Wednesday, July 1, 2020

Who Own The Church? Religion/Politics/Government, Driving Those Nails Still?

Prophecy Links Fulfilling, 

Quoting Mat 24, Jesus, Why Your Elephants of Staying Unaware Stampeded Dec 3, 2017; Your Noah's Day Bride's Of Going on As Normal, Took Running Shoes, Runaway, Feb 12/13, 2020. Mat 24, Jesus Saying, For When You Shall See The Abomination That Maketh Desolate, Run, Don't Come Again Into Your Houses, Don't Look 

Prophecy Links Fulfilling seeing a pointer at Israel, also point to change Jan 9, to Jan 12/13, (2020), a specific date forewarn three years, 2017-2020, Rev 17:16-18, being fulfilled US soil, into all Ps 2/Dan 2/Rev 11:15, Kingdom, Nation building, Apb

Youtube, Pastor Begley, 24, hour war in the middle east, (-Only the 5 year revisited June 26/July 6, 2015, escaping Memphis grands into Georgia's Savannah before the Bride is taken skyward, a then pending Cameron's Brexit/Briexit/Blaexit to fiery dangers come from the sky.

     -I said months before. COVID-19 pandemic and hearing about hundreds of thousands in various military amassing in the middle east, God was seeing this, Psalm 2, when since April 2, 16/17, 2019 and per Trump's, Kushner middle eastern deal we're supposed to be seeing this Dan Eze 38/39/Dan 9:27/Rev 17:16-18. Until this Zech 14/ Rev 11 7th Trumpet and Rev 1-19, be fulfilled by April 2, 2026, get it, repent, RUN, you know where, Jordan's/Moses' Petra or Rev 12 Star warring Michael/US Georgia's/Africa's Southwest Atlantic, beware, Holy Elohim God, Is, AWARE! Apb


More than 5,900 COVID-19 patients hospitalized Monday in Texas, an all-time high, (Elephants of staying unaware of Noah's day extinction level come, US soil, stampeded Trump/Abbas tug of turf, nuclear to the battle of Armageddon, Dec 3, 2017.
-You then know this unprecedented reporting of unthinkable rises in COVID-19 cases and back peddling of its May 15, re-openings; don't be deceived, surreal is the rise in COVID-19, ICU hospitalizations, see here, You Tube CNN, Texas Dr, Patients are near death, coming in too late,, 
-Rises in ICU stays are so bad we're ban from world wide travel and nationally we have travel quarantines set for state to state visits. With worsening  outbreaks, they too will eventually enforced travel bans. 
-Regardless, I explained, (Feb 13, 2020), we witnessed Noah's day, Memphis bride's of going on as unaware. Instead given running shoes, America's commanded exodus for tattered, red wedding heels. Then told to run away, come run away Bride's into Georgia's/Africa's crossover themselves, beware, Eze 5/9/Mat 24, Holy Elohim God, stampeding to ascending us, is AWARE! Apb 

Article, Why coronavirus cases are on the rise among young people in several states,, (for Americans to Westerners of any demographics to get a double sense of security toward the deadliest pandemic it's generation to century is a double curse upon all their lives, lands, schools and churches already pending to inundated with all other various earth ending events, to claim US soil, two intervals of 17 million dead each and one of 16 million, dead a total for 7 US Admins now, into Trump, to Trump or Biden pending, of 50 millions, again US soil alone, beware, Rev 18, Holy God, Saying, come out of her, my people, that ye be not partakers of her sins, and that ye receive not of her plagues, for her sins have reached unto heaven, and God hath remembered her iniquities, reward her even as she rewarded you, and double unto her double according to her works: in the cup which she hath filled fill to her double, and estimated two quarters dead this planet just a returning Jesus, as King Zion, sat his feet again atop Mt Zion, why every time I see any open soil, I wanna and have at time wrote, just one single word, CALL, see more here, I Thess , 4:16-18 beware. Apb

Prophecy Links Fulfilling, Aug  2017, Kill All Parents By, Finish All Schools, 

You Tube, Dinner at Prague's 500 meter table,, (I don't know, no more doomsday passovers, peace and safety followed by sudden destruction, as a worldwide COVID-19, plandemic, ask US Trump supporters; with Egypt's Anubis demon dog undertakers all around, sound to seem like a pending scene out of the walking dead TV series, beware, Eze 38/39/Rev 18, Holy Elohim God Is AWARE! Apb

Help me help others,

-And these are the descendants of the beauty rescued from the hands of the beast: Beast Of Beauty Featuring King Bridegroom Hybrid Angelson Fielder and Queen Bride Lucy Belle Bobbins 

The Unending Love Antidote ...The African Juttah Genealogy, 1986-2016/2026/3036

The Tombola Genealogy, Holy, Temple, April, 17, 1986/2026/3036 into Infinity, God's Kingdom Reign

Unto Mannix Elion Viceroy and Eiddyson (Eiddy) Racine Daniel was born a  daughter Alize Emery Viceroy, a son, Jessup Nathaniel Viceroy and a daughter Dania Serbian Daniel, Viceroy                 

Mark Scene, Genesis Marriage Worshipers, XVII and VII, It's LXXXXI Matrix Count

{{{"There you are, yes, here I am, where are you? Standing Kirst on my amazing balcony, watching the heavens tug a war between a bright or cloudy day it's to be,"}}} "Hey, you have a blankey so I don't stir the top covers? Yeah, stunning him, his own senses, never getting to see or experience his best friend in this capacity, a female in distress of his total attention and intervention, like when she grabbed him earlier, and held him so tight, her everything, needing, wanting him. "I'll bring it right there, thanks, {{{"who is there? Luc, I found her sitting outside, she leaped up Kirst, grab my neck, fold herself into me, so tight, crying uncontrollably, how us leaving her with this Hybrid guy was so scary, intimidating, hold on"}}},"here you go, no just lay there and I'll toss it over you, thank you, you welcome, now rest, you're safe here." {{{"Yeah, I'm back, she's in the guess parlor, so she didn't like, ah, I don't think Kirst it's even about that, it's like she said, even what we said, it's all happening so fast, it is kinda mind blowing to bogging, if you think about it, just think about it.  Don't you have lab, the science Brightville center, those Unidentified Falling Objects , findings, odd Kirst, of all the research there, my findings would be the break through, look, can I keep you on the commy right into my transit? Yes, ah, I'll like that, so Luc gonna be alright until then? Ah yeah, find, find, even when it come to this Hybrid, so did you see him today, anything odd, with, ah him? No, the same, actually, like we'd not even sup together, that's because I sensed he considered us intruders, not so much us, but you perhaps. Just seeing to sensing how adorably close Luc is too you, I can see Hybrid Angelson, if he's serious, taking some offense, what are you, no, are you Sawyer Winston concern that you have an unattended female in your guess quarters, isn't that like disallowed? My Christ, I'd not considered, no, because you're just getting used to looking at your Luc, whose now the oppositing Genesis,  Marriage, wait, are you saying we're, even Luc is in dangers of reapers all over again?  No, sweet boy, they're Holy God's, who know the innocent hearted Sawyer, just beware that's all, I gotta run, perfect timing, my transit is here, alright, I'll commy you when I'm home, as in Kirst, I'm not gonna see you today? You do have company, stop it, Luc is as much your company as mine, she's our company, no, meet me at the lab, I'll commy if anything changes, we'll go from there, alright, see you then, yeah, hey I love you so much, I love and want you more, later, hey hey hey and want me? Hello, Kirst, hello,"}}} and want me, ump!"  >>> "Yeah, kinda like they want to safeguard their assemblers souls but don't want to be responsible for safeguarding their lives that houses their immortal souls, by getting them all into blessed, commanded exodus, like Mat 24 Jesus. That's just it, Phil, when it's said those of the same biological makeup can't marry, we're not just talking spiritually, but physically, scientifically even politically, it's anti-nature, chaotic, anti the genesis man, marriage of procreating God's Will and Predestination. Herein making these cursed relations anti God, anti Jesus and every evil work, with God warning He's to destroy those destroying the earth, again nature, choosing pleasures over holiness, you're warning with Almighty God and what's any its world wide gain to fame if you wake in molten hell, both US soil with 101 Yellowstone's and the eternal, molten abyss below, enlarging itself into volcanic apocalypse. But doesn't it seem, felicity girl, allowing its approval, God is no longer bothered? Beware Bazeley man, that's what Ezekiel people said, but no, that's, wait, you're right, that's divine compliance, but not with same gender abominations. But with man freedom to practice its free will even if it's anti Christ/ the Genesis man, marriage and suffer it's always to come, earth ending judgments, like a recent outbreak of ELE's. Well I'm fixing to check into repatriation funds, yeah more what those billions Dr. Fauci says are set aside for. COVID-19 testing should be. Do these people know, I mean truly know, how much death and dying is to be done here, US soil alone? That's if the April 2, 2019, two weeks and 7 years timetable is those last 7 years proceeding Jesus Reign, America West Rule no more and two quarters this planet is to be dead by then. Grand Sia said that's two intervals of 17 million each and one of 16 millions even exiled US soil, by its April 2, 2026. Then we're no longer wondering why her most recent reveals involves these Egyptian Anubis, Undertakers and, and, and most religious assembly portrayed these mazes of sin, as deadly to damning high chair, traps, so like I said, ask, do they realize how much dying has to be done, now, no less than 7 years; only for Americans, westerners, an outbreak of mortuary is any, everyday now? So the up close and personally in her face, months back, the word, event Twilight, this traveling for an unprecedented 5000 miles Godzilla dust they call it, leaving skies and planet earth just that, something twilight? Don't forget that reveal Alek man, was just before a famed twilight actor and his girl suffered death by the most active US pandemic, post COVID-19, Its , their US drug additions and overdoses, apparently yet the number one killer of those under 50; yeah, some say why her as Eze 9, grim reapers bore these sword like syringes, that reduced the entirety of western civilization down to a magnetic manner of memorabilia, even one in a distant land is to hang on a fridge; itself predicting the Mayan 2012, America itself, becoming occupied territory, as COVID-19, revisited lock-downs themselves. Yeah how many ignored her hearing, three years past, kill all parents by, finish all schools; you have to practiced what you preach so abominable as well parents, grands to religious, political overseers are no help, Yeah, why you think Baze man, Lord Urusalem used that scripture Eze 14;14, saying some of most well performed as Abraham, Noah and to Joseph at these wrathful times of Holy God can hardly save themselves. That's the surreal right now Trump or Biden, even Obama, they're all aligned to 50 million US deaths, making anything blessed, an exodus, Brexit, Briexit, Blaexit. Let me know Memphis Collin man about those repatriation funds, there just have to be some, if not Lucius man, we have a Moses red sea crossing in our commanded exodus, Georgia's/Africa's crossover. Yeah catch y'all later, though she woke just as Islamic/African, American, Senator Obama's was coming into office, just she predicted, matter of fact, saying we'd build an ark! You know, she didn't see any transit, she only saw a sea of refugees pouring from the Atlantic into African coastal island, right, right, got y'all later, wait, I never thought, she waking affirming that we'd build an Ark, meant there was no Ark or transit of it kind, there, right, right? Wow Alek man, you, yeah, you could totally be right and there was the evidence right there all along, her saying wed build an Ark, I'm running, let me know what come of any of it, blessed day all, sweet sleep, yeah you too man, all of that." Why speak in parables? That you be aware as Holy, Elohim God, Himself,

Prophecy Links Fulfilling

Seeing April 13, 2020, a fence open and a single white rabbit being freed; the predicted 2017, flirting, to courting with Keanu Reeves movies, as The Matrix, beware, AI, aware, predatory and genocidal, Apb

You tube, mrmbb333, No way it was already the next day,

Thank God, mrmbb333, a mass majority of US  townspeople because of COVID-19 pandemic are already wearing mask, hint, hint, hint! Beware, Apb, see new comments on what some call GODZILLA DUST here,, (so many judgements around taking from us the first life given humanity, Elohim God breathing into Us, the living soul, spirit of life, HIS breath of life; even our first mother, Eve/AFRICA, was crafted from Adam's lungs, those living lungs especially COVID-19 target, just saying. See more about Ancient of days, Godzilla beast, even it's undertaker Anubis, the homes, schools, pulpits, moneymarkets peace getting porches and peace keeping crystal skies, here,, then as Moses day exodus, and Mat 24, Jesus commanded escape, repent, RUN or perish! Apb

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Prophecy Links Fulfilling Nuclear January, 12 APOCALYPTIC FIRESTORM,2023 MASS Murderer Suicide On The Ris e,