Monday, April 20, 2020

July (2002), Let My People Go! Thus Saith A Sunlight, From A Mountain Both Reigning Gods Back Turn Throne!

Prophecy Links Fulfilling

During the Bride's Escape, 1986/2015-2020, those left behind were warn beware of alien dangers from above! Beware! Rev 6, 6th seal/

You Tube Final Day's, More Meteor Impact,, we were warn

You Tube Mrmbb333, Possible Meteor Impact,, we were warn


Prophecy Links, THE SKY IS FALLING! Genesis thru Revelation Book....

Article, Black Americans Face Alarming Rates of Coronavirus Infection in Some States, ((prick me with a deadly virus, I'm your blood equal, shame on you, you're dead too only you're damned as well! Seen to be taken (2001), into a local lab, among those who're familiar, trustworthy, soon brought over to see what's brewing under the microscope. There's some flu pathogen that had the shape of a backward letter, only with deadlier environs this mass it's center, thus it's sufferers, near 200 years lost, also shaped their right hand into a backward letter C.  
-Unlike the Atomic bomb, this evil was being concocted by those we trust, I was to understand some old killer was being merged, forming a hybrid with a new killer instinct, even a new phenomena; last I heard (2012/2013), a disappointed, rebuke, "12 years without a pandemic!"  Even  since, some have conspired, that you see here, Article [CDC scientist found dead in Atlanta after mysterious disappearance likely drowned, police say,

Article, [Experts give advice on how to care for coronavirus patients at home]

July (2002), Let My People Go! Thus Saith A Sunlight, From A Mountain Both Reigning Gods Back Turn Throne! Apb!

-There's this other thing Jesus said standing Olivet mound, over the city Jerusalem soon left without a stone upon another. When you shall see the abomination that maketh desolate, which COVID-19 and 101 Yellowstones is, flee!
-Those on the rooftop don't come into your houses, pray your flight isn't on a sabbath, the winter, pray for women with infant children. Clearly why I say lock downs are your enemies blessed escape can save you but not while you're saving America.
-Then Jesus start explaining the great gathering of saints, then He start saying how we're gonna return. Its Angel Gabriel May 15 (2004) describing both the Bride's exit and reentry by a I Thess 4/Rev 11, 7th Angel.
-Such those reveals all the entirety of my outreaching prophetic ministry decades now. Jesus was explaining obedience, faith and exodus were the only saving grace once you realize beast rule has taken planet earth. When you see this desolater, achieving anything temporal is no more, you're advancing toward immortality your own praying knees, hands and tongue.
-During the 2008/2009 US campaign I witnessed the rise of those two beast. One from land, one from sea, left a cup of trembling like now, ABC David Muir just exclaimed, an outbreak of ambulances in the land; a tug of Hussein petro wars. US Death tolls soared into heaven, revisiting now the Hussein\Obama's Memphis Dunlap street of America's Exodus.
-Here, seen pouring a sea of refugees into an African, Atlantic coast. Both the rise of ancient beast prophets of old into Revelation book foretold with the Saints blessed escape following, just as Mat 24 Jesus forewarn.
-Some ask why people don't want to believe in the first resurrection? The resurrection of the righteous dead mean God has by Jesus Christ set aside a Royal Priesthood. Despite how by the billions they've been martyred being God's favored and HE, THEIRS. Like THEIR CHRIST, THEYRE above and beyond any other eternal human being, THEIRS is blessed death, dying to ascend. Why to save our immortal souls Jesus said times like these we run Ps 91 Holies to Rev 12 Holies so to speak got out Red, stampeding Heels!
-Amazing Grace, well your religious political leaders were in a tug of war over same gender governments, social media, HOMES schools and churches another indication the world desolator, Antichrist was here, and Jesus was snatching his out, I've seen it, experienced it decades now.
-Righteous Judge God would strike with fury all His arsenal the chaotic heavens, the planet, heathen man and both natural to unnatural beast, as undertakers, Egypts Anubis. Coming a flood as Noah's day and Revelation book phenomena judgments for all star warring rebellious, evil.
-Know also during these evil hours my 11th grader who seen with her own eyes the cataclysmic end come. Instead texted and asked about North Korea's Christmas surprise, though her apostle grand mar, having seen Dec 29, (2019) THESE were Psalm to Rev Book Holies for years showing themselves here, US soil reveal. THEY themselves were in a running race instead to put Dec 24/25, (2001-2019), fiery doomsday Christmas Carol back on track. Leaving all US states, States of barbecue with their new normal actually getting to Georgia's/Atlantic coast as speedily as anti escape COVID-19, lock downs would plainly allow, so as Mat 24 Jesus verifies its repent, RUN or forfeit blessed death resurrection, ascension! Beware, Genesis thru Revelation Holy God Is, AWARE and now, so are hundreds of millions to billions of you, fright night, lights out into sub zero temperatures ! Beware, Apb

Prophecy Links Fulfilling

-Fret Not Dear Beyonce the Amazing Grace, the giving of HIS Only Son our Saviour Jesus, because HE so love us Pefer like HIM when we die, and die we must, evil men and righteous men will no longer co-exist, God's Kingdom come, a divine New World Order! Beware, as Christ Jesus' by blessed death we also ascend. Until then again your Kanye West coin it a Blaexit, commanded exodus, Africa's Atlantic escape, get it, get Jesus, get out! Beware, God Is, AWARE! Apb, see here,, how it's ALL ending prophetically, Apb

And these are the descendants of the beauty rescued from the hands of the beast: Beast Of Beauty Featuring King Bridegroom, Fallon Leopard Stonehenge and Queen Bride Aubrey Marietta Joyhouse 

The Unending Love Antidote ...The African Juttah Genealogy, 1986-2016/2026/3036

 The Tombola Genealogy, Holy, Temple, April, 17, 1986/2026/3036 into Infinity, God's Kingdom Reign From Heaven On Newly Replenished,  Planet Earth 

Unto Lakeside, Pier Swanson and Evolent de' Rossi, was born triplets sons, Aleph ben Jermaine Swanson, Daleth ben Jacob Swanson and Teth Iod Judah de' Rossi and a son, Lamed, Samech Swanson, de' Rossi

Mark Scene, Genesis Marriage Worshipers, Noah's Ark, A Noah's Cousin, XVII and VII, A Matrix, LXXXV, 

     "But you all have considered these back to back great deluge's are happening to the southeast Atlantic, breaking, setting records, because the US Mid West and Southwest, Midsouth are about to go up in molten flames? There was a time during such fires Grand Maaseiah did say she begin to notice, how instead the southeast blessed escape would always get these timely rains, remembering even a time California fires. They were toxifying the air world wide so tremendously youtube dutchsine suggested some it's US go as far southeast, for it's intended relief.  I wish he was during that right now, telling people to go southeast into Georgia's coast, apparently you Aleth saw his latest? Yes, inviting people to Yellowstone, talking about how amazing it is there, only that's like inviting some to abominable, detestable Sodom and Gomorrah.  During Abraham's Lot days, while holy angels are running he and his family out of their fiery end come. Then those welcomed all getting there in time for molten mother to erupt from beneath and cosmic father to toss and rain fires down from above, it's inescapable blazing inferno.  So Aleth are you all's grand Maaseiah right about him? Well she didn't chose him Macbeth, God did, meaning he got an as the days of Jonah and the whale event in his extremely near future.  You mean Lamath man other than her just predicted Aug (2019), standing the world still event, come HIV/COVID-19, with 101 Yellowstone's pending? Yeah, instead youtube's mrmbb333 is telling and showing us cosmic, seismic and magnetic activities are producing way beyond historic right, now, easily, easily enough all around energy to pull those 101 Yellowstone's she saw decades back, Then revisited ironically dutchsinse Aug 30, 31st (2019), birthday, pull again right from the molten earth and nothing planet earth can then stop the predicted 99 bowls of molten lava, indefinite, the end of their everything now here! Hey guys supposed what amtv Christopher Green saw was Jesus parked skyward as his Righteous Bride by the tens of millions shoot like fire rockets right up to Him, I thought Aleth girl none would see the rapture, no scripture says He come when the world lest suspects, that's easy, they don't suspect him, ever! That His Feet wouldn't touch earth, plus if you think about it, that's how grand, grand saw him over thirty rapture springs ago, plainly standing the heavens, prophet Malachi's predicted his arriving with healing wings stretched wide, saying three times to her, come up here, so what amtv saw, could as well be the Bride's escape chariot, wow, wow, wow, Aleth girl, wow! You all read Beyonce concerns over the order COVID-19 is taking black to brown people, only grand Maaseiah remind her this divine order is also the way they all come upon the planet. As written, from the Genesis, one now cursed blood, skins, his order, red, brown, black, yellow, pale and red headed, just genius, ah god just genius.  Could as well Gimmel man, revisit the backward running clock of years under the from molten earth, death rider, as in spinning all dispensations ever back to the Genesis hour, ah man Memphis Caden, I didn't see that, that make sense as well.  You all think that's why Kanye West cancelled his participating Olsteen's Easter Extravaganza, knowing better, Sia Maaseiah a year back having similar comments for him, now blesed is his designed Blaexit, I hope so Daleth man, like her NBA reveals, these are the people who influence millions, even billions, yes grand say they all come The Americas, as slaves, but like the Presidential Obama's, leave as those most influential this planet. So again speaking of amtv Christopher reveals, will something earth ending happen today into tomorrow at 1, something, he said? You mean Macbeth love as just predicted, something earth ending happen, the word disappeared left frozen as all HD 5G and social media screening, COVID-19 and the worst pending. So yes, as predicted, something equally earth ending can happen just as youtube amtv saw and blessedness for him if it does, but still Macbeth wife, is it the extinction event, that cataclysmically lift and disappeared the Bride off planet earth, and isn't that reveal arriving us right back to Aleth inquiry, is youtube amtv seeing the arriving Bride's chariot? Surely the beyond anything surreal ever or ever again, well beyond 
phenomena until Christ and HIS come riding on glistening white horses into Mount Olivet,, a mighty sunlight themselves against the yet firing, twilight heavens." why speak in parables? Beware, God is, AWARE! Apb  

Prophecy links Fulfilling

Article, ['This virus is killing black people at an alarming rate': Beyonce sends heartfelt message to public about coronavirus] WERE WARN!

     -A Stone from heaven just took out schools in Nigeria, with many incoming, is it the (2007/2019), STONE, commanded to be tossed at middle schools, Killing All Parents, finishing all schools?

-They're dying Beyonce in the order the Genesis Man/Marriage come red, black, brown, yellow, pale and redheaded. God's judgement, US weight of blood guilt isn't prejudice. See there's even a divine order here, what even your Kanye West deemed instead of a UK Brexit, to Bride's Briexit, a Blaexit, Georgia's/ Africa's Atlantic, escape!

-Before the predicted 69 million World Wide in COVID-19 deaths. God judging martyred blood, America's death toll aligned to ALL US leads from Clinton into Trump is set at 50 million, again set.
-Calculating by mega disasters Nuclear, Natural and NEOS, that's two intervals of 17 million each and one of 16 Million, we being one blood, so no particular skin color The American Dream/Westerners is exempt. I woke hearing get ye to repentant altars God is avenging martyred blood!
-The giving of HIS Holy Son our Saviour Jesus. HE so loves us and pefer like HIM when we die, and die we must, evil men and righteous men will no longer co-exist, God's Kingdom come, new heaven, earth/New JERUSALEM/New WHITE HOLY HOUSE; Beware, as Christ Jesus' by blessed death, we also ascend. Until then your Kanye West coin it a Blaexit, commanded exodus, Africa's Atlantic escape, come a slave leaving those most influential, beware, God Is, AWARE! Apb, see here,, how it's ALL ending prophetically, Apb

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