Saturday, April 18, 2020

A Contagion, Coronavirus That Kills Like HIV/HIV Has a 'Long Lost' Cousin: What You Should Know About This Virus

Prophecy Links Fulfilling

Article, Chris Hayes, (, (Like those Shows, Morning Joe, I wish all bedazzling political, media to social media tug Of reopening America right now, was infamously about how better to Evacuate America right now; seeing March 9, (2020), this up close, hard hitting and in my face, giant red alert, 69 million, now possibly COVID-19, dead! Apb

Even Volcanic Apocalypse Come, Hearing Tis Death People, Tis Death!
Rev 6, 6th seal, 6th Matrix,

     -Like an Austrian Article, May 8, (2018), Scientist are like saying COVID-19 destroys, kills like an airborne HIV-Aids, that's every being of human blood, dead, just speedier. So Holy God, Holy Jesus, we all, as the days of Noah's human extinction, where's our Escaping, Salvation Ark? Beware, God Is, AWARE! Apb

Article, [Top vaccine researcher: 'Virus is used in US to murder Black Americans in a genocide']< (prick me with a deadly virus, I'm your blood equal, shame on you, you're dead too only you're damned as well! Seen to be taken (2001), into a local lab, among those who're familiar, trustworthy, soon brought over to see what's brewing under the microscope. There's some flu pathogen that had the shape of a backward letter, only with deadlier environs this mass it's center, thus it's sufferers, near 200 years lost, also shaped their right hand into a backward letter C.  
-Unlike the Atomic bomb, this evil was being concocted by those we trust, I was to understand some old killer was being merged, forming a hybrid with a new killer instinct, even a new phenomena; last I heard (2012/2013), a disappointed, rebuke, "12 years without a pandemic!"  Even  since, some have conspired, that you see here, Article [CDC scientist found dead in Atlanta after mysterious disappearance likely drowned, police say,

Article, [White supremacists discussed using the coronavirus as a bioweapon, explosive internal document reveals

That's Too Much Like Terrorists Taking Credit For Something They Didn't Or Couldn't Have Done! 

-(2007/2017), Holy God's especially about abominable schools, Eze 9/Rev 14 command was clear, THRUST IN THY SICKLE AND REAP, KILL ALL PARENTS BY, FINISH ALL SCHOOLS, begin at my sanctuary. DR Fauci is right, killer viruses like SARS don't just disappear, they go dormant as to lie in wait, its most lethal killer instinct, evil men equal COVID-19/HIV, pneumonia! Now doing (2017), invasion of bloodletting peace, divine peace keepers endless arrival was indefinitely in the order of Latino, Black, White, though gender alternated, male to female to male; then, female to male to female, authentic ethnicity Latino, African, European, this synchronization never did change, NEVER DID!

ABC, David Muir saying, there're ambulances everywhere, others saying they hear nothing these days but sirens, see more here, www.whatifdday2014,, even the (2008/09) outbreak of ambulances and states of emergencies, even (2018-2020), come 101 Yellowstone's, forewarned, US States of Barbecue, (USB), how it's all ending prophetically and thank only Holy God, arriving Zech 14/Rev 19, King Zion to us, for it, BLESSED IS ELOHIM!
-Then during blessed The America's exodus, Spring (1986)/July (2002)-April (2026), all, again ALL, Eze 5, tardy stampeders got chased down, one strike the ONE telling heartblood!! All things unto fulfillment, Saith Angel Gabriel May 15, (2004), The Bride Taken And Return by a 7th Angel, by Jan 23, (2018), next I saw her present post- apocalypse, more now black bowls in hand, she's a maze of sin, a million man single water cooler, traps are being laid for children, recently backfiring on first born parents, grand parents, as beloved Jesus banging on heart's doors, she's yet offering up business cards for better earth homeless shelters, as mansions in heaven.
-Now Trump's 2020, Revisited April 15, Grand Opening Day; with pending, incoming, comic Atlas and comic Swan, just overhead a phenom firework display! Blessed Day, Fright night I witnessed both Bride by Amazing Grace, West Rule by fiery judgment, this simultaneous exit, skyrocketing skyward, one to return by Daniel week finale, a timetable of two weeks and 7 years, April 2, 2019-April 2, 2026, and one gone off planet, never, ever mention or seen again, got Blaexit and gone yet?

Prophecy Links, THE SKY IS FALLING! Genesis thru Revelation Book....

During the Bride's Escape, 1986/2015-2020, those left behind were warn beware of alien dangers from above! Beware! Rev 6, 6th seal/

You Tube Final Day's, More Meteor Impact,, we were warn

You Tube Mrmbb333, Possible Meteor Impact,, we were warn


WE WERE WARN! Apostle John Even Testified Seeing The Heavens I Like To say, Fold Back Like Prophet Jeremiah's, King Zechariah's Burning Forewarning Scrolls

And these are the descendants of the beauty rescued from the hands of the beast: Beast Of Beauty Featuring King Bridegroom, El Shaddai Machail Coogan Saurus and Queeen Bride Chodne Axil Wilhelm

The Unending Love Antidote ...The African Juttah Genealogy, 1986-2016/2026/3036

 The Tombola Genealogy, Holy, Temple, April, 17, 1986/2026/3036 into Infinity, God's Kingdom Reign From Heaven On Newly Replenished,  Planet Earth 

Unto King Bridegroom, Noah, Saxton Hissup and Queen Bride Marlyse Evelyn Goge was born twin sons, Kerniston Antonia Hissup, Kerianson Antontte Hissup and a god daughter, Ballerina Aldrey Hissup, Goge

Mark Scene, Genesis Marriage Worshipers, Noah's Ark, A Noah's Cousin, XVII and VII, A Matrix, LXXXV, 

"Hey, hey, you all hear about that early morning blast near Akure Nigeria; then right after grand Maaseiah and the Juttah Globe Tribunal. Like just gave El Shaddai's here, pre-nuptial Chodne parents, Sia's Wilhelm, Nigeria renewal as its parental Juttah assignments, how Ironic is that? That's not the first aunt Ni be we, I've heard grand Sia Maaseiah unintentionally mention names, places, people and things and soon there's breaking news about them. What, twice now since she again mention get as far as Savannah Georgia? Two weeks straight now, (2020), Easter outbreak as well, though left unharmed, it's been included in weather alerts tor-cons, that's what meteorologist call an estimation to what percentage there'd be extreme weather, with tornadoes. Hello Jr Darius son, only there's a Rev 12 Michael battling a starwars overhead helping blessed stampeders to their prescribed destination, where I remind Jan 13, (2018), Rev 2, Jesus offer of crowns of righteousness, await every well intended over-comer. Then believe Lamed son saying, you don't as Pharaoh drown armies want to get between Rev Holies and the crossing of those faithful refugees from Georgia's coast into the African Atlantic basin. Hear, hear, while I bang the tables, cheers all around, can I get rolling hallelujahs! We can do better father, son? With the choir here, we could do like the Pentatonix Hallelujah, noooo, yes, we been practicing for the up coming Tombola ceremony and wedding extravaganza,. Ah our Christ is King Zion, please let's hear it, so Lamed, Aleth, Daleth, Gimmel and grand Sia Triplets, we ready? We stay ready Sia, Dr Deburk! Why Speak In Parables? Beware, God Is, AWARE! Apb The RAM! See more Sia Dr. Deburk Reveals here,

Prophecy Links Fulfilling

Aug 5, I saw the word disappeared as frozen as, upon all HD, 5G and Social Media Screening; Aug 7, I watched as hand writes clumsily Escape Yellowstone! Aug 30/31, I heard as a partial News Report, " after 101 Yellowstone Eruptions, see a hyper eruption here Rev 6,  6th seal, now a 6th Jan 23, (2018), Matrix count, see, predicted since my (1996), a Yellowstone, hyper eruption, Apb

The Saying 7 Admins Now Including Trump's 50 Million Will Die 1998/99 into 2018/2019/2020!

Crucify My Christ, Jesus! All New Born's God's Tearing Eye Blink, Ascend Eternally!

     -First, all white supremacist to terrorist, bio-terrorist trace your bloodline back to Genesis Adam, red dirt, mud people here,; still, a weapon of White Supremacist, that target humanity one lifeblood, kill me, kill himself; I ascend for all eternity, he descend for all eternity. Though Dr Phil, Dr OZ even, a deep, deep deception, satanic oppression to demonic possession, WHY THE HEATHEN RAGE And TEENS COMMIT SUICIDE! Apostle THEY call me, even Church Bride, I don't think so. 
-Plus I seen and forecast Aug 5, 7. 30/31 into Sept 3/13, (2019), 101 Yellowstone's tearing and raining down crystal skies. I'm yet saying, tremendously followed a global shutdown as COVID-19 inhumane to lethal travel bans, those 101 Yellowstones come! So, The America's done, its barbecuing come, since Aug 13, (2008)/March 13/Oct, (2018), you're to RUN, Georgia's Atlantic coast, Africa's Atlantic, pending, TODAYS' SINGLE SALVATION
-Thus saith, Lot's Family by Psalm's Holies stampeding a  burning Sodom days, presently June 26/July 6, (2015),  Mat 24/Rev 17:18, Jesus, said RUN, don't look back or go back, newborns shall be taken and Rev 13, Antichrist overtake those who're left! Even So, Blessed Is He Who Cometh In The Name Of The Lord, Beware, God Is, AWARE! Apb, yet praying God's Kingdom come, see here,, how it's ALL ending prophetically, Apb

Prophecy Links Fulfilling

Thornews, 6.0 EQ in Mexico & Utah + New Comet Swan,

Article, [HIV Has a 'Long Lost' Cousin: What You Should Know About This Virus

Article, [Dr. Phil Downplays Pandemic, Claims 360,000 People Die Yearly In Swimming Pools], (it's said this swimming pool number is 3 thousand plus, with Dr. Oz see here,; saying we can live with 3 to 4% dead of 50 million schoolkids, so not counting the elderly dying in droves. Nor Trump's protected Easter day opening we now know in hindsight would've went so well. 
-According to Dr. OZ, the collateral damage of Trump's May grand opening could equal only a million to two million schoolchildren dead! Beware, Apb, see here,, why Jesus said from the beginning don't let none of them deceive you, like Satan, they're lying, murderers from the Genesis, Apb

Prophecy Links Fulfilling During the Bride's Escape, June 26/July 6/Sept 23/25, 2015-2020, those left behind were warn beware of alien dangers from above!

Jan 20, (2019), Seeing A Dan 9-12/Rev 9-12 Michael Battling A Star Wars Up There! Hearing Michael Is Setting His All Around! -Every time Christopher you show those sheets I laugh, it looks like one of my most active nights of getting reveals. Keeping a pen and paper near to keep in mind all of what it is I'm seeing, hearing. -When I told people hours before Kobe's crash, I was seeing the lifting of a charcoal arm and soon hearing.the mostly Islamic naming of the Dan 7, Rev 17 ten kings from which a Jan/Feb (2020), hybrid Alexander the great slash Adolf Hitler Antichrist has risen, whose Anubis demons, undertakers posed (2017) in the home as friendly house pets, now posed with the Antichrist as German Shepherds. -Dates, timetables, right before Obama Admin, I heard two weeks and 7 years, his and Trump July 2016 ended the Dan 12, dispensation of grace, allowing Eze 38/39/Rev 13 Beast Rule entry. Trump's April 2, (2019), I heard two weeks and 7 years. Two weeks in Trump made a middle eastern deal, offer. I further understand that places us in Dan 9:27, last week of years before Jesus millennium reign; meaning now less than 7 years two quarters of the earth will die, including Antichrist's Armageddon dead/DAMNED! -As predicted many millennia now, the end of the world come, ALL FIRST BORNS DIE! repent to Jesus or perish! So much so, weeks after hearing March 6, (2020) 40 more days, I come convince as 40 days followed Jesus resurrection into His ascension. Here was the countdown to the Brides escape, a year into April 2/16/17, Timetable (2020). Not realizing also said days were counting down to the Aug 5-7/30-31, (2019), standing the world still event, a subtraction of 190 years.Then to be followed Christopher by a extinction event so tremendous it was described as 101 Yellowstone's erupting enough to wipe planet earth from planet earth! Here pundit intended, welcome to Hojy Lord's Prophetic Fulfillment, Beware, God Is, Aware, Apb,, how it's ALL ending prophetically! Apb Prophecy Links Fulfilling -July (2002), There's a tremendous celebration in heaven cone Rev 7, silence In Heaven And Within An Eye's Blink I'm Standing Before A Mountain From Which A Sunlight Rise And Speak "Let My People Go!" You know where, the only blessed escape, Jordan's Sela (Petra) or Georgia's/Africa's Atlantic, beware, Apb

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Prophecy Links Fulfilling Nuclear January, 12 APOCALYPTIC FIRESTORM,2023 MASS Murderer Suicide On The Ris e,