius portrayed here! Limitless, amazing grace I know, but look, I have a date with Milla, you two to join or no? No, I been hearing about this spot from young Sia's, reveals class, Plant X incoming, now including an oerwhelming stripped Ob, too other worldly to explicate, an unforgettable experience for oneself, I think I'll take Csterling and have a look. I'm jealous of all that, I must say Spirit, but perhaps another time Milla and I will steal away too and Spirit beloved hope Jesus call when we do, making an indescript euphoria indefinitely, its overwhelming enraptures." Why Speak in Parables? Jesus, described holy Disciples, Apostles asked Him, with Him replying by quoting prophets of old, well, see more here, Mat 13:10-17,
Isaiah, 6;8-10, Also I heard the voice of the Lord, saying, Whom shall I send, and who will go for us? Then said I, Here am I; send me. And he said, Go, and tell this people, Hear ye indeed, but understand not; and see ye indeed, but perceive not. Make the heart of this people fat, and make their ears heavy, and shut their eyes; lest they see with their eyes, and hear with their ears, and understand with their heart, and convert, and be healed.
Jeremiah 5, 21 Hear this, you foolish and senseless people, who have eyes but do not see, who ... Hear now this, O foolish people, and without understanding, That have eyes, and ... heart, Eyes they have, and they see not, Ears they have, and they hear not.
Ezekiel 12:2, The word of the Lord also came unto me, saying; Son of man, thou dwellest in the midst of a rebellious house, which have eyes to see, and see not; they have ears to hear, and hear not: for they are a rebellious house.
-They will not repent, marvel not both parents and children are suffering the blessed death of their riches to rags parents whoremongering, beware, Gen Thru Rev God is AWARE! Apb
-And these are the descendants of the beauty rescued from the hands of the beast: Beast Of Beauty Featuring King Bridegroom Paris Jacque Flent and Queen Bride Chamois Brittany Lawson
The Tombola Genealogy, Holy, Temple, April, 17, 1986/2026/3036 into Infinity, God's Kingdom Reign
Unto Harrison Edward Markton and Mahaseiah Adonjiah Saurus, Cook was born twin, a son ShawdowLark Petra Cook and a Daughter Medowlark Peton Cook, a son Fabian Emetre Bloomberg and a son Audran Phelip Cauldron
Mark Scene, Genesis Marriage Worshipers, XVII and VII
And Matrix LXXXIX Unto Harrison Edward Markton and Mahaseiah Adonjiah Saurus, Cook was born twin, a son ShawdowLark Petra Cook and a Daughter Medowlark Peton Cook, a son Fabian Emetre Bloomberg and a son Audran Phelip Cauldron
"I saw Spirit River only I kinda wondered why that video, even though its obvious why that particularly demo. Sia Maaseiah Christian said that scene is what she imagined the image in her head since she read of the tens of thousands for thousands of miles all around poured into Georgia its first week reopening, that she again couldn't sake off imagining them all just an inundation of mobile trailers pouring into Georgia's coast readied its crossover into Africa's Atlantic, so just as she witnessed. So screening through earth ending movies, Independence day caught her eye and once she watched she remembered though the day after tomorrow showed a world where the American Dream was no more. This dramatic Cinemax Christian was the first movie that actually showed us a cataclysmic human extinction, whether nuclear, natural or NEO'S, again whether nuclear, solar or molten lava. Then she saw that scene, how only those kept at bay were those their everything to houses on wheels, yeah Spirit River her saying a while back now, mobile all your prep to stores, run, you know where. Then 3 years past seeing Elephants of staying aware stampede Abbas mentioned eight leads; long before COVID-19, lock downs took hold, she witnessed Noah's day brides of going on as normal, red wedding heels tattered, offered tennis to running shoes, told Spirit River to as well run away, just so amazing, its mind-boggling for some, references! Sia Maaseiah said she remembered during a Marfoogle video of a night past, an article about a record amount of riches to rags Americas getting out, she thinking how poor things they all were, money, gold, diamond all up the wasue, only like told Rev 6, 6th seal, volcanic apocalypse, there's no where to run. None Christian but those blessed escapes crafted by the GOD of all gods they love, love, love Christian to hate the most. Even when these (April 2, (2019)-April 2, (2026), two intervals of 42 months embolden them, this Gog and Magog to Armageddon, Ezekiel 38/39, Zechariah 13/14 and Rev 12/13/20, tells us what happens to the Almighty Red Dragon, A Legion of both Anubis demons and Lucifer like fallen Angels, The Antichrist, the false prophet, and all hundreds of millions earth's inherit. All who now wears their damning mark instead of Jan 12/13,( 2018), Rev 2, Jesus, even Rev 17/14, Jesus Husband offered riches to rags sickbeds, crown of life, ushering them all right into the heirship of Holy God! I admit Spirit River, I like her using Passion Movie, Red Dragon, Satan squealing in defeat, in likeness will be all those horrifyingly finding themselves on the wrong said of the mid Atlantic, those predicted to follow a world lock down like COVID-19, 101 Yellowstone's, all of God wisdom to genius portrayed here! Limitless, amazing grace I know, but look, I have a date with Milla, you two to join or no? No, I been hearing about this spot from young Sia's, reveals class, Plant X incoming, now including an oerwhelming stripped Ob, too other worldly to explicate, an unforgettable experience for oneself, I think I'll take Csterling and have a look. I'm jealous of all that, I must say Spirit, but perhaps another time Milla and I will steal away too and Spirit beloved hope Jesus call when we do, making an indescript euphoria indefinitely, its overwhelming enraptures." Why Speak in Parables? Jesus, described holy Disciples, Apostles asked Him, with Him replying by quoting prophets of old, well, see more here, Mat 13:10-17,
Isaiah, 6;8-10, Also I heard the voice of the Lord, saying, Whom shall I send, and who will go for us? Then said I, Here am I; send me. And he said, Go, and tell this people, Hear ye indeed, but understand not; and see ye indeed, but perceive not. Make the heart of this people fat, and make their ears heavy, and shut their eyes; lest they see with their eyes, and hear with their ears, and understand with their heart, and convert, and be healed.
Jeremiah 5, 21 Hear this, you foolish and senseless people, who have eyes but do not see, who ... Hear now this, O foolish people, and without understanding, That have eyes, and ... heart, Eyes they have, and they see not, Ears they have, and they hear not.
Ezekiel 12:2, The word of the Lord also came unto me, saying; Son of man, thou dwellest in the midst of a rebellious house, which have eyes to see, and see not; they have ears to hear, and hear not: for they are a rebellious house.
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