Friday, June 26, 2020

Trumps Tweets frozen along the word disappeared, Holy Bride By Grace, West Rule by Fiery Judgment, As All HD, 5G and Social Media

Prophecy Links Fulfilling, The Rev 17:14, Jesus Husband In My Dream Here Thirty Rapture Spring Demos lost his battle with meso lung cancer Feb 22, 2012, now a date revisited since by Cameron's Brexit/Briexit/Blaexit, beware, Apb

What's The Secret Of The Rev 17:14, Jesus Husband Seen In Your Memphis Sickbeds, Jan 12/13, 2018? Even Rev 2, Jesus Just Then Asking Me Will Angels Also Ascend? Apb

Article, ['I'm leaving and I'm just not coming back': Fed up with racism, Black Americans head overseas]

Let My People Go! Said A Sunlight, From A Mountain, God's Back Turn Throne, Just Post The Rev 7, Silence In Heaven

"Kill All Parents By, Finish All Schools," Now We Know, By A New Two Weeks And 7 Year Timetable, April 2, 2019 thru April 2, 2026

-Brexit, Briexit or Blaexit, today June 26, 2020, with its July 6 to September 23/25, following. Five years ago, revisits waking and finding my Memphis grands gone and relocated to Savannah Georgia. 
-Oddly by their granddad who in my demos for over 30 years has been portrayed as a Rev 17:14. reigning Jesus Husband, Savior who star war together with his faithful saints; just as it was then said, there's something about Cameron, the pending Feb 22, 2016, Brexit. 
-Presently a choice between a Briexit world-wide skyward or a Blaexit US Southeast into Georgia Crossover into Southwest Africa. Odd is just as a Prince of Abraham/Islam, son of slaves, no not Moses, but a type, was campaigning for the US Whitehouse. 
-Then the demo was I woke chanting we would build an Ark! Because while I slept a tent, at the name Pat I was brought out by an African male soon showing me a sea of American refugess pouring into the Africa Island coast. Then July 27, (2008/09); now here 7 years Obama's last Admin passing into Trump said crossover was from no other US state but Georgia. 
-Thing is March 3, 2018, revisited its Oct 15, 2018, I walk into the kitchen, tell my now relocated to Georgia kids, now three years June 26, 2017, today's exact month, date, Jesus Husband escaped some to both Georgia and Heaven.
-I say, I just dreamed of inviting people from a barbecuing all 49 states into Georgia instead. From there past said responsibility, the American exodus to the African native male, whose now our Hemingway Street, Georgia's Landlord. 
-Decade's before the movie 2012, my 1986/2016/2026 work, stampeded the refugee world into Mother Africa's by transforming ARKS, cruise ships I called Aqua Juttahs, the extended grace design an ever terra forming, repopulating New Africa.
-Here's June 16/17, 2002, a meeting with Memphians with relocated Georgians down on all fours atop the old Arkansas bridge just revisited, (06/17/2020), then, 2002, a SUNLIGHT from a mountain God's back turn throne commanded as Moses day, let my people go!  Pretty much all world, technical systems great and small but especially, rebellious, whoring, bloodletting, West Rule, get it, get Jesus, get out! Be aware as Elohim God Himself, Apb

Prophecy Links Fulfilling

YouTube, Full Spectrum Survival, Red Alert Texas Is Falling,

Article, [Russia Vows to Back Venezuela in Fight Against 'Regime Change' by U.S.], (-Seeing a running race by Revelation Book Holies to put America's weight of blood guilt, judgment, sentence. Originally from Dec 24/25, 2001 thru 2019, as a fiery doomsday A Christmas Carol. Accept it, believe it or not tens of millions are perishing with a half of billion stampeding into Georgia's/ Africa's Atlantic; America, The Americas Continent Is fallen! Apb

Prophecy Links Fulfilling 

From Aug 5 into Sept 13, 2019, I'd gotten 5 refers to 101 Yellowstone Events, one as a hand wrote clumsily, Escape Yellowstone! Another like an extinction level event that left all HD, 5G and Social Media, including Trump's tweets, frozen on the word disappeared! Beware, Genesis thru Revelation Book, Holy Elohim God, Is, AWARE! Apb, see here,, how it's ALL ending prophetically, Apb

-And these are the descendants of the beauty rescued from the hands of the beast: Beast Of Beauty Featuring King Bridegroom Breedlove, Coleman Backler and Queen Bride Kamil Arielle Smyth

The Unending Love Antidote ...The African Juttah Genealogy, 1986-2016/2026/3036

The Tombola Genealogy, Holy, Temple, April, 17, 1986/2026/3036 into Infinity, God's Kingdom Reign

Unto Sawyer Winston Deburk, Artz and Danielle Kirtsen Gadson was born a son, Edison Blair Artz, a son, Patterson Bishop Artz and a god daughter, Bellazair  
Anielle Veneer, Artz, Gadson 

Mark Scene, Genesis Marriage Worshipers, XVII and VII, It's LXXXXI Matrix Count

     "Really, you leave a note with the hostess and just abandoned me, why didn't I see that about you? Wow, the Juttah Heliport is busy, almost like a holiday is come, I was just too mesmerized by what you told me, yeah that Kirst, knowing you before you're born, that had to be really, really mind-heart heavy, you don't just know me, you Sawyer know our future genealogy. How many are godchildren? Ah, uh, like most fifth gen African Juttah, our daughter is, but we have sons? I didn't go that far into it, plus I already feel guilty, I wanted to wait and we, you know Kirst, do this together. I'm going home to Ethiopia, Ethiopia, you're from the Parental Juttah, Ethiopia? I was only in the Septennial Juttah for the Tombola, so you didn't know that? I didn't, yeah now it's done, my parents are expecting me, so that's no Kirst to the African genealogy, we are now, meaning if I check again, it's all changed? It can do that? Yeah, as easy as we tug to and fro yeah it's not permanent until we're vowed, covenant all, even that up coming wedding extravaganza.  So about how many sibling do you have, can we sit, at least? There's five of us, you know, Niasyr, she's my older sister, yeah, ah, St Cloud's match, since you say, I see the likeness, yeah she carries father name, and I my grandmother's, the other three are younger. So you returning without your Tombola match, is not so good on your part? I mean I can return with you, no, don't break with your assignments, not, an assignment Kirst, we're volunteers, so I'm, you know, free. No, it's going to be taxing explaining what has happen, so am I seeing you again? I'll call you three days to let you know, three days, you do know that's like forever? Niasyr Veneer, as in specialist agent, head of Global Juttah, security, Me'sure Cullum, Veneer? I better go, my flight just went green, you know Kirst now that you're Tombola approved you too can visit our genealogy, ah, so, our genealogy? I gotta go, I know, I'm letting you Kirst, but only with a promise you keep me waiting in suspense only three days, so if father Jacob, can do two 7 year intervals, three days are like nano-second in comparison. I hope anyway, good you see it that way, so, I failed, this trial, of trials, you was perfect even as you Sawyer, your god in heaven is perfect and I know why you asked about my dad. Yeah, I want to ask him for his daughter's hand in marriage, you would do that? In a flash, why wouldn't I? I want what both fate and our faithfulness has gotten us Kirst, an Aqua Juttah Genealogy, (AJG), and all it's phenom works, so would that hurt or help? I can't say, can only say Sawyer, yes, I will marry you and in three days I'll have the Ethiopian parental Juttah approval, so approaching it's birth  father, can't hurt. That's the last call, I gotta go and no more Desrek Chocolate for you virtual husband, until we're marriage bed covenant, you better run, so hard, me too, like all I wanna do is climb into my shower of missing you and just cry, ah god I hope I didn't say that out loud. I do love you Sawyer Artz, see you soon, right stunner girl, see you soon, godspeed, right, godspeed,"     >>>"Look, I just passed the message, the request your, well our little brother Decius, needed you, needed to talk to you, he's having genealogy problems verses girl problems, so Selah, man, followed him right to volunteering with dad, thousands of miles away, both of them, a supposedly escape, all? I know dad said, he cried his you know what off in the shower, a reminder knowing your genealogy ahead of time is not always a good thing, I said, and said, and said then! Achilles, we know, what I tell you Labyrinth man bout calling me by that ridiculous name? There he is now, we're here for support, been there, done that, that's all he want from us, to delve in our own experiences, not make the same mistakes. Actually Bridge man, at his junction torn twixt the Juttah tombola and the Aqua genealogy with two promises in toll, he's ahead of anything we tugged the romantic to Juttah heart over. You guys, all of you, what a surprise, and all this way, just say Saw man, we made getting right to you a holiday, brought the families all, we're a beach party tomorrow noon, and what an incredible place. Yes, agreed, but wait until you're Sahara's Juttah, it's Dr Countess Dracula's royal gardens alone, John's God's phenom Throne, descriptor, I bet all of you. You look frail, sit, let's talk, just using Kirtsen three day promise, as a fast to strengthen divine intervention, what are you guys drinking, tried it's apple tea, it's seafood to poultry Junglelaya? Three days ha? Yeah, with only a few hours to spare, this 9 pm hour, but what is faith, but blindly waiting, standing the promises of God, not so much man, hers, then, let's just debate her not calling you Nor saw man, intermingling with you ever again, she don't get it's parental Juttah approval, and Aqua Juttah genealogy reset? Tell your older brothers Saw man, you're just as heartily prepared? I'm just a young hearted thing, been waiting and weighing all good things descending, spreading all around upon God's promises, I even Bridge kinda did what you said, seek out Kirsten's our Me'sure Veneer, her father, asked for her sworn to me genealogy. Wait, wait, wait, what I said? Yes, you said, so it's not just a too mundane thing, propose marriage, Kirtsen admittedly upon departure said she would be my genesis bride. As well brothers said, taking such request to her father, this is while she take said request, to Ethiopians Parental Juttah, how you guys, it couldn't hurt, so if you three would just wait out these few hours with me. The hardest ever, like a husband whose waiting his wife travailing in new birth, I suppose anyway, ah, yeah, ah yeah, little wise brother, we know those shortest, longest moments ever so well; then let's stop talking and try these dishes you're so adamant about, thanks you guys, I'll also never forget this night because you're all here it's bitter-some sweet endurance, with me." Why Speak In Parables? That you as aware of Rev 12, Prescribed Spiritual Warfare, as Holy Elohim, God, Himself . Apb, see more mission butterfly, here,                

See Kingsley and Kieynan, Nano-Second Ascent, see here, 

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Prophecy Links Fulfilling Nuclear January, 12 APOCALYPTIC FIRESTORM,2023 MASS Murderer Suicide On The Ris e,