Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Just One Sweet Nano-Second,

Prophecy Links Fulfilling

Aug 5. (2019), I saw the word disappeared frozen on, as HD, 5G and Social. Media. Though why you can't shelter in place in Canada nor 49 of US 50 states, beware neither is Mexico, Central to South, America, nor the Caribbean, escapes! 
-Divine exception US Georgia's/Africa's coast clarify what I again saw Aug 7, (2019), as a hand barely wrote, Escape Yellowstone! Followed Aug 30/31, (2019), by a news report then saying, after 101 Yellowstone eruption, when one can end the planet!
.-Beware these forewarnings come from the one since( 2007/2017) forewarning, I heard Eze 9 reapers of God's judgments commanded to kill all parents by and finish all schools. Something HIV/COVID 19 has done to the most technological globe ever In a few months time! Beware, Genesis to Revelation Book, God Is AWARE! Apb, see here,
the horrid moment you realize you're caught those 101 Yellowstones! Beware, Apb

YouTube, FSS, Two Things Ti Do When Darkness Come,

2008/2019, Hearing, Asteroid Destroy Wisconsin To Middle Schools, All First Borns, Repent, Jesus Alone Is Blessed Death! Apb

Repent, Run, those were the only two sacrifices God accepted during Moses Hebrews exodus, presently blessed escape Jordan's Petra to Africa's Atlantic, beware and a Rev 12, Michael starwars overhead, Apb, even see here,

Prophecy Links Fulfilling 2007, the hearing the dying of schools is painful, someone go down to the middle school and cast a stone, ( see here,; hearing 2017, kill all parents by, finish all schools, see here, (The US just reported its deadliest day for coronavirus patients as states reopen, according to WHO
PUBLISHED SAT, MAY 2 202012:21 PM EDTUPDATED MON, MAY 4 20205:55 PM EDT,, (this is what Mat 24 Jesus mean saying let no man deceive you, the same government saying liberate yourselves; now saying 3000 a day death by June, (2020), when said US deaths are and will surpass that staggering toll within these May days. This forewarning from Apostle THEY call me who's been warning about surreal death tolls come US soil while Pres Bush was in office, right into Pres Trump taking office. Beware, Holy Elohim God isn't only aware of unforeseen abominations but is avenging it's weights of martyred blood, no first born's survives, get ye to repentant altars, be ye born again, Apb, The RAM

Prophecy Links Fulfilling

     -Getting the first of the 2020 year the blocking out the sky, single word, WEATHER;  hearing only weeks back "below sub-zero degree temperatures,' see more here, youtube,, Arctic Front Brings Snowfall & Freezing Temperatures - The Weather Channel Live Forecast - May 2020,, (kinda remind me of the worse volcanic eruption, ever, Tambora, year without a summer, but 101 it's type, Yellowstone's, that would be twilight planet without a summer ever again, well until Jesus the Sun/Sonlight of God, again sat His atop Mount Olivet, possibly until then, why since the for near three decades, America Atlantic coast into into Africa's Atlantic, exodus, don't walk, run! Apb

Prophecy Links Fulfilling     

Seen to be in a ginormous maze of sin, where I see not only F for Fornication, A for Abortion, LGBTQ and P for Pedophiler, traps being laid for school children but its damning reaping of seeing millions its shaky, shaky shelter in line awaiting a single water cooler, earth home to  inherits no more, beware, Holy God Is AWARE! Apb

     -And these are the descendants of the beauty rescued from the hands of the beast: Beast Of Beauty Featuring king Bridegroom Audran  Phelip Cauldron and Queen Bride, Mydaline, Asenath Newberry 

The Unending Love Antidote ...The African Juttah Genealogy, 1986-2016/2026/3036

The Tombola Genealogy, Holy, Temple, April, 17, 1986/2026/3036 into Infinity, God's Kingdom Reign

Unto Aiden Camillo Nalls and Tyscilla Cordero Jackson was born a son, Raden Jermaine Nalls, a son Hendricks Daughtry Nalls and a godson Taylor Danielle Nalls Jackson   

Mark Scene, Genesis Marriage Worshipers, XVII and VII, It's LXXXVI Matrix Count

     "Though not the backward letter C you guys see the medical staffer who shaped his hand into the letter C; maybe the backward letter C of pandemic represent COVID-19 as black death HIV Aids, reinvented into greater its vengeance, thus a prevailing backward to forward death bringer. Easily, because no matter if it HIV originated this monkey's origin same gender perversion introduced to all fornicating humans, a black pandemic, this human genome, contagion. Well someone asked when will schools reopened? Whereas I'm gathering it's possibly a million or more with comments and Ghost Horse, even Amirah how far we're a week away pre-COVID-19 of discussing a die off that target, to pinpoint mostly parents and grands, how the schools they want to re-opened to give a better feel of all goes back to normal, were conspired as these fiery judgments perfect delivery system? Yes, yes Preston man saying, infect one child, take out the family, a mother who lost hers, just posted, it can wipe out your entire family, just echoing grand Sia's relentless forewarning. I heard it said what world wide people fear more than COVID-19, is it's actually by the tens of thousands killing precious Americans, something they guessed no power has done, not even Almighty Elohim, God. Well grand Sia did say, when Holy God with Holies all around, come to her like Noah, especially like Lot's uncle Abraham, saying He's to destroy America, thinking like other's, that's impossible, she even laughed. Yet Waking hearing here, twenty plus years later, get ye to repentant altars God is avenging martyred blood! Rightly US's weight of reaping of its own deadly bloodletting plague upon earth's inherit, yeah we kept thinking Rev 14, Holy God, thrusting in gleaming sickle would used Russia, China, even commanded Asteroids to Yellowstone's are coming. Ah man, remember N. Korea's Christmas surprise? Nothing now in comparison to HIV/COVID-19, yeah, y'all remember grand seeing Dec 29, (2019), so 4 days after America, West Rule was to again be no more planet earth. There are Rev Holies, then predicting America's removal, presently in a running race to put the supposedly Nov/Dec 24/25, (2001-2019), Thankxs to Xmas fiery, doomsday Christmas Carol back on track. The hearing for a decade and a half, separate Britain and America into itty, bitty pieces, wipe Canada off the map, kill all parents by, finish all schools! Then to show March 9, (2020) on top of America's announced for 7 including Trump US Administrations, 50 million US dead another 69 million in COVID-19 world-wide death tolls. Yeah, yeah, yeah and just how many various countdowns are we in now? Ah my God, it's Memphis Carter, who else ask those kinda multi-questions, when you get back, well I guess y'all, when y'all get back? Actually Kier girl, just now, here we are thinking we'd have to come to Euphrates Parental Juttah and drag you back. No, missed Sia's all, Jr Darius took me, well us on one of those death-defying training missions of his and yeah, we ran back you Car man. You chicken and ran, back, but look who's with me Caden man, that's odd, I thought you followed me, of course you did. Still you guy's Memphis is right, there are plenty countdowns going on simultaneously, the intrepid dream count into those Matrix ten day counts, now eighty plus; Trump's 7 years of madness, also the April 2, (2019), Daniel final weeks fulfilling and right now, after counting down 40 days from March 6, 7, (2020) and emerging, April 16. 17, (2019), an entire world forever changed. Equally we're counting down 40 days from April 6/7 into it's May 15/16, (2020). Beware, only a predicted to pending cosmic, deadly display that revisits Angel Gabriel near two decades saying the Bride ascends with a 7th Angel and, and the Bride and West Rule seen by Grand Sia skyrocketing skyward simultaneously. Yeah Brandstone when the Americas is left as nothing but an all around coast to coast impact crater boiling and bubbling over of molten lava. Right, right, grand Sia see's it not only as damater vomiting up Hell enlarging itself top soil, but right into the W. Pacific Ring of Fire now stretched into the mid to North East Atlantic, so the Americas just lost all it's human inherit to ecological, economic, value, run, run, run! So tell us more Memphis Carter man about these death defying feats, can't twin man, it's not allowed, heck we weren't allowed. Jr Darius just doing the most, his being Africa's Juttah, Jr. Darius, though, though a mind to heart quaking dive into a supposedly simulated, again supposedly simulated Planet X space station, written all over it. Look, so Trump Daniel 4:4, 7 year madness, Oct 2018, count and His middle eastern deal April 2/16/17, 2019, 7 year count, y'all do know there's a plain deficit there? Yeah over a year but if you Audran man reconsider, it was after a year King Nebuchadnezzar was forewarn and found just as rebellious then said countdown started? So for Trump's that countdown began Oct 15, 25, 2019, but, but that Memphis would put April's 2, (2019), countdown like six months prior, okay, am I more confused? That mean Audren beloved Trump's Oct 2018, was until Oct 2019, yet pending when Grand Sia heard April 2, (2019), two weeks and 7 years, making only a six month deficit, well thanks Mydaline, Asenath dear, for clearing that up. See it this way, just as of April 2, (2019), for over a year, two months timetable is counting down Daniel final week, as in the Islamic/ Israeli/Antichrist, this final world wide rebellious reign into Armageddon. Then it is when Jesus Millennium descends, April 2, (2026). Only then Trump and his wake, like Oct 15/25, (2026), in a distant land to see it all biblically fulfilled yes and undoubtedly knowing, God alone rules over the kingdoms of men. Whereas its Ancient of days has chosen to set his own King Zion over all if it and for a thousand beyond imagining years, lifespan by COVID-19 recently shorten now grossly expanded, again, for hundreds of years. I'm off to help the wife with unpacking as promised, me too Car man, but I had to see you guy's first, so until tomorrow, blessed day, sweet sleep, you two Memphis man, the same. I didn't know King Nebuchadnezzar's madness award held off for a year, that's interesting, seeming the same grace passing over America's judgement day, only for near two decades. Clearly since Audren doll, allowing Bush, declared a new fear factor; Obama's, two weeks 7 years into grace period finale and Trump's, now middle eastern deal, 7 years until Daniel's finale. So three increments of two weeks and 7 year timetables, instead of two. Okay, still how Asenath? Because actually, Dec (2001) began the intrepid dream two weeks and 7 years countdown into Bush/Obama's (2008), our God is Christ Jesus, I didn't see that, I know darling man one of the perks of being a grand Sia. We gotta go, where, where are we going, and in such hurry? Didn't Brandy, Phe, King and Kier just tell us loud and clear where they're meeting the best of viewing Planet X incoming? Plus our picnic package await, you girl is such the temptress, good and you and your lickable, raspberry bosom just love it, shhhh, just how loud are you gonna say that!' >>>"I heard that was Carter's Memphis , the last thing she said, nothing gets her out of Memphis, but I told him, when 101 Yellowstone are snapping at your red, wedding, running heels, unable to kick against rebellion goes out speeding cars, car windows. Look at Jr Darius mom, she was right in the middle of it, right? Yeah, grand Darius describe her escape as piggy back riding the final of it's kind, the Aqua Juttah Hemingway. You see she being a Princess Juttah, bride in wedding, the Aqua Juttah was able to detour her and hers into the Septennial Juttah, then keep miraculously on with all other into Egypt's Nile. Of course if you're thinking, yes, as it's Moses day escape, you see though my uncle first Prince Silverton Nicholas and twenty-three other prized Sia's, of course plus an aqua of escapees were predestined. Unthinkably, physically to be ejected on foot, all it's trials reinvent Moses exact exodus, my mom, Princess Ni be wi and the seven she'd latched onto Georgia's to Africa crossover, actually now all my princes uncles, by Juttah marriages, they weren't included. Amazingly, still, she saved one marriage and again three for her and my two aunts, you know that's as Noah's arks saved four marriages? Honestly BFA, man, I didn't, not for a time, not until my grand Darius face lit all up with it's sweet reveal, and I tell y'all, there were some hallelujah's, dancing, marching all." >>>"The final days woman said they were spending billions to keep us from seeing this, Planet X solar systems incoming, perhaps Asenath love even trillions, but they wrestled not against flesh and blood but Holy, Ancients of days to the Holy Genesis man, marriage inherit, fulfilling all end days prophecies until this sky phenom right here, New Jerusalem descending. My lord, look at this, it can't be real but it is, just look at all it's fanaticism, look, I hope you guys don't mine we come in on your special getaway? I always say the more you guys, Audran, Asenath, and sis? It's fine, I was feeling guilty Ase, I didn't invite you two, wait, did you Kier say sis? I did, same dad, different mom and I'm just learning this? We King, man, we're just learning this, we didn't grow up together, so we've been estranged until now, just now getting to know one another, now all of us. You're right Blanstone, what beyond amazing all this is, just as Jesus said, this heaven, this earth passing away, and there shall be signs, ah my God, and there shall be signs, Jesus, I can't bare this, just take me, take us all! You know one sweet nano second Asenath that's said, just take us now Jesus, King here already experienced it and we're all gone up to it's phenom second heavens intercession, yeah just one sweet nano-second! Let's race to the red falls, red falls, I heard about those, are they really red? No, but the hue from incoming solar systems, like its Nibiru make them look red, blood red, you guys coming? Yes, call it, ready, get set, goooooo! Ah my god, and the waterfall ran red with blood, its not, take some in your hand, I'm not touching that, wow, what phenom lies behind Planet X Franchises. Here, see, in the hand its looks clear, smell, feel like water, so its the dark red hue. Come, come down,there's like a hot spring for a sauna bath, wow, are you serious? Come see, Aesnath come, go, I'm behind you." Why Speak In Parables? That you be aware of end days fulfilling, like spiritual warfare, as Mal 4, Winged Sonlight Of God, Himself, Apb

 Prophecy Links Fulfilling, seeing 2010, Eze 9. reapers, spin some in like a waltz and one strike the heart with swordlike syringes, they're no more planet earth! Apb

Article. [Young and middle-aged people, barely sick with covid-19, are dying of strokes,

[Article, [Joe Biden Says Ahmaud Arbery Was 'Killed in Cold Blood,' Family 'Deserve Justice... Now'], (Ah my God, I'm sorry, what, was the question? If they're such law abiding law men then why aren't they practicing citizens arrest on themselves? 

-Ah My God! These are people loved ones, with immortal souls you're gunning down over temporal treasures. How can love yours while killing someone else's? HOW?
-Ah my godly heart, Jesus come on, come on Jesus let's ascend to Rev 12, second heavens intercessions and get these final two 42 months intervals, of Daniels 7 horrible years, behind us by April 2, (2026), COME ON PRINCE OF PEACE! Beware, Apb


And Their Godless, Churchians Hearts Run Cold! Beware!

    -Wow, ex-Presidential hopeful Bernie Sanders took my comment word for word. This young man like so many others is dead because he's black, I didn't expect that. You know with the exception this young man would be alive and with his family. 

-That's if US gun laws hadn't permit those two now jail bates to be out playing vigilante in the first. They turn the gun laws on themselves yet, turn themselves in, reaping manslaughter sown?
 -During US election (2016), and why great judgements of Rev 14/18 God, won't let up, I advised you all pound guns, bombs, VOTING BOOTHS; the next wave of legaized fornication, Pedophiler homes, schools and churches into repentant altars.
-Until church leaders are getting you from the door, to altars to emergent grab bags, running shoes and directions into Georgia's Savanna coast. Only then are you pointing new hearts and running shoes toward the only two escapes Holy God will bless, Jordan's Petra or Africa's Atlantic.
-Like our Revelation Book Jesus, Apostle THEY call me I may not save my Memphians. But hearers and doers of this righteous Briexit to Blaexit won't have their names stricken out of the book of life. But are awarded the crown of life and if stampeding reapers strike your now godly hearts THEY'LL ascend you right up to Jesus. 
-You all know that's a new warning?Just as I saw when Eze 9 slayers run you down and you will run, predicted decades now, they catch you rebelling blessed transit; beware HIV/COVID-19 pandemic to anti-saints lockdowns now cause pop-up heart strokes. 
-Only in spiritual warfare these are commanded Eze 9 reaper,  bearing sword like syringes and one stroke your heart and holy lamb's blood the blessed crossover. Meaning you being medically induced count you also as having an underlying medical condition.
-So marvel not world-wide nursing homes are being slammed, followed by this world wealthiest nations. Says the one who've seen twice, acting as just another extinction event pharmaceutical end this nation and end this world; its abbort users plainly having forsaken God, worshiping the creature more, beware, Holy God Is, AWARE! Apb

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