Prophecy Links Fulfilling, Nov 10, 2020,
Seeing a caravan of an escape out of Memphis, by red monster trucks, (possibly indicating a monstrous under taking by the Red Cross, also see predicted May 15, 2020, something about eruptions and FEMA); this escaping out of once, Memphis Mother, Highland, Popular area. Then after having as many demos about escaping Memphis this 2020, as the amount of tropical storms and hurricanes, that has come into the US gulf states, this one 2020, season, alone. Especially a predicted, April 2/3, 2019, Louisiana on the map, but instead, the as 2008, cry, destroy, Wisconsin, the COVID-19, hot spot, right now, beware, Apb
Run, Run Run Liz Cheney and her 33% In Republicans, God Saying I Shall Send Them Strong, Damning Delusions, Run Run Run!
Article, Far right pundits celebrate Israeli bombing of AP, BBC, Al Jazeera offices in Gaza One conservative pundit called the bombers "heroes," while others laughed; (Surely, some of you getting so furious at me, you and I remember, Holy Father, forewarning, He too would laugh when your fear cometh; take for example, Republicans fear factor, the pending 2020, most nightmarish US campaign to election ever, perfect dangerous, deadly man President Trump verses Nations to world savior, perfect man Ex Vice President Biden.
-Truly why do you fret to marvel the same mockery, as they hunted down Saddam Hussein, Bush's awarded one error to new fear-factor, align to 50 millions US deaths; and I was encouraged to use Revelation 11:1, 2, promising to predicting, Jerusalem, even Israel would fall to her, prescribed, (Hamath), her neighboring Arab, Islam, then pending only rigt now fulfilling, Dan 9:27/Rev 11:1, 2/Rev 13:5, prophesying at the time, I was using Rev 11:1,2 Israel falling to her neighbors for exactly 42 months of it, to predict a Hussein White house, world reign, again Republican President Bush, authentic fear factor.
-Unknowingly, ebbing and flowing in and out of world reign, revisited as recent, as Feb 12/13, 2020, he's standing again a US, election campaign podiums; world reign, through his two administrations, President Trump's and presently a Biden Harris US Administration, President Barack, Hussein Obama, described, July 27, 2009 presidential campaign, as the 'The One; know his itinerary, know him; marvel not, both Hussein's US presidencies Aug 2010, July 2016, of verifying 15% American inherit lost, post apocalyptic, The American Continent/Planet; Jesus predicted two millennia since His Own Cross of Resurrection, Ascension.
-This, HIS Intravening Millennium Reign and the earth is littered with WW3 to Armageddon dead to mostly those damned; marvel not the seeing and hearing, the pitter, pattering of Jan 22-29, 2018, Mighty Angel, prancing nervously back and forth the planet, the sea and US to West Rule territories, unquestionably, the enormality of desolation's predicted now come, re-occurring cosmic to volcanic apocalypse and suddenly, one day, one hour within that day and one nano-second with that hour tens of millions even US soil are no more this planet; repent, Run, you know where, blessed only, only, are hearers, doers, stampeders and Rev 2, 12, Jesus'Overcomers, beware, GOH, JCOR, Apb, The RAM, see more here,, how like for six millennia its ALL been ending prophetically, Apb
You Tube, Morning Joe Most Republicans Don't Believe Pres Biden Legitimate Winner, Polling
.That They Might Believe A Lie, That They ALL Might Be Damned, Temporal Lakes Of Hell Above, Eternal Lakes Of Hell, Beneath
.-Run, Run Run Liz Cheney and her 33% In Republicans, Run, you know where; but who's Joe deceiving whom? This monster man atrocities and humanitarian crisis of a presidency were wide opened for all to see nationally, internationally. Fright nightt to getting the word pray before 2021, Mother's Day bloodbath it is those rebellious enabling his dangerous, deadly delusions of grandeur to world domination, like Hitler's followers, they're more a threat to him, they're his lethal madhouse, with Anubis' demons posing as policing German Shepherds all around.
- Actually Trump need to get away from them, from the 67 % supporting the deadliest US Presidents ever, those who's names are stricken out of the book of life, Rev 20, landing them, Feb 15, 2021, a recent, divine intervention designed Michael's List, Jesus saying those neither hot nor cold, but lukewarm, He'll spit on to puke you up, out 101 Yellowstones.
-Since Mid October 2018, began a countdown it's exact date 2019, we've known Pres Trump, like King Nebuchadnezzar's dwindling future. Truly his bout with seven years of Dan 4 madness, as in you're biblically, virtually following a madman to mad Republicans. Presently Mid October ({2027}), for some years now a post apocalyptic America, even another, Africa's continent. President Trump is predicted to wake again conditionally, with some sense to penance about himself.
-Abruptly he's knowing, admitting Genesis thru Revelation, Holy Elohim Father yet rules over the Kingdoms of men and can give it to whom HE Will. Say like for instance, even for 42 months, Rev 11:1, 2 Israel's, Arab Islamic neighbors to Rev 13:5, 42 months of reoccurring ,the apocalyptic Antichrist reign; marvel not we're exactly seven Dan 9:27 years, from a new timetable right now, April 20, 2028, finale; while then, Trumpianss, knowing Trump's dwindling future, what manner of born again saint ought you to be? Marvel not Biden's historic savior of a White House was still featured Jan 22-29 2021,as a flaming, blazing, frying pan, flying saucer, liftoff; if the righteous barely be saved, where shall the ungodly Republican Party, deadly political, civil wars, appear? GOH, JCOR , Apb The RAM, see more here,
Prophecy Links Fulfilling, The Hand Writing On The Wall, Jeremiah 37 8, 1998, Saying To Israeli/American Leads; And the Chaldeans (depleted enemy, Islam/Hamath); shall come again, and fight against this city, and take it, and burn it with fire; a hand writing reminder of nuclear, cosmic to volcanic apocalypse come, Jan 12/13 2019/ and the entire months August and September, 2019, beware all US States Of Barbecue, RUN, you know where, Apb
The Awarded Thanksgiving Nov 23, 2017 Rev 2 Jesus, Matrix Ten Day Countdowns, 126 counts, including the Month Of May, 2021
Rev 2, Jesus' Overcomers
And unto the angel of the church in Smyrna write; These things saith the first and the last, which was dead, and is alive;
I know thy works, and tribulation, and poverty, (but thou art rich) and I know the blasphemy of them which say they are Jews, and are not, but are the synagogue of Satan.
Fear none of those things which thou shalt suffer: behold, the devil shall cast some of you into prison, that ye may be tried; and ye shall have tribulation ten days: be thou faithful unto death, and I will give thee a crown of life, Revelation 2:8-10, Jesus, see also here,, also see here,, how like for six millennia its ALL been ending prophetically Apb The RAM
And These Are The Descendants Rescued From The Breast's Marks, Rev 13:5 revisited Sept ({2011}), as the Bride's Second Heavens Ascension Assignment, To Intercede Rev 13:5, Tribulation Saints, April, 2/20, 1986/2026/3036 into Infinity, God's Kingdom, COME; Featuring, King Bridegroom, Christopher Corbra Coyote and Queen Bride, Cottiie Liela Bishop
The Unending Love Antidote ...The African Juttah Genealogy, 1986-2016/2026/3036
The Tombola Genealogy, Holy, Temple, April, 17, 1986/2026/3036 into Infinity, God's Kingdom Reign
Unto Christopher Corbra Coyote and Cottiie Liela Bishop was born a son Christian Falcon Coyote, a son Triistian, (Trist) Gazelles Coyote and a son Kesane Legolis Coyote, Bishop
Mark Scene, Genesis Marriage Worshipers, XVII and VII, It's CXX Matrix Counts
"You all know Grand Sia believe world refugees reactions to The Chosen Series could be escalating violence and now bombings in the middle east, possibly US soil as well. I see that Medicine man, how just as such revelation invokes a Holy Spirit, said religious to political debates can as well invoke a spirit of discord. The Holy Spirit, for judgement sake desire we only hear the Gospel of Truth; only for Righteousness sake it is that we believe its spirit and true and walk faithfully. People have different briefs and reactions to the same biblical truth, good to evil, so, Global Tribunal, what's to be done? What's to be, Jesus and now Grand Sias Sunlight of God, say, biblical truth, Genesis to Revelation, separating the wheat from the tares, which we agree The Chosen Series is, mold to set us free. Therefore Global Tribunal, I too say, put ye on the whole armor of God, that you maybe able to withstand in these evil, Anti-Christ days, escalating, satanic oppression to demonic possession. We know Grand Sia, heard May 9, 2021 Mother's Day, good night, the single word pray, not heard Saber man, but saw, okay and woke the morning after to news it'd been its deadliest Mother's Day in US history, then by a reportedly, staggering, 400 plus mass shootings. Marvel not Feb 28 2021, she got Rev 6, second seal, red as a red bird, red horse, taking peace that they kill? Yeah Lion Wolf, revisiting the first of the year, Jan 3, 2021, that stone Anubis undertaker, come to life, stretched his bow and launched an arrow, so both indicating, earth's inherit are all still in an outbreak of mortuary, both Rev 6, 4th seal, the pale horse, horse of hades, marvel not her getting, Ezekiel 31, beware all first borns.". >>>"Look, look, do I even want to know what happened June 17, ({2002})? Grand Sia, Sia Malena arriving this incalculable, mesmerizing celebration in heaven, only moments before the recorded silence in heaven. Next she know after being summoned by someone referred to twice as Him, like Elohim we guess. Swiftly she's standing before a mountain God's Throne and just as she's trying to make sense of a mountain in God's Throne. Miraculous still she sees a Sunlight itself rise, begin to speak, then as Moses Mt Sinai Mountain and burning bush, she too hear, "let my people Go!" So, so Jr Darius, you're saying all that phenomenon, the Sunlight of God's commanded, Hemingway Exodus was revisited eighteen years June 17 and 19, 2020. Unthinkably upon the very celebrated date Juneteenth when African American slaves received their walking to sailing papers; even why so many end up in Jamaica; as first female, Black American, Vice President, Harris, Dad? And, and Grand Sia's own Jamaican dad and American Indian mom, okay, okay then,how this go, you ready Memphis Carter man? As always, but I think Cassius man we all should go, excuse me, where are we going, exactly? Whenever Hunter Bull, reveals overwhelm us like just now, we demonstrate this phenomena surreality by walking the entire compound as we're walking to heaven, just can't take it no more, and, and Sias all, we got about, like thirty' minutes, ump, the duration of the silence in heaven, let's go, let's all go!" >>> "I have one, what song do you wanna be listening too while you're being snatched off the planet, like July 6, 2020, Rev 12, new born? I Shaddai man, like grand Sia's parable, about the song, Here Again, the middle ground being the meeting, Mt Olivet return, so that amazing song, so yeah, yeah! Even your laughter is just as stunning, flawless, please Sia Juttah, may I pull your El Shaddai away? Just for a moment, that is, please Lord, come this way, so did you even try to know me, find me, before you denied us an unspeakable to be had, Aqua Juttah Genealogy?" Standing a balcony, the backdrop of a wordless, mountainous morning sunrise, glancing, stretching teary eyes into a sky cloaked by a flock of many kinds of birds, migrating it seems into the southwest. 'You had to know it was all predestined, you and I, a Juttah family, again unimaginable, yes Sia Cottie, of course, being Grand Sia, godchild, its firstborn of triplets So honestly, yes I knew and oftentimes Preecest struggled with it knowing and, and, for all I knew said Tombola, Genealogy included my beloved Chodne. So how long before you denounced this impeccable marriage of procreation, did you know instead I was your Aqua Juttah genealogy? I've known Cottie since, ah since, since Cottie I was old enough to know. I felled in love with Chodne, there's no more a conspiracy theory, but my heart trust and destin spirit, soul, bride Chonde is. Plus, plus the class of the non-Mayan 2012 ({ AD 1996}) the Little Miya giri reveal, she wouldn't come for decades later. This was my eldest brother-in l-aw, Darius African Juttah, Preece Ebonee Bele, an exchange student, proved Cottie we had a choice by falling in love with and marrying an American girl, my eldest sister, Darius Juttah, Karsiann. Fret not, nor weep, it's all in repair, you're a stunning genesis marriage worshipper, with a lovely Aqua Genealogy in Sia Christopher, Cobra, Coyate. Then you don't see, I didn't come here for that, I don't understand, I only come here, joined the Tombola trials to search, find and get to know you, my authentic Aqua Juttah genealogy. No, I'm not marrying Sia Coyate despite how magnificent he is, they all are, they're not you, Darius Juttah, El Shaddai Coogan, Saurus. I'm relocating to the outer bounds, you're leaving the African Juttah, do you know Cottie how improbable for many millennia for you, for any of us to be here, it's Septennial Juttah? Yes, you must be born again, love it, live it spiritually, heartily and biblically, thank the Holy Lords of Lord Israel to Lord Urusalem or Negeb Ophel reapers instead come for you, Thank you Sia El Shaddai for this much desired, intercourse, I promise, from this point on, you will not see me again, do godspeed, all that Preecest Cottie, Cottie please don't do this, talk to me, Cottie don't walk, this is plainly tempting Father God, can't you, ah my god, ah my God is Jesus Christ, who intentionally leaves the Juttah Septennial, can you even?" {{{"Hey love, why don't we just meet up in Sia Artelon reveals, but you barely ate your, I'm not, I lost my, treasure you, treasure you too, Dai, Dai, hello, Dai"}}}; "It just had to be you, what are you, you know Maha what comes with confusion? Every evil work and it melting your loving brothers heart into his bowels, guts of glory to regret; look, Cottie, ...was bound to find out, only perhaps not from you Maha, not from you, Dai, Dai own sister, okay, you're Darius Juttah wise, its true, but right now El Mahaseiah, your age to adolescence is showing. I'll find him, even them, don't worry, I'll fix it, think Chodne, before confusion and every evil work comes envy, strife toward you two, mine own, I can fix this mess and Holy Lords help me, I will fix it." Why Speak In Songs Of Solomon to Parables? Jesus disciples asked Him, with Him replying by quoting the prophets of old saying, well see more here, Mat 13:10-17; see entire prophetic parable here,, how like for six millennia its ALL ending prophetically, Apb The RAM.
Prophecy Links Fulfilling, The Hand Writing On The Wall, Jeremiah 37 8, 1998, Saying To Israeli/American Leads; And the Chaldeans (depleted enemy, like seeing Israel begrudgingly surrendering to an enemy, Hamath, UK.US.C West Rule no more this planet); And The Chaldeans shall come again, and fight against this city, and take it, and burn it with fire; a hand writing reminder of nuclear, cosmic to volcanic apocalypse come, Jan 12/13 2019/ and entire months August and September, 2019, beware al US States Of Barbecue, RUN, you know where, Apb
Article, 13 minutes in the Book of Revelation they are coming and everyone will see what they will do,
-I saw Rev 6, second seal, red as a red bird red horse Feb 15, 2021, come to take peace that they war, kill! Just before dozing off to sleep Mother's Day May 9 2021, I saw the concerning word pray, and its next morning woke to the startling news there'd been 400 plus mass shootings, the deadliest Mother's Day on record; then the Israeli/Hamas bombings, after a face to my face with Prime Ministry Nethaneyu; marvel not the stone Anubis undertaker, Jan 3, 2021, launching a single arrow, death and dying on the warpath; repent, RUN or likewise perish, GOH, JCOR, Apb The RAM, see more here,, how like for six millennia its ALL been ending prophetically Apb…
Run Run Run The Command During Bush Arab/Islamic Wars Was To Mark, (Noah's Ark), 17 And 7, Here May 15, 2021, A 7th Angel, It's 17th Visit, A New April 20, 2021, 7 Year Duration pending, you, yours won't survive unless you, Run Run Run, you know where! Apb
Israel Has A Right To Defend Itself, Israel Has A Right To Exist And What;? Palestinians Don't? They Bombed A Residential Apartment,, Dozens Of Palestinian Women And Children Killed; The Usual Hypocrisy,Usual Suspects Of Perfectly Policing The World Until It Come To Your Own; WMD/Humanitarian Crisis-Israel; marvel not the flaming, blazing, frying pan liftoff of President Biden and Vice President Harris, Apb
YouTube MSNBC, Velshi On Israeli Palestinian Conflict, THE RIGHT TO EXIST GOES BOTH WAYS,, ( Three weeks before these bombings I got Prime Ministry Nethaneyu face all up in my face; three days before these bombings, I was telling Israeli/Islamic Christians the same as I tell pending Christian Americans, Run Run, Run ,you know where. Except you run and that faithfulness is counted as righteousness, granting you a crown of life you, yours will not survive, then come Judgement, then come for multitudes, eternal hell!
Bush's Golf Course Words, Killing US Horribly With Their Words, Killing US Horribly, With Their Words, Causing Our Whole Lives With Their Words, Killing US Horribly, With Their Words! Began A For Two Decades Still, War Including His, And All Following US Administrations, Aligned To 50 Million US Deaths! Apb
-Benjamin Netanyahu's face all up in my face, be reminded such so called leaders of the free world are aligned to an error Islam were they've virtually signed on the dotted line the death certificates of ten of millions their country's inherit; marvel not Sunlight of God commanding they let us go, Holy star warring Angels leading way, as said warmongering leaders are to get so many millions Israelis, Islamic's, Brits, Americans to Canadians horribly killed. Here come China, Russia to the rescue, a full fledged WW3 into Armageddon, all their weight of blood guilt, with Ancient Of Days not since as Noah's day, avenging martyred blood; to the horse's bridle, the harvest of the earth, is ready, thrust in thy sickle and reap! See more here, Rev 14 and here, how like for six millennia its ALL been ending prophetically, cataclysmically, GOH, JCOR, Apb The RAM
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