Prophecy Links Fulfilling
-I just July 12, 2020, as in right now, envisioned like this, smallpox infection, see here,
Summer Camps Across U.S. Shutting Down After COVID-19 Outbreaks | NBC News NOW, (with this tug of war of how schools and faculty would fair, reopenng during an insurging pandemic, is this braking news about Summer Camps a good assessment of what re-opening schools are to expect?
Article, [New, more, contagious, Coronavirus strain, discovered,
Could this be the deadly strain, tearing through Kazakhstan right now, see, hear, here,,
President Trump Looking More COVID-19, Battle Ready, Wears A Mask , This For Him, His Republicans, Act Of Extreme Penance,
And Your Sons and Daughter's Shall Dream, Dreams
-Only Jan 12, birthday girl, a similar dream went like this, "grandma, I just had the weirdest dream, I say weird caused we're all like animals, down on our hands and knees." (Instantly I get vibes, Oct 2018/2019 thru Oct 2026, Dan 4, madness award, King Nebuchadnezzar, now Pres Trump/American refugees, for 7 years come as a wild animal);
-She then say, "we're meeting atop the old Arkansas bridge, it seem different, but I know its the old Arkansas bridge. There's my mom and her church members, coming from Memphis side, they look like animals, but I can tell it's them.
-Appose to this side (Georgia's side), also down on all fours (I say Joel 2, Ps 51, extreme penance), it's you and all your grands." ( As in relocated from Memphis, by Rev 17;14, Jesus Husband, June 26/July, 6, 2015,) "I'm with you since we're here, (Savannah Georgia) and so is Miya; there ended her testament...(remember the for 13 year, her birth, back seat, little Miya girl, of surveyor/translator, two quarter crossover toll, beware), Apb
-Of course, it, would be days later, during other research, I learned this grand dream, it's exact date revisited June 17, (2002), I'm standing in heaven, just short of its made silence. When soon, from behind a mountain, God's Throne, a Sunlight rise, command as Moses burning bush, verse's America's burning Bush, "let my people Go!"
-Meaning all there's to do, no more doomsday Passovers, other than God's bloody Lamb, now reigning Jesus; as with Moses escaping Hebrews, repent, RUN or suffer Egypt's weight of blood, guilt, only all first born's die, ascend to descend, now all West Rule, judgment, Sentences, just a plethora of extinction level events, launch, incoming, impacting, beware as Holy Elohim, God, Himself, Apb, see entire blog here,, how it's ALL, ending prophetically, Apb
US COVID-19, 07/20/2020, Death Toll, 141,450,000 and Climbing
hospitals divert ambulances to another locations, (I heard this alarming statistic a day past, people waiting in ambulances for urgent care and ICU beds. Exactly, exactly what frontline workers were most concern about hospitals being overwhelmed. Hospital's being slammed because you have a generation of Americans, Millennial's who has taken their America's freedoms to the most disastrous, deadliest and most damning phase ever, pleasure over godliness, lover's of themselves more than human life, beware, Apb
You Tube, Morning Joe, Trump 'will do whatever he can get away with
The Lincoln Project,
NBC News, US added 206,000 COVID-19 Infections since Friday,, ( saying children are contagious, they're spreading it to others, to think otherwise never made since. They are carrier's and they can past it to family members and school officials, shared, Dr. Dave Campbell.
-Clearly all of the dangers which I've forewarn from the beginning, into only a couple weeks pre-COVID-19, a deadly pandemic and schools and school children used as a perfect delivery system to easily sicken to wipe out entire families.
Trumps viral denial crosses threshold into negligence
-Totally fulfilling the Eze 9 2017, command, kill all parents by, finish all schools, but even it's duration has ran out, and what's come making COVID-19 look like the best Sunday, outings, Family Affair ever, again ever.
Here again reminded as I woke, July 20, 2020, the hard writing clumsily, Aug 7, 2019, Esc a e Yel ow sto (Escape Yellowstone!
-Went on to just now revisit, NBA'S Westbrook, Durante declared July (2019), California Dreamers, coupled with the fright night Jan 22/23, 2020 of how California dreamer NBA Kobe and His died by fire so tragically.).
-Genesis thru Revelation Holy God want HIS out of this country, and off this doomsday continent, HIS, those who hear and do. When HIS sibling, HIS family tried to silence him, who did Jesus describe as his actual family and from the cross secured his mother too? Those who hear and follow, HIS unlike any other this planet, obedient Sheep, beware, Genesis thru Revelation Holy Elohim God, Is AWARE! Apb
The 55 most shocking lines from Chris Wallace's interview with Donald Trump,, (How many want to chance denying that latest shooting up of that Judge family and home,is Trump's racism, related? Election Decisions, coming back more to eat them, than bite them. I think this is where Trump supporters, who like AMTV, Alex Jones,TUCKER. CARSON, Evangelicals, REPUBLICANS. Plainly those who never would've supported a white supremacist like Pres Trump, except it's Pres Trump, to whom they've now lost to sold their souls. Time in again for them all to ask just what did Holy Lords mean Trump/Pence 2016, campaign by comparing and aligning them to the monster, demons Gog and Magog they, and their unceasing support, apparently put into motion
- For some odd reason, Grand Caden just come in up into my prayer bed, asked, will Pres Trump get the Coronavirus? Hesitating not, I said no, God has other plans for him, he said other plans? I said yes, and we went on to something else, still, making me reconsider, why a July 6, 2020, two by two day, nine day, countdown to revisiting US/Canada W Pacific Volcanic Apocalypse, put Pres Trump by it's July 16/17 2020 in the State of Georgia crossover into Africa's Atlantic, God has other plans for Pres Trump and those who actually read behind Apostle I Am, know what I mean, for example Senator Obama was declared the one, given a tine table of two weeks and 7 years.
-Unquestionably, making him a man of prediction and no power other than Almighty God could thwart it's predestination, why still, his world rule politically, ebb and flow, right now. I could then tell you President Trump was first Oct 15, 2018, until its 2019, that for 7 years awarded a revisited Dan 4, curse of madness. Said time table, coupled with April 2, 2019, for his middle eastern deal of the century, awarded two weeks, April 16/×7, 2019 and 7 years April 2, 2026. Pretty much he could wake from Dan 4 madness award Oct 2026, the American Continent no more, nor is Western Civilization anymore this planet, realizing Jesus has been in millennium reign, for near six months.
-I woke May 15, 2020 reopening, hearing eruptions and FEMA, and soon to learn a predicted to go nuclear 7.4 US Midwest Earthquake. Thing is the report right now of ambulances surrounding Texas to Arizona Hospital, as I shared Senator Obama was to come in office, I saw an outbreak of ambulances, of states of emergencies, the entire country in red , to all Canada, America and The American Continent described as States of barbecue commanded exodus, clarified just now, from Aug 7, 2019 as stampeding 101 Yellowstone's as a hand wrote clumsily and what I bet is written on July 16/7, 2020, running, speeding backward man, his sign, is also the since the late nineties forewarning, 'Escape Yellowstone!' Beware, Apb
Texas Walmart Shoppers React To New Face Mask, ( And These Are The Descendants, Rescued From The Beast Marks!
And these are the descendants of the beauty rescued from the hands of the beast: Beast Of Beauty Featuring King Bridegroom Breedlove, Coleman Backler and Queen Bride Kamil Arielle Smyth
The Unending Love Antidote ...The African Juttah Genealogy, 1986-2016/2026/3036
The Tombola Genealogy, Holy, Temple, April, 17, 1986/2026/3036 into Infinity, God's Kingdom Reign
Unto Idris Alfonso Vinnison and Iberia Jenetta Halson was born a daughter, Matterson Delore Vinnison, a daughter, Meriotte Detri Vinnison and a son, Geremy Edith Halson
Mark Scene, Genesis Marriage Worshipers, XVII and VII, It's LXXXXI Matrix Count
"Then you all still are not hearing Sis Maaseiah using our own Jan 12/13, Rev 2, Jesus threat to make those unrepentant riches to rags sickbeds, their kids a pandemic of death; she saying children are the pandemic avenged by Rev 14/18, Holy God upon their overseers, especially, pastors, parents, grands parents and social media, abusing, raping and killing children for centuries, hence the command kill all parents by," so who're dying, finish all schools as in school kids, who's affecting and killing parents, grandparents, their own children and grandchildren, with a doctor warning just a day past, we know children are contagious, a few will die, but mostly that they're carriers, that they will infect both their multi-generation families and their educators, and again Sia's all, he said, we know this, that's all as grand Sia forewarn only weeks before COVID-19, hit and could be why he said, we know this. "
COVID Docs On Dire Situation In TX And FL,,
"Yeah Lament, hearing some say, babies infected, in Texas over 400, doesn't make sense, it's kinda like we had this killer instinct inside us, laying in wait and something Eze 4/5 to Rev 17:16-18. puppeteered as COVID-19 triggered it to activated it, now mankind's greatest trial to error. Then suppose Aleth sis, Holy Lords, this outbreak of mortuary come, decided He'd answer this long desired wish. Suffering Job to It's A Wonderful life scenario, the never been born curiosity. Like what if the country, the world was supremely white and minorities, were no more, had never been born? We know foolishly they've thought it, ethic cleansing, that they've attempted it and wished it, just see world stretching leaders agreeing,Hitler's Germany. I'm just saying, no way this man slew 10 million people, 6 million of them Jews because democratic nations like Holy God so loved the world. Only then, see their, the deer in headlights astonishment. Ironically, when their hybrid Hitler's Germany Antichrist declares he is god and they're helpless as to save themselves being surrounded all around, with Anubis demon undertakers, once disguised as friendly house pets to German Shepherds. Yeah, grand Sia witnessed that as well, one of her Jan to Feb 2019, reveals. So their to be fantastic dream, turn a hellish nightmare, a White America to world. So not before long this bitter, sweet, their own atrocities would shine bright a more darkened world; their evil nakedness shown clearly, this blinding light piecing darken mirrors. They could no longer deny to play racial blame games, evidently they too going extinct, then judgement, then lakes of fire. That's just sick Gamiel man, as sick, deadly and damning Hybrid man, as bigotry to white supremacy, you think? Actually Gamiel, it's every evil work, yeah but you have to admit Aleth they, such evils seem to be getting what they thought they couldn't survive without, God as Moses day wiping out to stampeding their multicultural workforce, seeming they have their white world, ah until 101 Yellowstone's wipe it, them from the planet. Yeah, that's grand saying I wouldn't want to be them, nor anywhere near them, during the judgement of the nation to the great white throne judgement. Clearly as you day, they're out of time to commit either, grand Sia just July 18, 2020, revisited a hand writing on a wall Jan 12/13, 2019, 99 bowls of molten lava, and Aug 7, 2019, only clumsily this time, Escape 101 Yellowstone's and that volcanic apocalypse, she just hours ago revisited, just as its Aug 5, 7, 30 and 31st, actual prediction approaches, again as grand Sia says, as Moses days the only sacrifices Holy Elohim will accept, that you repent, RUN or perish! Look you guys, that ear piercing send off off lately, any here lose anybody, to Negeb Ophel I mean? I just know many did, I heard Maha lost Aldaja, nall, Paige, I saw him long past allt hat, they come for him later, they did what? Yeah, Maipo's Logan as well, others, stop, stop, you're freaking me out, freaking us all out Paige, be freaked, many don't think this isn't over, that even second heaven Intercessions to the Juttah Tombola are being tweaked, and more for the Priesthood than Negeb Ophel, but, but those as well, so others can disappear. But India's Prince Aldaja, he wasn't Buddhist right? No, but word is his cousin, Maipo prenuptial, Logan was, like straddling the fence and we know what Jesus said about that. You all remember, that page torn out of the Lamb's book, Sia Maaseiah described, black and white, single filed, seeming all last names, seeing many yet remembering only one, ah my God Lament, Logan, it was Logan, ah my god. I'm hoping those injured, left blind, dumb and deaf are recovered by a Damascus Road, three days, Tribunal Shaddi, please, don't, Shaddi is fine, jusy asking what you think? We don't think, we don't marvel, we don't worry or fear, this is second heaven intercessions, so we what? We pray, Jesus tell, taught us day one, Holy Father knows best, ask in His, Jesus name, it's yours. I'll tell you all, most, most concerning just hours ago Grand Sia, Lord Urusalem, her revels revisited the handwriting clumsily, Escape Yellowstone, what three days after both dutchsinse earthquake forecaster 10 day count and her, 9 day, two by two day, count. miraculously making approaching event into July 16/17, 2020, , even more exceptional, was fulfilled by a large, W Pacific earthquake, but also see Pres Trump itinerary for that day. Understand, meaning if her volcanic apocalypse had happen right then, Pres Trump and his were in Georgia's crossover and Grand Maaseiah nor I think that's a coincidence and neither should any of you, you looking kinda green there doll girl. I don't feel, good, no, let me Shaddi, I got her, thanks Paige. And that's cousin Dai, Dai, what she meant when I asked her, world Trump get the Coronavirus and without hesitation, she said no, God has other plans for him, yeah Memphis Caden, we know, go read Jer 37 Eze 38/39 and Dan 2/4/5, those scriptures as well as Rev 17:26-18, Rev 18/19, revisits Trump's Administration, even Western Civilization. Hey, Chodne's not well, want to go to the birthing center, okay, I'm coming, running Memphis man, get Maha, inform mom, got ya cuze! How you all related, same Memphis, now Georgia, grand, ump, Maha, can't be reached by commy, so I'll have to find her, catch you guys later. They have the same grand mother, don't look so surprised Breed man, those are Saurus/Coogan God triplets, virtual royalty the African Juttah and Memphis Caden, he's you k you know, Memphis Caden. I'm going to check my Tombola status, you're braver man that I am, and if its changed, it better not be Blaine man, it better not be, say Almighty Breedlove Backler,Hillsfeet, you got that right! Why Speak In Parables?? Thou they have eyes they see not, ears they have but they hear not, their hearts are waxed gross and whosoever of their name isn't written in the Lamb's book of life, are tossed into lake of fire! Beware, Apb
Prophecy Links Fulfilling, July 20, 2020, Beware, Beware, Beware, More References to Escape 101 Yellowstone's and NBA/MBA California Dreamers suffering horrible, fiery fates like Kobe his daughter and acquaintances! Beware, Apb
Comet Neowise shines over Swiss sky.
2008, Asteroid, Destroy, Wisconsin; 2019, Destroy Wisconsin! Eze 9, GOH
Forewarn 2017, about courting and flirting with Keanu Reeves movies, his latest, Replica, still all these references lately to his, most popular, The Matrix. Here, Myth busters, White Rabbit project, Grant Imahara, dies. Only weeks after I see a fence open and a single white rabbit come out. Again one of Matrix matriarchs dies from a brain aneurysm, during 90 plus Rev Jesus, Matrix ten day countdown into a fiery doomsday, come. all while forewarned be aware of dangers from above, a (Neo)-wise comet shoots a fireball right through it all, in time, revisiting both the Bride and West Rule seen again, Aug 5, (2019), simultaneously, skyrocketing off the planet, one never to be seen again, beware, Rev 18, Holy Elohim God, Is AWARE! Apb, see more here,, how it ALL ends prophetically, Apb
Prophecy Links Fulfilling, Thus Saith Angel Gabriel Trump's May 15, Reopenings,16 years ago, May 15, 2004...
The 11th Hour, Russel Honor'e On Feds In Portland: "What Kind Of Bullsh-t Is This?"
We Are In The Process Of Developing A Strategy
Beto O'Rourke: Texas GOP Is A 'Death Cult' That Wants You To Do All The Dying, (You, as in frontline workers, Latinos, Black America's, Native Americans, (this would include, Israelis, Islamics), they make the mistakes, you and yours, do the dying; Article
-Remember Apostle I am, said, before COVID-19 hit, and why it hit, Ps 2/Rev 17/18 Holy God was seeing US soil and Kingdom Nation building on the verge of Civil to world wars? When actually, they're supposed to be using Trump's middle eastern deal of the century into a non-aggression pact, Jer 37/Dan 9:27/Rev 17:16-18/18.
-Whereas US/Western soil, instead are doing this, Ps 51, Eze 5, Mat 24/Rev 18, repenting, running or perishing. Equally, that it'll be like Noah's day extinction to Egypt's ten plagues, until they do, Escape Yellowstone. I know, unknowingly fulfilling endtime prophecy, they all being men of prediction, THEY ALL BEING MEN OF PREDICTION, The Apparent End, Dan 2/Rev 11:15, Of kingdom, nation building, come! Apb
-And these are the descendants of the beauty rescued from the hands of the beast: Beast Of Beauty Featuring King Bridegroom Breedlove, Coleman Backler and Queen Bride Kamil Arielle Smyth
The Unending Love Antidote ...The African Juttah Genealogy, 1986-2016/2026/3036
The Tombola Genealogy, Holy, Temple, April, 17, 1986/2026/3036 into Infinity, God's Kingdom Reign
Unto Sawyer Winston Deburk, Artz and Danielle Kirtsen Gadson was born a son, Edison Blair Artz, a son, Patterson Bishop Artz and a god daughter, Bellazair
Anielle Veneer, Artz, Gadson
Mark Scene, Genesis Marriage Worshipers, XVII and VII, It's LXXXXIV Matrix Count
"So many people Kadesh man, saying they hate God now, yeah those Memphis Carter, Georgia grand told us Americans, Churchians, to religious, who by their lifestyles don't serve God anyway. This is not Heavenly Father, destroying them, this is Father God destroying sin, replenishing the earth mostly by fire, by those predicted for millennia 101 Yellowstone's. Then despite their abominations, has made them an offer predating Jesus Christ Cross, 'the genesis woman seed,' that takes them off this planet, Jesus said pray for it, wait for it. Especially Sias all, while by cataclysms Holy Elohim as prophesied and promised, is making all things new, heaven, earth, JERUSALEM. But, but, since it takes an act of repentance and living holy, your unrighteousness can't inherit heaven, repent! Instead billions are choosing to endure a million times what COVID-19 and already, an unprecedented 2020 year has already done. I mean just go back and reconsider that revisited this 2020 alone, with the prophesied hour now manifested in the flesh, too many times to count. This phenom maze of sin Sia Maaseiah saw, the earth littered with the dead, traps laid for kids; only now, whoring parents have fallen into themselves. There's a million man single water cooler, all great judgments and we know this because here come mystery woman. Fright night, she still have some Rev 16/17 vials of extinction left, only they're blackened. Mercifully, before she unleash those as well, worse ever, what does she do? One last time to make an offer of Jesus' crowns of righteousness to mansions in heaven. You wanna know instead the cry sia Maaseiah heard across US nation in real time, they want full term abortions. That's like Governor Pilate trying to get Jesus freed and instead they cried give us, Barabbas, crucify Jesus his Holy blood be upon us and Children, clearly what COVID-19 world wide has made a harsh reality. Still" what that mean? Likr give us full term abortions, like legalize heterosexuality as well as LGBTQ, agenda, adultery, molestation, incest, pedophilia. necrophilia and bestiality. Then during the deadliest for centuries plandemic Congress just agreed to do. So also see prophet Ezekiel taken by a Lot of his hair. Watch Holy Lord tear a whole in their closets no more. Showed prophet Ezekiel, how its our own top religious, political leaders during these evils, both abominable, detestable, Holy Lord described them. Repent and rise, repeal and perish, let's all Sia's here say it together, repent and rise, repeal or perish, once more, repent and rise, repeal and perish" here says he whose birth name, Meshullum Kadesh, mean, "reconcile, be holy!" Why Speak In Parables? For those rebellers today, as those rebellers Ezekiel's day, bragged, "the Lord seeth us not, that, Genesis through Revelation Holy Elohim Lord, Is ascended from the earth, Apb