Thursday, June 4, 2020

The Prophesied hour Manifested in Multicultural Flesh Just imagine, Only In Appearance UK Dutch and Duchess New Son, Thirty Plus Years An Age Progression Chunky, Reddish Born Curls, All,

Prophecy Links Fulfilling, End Days Perilous Times, And the hearts of many shall like comments here, wax cold! Apostle Paul writings were called, epistles of love, Jesus said his wouldn't be known any other way; Sunlight of God marked and anointed His end time laborers to be acquainted with his grieves and sorrows, BEWARE, Apb

Article, [Ex Defense Secretary Mattis condemns Trump, (-So error Islam Trump, holding a bible in front of a suspended from services church post his physical and verbal abuse; like revists Jesus overturning the money changers tables; the stumbling block of iniquity; its US weight of blood guilt, totaling a US soil volcanic apocalypse and instantly 50 million US dead? Apb

-One Error, A New Fear Factor, Is General Mattis, The One I Saw Bush's Islamic Wars Surrender His War Horse To 1998/99, Prophet Jeremiah 37? Apb

Dan 2, King Nebuchadnezzar's Asteroid From Heaven, Destroy Americans Constantly Sinning, Apb

-After Pres Bush fiasco of militarily gaining world peace,; you all too, took the opportunity of a miraculous Barack Hussein Obama healing the world Whitehouse and flushed it. One is a number, white is only a color, the blood is humankind one genesis genealogy prick one of it's members, you get a Trump, Antichrist administration, chaos upon chaos and every evil work.

-The walk-athon out of Memphis into Georgia was shown as a multicultural number; so were those US refugees I saw pour into its African mother's, Atlantic, coastal Islands; John described tribulation saints once a world stretching babel now a new man, robes washed in Lamb's blood, an immovable inherit of Jesus' Throne, Pillars.
-For God so loves the world, until you all see we're not only our brother's keeper we are our brother. Repeating President Obama I too was inspired literally to tears by the demographics of these protesters. Those who have taken to the streets of cities across the nation and the world since the death of George Floyd.
-Didn't COVID-19, pandemic target us a Plandamic, as one genesis man, marriage of both God's making and HIS inescapable judgments come? You can forget Obama's mother was called White, which he is also. But Rev 12, Red Dragon's ultimate goal.
-Just don't forget, you are an immortal soul and except for the elect sake, Holy Ancient of days putting on blood redemption, crying repent, RUN or perish! A second death, immortal hell await all first born's from high schools to the elderly. Now, what a plethora of ginormous distraction until you're left behind atop your herald towering Trump or Trump towers.
-Talk about American dreaming, but did we really think anything good would come from US campaigns from aligned to men eaters and earth enders Gog and Magog? Also the son of man, African, Islamic, European Barack Hussein. Defined by Rev Holies aa simply 'the one,' surely as Prince Moses to the Hebrews deliverer, having no gray areas, Barack Hussein also has kick against uncertainty, pick a side and deliver US, beware, Genesis thru Revelation, Holy Elohim God, Is! AWARE! Apb
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Prophecy Links Fulfilling, Finish All School! GOH/Apb

Article, [First coronavirus-related syndrome affecting children reported in McKinley County]

(When Lucifer persuaded Adam and Eve to sin against God, who got blamed and punished? All involved, all people to evils are held responsible for their wrong and those encouraging the wrong, punished double. Jan 12/13, 2018, Rev 2 Jesus says repent or your perverse children are a pandemic of death, beware, Apb

Prophecy Links Fulfilling, There's Some July (2019), Bout NBA Players Durant, Westbrook, California Dreaming; then NBA Kobe's California fiery crash, beware! Apb

Article, [Barack Obama on George Floyd Killing: 'This Shouldn't Be 'Normal' in 2020 America'], (seeing myself again as 2008/09 US Campaign; here Feb/March, 2020, as hanging out with the Obama's, last stop France. Until seeing Obama is again thrust front and center undoubtedly his Obama Care campaigns, its curious slogan know my itinerary, know me! Beware! Apb

May I Remind You, Aligned To Gog And Magog,  A Nuclear Fate And 50 Mil US Deaths, Clinton, Bush, Obama to Trump's Admin! Apb

THAT THEY KILL! Rev 6, 3rd Seal

-Do police give raise your hands commands anymore, the nightmare scenarios these families are suddenly thrust into; or do they as suggested lately by a US commissioner, shoot to kill? Look where that unwise action of solving violence with more violence has gotten us.

-Trump gladly touted greatest country, now a cup of trembling to out breaks of states of emergencies and ambulances; a pandemic of death, recently as Msy 15, 2020, with more eruptions and FEMA stirred in, repent, RUN or Perish! Apb

-And these are the descendants of the beauty rescued from the hands of the beast: Beast Of Beauty Featuring King Bridegroom Marcello Vincente Nobrella and Queen Bride Arisole Avannah Lewy

The Unending Love Antidote ...The African Juttah Genealogy, 1986-2016/2026/3036

The Tombola Genealogy, Holy, Temple, April, 17, 1986/2026/3036 into Infinity, God's Kingdom Reign

Unto Amir Adam Coogan and Myra Castle Lots was born their first son Coltan Tatum Coogan, a daughter Heiress Maximillion Coogan and a son Bryson Deshaun Lot.

  Mark Scene, Genesis Marriage Worshipers, XVII and VII, It's LXXXIX Matrix Count

   "What are you reading, that's perfect, Psalm 43, I beloved husband Ivar, pulled this bible out from among all this library, flipped pages and just started reading, but that passage Dominion is just perfect for this hour, wow, wow, I know right? Look, only Sia grands says, what about the peace before the storm, the cone of silence or the back-building of a storm, which these riots the midst of deadly pandemic, mostly resemble.  Look said, as she woke (June 5, 2020), she saw a white rabbit being release from behind a gate, I don't, predicted 2017, Keanu Reeves movies, The Matrix. this obscure  instruction to follow the white rabbit, Trinity as in the Divine Trinity informed him, so THEY, Her, he was in the upmost danger from this false system deceiving them from the real, we're born to a post apocalypse made to appear as efforting worthily but no,  actually a surreal temporal death, judgement and eternal second death, again the real. Jesus said it all when he said this kingdom is not the royal priesthood, home, behold in his father's house are many mansions, instead he goes there to prepare for us it's royal palaces, come again for us, that were he is we maybe also! No wonder Rev Holies, perfect man Jesus, the Jesus Husband, Man in linen Jesus, Jesus the Mighty Angel, Jesus bearing the thrusting in, reaping sickle, allied by Rev 17, 7 Angel Gabriel, and Rev 12, Star warring Michael, an incalculable army all join in not only to see Holy Bride skyward but US soil pending tribulation saints, on a southeast trajectory into Georgia's coast come a southwest track into Africa's Atlantic.  Come on Soledad man, you wanna hit a chorus or two for us there, (, which Sia Silverton man, Amazing Grace to Midnight cry, no not midnight cry, Kassel Berlyn? Sorry, but I Sole start singing that over the sink days passed, I got depressed, I know, I know, one moment we're come get us now Jesus and the next, ascension anxiety overwhelms memorable flesh. You all think General Mattis are the reveals of grand Sia, those two both Bush's error, era? One calming the men about a build up of torture vehicles s far as to be seen, he defined as a dirty Mede's; those ancient demonic powers coming with fire, putting Ancient Babylon out of business, now Mystery Babylon America, West Rule, even The America's, run, you know where; as so the US General seen handing his warhorse off to a prophet Jeremiah, you all know her describing once ascended and staying she now know Rev 12, second heavens intercessions and watching it all descend into anarchy and total obliteration from there, I say, all, all, all revisits Jeremiah's Lamentation even John's Revelation 18! Right, right Kadesh man, but to just imagine when she witnessed Jesus millennium descend Obama's/ Trump's July 27, 2016, again revisiting those three giants Britain, Canada, Americas set death tolls, only into awaiting her there, second heaven.  Look, you Kadesh man, you BFA, files, are we or are we not a year, 5, months into those two 42 months intervals of Daniel 9:27, before Jesus total descent; and, and, if so, what now withholdeth resurrection, ascension? Say, Memphis and now, Kassel Berlyn ascension anxieties? Nothing, nothing now withholdeth as nothing Sia's all can, safeguarded under Rev Holies keeping to healing wings and clouds. End time apocalypse we see from down here is going on regardless, said event will meet that predicted April 2, (2019), April 2, (2026), deadline as surely as Trump's/Kushner two weeks in, its two weeks and 7 year timetable. That's error Trump's middle eastern deal, the end of all West rule, confirms the Dan 9:27/Rev 17:16-18, non-aggression pact with Rev 17, 7 heads, 7 horns, ten crown beast disguised as a seven year European to Islamic to Israeli peace accord. No doubt now in progress, grand Sia seeing the prophesied hour manifested in multicultural flesh twice, since May 10, 2020 Mother's day; which mother's day itself revisits Aug 7th, 2019, her mom's birthday come as a handwriting clumsily Escape like 101 Yellowstone eruptions. Anyway twice since grand Sia sat in a restaurant not far from him and days later, she in all God's glory for all to see , like found herself a family outing sitting and discussing with him, his knotted up uncertainty before a rainstorm spoiled the gathering. Then, then Kadesh man she found herself another reveal of that ginormous maze of sin, whereas now church choirs were shown as seizing newbies in high chair type traps, yeah Sia Evolent signaling they're all babes in Christ.  The prophesied hour manifested in the flesh, all the more proof we're set on a prophetic course with no point of return until Sunlight God's Throne, sat his feet atop mount Olivet, King of kings, Lord of Lords, all Kingdom, nation building suspended indefinitely it's entire millennium. Any d day, now, expect the Holy Bride by grace, West Rule by fiery judgement to cataclysmically, simultaneously go off the planet, yeah with the newest elephant grand Sia's reveal, hearing that news report, about 101 Yellowstones, revisited as recently as more eruptions and some about FEMA, Angel Gabriel May 15, 2004, so May 15, 2020. Know also that was her predicted earthquake forecaster dutchsinse Aug 30, to 31st 2019 birthday; so again reeling his predictions right in, didn't also Dominion girl, finding her reading an earthquake article written in Dutch, with flood waters all round, referenced him and these times right here? I'll be honest, I haven't watched him since he lately advised his followers Yellowstone's beauty and recommended visit, Sia Maaseiah, Candi, calls them the stampeding elephants of staying unaware, for a reason. They're blind, deaf and dumb to all around, inside and out, up and down fulfilling prophecy because they want to be, yes it jeopardizes their immortal souls, but Americans to Churchians can't deal with bible truth no other way. Yeah my mom told me grand Sia asked her knowing what she know about commanded exodus if she was in Memphis would she be trying to get to Georgia, she said no. Well said urgency to get out all the more imminent, seeing Feb 23, 2020, Noah's day brides of going all like all is normal apparent apocalypse come only by God's ever reaching grace, offered running shoes for tattered red wedding heels, come run away brides themselves, very memorable Sia Evolent  look look, look, the last meeting with the prophesied hour, May 10, 11, 2020, come a raining storm have to mean something Nas well, I was watching youtube mrmbb333 and he's predicting yet another as Noah's day flood event, by a storm system called Cristobal, yeah Silverton darling, the one the other day I witnessed Weather Channel meteorologist in a quagmire by, not really knowing out of inundating South America countries, which into US southern states trajectory it would take, with one referencing how it being 2020, and just another of it's phenom weather events, so yes said fantastic meeting of the prophesied hour and grand Sia come a raining storm yet reference that million man awaiting water-cooler, yeah Torrance, water, water everywhere, but none to drink!"  Why speak in parables, Why?" Apb

Help me help others, 5808

Things Are not Made Up As They Appear, For We Wrestle Not Against Flesh And Blood

How Trump Idea for A Photo Op, Lead To Havoc In A Park talk about putting muzzle on him or a permanent bunker, Apostle THEY call and anoint me been telling you all since before hurricane Harvey hit, this rebellious man's everything is followed by sudden destruction, util when he even anticipated an Easter reopening, it was bombarded with an outbreak of tornadoes and it's May 15, to midmay, 2020, opening, as I woke hearing eruptions and FEMA, Nevada alone suffered it largest quake in 65 years, Noah's to Moses Holy Elohim God, want especially from the last 7 admins counting Trump is these leads, repentance, calling and arranging commanded exodus and thus exodus, beware, Mat 24/Rev 18, Holy Elohim, God Is, AWARE!  

DREAM - Facing my Fear (hounded by 3 dogs),

     -I've shared during a live mirror vision, 1987, 1989 or such, I witness Holy father pick up and turn his throne at described, 1998 from beneath, death rider, abominable, detestable mankind, so my seeing Aug (2002), a sunlight of God, God's back throne, saying let my people go, wasn't just an adopted metaphor. Now imagined during Pres Trump bible to church campaign photo op that all persons nationally and internally had done the same thing, turn their backs, even boycott all such screening, can you imagine what message that would've sent to long-suffering after us all.

  -Holy God's, Holy Jesus and the entire heavenly host throne of intervening Holies, those our divine safe haven millennia of outreaching righteousness, Jan 12, 13, 2018,Jesus entreating me also as the escaping Church-bride, asking me, would they, I gather, Psalm 91, Angels; those even Satan mentioned, while tempting a tried but true Jesus to leap off a high pinnacle and Jesus return, thou shalt not tempt the Lord thy God, still God's promise Psalm 91, to set his angels over us, as doomsday pass-overs.     
    -The first demo I had were my warrior/deliverer was portrayed as both a Rev 17:14, arrival, genesis husband and Savior Jesus, hybrid, thus the descriptive these 30 plus rapture springs of a Jesus husband. Though the great Lion, bear beast of religious politic was there and had slain too many fields of with-holdings to count; with a greater, Ancient, Antichrist beast to come. Possibly those mentioned Psalm 22, the dogs all around, like those great beast I saw 2017, the lion, the leopard, the dog.
     -Posed everyday happy homes, as other friendly, house pets; those German shepherds, Jan 2020, I witnessed allying a Grecian Alexander to Hitlers Germany Antichrist. Beware, these all invaders weren't just dogs, they weren't just demons, they were as Egypt's Anubis, keepers of the dead, undertakers; even a revisited, error Obama's/H. Clinton warring petro-dollar gotten US death tolls, as a funeral reef, leaping into the heavens, beware, Holy Elohim God, IS AWARE! Apb, see,, how it's ALL ending prophetically , Apb 

Prophecy Links Fulfilling

The Sun Shall Be Darken, There's A Spreading Of The Single Blocking Out The Sky, Word, Twilight! Apb

Article, [Ghana Tells Black Americans: "Come to Ghana if you're not wanted in USA"], (No question error Islam Obama repent or perish,  Col. Gaddafis proposed US of Africa got my upmost attention, for 30 plus years I'd seen Americas exodus into southwest Africa's coast; even during a silence in heaven, 2002, Holy Father was sobbing, come a command from a Mountain, by a Sunlight saying as Moses, Hebrew days, Let My People Go! Apb


And These Are The Descendants Rescued From The Beast's Marks! 

     "Y'all know what this mean inedible, authentically according to all marching protest this planet and this Ghana article,we're in commanded exodus. Actually grand's predicted (2002-2020), slow motion exodus. All the decievableness of the American Dream, travel bans barred, getting to ATMS, rest stops, filling stations, all needed for the road, RUN, you know where That's, that dream years back, 2017 or so, she woke speaking in Dutch after delivering some to fast food windows, get it, fast good or food on the run?  My God! No, do you all know we just got more references to eruptions, FEMA stirred in, with active volcanoes every directions, from Hawaii into equally forewarn the Eastern seaboard to Main, even Canada's North East Atlantic? See Lakeside Pier Swanson Exodus, here, nothing withholderh but God's prophesied nano second to hour, Sia Maaseiah saw May 10/11, (2020), manifested in the flesh. In other words here, now, no time left, a suspected, still, still, still, tens of millions will be dead before it's actual pounding the streets with their running feet. Escaping into Jordan's Moses Petra to Obama's, Africa's Atlantic. Man, man, man, I'm just saying even those Noah's day Brides of going on like normal shown with tattered red wedding heels, given running shoes and the choice to like right, run away! You all see aunt Nibewe video, a group of peaceful protestor singing along the the WAY Maker song, Jesus lesson to the forbidden Samaritan woman the church without walls, immediately I'm reminded of the phenom church actually Holy Father of ascension showed to grand Sia Maaseiah, she warn like Jesus' amazing grace, would take his heart.

Prophecy Links Fulfilling, There's A Spreading Of The Single Blocking Out The Sky Word, Twilight! Apb

Article, [Ghana Tells Black Americans: "Come to Ghana if you're not wanted in USA"], (No question error Islam Obama repent or perish,  Col. Gaddafis proposed US of Africa got my upmost attention, for 30 plus years I'd seen Americas exodus into southwest Africa's coast; even during a silence in heaven, 2002, Holy Father was sobbing, come a command from a Mountain, by a Sunlight saying as Moses, Hebrew days, Let My People Go! Apb

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Prophecy Links Fulfilling Nuclear January, 12 APOCALYPTIC FIRESTORM,2023 MASS Murderer Suicide On The Ris e,