Prophecy Links, Fulfilling, that by May 10th, 11th 2020, Mother's Day, I'd received two references to the prophesied hour, Rev 3:3, Rev 17 and Rev 18, being here, in the flesh; one with rain storms rolling in, into revisiting damning, beast infested mass assembly, where COVID-19, thrives and ravishes, where also church choirs, captured newbies in high chair type traps; now we understand why the, Georgia Church of escape, even see Pres Trump, photo op, was itself shutdown, only loaning only it's parking to loaded up, escape vehicles, beware, Holy Elohim God, Is, AWARE! Apb ,
-As The Days Of Noah, Now A Noah's Cousin -Cursed, FSS, with Noah's day normalcy bias, the American Dream, you all can't know, even earth ending desolation's continue into what could be, (April 2 2019 into April 2, 2026), the finale of Ezekiel 1-7, Ezekiel, 38/39, Daniel, Dan 2-9;27, Rev 11:1, 2, Rev 13:5. Rev 17:16-18; truly the last 7 years this planet, this side of Jesus' millennium, Holy Spirits saying Bush's 2003, even if you're a hundred years old or more, all you know, or will ever know as your world, even your home planet, skyrockets skyward this unprecedented fireball, to missile launch and neither of such world rulers. -The Holy Bride nor Western Civilization, are again planet earth, one great one's removal is indefinite, the hearing Holy God Eze 9, commands, 2004, 2005, separate Britain, America, into itty, bitty pieces; smiling faces don't last, wipe Canada from the map; the hearing of command, 2008/2019, Asteroid destroy, Wisconsin; seeing Feb 12/13-19, (2015), the now reigning Bride prepping Daniel 2, mountain from heaven, the end of all Kingdom, Nation building and casting it down at all rebellious, an estimated 15% lost of US inherits, alone, see more here, Rev 11:15-19, get it, get Jesus, as Moses exodus day, get out, you know where; beware, the Holy Elohim God, you pray, many millennia now, His Kingdom, Come, Is, AWARE! Apb
Prophecy Links Fulfilling Hearing, 02/10/2020, "Seattle Washington," what? The suicide capital of the country or like US/Canada W. Pacific, the building of seismic activity, only rumored mostly hidden, by the USGS -Hearing, May 15, 2020, more about eruptions, predicted Aug 30/31, (2019), 101 Yellowstone's alone; there's also some bout FEMA, May 15, 2020, with pending this outbreak of states of emergencies and ambulances dating back to 2008/09, Presidential campaign, beware, Holy God, Rev Holies, seen June 26/July 6, (2015), escaping some into US Georgia's Savannah; heard, June 26, July 6, ( 2017), crying Get Ye To Repent Altars, God Is Avenging Martyred Blood! THEY ARE AWARE! Apb
Article, [Volcanologist wants to nuke Yellowstone supervolcano and prevent violent eruption; Will it work?], (Waking just now, Feb 12, 2020, there's something about Utah's 30 times larger than Yellowstone, Super Volcano; beware the seeing Dec 29, (2019), of Rev Holies, many my 30 years of rapture demos, then in a running race to reset Thankxs/Xmas, 2001 thru 2019, fiery doomsday back on prophetic track, Beware, Apb
Aug 5, 2019, A Hand Writes Clumsily As They All Sound, Escape Yellowstone! -Sound like Volcanic Apocalypse, Nov/Dec 2001-2019. Here, this running race by Holies Dec 29, (2019), to put said West Rule fiery removal back on prophetic track. Beware, Apb
See more, here, Rev 7, 1-3, all elements obey ELOHIM, even if they decompressed Yellowstone, all elements including its 5th, 6th even, the Sun, the universe are posed in extinction mode, I've seen it, predicted it. Beware, just a day past, my most prophetic date Feb 12/13 2015-2020, just all this seismic to cosmic trouble happen, like, Art, [Did you feel it this morning? Small quake shakes in waters off Northwest Washington] Art, [Tenn Hit By Five Earthquakes in Less Than Five Hours] Art, [Russia earthquake: 6.9-magnitude, Art, [Japan rocked by massive, magnitude 7 earthquake] Art, [Popocatepetl Volcano Erupts, Releasing Lava and Ash Over Tlamacas, Mexico] (wow 6.9 in Russia, 7 in Japan, Popocatepetl Volcano Erupts, all on my most prophetic date, Feb 12/13,2015 2020; on a Rev 2, Jesus, 92nd Matrix, count. What would youtube dutchsinse say? I know what he would ask? How much seismic force (or I say cosmic activity), would it take to displace all these plates, within hours of themselves? Beware, Apb
-And these are the descendants of the beauty rescued from the hands of the beast: Beast Of Beauty Featuring king Bridegroom Marcello Vincente Nobrella and Queen Bride Arisole Avannah Lewy
The Unending Love Antidote ...The African Juttah Genealogy, 1986-2016/2026/3036
The Tombola Genealogy, Holy, Temple, April, 17, 1986/2026/3036 into Infinity, God's Kingdom Reign
Unto Brevan Michel Kremlin and Jillian Orion Friedan was born a daughter, Melony Terrance Kremlin, a son Elderick Aryl Kremlin and a son Torrance Ravenna Friedan
Unto Tanner Channing Birthstone and Gloriana Nigeria Logan was born triplet sons, Sion Hyatt Birthstone a son, Shelton Henderson Birthstone and Seritton Arriston Birthstone and a daughter, Karrington Volette Logan
Mark Scene, Genesis Marriage Worshipers, XVII and VII, It's LXXXXI Matrix Count
"Just look at this, I found it a few days past, walking into my bedroom, there it was the carpet and my wife, Glory, had a literal fit. Yes, such the mystery, an out of circulation for many years now, US coin, the penny, a lot say finding them demonstrate the greatest country continent to world system ever, Britain, America, Canada especially, yet raining down in those itty, bitty coin pieces. Grand Sia heard commanded the fate of them, like 2004, 2005, but that one coin Channing, the least valuable this planet but in her prophetic reveal represent the sky high sun, transforming into a diamond carved, crystal, dove chariot. So yes, if your Glory got that excited, then she too know the Sunlight itself did that beyond miraculous and other worldly. Probably even the same Sunlight of God, Elohim's back turn Throne, from behind a mountain, she heard call earth's inherit into the same as Moses day, a Hemingway, farewell to all earthly things, blessed exodus. Ancient beast rule come and there was nothing warring nations, especially as just said, a judged and sentenced America, West Rule, could do, but surrender or suffer pillage, exile or they're to all perish. Such the dyer forewarning going back as far as grand Sia first ever as Dan 5 hand writing on the wall, of Jeremiah 37:8, where as those same warnings were being written on back to back scrolls to Judah's interim King Zedekiah, only surrender would save face, him and his country. But he Chant, nor his rebellious panel of error men would or like Egypt's Pharaoh, could hear God's commands, no doubt, King Zedekiah suffered a fate worse than death, country pillaged. He witnessing his sons slaughtered and those who didn't die, like him taken into exile, only the eyes, he use for staying unaware, were put out, for real, now a blind messiah, having no worth. Now why Chant man, I elected to tell you all that, actually Brevan man, all that made aware explains why she call her reveals, the prophecy links. True, that hand writing on the wall goes back to Daniel, yeah and the Dec 24/25, 2001, 190 months until West Rule is no more only it's Nov 24/25, fulfillment, we're now in over 90, Rev 2 Jesus matrix ten day counts to passovers, whose over-comer Chant man are offered this crown of life. Grand Sia says just as the beast mark usher theirs right into hell's lake of fire, no White Throne judgment seat; Jesus crown of life ushers THEIRS right into heaven, into Jesus awaiting, healing bosom. Plus, those 190 months, that's scripture from Ezekiel 4, 190 years, translated into Daniel 9:27, Rev 11 1,2, Rev 13;5, prophesied 84 months, those final 7 years proceeding Jesus reign. Then actually Brevan man, those ten day matrix counts of divine intervention are the divine intervention that withholdeth the Bride's total escape Jesus as well, with the Holy Bride, total descent. Whoa, my alarm, I've spent up my library time, so see you in Dr Deburk class, right, speaking of which, how you think that debate, what you think, girl, boy, will it choose recovery surgery? That's just it, Chant man, biologically and thus spiritually, naturally she's a female, and it cringes even my spirit to see how she torture herself, her very soul, with legalized same gender, evils, later, or the wife Jillian herself will come looking, right, Brevan man, but thanks for all that, yeah, see ya!" >>>"But that's what grand said, righteous, holy leaders are leading comers from the entry door, right to repent altars, getting them born again, handing them grab bags filled of needful things, their blessed flight, a drive to walk, GPS map into Georgia's Savannah, all marked with various pit stops and rest stops, and on to the next. Well, well, well, Lament dear, the lyrics, we exalt thee play beautifully all around this line upon line, those lyrics she heard plainly as the Lamb's book was opened into a revisit, Rev 20, a name roll call, also a census taking. Yeah, yeah, yeah, Macbeth, make we wonder, is it the Rev 7, predicted song, none could learn but those 144,000 marked, virgin saints? I would think Gimmel love, if so, then they wouldn't have allowed grand Sia it's memory, plus those are known lyrics, but the same time, she is Lord Urusalem, but still, I doubt it, even she, she doubt it when asked. Sis', all, look at what she saw mother's day, conversing with the prophesied, hour, all around going on like normal, when a rain storm blew in, and reveals again the ginormous maze of sin, unveils even reopening churches and choirs are ensnaring newbies in high chair type traps, instead commanded exodus come even it's Hemingway exodus. Crystal clear, we'll there, Apostle John the 9th chapter, the 6th angel sounding, eventually he saying as at present, US and world soil, and who didn't die by the plague, repented not of the works of their hands, that they should not worship devils, and idols of gold, and silver, and brass, and stone, and of wood: which neither can see, nor hear, nor walk; Neither repented they of their murders, nor of their sorcerers, nor of their fornication, nor of their thefts, Here it is our loving Christ, our heart melting into the midst of our bowels, sad, but grand Sia said, Trump and they only want to be liberated to get back to whoring, partying, stealing, killing and destroying, so like father, Satan, his, Gog and Magog men and earth enders, so are they all, manslaughters." Why Speak In Parables? That you be aware of spiritual warfare as, Holy Elohim Himself, Apb
Prophecy Links Fulfilling, He That Save His American Dream, Loses His Immortal Soul, RUN or Perish!
Article, [Breaking: John Bolton Book Claims Impeachable Offenses Across 'Full Range' of Trump's Foreign Policy], (Thus said Holy Elohim Himself, detected from my 1993, prayer closet crying behind a silence in heaven; his back turn Throne; this here bitter falling out among rebellers and thieves, "behold I will strip their leaders as the day of their birth; Holy Bride, actually prepped Dan 2, stone cut out without hands, a meteor surface and tossed it down at them, repent, RUN or perish! Apb
Help me, help others,
Article, ['Old white guys like me need to shut up and listen': Kevin Bacon shows support for Black Lives Matter movement]
Listening To, Dream Girls, Patience,
For We Wrestle Not Against Flesh And Blood Or Those Who Loveth Not Their Brother Human!
-Born into spiritual warfare, and ALONE by Christ's cross privileged ro endure it soul stealing campaigns. The first of seeing two crystallized Godzilla beast one Egypt's Sobek, up there, its missiling down, heavens, the keeping us its strong delusions. Here, a decade later, revisiting the sight of seeing Rev 12 Michael star warring in the heavens.
-Only the Jan 20, 2019, revisit of Trump's Jan 20, 2017, also being aligned to Gog and Magog, a Nuclear Fate and 50 million US deaths. An Ezekiel 9 book command 2017, to as 2020 COVID-19, kill all parents, not just colored, finish all schools, so as Moses day, repent, exodus or perish!.
-One is nothing but a number, colors White or black are nothing but illusions of ones birth upon darken mirror. Jesus told us Elohim God who alone holds the power to destroy both our bodies and souls in hell fire judges the tell all heart, knowing all men by the righteous to unrighteous fruit they bear.
-Meaning it is alone your blood, its itinerary, that make you his multicultural Genesis, Man, Marriage of both procreation and predestination. The ultimate mark, prize of the high calling of God which is Christ Jesus the Lord, the immortal that mortals, Americans to Churchians forfeit, gaining the wind. So
Whether you're a gazillion heir with gazillions in followers
-Lets say you're a peasant who just keep getting kicked by other peasants. All, all, all first borns die, being told two more years its revisit, this here" June 26/July 6, 2020, "get ye to repentant altars," Rev 6, 5 seal/Rev 14 HOLY, "God is averaging martyred blood," something Elohim haven't done world-wide since Christ now abandon Cross cried forgive them!. Surely mortuary, come a predicted 50 million dead US soil alone; spiraling America's Continent now homeless, earthless, half a billion in refugees a stampeding catastrophe into Georgia's/Africa's Atlantic coasts.
-See, by the Mountain and Sunlight reigning God's back turn throne, both marked and anointed to be as with His grieves and sorrows. Admittedly, only a specific hour to its nano-second of both Bride and bloodletter, going off the planet. I'm spending the last of its commanded Brexit, Briexit to Blaexit down to the edge of impacting twilight, its longsuffering, not willing that any perish! As the Holy, wrathful God of Noah's day, earn, plotted and impacting, ELE'S, repent, RUN, or Perish! Beware, Genesis thru Revelation, Holy Elohim, God Is, AWARE! Apb
Prophecy Links Fulfilling, 3RD Seal, They're Also Red Horse Possessed, That They Kill!
Article, [Mom shot her four kids and neighbor dead before turning gun on herself in harrowing murder-suicide, cops suspect], (Tis Death People, Tis Death
-Who hath sinned that these people, children are dead? US gun laws to advocates; odd, she was mentally stable enough to legally obtain a gun and terrorize to murder; make them, arm them, punish them, kill them, beware, Apb
Prophecy Links Fulfilling Rev 6, 3 seal, Taking Even Fake Peace, To West Rule Vain Safe Havens, That They Kill!
Article, In the show, Mr Peters had questioned why the BLM movement triggered protests outside America, including at Tynwald, the Isle of Man’s parliament. Article
The Holy Light They Reject, That They Kill!
-You're talking about western civilization most tender spot for centuries, racism. Reconsider how your own aligned to Gog and Magog President Trump maltreat migrants. Regularly, how not just blackish people but the multicultural genesis, man marriage is mistreated and ill- treated with Trump's salt, its boisterous sores, world-wide Whereas these protest seemingly at a time truth rule overall here's the best time to get it done.
-Instead, surrendered to biblical righteousness and born again I have the spirit of Holy God and forgiving heart of Jesus Christ. I know black lives matter as they all do, for God so loves the world; Laying distractions aside, Godly Love being righteous judgement, as in Moses exodus, repent, RUN, you know where, or perish! Apb
-And these are the descendants of the beauty rescued from the hands of the beast: Beast Of Beauty Featuring king Bridegroom Gustavo Dimetricks Alonaso and Queen Bride Chassis Seychelles Sundown
The Unending Love Antidote ...The African Juttah Genealogy, 1986-2016/2026/3036
The Tombola Genealogy, Holy, Temple, April, 17, 1986/2026/3036 into Infinity, God's Kingdom Reign
Unto Marcello Vincente Nobrella and Queen Bride Arisole Avannah Lewy was born a son, Hunter Prestwick Nobrella , a godson, Grey Owl, Seabrook Nobrella and a goddaughter, Mirisole Havana Nobrella, Lewy
Mark Scene, Genesis Marriage Worshipers, XVII and VII, It's LXXXXI Matrix Count
"That's the one thing Sia's all, we learn from HIV-Aids and now its COVID-19 mutations. Just as the Paris Globe, Blood Farmers article, forewarn, we're one blood, one man and one its natural procreation and killer instinct. Mother Africa, now multi-billions earth's inherit, that's all of us; Abraham's sons, as numerous as the stars, that's all of us; Jesus Christ of blood redemption, John saw pour into heaven, Sia Maaseiah saw pour first into both Jordan's Petra and Africa's Southwest, Atlantic; a number none could number, that's all of us; get it, get Jesus, get out; forfeit temporal death-styles preserve your immortal life. Then in doing so be ye doers of the Holy Spirit of truth and not hearers only. Hear, hear Jr Darius. Look, I found this, it was in the rest room stall just now, how many ears flew up when worse news of those two Idaho kids come? Only these prophesied times, grand, grand forewarn, mark 17 and 7. Sia Grand found two a day past, a newly design Sahara Juttah dormitory, one US quarter under a soda cushion and one deep its carpets fiber, the two quarters earth's dead, little Miya, crossover toll. Yeah her YouTube amtv newest is entitled we're going to war, when West Rule since Bush Clinton, Bush is as Jer 37, commanded cease fires even the April 2, 2019 thru its 2026, offered up Dan 9:27, 7 year world nations, non-aggression pack. And those Ghost horse man, who did not die by the now, COVID-19, plague repented not; yeah Aleth girl, all this evil is come upon them: yet made them not their prayers before the Lord Our God, that they might turn from their iniquities, and understand God's truth to judgments. Just imagine, I know you can't, just as we can't see daily death tolls equal daily of hell's tortures an incoming human tally. Still, there'll be tens of millions suddenly dead US soil alone! Yeah that running race Dec 29, 2019, by Rev Holies to put predicted since its Xmas 2001 fiery doomsday a Christmas Carol, back on track. Until even Jesus Millennium descending grand Sia saw the earth was littered with the dead, 15% US's. Though isn't that why ancient beast, the bear, lion hybrid of religion, and demon dogs all around come after her. As for to destroy her, because she could especially see the many fields and pending, their man/soul-slaughter? You talking Memphis Caden revisited Rev 17:14, Jesus warring and overcoming the ten crown kings, with his saints. Its first reveal, the loving husband come to rescue was also Jesus, the Christ, thus, Sia Grand's, revealed, Jesus Husband; {{{"hey darling girl, no, no, ready when you are, just waiting your call, I'm right there, can't wait, those usual all around, okay, I'm right there, bye, say again, right, I'm leaving now, right, bye."}}} "I gotta run, as with Jeremiah's rebellious King Zedekiah, God allowed their invasion by Babylon, even if its volcanic apocalypse before he allowed more of His rebellious, their bloodletting, and tens of millions are suddenly no more!" >>>" And I said, Oh that I had wings like a dove! for then would I fly away, and be at rest, wow Dalis man, that's beautiful, yeah and very forth-telling these nano-seconds countdown right now, meaning what Challis? Justice, I thought that you was, what's the most unlikable dish today, so I know what I'm going to be eating, the ah, first Christ of resurrection, ascension, demo he come with those Malachi predicted healing wings, whereas, during another demo, Sia Maaseiah, hopeless, hungry and desolate, her rescue come as the sky heaven sun interchanged, shift-shaped and morphed until by the time it reached it's a diamond carved, crystal dove, chariot, emphasis being on your just mention dove wings, so what extraordinary reveals are we revisiting this June month? I don't know, Just man, I think you got the one dish I can't touch, egg planet souffle, sooo, do I ask again, what revisited prophecies coming up? I heard you Dalis man, Rev 17;14, Jesus husband escaping some into Georgia before taking the bride skyward, it's 2017, June 26 2017, being forewarn, get ye to repentant altars, God is avenging martyred blood, so just short of two weeks we're revisiting more astronomical reveals, that's also when that Sept 23-25, brides's ETE was shown right? Though we know, the Bride can be snatched off the planet any given nan0-second, and nothing withholds it, but that demo was also when earth left behind inherits were forewarn of alien dangers from above, recently shown to be instead of rolling blackouts, rolling, planetary, twilight skies. Did you taste this? I always taste it, Philly man, that's the point, it's okay, I do like it, wow, I eat egg plant now, Arriott, I eat egg plant now, I heard Juttah husband, I heard, I remember Challis man when I first read that, get ye to repentant altars God is avenging martyred blood, saying it's something God haven't done since Noah's day, and her quoting Jesus saying, no first born's survives, therefore the cry first to get to repentant altars or perish!" Why speak in parables? Beware, Holy Elohim God, Is, AWARE! Apb.
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