Prophecy Links Fulfilling, May 15, 2020, more about eruptions, with FEMA stirred in! Article, [US could see, 200,000, dead by September Article, [The US just saw a record 45,557 new Coronavirus cases in a single day, (I had no ideal the January witness of the letter by letter forming of the word thousands. Would be also work as a calculation of speedy COVID-19 deaths; mutating into the worst die off of the human being in centuries to a millennia, Apb In My Father's House Are Many Mansions -The mystery woman, the maze of sin, post apocalypse, doomsday fiery A Christmas Carol US soil, like Jesus this world was no more, offered up mansions in heaven. There was a time satan offered Jesus a temporal, cursed world system like America. If he'd forfeit humanity living soul, which they are, living souls, cursed to abide by cursed flesh and die releasing both spirit and soul. -Jesus of course never throwing off his birthright to overall purpose saying worship God. Once said we can't serve two gods, those money and Holy Spirit and disciples responded who then could enter heaven? -Those two world orders, blessed to cursed Pres Trump tug of war with. Save your dwindling nation to planet or let it all disintegrate a commanded exodus; preserving your souls by preserving your life on another continent, Southwest Africa? -But Trump is one way converted, launch, incoming, inpacting ELE'S. Regardless, he's to make America great again literally if it kills hundreds of millions and leave hundreds of millions escaping; he's kinda predestined that way, putting the vain in the biblical assessment, vain is the help of man. -Knowing more and more wealth and greed drive the world, the stumbling block of iniquity. This is why disciples reacted to Jesus then who could enter heaven? His saying its unlikely a rich man, say American, Churchian, will inherit heaven. -Then as ultimate evidence used a severely distracted bank builder like Trump an example of suddenly waking up in hell more vulnerable and helpless than any imagining. Having two request of the molten damn, to cool his thirst and send missionaries to his family; the lesson as always learned, repent, RUN or perish! Apb Prophecy Links Fulfilling, Since May 10, 2020, Mothers day, three times I've seen the prophesied hour, Rev 3:, Rev 17/Rev 18, manifested in multicultural flesh, Apb YouTube, Full Spectrum Survival, Red Alert Texas Is Falling, Article, [Russia Vows to Back Venezuela in Fight Against 'Regime Change' by U.S.], (-Seeing a running race by Revelation Book Holies to put America's weight of blood guilt, judgment, sentence. Originally from Dec 24/25, 2001 thru 2019, as a fiery doomsday A Christmas Carol. Accept it, believe it or not, tens of millions are perishing with a half of billion stampeding into Georgia's/ Africa's Atlantic; America, The Americas Continent Is fallen! Beware, Genesis thru Revelation Book, Holy Elohim God, Is! AWARE! Apb,
Prophecy Links Fulfilling
-Seeing a running race by Revelation Book Holies to put America's weight of. blood guilt, judgment, sentence. Originally from Dec 24/25, 2001 thru 2019, as a fiery doomsday A Christmas Carol. Accept it, believe it or not tens of millions are perishing with a half of billion stampeding into Georgia's/Africa's Atlantic; America, The Americas Continent Is fallen! Beware, Genesis thru Revelation Book Holy Elohim God, Is! AWARE! Apb
Article, [What Does LGBTQIA+ Stand For?], (Those whose names are not written in the revisited Spring 2015, Ps 139/Rev 20, Lamb's book of life, but as threaten by Revelation book Jesus, they're all stricken out, you think?
-Look at this heinous inquiry and mockery of the hundreds of thousands to a million now dead by the judgmental COVID-19.
-See its every indication as Rev 9, John cried and those who didn't die by the plague repented not to give ELOHIM GLORY. Immensely be reminded how easy we make it for Satan; a carnate, Holy God, I say the underlying mutiny and star warring to Armageddon first in the heaven, pouring a spiritual warfare upon earth since, thousands of years now.
-No doubt fallen Lucifer right there the Eden, watching Elohim THEM create us the Adam, and from him the Eve and from her the woman seed and from the woman seed our Lord Christ Jesus, made from the forbidden woman, made under forbiddable laws, WE now ascending, Holy Bride. Only now that we see an end days come, this outbreak with mortuary there's a tug of war among you who said what first and whose to get it's credit, shame, shame, shame.
-Biblical right is for over six thousand years and billions in righteous blood martyred God's righteousness has been rooted, grounded upon the earth, Jesus gospel crying the fields are white unto harvest his Revelation book, sickle bearing harvester commanded ,thrush in thy sickle and reap, even waking, June 26, (2017), hearing get ye to repentant altars God is avenging martyred blood and would you equally believe THEY'RE forewarning all the hundreds of millions in mass assembly for if the righteous scaredly be saved where shall the ungodly, the unholy appear?
-You know like April 16, 17, 2015, Lambs book of the. keeping of records of each of your names was opened for Holy Bride THEY also entreat me to see, woke from its single page Jan 2020 and again just now, June 25, 2020, a 93rd Rev 2 Jesus matrix ten day countdown into fiery doomsday A Christmas Carol, endurers granted the crown of life off setting the damning right into lakes of fire, the Rev 13, beast mark. So this running race by social media heads to get the credit only owe those martyred John witnessed beneath God's Throne crying THEY avenge their martyred blood upon us and how long still? Again the waking me suggestion, get ye to repentant altars, God is avenging martyred blood, and no first born's survives, ye must be born again.
-So, no wonder another missed opportunity to get us out the revisited for 16 years, May 15, 2020, heart sickening appearing of Angel Gabriel. Honestly, I was more floored that after so long Holy Father yet had to take such measures and what withheld Bride imminent escape still? Hearing, the fulfillment of all things is upon mankind, as in this generation, see May 24 Jesus named ELE'S all, then bid us its flight from such desolations and prayer for mothers, as i witnessed Brad Pit, running with babies; she's going, coming with a 7th Angel.
-Though I Thess 4/I Cor 15 both, plainly prophesy the Bride's escape, then as far as prophet Isaiah we hear the saying, don't they know, the righteous are taken out the evil to come, Gospel Jesus says, pray it! Surely, then as Zech, 14, here, Rev 11:15, 7th Angel trumpet, isn't so clear equally prophesying her to THEIR astronomical return, the witness for a lost 15% US soil, a New White, Holy House descended, into the Elite Hussein, Obama's, a Royal Bridegroom, Bride and Priesthood all intact. Continuously, your name, the Lamb's book of life, written or stricken out? Beware, The God you pray His intervening Christ to Kingdom come, lest we're our own genesis man, marriage, genocide, Is AWARE! Apb
Prophecy Links Fulfilling, Seeing Aug 5, 2019, the word disappeared frozen as all HD, 5G and Social media, I said then, seems a standing the world still, scenario; the predicted 2017, flirting to courting Keanu Reeves Movies, beware the seeing lately as midMay the release of the white rabbit, meaning just as we're so is all evil spiritual and technical gifted with keeping us deluded until all humankind opened their eyes to cries, those enlarging regularly as mas assembly, to meet rebellers at their coming, lakes of fires, Apb
Reading, Praying Psalam 44,
Listening Too, Withholding Nothing, Medley,
-And these are the descendants of the beauty rescued from the hands of the beast: Beast Of Beauty Featuring King Bridegroom Sawyer Winston Deburk, Artz and Queen Bride, Danielle Kirtsen Gadson
The Unending Love Antidote ...The African Juttah Genealogy, 1986-2016/2026/3036
The Tombola Genealogy, Holy, Temple, April, 17, 1986/2026/3036 into Infinity, God's Kingdom Reign
Unto Sia Beethoven Fifth Artz and Jaguar Braveheart Deburk, Longknife was born a son, Labyrinth Beethoven Symphony Artz, a son, Selah, Achilles Decius Artz, a son, Bridgeover Aldean Efren Deburk, Artz and a godson, Sawyer Winston Deburk, Artz
Unto Breedlove, Coleman Backler and Kamil Arielle Smyth was born a daugter, Keegan Bethany Beckler, a daughter, Eppthiny Bellarose Backler and a son, Brier Elion Backler, Smyth Mark Scene, Genesis Marriage Worshipers, XVII and VII, It's LXXXXI Matrix Count "Hey there, hey, so what are the chances the Tombola will match us tomorrow? I'm sorry who are you, again? I'm Breedlove, Coleman Backler you're Kamil Arielle Smyth, I know you entered, I did yes, meaning Kamil you're faithful, it was nice talking to you, you too, see you Aag classes they call it, yeah, see ya. I'm not bragging Milly but I told you that boy like you, liking me Jewel and wanting to marry me, that's not the same, well cousin, this is the Septennial Juttah, and you did enter to like marry a stranger. Watcha know bout him, not much, ah Milly, he's a favorite, I think I can see that, he's stunning, but look, there's a commy filled with all needed to know, I'll get us drinks, snacks, go, get started, I don't know, look that artist boy just walked up and told, you're his dream tombola, don't Milly girl make it complicated, now go get started." >>>"And bring forth thy righteousness as the noonday, I didn't get it, during the death rider from beneath reveal, we now know also equals 101 Yellowstone's, of a US soil volcanic apocalypse, Rev 6, 6th seal, also a 6th Matrix ten day countdown to doomsday, 93 total now. THEY reassuring her, not to fret, and begin Sawyer man to use Psalm 37;1-6, as blessed reassurance, saying, Trust, delight and commit, and by it's 6th verse she hears, "and he shall bring forth thy righteousness as the light and thy judgments by the noonday," making me think that slowly morphing into diamond, carved crystal dove, Bride's Chariot, was a noonday sunlight. Even her Jan 2018, Rev 10, Mighty Angel visit, standing one foot the earth, one the sea, even US West Pacific seismic Map, at a time reminds, withstanding prophecies, will not return to God void. African Juttah, Sia's all now say, evidenced lately when a for two millennia prophesied, Rev 12, planetary phenom, not for seven millennia, so predating the Adam, and Eve's promised woman seed, come into the heavens for all to see, September 23, 2017. The specific date Saw man, to be revisited in only a few days right now, then June 26, 2015 and gain June 26, 2017, that showed Grand Sia Maaseiah a Holy Bride's estimated time of escape, ETE of September 23 to 25, until by July 6, 2015, it forewarn of something bout Cameron. Which of course Saw man, end up being the predicted 2005, separation of Britain, America into itty, bitty pieces, surely UK's Brexit, now both a Briexit to Blaexit, signed that Feb 22, 2016, Cunningly, with a demo of Jesus millennium descending, that July 26/27, 2016, did we forget about that, these New world Orders were revealed only months apart? Anyway guess when grand, grand Coogan ascended and come Rev 17:14, Jesus husband once manifested in the flesh now manifested in, an intervening Holy Spirit, Feb 22, 2012? Then Sia Sawyer, I'm Kirtsen by the way, we just learned a putting the whole world in darkness, and a predicted walk-a-thon either into Jordan Petra to Africa's Southwest Atlantic, nation to earth wide, type of Carrington EMP event. How apparently, it only missed the planet one week it's rotation, the Miya predicted 2012, but also the African Juttah 2012, (1996), beginning, I know, just lean back from the edge of your seat of shocking reveals and reconsider this one surreal thing. Then a year later, Spring to Summer, 2013, she would hear right outside her home, her bedroom, what would sound like a star wars battle going on in the heavens. Grand Sia explained Sawyer, she knew, if she walked outside, looked skyward she would see then what did she Trump's national address, Jan 20, 2019. There's a revisited, Rev 12, Michael, battling along a star wars in heaven, with no doubt it was him, as she heard further, "Michael is setting his all around," we know to bring Holy Bride, Holy, even here, Rev 12, intervening angels out, but what she saw also, to get pending tribulations Saints, as multicultural American to world refugees out, into Jordan's Petra to Georgia's/Africa's crossover! They were Sawyer man, way back then, showing a death rider, upon which Damater itself, opened and released, one day it would be a volcanic apocalypse enough to from one US coast, Pacific, to it's Atlantic, be an impact crater boiling to bubbling over with 99 bowls of molten lava. Where, every time you hear about jumbo quakes, mrmbb333 describes them, they may as well be harmonic trembles all long the American seismic craton. Evidently, that's compared to 101 Yellowstone's, following up active super eruptions come prior, Hawaii, California, New Mexico into the Eastern Seaboard and New England, Maine, the Caribbean is no safe haven. Here so, with the answer to Isaiah inquiry who shall believe our report? Is not the tens of millions also all along the American Craton, not only horribly dead but mostly descended! Descended; as in the second death right; and great white throne judgment, of those also tossed into lakes of fires; even why a horse of Hades is shown riding with the COVID-19, horse of pandemic, right; ah, ah, ah, apostle John, Rev 9, saying and those who didn't die by the plagues, repenteith not; rebellion shown lately by certain celebrity same sexers, yet entering into perverse marriages and bringing cursed children into what to Noah's day extinction level Holy Gods, are abominations, right, right? Wait, wait, did he just break Memphis Carter record for longest, outstanding inquiry? I'm not saying I know all, but I grew up a son of and nephew of those the Paris, now Juttah Globe, their Jaguar, Braveheart sister, is my mom, your, Beeththoven Fifth Artz, BFA, Files, he's called, is my dad, so, with that statement, "and bring forth they judgments as the noonday, taken out of context, I just didn't know, so humbly, I asked." >>>"of course there's a lot of suicides, murder suicides, America, West rule totally unveiled and they terrified if knowing, plus you're talking a people post to pre as Noah's days come, knowingly, predestined to be taken unaware. May I sit? Ah sure, it's Kirtsen right? Ah most Sawyer, call me Danny, my first name being Danielle, I see, wow, how exciting, the Tombola announcements, but not as many people as I suspected, ah, they're come, it's normally standing room only. Look Brail, they're beginning to serve ice cream, let, me, what's your kind, ah, anything with cookies, I see, and you? Ah yes, I'm Brasily and I don't know, so I'll get it myself, okay, I'll be right back, Jesus is Christ what a stallion, I think he likes you and what Brail would I do with him? Ask his mom of his steller father no doubt, he's an Artz, Deburk, curious he only Brail start sitting at our table, like a few days before the Tombola trials, he is unbelievably breathtaking but the Deburks are native American, well in just over an hour, you'll, well, we'll all know, but how could he know that? He's a Deburk, you say Danny, they're the Juttah Tribunal of knowing it all, both sides of the family, actually, you're saying he could actually know? Perhaps, not, a female just come and took his arm, so he's just being overly friendly, here he, they come, I kinda got you a bite of both, so none for yourself, your lovely friend? This is Whitney, we'll have some later perhaps, it was nice keeping company with you all, ah, I guess I'm to see you all, all around, thanks, you're welcome Danny, any time, okay, now I'm even more confused. {["Good evening everyone, welcome, in about thirty minutes, we'll begin the annual Tombola, when or if you're called you'll come here, to one of these 32 seats, and once all are called, your seven day Tombola trial begins, bless your patience till then."}}. >>>"I never told you did I? thinking bout castle Dracula garden and how wordless, you remember we you, Dissuasion and I fell out over those racy photos, and you forbid me to call you or a have anything else to do with you, I rather not, loving girl but yes. I was so devastated, rattled, still, just come off of losing Michael Day, I went into an emotional breakdown and from there, Nicholas. I covinced myself, onto a 21 day, Daniel fast, to save us, what we must have, it was it's 20th or so day in, I'd made myself so miserable and sick, lost a lot of weight I didn't have to lose Soon a holy one come and sat down beside me asked, Nicholas, was you worth all this agony I was putting myself through? I paused momentarily and I said, I love him, and love is worth this suffering, Maaseiah, I know perfect answer right? I don't know another day or so past, I woke in heaven, don't remember any of it, only that Holy Lords were leading me to an exit back, and the last I heard them say and i quote, was, "we can't wait to be down there were you are," Grand said it shown how trusting THEY are of me. I know, I, I, I, didn't know what to do with that, what would I do with that, who Nicholas, besides grandmar, would I ever tell? As anxious as we're to ascend to our savior's call, Holy Lord are anxious, I guess, that Jesus Millennium to God's Kingdom, hurry and be fulfilled on earth as in heaven, and no wonder himself Jesus prayed that very prayer. Look, sorry to say, his being with you virtually, is ceasing to tickle, no more surprises, tell me actually you're on an heir Juttah and is almost here to me. I so wish it was true, but what I can do, no more surprises you say, commy you a virtual reality from Dr Dracula's wondrous gardens, even a night of it, ....perrrrr, fect I'll take it, see I knew you was hiding something extraordinary, I, better run, see you for virtual dinner, Dr, Countess', Eden, and I can't wait.'" >>>"Stunning day, beach, huh? Wow, even more so your being here, why are you here, when aren't you're with, you know who? We, we? Yes, Calvenal and I spend the entire day tester together, now it's second day, on for lunch in a couple hours, why I'm telling you, I don't know, but isn't your boiling kettle Sawyer black as my frying pan? Approximately three days prior, she, Whitny found her special one is actually here, searching for and soon finding her. Ah, sorry, yeah, we really had potential, acquainted, loved each other's company, all. Wow though sweet, that must really sting, sweet for her, yes, her heart was really distraught over losing him, a precious healing I'd, well our intimacy has become, but Holy Father knows best and we'll suffer it, all, Kirtsen, in likeness, right? I better run, I glance this way, thought that was you straddling the fence, cute, straddling the fence, forgive me, you met, Lucious, I know him, know you two hang out, I better run, yeah, have fun, I will, I will. For both of you to end up on the beach, the day after, same, place and time not a coincidence, so you say without saying Luc man one of us is in stalking mode, I must admit, it's me. I'm really contemplating dad's decision to set off for the Sahara Juttah, just when did that happen? You're not listening Luc, man, it haven't happen, I gotta convince dad, but if you think, even Luc man admit it, I'd already invaded her tombola trial, torn her between its indecision, already. Following dad to the Sahara would be medicating for us both, ah don't look but she's returning, wha? This, I wanted to give you this, I, it's, Raven's wisdom, born to a dark path for a chance at a lite choice and as I read it, I thought of you, of me? I did, well good day, ah sweet sleep as they say, ah here. I guess you won't be traveling anytime soon, why you say Luc man, tossing salt, wounded hearts, this way? That detour Saw man was with settled but recognizable suggestion and if it wasn't Luc man, she found hers, I won't intervene again, I'm off to talk to dad, catch you later, yeah like he's gonna be able to deny his one godson!" >>>"You believe that Lament man, really? That if 30 million job losses were 30 million lives lost US soil it's shaky environment would be just the same, unchanged, going on like Noah's day Brides, all is normal, US elections, all? Think Aleth, her being so immovable as the Ethiopian skin and Leopard spots, would explain God leaving her more than just wounded but wiped out, off, no chance for revival nor survival, with only the American refugees now a repentant, remnant of Jesus' Cross to actually speak of, but nothing seem of a thousands times a Roman Empire world system but shown to be a magnetic manner of memorabilia one in a distant African Continent is to hand on a fridge, even seven years now revealed, itself, America would be occupied territory. The most beloved, trusted country, they're scary right now and contagious to a fault its weight of blood guilt, a lost of tens of millions, point of no return, except they repent, RUN, they perish, just as grand Sia say, and say and say; hey, hey you guys, it's beginning, annual Tombola trials are here." >>>"What is it? I thought I saw someone, but that's not possible, see here dad, this dig, these findings should tell us without doubt what happen here, so no arguments you say? Wait, I know that voice, so again you say, Danielle Kirsten, how did you ever find me, how is this, any of this possibly? Your daily update to your friends undated to me as well, my request, but my inquiry how an assignment in the Sahara end up here, another African country altogether? Actually squinting my eyes to see you and climb up to you, still Kirsten not believing, I was studying to be a paleontologist and needing as much help with the Akure Nigeria mystery Father and I got reassigned here. Here he is, my father, African Juttah famed, Beethoven Fifth Artz, also known as BFA's files, needing no further, such introduction Sawyer son, it is a pleasure Sia Danielle, to meet you, I'll take my break as I suggest you two do as well, enjoy son. I know my god is Almighty God, Christ, but how are you, its like a dream, come, come, let's just show you around, you got to try the cuisine here like its Junglelyaha, Kirsten, made up of various fowls, poultry, turkey, wild duck, ah, so delicious. You look amazing, so pinch me so I know I'm not dreaming, I bet Sawyer I don't look as good and tempting as you smell, Desrek Chocolate, right? I say Sawyer a temptress cologne that should be disallowed except while in ones room and only its covenanted marriage bed, it's just too intimately appetizing. You also the temptress say to one who find your tantalizing braids just as scrumptious, my braids, really? Black Liquorice, edible, deliciously stuck in my teeth, tongue, throat all. Good noon, we'll have two of your Junglelyaha and two apple ice teas, water on the side, and green salad with olive oil till then Did I do this, did I perhaps Kirk intrude on your Tombola trial and cause this heartfelt understudy, we are now, plainly? No, you're not gonna wake and find this all a dream, I see your eyes Mr Deburk waiting for the actual illusion, its waking portion. Thing is my trial, commy me days ago asked for another 7 days review, hers isn't quite hers anymore, thank you, bless you, I ache with thirst, apple, tea, I hope Kirst you find it just as delicious. I got here as soon as I could, throwing off a wondrous safari, even, Whitny, please sit, you met, Kirsten briefly, I did, so what is your emergency? I just Whitny introduced you to her, the woman who will be my Juttah Bride, if she will have me, Danielle Kirtsen Gadson, I don't under, it's simple, just as you was finding your original significant other, so was I, we, well us two. I know how I rejoiced for you Whitny, despite it's bitter, to sweet tongue, and here, I brought you along, so you can return it's expert favor. Well, forgive my teary words, cheeks all, but the way you heartily worded all of that, I don't want to give you up, I never did Sawyer Deburk, Artz, but, must say, if your heart is now hers, Danielle's beloved match, I'm now it's friendship. I would like that, that w're special friends, the dreaded friend zone some call it, I better leave off from it's third wheel, never, never Whitny are you a third anything. Anyway, a good sport as you are, I toast my glass to your happiness, then I'm to commy you when I'm with transit, home, Godspeed with all that's heart in me, I mean it, you too, blessed day, sweet sleep, thank you Danielle, I so need that. What, crossed eyes or heart Kirsten, shooting at me, to pierce me or pleasure? If I'd never come, I can't help but wonder would you be releasing her so easily right now, how convenient it is for show? What if I told you Kirst, I've known my Aqua Juttah Genealogy that include you, since before birth, had it demonstrated upon me many times, I know, not, fair, but no less, true, how so I've always known it would be you? So please don't be crossed eyes to heart at me, I left you free to make a choice, your black raven reveal, all of us actually, showing the aqua to tombola, doesn't intrude or forestall ones free will. Speak, please, at lest try, I don't, ah, I can't, it's tongue is tied by all this surreality, I'm even drunk with it, excuse this clumsy one to the restroom, why don't you? {{{"Bridge man, I been calling and calling, I did as you said, ah, Kirst found it alarming enough to stagger to the restroom just now, with Whitny left to no doubt re-enter the tombola, but no hard feelings. Then calm down Saw man, you did good, better than expected, the only thing that will make sense, you ask her for hand, so your match Saw won't seem so mundane, I can't talk, we're in conference, commy you back, okay, hey, the challenging part is over, right, right, thanks, tell nod head Labyrinth to call me as well, Decius too, I will, later." Why speak in parables? That you be doers of the Sunlight of God, Mat 24, Rev 18, commanded exodus, and not hearers only; beware of biblical prophecy fulfilling from Genesis to Revelation, as Holy Elohim God, Himself, Apb
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