Friday, May 1, 2020

Memphis Son Crying The Downtown News Paper Bells Are Ringing, (DEATH TOLLS TALLYING?)

Prophecy Links Fulfilling, 2008/09, Asteroid Destroy Wisconsin; 2018/2019/2020, 
"Destroy Wisconsin, Westminster," beware, Apb

Article, [Why the coronavirus may be killing more Americans than the government data says,

-Article, why does President Trump want our school childen dead? First there's an Eze 9 command all parents be killed, while Rev 2, Jesus promised to kill into middleschools childen with death, commanded an impacting stone, likewise. That's unless fornicating parents, yes A for Abortionist, LGBTQ and P for Pedophiler, as same gender perversion, except they all repent.
-President Trump is possessed with a one track goal, getting America, it's economy back to pre-COVID-19 speedy death tolls. As long as he's illuded to misconstrued this way as our own learned this lesson Ps 51, King David say, vain is the help of these rebellious to unholy men.
-Except an example, though they knew an outbreak of mortuary was coming none of our professionals. The normalcy bias they frequent, were ready along worse case scenarios as COVID-19 or any the like my decades predicted bioterrorism, backward letter pandemic.
-You can even say for generations of doomsday passovers just made those of the frreeword too vulnerable, their doomed work places to damned schools to students a perfect delivery system. What's it profit if you're the most powerful nation on the planet; that Kanye West was just declared a Billionaire;
-Evenly, that anti the Genesis Man, Marriage CNN Anderson, just come a father, that NBA Kobe Bryant was worth 500 million and mounting even upon he and his middle school daughter, fiery crash. All, all, all, vanity, if you're not only dead but scheduled to stand before the Great,White Throne, Judgment pending with immortal lakes of fires? ALL FIRST BORN AMERICANS, Earth's Inherits, sinners to suiciders, beware! The Genesis, Man/Marriage Of Only Procreating to for six millennia predestination, God's Will, Holy God Is AWARE! Apb

     -And these are the descendants of the beauty rescued from the hands of the beast: Beast Of Beauty Featuring King Bridegroom, Aiden Camillo Nalls and  Queen Bride Tyscilla Cordero Jackson 

The Unending Love Antidote ...The African Juttah Genealogy, 1986-2016/2026/3036

The Tombola Genealogy, Holy, Temple, April, 17, 1986/2026/3036 into Infinity, God's Kingdom Reign

Unto Gustavo Dimetricks Alonaso  and Chassis Seychelles Sundown was born a godson Goose Diametric Alonaso, a god daughter, Tennyson Avern  Alonaso, a son Spiritheart Giannini Alonaso, Sundown       

                     Mark Scene, Genesis Marriage Worshipers, XVII and VII

     "I think Chassis we know what it indicated and like Red Dragon at God's Wrath, tremble, like the US/BC, W. Pacific into the Midwest, everything southwest to TX Midsouth, leaving its Southeast tier, the US Area map. Clearly, what her YouTube dutchsinse calls the NEW, New Madrid are no more, what her two demos of interpreting Dutch indicates, with massive, flooding storms stampeding the rest from fiery apocalypse come. We were talking about it right before COVID-19, if from Hawaii leaves into Memphis orphans, what happened to the millions prior to Memphis New Madrid and actually beyond, even, how can school kids be targeted apart from parents? Grand Sia said the moment Jan 23, (2018), Rev 10, Mighty Angel said, beware, a lot of US states were already in post volcanic, apocalypse and nearing below sub zero degree tempts, it's volcanic winter! Now we know what ten days prior? Jan 12/13, (2018) Rev Holies foresaw as an imminent extinction event enough to snatch the Bride and Angels off skyward. Explaining why grim reapers are letting Anubis undertakers have at them, so treating how many US/BC States of barbecue and tens of millions its inherit as prophetic collateral damage.  Fight night with Eze 9 grim reapers one strike the heart onto the half of billion stampeding The Americas of refugees.  Hey Memphis man, don't be so cast down, I heard what your parents said, nothing will make them leave Memphis. But didn't Grand Sia see them delivered like Lot and Family as far away as Georgia's Savannah coast? The Eze 14:14, reminder by Grand Sia, great bible prophets to patriots can hardly by their own righteousness save themselves. Grand Sia saw her elder grands delivered Elmine man, her now stampeding, pending tribulation saints, elder grands.  The (2017), Eze 9, command as instead what happened to Lots disobedient wife is all parents die by, April 2, (2026). Whereas presently, again as in right now, that's 50 million worth US soil, not counting COVID-19 in two months 70 thousand US dead.  Fright night, that's with an estimated two thousand dying daily, calculate that the 8 months left (2020). Unquestionably, putting a new, lethal spin on grand Sia seeing January this (2020) year, the Sia's all, letter by letter forming of the word THOUSANDS.  Fight night but sweet and bitter both descents of Jesus's Millennium Reign, both Obama's, what's the secret of Memphis Dunlap (2010) and (2016). Though, America, West Rule is no more this planet, and she witnessed a New, White, Holy House descend, ah my God is Christ, Jesus, grand Sia, witnessed a New, White, Holy House descend,all it's Holy Royals intact! Revisited Pres Trump Gen 12/13, 12/13 (2019), THEY, Rev Holies made certain Lord Urusalem, notice by its percentage 5% into 15% US soil dead was as sealed a death toll as all biblically prophesied.  Amazing grace, blessed are those in the first resurrection yes, but blessed also are those in blessed Blaexit Jordan's Petra to Georgia's/Africa's Atlantic!" Why Speak In Parables? Be Aware Of Spiritual Warfare as Holy God, Himself, Apb, see more here,, how it's ALL, ending prophetically, Apb

Prophecy Links Fulfilling, Jan 12/13, (2018), Memphis Son Crying The Downtown News Paper Bells Are Ringing, (DEATH TOLLS TALLYING?)

[Article, Adam Schlesinger's girlfriend details his last moments before he died of COVID-19],
see more comments here,, how it's ALL ending prophetically, Apb

Article, [Nearly 70 dead in 'horrific' outbreak at veterans' home], (Mat 24 Jesus said during urgent as these days and times flight, pray for women with small children. Like Holy Elohim, l say all in care of the elderly or the dead, first pray them over to Jesus, instead, ascending those too vulnerable to run, skyward and gloriously move to the next,
-Praising, God singing, O death, where is thy sting? O grave, where is thy victory? The sting of death is sin; and the strength of sin is the law. But thanks be to God, which giveth us the victory through our Lord Jesus Christ…. Marching, shouting hallelujah! I say… even see, hear, John Starnes Midnight Cry,, again, Hallelujah, Apb

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Prophecy Links Fulfilling Nuclear January, 12 APOCALYPTIC FIRESTORM,2023 MASS Murderer Suicide On The Ris e,