Prophecy Links Fulfilling
8.0, California Earthquake Warming, (Though Mid October, the date 190 months into 2017, Western Civilization was to be no more this planet. Here it was its exact date, mid October 2018 I heard some like 10.2 earthquake, followed by hearing as a breaking of news report, "major major earthquake West Pacific Canada," while I witnessed a molten death bringer from beneath, since 1996; soon saying to me, fret not thyself, rather, trust, delight and commit and God will bring forth thy righteousness as the light and thy Judgments as the noon day, GOH, JCOR, Apb.
Major nor’easter to take shape, unleash snow, ice and wind for days, ( -All the US states named here, years back were declared states of emergencies just after seeing an out break of ambulances, here, I'm reminded of getting a huge enough to block out the sky, the single word, WEATHER, Jan 2/3, 2020, when come one disastrous, historic event one after right another until the African/Atlantic, basin, developing of hurricanes kept reoccurring with impacts into the Gulf of Mexico, even two at once, right into gulf states, to red states, even the bible belt, especially Louisiana.
-Louisiana, put on my prophetic US map, April 2/3, 2019, only as I heard, "destroy Wisconsin," another US state put on my prophetic map, a decade prior, this hearing, Asteroid, destroy Wisconsin! Marvel not knowing what earth enders come, as fiery doomsday a Christmas Carol, is a Volcanic to Cosmic event snapping at American stampeders heels and head, all first born's beware, there's no US Georgia crossover, escape, but US Georgia, blessed are hearers, doers stampeders and Rev 2 Jesus overcomers, GOH, JCOR/Apb
Scarborough: 'Pence is in fear for his life because of Donald J. Trump', (-Elohim God/The Sunlight His back turn Throne, saying I will mock when your assigned error Islam Bush's fear-factor come. Clearly aligned to earth enders and people eaters Gog and Magog even as they campaigned the White House.
- I so pray this is not Ex Vice President Pence and his rebellious Republican Senate excuse when standing before Holy God in the judgments, they feared Trump!
-Like, why he didn't evoke the 25th amendment when given the chance, as their Vice President for four years! Do something worthwhile for the American people, this seeing American escapees, Arkansas OLD bridge, down on all four, suffering for 7 years Dan 4, madness, come extreme penance.
-Apostle THEY call me and Holy Bride THEY entreat me, those like Him shown tethering on being stricken out of the Lamb's book of life, seen,Jan 3, 2020, a page of names torn out designed as recent as Jan 15, 2021 Micheal's List.
-Still set before Holy Father's Great White Throne judgement, this lame excuse, I can't tell you the speed by which once running from barbecuing lakes of fire, they're pushing up eternal lakes of fire.
-Then rolling, fiery, Volcanic apocalypse, black Fridays to rolling twilight skies and Jesus arriving as the nuclear Sunlight Himself. That's as those tossed in burning hell, only if they're not tossed in outer darkness, a black, menacing void, making you beg for hell's tortures, horrors and screams!!!
-No, Jesus said fear not Trump who can kill the body, when there's a million ways to lose this life, like fish in a barrel to those Noah's day unknowingly snared. Fear the One Loving, True Elohim, God, who Holy Angels witness put on flesh, endured a cross, for His mankind, like Trump, Pence, so confused, lost and damned, except they repent.
-The mystery of Godliness no more, reverence HE who can kill both body and soul in hell's fire, those Trump's now making up Michael's List, marvel not those ten heads, the Antichrist reign named and ordained, NBA Kobe's Bryant fiery crash morning.
-You all see now, why Supremacist Trump's mob are aligned the heathen raging years before the capitol march and mobbing, and Fright night to freezers, frozen poultry come a rocket launcher. Yeah I know, but imagine a build up of morgue freezer trucks to distributing vaccine, freezer trucks!
--Already in a death sparrow, still getting an armored, Anubis' undertaker launching a deadlier war arrow only three days prior. Garth Brooks, Biden's Inauguration, Amazing Grace is, Jesus also ask, what would you give in exchange for your immortal soul? A post apocalyptic, fiery doomsday, The America's? Beware, GOH, JCOR, Apb
Run, Run, Run, There's A Breathtaking Yellowstone Animal Reserve Before You/Both heart and mouth gaping awe as 2020, California Maga/Magma Fires, black, scorched earth, behind you, Run, Run, Run! Apb
-Fright night to crystal skies missiling down, three weeks ago ({Jan,3/4, 2020}), last year, I come into a demo. I'm as a young female stranded in traffic, there are those waving through waist to thigh high flood waters all around. I'm reading behind the steering wheel, a similar prediction, an 8 plus earthquake, the US West Pacific, only the article was written in Dutch.
-I thought, as when I speak in or interpret Dutch, my third time now, that's as in You Tube dutchsinse, earthquake, forecaster,; I did (Aug 30, {2019}), his soon verified birthday, I did hear as a breaking of news report, "after 101 Yellowstone's." Fright night to freezers making that empty thud sound, one of many references to a Yellowstone event, including a hand writing clumsily, "Escape Yellowstone!, my mom's birthday, (Aug 7, {2019}), Beware, Apb
And these are the descendants of the beauty rescued from the hands of the beast: Beast Of Beauty, Featuring King Bridegroom Harrison Edward Markton and Queen Bride Mahaseiah Adonjiah Saurus, Cook; beware, when I witnessed (Aug 10, 2010),for 15% losses US's three hundred fifty million it's inherit, a White, Holy House Descend, the first we witnessed during error Islam, Bush wars burn away, these the Royal Priesthood of Kings and Queen where already, intact, stop being deceived, stop deceiving others, get it, get Jesus, get out! GOH/JCOR/Apb
The Unending Love Antidote ...The African Juttah Genealogy, 1986-2016/2026/3036
The Tombola Genealogy, Holy, Temple, April, 17, 1986/2026/3036 into Infinity, God's Kingdom Reign Unto Deius Aadius Hadtyra and Peyeoph Ieinna Zrtyio was born a son Elixus Reitta Hadtyra. a son Eyrence Ogiana Hadtyra and a son Oosnia Sophia Hadtyra, Zrtyio Mark Scene, Genesis Marriage Worshipers, XVII and VII, It's CXII Matrix Counts "What if I tell you Deius man there's one flesh and blood person I know on this planet, Genesis to Revelation recorded Holy Spirit confide in they want to be down here where he or she is, would you not consider being around that person the most safest place on the planet? Okay okay, now Peyeoph my darling, you're freaking me out, you're saying THEY said that to this particular person? She is beyond mesmerizing looking, those golden brown eyes alone, model caliber dress, figure, how do y'all concentrate? You were saying Peyeoph, yeah a time, seeing her back, out, one of her visits God's Throne, THEY said, freaking her out I'm sure, as well, they couldn't wait to be down here, where she is, wow, that's, that's, glancing away meticulously, rubbing at his stinging nostrils, blinking away stinging tears, easing out settle breaths, calming himself. ....Ah come Viceroy man, death tolls into the heavens by a Nov ¾, election, done; death tolls into the heavens by a January 20 inauguration, that's reach 50 million US soil, dead, all Sia's here know what it means, if that many people for Jesus Millennium to reign and God's eternal Kingdom to follow we're talking near four billion have to be dead in less than 7 years, no doubt we're talking a mass die off of the human being, marvel not Rev 11, 18/19, 7th trumpet, this saying and the time of the dead to be judged is come, marvel not, grand sia, witnessing a stone, armored Anubis, the Egyptian mythological god of mummification, just come to life, stretch his bow and launch what has to be a mightier, war than the coronavirus pandemic with death and dying, actually beginning with US Western soil, evenly beginning it's US W Pacific, with a for three year forewarning from Rev 10, Mighty Angel, beware the Midwest, the Eastern seaboard. Then, then Landy girl, what's this, grand Sia by a mocked news ticker, has already gotten twice the answer, this mint green push button, the green is for the pale horse of death, this answer no concerning coronavirus distributions, and, and, and to questions she didn't even ask? Deius, you alright? Just considering we have someone in our midst that is that precious, beloved to the heavenly host and she Peyeoph seeming so underwhelmed by it all, which no doubt make up such surreal forewarning's. So Sia's all, say we ask the question, will the US attempt at herd immunity be successful? Coronavirus as predicted election night already more contagious, with UK Boris Johnson, who informed it'd mutated, gone a warp speed contagion, now saying, against US experts it's 30% more deadly. We know it's mutating, grand Sia mention that, months back, said it's mutating into both Apostle John and her witnessed, infested with fleas, towering Pale Horse o death and hell, but first Brandy man, it's come the backward letter C pandemic, I thought Elelia it was always the backward letter C pandemic, something from the past, blended with something new, but always ticking us back to the western days 190 years this sudden lost to escape, a catastrophe upon the planet. Yeah, yeah Dr Fauci saying keeping him awake at night, all these different variants now, lik him, we know, it's all this threatening to make coronavirus vaccine's of no effect, four variant, ah, if, you count, wait, wait, if those four grand Sia amazing length hair shaved off into those four, come three ponytail judgments, if that uncanny dream didn't just come to mind. So Ivy man, you didn't tell us what the parents decided US Georgia or Jerusalem. I didn't know, what yo mean you don't know, I haven't spoken to them since, wait, yu talk to your parents daily,well if God can turn his throne back on the rebellious so can I on rebellious parents, i literally told them, like all the hundreds of million in American refugees molten lava fire is licking at their heels, that meteorites are raining down on top of their heads, then come death, judgment and for most, eternal lakes of molten fire but n'all, they didn't hear a word. I was so grieved in my holy spirit, I got sick to my stomach, so, I'm through I tolh them that was all I was suppose to do. Deius, we can go, no, you stay I'll be excused to the restroom, ah, but before I do, you Sia's here do know, just as Ivy described, the apocalyptic hell on earth one would have to go through to reach, crossing over, down on all four penance, President Trump and those his, Michael's list are given seven years, down to six, during the America's inundation with their fiery end to removal. Though, how long was Moses and those rebellious as Trump's rebellious enablers left in a wilderness of sin, lifespan shorten so speedier they perish? You know Deius man, the uncle pastor used in those two June 2020, demos has since lost his oldest son to gun violence, isn't that like suffering your own personal hell on earth? wait, wait, that uncle pastor since those dreams, one that took grand Sia into the under world, fighting off Anubis undertakers all and he and his churchians waiting uptop, making this questionable offering, has since lost his son? Yeah, yeah, but ironic still, grand grand lost a brother the same way, only to a police shooting, his name was Abraham, his sister Sarah and his daughter, featured in that same demo, but his nick name, get this, big June, and how during not only a June month but it's Juneteenth, celebration of freedom day for US, African slaves, as they're in a commanded exodus into southwest Africa, a declared by some, 400 year predicted repatriation of mother Africa but first US Georgia crossover. Then this featured uncle pastor since lost his son to gun violence what does that say about the other's and their loved ones featured here, you all sis Silesia
did think of that, right? We're talking tens of millions suddenly dead US soil, isn't it naive of us Sia Juttah to think we're not gonna lose procrastinating loved ones? I, I ah, Pey, Pey shouldn't be long, I probably should go with him, what is up with him? Pey, Pey, Saurus, just told him Jeremy man something too overwhelming, a time Grand Sia woke in heaven, angles seeing her to an exit back, told her last thing, they can't wait to be down here, where she is, wait, whh, what? Jerking into a loud laughter, causing the table to laugh as well, just to imagine its otherworldly surrealism, 'wait, wait, just who do they think she is? Or Jeremy man, who do they know she is? No wonder she say they entreat her like the holy bride, but while we're aiming to get there, they're aiming to get here. Not so much here Jer man, the apocalypse of blackening the planet his raging barbecuing of earth's inherits, they want where she is, yeah like, well, Jesus knew he who he was, wind, oceans all obeyed him, he could've stretched his wings and flew all about, like Rev 10, Mighty Angel, but he was the most humble human being on the planet, Then speaking of Mighty Angels, those 7 hushed thunder, were they as grand sia heard the morning of Kobe's Bryant's fiery crash, did said thunders begin to name those ten end times kings but were hushed as well? Wow Ivy man, incredible made aware, wow, anyway that question Brandy man about a successful herd immunity is too a resounding no, I would guess anyway. No, no, first Wolfgang man, there's an alternate question you need to ask, will fornication, especially same gender Government to Church ordinations and same gender school curriculum's be successful? We know, following her with sudden destruction, and who's gonna tell her? Every time, Vice President Harris, reference, there are other gender's of Holy, Elohim's making, other than the Genesis man, marriage, male and female, husband and wife of procreating HIS Will, these six millennia, seven with Jesus millennia finale, April 2, 3026. So if Holy Father don't answer sexual abominations beyond Noah's day, if that answer is yes, sexual abominations prevails, then the answer to them achieving herd immunity or anything resembling as going back to living deliciously off of mountainous blood guilt, whoring, stealing, killing and destroying, yeah that's a resounding third, on the news ticker, mint green push button, no! Yeah, yeah let's use that young man testimony, (, who was taken into God's judgment live for for himself, when there's one example of a woman cast into a burning hell, Although before she was, heavenly father, who know, remember and judge their sins, reminded her that a Facebook post of hers misled over a quarter of a million people, and Vice President Harris, with her words, changing the truth of God to lies and perversions, have millions, even billions her influence. Get this, you are free to do what you want to do with your own soul, and suffer earth to hell it's consequences you are not free to teach Antichrist fascism to God's people, stop fooling yourselves, stop deceiving others. The Apostle Paul told us any come preaching anything other than the Gospel of Jesus Christ let them be accursed, even if it's an angel from heaven. Especially since fiery death date come, was just revisited by grand Sia seeing President Biden, Vice President, Harris in a blazing, frying pan liftoff. Then let's take Kobe Bryant's fiery death as an example and Grand Sia seeing charcoal bodies being investigated before she woke and heard this inconceivable news. Just think, all parents commanded dead by, how do we know he wasn't the next Will Smith dad or Dewayne Wade dad, themselves having and winning the attention of hundreds of millions, influencing same gender and transgender children, how do we know? Plus lest we forget, Grand Sia had already gotten a forewarning about NBA players California Dreaming instead of getting to repentant altars and pressing toward mark, of the prize, of the high calling of God, that's Jesus' Christ, the Lord. Even that, is that what his children books were about, teaching to influencing what to God are abominations to detestation's, threatening Genesis man marriage for generations to come; just think of this showing of a church of demonic influenced teen males, wearing on their erected genitalia, infant children. Then, then, then, Albion man, regardless of all that unimaginably alone the North American continent is fixing to go under oceans of its eruptible, volcanic magma, stretching from the west coast to the East Coast, from Central America to South America. Know, you all, that is why newly a billion people the American continent are being evacuated with grand Sia saying the fiery, volcanic apocalypse could itself be the answer to taming an out of control coronavirus. But are you Sia's worthy to be tried by refiner's fiery, doomsday apocalypse come? Apostle Paul says if we build upon this one foundation anything temporal, sinful man, it will burn, grand Sia witnessed it all burn, leaving nothing but the holy foundation He and His holy Apostles, had laid, reassuring her, it could be rebuild. No doubt Paige, Sia's all saying, Christ's Cross,had already restored the one Genesis man, marriage of procreation, if any man, behold HE standeth at your sinful heart's door, open to Him, though it's sins be scarlet they shall be white as snow, thou iniquities be crimson, they shall be sparkling white, as Jesus's Saints." Why Speak In Parables? Jesus' Disciples asked Him, with Him answering by quoting the prophets of old saying, well see here, Mat 13:10-17
Prophecy Links Fulfilling
Revisiting Jan 22-29, ({2018}), Rev 10 Mighty Angel, and Rev 17, 7th Angel, saying no more doomsday passovers; revisiting, Jan 22-29, ({2020}), predicted NBA's California dreaming, Kobe Bryant's fiery crash, marvel an hour prior I dreamed about charcoal bodies.
-Just now, Jan 22-29, (2021), I know how this is gonna sound but I just watched President Biden and Vice President Harris. Rolling twilight skies, they're boarding a blazing in towering flames, frying pan and lift off its fiery escape! Marvel not days prior, Jan 20 (2021) forward as a continuity of the US government was being laid its five years predicted, US Georgia's crossover into Africa's Southwest Atlantic, 11 years predicted; a Brexit, come both a blessed Briexit to Blaexit; blessed are hearers, doers, stampeders and Rev 2 Jesus overcomers, Apb
MSNBC Live with Velshi 1/31/2021 8AM | MSNBC News Today January 31, 2021,, Prophecy Links Fulfilling, again as Nov 23/24, 2020, here Jan 17, 2021, seeing the mint green word No, as a push button option on the news ticker, when come it questioning how successful would distributing, coronavirus vaccines be? Probably about the incalculable number of refugees I witnessed by the auto loads pour into US Georgia's Atlantic, fright night to a (Jan 3, 2021), armored Anubis undertaker. launching an arrow, I also woke just now, (Jan 17. 2021), by some male with a regular voice calling me Pat, Pat Pat.
-Fight night to amazing grace, that haven't happen, well not during an election year since Obama/Biden first campaigned for the White house, only he had an African accent. Also waking me from a sleep, this tent, bringing me out to the shore, showing me a sea of American refugees pouring into the African island; probably had something to do with then Senator Barack, Hussein Obama, during a demo of a Daniel 9;27/Revelation 17:15-18, a mocked nation's summit and he by Holy Spirits,being called, "The One," what ya'll think? Blessed are hearers, doers, stampeders and Rev 2, perfect man Jesus, overcomers, GOH, JCOR/ Apb -Listening and Dancing to, I need you, Donnie McClurkin,, ( Recently come into my music collection, as a recommendation, I've grown rather fun of this selection. Donnie McClurkin is very gifted, plus it's been a while since I danced and praised Holy Father so. I'm guessing you've said the same, I'm not telling anybody that; I fall asleep here, during a Prophet Daniel 21 day style, fast. Only day's prior Holy Lord sat down aside me, and my suffering so asked me and I quote, "is he worth all this pain?" I said I love him, and love is worth this pain, I went to sleep, admittedly possibly had a seizure, a product of my Memphis, Dunlap street, head wound, my messenger of Satan, Apostle Paul described his domestic road wounds of transformation , even without prevail, Satan bruising Jesus' Heel -All I know, Apostle THEY call me, I woke in heaven, being lead by Angels all around, into the exit, I guess saying, earth home. Only just as they released me, the last I heard was, "we can't wait to be down there where you are," I swore I'd never tell anybody that. Possibly those all around Angels, Jan 12/13,2018, predicted to go nuclear, Hawaii inbound missile alert, Rev 2 Jesus asked me, would Angels also ascend? Though if you think about it, who you gonna tell that, who would even believe your report? When I did told my goddaughter, she said that's because you're so humble, so trustworthy, in other words she was saying I'm so underwhelmed by such phenomenal things. - Though in Apostle I am defense, if you for most of your life have seen Angels all around your bedroom and days later all around you, inside, outside and they're only spectator's. You know, while you're suffering indescribable trials and they appearing just as helpless, while how could their presence ever again be overwhelming? See more here, Psalms 35/Psalm's 91/Rev 12, see also Mat 7:21-23. I know, why Mat 7:21-23? But if you've read Rev 1-3 chapters, heard it commanded they get to altars of Jesus Christ and seen Great Beast stomping, chomping and tearing through pulpits, peace getting porches and peace keeping crystal skies, you'd know why, this scripture, again see, Mat 7:21-23. -Most recent as May 10 2020, mother's day, during a second reveal around this date, of the prophesied hour, Rev 3/17/18, manifested in multicultural flesh, possibly, Vice President Harris blended country, blended family; anyway we're sitting side by side, a white over head tent, this building family gathering. Realizing, I soon pull this scarf off my head and my hair, God's glory just spills and spill's so beautifully all around. Thought like Feb 12/13, 2015, hijacker Syed Farook, he's talking to me, I don't remember nothing he says, only, only that he's pulled apart with tremendous Gethsemane Garden night of indecision. -Out of no place, a great storm hit, run us all inside, when not before long, like during the decade prior, ginormous maze of sin and traps were reportedly being laid for children. This chasing storm, not before long I find myself trapped by a church choir, this fasten to locked in a high chair, though blessedness is when June 6, 2020, Rev 12, birth mother was tossed into her own ground up cradle of divine liberation and safeguards, but here locked in by church choirs and can't get out, wait, is this surreal why the Sunlight, from behind a mountain both reigning God's back turn Throne commanded as Moses day, Hebrew Slaves, "let my people go?" Then I woke, beware, GOH/JCOR/Apb And these are the descendants of the beauty rescued from the hands of the beast: Beast Of Beauty, Featuring King Bridegroom Deius Aadius Hadtyra and Queen Bride Peyeoph Ieinna Zrtyio; beware, when I witnessed (Aug 10, 2010),for 15% losses US's three hundred fifty million it's inherit, a White, Holy House Descend, the first we witnessed during error Islam, Bush wars burn away, these the Royal Priesthood of Kings and Queen where already, intact, stop being deceived, stop deceiving others, get it, get Jesus, get out! GOH/JCOR/Apb
The Unending Love Antidote ...The African Juttah Genealogy, 1986-2016/2026/3036 The Tombola Genealogy, Holy, Temple, April, 17, 1986/2026/3036 into Infinity, God's Kingdom Reign
Unto Roman Niele Madson and Hillary Reha Kingsly was born a son, Camrose Neelson Madson, a son Versace Dominick Madson and a god daughter, Larken Eovanna Madson, Kingsley
Mark Scene, Genesis Marriage Worshipers, XVII and VII, It's CXII Matrix Counts "So, let me Maaseiah tell you the oddity I saw dozed off waiting on you just now, I'm pretty sure Maaseiah I'm cast as those enduring tribulations so great they make you wish for the most unprecedented year, 2020. Let's even use, You Tube's Full Spectrum survivor and family for an example, okay, okay, not saying, they're not Christ's and are disappeared as those by divine grace, the holy bride, unholy western civilization and 190 years all just gone! Honestly Maaseiah, it's like they're going on a supply run, he's opening the door, letting them out, only the door Maaseiah is a regular door, no locks, a brass handle, again no locks. So feeling insecure I glance around for something, anything to jam the door shut, incredibly when I do, there are too many door jams to count and choose from. Those all around, short, wide, thin, some are written upon, though I can't remember what, possibly, your hand writing clumsily, 'Escape Yellowstone,' then I wake, come out here, find you, so what, what is all that? First even the door handle being bronze, revisits, King Nebuchadnezzar's witnessing horrifyingly a stone from heaven, that's Nicholas crushing this towering figure from it's golden head to it's bronze thighs and belly and feet of iron and clay to dust and wind. Equally, that's my seeing it all, predicted into mid Oct, 2018 thru it's Oct 2027, say its many millennia of kingdom, nation building, once come a fork in the road, Heard commanded into itty, bitty pieces, shown during those just now, reoccurring Gulf of Mexico hurricane's, as left as nothing but a Rev 20:7-15, Gog and Magog described, 'fork in the sand. Right, when first Nicholas you look in, it's seems a quagmire and this baked Alaska, is the best I've had, so delicious, toe popping. Ah everything all around, he is well prepped to keep any enemy out, but the one main thing used for maximum security Nicholas, actually meaning you chose FSS as an example for a reason, I did? Yes, as in that wasn't flesh and blood, its all a false sense of security, what did Jesus suggest was our best bet, the most dangerous times Nicholas, the planet? God's wine-press, said to kill millions, not since Noah's day is avenging martyred blood world wide. Coupled with Eze 38/39/ Rev 13, as of Rev 9, described, bottomless pit, it is unlocked and pouring onto the earth some of the deadliest evil, devils and demons, like Abaddon to Apollyon and his scorpion army, I too witnessed be loosed upon the earth. I say, portrayed the movie Scorpion king as a world inundation, the measure of the sand of the sea by an Anubis army, they're to kill and descend hundreds of millions said to go broke! Still, still, still, Nicholas Edin, revisiting Jesus saying, his, pray the heavenly father, their blessed escape, as in Nicholas, Rev 12, new born, they're suddenly snatched off the planet, they skyrocketed actually. Marvel not, June 6, 2020, the date June 6, 2015, showing us a tug of world war three into the battle of Armageddon, now coming. Then we, the Holy church, now reigning in heaven, even Rev 12, second heaven, assigned during my kitchen of revelations, to intercede them, those not found worthy, tribulation saints, given over unto the Antichrist and this food, whewwww, so, so good! You want I put more heat on your cup? Please, would you? It's so much refreshing when its tinging my throat and warming me up, though Nicholas, what you said just now, counting down Daniel's final week since April 2, 2019, those two prophesied, final 42 months intervals, Rev 11/Rev 13. Only Nicholas, we're a year, that's 12 months, 9 months, that's 21 months, adding 27 days, so in only four days that's 22, months,. Soooo, subtracted from that first, 42 month interval, Daniel 9:27/ Rev 11:1, 2, Nicholas, leaving 20 months plus 42 months, that's 62 months, equaling that in a short 5 years and two months, hundreds of millions will be dead. Fright night, as an armored Anubis undertaker, launching an arrow, as you said, unquestionably, that's a mass die off, including on US soil, predicted to lose tens of millions. Those three earth enders, Maaseiah, making up those three ponytail judgments, Aug 5, 2020, revisited from predicted earth enders, March 3 and Aug 5, 2019, you just witnessed, right? Right, good keeping up, marvel not Nicholas E, a Rev 10 Mighty Angel John witnessed stand one foot the sea, one foot the planet, his primary message, Daniels once concealed prophecies now being revealed, because, because Nicholas there's time no longer! Here near two millennia later, over three if you count Prophet Daniel, just say Daniel's Angel Gabriel, allied by Archangel Angel was 534 BC, my Angel Gabriel, it's May 15, 2004, with witnessing a star warring Archangel, Michael, Jan 20, 2019. Still Rev 10, Mighty Angel appearing, I had to be looking up at them Nicholas, he and and arriving with him Rev 17, 7th Angel, bearing 7 bowls, only since I have 99 molten bowls pending and 101 Yellowstone's! I say I'm looking up, cause his feet seem to be prancing back and forth, this his unspeakable anxiousness, just back and forth and he's actually saying, there are no more doomsday passovers ! You said Maaseiah, when you saw Angel Gabriel come, you was disappointed at mankind, that Holy Father, after thousands of years of righteous outreach, had to go to such extremes. So, ah, you think they knowing you, knowing your response is why they didn't unveil Michael at this time? No, yes, I don't know, I only know from Daniel's testament, Michael and his star wars cleared the path of evil territory spirits, so Holy Spirits can come to us directly. I admit, I was extremely annoyed to heart broken, at mankind, seeing Angel Gabriel, I probably would've flipped out the more seeing Archangel Michael as well. Then I don't know, I haven't felt such helplessness to uselessness seeing either of them so often since that May 15, 2004, meeting with Angel Gabriel, Come down to here, confirming just as a Seventh Angel Trumpet summons us to home heaven, a Seventh Angel Trumpet will also summon our return, to home planet. Leaving me to equally share, the last Nicholas Edin, Lord Urusalem demo, reigning Holy Bridegroom, reigning Holy Bride, letting end day earth enders have their way with planet earth as needed. Here we were trying to comfort each other in the midst of the worse die off of the human being since Noah's day, frightfully knowing, those loosing this unprecedented battle, were all being lost to an eternal hell. Ironically enlarging its molten self, rivers of molten lava, right on their stampeding heels, right behind them. swallowing up everything they once treasured. Apostle Paul once saying, if you build upon this one foundation, laid by God, to Jesus's Holy Apostles, say the blood letting whoring American dream, it will burn and so Nicholas Edin it is burning and I this witnessed, the Us West Pacific, Canada and the Eastern seaboard went off the planet but reminding neither was any Nation to Island to Mountain the American Continent would be left, how they'd diligently search out it's many places and not find them, blessed are hearers, doers, stampeders and Rev 2, Jesus awarded matrix ten day countdown, overcomers!" >>>"Husband, ...Husssss, please!" Soon settling into her soothing belly, navel, they both, this trial of marriage bed, come sexy, sexy electrifying, I wish, pray, pray Pey, pey is a better word, I pray we're to stay this amazing until Jesus call us one by one or in our case, two by two, right up to him. At least Deius, if he tarry, we have like seven days of Juttah assignments suspended, a type of honey moon I guess, so seven days to kiss and lick you here, husband, husband, please, please, then there;s right there, ah, god, ah, god, ah god! You know what I wish Pey, Pey, that all others knew the blazing eroticism they're to have even these anointed marriage beds, you meaning Deius after all it's screaming, breaking through, but without shedding of blood beloved, there's no fulfilling pending Aqua Juttah/Tombola genealogies, but husband, hus, hus, shhhhh, this kissible mouth, edible tongue, I could eat you and eat you, husband, husssss, ban!" fascinating tears into her eyes, raging and blistering her through and through, this creeping and prowling of his tongue, long stands and stiff readiness closing and closing in on her extreme, shouting places! "Then, no more being deceived Pey, Pey by drugs and alcohol induced spirits, abominable marriages, sick beds? Wait, wait, what's this, what are you hiding from me?" Husband, hus, hus, please! Watching fondly her edible belly this panic rise and fall, anticipating he nearing and nearing her at limits, pulsating places, newly, wedded, New Africas' Tombola, Juttah Preece and Preecest, Deius Aadius Hadtyra and Peyeoph Ieinna Zrtyio., Why speak in parables? For though they have eyes, they see not, though they have ears, they hear not, their hearts are waxed grossed, as their stone gods, even Anubis,' so are they, GOH/JCOR/Apb