Sunday, July 12, 2020

Whore and Beast Separated, The Waters Upon Which She Sit Are Kingdom, Nations, Tribes and People!

Prophecy Links Fulfilling, 50 Million Will Die! GOH/Apb

-Trump, aligned to Eze 39/39, Gog and Magog says US doing fine as 70,000 New COVID-19 cases confirmed in a day,, [Youtube, Pastor Begley, Breaking: “Deadly Unknown Pneumonia,”, (-fright night, here come rolling twilight skies, earth, the horror of seeing the world littered with the dead, a demo of Jesus descending millennium, July 27, 2016; even A New White Holy House, descent, Royals, Intact, Aug 2010,  was alone by a lost of 5% into 15%, US/Western soil, beware, Apb 

Hearing Jan 12/13, 2028, Whore and Beast Separated," Rev 17/18, And The Waters Upon Which She Sit Are Kingdom, Nations, Tribes and People! Apb

President Trump Looking More COVID-19, Battle Ready, Wears A Mask , This For Him, His Republicans, Act Of Extreme Penance,

My Sheep Know My Voice Another They Will Not Follow, Blessed Are Hearers And Doers, JCON/Apb

-We been discussing the June 17, 2020, meeting to face-off, down on all fours, the old Arkansas; as an act of extreme penance, I say. Apostle I am, saying that, this is the man I keep praying for, its holding out compassion, no matter. Though just as Holy Father the until Oct 2026, Dan 4, madness award, is also choosing mercy for error men over fiery vengeance, like repent, RUN or perish!

-I explained even reigning Bride managed and prepped Dan 2, stone cut out without hands; having a meteor surface. Undoubtedly the beginning to the end of all rebellion this planet, with the brightness of Jesus coming finishing them all off.

-The plague that day of Jesus sunlight return, some described is as a nuclear event itself, 

Zechariah 14:12-13, still, soon tossed into hell's lakes of fires, all Gog and Magog vast followers to warriors. Riddle Holy Bride they also entreat me, this, are you watching the end of all evil things mankind ever, as god-men from heaven;
-Suffering its greatest trials ever, being as forewarn, left here, on imploding earth; or

hearing about it throughout the dungeon of the molten damn? Your name the Lambs book from Psalms 139 to Rev 20, Abel to newbies, written or stricken out? 

-This is why I said just as the world was shutting down, James saying where they're gathered together, there's, envy, strife, confusion (and every evil work): see US's every assembly, again I said, the US election should be suspended as well.

-Unthinkable, all its previous to pending aligned to tens of millions US lives. pound error Islam voting booths into repentant altars. Let all its heir Jesus, political houses unite in Democratic solidarity around its residing, repentant President. Unquestionably, take multicultural millennial's example, united by world protest against a brutal, deadly world-wide policing force.

-My brother Abraham been dead by one of their head shot wounds over 40 years, I was only a teenager. This horror is yet an open sore only by Jesus healing blood enabling us to carry on our Heavenly Father's work; know also, Jesus says hurry, a darkness come, where none can righteously outreach, as God Will's. 

-I hear you, you all expect millennial's to carry on as responsible grown ups, but you accustomed to do opposite your own advices, their aging overseers are constantly in a tug of turf to civil wars. Even if Jesus tarry and he hasn't, there's this constant ebbing and flowing along pending a nuclear apocalypse to nuclear winter. 

-Surely it's now evident, 101 Yellowstone's, alone pending, you can't save America, its Continent, nor its bloodletting world system, West rule. Ancient beast rule is here, the seeing Jan 12/13, 2009 thru 2019, with Rev 13 to Rev 17/18, Apostle John one of its 10 heads Saddam Hussein wounded to death; yet as predicted during error, burning Bush, said head lives, Islamic reign, rules the world, Barack (Hussein), Obama; why since, western civilization, by its weight of blood guilt, been decreasing into oblivion; but be of good cheer, Jesus says, HE has overcome this evil world. Beware, Apb

Prophecy Links Fulfilling

I just July 12, 2020, envisioned like this, smallpox infection, see here,

Article, [New, more, contagious, Coronavirus strain, discovered,

Could this be the deadly strain tearing through Kazakhstan right now, see, hear, here,

(As the demand rise at hospitals for refrigerated trucks and morgues are again overrun; A 30 year old, victim of a COVID 19 party, while dying, said to have looked at a nurse saying, "I was wrong, I thought this was a hoax,", (-Actually, it just dawn on me, refrigerated trucks revisit two surreal forewarning's. One, 2011, the standing the opened fridge with two grands, forewarning, our grandchildren would grow up in an occupied America; 

-Second, when the reaping of US blood guilt, 2007/08, by Eze 9, type, sword like syringes, bearing grim reapers, one strike the telling heart, we're done; nothing was shown left of America/West rule but a magnetic manner of Mt Rushmore memorabilia, one in a distant land is to hang on a fridge; 

-Herein forewarn the one who warn just as Trump in April 2020 was touting liberate, open churches, now open schools! I said, no way loving God, in only a couple months had allowed the death and dying of hundreds of thousands world-wide 

-Shutting down the whoring, bloodletting world to see them go right back to normal, whoring, stealing, killing and destroying! Clearly, the Eze 9 2017 command to Eze 9 grim slayers, was kill all parents by, finish all schools! 

-This know also. with a third revisit June 26/July 6, 2020, to waking, hearing, "get ye to repentant altars, God is avenging martyred blood," no, again no, and again, no first born survives, even Jesus said, repent, RUN or perish!

-Which remarkably is a  forewarning within itself, a two year revisit to witnessing its June 26/July 6, 2015, a Rev 17:14, Jesus' Husband/grand dad, delivering beloved Memphis grands into Savannah Georgia before taking the Bride skyward, still saying, "there's something about, Cameron." Beware, just as soon and as we, Holy Bride, Unholy West rule, both skyrocketing off the planet, scorched the sky, I heard, "beware of Alien dangers from above; beware, Genesis thru Revelation Holy, Elohim, God, Is, AWARE! Apb

-And these are the descendants of the beauty rescued from the hands of the beast:

Beast Of Beauty Featuring King, Bridegroom Jackson Michael Dresden and Queen Bride Jovanni Nicolai McKenna

The Saurus, Coogan African Juttah, Septennial 1986-2016-2026, America's 2017, Commanded, Hemingway Exodus, Beware Holy God, Is AWARE! Apb

     Wr. Nov 11, 2017, Silverton Nicholas, Chow, Aqua, Juttah, Hemingway, Genesis Marriage, Worshipers Escape! I didn't know who Silver was, after I gave him that name, Silver, soon to be short for Silverton. Even this was while I washed a sink of dishes, so what you read I now in hindsight of imagining, again Silverton Nicholas/144, 000 Escape. Again, nothing proposed by me, not even a revisited now, Rev 7, Mount of transfiguration Including, Lord Urusalem, see Apostle Paul, comparing his revealing epistles, as epistles of the heart, (God's Love, True Love, Dying Love, Love Letters), 

               Scene Mark Noah to Moses Cousin, XVII and VII 

     "I'm coming, who is, I hear you, please stop knocking, what is this? I know you say you don't want to be bothered, questioned even, but I also Silver see you come into the cafeteria, take a dish of food that you hardly eat, I presume so that you're in the presence of others. What do you want me to say Torn, that I haven't, Torn? Torrance, I mean, ah, that, ...what is it about my name that seem to disgust you so? It was her name, my ah, girl, my girl, her name also was Torrance, I called her Torn for play, please tell me what happen, please Silver, I want to know.  I would beg to differ, ah, my friend Brat and I as mad-men leaped from the house, from the porch, ear piercing sirens, attacking the heart, the thoughts and all, Although we'd been warn not to but, I, I was going after Torn and he, Brat, he was going after his girl, Demetria, then our parents and siblings. Driving like a bat out of hell, we like took a sharp turn around this curve and heart terrifyingly we couldn't see nothing but headlights, so bright, so blinding.  I was hollering at him, he at me, at them, only Tory what happen next, you'll never believe it." As a sorrowful one opening the door, that she may enter in altogether, heck he didn't know, maybe she could explain it, even had the answer. "When I Tory woke I don't know how much time had lapsed, I was stranded the side of the road with no driver and if that isn't odd there was a little Miya girl in the back of the car. She didn't even have to tell me her name, I just knew it, in fact she never spoke, almost like she was a mystery herself . It was then glancing past her I realize in bound traffic was decimated, as in it was no more, only outbound traffic abound, the very opposite the car was turn.  So, as I sat trying to get my head together, she with me, I don't even know why I'm telling you this, because I asked, perhaps? So I sat there, trying to figure things when soon I moved to the driver side of this odd car, you see the car wasn't even the car Brat was driving. How is that, how did I Tory in the blink of an eye end up thousands of miles away, a strange time, ah era, country even and car? This late model, way late, the forties, fifties, I was in Wyoming, right in the middle of this sudden extinction of millions and now; so soon we arrived at a gate and that is when we learn the crossing over toll demanding two quarters, not Torrance fifty cents mine you, but exactly two quarters. It was when it was time to pay the toll, leaving us to search for and finally discovering two quarters for this crossing, even like little Miya's work was done somehow, like Jesus Silver saying, it is finished.  I only learn a few days ago Tory we're in El Salvador, which is strange, strange? I know, the last word I should be using, but didn't Sia Maaseiah warn none of the America's was safe? Yes, which is why we're being evacuated, I'm sorry, what, what did you, huh? Yes, the Juttah transits are already arriving, an Aqua Juttah is returning for us, whoa, what, an Aqua Juttah, we're going aboard an Aqua Juttah? Your friend Brat, you think he ascended? I don't know what happen to him, I shudder to think, I don't know what happen to any of them, it is as though I'm an orphan, ah suddenly. Well you've come to the right place, there are a lot of them, parents without children, children without parents, so I guess they're to be counted with so many dead or missing. You don't seem to have much to pack, I told you what happen, you don't believe me, that it's a dream? Come here, look, there's the car right there, the blue, four door ford, like 1948 more or less, here are the keys, my Christ, you weren't dreaming, no Tore, I wasn't. Look, if you can, when you can, just do a search on Silverton Nicholas Liverpool, it'll tell you until only a few days ago, I lived in Wyoming with my parents and a sister, Halle, all my life. What the hell is that? Don't panic, there'll be three sirens until boarding is complete,  ah god, how terrifying, I thought it was happening all over again. I better go where I'm needed, I hope we get to sit together or close, yeah, me too, ah, what I just told you, I know Silver, it's not my miracle to tell, it's yours. Have you Tore been on an Aqua Juttah, or in the paradise of Africa? No, I haven't, either, but soon huh? Yeah, ah, I thought you should be genesis married to enter the Juttah, it's best for the Sia Juttah, but the surrounding islands where we're going, aren't as strict, no reapers there. Ah, I see, hey we only have an hour or more so, right, right, see you later, not Silverton Nicholas if I see you first, later, yeah, later, just remember, you're not alone, we're all in this living stream to boiling pot to heaven together, ...right, together." Why Speak In Parables? Beware, Apb, The RAM, See in entire, Silverton Nicholas, America's Hemingway Exodus Here,

Prophecy Links Fulfilling

Seeing Aug 5, 2019, the word disappeared frozen on, as all HD, 5G, and social media,(so not a good time to hear Elon Musk is richer than Warren Buffet, what profit if you're burning to running?); its Aug 7, 2019, there's a hand writing on a wall only clumsily, eligibly, "Escape Yellowstone!

-Where by its Aug 30, 31 2019, I'm again hearing as a news report, "after 101 Yellowstone's Eruptions!" To be honest said alike forewarnings the crystal sky missiling down, hearing shaky, shaky shelter, all continues into Sept 3, 13, 2019;

-Honestly, until even by Trump May 15, 2020 re-openings, the predicted Midwest suffered a 7:4 quake, while I woke hearing "eruptions and FEMA! I guess now we know, the post hurricane Katrina 2005, exiting the kitchen, forewarning, all, again, "all going on as normal, can just forget it, meant exactly that, any semblance of

peace and safety followed by sudden destruction, beware, Repent, RUN or Perish! Apb

Prophecy Links Fulfilling Seen to be in heaven, June 17, 2002, during phenom celebrations brought to a screeching halt, a sudden silence. One approaches, say He want to see you, I say, who? He say him, next I know I'm standing before a mountain that's in God's Throne; soon a brightness like sun rise, say, let my people go!" Beware, Apb Prophecy Links Fulfilling -I just July 12, 2020, as in right now, envisioned like this, smallpox infection, see here, Article, [New, more, contagious, Coronavirus strain, discovered, Could this be the deadly strain, tearing through Kazakhstan right now, see, hear, here,, President Trump Looking More COVID-19, Battle Ready, Wears A Mask , This For Him, His Republicans, Act Of Extreme Penance, And Your Sons and Daughter's Shall Dream, Dreams -Only Jan 12, birthday girl, a similar dream went like this, "grandma, I just had the weirdest dream, I say weird caused we're all like animals, down on our hands and knees." (Instantly I get vibes, Oct 2018/2019 thru Oct 2026, Dan 4, madness award, King Nebuchadnezzar, now Pres Trump/American refugees, for 7 years come as a wild animal); -She then say, "we're meeting atop the old Arkansas bridge, it seem different, but I know its the old Arkansas bridge. There's my mom and her church members, coming from Memphis side, they look like animals, but I can tell it's them. -Appose to this side (Georgia's side), also down on all fours (I say Joel 2, Ps 51, extreme penance), it's you and all your grands." ( As in relocated from Memphis, by Rev 17;14, Jesus Husband, June 26/July, 6, 2015,) "I'm with you since we're here, (Savannah Georgia) and so is Miya; there ended her testament...(remember the for 13 year, her birth, back seat, little Miya girl, of surveyor/translator, two quarter crossover toll, beware), Apb . -Of course, it, would be days later, during other research, I learned this grand dream, it's exact date revisited June 17, (2002), I'm standing in heaven, just short of its made silence. When soon, from behind a mountain, God's Throne, a Sunlight rise, command as Moses burning bush, verse's America's burning Bush, "let my people Go!" -Meaning all there's to do, no more doomsday Passovers, other than God's bloody Lamb, now reigning Jesus; as with Moses escaping Hebrews, repent, RUN or suffer Egypt's weight of blood, guilt, only all first born's die, ascend to descend, now all West Rule, judgment, Sentences, just a plethora of extinction level events, launch, incoming, impacting, beware as Holy Elohim, God, Himself, Apb, see entire blog here,, how it's ALL, ending prophetically, Apb

 THE UNENDING LOVE ANTIDOTE ...The African Juttah 1986-2016/2017-2024, The African Juttah Infinite Genealogy, 

Unto Darius Juttah Preece Ebonee Bele Kroff and Preecest Darius Karsiann Coogan was born a son, first Prince, Silverton Nicolas, Coogan, Chow, a son, Second Prince, Meshullum Kadesh Kroff,  a daughter, Princess Ni Be we Consquella, Isabella Kroff, a daughter,  Princess Oceana Tabatha Kroff, and a daughter, Princess Brooklyn Robin Nest Kroff and

     "So this is fair? You find me, you pick my brain, it's testimonies for all its worth and then you just disappear? You should not be in here, and that's all you're to say? It's been three days, I been worried, even thinking the worst, okay, okay, Silverton, I'm sorry, okay. Hell no, no, not okay, hello, children present, I won't be long kids, I'll take my break, Mrs. Noon will come and if you play quietly, I'll re-consider the petting zoo, yes, yes, I thought you'd like that. Ah, what else can I say if not sorry? This was all Tory premeditated, leaving little room for sympathy, I did as you asked, I investigated, the Aqua Juttah reveal Silverton is just that, I learned, well in the beginning it was as you said, then the waters come and come a little more choppy. Meaning? Hello, hel, ah, I'm sorry, I'm so pressed for time, meaning more puzzle like, please, just tell me, adopted, ah, did you know you were adopted? What? Yeah, a teen girl gave you up because she didn't think she was mature enough to ah, raise you, I'm, are you telling me my parents weren't, but why didn't they tell me? It's probably in their Will somewhere, but your birth mom, you was born in New York, New York, your birth mom, yes, I can sit, but not for long. Your, ah birth mom, she Silver was part Seminole Indian, she seemingly had only one request, that she name you and she did, Silverton, Nicholas, Coogan, Chow. My, my, my Christ, where are you getting that from? I just told you, the Juttah, Aqua reveal, it's all there, nothing hidden, you being part Indian could explain your Silver hair and! And what else? First Silverton you have to believe some people are born special and for special reasons, and? Only that your mom's maiden name was Coogan, her mom's Saurus, the same Kroff, Saurus, Coogan, even Chow, Silverton who were some of the first to go into the African Juttah, there are some who say it only exist because of them.  Ah, I also researched your little Miya girl dream, I learn Silverton Sia Maaseiah has had similar dreams, the Sia Maaseiah, of the African Juttah, dreams about a little Miya girl? Yes, one of them identical to yours, okay, what do you mean identical? I mean identical down to the amount of the toll bridge, that's not possible, I think I need to, ah, sit, ah down, but you are sitting. Well I'm telling you it's all there, the toll Tore you know, was two quarters, one I found easily and the other took a little more time, right, the same as hers, so I can guess until you read that you thought my testament was fraudulent? Yes, yes, I did, ah, how do I say this? Ah, Preecest Darius Juttah maiden name is Coogan, her married name is Saurus/Kroff, and as I said, there are those who believe the African Juttah, paradise Africa would not exist, if it wasn't for the Saurus, Coogan, Chow, Kroff, world exodus. As in Silverton beginning 16 years their 1996 birth, as in the Mayan 2012, but as you'l learn only in hindsight, for them, there's no knowledge of the Maya 2012 for them, back then. So you know my birth mom's name? Yes, Karsiann Coogan, Saurus Kroff, only now, Preecest, Darius Juttah, if the African Juttah has a King and Queen they're it, so your birth parents. Just what are you telling me? The blood lineage here could explain the little Miya girl transfiguration that happen to you, it could explain you ending up in El Salvador, suddenly translated Silverton thousands of miles from home and here. Here? Yes, why Silverton the Aqua Juttah, by a forfeiture of the Juttah Septennial, I remind you, as close as one can get to heaven this earth, did like a turn around and come back for us, or was that for you? I'm sorry, excuse me, you're apologizing for crying? Your birth mother, Karsiann Coogan, is the class of 2012, (1996), those first of the marriage supper, married to the Darius Juttah herself isn't Silver just a close relative of Juttah's Sia Maaseiah, she is her only daughter. Arh, arh, arh," battling tingling eyes, along a sniff, as to swallow a tighten throat, what in the world or even beyond it was this strange woman telling him? Surely she had it all wrong, even the adoption, especially the adoption. "What you're saying is impossible, I'm saying Sia Maaseiah is your grandmother and that young Juttah you was questioning, he's of the Deburk clan, the Paris Globe, Juttah Tribe, heard of them? They're the first to count Sia Maaseiah their oracle, not only so, I know, I know Tore, they think she's the Bride manifested in the flesh, that if the bridegroom, Jesus come in the flesh, surely the Holy Bride can also and she's it, ah, her.  Ah my Christ, what is happening, I'm dreaming this, these tears, my mouth, neck aren't real at all, I'm, ah Christ how is this happening? This can't be happening, well, our Sia Juttah, your grand Maaseiah would say, this is the authentic beginning to the end. Does she know, about me, I mean? I can't know, possibly, and my father? There was no mention of him, but since nothing is hidden I soon learn he is Asian American, Saigon Lue Chow, which is what just your appearance, those lovely, slanted eyes, and edible dimples, that make a room go completely silent over, or have you noticed? So when you discovered all of this? I didn't know whether to steer clear or kneel, funny, ah, I see from that suspicious stare Tore you're serious, I admit, I'm stun, with the exception of my name, to be honest I just wasn't that suspicious. "So Silver I can see, but Nicholas, it's her father's name, Nicholas Edin Coogan and did she have other, ah children? You have a brother, Second Prince Darius, Meshullam Kadesh, it means, Reconcile, Be Holy and three princess sisters, making you First Prince, African Juttah, that is about as far as I got. But if you research her further, you're to learn of a vast family Tree, dating back to the worse prom night, the class of 2012, (1996), America's history and the first of the young marriage worshipers who escaped into the proposed for them by God Himself, a paradise, African Juttah.  I gotta go, I'm really late, where? I only just found you, I have a class, and you, you have research to do, and your own classes, a building engineer, right? Yeah Tore, but what use is that now? Think Silverton, as of Jesus' Millennium, we're going to be here a thousand years, there is no telling what we're to be, do and or build doing all that time, see you for dinner? Actually the Juttah reveal, you do not want to miss that, then you can be my escort to dinner, Torn, ah, Tore, I don't want to admit it, but that reveal just now answered a lot of questions. I know, admittedly, so good for you, I guess for us all, look where we are because of who you are, wait, what? Yeah, just sit awhile and think about it and I'll catch you at the reveal, so you really think this is all for me, to get me to places my Genesis, blood lineage predestined? You said it, got to go, hey, walk by faith, not sight, lean not unto your own understanding, thanks, miss you already, don't, see you soon." Why Speak In Parables? Jesus disciples asked, Him, with His responding by quoting prophets of old, saying, while, see more here, Mat 13:10-17, beware, Apb, see more here,

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Prophecy Links Fulfilling Nuclear January, 12 APOCALYPTIC FIRESTORM,2023 MASS Murderer Suicide On The Ris e,