Tuesday, May 12, 2020

The Mutant Back Letter C Pandemic, COVID-19

Prophecy Links Fulfilling, Seeing Jan 3/13/23, (2020), a hybrid Alexander The Great/Hitler's Germany Antichrist, whose Anubis demons posed as German Shepherds; so my inquiry, what's the secret of Germany? Apb

HAPPY MOTHER'S DAY,  send your gifts here, paypal.com, patriciabradford77@gmail.com

Article, [Bill Gates wants to require a coronavirus digital ID] https://va.topbuzz.com/al/xykZSy, (The Mark will knowingly be a choice between Jesus or temporal life, between damnation or goods and services; those who partake will know, Rev 13, he will cause them to take the mark as in persuade to convince them... yes stay away from all this and alike tech paving Beast Mark way, but, PARTAKERS, THEY WILL KNOW WHAT THEY'RE DOING OR THEY CAN'T BE HELD ACCOUNTABLE. Christ Cross is made available so you, Billions earth inherits is just not here these worse trials of all trials; revisiting Jan (2018), Rev 17, 7th Angel, bearing 7 bowls; even why Mystery woman the gignormous maze of sin Rev 16/17, alike bowls were now blacken; totally representing the worse trials of fiery apocalypse, ever or ever again! Beware, Apb

Article, [Trump abruptly ends briefing after contentious exchanges] https://va.topbuzz.com/al/pxmQSy

Commentor said, He#45 didn't have an answer that's why he Closed the press conference,you know each day he's bragging about how many test having been performed,!!Not a Word about all the Death's number's rising or all the people out of Work or all the people in food line's!!! Nope he never spoke at all about the way these things are hurting our Country,that's why#45 pull's the same Distraction each day😷🙏

Holy Bride, Lord Urusalem, THEY Entreat Me! Responded

-Or all the failures with the stimulus most in need didn't get, won't get and haven't gotten because the wealthy to elite banksters yet sabotaged it all. Still error Trump ponder his re-election during the most disastrous period as predicted UK/US/BC soil. US election pre (2016's), aligned to Gog and Magog, too should've been suspended and pounded like guns, bombs, money markets, trans to pedo lives, lands, schools and churches into repentant altars of Jesus Christ, this single guilty blood, redemption!
-Whereas all other ex's error Clinton, Bush to yet campaigning US Administration error Islam Trump/ Biden/ Obama/Clinton/Obama aligned to tens of millions of your deaths should work together salvaging Americas commanded exodus, with 101 Yellowstone's come, the only sacrifice GOD of ALL God's Will bless, again, is commanded exodus.
-Father God said He loves the world, used the Genesis woman seed alone, put on flesh, endured a bloody cross to save the man who once was lost, come a tester HIMSELF, SACRIFICE America/ OBAMA CARE is true love and authentic freedom, get it, get JESUS. get you and yours out, you know where.
-Mystery woman bearing more black bowls, offered mansions for all ascending into God's Throne! Lay up heart treasures in heaven instead of bloodletting and instantly reaping its weight of blood guilt sown as sudden destruction; we're told since June 26, (2017), Rev 6, 5th seal/Rev 14, God is avenging martyred, blood, all first born's die, why doeth thou marvel COVID-19 deadliest, pandemic?
-Who or what America have you died for lately? Those 80,000 plus and counting US COVID dead is a good start but only if you like Holy Father, suspend it all. Then as Mat 24 Jesus/Rev 18 God Of Wrath suggest, repent and RUN, you know where, Jan 20, (2019), Rev 12 star warring Michael oversee and meet you only those blessed escapes, Isa 16:1-5/Rev 12:6, Jordan's/MOSES Sela/Petra to Genesis Lot/Rev 17:14, Jesus Husband, Georgia's/Africa's Atlantic! Beware, Genesis thru Revelation God Is, AWARE! Apb,

Prophecy Links Fulfilling

     -"We Will Build An Ark," I Won't Chanting Senator Obama's US Campaign. Those Refugees Left Stranded Atop Trump And Sons High Rise Buildings; Those Refugees WItnessed Pour By Auto loads or from tattered wedding Heels to running shoes Into Georgia's Africa's Atlantic, Or Both?
-Long after finding myself July 27, (2002), a celebration in heaven, come a silence in heaven, come as God crying, like Apostle John in heaven. Right into a Sunlight from a Mountain, having a meteor surface God's Back Turn Throne commanding the exodus of all US's to earth's indentured inherit/SLAVES.
-Even during Senator Obama's campaign seeing American refugees pouring an Atlantic sea of them into Africa's coastal Islands. Perhaps including this entire night of a demo, amazing grace, bitter to sweet,
-Unquestionably, I'd wondered into its Heaven's Throne to world map trial of being with deliverer Moses. Oddly along the arduous trail the ancient of days famed Hebrews blessed exodus. This know also or like Noah's Ark, we wouldn't be again descending with King Zion, a Royal Priesthood.
-Miraculously, on to witness July 27, (2010), as a descending New Jerusalem to New, White Holy House, ALL ascending Royals, now Intact. Apostle I am just saying, with all reveals sealed also the biblical fact Rev 10, Mighty Angel, Ps 37:1-6/Rev 17, 7th Angel appearing, none prophesied can return to Sunlight Of Holy God, even HIS back turn Throne, void.
-Prayed your blessed Noah's, Nimrod's, (See Elon Musk, Bill Gates/ELITES), Lot to Moses days, blessed escape; Briexit to Blaexit; got Him, got Jesus and gone skyward or southeast to Southwest out of it, yet? Even sub zero degree temperatures are coming and I said, I don't wanna be here for that, nor those 101 Yellowstone's, you?
-Try increasing first-hand on UK/US/ BC, soil, Kobe and daughter fiery crash; NZ White Mountain Eruption to Australia's Bush fires. Rightly, least I forget predicted Dec 25, (2001)/Aug 5, (2019), world stopper, COVID-19, do all these deaths to disasters a multi-million fold. Surely Apostle/Prophet I Am, welcome you to my prophetic deathstyle 30 plus rapture spring, demos now, beware, Holy Father God Is AWARE! Apb, The RAM!

      -And these are the descendants of the beauty rescued from the hands of the beast: Beast Of Beauty Featuring King Bridegroom Marcello Vincente Nobrella and Queen Bride Arisole Avannah Lewy

 The Unending Love Antidote ...The African Juttah Genealogy, 1986-2016/2026/3036

The Tombola Genealogy, Holy, Temple, April, 17, 1986/2026/3036 into Infinity, God's Kingdom Reign

Unto Harrison Edward Markton and Mahaseiah Adonjiah Saurus, Cook was born twin, a son ShawdowLark Petra  Cook and a Daughter Medowlark Peton Cook, a son Fabian Emetre Bloomberg and a son Audran Phelip Cauldron    

     -Revelation 3:3, Remember therefore how thou hast received and heard, and hold fast, and repent. If therefore thou shalt not watch, I will come on thee as a thief, and thou shalt not know what hourI will come upon thee, Jesus Christ of Revelation, just think how phenomena and unprececdented these pomises, the seven churches of minor will become, to those given over to the Antichrist, Tribulation Saints, 
Mark Scene, Genesis Marriage Worshipers, XVII and VII, Matrix Count, LXXXVII

"So Maaseiah, you've had two back to back dreams since Mothers day, (May 10, 2020), as the prophesied hour now made flesh, one now include revisiting that ginormous maze of sin, only now of seeing church parishioners, even by choir leaders, fasten into pews, these as for schools kids, hidden traps? You know, I remember, said choir traps, they resembled as to be fasten into an infant seat, feeder, all, so he's one of them? No, sitting along side him, an outdoor gathering by my sister, prior, but, but you Maaseiah don't have a sisters, it was always rumored Nicholas I do, well we do, papa spending such time away, had another family, all rumored as I said. Anyway, this prophesied hour, maybe a bit aged, a reddish, brown beard maybe, what's clear, he's a ball of confusion, sorta as Moses to Jesus are portrayed their human will verses the will of their Holy Spirits. Sorta like God's Oracle I was like giving him advice, quoted a scripture or two, though I can't remember, what they were, then I woke from this maze of sin to church choirs now come traps for seeking Holy God, altars of repentance, refugees, I think Nicholas another indication Mat 24, Luke 21, Jesus, once you've runaway, don't go or look back, RUN! I wasn't going to l say anything about any of it, but why? One I'm just tired and something one of Grands daughters in-laws said to her, indicating Nicholas even knowing what she know, made aware I tell on a daily basis, if she was still in Memphis, she wouldn't be trying to get to Georgia either, again Nicholas Edin, knowing what Rev Holies and now she, they all know. Grand said she kinda laughed it off, not that surprised, it didn't really bother her until she digest it as a slap in the face of both billions righteous dead and dying, blessed exodus and Rev 12, second heaven intercessions of billions of more waking up not just dead but in eternal hell! Look at the time sweet hearted man, I to gotta run, thanks for lunch, so see you at the transit or home? Home, I'm going with Sye and Brad to assess New Africa Nigeria's, pending Juttah, okay ,kiss, kiss, stay, safe, see you tonight. My god, Pe'pe Saurus had a family on the side, but the kind of life style he lead, always MIA of sorts," {{{"hey Brad, yeah I'm on my way, had lunch with Maaseiah so I'm only moments away, hey you all hear about that meteor impact, see that crater and mass damage it left, Akure Nigeria? That's just as some sky watchers Brad been predicting to inundate earth area map the more we enter 2020 and Maaseiah's new April 2, (2019), two weeks and year timetable. Yeah Sye says good, keep it coming, that's some demolition we won't have to do, lol, I guess that's about right, seeing out of all its disaster Brad, this time, there was no lost of life. Well, Nickie, I'm reminded we're all warn before China's to Haiti's years back 9 plus quakes, to get out of these buildings, especially get our children, like now, out of schools to businesses, here's more the reasons why, the sweet I guess Nickie in COVID-19, pandemic, see you soon, yeah, almost there, bye"}}} >>> "But how is that mother different than making Abraham Father of all nations as making one of his inherit, Princes Sons, Hussein Obama this doomed world commanded exodus, of a deliverer? Isn't that what aunt Maaseiah has seen, I've repeatedly Fabian ask you not to call her that, even mom if she's grand dad daughter and his blood, she's our aunt, even why we're Africa's Juttah with him, and nothing you say can change it's blood lineage, only one can do that, Jesus Cross of redemption. Then too meaning it's time mother you let Audran know both of Father Abraham's ancient sons, Ismail and Issac, inherit has a religion that's Antichrist, both Judaism and Muhammad-ism, has for millennia rejected God's Christ, Jesus, Emanuel. You finished? Actually just as Jesus told religious leaders way back when, the scriptures they diligently search include their beloved father Abraham speaking of His coming. Then if they can't believe in Abraham prophesying his coming how can they then believe him, father Abraham's, and He, it's prophetic fulfillment? Mother, Audran and I, Shad and Meadow, all sit with our own cousins like Jr Darius, Ghost Horse and others and they have so ideal we're third generation kin, wake up mom, wake us up, set us free of such cursive denial and every evil work, to follow continuously."     >>>"I'm sorry Cass man, who said that? Grand Sia's mentioned and shared YouTube, mrmbb333, showed this comet swan, first our solar system with a tail millions of miles long, meaning whatever its like God's Kingdom come, new trajectory it's indefinite to infinite. What about this US Northwest to Canada Mother ship reveal, spanning it's US/BC area map over 500 miles wide? Actually frequenting those areas US/Canada West Pacific, it's Juan de Fuca no more and coming upon Yellowstone's 101 eruptions to added world apocalypse, again those US?BC area maps Rev 10, Mighty Angel and Rev 17, 7th Angel, John saw standing one foot the seas, one foot the earth. Grand Sia added, they're standing the US map, saying be as aware as those wiped out as far as the Midwest and the Eastern seaboard. I'm glad Shadow man you mention that, when I screen those of Sia Maaseiah's reveals, I think either after or just prior to New Madrid's area states also going and that's half of the continent is no more, that there's a break, right there. So in beware, listen up all, any feelings of normality, to calm to even euphoria in those areas map US/BC just mention is actually the as the unforeseen Noah's day sudden apocalypse, come; in other words the opposite is happening, taking you totally unaware, get out, get out now! Look I was in grand, grand Georgia's kitchen, she's complaining about it being so quiet, seer niece Ahmiya rushing in, happily saying, you think its quiet now wait three days from now, school will be officially out and I'll make plenty noise celebrating. I'm just saying out of the mouth of babes, 10 year old Ahmiya, having end days prophecies her own, completely oblivious yet is she saying today being May 12, (2020), a big quiet come predicted, a big quiet she's referencing, in three days as May 15, (2020), it's Midmay. Just saying sia's all, midMay 2020, only the most prophesied time of the year so far, even Trump's original COVID-19 lock downs re-opening was scheduled for Mid May. Only predicted to come, is when an inundation of alike Akure Nigeria meteorite impact are constantly, incoming, spaking fires everywhere, that made aware could Fabian man, be the raining down of chucks of the crystal skies she also saw, also revisited between Matrix's, Sept, 3/13/23 (2019). You do Fabian man know 16 years past that exact Mayday, ascended come Rev 17:14, Jesus husband, grand, grand Coogan birthday, Daniel 534, Grand Sia 2004, Angel Gabriel appeared saying all earth ending things Jesus mentions in Mat 24, Luke 21, is unto fulfillment, she's, as the Bride, she's going, coming with an as Jan 22-29, (2018), I Thess 4/Rev 11/17/ 7th Angel! Alright, so we have a 16th year, a revision of events 16 years past, as to happen by a 16th day, so also 666, right? How Memphis man you figure? Angel Gab, appeared. wait, wait, wait, everybody duck, did you Memphis just give Angel Gabriel a nickname? Angel Gabriel appeared 16 years past, Jesus partially descended (2016) and all Genesis to Revelation Holies are threatening these infinite earth changes a 16th mayday, and no, flesh and blood didn't reveal any of that gloriousness, but holy spirits, so another version of 666, even asking grand Sia's just hours ago, what's the secret of Germany to Hitlers Germany? What Shadow man about what Memphis Carter would call, the newest elephant in the room? Failed to mention, Obama is back, these last days to months just as Sia  Maaseiah predicted, even revisited, what? A month before and since COVID-19, something involving, France and something seen as now, Obama campaigning along a podium, only for Biden and not yet The Americas Exodus? Though Meadowlark, Memphis Carter being here and can speak for himself, you ask me, so, whatsoever, twin sis, Obama's, is indicative of Father Abraham's 12 princes beginning to reign, the ten of which grand Sia heard begin to be named, Kobe's fiery crash morning, also a revisit to Rev 10, Might Angel, Rev 17, 7th angels come saying no more doomsday pass overs and if that's not an indication it's time to get to Briexit to Blaexit, I don't know what is.  US soil, as in all Western Civilization, signaling nothing again would again be the same, and I do specify President Obama is as Islamic as he is American to European, a perfect, penance to redemption of any form of slavery, genealogy, repent and live, again RUN! Yep, Grand Sia Shadowlark always said Obama's is choosing to be or not to be, either a Prince of Egypt, (predicted Hussein White house) or it's alike Hebrew deliverer; what the Secret of Memphis? Pointing out, why holy spirit declared him, "the one," only people have since wondered which one? Evenly why Sia grand says his is an indefinite reign until Jesus who've shown her twice and again, doing Obama's world reign, demos, whereas during only that time, Jesus sat his feet atop Mount Olivet.  No doubt Shadowlark twin bro, the sight of seeing as far back as (2010), yet for a lost US soil alone of 15% it's earth inherit, even so a New White, Holy House descends, Holy Prince Of Peace, Holy City of Peace and it's peacemakers, the Royal Priesthood, all intact.  There she is Jr Darius I heard, she has by a demo stood also, Mt Olivet, Prophet Zechariah's 14, prophecy, I'm saying, there's something my mom said, her being a part of the Aqua Juttah Hemingway , even it's manifest. Whereas like before they magically appeared from Moses Egypt's Nile to an unknown mountaintop, like as written in scripture, a mount of Transfiguration, she always said this time, Lord Uruslaem was also there.  You all, Sia's do know they were all ejected from Aqua Juttah Hemingway into North Africa, again Egypt's Nile, this unforeseen trial, 14 in couples, as clueless as once ourselves mom said, sia's taking up the rear, and 14 in couples, as such this lead, and too many she said even going and coming it's middle parts. How though the skies above were beyond other worldly with fascinating sky phenom, some of the paths they travel come just as treacherous, she described one grand Sia, lead as your Jr Darius uncle, first Prince Silverton, Nicholas, and his Princes Torrance Allergra, I never forgot that stunning name. Seen also often visited from holy spirits to your other uncle, whose name mean something special, that's Meadow my uncle Meshullam Kadesh, name meaning, how across the entire planet and heavens above, all it's inherit,  reconcile, and be holy. The rear couple leads Meadow, were Sia Lakeside Pier Swanson and his Sia, Evolent de Rossi, supposedly of the house of Joseph's Potifar. Wow, didn't, ah, so, mother said, right until soon it's 40 days and nights of sometimes terrifying them it's duration, ended as I said atop a mountain of  hardly remembering of those being transferred over to Holy Ancients of days, only to awake injected into this, the Septennial Juttah, like it'd all been this long-lasting too fantastic to describe dreamscape. Yeah Meadowlark, Peton, I grew up hearing the same conflicting stories, but I never considered seeing Lord Uruaslem Olivet mountain top reveal, this latest mount of transfiguration, all it's  reversal, even it it's  knowing, she was seeing Jesus prophesied for the ancient King Zion come to reign and for a thousand years. Though it is then also, right there, this final time Abraham's tribes are saved by Olivet Mountain like Moses Red sea crossing anc perhaps Sia Maaseiah's Atlantic ocean crossing, instead spitting into a Graceland paradise, pathway of blessed escape, a final doomsday passover from pursuing millions Gog and Magog armies,  Yes yes, and there, Prophet Zechariah begin describing the plague that will overwhelm them all, that sound like a nuclear attack, which we know the Sunlight, seen Reigning God's Back Turn Throne, coming in almighty power and glory, can be, right, right? Just be in second to third heaven watchinh it all from up there, just as grand Maaseiah also witnessed, and sure it  was no better it's horror, still Sia's all, Jesus suggested we pray the father, such a blessed, timely escape, hear, hear Darius Jr, hear, hear! Why Speak In Parables? For those heathen raging today, as those heathen raging the days of the prophets yet say, the Lord Eli Seeth Us Not, The Lord Eli, is ascended from the earth, beware, Holy God Is AWARE! Apb           

 Prophecy Links Fulfilling, Seeing May 15. 2004, Daniel 534 Angel Gabriel And Thinking Holy Father Yet So Desperate I Wasn't Happy When Soon This Hearing The Fulfillment Of ALL THINGS is Upon Mankind, She's Going, Coming With A 7th Angel So Mat 24/I Thess 416-18/I Cor,15:51-58/ Rev 11, 7th Angel

This know also May into Sept Are All Month's Revisit Various Demos Of The Church Bride's Fantastic Skyrocketing! Apb

Other Things These Lying, Murderers, They're Hiding , Making Endtimes Events Of Little To None Effect? Beware, Apb

YouTube, Skywatch, Big Chunk Of Yellowstone, The Size Of California Is Pulsating
https://youtu.be/k55O_kvNabM, (bless him, any and all volcanic apocalypse watchers; skywatch ends his harrowing find; by the way there's a lava bed found under Idaho 30 times a Yellowstone. Ironically come his assuring as a glance into the sky bringing serenity while damater bring a molten madness, of human extinction. 
-Though holy scripture does say look to the hills from whence cometh our help, our help come from the Lord, also see Rev 17:14; what I most remember when the Brides phenom chariot slowly meta-morph out of a sky high sunlight.  
-Still I thought to guess he hadn't read what Apostle John is described as a cocktail of earth ending events like prepped for escape mountains melting and the sky folding back like a King Zedekiah burning, forewarning scroll.
-Plainly hacking and cracking and raining down in huge shards until you see its two crystallized Godzilla like Beast, one as Egypt's Anubis, its Sobek. Fright night still, all following even one of it's events let alone 101 Yellowstones described a hyper eruption, ejecting 99 bowls of lava and all's left of The Americas is a magnetic manner of memorabilia one in a distant land hangs on a fridge. 
-Unstoppable, earth and men enders of which I began to forewarn skywatch mentioned USGS, (2015). Soon followed by a heads up that an Hawaiian event possibly a Volcanic Apocalypse US soil trigger will like COVID-19 world-wide, leave into Memphis New Madrid, orphans. 
-Yeah Yellowstone and The Americas Craton being inundated with active super eruptions from Hawaii into New England, the Caribbean are pretty much my Noah's flood, even designed a Noah's cousin, nuclear, natural and NEO'S/Nuclear, Solar and molten. 
-Fearfully with too many it's since (1996) death bringer from beneath, during Trump's Admin doomsday scenarios to speak of. So Apostle THEY call me, I'll just mention two more, one Jan 12/13, (2019), as a hand writing on a wall, those revisited 2015, 99 bowls of molten lava. Whereas by Aug 5,7 and 30/31 thru Sept 3/13/23, (2019).
-Relentlessly Rev 10 Mighty Angel, Rev 27, 7th Angel and I were warning much more like the video here I'd just gotten 5 or more references to a Yellowstone event. One was as the movie, forewarn, Keanu Reeves movies, "the day the earth stood still," only see COVID-19 as my (2001), backward letter C pandemic. Beware, another, the reminder Rev 6, 6th seal Volcanic Apocalypse was here.
-This sudden, world-wide apocalypse its own, disappeared was world rulers the Holy Bride/Holy Angels to Unholy America/West Rule. No doubt dead were tens of millions, but finally stampeding The Americas were over a half of billion. Knowingly with Jan 13, (2018), Rev 2 Jesus threatening riches to rags legalized whoredoms as Abortion and Same Gender Perversion.
-Here, to take the bride out a knowingly failed Hawaii inbound missile alert but if Hawaii is the trigger that leaves The America's a coast to coast impact crater as both Hell and the US W Pacific Ring of fire enlarging themselves as far as the Mid to North East Atlantic, see more here, http://theresurrectionofmaaseiahadonai18.blogspot.com/2019/07/what-is-it-you-may-as-well-tell-me-you.html
-Seeming, not only was Governor Kemp a marvel the speed of reopening Georgia, the America's exodus to crossover, not only did Damater seem to assist millions running with molten lava chomping at their red wedding heels. Pounding and pounding these escape areas with lots and lots of soothing of rain to oxygen. 
-Did you all hear tens of thousands have traveled tens of thousands of miles into Georgia the week its reopening but can we guess how many heard and were obeying the blessed Briexit to Blaexit Jordan's Petra to Georgia's/Africa's Atlantic of what they heard? Beware, Holy God Crying Blessed Are Hearers And Doers, Is AWARE! Apb

Prophecy Links Fulfilling, Like Clinton Bush (2003), US Death Tolls Obama/Clinton (2013), Soared Skyward Beware
Article, [More than 70 people in Wisconsin test positive for coronavitrus after admitting they attended a 'large gathering' in the state - around same time hundreds turned out for anti-lockdown protest]

Article, [Coronavirus will win. America needs to make a plan for failure] https://va.topbuzz.com/al/kdUfby

-Coronavirus will win. America needs to make a plan for failure.

and repentance and escape, do as Moses Hebrews did once a spirit of death got the best of it's overseers; heard God and Obeyed God; RUN! You know where!
-My explanation weeks back God haven't allowed tens of thousands dead here and hundreds of thousands world wide. Only to let world leader America return to whoring, stealing, killing and destroying. The Biden's to Obama's to Winfrey's can't help you unless they too are stampeding you; to altars of Jesus and Georgia's/Africa's Atlantic coast!
-During Mothers day morning I woke from a dream whereas the prophesied hour Rev 17:16-18, Rev 18:17-19, wasn't only here but manifested in the flesh. Whereas like Senator Obama US Elections 2008/09, standing a podium away. Here was the prophesied hour dinning only a table or so away; just say if UK's mixed new Dutch and Dutchess had a 30 plus year old son; see more here, 

-Unquestionably, now your children as predicted are beginning to be targeted. See, Jan 12/13, (2018), Rev. 2 Jesus revisited the threat upon riches to rags sickbeds and sleepovers to take sinners children by death except they repent. Even Kobe and daughter fiery death, revisited Jan 23-29, (2018), Rev 10 Mighty Angel saying no more doomsday passovers US soil.
-Surely take them rather than let you evildoers use described as traps abominable, detestable lives, lands, churches and schools to reproduce a revolving door of transgenders and pedophiler kids for generations to come. GOD IS NOT MOCKED, ALL FIRST BORNS DIE, REPENT, RUN OR PERISH BY THE SECOND DEATH, TRULY BLESSED ARE THOSE THE FIRST RESURRECTED! Beware, Holy God Is AWARE! Apb

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