Thursday, May 14, 2020

A Hand Writes Clumsily On Trump's Wall, ESCAPE YELLOWSTONE!

Prophecy Links Fulfilling, Like Clinton Bush (2003), US Death Tolls Obama/Clinton (2013), Soared Skyward Beware

Article, [Reopened Texas sees a surge in COVID-19 cases with 1,000 new daily infections over five consecutive days after state lifted lockdown measures two weeks ago]

Hearing 2004/05, The Antichrist Will Kill Millions Going Broke, All Financial Analyse Kick Against The Prick, (Repent), RUN, You Know Where, Or Perish!

Article, [More than 70 people in Wisconsin test positive for coronavitrus after admitting they attended a 'large gathering' in the state - around same time hundreds turned out for anti-lockdown protest]

Hearing 2004/05 Rev 14 God Said He Will Kill Millions! The Reaping Of Martyred Blood, Winepress of God stretching Hundreds Of Miles And Has No Boundaries, (Repent), RUN or Perish!

-I know those elephants of staying unaware began to stampede, counting from Thanksgiving/Black Friday, (2017) so Palestine's Abbas' Matx Dec 3/13/23, (2017). I mean your Noah's day Brides of going on like normal, then sudden apocalypse come, ran away, Matx, Feb 3/13/23, (2020). 

-Still I want to address a proverbial case, besides the elderly and some choice kids. Since more minorities across the nation and the planet are primarily COVID-19 targeted; crystal, does that emboldened the majority into thinking they're somehow more safe? 
-Just saying death tolls US soil post-March 9,( 2020), 69000, US soil reopened; so now 69 million, into its world-wide toll. See, the original for 7 US admins into Trump, 50 million easily mean this US triple threat nuclear, natural and NEOS may kill 17 million minorities, 17 million majority and 16 million otherwise only US's.
-Fright night, we're talking Ps 37, Isa 13 Eze 5 and Rev 6, 6th seal, that's no matter where you run and what evils you're running with, repent or perish, Gog and Magog also die, its burial place, Hamon-gog and during great white throne judgment, they're all tossed to lakes of fire, Satan, Beast, False Prophet, it's multimillions in bloodletting evil militia.
-When Mat 24 Jesus even began to explained earth ending cataclysms as all this and Dan 534 Angel Gabriel appeared our Msy 15, 2004, confirming all was unto fulfillment, Jesus said don't be deceived. Probably because as the days of Noah those clearly and for near a century of Ark building made aware were taken in sudden destruction.
-Sadly, so far like both COVID-19 pandemic and here, your, its grand reopenings and once more Trump's Liberate Gate is followed by sudden destruction. The Gospel of Jesus also said run, when you know such human extinction come, you know where, Jordan's Petra, Georgia/Africa's Atlantic.
-Amazing Grace is you have more than your life to lose, since first Adams fall, cursed flesh houses an immortal soul. You die and either descend to ascend, no not in random selection but whether those first born are now Jesus Christ's born again! Beware, Holy God Is, AWARE, Apb

Prophecy Links Fulfilling

-Seeing Aug 5, (2019), the word disappeared frozen as, on ALL, HD, 5G and Social Media, I described, a day as the earth stood still, scenario; seeing Jan 12/13, (2019), a hand write on a wall, 99 bowls of molten lava; seeing Aug 7, (2019), a hand write clumsily on a wall, ESCAPE YELLOWSTONE! 

-Hearing Aug 30, 31st (2019), a news report saying, after 101 Yellowstone Eruptions! Until by Sept 3 (2019), I revisited chunks of the crystal skies missiling down 
-Beware, Sept 13/23, (2019), I heard, shaky, shaky shelter, until prophetically earth's inhetit are suffering all the desolations of a man to earth ending pre to post-apocalypse! Beware, The Book Of Apocalypse, Holy God, Is AWARE! Apb

Prophecy Links Fulfilling

Hearing Trumps (2017), Inauguration 50 (million) will die; Hell Enlarges, Damather Vomit Up Itself, 99 bowls to 101 Yellowstone's, The Americas End, Why Die? Run, 🏃 Live!

Prophecy Links Fulfilling, (2007,) hearing, the dying  of schools is painful, go down to the middle schools and cast a stone; (2008), hearing, Asteroid Destroy Wisconsin (West Constantly sinning); (2017), the hearing, "kill all parents by, finish all schools!" Beware Genesis thru Revelation Holy God Is AWARE! Apb

     -Article [3 NY Child Deaths Linked to Rare COVID-Related Inflammatory Illness, At Least 73 Sick,,(possibly the curse of using reopenings as something other than repenting of even legalized whoredoms, this know also, the deal made with sinning parents and soon stampeding Hawaiians would be running in screaming panic trying to save theirs! 

    -Here was Jan 12/13, (2018), Jesus, designing them all riches to rags sickbeds and sleepovers, said warning was, if they didn't repent of even these legal evils, he would kill their children with death, with death oppose to parents dying and waking up forever damned. Now since there are actual marches nation and world wide to get back to pre-COVID-19, described the death rider from beneath reveal, so, over two decades now abominable, detestable lives, lands, schools, churches and money markets, beware, Apb

-[Reopened Texas sees a surge in COVID-19 cases with 1,000 new daily infections over five consecutive days after state lifted lockdown measures two weeks ago], (And These Are The Descendants Rescued From The Beast Marks, "I was doing my mom's hair, when she just disappeared from the chair, no damn ashes, no clothes nothing, just gone. I let out the loudest squeal ever, ever, I must have fainted, I woke a time later in a fetal position on the floor. Still searching room to room, I knew what'd happen, no body had to tell me, my mom had warn me for years. My ten year old brother and near 13 year old sister disappeared as well, in a be careful what you wish for, within a nano second I had a newly designed, five  bedroom, six bath luxury house all to myself.  Then I begin to hear it, the heart and ear piercing of it was there all the time, but just blocked out by my own heart gripping trauma. Now here it come a flooding inundation, the loudest sirens, panic, cries and crashes, it was like all people just as speedily went mad at the same time the Bride's speedy rapture, I was so terrified! I never cried prayed so hard and so long. Then with night come a barrage of gunfire, people killing themselves, killing their families or just killing for the fun of it, I didn't move, I laid the sofa, covered my head, and for days, I didn't move.  Soon estranged family members who like me couldn't hear my mom worth a burning damn began showing up. You know those who yet had old autos that work, like my uncle Reginald, had like a 60's plus hippy van and it was filled to the brim, I stuck around for a week or so, left a note.  Just saying, now y'all know,  that other friends and I were joining in Sia Maaseiah's predicted walk-a-thon into Georgia's coast, crossover into Africa's Atlantic,  find me there, and that's the last I saw or heard from them.  I mean we wonder why COVID=19 mostly target parents and grands, surely y'all notice how literally all our overseers, rich and poor, pastors, parents and politicians come absolutely worthless with or for good, to godly advice? I did Peton, I noticed, as soon as Pres Trump proved Daniel 4:4 madhouse was happening to him, to all rebellious, American dreaming, during a Noah's Cousin exodus. When he played it off suggesting people ingest and inject bleach products, my God, will this man ever do anything righteous? Did you all see how medical professionals said they got a slew of calls of people asking how legitimate was that suggestion? I read Emetre man, were some actually did try it, fearing dying by COVID-19, than simply dying, just an outbreak of madness as you say. Which also guys remind me, (2012/2013), doesn't it seem grand describing live events are as describing the events surrounding the rapture? Those as hearing outside her house a star warring in the heavens, hearing a trumpet sound so loud that could leave one deaf, then as she sit her bedroom; probably the chair months prior grand, grand dad just past to ascended, there's come into her bedroom, no, outside doors, no open windows, I mind you, but a suddenly, mighty rush of wind, those biblically born activities are all the happenings during the great gathering of saints, right? Yeah Jr Darius those of which she's experienced for decades now, yes Memphis man, but during various compilations, this was all live, like the live experience, spring rapture (1986). Soon she's outside a spring walk, when too look skyward, see the Christ of resurrection, Malachi predicted healing wings all, actually as the days of old appeared to her, Three times commissioned that she come, she even experienced how Jesus of resurrection to look upon was father God, an oddity she said she debated questioning scripture. Those saying Jesus himself would descend, not father God until years later remembering Jesus is God manifested in the flesh and Jesus once telling the disciples, seeing his appearance, was to see how Father God does, truly appear!"  Why speak in Parables? That You Beware As Holy God Himself, Apb, The RAM, see here,, how it's ALL, ending prophetically, Apb

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