Thursday, July 23, 2020

"The Antichrist, (As of those ten ordain kings I saw, Kobe's Fiery Crash morning), Will Kill Millions Going Broke!" Apb

Prophecy Links Fulfilling

"Its a hit, cities hit, Guam just did it," eerie, a since error Islam Bush, 2003, breaking of news report, a since 1998/1999, error Islam Clinton, the ARAB then Asian Invasion US soil, beware!

Seeing Aug 5, (2019), the word disappeared frozen on, as all HD, 5G and Social media screens, I said a day the earth stood still scenario; disappeared and skyrocketing simultaneously, by grace, Holy Bride, by fiery judgment, America/West rule, one permanently, got him, got Jesus and gone yet? 

YouTube, Lou Dobbs, Rep Banks, "Grateful," for Pompeo Being The Adult In The Room,

America unearth: Ancient Egyptian Relic Discovered,, (Then I found this, see the prophetic parable, below, Apb

And These Are The Descendants Rescued From The Beast Marks, July 27, (2016), Rev 13, an outbreak of ambulances to states of emergencies, on US soil

Mark Scene, Genesis Marriage Worshipers, XVII and VII, It's LXXXXVI Matrix Count

'No Nicholas, when I first of the year 2019, got that Hybrid Alexander The Great/Hitler's Germany, I was still getting references not only to Egypt but Egypt's Memphis. Now get this, where Alexander was apparently mummified and entombed for a time. I know, I know, Interestingly, vilifying the witness of seeing Anubis demons all around this hybrid Antichrist, posing as German Shepherds. That doesn't make sense, wait, wait, that doesn't, my god, Maaseiah, that could be the secret of Memphis, both yours and Ancient Egypt. You know, that question to you 2017, by approaching, inquiring Holy watchers, what's the secret of Memphis? You seeing the Obama's one time each, it's Memphis TN Dunlap street, before each visit, Memphis; where you first witnessed a decade prior, America in commanded to slow motion exodus. I still can't believe it, you finished, your cup, plate, want more juice? I can't believe, he once ruled in Egypt, I'm watching this doc, this female excavators looking for Alexander tomb right tonight. Expressing how she literally worship him and embodies him, heart, mind, soul, even. Then I said Nicholas if only she felt that way about the immortal godman giving into divine immortality for all who are to come, Jesus the Christ. Alexander the great dying as he did, as early as thirty, proved his too like all men was a deathstyle, then judgment Nicholas, then hell. Imagine she's to witnessed his judgment day, his weight of martyred blood, watch him a first born still be tossed to lakes of fire, only sadly, for her horrifyingly, she's next. I can't help that these revisits of Anubis and even Sobek keepers and undertakers of the dead are these types of archaeologist reaping deadly curses of the burial desecration of these ancient cites, they call legalized excavations. Remember Nicholas, just as death unleash one's holy spirit, death unleashes as well, one's unholy spirits, devils, demons and every evil work. Still Maaseiah, the hindsight of your prophetic parables, all these worries about China, Russia but that Jan/Feb 2019 demo, references were to Egypt, (now Islam), Europe (United Nations and twice, Germany, even its deadliest era ever, a hybrid Alexander slash Hitler's Germany, and Nicholas, the Bride, America, West Rule skyrocketing off planet, prophetic allowance. Plus, don't forget, tie this apron for me, Bush's 2003, Germany was one I saw America in a block by four other nations, you said Maaseiah remind you of Dan 7, seeing the rise of 4 specific empires, the Roman Empire most of all; when Nicholas I first heard, 50 million would die, US soil, right into the morning of Pres Trump's Jan 20, 2017 Inauguration. I better run, so lunch Nicholas Edin, yes, no, maybe? Like Maaseiah I'm gonna miss spending any time with you, right, you said, all your springs are in me, always and forever, loving girl, kiss, kiss, see you then. Ah, ah, ah, look, Sissy is contemplating coming to the Juttah Sahara to help with the windman ad, can you believe it? Maaseiah, earth to, Maaseiah, ah, Alexander, thirty years of life, so was Holy Jesus, so is this outreach so far, thirty plus rapture, spring demos and Maaseiah so is the prophesied hour manifested in multicultural flesh, he in his early thirties, you said. My ride here, talk about it at lunch, miss you already, me too loving man, later!" Why speak in parable? For those rebellers today, as those rebellers in Ezekiel's days yet say, the Lord seeth us not, the Lord is ascended from the earth, beware, Holy, Elohim God Is, AWARE, that is! Apb

YouTube, CBS China, US relations reach lowest point in decades, (beware the world can have and will have peace without America, but the world won't have peace without Russia, without China and world leaders know this. 

-Apostle I am, I will say it again, there is no world peace with a war mongering America/ Petro-dollar/stock market. Though with China, with Russia, there's a non-aggression pact, the duration of April 2, 2019 thru April 2, 2026, to be reached and there can be world peace. 

-Prophetically, there will be world peace, actually fulfilling Eze 38/39/Dan 9:27 and all other end time prophecy into Rev 11, 13/17/18/19, which includes Jesus descending millennium reign, I know, right, GOD IS NOT MOCKED, said siege been laid since Prophet Ezekiel 4/5, heard, lay a siege!" Apb

Hearing, 2004/2005,  "God Said, He Will Kill Millions," 

Seeing Bush's 2003, fire from prison bars like a sword that target Pres Bush, henceforth Bush, fires...

-Way to go Pompeo, like US don't have enough apocalyptic Bush fires burning! Hearing Trump's 2016, America allied to a nuclear fate. Fret all first born's, presidential to peasant, don't fret those of Jesus' Christ, new birth, trust, delight and commit. 

-Every since July 6, 2015, saying "there's some bout Cameron, to, "beware of Alien dangers from above," revisits Rev 17:14 Jesus husband, taking Holy Bride out of a UK to Islam to Russia, tug of www3, nuclear war into Armageddon.

-Only presently, as touted Jan 12/13, 2018 by Rev 10, Mighty Angel, standing US map, no more doomsday passovers US/Western soil, all ELES predicted actually now come. No wonder the witnessed three consecutive demos since Mother's day 2020, of the prophesied hour, Rev 3:3, Rev 17;12, Rev 18:17, here now manifested in multicultural flesh, beware, Apb

Prophecy Links Fulfilling

Hearing 2004/2005 The Antichrist Will Kill Millions Going Broke; hearing, 1998, They Won't Be Able To Give These Whimsical Creations Away; To hearing Trumps 2016, Yours America Is A Nuclear Fate!" Apb 

YouTube, Over 50 million Americans have now filed for jobless claims, ( see here., and,

Prophecy Links Fulfilling

Hearing first Oct 25, 2018, 10.2 quake, hearing next, as a breaking news report, "mayor, major earthquake, West Pacific Canada; hearing as a breaking news report, Aug 30/31 2019, "after 101 Yellowstone's," beware, Apb

YouTube mrmbb333, Big Storm Starting To Brew,, (Rev 12. sign, birthing mother to specific child, revisited, July 6" 2020, beware also mrmbb333, September date, 2020; 2017, its 23rd, fulfilled the Rev 12,  phenomenon. A not since two thousand years predicted and a not since Adam, not for 7000 years, sky phenom; beware, also predicted June 26/July 6, (2015), to be the Brides estimated time of escape, ETE, of September 23/25. Still, following this biblical event would be a million times this 2020 unprecedented year, inconceivable, death tolls, all, beware, Apb

The May 15, 2020 M 6.5 earthquake 56 km west of Tonopah, Nevada,


YouTube dutchsinse, 2019/2020
7.4, New Zealand,
China 6.3 quake,
Large 7.8, Alaska quake,
Large 7 plus quake, West Pacific, 

-Those of us who listen to dutchsinse know this outbreak with 7 to 8 plus quakes mean something as huge as the predicted, Oct 2018, 10.2 quake can't continue be that far off. Right after I, July 6 2020, got the 9 day, two by two days. countdown into July 16/27, 2020.
- In hindsight also a dutchsinse, July 6, ten day forecast into July 16/17, 2020. Soon for him a hit on the nose, W Pacific, 7 plus quake; for me among other things, like Trump's Aug 28, 2017, itinerary as of hurricane Harvey, hearing a week prior, "Aug 28."
-Here, revisited another countdown to Trump's itinerary, on that date, July 16/17, 2020, that put him in Atlanta Georgia. The middle of a tug of war Governor to Mayor, over mandating masks, the deadliest pandemic in a century. 
-I reminded even then, July 9, 2020, I  suggested I have several countdowns going. One a Rev 2, Jesus, Matrix ten day countdown to doomsday since Nov 22/23, 2017. So every 2/3/12/13/ 22/23 of each month, beginning with predicted Dec 3, 2017, stampeding of elephants, not unlike these dutchsinse forecast quakes, July 22, 2020, only now, a ninety plus Matrix countdown to fiery doomsday.
 -See, hear, Kobe's unprecedented fiery crash, Jan 22/23, 2020 wasn't only on a matrix ten day count, wasn't only the witness of seeing those ten Dan 7, Rev 17 end times heads, crowns, 10 Kings, being ordained. Fright night, Kobe's fiery death matrix, count, revisited for two years Jan 22/23-29, 2018, Rev 10, Mighty Angel, come forewarning, no further delays US soil, desolations predicated now come.
-Those US soil desolations predicted. as 2015/Jan 12/13, 2019, 99 bowls of molten lava. Fright night, we now know since Aug 30/31 2019, is by 101 Yellowstone's or simply Rev 6, 6th seal, volcanic apocalypse. Here, the frozen word disappeared, Aug 5, (2019), both skyrocketing, Holy Bride nor unholy West Rule. That's including The America's, are no more this planet, everyone, thing else get to Georgia's/Africa's Atlantic; one world system or world order never seen again, beware, genesis thru revelation, Holy Elohim God, Is, AWARE! Apb

Prophecy Links Fulfilling,  Dec 29, 2019, seeing  for decades now, this generation, intervening Holy Spirits, now in a running race to put predicted Dec 24/25. 2001, doomsday a fiery Christmas Carol, back on prophetic track, so any d-day now, beware Apb

Article US Coronavirus deaths soar as official's call for shutdowns| WNT,, (and of course the reopening, of schools; elderly dying, ✔, minorities dying: ✔, children dying, pending from over zealous parents to the 2020 election... Since I got the single word meetings the first of 2020, as Rev 18 God still saying I See You, Your sins have reached into heaven, and during Obama/Clinton into Trump/Pence sohad your death tolls. Let's imagine each conference is thrown down leads sitting in judgement of the nation. Making each presidential to lesser official called is explaining their decision that's killed hundreds of millions, to reigning, King Zion, Jesus Himself, knowing, the tell all heart, beware, Apb

Article, He lost both parents ro Coronavirus. Hear His Story…,(that's exactly what I heard 2017, kill all parents by, FINISH, all schools, only since getting a date, April that carries saud outbreak with mortuary two weeks abd 7 years into April 2, 2026, all revisited from biblical prophecy, Ezekiel 9, Holy God of Wrath, beware, Apb

And these are the descendants of the beauty rescued from the hands of the beast: Beast Of Beauty Featuring King Bridegroom Maipo Finona Kwanskan and Queen Bride Mahasiah Unique Coogan, 

The Unending Love Antidote ...The African Juttah Genealogy, 1986-2016/2026/3036

The Tombola Genealogy, Holy, Temple, April, 17, 1986/2026/3036 into Infinity, God's Kingdom Reign

Unto Maipo Finona Kwanskan and Queen Bride Mahasiah Unique Coogan, was born two godsons Amaomao Meiko Kwanskan, a son Kikowaena Dialia Kwanskan and a daughter, Lani Kikowaena Kwanskan, Eskew, Coogan

Mark Scene, Genesis Marriage Worshipers, XVII and VII, It's LXXXXVI Matrix Count

"Okay, Memphis Carter, since. grand Sias mrmbb333,, being our atmospheric to cosmic forecaster is promising more on NEO's, so picking your brain of made aware, grand Sias mountain from heaven, a meteor surface, that was when? Like Shell, five years now; and commanded, asteroid, ah, a little over a decade, but revisited like April 2019, with something about US map Louisiana and Wisconsin. That stone commanded to end middle schools, possibly those below the age of accountability, that's a little over a decade, like 2007/2008; then, then the mountain seen reigning, then a sunlight rose, spoke. Grand Sia Shell, her prophecy links put that phenom reveal at June 17, 2002, but both she and Memphis grand, Nibewe, just revisited that forewarning, it's commanded as Moses day, exodus, and, and by the Sunlight God's back turn Throne, with us approaching revisited Sept 03/13/23, 2019 and May 15, 2020. more references to the volcanic apocalypse and its year 2015, Sept 23/25, is revealed, the Brides chariot lift off, its Rev 12, babe snatched out of the Red Dragon hands just you guys again revisited, July 6, 2020, which we know also revisits the Bride's nano-second escape, so all ELE'S come, nuclear, natural, which. COVID-19 is, but is it Memphis man, Sia Maaseiah's backward letter C pandemic to Rev 4th seal, Pale horse she saw followed by Islamic world rule? How she during Bush, first Admin, predicted a Hussein White House. Before I say that, know third ELE,  is in the form of this conversing inquiry, even NASA unprecedented reporting of NEO'S. I guess Blaine man, if we're only to know that we truly are a year April 2, 2019, into the last week of Daniel. Something else you guys, the most surreal, sua Maaseiah witnessed the heaven missile down in huge shards, another reference to a climactic pyroclastic flow to a meteor shower,"     >>>"But Adam is the authentic godman made by Holy spirts from the earth, Jesus, the last Adam is the authentic godman, made by Holy Spirits from the woman's seed/womb. We get humankind's blood redemption right through Holy him, world savior Jesus for there remain no other, nor have it or will there ever be, again. The book of the acts of the apostles, saying there's only one name given under heaven whereby man can be saved, Jesus Christ. That's also Silverton man Jesus saying, he that believeth not is condemned already, all unbelieving first born's die, be ye born again."    >>>"I know, King dear,  no matter how horribly they die and how often now these many millennia they're laboring for an African heritage torn from Jesus sinless flesh violently and viciously, making us again heir to God's Throne. I know, what deception, why would they even if they could ever want it back, its mortal, incorruptible it's double cursed and sentenced to be thrown to lakes of molten fire, wake…. Up!" Why? Apb

Prophecy Links Fulfilling, 2004/05

 "The Antichrist, (As of those ten ordain kings I saw, Kobe's Fiery Crash morning), Will Kill Millions Going Broke!" Apb

Senator Dick Schumer Interview
Schumer, GOP, rightly indicating, infighting over next Coronavirus stimulus,  during a record of various perfect storms. Needful Americans hanging off their cliffs by thinning threads.
-Citing, unemployee insurance running out; rental assistant running out; hundreds of thousands, even millions could be thrown out of their homes.
-Still tens of  thousands more people could be laid off, yet the Republican Senate spend more times talking about statues, than about the grestest econmic crisis in 75 and the greatest health crisis in over a 100 years!
-It's pathetic, not one mention of the COVID-19 crisis, Senate and President need get their acts together, l never see a more dysfunctional party in crisis than this Republican party.
-Part of the blame is Trump but part of the blame are senators knowing Trump is wrong but afraid to refute him, it's really frustrating, on repeat, it's really frustrating! Article… 
-Purely, Apostle, I am agree with him, but there's also Republicans saying only a small portion of the country has been infected by the Coronavirus. Apparently, all 300 plus million Americans, actually, The American Continent.
-They are all suffering religiously, physically, mentally, domestically, economically and violently, COVID-19 symptoms. Truly, how many Mexicans are thanking Pres Trump for his multi-billion dollar, border wall, and internationals for all his preventive, COVID-19, travel bans? Beware, Apb

Prophecy Links Fulfilling, Asteroid Destroy West Constantly Sinning

There's A Way That Seems Righteous to man, but the Broadway thereof: Seems 2017, I'm hanging out at a nunnery, when soon I get a look at one of their bibles, whose pages were plastered all over with nothing but store ads… beware, of money changers tables, the stumbling block of iniquity, Apb

Beware, Bush Error/ERA, Islam award, an 11'00 shopping lunch hour of forfeiting US soldiers going under unprecedented tortures, this field to field pileup of torture vehicles of a dirty, Mede/US's Gog and Magog… beware! Apb

Article, Convent in Michigan Loses 13 Sisters to Covid-19,  (May 10, 2020, now one of my prophesied dates, and 5 days later come Pres Trump suggested grand reopening it's May 15, 2020. As prophesied of anything his, soon met with the greatest COVID-19 insurgence. 
-Ironic for him, even them, in mostly Republican held States,  and cities, unnecessarily hundreds of thousands of more US lives lost. Yet he and his think they can judge States and cities held by Democrats. 
-Still May 10, 11, 2020, I start getting demos about the prophesied hour Rev 3:3, Rev 17, Rev 18, manifested in multicultural flesh
-There's three since such demos with two involving Anubis demon dogs, undertakers and abominable, detestable, preachers, churches and choirs, yes, and choirs, God Is Not Mocked!
-Whereas Trump's May 15, 2020 reopening, my ascended husband and now first Memphis, godson birthday. Such Surrealism, which May date itself revisits the same Angel Gabriel that brought news of Jesus conception and birth to a pending Mother Mary.
-Here, hear, appeared to me May 15, 2004, though THEY'VE appeared since, Jan 12/13, 2018/Jan 23-29, 2018/Jan 20, 2019, June 6, 2020/July 16/17 2020 since. This most memorable, was like 16 years past, with too, Dan 9-12, Angel Gabriel now saying "the fulfillment of all things is upon mankind, she's (reigning Bride), going, (ascending, I Thess 4:16-18), coming (descending, Rev 4:1/Rev 11:15), with a 7th Angel, beware, Jan 22/23, 2018, Rev 10, Mighty Angel, Holy Elohim God, Is AWARE! Apb

 -And these are the descendants of the beauty rescued from the hands of the beast: Beast Of Beauty Featuring King Bridegroom, Fallon Leopard Stonehenge and Queen Bride Aubrey Marietta Joyhouse 

Mark Scene, Genesis Marriage Worshipers, XVII and VII, It's LXXXXVI Matrix Count

     "So many people Kadesh man, saying they hate God now, yeah those Memphis Carter, Georgia grand told us Americans, Churchians, to religious, who by their lifestyles don't serve God anyway. This is not Heavenly Father, destroying them, this is Father God destroying sin, replenishing the earth mostly by fire, by those predicted for millennia 101 Yellowstones. Then despite their abominations, has made them an offer predating Jesus Christ Cross, 'the genesis woman seed,' that takes them off this planet, Jesus said pray for it, wait for it. Especially Sias all, while by cataclysms Holy Elohim as prophesied and promised, is making all things new, heaven, earth, JERUSALEM. But, but, since it takes an act of repentance and living holy, your unrighteousness can't inherit heaven, repent! Instead billions are choosing to endure a million times what COVID-19 and already, an unprecedented 2020 year has already done. I mean just go back and reconsider that revisited this 2020 alone, with the prophesied hour now manifested in the flesh, too many times to count. This phenom maze of sin Sia Maaseiah saw, the earth littered with the dead, traps laid for kids; only now, whoring parents have fallen into themselves. There's a million man single water cooler, all great judgements and we know this because here come mystery woman. Fright night, she still have some  Rev 16/17 vials of extinction left, only they're blackened. Mercifully, before she unleash those as well, worse ever, what does she do? One last time to make an offer of Jesus' crowns of righteousness to mansions in heaven. You wanna know instead the cry sia Maaseiah heard across US nation in real time, they want full term abortions. That's like Governor Pilate trying to get Jesus freed and instead they cried give us, Barabus, crucify Jesus his Holy blood be upon us and Children, clearly what COVID-19 world wide has made a harsh reality. Still" what that mean? Likr give us full term abortions, like legalize heterosexuality as well as LGBTQ, agenda, adultery, molestation, inceast, pecophilia. necrophilia and bestiality. Then during the deadliest for centuries plandemic Congress just agreed to do. So also see prophet Ezekiel taken by a Lot of his hair. Watch Holy Lord tear a whole in their closets no more. Showed prophet Ezekiel, how its our own top religious, political leaders during these evils, both abominable, detestable, Holy Lord described them. Repent and rise, repeal and perish, let's all Sias here say it together, repent and rise, repeal or perish, once more, repent and rise, repeal and perish" here says he whose birth name, Meshullum Kadesh, mean, "reconcile, be holy!" Why Speak In Parables? Apb 

Prophecy Links Fulfilling, 

Miracle Larry, Leaves Hospital After 128 days of battling COVID-19. This is what he want you to know,, ( around this time 5000, other COVID-19 victims, died all around him, thus his well earn, nickname, miracle Larry), Article

While On The Other Hand, A YouTuber Send This

Article, 139 Americans die every day from an opioid overdose (including Rx and illicit opioids). CDC is committed to fighting the opioid overdoses ...
Nearly 70% of the 67,367 deaths in 2018 involved an opioid. From 2017 to 2018, there were significant changes in opioid-involved death rates:
-listed here, are Hardest Hit Opioid US States, ( Only Apostle I am wonder are these hardest hit opioid states also Democratic run? Beware, revisited from 2010, reveal, Feb 12/13, 2019, by a back turn Rite Aid Pharmacy counter putting US death tolls at 5% into 15%;.
-Fright night, know also, even Eze 9, US soil grim reapers bore heart stabbing swords that also look like opioid use syringes. Beware, the practice to abuse of pharmaceuticals, is the very pandemic I actually witnessed end this country, even this continent.
-Then inconceivably left nothing of your precious American dream. That is, but a magnetic, manner of memorabilia, one in a distant land, say US Georgia's crossover into Africa's Southwest Atlantic, the American refugee now hangs on a fridge. 
-Cleverly, here itself, the fridge, a forewarning 2011, our children to grands would grow up in occupied territory, in an occupied America, COVID-19, lockdowns you think? So see Mr President, just as lockdowns have their problems, crystal, so does a freedom that's as a biblical, righteous caution thrown to the wind of a poetic justice, human genocide to oblivion; knowing repent, RUN or Perish! Apb

-And these are the descendants of the beauty rescued from the hands of the beast: Beast Of Beauty Featuring King Bridegroom Maipo Finona Kwanskan and Queen Bride Mahasiah Unique Coogan, 

Mark Scene, Genesis Marriage Worshipers, XVII and VII, It's LXXXXVI Matrix Count

     -How is Chodne, Chodne Paige near miscarried, Maha and all were there and saw I was captured a quagmire its dilemma, whether I wanted the unborn to move on, with grand remaining we, the genesis man, marriage, don't just birth to human being but living souls and living spirits, why sexual abnormalities are so such dangerously genocidal. So shaking off such torturous fear I cried dear heavenly father your will be done, it's more precious than mine. Then as you see, the morning later I walked away to come here as she insisted. They're now both as her safe womb, in stable condition, and I couldn't be happier. Truly brother El Shaddi, every good gift and every perfect gift descends down from the father of lights. Phenom gifts seen by our Maaseiah mom as both a sunlight metamorphosis, diamond carved crystal dove chariot, and also a descending from Holy Him, new, White, Holy House, Royal Bridegroom, Royal Bride and Royal Priesthood intact, happy day Mahaseiah, happy deity. I better get back, you hardly ate, yeah, but I have bread of such a kind as Jesus last supper into the Lamb's marriage supper. God son Elyon was also there, Chodne, urgency, by the commy I mean, missing Elyon, really, how, where is he? Let Maha tell you, I am running to my love, you all found, Elyon? Ah my God is Christ, that's incredible news, what about so many others? First Breedlove, we didn't find him he wasn't lost, he's in training for that descending New Jerusalem and New White Holy House both John and Sia Maaseiah witnessed. He didn't know the fate nor f, a, i, t, h of others, only his own and hardly that. But we know, though some like Elyon, were taken into greater ordination, others were lost to Negeb Ophel. How did he seem? Sunlight like, just beyond any description glorious, like it's him, only more a divine deity. Perhaps a glorified body, so no doubt, he's in third heaven, while we're in second heaven intercessions. Just as soon as all that, he was again gone away, wow, wow, Maipo, man, you alright, I know, why ask such a thing, you lost, too right? I lost Logan, I'm okay, I was just inspired to sit here and when Tribunal Shaddi left I did, hearing all that Mahaseiah, blessed me as well, ah, good, then. I'm off as well, we still have a wedding extravaganza agenda on our hands, see you guys all around, well, as Tribunal Hillsfeet, Hybrid would say.  Such an astonishing, curious girl.     >>Well, here's what Nancy Pelos to Schumer says, millions of Americans will lose their unemployment insurance, will be at risk of being evicted from their home, and could be laid off by state and local government and there is only one reason. Republicans have been dithering for months while America's crisis deepens. Feeling helpless Lakeside man, I  said to what Pelosi said of these heartless rulers, said to sit on more assets Memphis Kylan man than they can spend in many lifetimes. John hearing the cries of the martyred saints, how long oh lord, holy and true doest thou not avenge our blood upon them? Then, then Rev 18, Holy God then cry, get out of the way, come out of  them, for in one hour they shall be utterly destroyed for strong is the Almighty Elohim God that judgest her, them. That single hour, one it's perfect nano-second, neither Holy Bride to unholy West Rule are again this planet, one permanently. Presently grand Maaseiah revisited three times since mother's day 2020, this prophesied hour seen manifested in multicultural flesh, not including the phenom of seeing Rev 12,  birthing mother, her holy child snatched out of Red Dragon hand, God, avenging martyred blood, and they having no more doomsday pass-over, apparently isn't playing with them, HE'S COME" >>>"I need you to wake up Shadda! Hit me again, I'm telling mom, dad, then wake up, read this, ah my go, Maha, do you know how long it took me to fall asleep, please, please, please, what couldn't wait? If you wake, set your eyes just straight, then you'll, okay, okay, okay, read what? This here, read it aloud even,  Mahaaaa, ....please for me, 'and these are the descendants, ah, of the beauty, rescued from the hands of the beast, beast of beauty ah,  featuring King Bridegroom Maipo Finona Kwanskan and Queen Bride Mahasiah Unique Coogan, wait, wait, wait,  featuring King, now you see big brother, now you see what just happen? My Christ is god, it really can change, yeah, I appreciate your alike shock and awe, but this is my life, it's eternity, I only come suspicious, the way Maipo look at me, Well I've never notice how Mapio look at you, ah, thank god for water, only Maha, how you look at him, how I look at him? That's because he's such a cocky weirdo, know it all, but this betrayal doesn't stop there, look down farther, marked in yellow, there's an entire Africa, Juttah genealogy, please Shaddi too, read it aloud,  Mahaaaa, why are you so surprised, ah, so you El Shaddi, Saurus ,Coogan wouldn't be, you wake up and Chodne is gone and you've been easily reset with, to another even? Don't play, don't even play with that insanity, I've, we've known Chodne all my our lives, it wasn't the same with you and Price Aldaja,  honestly, did you love him Maha? The African Juttah being holy spirit knowing the heart, or did you love the idea Maha of being wooed by a sunning Indian Prince? Just read it so I know I'm not in some dream-scape, okay, okay, reading further, it says, unto Maipo Finona Kwanskan and Mahasiah Unique Coogan, was born two godsons Amaomao Meiko Kwanskan, a son Kikowaena Dialia Kwanskan and a daughter, Lani Kikowaena Kwanskan, Eskew, Coogan.  Please don't get so upset, plus, plus you and Prince Aldaja tombola, never come to be this specific of a Juttah genealogy, this is what is meant to be, Maha.  Then t's like three years before it's official, our sett sixteenth,  you could fall heads over heels in love with him by then, now please, while Chodne find rest in the guess room, can I find some, my own bedroom? Do I have your permission to speak with Chodne of these things the morning come? What Maha, when is it you need permission from me to be a friend to confidant to Chodne or she to you? Peace be still lil sister, lean not unto your own understanding, this beast of beauty is also divine intervention, flesh weak Maha, but spirit willing, but loving sister, the spirit willing. I guess now you can stop giving him the cold shoulder, yes dear girl, it's obvious, to ll Sia's , including Maipo, good day, sweet sleep, I'm going, thanks, get some rest, don't Maha, want those amazing eyes wearing bags, huh?" Why Speak In Parables? For those rebellers today, as those rebellers Ezekiel's day, bragged, "the Lord seeth us not, that, Genesis through Revelation Holy Elohim Lord, Is ascended from the earth, Apb

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Prophecy Links Fulfilling Nuclear January, 12 APOCALYPTIC FIRESTORM,2023 MASS Murderer Suicide On The Ris e,