Sunday, November 1, 2020

Run Ari Melber , Michael Steele, Michael Moore Run!

Prophecy Links Fulfilling, April 2 1986/April 2, 2019/April 2, 2026, Apb  

Get Ye All First Born's To Repentant Altars, Elohim God Avenging Martyred Blood, Thus Saith Holy Scripture Watchers, June 26, 2017, beware, Apb

Cascadia the earthquake that will destroy West Coast America,

Run You Tubers Run!

-Besides Oct 28/29,(2020), revisiting two years it's month and date, hearing, both, "major, major earthquake West Pacific Canada" and two days later simply hearing "10.2 earthquake." Curious I woke in a demo between Thanksgiving, Christmas ({2019}), featured as a young female. sitting behind a steering wheel.

-Actually as most north Americans at this time, stuck in traffic, wintry weather; fright night while all around, the Genesis, broken rainbow covenant, men, women, and children waved through thigh high to waist high floor waters. 

-Rolling Twilight skies, I was reading an article about larger earthquakes, like an 8 plus, predicted to happen around the US West Pacific; surreal still, the article is written in Dutch. There's this like yard size Duracell battery, this dream possibly revisited seeing December 29th ({2019}), Revelation book Holies in a running race to put December 24th 25th (2001) 190 months until October 10 ({2017}), be fulfilled. 

-Actually there's pending a US weight of blood gift sentence,as a fiery Doomsday A Christmas Carol, beginning with US  States like Hawaii Alaska and California. Right until pretty much every US state is a US state of barbecue. Surrealistically, just short of  Georgia's Savannah, Atlantic Coast, the only US soil, appointed, safe Haven, crossover,, again, fiery doomsday Apocalypse US soil, is back on prophetic track, nearing a year now.

 -Simply America commanded (2005), to go off the map, Britain, Canada as well, this odd saying, "smiling faces don't last." Further beware, in my demos for at least 3 years now when I speak, read to interpret Dutch, this always reference YouTube earthquake forecaster Dutchsinse. In other words do y'all speak dutchsinse, are y'all smarter than Dinosaurs to  Noahians to Trumpians, are y'all hearers, doers and stampeders? Beware, repent, RUN or perish, see here,, more Run the North American Craton to The American Continent, Run! Apb 

Prophecy Links Fulfilling; 1987, explained in my prayer closet, parents and overseers through negligent technology would be gun violent, even head shots, homicidal toward their own children; hearing 2007 the dying of schools is painful, someone go down to the Middle School and cast a stone; seeing 2009 during a ginormous maze of sin traps,as the LGBTQ and P for pedophiler being laid in schools, as well as Churches and homes, for the children; why great beast tore through it all, including pulpits and peace getting porches; hearing 2017 kill all parents by, finish all schools, what COVID-19 is doing with 101 Yellowstone's come;  Ezekiel 9 Holy Father God would say, begin at my sanctuary, Jan 12/13, ({2017 thru 2020}), Rev 17:16-18, Mystery, Babylon, America, beware repent Run,  Run, Run , or perish, Apb

Youtube news, the 220,250 thousand lies, told by this White House, the Washington Post has already tracked so far; # Velshi saying, when you failed this bad Mr President, you're not entitled to a second chance,

President Trump repeatedly claim, nine months now, the virus would just magically go away, see here,, (If only this had not been a Trump Administration to an election year, if he didn't care more about his economy, than human life; if Holy Father hadn't sworn over two decades prior like Trump's Pomeii, (see Pomeo), or a Mystery Atlantis, (see Trump's Atlas), He, would destroy America; if those dying disproportionately, weren't considered those minorities of ethnic cleansing, hundreds of thousands of COVID-19 dead could've been saved, Apb

-Trump crashes as RNC and Michael Moore backs Biden, https//, (The authentic, finale, falling out among, stealers, killers and destroyers, forfeiting that immortal for the temporal, Apb

-Y'all better get this right, I don't know how much you all believe in the living Word of God or Holy Father God Himself. There is this witness by the Prophet Ezekiel his 9th chapter. Fright night,  he witnessed God summon six slayers from the higher gate north and with them is an ink-horn man. 

-The slayers are commanded to go in among the people and like COVID-19 right now, slay literally old and young and begin at God's sanctuary, which presently would be US soil/all mass assembly to business, Churches, schools, even homes, this covert genocide of the Genesis, man, marriage.

-Instead the appointed ink horn man, clarified as the incarnated, Jesus' merciful Cross, Blood of reconciliation. Mercifully, He is to go before the commanded slayers and literally mark for life eternal life all for compassionate reasons not supporting the Gog and Magog type Trump Administration; in other words they yet have heart's, they yet, like the Obama's, they care.

-I witnessed until said commanded slayers on US soil, chased some down, spin them around like in a dance, a waltz even. Then you can see these sword like syringes piercing through the air and come down a stabbing point blank the telling heart. Instantly some are ascended. But speedily accused, judged, sentenced to executed, being first born still, they're descended, then on to the next stampeding procrastinator, and no longer is the abominable, American, The Americas, slow motion exodus. 

-Presently, revisiting, Apostle John witnessed, Rev 10 Mighty Angel and Rev  17,7th Angel standing the US map indescribably anxious. THEY saying no further delays US  soil, as in you truly are in a battle for your soul, and the soul of humankind, the Genesis, man, marriage.

-Fright night to freezers making that thud empty sound, here's Revelation Book Holies, THEY'RE saying, and I quote.  "No further delays US soil,  desolation's predicted now come! Beware the Midwest, the Eastern seaboard as the inundated with such forewarnings US West Pacific; unquestionably clarifying Rev 17:14, Jesus Husband and His Beloved, blessed escape into US Georgia's crossover, Savannah's Atlantic, Coast, beware, report, RUN or perish, GOH/JCON/Apb

And these are the descendants of the beauty rescued from the hands of the beast: Beast Of Beauty, Featuring King Bridegroom Bacha Veronica Usihjka and Queen Bride Sabrina Aleigh Yocman

Unending Love Antidote ...The African Juttah Genealogy, 1986-2016/2026/3036 

 The Tombola Genealogy, Holy, Temple, April, 17, 1986/2026/3036 into Infinity, God's Kingdom Reign 

Unto Venus Kahligh Davis and Lexus Nicole Yarkin was born twin god daughters, Sailor Danika Davis, Taylor Dayliegh Davis and a god son, Quinton Madison  Davis, Yarkin  

Mark Scene, Genesis Marriage Worshipers, XVII and VII, It's CVI Matrix Count

"Well isn't Grand Sia saying the US election itself is to act as a form of separating the wheat from tares, the sheep from the goats, the righteous from the unrighteous; isn't that her seeing that Lamb's book, name roll, call, to census taking, those names called, the book of life versus those names stricken out? Then I truly don't wanna be here, but if we Kahleigh beloved, can't endure end day trials, the little time we're Daniel's final week of years, then what about the heart gripping to tear jerking judgment of the nations to the great white throne judgment. Or is it all distressing Sia's here, the bible from Genesis to Revelation, as grand Sia's prophetic parables, all fictional. to whom is the arm of the Lord revealed. Look, I know Lexus girl that is said all for dramatic emphasis, but I'm concern when I read grand Sia's Rite Ad Pharmacy reveal and she saying, she feel it was all a repeat, then like Holy , Father God's back turn Throne, the back turn counter to mystery woman, saying, grand Sia, needful exchange, I'll wait on you, what is that, how is she both our stampede and that withholdeth, both ascension and the descending Jesus's reign? Y'all asked or it, The Chapter, Stanza, Verse, Bridegroom, Jesus says to Arriving, Sia Maaseiah Adonai, "just imagine Maaseiah, if those heinous trials of yours are then magnified gloriously by heaven a million times their insufferable weight, what measure could it then mete? Then he releases her to the Angel Raguel and those phenomena, celebrations in heaven and soon she's dubbed Lord Urusalem and granted Holy Father's left hand, side, King Bridegroom, Jesus being at His right hand,, see also here, guys, grand Sia say is possibly the most telling look at the first few minutes of an apocalyptic great gathering of saints, and all the confusion and conspiracy theories that follows. Including millions injured, dead or missing with a promise of Jesus return, by way of heavens, where all eyes can see Him for themselves, ah them, well us, on our way to a prophesied, Mount Olivet Landing, see Vanish film, well, here, and Pastor Hagee, is explaining biblically, prophetically, what is really happening, don't be deceived, don't deceive others."  Chels please, I get it, look I get it, a wedding gown with a baby bump, you're, well we're carrying our first born, ah my God, how amazing grace, but, but, look, come over here, don't you think it's time you let Dissuasion know, today's the first, the wedding is on the 4th, three days, I know I know, so you'll come with me? I'm not leaving you unless you beg me to, who gave you this,? Your middle name, name sake, Fabrice, I should've known, why did you think you had to go at this all alone? That's why you have me, that's Chels why you have all of us,so if we get fussed at, we get fussed at together. "Still on planet earth to Maaseiah Adonai, where are you, my God, ah, one of the young Sia's Nicholas, talking about the word Mississippi Nicholas just now, also reminded, the runaway bride featured is also Mississippi affiliated. Whose birthday is on Halloween, the day I heard Mississippi but Nicholas, she's also that Juneteenth, 2020, demo, Abraham's daughter to Sarah's niece affliated, the runaway bride is also Abraham's daughter on her mother side, her Memphis niece, wow, what are the chances? Yeah so now it's run Mississippi run, like all other US states, there's no US Georgia's, Savannah, Atlantic Coast but US Georgia's, Savannah, Atlantic Coast. The Rev 12 new born snatch off to heaven, his birth mother into a protective, grown up cradle, her own, know by now Elohim's message to all US states of barbecue is beware, repent, run or perish and soon Nicholas this will be the message for planet Earth, the beginning US soil, mystery Babylon America, regardless of your status, blessed are hearers, doers and stampeders, rephrasing, blessed only are hearers, doers and stampeders.  What time are you to at grand Georgia, she really serious about relocating into the African Juttah, I mean how long we been convincing her, huh? According to her, she's serious, I'm to be there by three, what, you're not coming with me? I'll just meet you there, meet me there, what are you Mr Attorney Nicholas Edin Coogan up, a surprise, right? Just don't say it Maaseiah, no surprises, what surprise, just what is like El Shaddai's father's up too? You're see, no more pressuring me, just trust me, yea well, grand, grand, sudden escape, you have to remember Nicholas every us Administration past, present and pending have been aligned to 50 million us deaths,said mounting death toll not including Britain death toll nor Canada to Israel's two third 2/3 dead So Grand Memphis to Georgia, believing our work here besides the African Judah is done, which Nicholas Edin may explain why we got the bride's fifth year, predicted it's Sept 22/23, we got the BETA. As in Revelation 12,  second heaven intercessions where Jesus descended July 27th 2016 and where we know we'll ascend meeting Him, any given nanosecond, beware, taking any remnant of America of the Americas or Western Civilization off the planet with blessed escape, no father delays. Even, even evidenced still Nicholas, that nine day, two by two day countdown that landed president Trump by his itinerary into Georgia's crossover, his 7 year Dan 4 madness curse, due until, post apocalypse, America, mid October 2027. Seeming the West Pacific to the US West Pacific as, dutchsinse forecast and being threatened, Hawaii, Alaska California into the Eastern Seaboard, fiery doomsday apocalypse come, a reminder lately of Hearing during Bush's 2003, "the Eastern Seaboard is gone, meaning Nicholas, Rev 10 Mighty Angel, standing US map, saying, "beware the Eastern Seaboard," revisited hearing back then, "the eastern seaboard is gone! Sooo, not even a hint? Not even, you want a refill? Look who's trying to change the subject, is it working? I guess, at least I know to be on the alert, cause it more about surprising grand, grand, than actually you, but aren't you gonna be surprise as well, you keep no, you Mister, still have to shower, oh is that a beyond, description threat, yet seductress you, wonder why your Rev 12, arriving Savior, was a stunning, shirtless, romancer, shhhh, don't say that, part, the shirtless part, that almost as untellable as Bridegroom Jesus first appearing, with wings before I knew Malachi's predicted, I didn't know you hadn't said, how, a model, caliber Jesus Husband, Maaseiah, how is that so far-fetched? Even the word model, alone, said to be a three-dimensional a sin the trinity,  representation of a person or thing, typically on a smaller scale than the original, again the trinity, where you getting all that? The nothing is ever hidden from us again, until we can't even fake, seeing, hearing, knowing nor recognizing an evil as President Trump's  White house, Republicans, Chuchians to Trumpians. I gotta go, so that's no tempting me in the shower that I totally and happily, hurriedly divulge all secrets past, present and to pending? Kiss me well, dear stunning sir, and don't be late, even if with her agreeing, relocating her into Africa's Juttah Nicholas, is still a challenge, I promise by a mesmerizing kiss, my surprise and I will not be late, then kiss like never again the Lamb's wedding supper." Why Speak In Parables?  For those today, like in Ezekiel to the day of the prophets, though Holy Father, cry, your sins have reached heaven and I hath remembered thine, inquiries,  yet strongly deceived they cry, "the lord seeth us not, the Lord is ascended from the earth." Beware, repent, RUN, RUN, ah, RUN, Apb,  see more here,, how it's all ending, prophetically, Apb    

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Prophecy Links Fulfilling Nuclear January, 12 APOCALYPTIC FIRESTORM,2023 MASS Murderer Suicide On The Ris e,