Tuesday, April 21, 2020

And they gathered them together to the place called in Hebrew, Armageddon.

Prophecy Links Fulfilling, Rev 6, 3rd Seal/Rev 13. Beast Mark

Article, [Coronavirus US Death Toll Hits 45,226; CDC Warns Second Wave Of COVID-19 Will Be Deadlier] (Anubis Undertakers in your lives, lands, schools, churches and military, beware! 

You Tube, IAF, C02 shortage threatens food and water supply, including beer, sodas
https://youtu.be/s4CwcUJ1CEU, (for months, years even I've been describing these shortages as Rev 6, 5-6, 3rd seal famine into the Antichrist Mark of the beast, for all exchanges. A black horse, as black death, with a pair of balances saying a measure of wheat for a penny, three measures barley for a penny, see thou hurt not the oil (intervening anointing) and wine, (intervening renewal), 

[Donald Trump Threatens to 'Shoot Down and Destroy' Iran Ships Amid Tensions in Persian Gulf] https://va.topbuzz.com/al/smTkrh, the seeing 1998, revisited 2017 like a look in the mirror, the movies Body Snatcher to Freaky Friday of an Asian Invasion

-Been feeling strongly again about incoming, impacting China, the revisited (1998/2017) Arab into Asian Invasion US soil. So don't take your eyes off of China with Russia following, US States of Barbecue, commences.
-Presently refugee Americans like Tribulation Saints been given over to beast rule. This hearing Rev 17, Jan 12/13, (2019), whore and beast separated! Mean territory spirits that be are influencing US/Westerners enemies. Those shown nuclear, natural and NEO'S are to take Westerners out and bring plenty of fire. 
-These earth enders empowered by America's weight of blood guilt judgment, sentences are totally overpowering until Rev 18, Holy God say in one hour great whore Mystery Babylon America is no more. Plus you're okay as long as you're running, kinda blessed exodus right now, you know where, get to Briexit/Blaexit
-Any way, world war Iran/ISLAM that's been brewing since Bush's was declared, ONE ERROR, INTO A NEW FEAR FACTOR! New Fearfactor that when all the smoke clears and seeming a gazillion of them are dead and gone, Lion of Judah Jesus himself will be in world reign.
-Their's error Islam Clinton, Bush, Obama and Trump, all warmongering again designed One error into a new fearfactor, Jesus Millennium come upon two quarters earth inherit dead including the 50 million US deaths aligned to these named Presidents, including error Islam VP Binden and others pending; knowing, what kinda person should you be? Mat 24, Jesus says, running, don't let travel bans stall or stop you. Beware, God Is, AWARE! Apb

You Tube, FSS, WARNING: US ARMY SECOND WAVE IS COMING - PREPARE FOR 800 THOUSANDS LOST, https://youtu.be/qLOzL9iW1Mg, (the most recent world wide death toll I saw, March 9, (2020), that could be COVID-19, was a hard hitting hit and in my face, as a red alert of 69 million! Beware, Apb,  

Prophecy Links Fulfilling, seen to be seeing Jan (2003), fire from prison like a sword, target error Islam, Pres Bush/US soil, woe, woe and woe! Seem to be hearing during error Islam Pres Obama,  Jan (2015), 99  bowls of molten lava; seem to be seeing during error Islam Pres Trump, Jan 13, (2019),  a hand write on a wall, 99 bowls of molten verses a hand writing clumsily, Aug 7th Thru 30/31st (2019)! ESCAPE 101 YELLOWSTONE'S, knowing, what manner of westernized  refugees ought you to be? One Hint, RUNNING! You know where, Beware! Apb  

And these are the descendants of the beauty rescued from the hands of the beast: Beast Of Beauty Featuring King Bridegroom Berdan Colderion Donnerly and Queen Bride Chesney Bianca Craight

The Unending Love Antidote ...The African Juttah Genealogy, 1986-2016/2026/3036 The Tombola Genealogy, Holy, Temple, April, 17, 1986/2026/3036 into Infinity, God's Kingdom Reign From Heaven On Newly Replenished, Planet Earth

Unto Mitchell Davidson Donnerly and Astrid Mariah McPhearson, Whitehead was born a daughter, Madison Dovewhyn Donnerly, a god daughter, Mattingly Joliet Donnerly, and a son, Berdan Colderion Donnerly, Whitehead

Mark Scene, Genesis Marriage Worshipers, Noah's Ark, A Noah's Cousin, XVII and VII, A Matrix, LXXXV,

"Don't move please, please please until a question, you think El, El, it was always just like this, the amazing beginning of spring in the Garden of Eden with it's innocent, indescribable ever, tree of life it's center? Ah my god is Jesus, the wonderful smell of it, the sunlight and glow all it's seeming edible colors, dai, dai, the sound of life and living all around, even anxious blood penetrating. How are you even here, so you've stolen away again?" Hearing the emotions in his voice, walking up behind his sitting the bench, back to her, soon the feel of a kiss to soft, brownish, golden locks, along his sweet, sweet forward, of eyes cutting up to see at long last, his lady love. "I stole away yes, sorta anyway, so your parents are yet so unforgiving? You smell so good, feel just wonderful, ah, how I've longed and needed this, needed you, I dare, dare ask beloved, how long this time? My unforgiving parents are in the Nigerian Parental Juttah, I don't understand," cutting those pierce by the sunlight, His Nicholas Edin father green to blue eyes at her coming right around, sitting his side, just this stunning, curious, precious thing. "Stop cunning me, if they're, there Chodne,, how are you here? It would seem, the divine intervention of informing, Juttah, Paris Globe I'm your prenuptial, ah my god is god, you're telling me we're together forever? I am, don't rush me or break me, dai, dai, put, put, put me down, you of all people know how strict the tribunal nuptial, prenuptial dorms! I know, I know yes, okay, okay, I'm calming, tissues, tissues, ah tell me, I do have tissues, I knew how exited and explosive you'd get. Do you know how miraculous, yes, as miraculous, as our spring garden right now, even more dai, dai, I still don't believe it, who could've ever persuaded your parents? My Christ, I can just eat these candied braids right up, no you can't, you know how many hours I sit to get my hair like this, and to answer your question, I'm thinking only your Sia Mom could've persuaded them, is that Chodne what you heard or your own assessment? Or like you El Shaddai I'm just asking, who else? >>>"Yeah I heard what she described about David Muir saying ambulances were everywhere, but heard a guy myself say all he hear now-a- days are sirens.  Just as she saw (2008/2009), when she saw those Rev 13, two beast rise, then leave an outbreak of ambulances US soil, she also much later Obama's (2015/2016), witnessed an outbreak of states of emergencies, especially, those New England to the Eastern Seaboard, remember that? There's no where to run but closets, knees, prayer, as to get to  blessed ascension, don't doubt it anymore, not for long, but you're soon see it.  I'm talking Olsteen to West assemblies and ALL OTHERS leading you from entry doors, to those voting booths now pound into Jesus repentant altars and with 101 Yellowstone's their burning, red heels, handling them a grab bag, a GPS map and instruction you into Georgia's Atlantic coast.  Soon reassuring you all else, get on to the next rest stops along the way, moving that wrapped around line on to the the next.   Sia Maaseiah seen their bumper to bumper  arrivals and right there, with  much there are your only righteous leads.  I'm guessing but it's Memphis Carter right? Actually his dressed in April 3/13/23 (2019), Red Alert, Boy, Memphis cousin Caden, ah, I see, blessed fruit don't fall far from the tree pf righteousness. This here Cay man my nearest best bud, Justice, he's second gen Juttah.  Still you say that Caden man, leading from church's entry way, I'm reminded of prophet Jeremiah being assigned to forewarn assemblies a spirit of jealousy wait at the entry doors, so there's confusion and every evil work.  Only presently Sia Justice your name, more like a demon dog, pit bull Anubis, the one Juttah Princess Ni be We, confessed seeing, sitting assemblies entry door, even ruled by an Egyptian Darius, right into you guys Jesus grand Maaseiah saying, Jesus drop kicking and throwing down money changers tables. Wait, wait, wait, there are no Egyptian Darius's, they're Pharaohs, this one was, but he was also Memphian, the one Jr Darius  who witnessed Hawaii's disaster leave into Memphis TN, children orphans, now imaging us discussing as we were, that reveal, right before COVID-19 hit targeting mostly parents and grand parents.  Look, Caden man how you got our newby just calculating, hey don't let Memphian, twist you up,  look we need remember also any mention of a volcanic apocalypse to 101 Yellowstone,  Anyway, that said reveal revisits decades ago the death bringer from beneath damater, not only under him is clock of years ticking us back to a 69th year, there's Christ cross, sidelined by sin, as a Jeremiah's lamenting from afar, now seeing HIS prophecies impacting as days end, now come.  I think I got it Memphis Caden man , Moses because of slavery was both Memphis Egypt and a Jerusalem Hebrew, if you Sia Justice say so, so is that, your reveal, the secret of Memphis and since  revisited Rev 12, (2013), being awarded three intervals of five more disasters? The secret of Memphis, what in the world are you saying, asking, now?"    >>>"Shaddai,.... Shaddai okay, okay, you're hurting my neck, how did you ever do it, how did you convince them? You know son that you're asking Lord Urusalem, obviously Shaddai, I offered that they take parental control of the Nigerian Juttah, no one else wanted it. You know how parental Juttah's are in the beginning stages, how intimidating and all, but I offered it to the Wilhelm's, did a conference, we went did a walk through, they're glad, the Nigerian are glad, they're getting their New Africa, Then Chodne, how did you, you know? I Shaddai beloved, just persuaded them how benefiting for her to enter into the Juttah Globe's nuptial, prenuptial dorms, that we Shaddai would watch over her like a precious treasure, then stunning as you are boy, you better not prove me wrong, now I can look forward to my four grands. Four how you, know all that, ah my god we're genealogy predestined aren't we? Ah my god Sia mom I could hug your neck so, you already have and I still feel it, I say again Shaddai, you better not prove me wrong, never Sia mom, never. Good, come, look, some of Nigeria's Juttah designs are here, they ask that I help, not realizing I've done nothing like this before, Here take this western section, you, Chodne, and your sibling Shaddai can see what y'all can do, plus it's challenging, fun and it'll keep you busy. I need ask Sia mom, this genealogy reveal? Yes feel free but if Chodne can't keep it, I think Shaddai she can, we're having four god children? Three, four, something like that, and Maha, Eylon you know there's as well? Whether I do or not you're never to know, you being such a tell a tale, ump, I hope that descriptor doesn't stick, you better get back, blessed day Sia mom and sweet sleep, you too beloved boy, you too, ah yeah Shaddai, don't forget to thank your father, his too was quite convincing, okay, surely I will " Why speak in parables? Be as aware as God Himself, Apb

Prophecy Links Fulfilling For Their Shall Be Signs In Heaven! The Star Wars I saw Jan 2019, I heard while sitting my bedroom, Jan 2013, Followed By Deafening Trumpet Sound! Beware, Apb

Revisited upon US soil, US elections, (2008-2016/2017-April 2, 2O19) Until April 2, (2026), be fulfilled!

-And he causeth all, both small and great, rich and poor, free and bond, to receive a mark in their right hand, or in their foreheads:
-And that no man might buy or sell, save he that had the mark, or the name of the beast, or the number of his name; Rev 13:16, 17

You Tube, IAF, C02 shortage threatens food and water supply, including beer, sodas
https://youtu.be/s4CwcUJ1CEU, (for months, year even I bern describing these shortages as Rev 6, 5-6, 3rd seal famine into the Antichrist Mark of the beast, for all exchanges. A black horse, as black death, with a pair of balances saying a measure of wheat for a penny, three measures barley for a penny, see thou hurt not the oil (intervening anointing) and wine, (intervening renewal), 

And they gathered them together to the place called in Hebrew, Armageddon. Rev 16:16

You Tube amtv, Christopher Green, Man sees vision from God, https://youtu.be/G3Pb_3ilTXY, does this Christopher speak to your and your revealer dream about project blue beams, see here, https://youtu.be/7-h5laJSzm8, YouTube, mrmbb333, UK woman amazed by 3 huge blue beams. This date April 17/18, (2020), is 40 days into a 40 day countdown I was given March 6/7, (2020). Actually, already over a year into an April 2, (2019), two weeks and 7 year timetable, go see what Trump and Kushner did it's two weeks in, April 16/17, (2019)! Beginning to fulfill, Dan 9:27 into Rev 11:1, 2 42 months and  Rev 13:5, 42 months, putting Jesus Millennium here by April 2, (2026), beware, Ez 38/39/Rev 17;16-18 God Is, AWARE, Apb

YouTube, mrmbb333, Almost Looked Otherworldly 👀 - Mystery by the Moon!

From when a child's fall, I have a triangle shape craft scar, which from a burn a generation later, Thankxs/Xmas ovens is joined by a blasting off earth scar! Beware, see here! https://littlemiyagirltopreppers2019.blogspot.com/2020/01/prophecy-links-fulfilling-go-and-get.html

You Tube amtv, Christopher Green, https://youtu.be/G3Pb_3ilTXY

And the great dragon was cast out, that old serpent, called the Devil, and Satan, which deceiveth the whole world: he was cast out into the earth, and his angels were cast out with him. Rev 12:9, 

And these are the descendants of the beauty rescued from the hands of the beast: Beast Of Beauty Featuring King Bridegroom Chelsea Jacob Cutterback and Queen Bride, Juliet Guinevere Lottsman, The Unending Love Antidote ...The African Juttah Genealogy, 1986-2016/2026/3036 The Tombola Genealogy, Holy, Temple, April, 17, 1986/2026/3036 into Infinity, God's Kingdom Reign From Heaven On Newly Replenished, Planet Earth
Unto Maximum, Mesure Cutterback and Cameron, Solange, Kattery was born triplet sons, Chelsea Jacob Cutterback, a god son Pinnacle Joseph Cutterback, a son Mattias Annika Cutterback, and a daughter Arianna Mercedes Cutterback Kattery
Mark Scene, Genesis Marriage Worshipers, Noah's Ark, A Noah's Cousin, XVII and VII, A Matrix, LXXXV,

"He won't say it but my brother Mercedes is in love with you, what are, tell me you know that, I have no idea what you're talking about, say it again, what? I love your accent, come on Elyon, don't you? What accent is that? Dai, dai, stop it, please, plus you know Mercedes is from Georgetown, Cayman island, what is with you? Chodne is here to stay indefinitely and i hardly sit still with news of it, I don't, while her parents are the African Juttah Nigeria assigned, she's instead the Juttah Globe like us, with me, How the, Sia Mom, and I'm just saying she can do the same Elyon for you and you know who beloved Shaddai, the you know who in that you know me, I'm not ready for that kinda responsibility, I'm barely thirteen, yes Mercedes as we all, but going on 30, only not like the movie, but spiritually being as aware as holy spirits themselves. I still can't believe she stayed without them, while Mercedes, we're prenuptial and want to be together until then, plus Chodne staying was apart of the Nigerian assignments. Actually they're asking for parental volunteers, could be your parents could join them and you stay with Juttah Globe as well. No, I doubt it, if my parents go I go, still, if Elyon we were entitled to marry, would you come to the Nigeria Parental Juttah, I mean it work either way, right, I go, you come, right? I'd not thought of that, you teary eyes, betraying brother, you thought of that? Wearing his honey, golden locks cut flat the shape of his stunning skin, eyes and face, Elyon like all the Saurus Coogan children was one of the most gorgeous on the planet, "Never you mind, what am I thinking? I just said I'm not ready, if you Mercedes were ready, would you ever reconsider me as your prenuptial? Surely El Shaddai these things are kept in secret, or all would come it's running, yes right, so I ask your discretion, if my parents would be the volunteer who would they dare see? Seeing you're up Mercedes, arms filled, all and hurrying along, I'll use the commy, get that information to you, thanks and good day, you two. Don't, don't look at me with tear filled eyes, you start playing now look how serious and even the more, when it's learned Grand Sia mom is giving favors to her Sia children, what favors? That Nigerian offer been on the boards for months, none want a Juttah in it's beginning stages, you Elyon know that and with the Juttah Wilhelm's showing themselves wise looking to create a board of parents, again ,so wise, I admit the thought of you brother that far from me, from Maha even is emotionally challenging, but they being Chodne's parents I'm sure we'll see each other often, so just whisk me off to Nigeria why don't you, only the enchantress Mercedes El Shaddai Machail is yet to say yes. it's clear again I won't speak to you until before night fall or bed, which ever comes first!  She gonna say yes, Elyon, I can just feel it, feel and hear this only 15 minutes older than me big brother, stay out of it, I mean it dai dai, stay out of it, what a mess you've made!' Why Speak In Parables? Beware, God, Is AWARE! Apb


    -A commenter here, apostle 5808, also Apb the RAM, seeing this shutting down the globe event Aug 5, (2019). As well saw it as a total freeze of everything, showing nothing screening HD, 5 G and social media but just this glaring. daunting word, disappeared, the Bride by Grace, West Rule by fiery judgments, which followed said global shutdown, 101 Yellowstone's worth.
-Now according to all category, scientific specialists a world blackout would in a year  kill off 90% of the world's populace.. Fret not, bible prophecy put this amount, including Armageddon's dead, at two quarters earth's inherits now in the 7 to 8 billions. 
-Fright night is,a April 2, timetable, means two weeks and 7 years into April 2, 2026, could arrive us Jesus millennia, so already a year in and counting
 Faithfully with Pres Trump's two weeks in April 16/17, (2019), middle eastern deal of the century, broadcasting. Truly beginning said countdown into the last days abomination that make all we treasure desolate, hence the mystery woman carrying black bowls, but offered up mansions in heaven.
-Do any of you want to calculate how many people, seeming in the order as they by the Genesis come. One blood lineage, skin colors red, tan/brown, black, yellow, into those pale and redhead. Still for two quarters it's pence, its weight of blood guilt. What remains clear, biblically, scripturally hundreds of millions will die before Jesus millennium possible April 2026, arrival.
- Like I explained to Beyonce a day past and Kanye West a year back until Jesus Olivet return. You'll see tens of millions of potential tribulation saints John saw arrive into Holy Father/Jesus bosom are being targeted as to be driven into Jordan's Sela (Petra) and, or Georgia's/ Africa's Atlantic. Eze /Rev God commanded, sword like syringes carrying reapers are targeting by mass disasters, one strike the telling heart all other transit, beware Gen thru Rev Holy God Is AWARE! Apb

And he, Jesus, said unto them, I beheld Satan as lightning fall from heaven. Lk 10:18
-Woe to the inhabiters of the earth and of the sea! for the devil is come down unto you, having great wrath, because he knoweth that he hath but a short time. Rev 12:12b

YouTube, Christopher Green,  Sin Of Perdition Here,https://youtu.be/5de_OKB7QHI

     -I testified Christopher many times of seeing Jan 20, Rev 12 Michael battling a star wars in heavens hearing Michael is setting his all around. I also received the letter by letter forming of the word Thousands and the written correct spelling of the territory Los Angeles and questioned was it lost or fallen angels, see Rev 12, is about the war in heaven, Michael's army fought, Satan as Red Dragon fought and a third of mutineering of heaven's host, referred to as stars, hence star war, fought and were cast down to the planet, where we get our third woe, say as the Lord Luke 18, Woe unto the inhabitants of the earth.
-This phenom star wars being presently revisited into fulfillment. I questioned whether it was instead a legion of falling angels. See in the media not long after this fantastical reveal seems a plethora of lightning strikes so plentiful fired up the skies a Los Angeles airport had problems enough one flight had to return, with others for a time grounded.
-There wasn't long after that I forewarn something up there was interfering with air traffic, until by Nov, Dec 24/25, 2019, I had a dream, being in the pilot seat, about this tampering with autopilots causing crashes. Until by Jan 22/23, (2020), come many others crashes, even a US military crash.
-Though especially come NBA Kobe Bryant 's crash, you see a hour or so prior Christopher. I begin to see, hear and know the naming and ordaining of those ten, last, mostly Islamic Kings, understand, from which the Antichrist will rise.
-But first as I heard (Jan 12/13), (2017, 2018, 2019 and. Jan 9 2020), Until too, its (Jan 12/13), be fulfilled. Come to reign, as surely as Trump's Whitehouse, only whore and beast now (Jan 12/13, 2019), declared whore and beast separated! Even see UK's Feb 21, (2016), Brexit/Briexit/Blaexit.
-Easily this Dan 7/Rev 17, seven headed, seven horns, ten crown beast soon orders all Babylon America's enemies. Those great beast victories shown nuclear, natural and NEO'S. Rightly, are to come like a Noah's flood US/Western soil bringing nuclear, solar and molten fire enough to burn and barbecue all Rev 17/18, great whore, Free World, cities.
-Fright night is, according to prophetic scriptures Jer 37:8, Eze 5/38, 39/Dan 9:27 and Rev 17:16-18, even (2016) US Presidential campaign Trump and Pence were aligned to great beast Gog and Magog, and 50 million US deaths! Holy God is totally aware the spiritual warfare God's Kingdom vs Satan's Legions over the Genesis man, marriage, extinction to divine intervention.
-Know also, until Jesus sat His Feet upon mount Olivet, our most proficient prayer and praise, blessed is he who cometh in the name of the Lord! All such earth ending warmongering commences into Meggdio, the battle of Armageddon,
-This final star wars to great battle of all battles, were hundreds of millions of world nations military will die. Have its for 7 months burial in Hamon-gog, then after the thousands of years are finished! Come again, the Great White Throne Judgment and have their place in the lake which burns with fire!
-Beware, even the Bride reigning in heaven prepped and tossed down the stone made without hands. Seem itself to have a meteor surface, finishing them all into dust and wind, called in my hearing, the Antichrist murderer; like King David, all warring and sparing with God's prophesied will, vanity, a reaching for the wind! Beware, Gen thru Rev God Is Aware! Apb

Prophecy Links Fulfilling, only minutes into Jan 12/13, (2017), Rev 17, Hearing, "One Hour With The Beast"

-YouTube, Christopher Green, Man sees vision, https://youtu.be/G3Pb_3ilTXY, Son Of Perdition Here, https://youtu.be/5de_OKB7QHI, something I heard Christopher, the moment Palestine's' Abbas Dec 3/13/23, (2017), mentioned to threaten his eight leads, he and Nethanyau making up the ten end-time crowned heads; no wonder when your elephants of staying unaware saw this forewarn by Mat 24 Jesus, the abomination that maketh desolate come, they all stampeded, leaving the earth a shaky, shaky shelter since.

-Here, hear a greater mockery your slow motion exodus, Feb 13 (2020), I saw Noah's day Brides of going on like normal, seen with red tattered heels, awarded running shoes, so they too, runaway, come runaway Brides! Beware, Mat 24 Woman Seed/Godman Saying RUN/Rev 18, Holy God, saying HIS COME OUT! So Holy God's, are now known, only by their faithful running, you all now where! Beware, Elohim, Is AWARE! Apb

Jan 13, 2019, Whore and Beast Separated, Synchronizing All US?Westerners Nuclear, Solar and Molten Enemies!

-Though especially come NBA Kobe Bryant's fiery crash, you see a hour or so prior Christopher. I begin to see, hear and know the naming and ordaining of those ten, mostly Islamic Kings, understand, from which the Antichrist will rise, and desolate all, he was seen in this great prowess, Feb 12-29, (2015) but so was Bride seen reigning in heaven, prepping his stone from heaven, total demise. But first as I heard (Jan 12/13), (2017, 2018, 2019 and. Jan 9 2020), until too, its (Jan 12/13), be fulfilled.
-Come to reign, as surely as Trump's White House, only whore and beast now (Jan 12/13, 2019), declared whore and beast separated! Even see UK's Feb 21, (2016), now a Brexit, come Briexit/Blaexit. Easily this Dan 7/Rev 17, seven headed, seven horns, ten crown beast soon orders all Babylon America's enemies. Those great beast victories shown nuclear, natural and NEO'S. Rightly, are to come like a Noah's flood US/Western soil bringing nuclear, solar and molten fire enough to burn and barbecue all Rev 17/18, great whore, Free World, cities, tens of millions COVID-19 lock down's, will easily die!

Listening To Rescue, Lauren Daigle, https:/youtu.be/gYR0xP1j4PY

The Heathen Rage, and kings of the earth, they gathered them together to the place called in Hebrew, Armageddon, before the Aug 5, (2019), predicted, COVID-19 Global lock down God saw the millions of its military amassing in the middle east as this tug of war of all wars, tossed in His Own, killing event, standing it all still! Beware!

Article, NTEB, Pope Francis Anoints Emmanuel Macron To Take The Reins Of The New World Order

-See, we know what happens next, if Trump's two weeks into another two weeks and 7 year time table, (April 2/16/17, 2019-thru April 2/16/17 2026), indeed put us in Daniel 9:27, last week of years before Jesus millennium. This seen to be Jan/Feb 3/3/23, ( 2019) Alexander the Great/slash Hitlers Germany, hybrid, whose demons posed as German Shepherds, Anubis's, this man of prediction of them all. He'll pretend to be their special, god loving leaders, remember we're over a year in, the awarded 40 day countdown March 6, (2020), so right until those Daniel 9:27/Rev 11, 1, 2, 42 months intervals be fulfilled.
-Then this back stabbing Pres Trump's, Kushner' middle eastern deal, until Rev 13:5, 42 months also be fulfilled, stealing, killing and destroying as many of them as possible, reducing Daniel 7-8, Rev 13/17, ten crown kings to 7, ruling them, just as readily, setting his kingdom in Jerusalem, until he wipe everything Holy God's the Genesis man, marriage, Tribulation Christians to all religion, especially the Jews off this planet, now looking to exalt His Throne above the Throne of God.
-Thank God and pray always, the surreal sight of seeing a Rev 12, Michael battling a star wars overhead, said to be setting his all around. Sunlight come, all having breath praise Holy God who has instead set up his King Zion as of His Zech 14/Rev 19, Olivet return, just this Sunlight alone destroying all those rebellious Armageddon wars to those evils relentless star warring.
-Easily while the spiritual warfare of all spiritual is throwing down even the stars from heaven, as Abraham's Lot, you're by Rev Holies being taken either up to Jesus or where is blessed exodus planet earth, again, Jordan's Sela (Petra), or US/Canada's Georgia's/Africa's Atlantic, see, HIV/COVID-19, being only a first wave, Rev 6, 6th seal a 6th matrix, volcanic apocalypse is come, thus saith Rev 10, Mighty Angels, Jan 23-29, (2018), get it, get Jesus, get out, beware, Genesis thru Revelation God, Is, AWARE! Apb 

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Prophecy Links Fulfilling Nuclear January, 12 APOCALYPTIC FIRESTORM,2023 MASS Murderer Suicide On The Ris e,  https://photos.app.goo.gl/9dh4...