Thursday, November 19, 2020

Run US Governors, Mayors, Social Media To You Tuber's, Run!

Prophecy Links Fulfilling,  Nov 3,4, 2020, Ezekiel 9 Commanded Reapers, Bearing Sword Like Syringes/ The Ink Horn Man, Related, woe, woe, woe! Apb

Kill All Parents By, Finish All Schools, With Us Getting A Date, ({April 2 2019}) To Finale ({April 2, 2026}), Reaching A Fiery Doomsday Apocalypse, The Entire, The American Continent, beware, Apb

U.S. Covid Hospitalizations Near 80,000 as Records Topple Daily,, (With an Honest Abe,  Dr Fauci always saying, hospitalizations, surging death tolls, and now compiling refrigerator trunks, are always clear evidence of what Coronavirus is truly doing. A hand reaching up from a deep freezer and firing, launching a frozen bag of chicken; Know also, beware, Bill Gates saying a year back  or so, a deadly pandemic looms.

-This, his stark forewarning, is evidence why I began saying elites to celebrities listen to me, I come again 2018, this is when I forewarn. Fright night, it is that I witnessed, (July 6, {2001}), an act of domestic terrorism, the form of a backward letter C pandemic; only in hindsight realizing, said heads up 2018, itself, revisited the exact date of the 1918, flu pandemic, then killing over a half of million, US soil alone, I know, timing, right? Apb

For In One-hour Is Thy Judgement Come, Prediction Shown Lately May 10, 12, 15, 2020, as the prophesied Hour Manifested In Multicultural Flesh, The Authentic, Genesis Man, Marriage John Saw Washed By Jesus Blood And Pour Into Heaven's Throne, Juicy Bosom,, Woe, Woe, Woe! Apb

-First, are anti Covid restrictions, governors , one, S. Dakota, foolishly saying she doesn't have the power to mandate, mask, huh; think she ought to talk to Atlanta's Mayor, Keisha Lance Bottoms? Crystal skies missiling down are they unveiling themselves Trump loyalist, depopulationist to White supremacists, are they racist? 

-Heart melting as Jesus cross to the silence in heaven, but has the coronavirus been sabotaged so surrealisticallly, killing hundreds of thousands and tallying over a thousand a day; sickening tens of millions; admittedly not only because this is a Trump Administration, not only because, his possessive economy is tanking, even that this is an election year but because those dying disproportionately than any others are, as a revisited, Sylvester, Stallone movie, expendable, elderly to those non-White? Beware, Apb, see more, Run US Governors, Mayors, Social Media To You Tuber's, Run! Here,

-Second, I've been wanting to say it for a while Americans are so easy to kill, so much easier than any Nation on the planet. The hearing just now, 50 million of them probably a mass majority that just voted for the openly practicing, worst US president and the deadliest ever! 

-Equally, baffling, they're still going to travel for Thanksgiving, although there are an unprecedented, like long list of experts suggesting that they not travel. There's even that forewarning, Thanksgiving gatherings could guarantee funerals by Christmas, but if a mass human die off of human being are needed, you can surely as right now, expect rising to deadly challenges,  free will, Americans, to get it done.

-Just think a curse guaranteeing strong delusions by Trump White House and its Vyce President Pence, Covid 19 task force, disinformation, that you all  believe a lie. Eventually, that you all might be damned because you believe not the love of the truth but look to have your pleasures in unrighteousness. Proven to be evident, during a raging pandemic their soil, no question the USA if no other Nation this world certainly rises to the occasion to be not only horribly dead and dying but damned, 

-Ah, yes damned, Holy Scripture and I said damned, as the Pale Horse of pestilence is aligned with a horse of hades, because most dying by end days pandemics, are damned. Actually which make the ultimate PPE, during a deadly pandemic as getting to repentant altars and arriving US Georgia's crossover, down on all four, pendant, by way of the old Arkansas bridge, hint, hint, hint! 

-Stark is the reminder, You Tube's FFS, since you can't shoot the virus, and 101 Yellowstone target all procrastinating escape, violence just make you appear even more ridiculous. As predicted and predicted, see Rev 14, Holy Elohim God is avenging maryted blood no firstborn survives. As is forewarn, repent or perish out of the divine intervention of saving your temporal life in order to save your immortal soul, come on at least those two billion world wide, described Christmas day worshipers, get it, get Jesus, get out! 

-Thirdly, presently a never ending war, millions  of foreigners dead, tens of millions US soil to die; Pompeo being in Jerusalem making the same identical mistake President Bush did  2003 and President Obama did, 2013. I remember clearly, Bush like Trump no w, was standing on the Gulf Coast siding between Abraham's son, Isacc, (Israel) and Abraham's son, Ismail, (Islam).

-Undoubtedly, as usual chosing just as adulterous, abominable Israel and time I heard him, I said this man is going to get all of us all killed. This, all their error Islam, this ebbing and flowing out of a predicted 50 Million dead US soil since, aligned to  any and every US President, since, Bush/Clinton/Bush.

 -Bush, Obama folly then as Pompeo now, designed one error into a new fear factor, holy Father even saying, like at COVID-19 present  I'll laugh when your fear cometh, they, US/West Rule, instead being world-wide terrorist!. Plainly, this fright night, my using prophetic scripture, Rev 11:1, 2, sighing Israel's neighbors, to predict a Hussein would take the Whitehouse and rule the world, error, Barack Hussein Obama.

-I, Apostle THEY call me say take but, it being Mystery Babylon America, is actually like it's Father Nebuchadnezzar Babylon, being given over to Islamic world Rule these end days come, then Medes and Persians, presently what's prescribed a Dirty Mede 

-I witnessed Bush's wars 2003, come with fields and fields of torture vehicles; Rev 14/17, 18, 19,, Holy Elohim God, puppeteering to fulfill in the proceeding, last 84 months this planet, all rebelling the pending, Biden/Harris Abraham Accord, all repellent Kingdom, Nation building, beware, all other procrastinating the Hemingway Exodus, targeted by commanded reapers, bearing re-occurring, mass destruction, all alternate declaration of peace and safety, one strike the telling heart.

-Fourth, don't be deceived, stop deceiving others I explained, President elect Biden will take the White House so he can unite all Arab Nations and all warring Nations into the Abraham Accord, again fulfilling, those three scriptures, Dan 9:27, Rev 11:1,2, Rev 13:5, I just shared, and double upon you double, nearing extinction level events until then. 

- World enders come, even See Ezekiel's 38/39 Gog and Magog, and Rev 20, John, witnessed Gig and Magog cone a fork in the sand. Proven to be evidence, with all end time escatology proceeding Jesus millennium reaching a biblical finale by April 2, 2026, and his, Jesus' millennium descending into a planet, littered with the dead.

-No question, the fork in the road (July, Aug 2005), the fork in the sand, (Sept 22/23, 2020) again giving us a post apocalyptic, US, American Continent and West Rule, by (April 2, {2026}). Cone, see how it was all explained to me, simply by a hand writing on a wall, 1998, Jeremiah 37:8, beware there's been a few others since, one writing clumsily, Aug 7, ({2019}), Escape Yellowstone!

- Get ye lives, lands and churches to repentant altars, learn of end times events, I've heard, both 1998 and here, 2017. Since, a predicted outbreak of mortuary, coronavirus apparently is, I've seen carnivore beast stomping, chomping and desolating all treasured since, all the taking of abominable pleasures; It's Jesus, after near two millennia his Gospel, cross, HIS CHURCH outreach, yet crying repent or perish! Beware, Apb

Article, Boy Scouts face more than 82,000 sexual abuse claims in organization's bankruptcy case,, ( I admit, my heart melting into the midst of my bowls, I seeing this abomination that equally maketh desolate, hearing, kills all parents, (OVERSEERS) by, finish all lives, lands and churches, I had to fight back tears. But know this, this heinous reveal, a reminder, why most of my 30 plus rapture springs, forewarnings in the tens of thousands are about dangers concerning, children. Especially seeing January 2020, the letter by letter forming of both words THOUSANDS and the prefix CULUM, as in traps laid for hundred of thousands of kids, the F for Fornication, A for Abortion, LGBTQ and P for Pedophiler church ordinations, alone producing a demonic, legion of pedophiler, teen boys, let alone it's live, lands, school and churches by covert curriculum's, sexulization of children,

....give us this day, November 20, 2020, Holy Elohim Father, it's every taxing nan0-second, our daily bread and the sounding of Rev 11, 7th Angel, Trumpet; for when its 7th Angel shall begin to sound, the prescribed abominable, detestable, kingdoms of men, come the Holy Kingdoms of God and His, Christ, and THEY shall reign forever ...O Happy Day , O Happy Deity, Apb

And these are the descendants of the beauty rescued from the hands of the beast: Beast Of Beauty, Featuring King Bridegroom Blaine Daniel Cockeran The Third and Queen Bride Ariadne Desdemona Christen

The Unending Love Antidote ...The African Juttah Genealogy, 1986-2016/2026/3036

The Tombola Genealogy, Holy, Temple, April, 17, 1986/2026/3036 into Infinity, God's Kingdom Reign Unto Brigadeer Erin Kudus and Amariah Jordon Jr, Coogan was born a daughter, Jordan Kennedae Kudus, a son, Kirtland Berkly Kudus and a son, Demi Michelle Kudus, Coogan

Mark Scene, Genesis Marriage Worshipers, XVII and VII, It's CV Matrix Count

{{{ "Can you hear me, Cambyasis? I hear you mom, it's noisy out here, but I hear you, look if America end up with another Republican controlled Senate it's just more evidence the curse, its weight of blood guilt, sentence remain. Plus you and dad have to remember, Biden, Harris still ran an, as, Sodom, Gomorrah, days, a gender fluidity campaign. During her victory address, Vice Pres Elect Harris referred to a crowd of its next generation as having many genders. You know biblically, that's anti God, Anti Christ and anti the Genesis Man Marriage of procreation, so yes indeed the sentence of a fiery doomsday apocalypse remind, one mom including 101 Yellowstone's, unforeseen as Noah's approaching, flood, of it's world ending, for all breathers, those like Americans made aware but taken unaware, also a curse. Now I admit, grand Sia saying the White House was won to Biden so that he could bring all nations into the Abraham Accord, error Islam, rebellious Trump can't do. Honestly, that could be why fiery doomsday apocalypse with a nuclear Hawaii heard to be burning into its extinction level event, and the North American Craton actually seen burning, causing magma fires in California Nevada, Colorado and such. A President Biden in the US White House for prophetic fulfillment could be the reason why fiery doomsday again all stalled for now, but still mom, Ezekiel 9 to Rev 18, Holy God and grand Sia hearing twice during its Nov 3.4, 2020 election, its, "ink horn man," this is Holy Father, even placing a Rev 17:14 Jesus Husband their sickbeds still showing Himself beyond wrathful at US's slow motion exodus, electing as portrayed Ezekiel 9 to use mass destruction, brought on by heart striking commanded reapers to stampede them into Georgia's crossover, descending many, but as well ascending some, but mom, terrifyingly as some barely escaping West Coast Magma fires just now. I got to go, but even Biden elect, the curse remain, you and dad are yet endangered being anywhere other than US Georgia's, Savannah crossover. Ah God, my time is up, look, the last stampede grand Sia saw, (Nov 10, 2020), was by a caravan of smack, brand new, red monster/Munster trucks, come on mom, with a nuclear Hawaii, and 101 Yellowstone's alone coming, that can't be good, love and kisses, I'm running, okay son, I'll talk to your dad, convince him mom, please convince him, bye, bye, love you son, later."}}} Why Speak In Parables? For those today, like those Ezekiel day to the days of the prophets, though Holy Father, cry, your sins have reached unto heaven and I hath remembered thine, inquiries, yet strongly deceived they cry, "the lord seeth us not, the Lord is ascended from the earth." Beware, Apb,

Prophecy Link fulfilling, June 26/July 6/September 22/23, 2015/2020

The for five years, assigned, The Bride's Estimated Time of Escape, BETE, presently June 26/July 6, 2020, I arrive into it's demo just in time to witness Rev 12, new born being snatched out of the earth grounded, The Red Dragon hands. Remarkably, a revisited since January 20, 2019, Michael and Angels, seen battling along a star in heavens only here, this mutiny to an attempted seizure, throwing the birth mother into a loving, intravenous, grown up cradle her own; of unspeakable adoration to safeguards, her forgiving, holy beloved, Elohim.

-Look like she's babied, along a Jordan's Petra escape, until 1,260 days be fulfilled, nearly the entire tribulation period; Dan 9;27/Rev 11:1, 2, Rev 11;5, see also Isaiah 16, 1-5; beware the hearing, (April 2, {2019}), two weeks and seven years be fulfilled, April 2, 2026; any wonder, showing Revelation 12, fulfilling, Holy Bride's for five years now stalled!

-That most unprecedented yet to come, the Bride's Estimate Time Of Escape, BETE, by it's September 22/23/ 2020, designed instead The Bride's Estimated Time Of Arrival, BETA; beware shutting off suddenly, beginning to hear, (January 22. ({2020}), Revelation 17;16-18, soon to come ten kings, here being named to ordained; Rev 10, Mighty Angel, two years now Jan 22-29, {(2018}), forewarning, as no more doomsday pass overs US soil, "desolation's predicted. now come," the beginning, of fiery, post apocalypse, West Rule, Britain, America, Canada, including The American, Continent, all to be no more this planet, beware, Apb,

CATACLYSMS: NOVEMBER 10, 2020 / Volcano eruption, Flash flood in Greece, Typhoon Vamco,

-August ({2019}), beginning it's 5, 7th into It's 30, 31st , I was forewarning readers how I'd gotten three references to a standing the world still event, that referenced 101 Yellowstone eruptions. Soon spinning into its September 3, 13 and 23 as well, the heavens missiling down in chunks, hearing shaky, shaky shelter, and by it's 22/23, (2019,) we're again once it's  ({2015}), the Bride's estimated,  time of Escape, BETE, 

-So no surprise, here, Sept 22/23 2020, come the Bride's estimated time of Arrival, BETA! Still this date here, Nov 10, 2020, really got my attention, I was placed in a demo, 11/10/2020, another escaping a nuclear Hawaii, affecting Memphis, leaving kids orphans all along the way .

-Only this time remarkably blessed exodus is we're as a grandual caravan of escapees by red monster/munster trucks, and by predicted 16 yes now( May15, 2020), with more eruptions and now FEMA pending, I know right, beware, repent, RUN, you know, where, Apb, see here, what I think reference, Rev 6, 6th seal also a Rev 2 Jesus, 6th 

out of a 108, Matrixx ten day countdown to volcanic doomsday,

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Prophecy Links Fulfilling Nuclear January, 12 APOCALYPTIC FIRESTORM,2023 MASS Murderer Suicide On The Ris e,