But the fearful, (faithless), and unbelieving, (Churchians), and the abominable, and murderers, and whoremongers, and sorcerers, and idolaters, and all liars, shall have their part in the lake which burneth with fire and brimstone: which is the second death: which is the second death, why Jan 12/13, Rev 2 Perfect man Jesus can otherwise threaten cursed to die unrepentant whoremongers children with death, as in blessed death, they die, some, horribly as charcoaled children and parents these apocalyptic, volcanic inferno's, but those blessed to die, like their Christ Jesus THEY ascend, see more here, Rev 21
-Referencing Again sins of the flesh, this seeming precious new born, only it's supposed to be dead, (see Rom 1, 6); jointly, right into posing as friendly house pets, where also evil territorial spirits the Lion, once posing as Babylonian Empire, now Mystery Babylon America and the Leopard, once posing as The Grecian Empire now the Jan 12/13, 2020, Hybrid, Alexander The Great slash Hitler's Germany Antichrist, we did see, whose Anubis Undertakers as well posed as trusted German Shepherds.
-Is their any wonder Matthew 24 Jesus described it all as the abomination that maketh desolate? A spiritual warfare into Armageddon and you their primary holocaust to human genocide, that you instead run and by now, surely you know where."
-Just as US elections 2008/09, Senator Obama saying know his itinerary, know his heart; seen to be hanging out with Obama's again, last place visited before again the America's, was France, then weeks later, COVID-19 restricted to banned air travel. Apb
-Seen to be seeing Bush's 2003, a field to field build up of torture vehicles; soon hearing a US General, saying, "don't be alarmed men," Mede (Evil territorial spirits, over Medes and Persians Empire, "Is Very Dirty," (we wrestle not against flesh and blood, Eps 6:12-18! see also, https://phearsonreganachristmascarol.blogspot.com/2020/04/the-expositors-study-bible-jimmy.html, how it's ALL, ending prophetically, Apb
-Seen to be seeing Bush's 2003, a US General easily citing no contest with biblical fulfillment, hand his bloody war horse off to a once lamenting, prophet Jeremiah! Apb
Hand Writing On A Wall, (1998/99), Jer 37, 8, Now Too Many Wall Hand-writings To Count, including that wrote in red, Rom's 6, by's Christ's Crucifixion the crucifixion of the flesh. and I quote, 'man, (pulpits, mass assembly, THE AMERICAN DREAM), can't do this, (live sinless), only the Holy Spirit can do this," meaning also see Psalm 66:18/Rom 12:1, 2 ...Apb
Great Babylon, King Belshazzar's Forewarning, Handwriting, 538/39 BC And Only Prophet Daniel, (Belteshazzar) To Interpret
This is the interpretation of each word. MENE: God has numbered your kingdom, and finished it; TEKEL: You have been weighed in the balances, and found wanting; PERES: Your kingdom has been divided, and given to the Medes and Persians.” (End days Dan 7-9, Eze 38/39, Rev 11: 1,2, Rev 13/17, Islamic/Israeli/Antichrist reign, why doeth thou marvel? See more here, https://phearsonreganachristmascarol.blogspot.com/2020/04/the-expositors-study-bible-jimmy.html
Prophecy Links Fulfilling
Jan 12/13,( 2018), Memphis Son Crying The Downtown News Paper Bells Are Ringing, (DEATH TOLLS TALLYING, EVEN SKYWARD!)
-And these are the descendants of the beauty rescued from the hands of the beast: Beast Of Beauty Featuring king Bridegroom Marcello Vincente Nobrella and Queen Bride Arisole Avannah Lewy
The Tombola Genealogy, Holy, Temple, April, 17, 1986/2026/3036 into Infinity, God's Kingdom Reign
Unto Gustavo Dimetricks Alonaso and Chassis Seychelles Sundown was born a godson Goose Diametric Alonaso, a god daughter, Tennyson Avern Alonaso, a son Spiritheart Giannini Alonaso, Sundown
"We were also discussing before Sia Maaseiah predicted backward letter C pandemic, that Cauldron, during the (2001) Intrepid car reveal said pandemic was shown also as a towering beige horse, infested with fleas, indicating its enormity. This weight of blood guilt, that's Dan 5 right? Yes Goose, King Belshazzar, defiling and making mockery of Jewish, Holy temple sacraments, soon a visible hand to finger write on a wall, wait, wait, write on a wall, so that's where from her wall writing reveals originates? Yeah and which of those are most concerning? As far back as Clinton we're warn invincible enemies, despite various defeat, come to burn our cities and as recent as Trump's Jan 12/13, (2019), this hand write on a wall 99 bowls of molten lava. Lest Arisole dear you forget, the second wave to follow the Aug 5, (2019), global stand still, disappearing of two world overcomers, the Bride by grace, West Rule by fiery judgment. Too, was as a hand wrote this time, only illegible, just such theatrics, as barely to make out, Escape Yellowstone! No wonder Revelation book opens with blessed are hearers and doers, how can we feel, see, hear and know all as Holy God and not as His sheep, follow? Look, look, look, the moment you Marcello man said theatrics, I'm reminded how God used the Prophet Ezekiel in this manner, as telling of parables, but as, on a live stage. Often with real props, as himself, his physical body, even diet, like bread made of animal dung. These theatrics too were to demonstrate to them approaching great tribulations as enemy seizures, followed by famine, pestilence and death. Even at one time telling Ezekiel to scatter them, using his trimmed facial an example, how He'll send his sword after them, and there come's exile, so Ezekiel also forewarn by using what we today call, various compilations, good, telling catch, Justice man. Mene, Mene, Tekel, Upharsin, that was the writing and next grand know in their place, she's standing an intrepid travelers weigh station, a hospice type, only for measuring US/Westerners guilty blood. What's really amazing was how ignorant great to small religious leaders at America like other evil, whoring, warring empires, take its Britain to other nations had a measured by God blood guilt they'd sown to answer to; Eze 4 190 lbs worth, as 190 years a sudden subtraction and Rev 1:2 and Rev 11:5 this showing this earth ender to happen as soon as 190 months from Dec 24/25, (2001) be fulfilled. Then as soon as she heard US election year July 27, (2008/09), "two weeks and 7 years," she knew said calculations were accurate." Why Speak In Parables? Apb
Hearing April 2, (2019), so over a year in, "two weeks and 7 years," see two weeks in, April 16/17, (2019), again over a year in, breaking world news, Trump/Kushner,made better aware, middle Eastern deal, then see, mocked nations summits, Dan 9:27/Rev 17:16-18, Apb
Africa's Juttah Descendants, Continues
"So when Rev 2, Jesus come a descending Millennium into Rev 12 intercessions, both Obama's/Trump's July 27,( 2016). Then, Trump's Nov 24/25. (2017) and offered every Matrix 10 day count, presently, 85 countdown's into fiery doomsday, that the endurer of tribulation is granted the crown of life. Grand says to offset the beast mark, one, no question, you're straight to heaven and one, as so, no question, you're straight to hell; so, after Bride's missile like sent off, just as there are those pending Christ's, there are those pending Antichrist's. Here, but your special handkerchief beloved Samech? And who better loving wife Aleth to share it with? This here, Tombola extravaganza, I been, look, are grand, Sia's triplets coming out? I know El Shaddai with his Chodne, want to, they're so young, but even if so Lamed it'd be by more private quarters. Like before they're these grand ceremonies they're now as most here, Genesis, man, marriage, worshipers, then marching Hallelujahs Aleth sis, as Grand Sia would say!" >>>"No grand Maaseiah dear, I'm saying, Governor Kemp, reopening Georgia, in time to have both my sons, eldest daughters, come visiting Georgia, isn't a coincidence. Those two you know, whose birth years and annual birthdays are now with the most important reveals this Bride's blessed Briexit to Blaexit. One's birth year, Jan 20, (1993), Rev 12, star warring Michael revisited Trump's Jan 20, (2019). I woke it's morning knowing there was something wrong or was that something right with the sun? Her birthday year Maaseiah was when I realized I'd within the last seven years gone from a Mal 4, winged Jesus calling me skyward three times to being taken to heaven. Where I was hand off to the prophet, Elder Ezekiel, and shown behind three time, tested doors, whereas I mostly watched how the one loving girl you call the Sunlight of God, shift shapes into whatever this line upon line of end time harvesters are to become. I watched and heard them be washed and made clean, especially Maaseiah Adonai their hands, then Sunlight come as Eze 8, saw, as a surgeon, reaching into their chest and their in His Hand their old heart beat, until HE gave them a new heart, a heart of Jesus Christ. The grand, grand, heart of love of tribulation saints, during a demo of escape, I forewarn Holy Father to be careful of, lest like His Holy Christ, they too take his heart. Now with this other grand, her birthday is the year, Jan 12/13/2003, the first Bush Islamic wars were aligned to one error, a new fear factor and 50 million US deaths. Unthinkably, her birthday since, every Jan 12/13, 2017, I been telling and telling has been into it's Jan 9/12/13, (2020), an annual count down into Rev 17:16-18, great beast ordering those tens kings. Those ten kings you Sia Maaseiah heard start to be ordain Kobe's fiery crash morning, then they're ordered since (Jan 2017, into Jan 2020, now it's Jan 9, 12 and 13), so three perfect years America's, Westeners embolden, unstoppable enemies are commanded to take her cities and burn them with fire, obviously making all their's blessed escape. That holy scripture, Rev 17:16-18, reads, yes Maaseiah, Adonia, read it there for me, "and the ten horns which thou sawest upon the beast," (again those Maaseiah you heard begin to be ordain two years into Rev 10 Mighty Angel and Rev 17, 7th Angels, and instead loving girl we can't wait anymore to be where THEY are), "these shall hate the whore," (considered America, West Rule, ruling the people more than loving the them, freeing them into commanded exodus), "and (they) shall make her desolate and naked, and shall eat her flesh, and burn her with fire.'" (They too America, West Rule, reaping weight of blood guilt sown, have like Tribulation Saints, been given over to the Antichrist, Mat 24, Jesus, Maaseiah Adonai saying we flee! "For God hath put in their hearts to fulfill his will, and to agree, and give their kingdom unto the beast, until the words of God shall be fulfilled!" Yes, (April 2/16/17, 2026), Dan 9:27, last two intervals of 42 months, Trump's middle eastern peace accord just put us in and Maaaeiah dear, for over a year from April 2/16/17, (2019): And grand it says, "the woman which thou sawest is that great city, which reigneth over the kings of the earth," (which love, all holy and unholy spirits see and design as Mystery Babylon America. But, but grand, they're coming yes, but will they stay, will God keep them there? You Right Maaseiah, God, by their free will as before may allow them to return, but will your predicted to act right now those areas map, The Americas, commanded Asteroids to 101 Yellowstone's? That precious grand daughter is the question, I gotta go, I'm prepping Sunday dinner, bless you and bless my grand son in law Nicholas, alright grand, good evening, sweet sleep, yes, all the same, love you so much, love you Maaseiah Adonai, bye for now!" Why Speak In Parables? That you put on the whole armor of God and be aware of Spiritual Warfare as God Himself! Apb
Prophecy Links Fulfilling, The Eerie, Witnessed of Egypt Anubis Undertakers Everywhere, Even As Loving New Born's/House Pets Your Loving Homes, Fright Night, Hearing Like Fret Not, Tis Death People, Tis Death! Apb
Article, ['This virus spreads like wildfire': Mom-of-two whose entire family had COVID-19 admits they likely exposed dozens of other people unknowingly as she shares the lessons they learned from their 'harrowing' battle with the illness] https://va.topbuzz.com/al/sZxQpy
Article, [Trump Called Out To His Face After Blaming Obama For 'Broken' Coronavirus Tests] https://va.topbuzz.com/al/NMfspy
Comment,The Obama administration set up the White House National Security Council Directorate for Global Health Security and Biodefense to prepare for future pandemics like COVID-19.
Trump disbanded it. https://t.co/rFpYRElkWP, ( error Islam, Obama's, t's crossed, i's dotted, proof, truth, said, done! Apb
-And these are the descendants of the beauty rescued from the hands of the beast: Beast Of Beauty Featuring king Bridegroom Gustavo Dimetricks Alonaso and Queen Bride Chassis Seychelles Sundown
The Unending Love Antidote ...The African Juttah Genealogy, 1986-2016/2026/3036
The Tombola Genealogy, Holy, Temple, April, 17, 1986/2026/3036 into Infinity, God's Kingdom Reign
Unto Marcello Vincente Nobrella and Queen Bride Arisole Avannah Lewy was born a son, Hunter Prestwick Nobrella , a godson, Grey Owl, Seabrook Nobrella and a goddaughter, Mirisole Havana Nobrella, Lewy
"Yeah, but if all along the American Craton US/Canada states, down into it's southwest for as far as Texas, Tennessee Midsouth, where New Mexico as well is with a, active super eruption, up into US's Midwest, waiting with 101 world enders are already, the many counted lost, actually since January 2018, and perfect man Jesus, with a dangerous, perfect man pending, ask holy Lord Urusalam, would angels also ascend? The claiming before COVID-19, hit mostly first born parents and grandparents, grand Sia saying by Elohim's wrath can come, millions of Kobe's and daughter fiery deaths, so instantly these tens of millions are prophetic collateral damage. I mind you all, with into the eastern seaboard and New England, Canada's North east, all with underground molten activity also witnessed to heard to commanded to be wiped off the planet. These earth enders pending and unforeseen as COVID-19, judgments isn't just about America's, West Rule weight of blood guilt, but as world rule, the Holy Bride, it's time to exit the planet, Jan 23-29, (2018), Rev 10, Mighty Angels authentic forewarning, there is time no longer, even aligned Rev 17, 7th angel, seven vials, (bowls), are pending! Praise Holy God still, at lest the remnant of their sentenced weights of blood guilt are escaping either skyward to Jesus or with Rev 12, star warring Michael to Jordan's and Africa's, as Lot and family, this spared. Blessed escapees the ones grand Sia saying, Saints are dying only to ascend, described she witnessed them arrive from crossovers Jordan's/Georgia's/ Africa's, as far as John witnessing them come pouring and pouring a multicultural genesis, man marriage supper, washed and made White, by Jesus blood, now His Throne Bosom for all eons to come. The BFA files man, (see here, http://thejuttahseptennial15.blogspot.com/2015/02/juttah-septennial-vii.html; Rev 10, Mighty Angel grand Sia saw that Kobe's fiery crash revisited two years later, John described as having a little book once digested both sweet to bitter is presently, those facts, President Trump has America, the last world refugees frontier; indefinite, President Obama has Africa to southwest Africa, the final refugee frontier. Holy things are, again both sweet and bitter, is just as the ascending Bride has been assigned to Tribulation saints intercessions. Even Sia's all, knowing Jesus, Obama's, Trump's July 27, (2016), King Zion, Bridegroom Himself, partially descending Millennium was also to join Holy Queen Bride Lord Uruslaem into Rev 12, second heavens' intercessions, and how phenomenal. Clearly Pres Trump and his, Pres Obama and his, are all assigned with pending Tribulation Saints end days exodus into Georgia's Coast and crossover into Africa's Atlantic. Equally, proven to be evident, just as you two Beethoven Fifth Artz and second Prince Meshullam Kadesh were saying, I'm reminded of the movie, The Day After Tomorrow, where an American exodus was demonstrated into Mexico, but since predicted and proven to be evident, we know from Hawaii, to California to New Mexico super as into 101 Yellowstone, straightly we know none of The Americas will be spared to left with its shaky, shaky planet now tinkering on the edge of total collapse until Jesus again as promised and prophesied sat his feet atop Mount Olivet. Until then, like the days of Noah and Moses these area world map for God and Rev Holies, only knows Jordan and Southwest Africa's Atlantic are designed blessed escape, until as grand Sia say, the only obedience is repentance and exodus and Eze 9 grim reapers one strike the telling heart with those sword like syringes, target all transit else, she saw this, reapers stabbing stampeders hearts, and instantly they're over come, ascended but mostly being unrepentant and first born's still, they're descended. Yeah first Princess Ni be we, grand Sia described them as coming after entire families stampeding freshly breaking news and if captured they're spurn around, like in a dance, a waltz, seeing them raise into the air these swords that were actually syringes, this vulgar stab in the heart and 5% in to 15% US soil are no more, now with medical professors saying COVID-19 is causing sudden strokes in the youngest of it's victims, just as she saw. So is Governor Kemp being influenced by Rev 17, Holy God, to reopened the very state of end day exodus to crossover, I ask you, Ni be we, being stranded there at one time, you must know?I fear not comprehending God's ways, have left hundreds of millions of Americans vulnerable, thinking one is being targeted over the other when commanded earth enders are also husband Cobberson commanded to act without any prejudice,don't be no fool, all first born's perish!" Why Speak in parables? That you beware as God Himself, spiritual warfare to star wars into the final battle of Lucifer's mutiny gotten, Armageddon, is here! Beware, Apb
Prophecy Links Fulfilling
-Hearing 2017," kill all parents by, finish all schools;" but first was the hearing, "get ye to repentant altars, God is avenging martyred blood!" But who Believed this June 26, (2015/2017), report? Beware, Apb
Article, [Five nuns die from COVID-19 in the space of three weeks after virus sweeps through their Milwaukee convent] https://va.topbuzz.com/al/Zjkvmy
Prophecy Links Fulfilling
Ezekiel 9, Heard Holy God Command, "Slay Literally Old And Young And Begin At My Sanctuary!"
-So sad, but like parents shown as being homicidal toward their children, even dance moms called Nazi Moms. Grands were shown as those burying their grandchildren alive, they looking at one the other, grands pouring and pouring dirt. For example, according to their content, NBA California dreamer Kobe's children book deal, could've easily got them all killed!
-I'm thinking since twice now pharmaceuticals are shown as ending us all, perhaps where they're concern. Clearly aging to being made more vulnerable by medicaid itself, are the underlying medical conditions causing them to drop like flies, as one health provider described it, beware, Apb
Let My People Go! Saith Sunlight Of God With Healing WINGS/clouds, From A Mountain, God's Back Turn Throne! Apb
-President Trump said he's glad, plainly, having 101 Yellowstones biting at our heels, don't need China invasions on US soil, with Russia pending. So I am glad too Mr President, but I'd assessed in my heart if there'd been some shenanigans leaving N Korea Kim dead, you'd nothing to do with it.
-America's leads greatest error is there sweet dealings with Israel while mistreating Islam. What Holy, merciful God called during Bush's war one error and a new fearfactor. Then those invincible slayers forewarn during Clinton, Jer 37;8 come with fire from prisons to engulf Bush's, come bushfires ro US states of barbecue.
-Know also here come the saying for 7 US Admins, 50 million Americans, would die, that passed to Obama/ Clinton, a funeral reef that leaped into the sky. Then Trump and any other Whitehouse win, aligned to Gog and Magog, a nuclear fate and 50 million US dead. When said and done the purpose of Dan 4:4 madness curse is that iron men know God yet rules and give said rule to whom He Will, Israel or Islam.
Seen to seeing a new, White, Holy House descend from heaven, right into the Obama's, with Royal Bridegroom, Royal Bride and Royal Priesthood, all intact, so knowing? Apb
-No scripture to prophecy returning to God void, that's how I used Rev 11, 1, 2, predicted Saddam (Hussein), White House, world rule. Israel's courtyard lost to her neighboring Islam for 42 of the last 84 months this evil world; with Rev 13:5, Antichrist, taking the final 42, months.
-Understand, once from complete deletion by volcanic apocalypse US clarity rise, say from (April 2 2019 into April 2, 2026), it's into Jesus Christ's Millennium. Jesus who deemed them thieves and robbers, the US House, the US Election, even Anderson Cooper new born announcement; all as falsified as crystal skies truly kept by two Godzilla Beast, one an Egypt Sobek, now even they're in huge, fiery chunks, missiling down.
-Like the days of Moses mountain, fire from heaven, those Pharaohs, the Sunlight of God want repentance and mandatory exodus, Jordan's Petra and Georgia's/Africa's Atlantic, could be why mysteriously, the Antichrist doesn't seize Jordan. Just know Eze 9 reapers US/Western soil target all things else, all rebellious, all other transit.
-First, the cry get ye to repentant altars, God is avenging martyred blood, something Elohim haven't done world wide like now, since Noah's day! Second, the showing of the stampeding of the elephants of staying unaware, the loss of a handheld Memphis Carter.
-Fright night, peace days US soil over, theirs is 101 Yellowstones and 99 molten bowls of trembling, indefinitely. Beware, third, pre-COVID-19, Noah's day Brides of going on as normal, shown with red, torn heels, Plainly convinced, given white tennis shoes, told to run away; since CDC also suspended weddings of going on like normal! Be Aware As Holy God Himself, repent, RUN! You know where, Apb, The Rising Above Ministry, RAM,
Prophecy Links Fulfilling
Article, The Mandela Effect, Fearful Heavenly Signs and World War 3 - Predicted in 2009, https://beforeitsnews.com/prophecy/2020/04/the-mandela-effect-fearful-heavenly-signs-and-world-war-3-predicted-in-2009-2511204.html
And The Sunlight Of God Will Appear With Healing In His Wings; The Lord Himself (Who looked identical to Holy Father), Shall Ascend With A Shout!
-Though I've for thirty plus springs seen various forms of the great gathering of saints, the first was live. A ln early morn spring walk, a winged Jesus appearing in the heavens to me, arms stretch toward me, three times saying come.
-Still whether pre, mid to post rapture was a debate I stayed away from it; actually its an event that's to happen in a nano-second, who can know it? Jesus just told us what signs to look for and its final generation and season to be beware of, all those made aware like at present, even this generation, called a Noah's cousin, nuclear, natural and NEO'S.
-I mean, I was in my kitchen, not a dream, Holy Lord just start saying and I quote, "soon the (Church Bride), could be in heaven, looking down upon and praying for the Tribulation Saints as the Antichrist is given power to overcome them!" Do you know how long I'd shared this amazing reveal before I realized I wasn't only just described a pre-trib rapture but given its heavenward assignment of interceding Tribulation Saints?
-Actually reminding me of the demo I first prayed in an unknown tongue, I presently know, down from Rev 12, second heaven and how, phenomenal.
Honestly, I think as far back as Prophet Isaiah saying don't we know, the righteous are taken out of the evil to come? Also reassures a pre-trib rapture.
-Plus scripture does say we're not appointed to God's wrath, like punishing His Anointed during the trials of the rebellious is kinda like crucifying Jesus afresh. Jesus also suggested we pray the Father, who won't deny Him nor His, we're found worthy to escape end days trials.
-Know also, this Holy Jesus begin describing a form of rapture as he encourage some to run from the abomination of desolation come. Just as I revisited Aug 5, (2019), that by a cataclysmic event, standing the world still, holy Bride and unholy America/West Rule went off the planet simultaneously, one never seen or heard of again, knowing, beware, Holy Gen thru Rev God Is, AWARE! Apb, see here,
http://theresurrectionofmaaseiahadonai18.blogspot.com/2019/07/what-is-it-you-may-as-well-tell-me-you.html, how it's ALL, ending prophetically, Apb
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