Thursday, April 23, 2020

Woe, Woe, Woe! Woe to the inhabiters of the earth and of the sea! for the devil is come down unto you, having great wrath, because he knoweth that he hath but a short time.

Prophecy Links Fulfilling, Seeing Jan 9, (2020), A Pointer Once Illuminating Israel, now, outlining the dates of Jan 12/13, (2009/2017-2019), of revisiting Rev 13/17 of Arriving even US soil, Ancient Beast Reign! Woe, Woe, Woe! 


Article, [Obama: Warns Climate Change Will 'Force Far Harsher Changes' Than Coronavirus], ( and these are the African Juttah Sia's Of The Descendants Rescued From The Beast Mark; "US election campaign" (2008/09), during, sitting Rev 17:16-18, mocked nations summit, I watched, heard as Senator Barack Hussain Obama was by Rev Holies declared, "The One?" Soon confirmed by an award of a two weeks and 7 year timetable finishing Dan 12 into Rev 10, man in linen, Christ Cross grace period, when Holy God's Anointed  are known only, as they faithfully RUN, THEY all know where! Proven as evidence, July (2010),15% lost US soil, Jesus Millennium as a New White Holy House descended into a welcoming the Obama's Royal Reign; doomsday Passover revisited July (2016), Jesus Millennium for 15% lost US soil and a grand total of two quarters planet earth, no more. Jesus Millennium descended into the Obama's, presently Memphis Dunlap street, of revealing America's commanded exodus. Recently Feb 3/13/23 (2020) just before the COVID-19, outbreak to lock downs,  revisited an end come, as evidence the traveling with the Obama's reveal, last stop France, As so recently, March 3/13/23, (2020), still seeing Pres Obama at the forefront podiums of America's actual new normal, stampeding like their elephants of staying unaware; running away as their as Noah's day, runway brides of going on like normal! These reveals, said, done and ignored, I give you, Sia Christian Artelon. Yes and thank Lord Urusalem, by Darius, Sia Maaseiah's reveals, until Jesus return, indefinite US/World President Barack Hussein Obama. Know his too are shown aligned to 50 million US deaths. his too, followed by sudden destruction. Clearly all Tribunals, Sia's here know the seeing of elephants stampeding, human extinction come, as long as Obama's too is to save America, even this doomed world, it's all to be met with mass disasters. President Obama gave unto Caesar what at the  time was Caesar, same gender marriage. Only now it's time to give Holy God what is His, repentance, obedience, honor and praise. You see when Jesus told governor Pilate those delivering him had committed the greatest. Religious, leaders theirs were biblical treason to the actual blasphemy they of accused of Holy Emanuel.God, but Premiere, Pilate actions totally suspected, were as governor of Rome. This know also until he repent crucifying this world Savior, there's this going on to drive him mad as King Nebuchadnezzar to Judas Iscariot. Pres Obama has this same problem, legalizing abominations, that's the genocide of the Genesis man, marriage. Still, still all expected his being an American President,like even now, the renewal of legalized abortions, giving its evil, raging heathens what they want. Only now to urgently safeguard predestined both his immortal life and mankind's immortal life and soul's, repent, RUN, escape all other's, you the son of an African Native Father, surely know where, on said reveals, I dismiss this council until further notice! Why? Beware, God, Is AWARE!, Apb

Prophecy Link's Fulfilling

Seeing by an African Native male, US Election (2008/09), a sea of refugees pouring into the African Atlantic coast; seeing 2019/2020 US Elections, A Rev 12 Star Warring Michael and Victorious Armies clearing the path, leading the way, beware Mat 24/I These 4/ I Cor 15/Rev 7 God,  Is AWARE! Apb

And these are the descendants of the beauty rescued from the hands of the beast: Beast Of Beauty Featuring King Bridegroom, Dexter Sanford Joyhouse and Queen Bride Bronwyn Gazelle McPhearson 

The Unending Love Antidote ...The African Juttah Genealogy, 1986-2016/2026/3036

 The Tombola Genealogy, Holy, Temple, April, 17, 1986/2026/3036 into Infinity, God's Kingdom Reign From Heaven On Newly Replenished,  Planet Earth 

Unto Mitchell Davidson Donnerly and Astride Mariah McPhearson, Whitehead was born a daughter, Madison Dovewhyn Donnerly, a god daughter, Mattingly Joliet Donnerly, and a son, Berdan Colderon Donnerly, Whitehead    

Mark Scene, Genesis Marriage Worshipers, Noah's Ark, A Noah's Cousin, XVII and VII, A Matrix, LXXXV, 

"You all have considered these back to back great deluge's are happening to the southeast Atlantic, breaking, setting records, because the US Midwest and Southwest, Midsouth are about to go up in molten flames? I just heard from mrmbb333 reporting Mississippi alone just suffered from Easter into last weekend three of some of the largest tornadoes ever recorded, one with a huge debris field of just freshly shivered greenery. Instantly I thought about her from the molten beneath death rider Ps 37 reveal fret not what elites are doing they shall soon be cut down as green grass and wither as green herb, the emphasis on it all being freshly grown, yeah Aleth, and I have an aunt who just proudly purchased a house, and land there, just not so good.  Remembering even a time California fires, they were toxifying the air world wide so tremendously youtube dutchsinse suggested some it's US go as far as southeast, for its intended relief.  I wish he was during that right now, telling people to go far southeast into Georgia's coast, apparently you Aleth saw his latest? Yes, inviting people to Yellowstone, talking about how amazing it is there, only that's like inviting some to abominable, detestable Sodom and Gomorrah. Then during Abraham's Lot days, while holy angels are saying don't look back, running Lot and his family out of Sodom's evil fiery end come. Then those welcomed all getting there in time for molten mother to erupt from beneath 101 Yellowstone's and cosmic father to toss and rain chunks of fires down from above, it's inescapable blazing inferno. Lamed, you said her refrigerator reveals, yes, You Tube, IAF Christian, saying C02 being beneficial in keeping food refrigerated, I was reminded of grand Sia being the kitchen, the fridge, not a dream, holy spirits Macbeth start warning how her grand children would up in occupied territory, in an occupied America. As so she saw when those Ez 9 reapers, bearing sword like syringes were done US soil, nothing was left but a magnetic manner of memorabilia one in a distant land is to hang on the fridge So before Trump took office even Obama's. Bush, God had already told Sia Maaseiah they would destroy America, again aligning these particular leads to tens of millions of their deaths, now a second two-week and 7 year time table come, There's no further delays, America's commanded exodus., now if  only Macbeth beloved the America's would just get it , it's all over, what it was will never be again and get off that doomed continent, man, no matter how minuscule some of these reveals they always mean something as astronomical. Yeah God also speaking to us in parables, what some call confusion, but those growing up Jesus' are given to know, just as Jesus explained, we'll see, know and understand things, others can't, won't" Why Speak In Parables? Beware, God Is AWARE!, Apb

Prophecy Links Fulfilling, Rev 6, 3rd Seal/Rev 13. Beast Mark

You Tube, IAF, C02 shortage threatens food and water supply, including beer, sodas, (for months, years even I been describing these shortages as Rev 6, 5-6, 3rd seal famine into Rev 13, Antichrist Mark of the beast, for all exchanges. A black horse, as black death, with a pair of balances saying a measure of wheat for a penny, three measures of barley for a penny, see thou hurt not the oil (intervening anointing) and wine, (intervening renewal), Apb...
-Five Are Fallen, One Is And One Haven't Yet Come, Eight Of The Heads Abbas Dec 2017, Mentioned; All Ten Of Which I Heard Being Ordain Only Moments Before Kobe's Bryant Fiery Crash Revisited Rev 10 Mighty Angel and Rev 17, 7th Angel On US Soil, Saying No More Doomsday Passovers! Apb

Article, [Donald Trump Threatens to 'Shoot Down and Destroy' Iran Ships Amid Tensions in Persian Gulf], the seeing 1998, revisited 2017 like a look in the mirror, the movies Body Snatcher to Freaky Friday of an Asian Invasion
Mark 17 and 7, Noah's Flood Now A Noah's Cousin, Nuclear, Solar And NEO'S!

     -Please refugees Americans to Pres Trump don't let Piers Morgan elevations go to an already severely swollen, prejudice heart to god complex, the fault in all ex world leader's/NATIONS. I was during error Islam Bush able to put Saddam Hussein in the Whitehouse, (Barack Hussein) and make him the mightiest world leader. Plainly because that's what's described and deceived of American Presidents; only the Obama's were made an indefinite reign until Jesus Christ come again.
-So Binden a non win oppose to the worsening condition America is right now? Then the worst Trump's urging war with Iran while he's aligned to Gog and Magog, a nuclear fate and 50 million US deaths. Despite both of their alleged cease fires, any of you reconsidered what both Trump and Pomeo were doing before COVID-19 interventions?
- Like right now, juggling useless cease fires to wars with Iran and the Taliban/ISLAM. Actually while US States were on the verse of a TV series Jericho type civil war, including Russia and China intervening. Thank God, who's King David's census sick of war is again readying to shoe in another mass destruction of persuasion, including flying all His skyward to safety, a cataclysmic event its own.
-Knowing Kanye West conned Blaexit, commanded is a Hemingway Exodus especially US/Western soil, into Georgia's coast, into Africa's Atlantic! Those meetings, written to burning forewarning scrolls, now blackened bowls to rolling back skies as , burning, forewarning scrolls. This meeting ba seized Prophet Jeremiah was having with King Zechariah and his anti-God cabinet, if God is against you, your enemies are embolden and victors.
-indefinitely, take instead a position with the enemy, non violent, a farewell to arms, to west rule and planet rule. Then for more evidence as recent as Oct 15, (2018), awarded. a Daniel 4:4 King Nebuchadnezzar madness. Apparently like him, predestined to like disappear planet-wide, all the more explaining why Trump's surreal midas touch l. Surely has dwindled to his everything backfiring and being followed by sudden destruction, with Jesus Millennium launched incoming and impacting, no further delays!  Beware, Jer 37/ Daniel 9:27/Rev 17/18 God, Is AWARE! Apb

Prophecy Links Fulfilling

Article, [Coronavirus Kills More Americans in One Month Than the Flu Kills in One Year]

-The Apostle that again and again saw the global shut down coming again, Aug 5, (2019)! Only in the background instead of the word closed and empty everything all around; just an outbreak of ambulances.
-Actually on all HD, 5G and Social Media networking our true new normal was the word disappeared, just frozen as all former tech. Until by Aug 7 thru Sept 13. (2019), I was forewarning the next two waves as someone writing clumsily on a wall Escape Yellowstone!
Beware, God Is, AWARE! Apb, see more here,, how it's ALL finally ending prophetically, Apb

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