Prophecy Links Fulfilling, Nov 10, 2020, building caravan of escape, forewarn, procrastinators all the more endanger their children, especially their first born's, beware Apb
Article, Lake Highlands valedictorian’s speech against Texas ‘heartbeat bill’ goes viral
How about you running with your stampeding elephants of staying unaware and or your Bride's of Noah's day normal, given running shoes, also Run away! Beware, campaigns of normalcy bias are also deadly, damning travel bans....
-Marvel not coronavirus come targeting those mostly parents and grandparents age, except they repent then a pandemic of death come for the children, thus said Jan 12 13, 2018 Rev 2 Jesus.. Actually my grand and I had this same conversation only months back, first I reminded her, you can't interpret God's righteousness,Ps 139, according to what you think; second, be careful how you advise God's people He will hold you accountable, be careful to reap the whoring, death and dying you sow.
-This unborn heart, mind, flesh, bone and marrows is doing all this miraculous, all while it's cocooning an eternal living soul and an eternal living spirit. Just as blessed Jesus' Mom, womb development, all pending, Holy Temples of God,; persons of the same biological Genome cannot a Genesis Man, Marriage make, Abortion, is not a contraceptive.
-Please see also here', (A woman tossed into hell by her sins, but before she was an eternal fiery damn, she'd with a facebook post mislead over a quarter of a million. Further meaning, heaven above and heaven beneath both had to get really busy trying to save some of these equally damned people; stop being deceived, stop deceiving others, Apb The RAM, see here,,
And These Are The Descendants Rescued From The Breast's Marks, Rev 13:5 revisited Sept ({2011}), as the Bride's Second Heavens Ascension Assignment, To Intercede Rev 13:5, Tribulation Saints, April, 2/20,1986/2028/3038 into Infinity, God's Kingdom, COME; Featuring, King Bridegroom, Christopher Corbra Coyote and Queen Bride, Cottiie Liela Bishop
The Unending Love Antidote ...The African Juttah Genealogy, 1986-2016/2026/3036
The Tombola Genealogy, Holy, Temple, April, 17, 1986/2026/3036 into Infinity, God's Kingdom Reign
Unto Christopher Corbra Coyote and Cottiie Liela Bishop was born a son Christian Falcon Coyote, a son Tristian, (Trist) Gazelles Coyote and a son Kesane Legolis Coyote, Bishop...
Unto Alistair Einstein Mi'rez and Zara Ameera Shears was born a daughter Shaoin Mirah Mi'rez a godson, Badon Shailesh Mi'rez, a son Tylee Parrish Mi'rez and a daughter, Purwin Marissa Mi'rez, Shears
Mark Scene, Genesis Marriage Worshipers, XVII and VII, It's CXXVII Matrix Counts
"I'd made positive, you wasn't gonna show, why would I Preece Coyote make you an invitation and not keep it? I'm to figure you seen our new genealogy and want to discuss it, our new," did she show discomfort in her neck, eyes glisten along a sniff, a rub of her nose, soon, up away, quite perturbed, "Preecest Cottie? Ah, yeah, excuse me, ...did you do it, make, order, give me a new genealogy, however the hell its done, this shutting me up? No I, stop it, you're Darius freaking Juttah, El Shaddai, so don't tell me what you can't do. Preecest Cottie, we don't have any more control over the Aqua Juttah Genealogy to the Juttah Tombola, than we do the Ark of the Covenant to the Brazen Altar. Know, such sacred things have a Holy Spirit, body, mind, soul their own, a predestination even, lots of the foolish have been cursed to damned misconstruing such sanctity. I don't believe any of you, don't know why I even tried, you believe in Negeb Ophel? What is that, a threat? Those prowling Grim reapers? Dai, Dai, no Chodne, she need to hear this, before Maha got her jealous heart squared with Father God and all of us, she's sure Negeb Ophel reapers were haunting to hunting her. Only like you El Shaddai, she's out of reach, Darius Juttah, all, yes, meaning Preecest Cottie, THEY don't allow any its corruption, like Priest Arron sons, they don't care who you are, your blood lineage doesn't matter! Every good gift and every perfect gift descends down from the Father of lights and commanded reapers allow none its corruption. Stop Preecest Cottie, stop undermining how precious you are to THEM, just stop it, let THEM in, let THEM make your wonderful for all eternity! We better warm all this up, what's to drink? I was thinking lemonade, regular or other mixtures? You know I'm on water for a while, then I'll have two types of lemonade to avenge you, okay beloved Chodne, to avenge me, huh? Hey, can we walk, talk? Why not? Thanks, thanks for? You know, you freeing me from the poisonous tentacles of the untamed tongue, never heard of such, yeah, it's a crippling embarrassing death, this huge audience at that, just like back there, just know I always wanna be there, always Preecest Cottie, just you know that." Why speak in parables? That you be just as aware as GOW, JCOR, HBOW, Apb The RAM
Prophecy Links Fulfilling, Trumping Judgement Toward Mistreatment Of Prisoners, Snowmageddons, Let It Snow Tookie Williams Let It Snow, A Prophesied Big June, US Georgia's COAST to Heaven Escape, You Decide; here, June 3rd, 2021, an urgent, multi-word morning.
-India, multi-colored lights revisited on the word NOW twice, 2019; India been a blinking light of caution, decades now; Los Angeles, Southern California been marked by a red X and mocked by total oblivion, pending, now over a decade; Los Angeles as not to say lost to fallen Angels, revisited, Jan 20 2019, while Michael and His battled a star wars in the heavens, some bout lightning strikes; California seen evacuating again, March 2021; China' Language, like do we speak China's Language?
- I was actually teaching the Asian Language; lest we forget though, Bush era handlebars,once greased disallowing Russia and China; revisited, Obama era, election year 2013/Trump/Biden, coronavirus 2020, newspaper handlebars, growing Into heaven,a US soil funeral reef, proving no further delays, US soil; marvel not just before Hawaii inbound missile alert, come the cry, downtown, newspaper bells, were ringing.
-Two times in two days, Fast and Furious 3, domino Mauna Loa into 101 Yellowstone Eruptions, volcanic apocalypse come, with two other westernized extinction level events; one a commanded asteroid; 2017, Dec 3, 2017, a first awarded to all overcomers, Thanksgiving, 2017, Rev 2 Jesus Matrix Ten Day Countdown, 127, June 3, today.
-Amazing demo opened with what Jesus suggested, of Jerusalem and now US states, only three days before 2021 Israeli bombings, that they run; instead, next best thing, Dec 3, 2017, stampeding elephants of staying unaware to Feb 12/13,2020, Memphis Bride's of going on as Noah's day normal, instead, given running shoes; Beware, repent, RUN, you know where! GOD OF WRATH, JESUS CHRIST OF REVELATION, HOLY BRIDE OF WRATH,Apb The RAM,
You Tube, mrmbb333, There is something mysterious going on at the Yellowstone super volcano (Marvel not, the Yellowstone supervolcano, both the month of August to September ({2019}) we got five references to its fiery apocalypse come. Including a hand writing clumsily Escape Yellowstone and a breaking news report saying after 101 Yellowstone eruptions; after we watched two old world systems skyrocket to fire-rocket off the planet; a post coronavirus, standing the world still event; Run, you know where, also see here,, YouTube Mary Greenley's Yellowstone, GOW JCOR HBOW Apb The RAM
-Marvel not, The "BETA," Sept 22 23, 2020, come with Gog and Magog earth enders and people eaters, debating with star warring Archangel Michael and Heavens army, Holy Bride now in their timeline. I know I'm not supposed to be telling you these things, just as you and yours are not supposed to be seeing these things, taken unaware as Noah's day, even Jesus of Nazareth said, also said pray against travel bans campaigning normalcy bias is. Honestly, as I watched your video, not surprised, Yellowstone is growing more and more imminent, twice in two days, slow motion exodus has been boosted up to fast and furious mode.
-Still, I said, hum, what did Noah do with knowing? Believed, told his family, they built an ark that saved the human race for many millennia now. Howbeit, when Holy Creator God, wasn't sure HE wanted to save the Genesis Man Marriage, like today, they'd come that evil. Now Lot, and Angels running them out, he stayed behind knowing until fireballs were actually shooting down, molten hell was erupting up. Also like today, designed riches to rags sickbeds and sleepovers; Sodom, Gomorrah and three other local cities were guilty of Genesis Marriage perversions, presently your F for Fornication, A for Abortion, LGBTQ and A for Adultery, and P for Pedophiler, agenda...
-Pretty much like Rev 2, whore Jezebel church, like Free-World soil, whoring sickbeds and sleepovers, Rev 2 Jesus forewarn, Jan 12/13/2018, knowing a missile was about to hit Hawaii, predicted, the first domino, US/world soil volcanic apocalypse; The Great whore, West Rule, imbibing on MARTYRED BLOOD, portrayed as Mystery Babylon. Actually, as losing her most proficient ally, actually a falling out between genociders, ebbing and flowing every its date since Jan 12/13,(2017), only its date 2018 saying, "whore and beast separated," followed Jan 22, 2018, by Mighty Angel forewarning US soil, no more doomsday passovers.
-Just know, said satanic, demonic mutineering allegiance is described a 7 head, 7 horn, 10 crown beast. Know also, if I'm getting the forewarning Tribulation, while counting down a specific 7 year duration, this clear and present evil, crowning 10 mostly Islamic, Israelis world Leads, has also recommended that Great Whore West Rule, burn and all her cities with her. The movie Knowing, and those children escaping truly representing saints of the most High, ELOHIM GOD; what a perfect title for earth ending scenarios, partially based on prophetic scripture; like Ezekiel 1,2 and I Cor 12.
-Thankfully, well like Noah and Lot, John saw the multitude of refugees I saw 2009, 2015 and again 2018, John saw come all the way into Jesus, reconciling bosom; with my prayer once I'm there, I be made a pillar in the temple of my God, that I go no more out, I've done that too many times to count, Apostle tell ya. But also, like Lot I'd been warned for months we need to step up blessed escape fastly and furiously, though Caden's mom. couple years back. had seen, forewarning fire flakes, feathering down.
-I, Apostle Grandma, got a forewarning, we're in a fire blizzard, and now daily late May 2021, there's something gnawing about an aftermath, hundreds to thousands of miles long, I I kinda blocked out for decades. Fright night to blessed assurance, Grand Caden May 24, 2021, seeing a fireball hit right beyond the drive here, before Archangel Michael gave him a hand up to heaven, said he saw John with an opened bible. Marvel not, been forewarning Holy Bride escape in the midst of falling stars, clearly Caden's demo, would leave no more room for debating. Crystal clear as crystallized skies missiling down, while Holy Bride skyrocketing up, see you Americans, one of four places.
-There's US Georgia's Atlantic COAST, again US Georgia's ATLANTIC COAST; Africa's Southwest Atlantic Coast; There's Second Heaven intercessions, Third Heavens Marriage Supper, we'll make that five, The Great White Throne Judgement, there's a judgement of the Nations also, I just hope I don't have to be there. You know since Holy Creator God so loved the world, and had promised mother Eve/Africa/Israel HE would, bless her seed. He did help Noah build the Ark, incalculable abomination turn miraculous, this day, in the city of David/Bethlehem, a women seed was born, His name would be Immanuel/ Joshua/Jesus for He would called all first borns to repentance; behold HE stand at the door knocking, with those nailed, scared hands; knowing, get it ,get Immanuel/Joshua/Jesus, get out, you know where! GOW, JCOR, HBOW Apb The RAM
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