Prophecy Links Fulfilling, And a death rider from beneath, now we know, 101 Yellowstones come, targeted abominable, detestable lives, lands, schools and churches, woe, woe, woe! Apb
[Shaun King Says He's Had 20 Death Threats After Calling for Removal of Jesus Statues], (And these are the descendants, rescued from the beast's mark, America's exodus into Africa's Southwest Atlantic, Spring 1986/2016/2026/3026: "and bring forth thy righteousness as the noonday, I didn't get it, during the death rider from beneath reveal, we now know also equals 101 Yellowstone's, of a US soil volcanic apocalypse, Rev 6, 6th seal, also a 6th Matrix ten day count. THEY reassuring her, not to fret, and begin Sawyer man to use Psalm 37;1-6, as blessed reassurance, saying, Trust, delight and commit, and by it's six verse she hears, "and he shall bring forth thy righteousness as the light and thy judgments by the nooday." Even her Jan 2018, Rev 10, Mighty Angel visit, standing one foot the earth, one the sea, even US West Pacific seismic Map, at a time reminds, withstanding prophecies, will not return to God void. African Juttah, Sia's all now say, evidenced lately when a for two millennia prophesied, Rev 12, planetary phenom, not for seven millennia, so predating the Adam, and Eve's promised woman seed, come into the heavens for all to see, September 23, 2017. The specific date Saw man, to be revisited in only a few days right now, then June 26, 2015 and gain June 26, 2017, that showed Grand Sia Maaseiah a Holy Bride's estimated time of escape, ETE of September 23 to 25, until by July 6, 2015, it forewarn of something bout Cameron. Which of course Saw man, end up being the predicted 2005, separation of Britain, America into itty, bitty pieces, surely UK's Brexit, now both a Briexit to Blaexit, signed that Feb 22, 2016, Cunningly, with a demo of Jesus millennium descending, that July 26/27, 2016, did we forget about that, these New world Orders were revealed only months apart? Anyway guess when grand, grand Coogan ascended and come Rev 17:14, Jesus husband once manifested in the flesh now manifested in, an intervening Holy Spirit, Feb 22, 2012? Then Sia Sawyer, I'm Kirtsen by the way, we just learned a putting the whole world in darkness, and a predicted walk-a-thon either into Jordan Petra to Africa's Southwest Atlantic, nation to earth wide, type of Carrington EMP event. How apparently, it only missed the planet one week it's rotation, the Miya predicted 2012, but also the African Juttah 2012, (1996), beginning, I know, just lean back from the edge of your seat of shocking reveals and reconsider this one surreal thing. Then a year later, Spring to Summer, 2013, she would hear right outside her home, her bedroom, what would sound like a star wars battle going on in the heavens. Grand Sia explained Sawyer, she knew, if she walked outside, looked skyward she would see then what did she Trump's national address, Jan 20, 2019. There's a revisited, Rev 12, Michael, battling along a star wars in heaven, with no doubt it was him, as she heard further, "Michael is setting his all around," we know to bring Holy Bride, Holy, even here, Rev 12, intervening angels out, but what she saw also, to get pending tribulations Saints, as multicultural American to world refugees out, into Jordan's Petra to Georgia's/Africa's crossover! They were Sawyer man, way back then, showing a death rider, upon which Damater itself, opened and released, one day it would be a volcanic apocalypse enough to from one US coast, Pacific, to it's Atlantic, be an impact crater boiling to bubbling over with 99 bowls of molten lava. Where, every time you hear about jumbo quakes, mrmbb333 describes them, they may as well be harmonic trembles all long the American seismic craton. Evidently, that's compared to 101 Yellowstone's, following up active super eruptions come prior, Hawaii, California, New Mexico into the Eastern Seaboard and New England, Maine, the Caribbean is no safe haven. Here so, with the answer to Isaiah inquiry who shall believe our report? Is not the tens of millions also all along the American Craton, not only horribly dead but mostly descended! Descended; as in the second death right; and great white throne judgment, of those also tossed into lakes of fires; even why a horse of Hades is shown riding with the COVID-19, horse of pandemic, right; ah, ah, ah, apostle John, Rev 9, saying and those who didn't die by the plagues, repenteith not; rebellion shown lately by certain celebrity same sexers, yet entering into perverse marriages and bringing cursed children into what to Noah's day extinction level Holy Gods, are abominations, right, right? Wait, wait, did he just break Memphis Carter record for longest, outstanding inquiry? I'm not saying I know all, but I grew up a son of and nephew of those the Paris, now Juttah Globe, their Jaguar, Braveheart sister, is my mom, your, Beeththoven Fifth Artz, BFA, Files, he's called, is my dad, so, with that statement, "and bring forth they judgments as the noonday, taken out of context, I just didn't know, so humbly, I asked." Why speak in parables? That you be doers of the Sunlight of God, Mat 24, Rev 18, commanded exodus, and not hearers only; beware of biblical prophecy fulfilling from Genesis to Revelation, as Holy Elohim God, Himself, Apb
2008/09, Asteriod Destroy Wisconsin; 2018/2019, Destroy Wisconsin, -Why these threats, Christians don't know, serve the Living Christ, anymore? Like all the others stone images being torn down, it's only a statue of Jesus. Genesis thru Revelation Jesus await the ascending Bride in Rev 12, second heavens intercessions. Where with HIM, THEM, we're to intercede tribulations saints overcome by the Antichrist. -Such divinity, Jesus millennium, even a New, White, Holy House, descending we witnessed Obama into Trump July, 27, (2010/2016). Equally seeing the earth littered with the dead; a lost US soil of 15%, Britain of 5% Canada also lost 5%. Until its been predicted many millennia now Israel these end days will lose two-thirds, for a grand total of two quarters worth lost this planet. -So this article about threatening another of man's stone gods isn't even worth the blogspot, entry or any comments, let alone this one; get it, get SON/SUNLIGHT Jesus, get out, you know where to escape Yellowstone's volcanic apocalypse, Georgia/Africa's Atlantic, crossover, Apb, The RAM
Prophecy Links Fulfilling, after seeing a demo, Obama's campaign June/July, (2008/09), of a sea of American refugees pouring into an African coastal island and woke chanting, "we will build an ark!" Beware, Apb
YouTube Marfoogle, Mark My Word,, (then 2015, but revisited from 1998, an Asian invasion on US soil; the Body Snatching to Freaky Friday demo of seeing a mirror image of myself as a young, male, Asian, soldier, again a freakazoid demo, of a pending Asian Invasion), Apb
Article, [George Floyd: Ghana message to African Americans: "Come home"], (I explained lately I have as many refers to the name, person Michael, including as spring 2013, Jan 20, 2019, Rev 12, star warring Michael, setting his all around. Actually as Jesus did have as many Mary's, especially his, well our, Rev 12, star warred to spiritual warfare over, the predicted Genesis woman seed, Jesus, Mother Mary! Apb
-A phenom visit to heaven, event just revisited, June 16/17, (2020), by a visiting Memphis grand, a grand walk-a-thon meeting atop Arkansas old bridge; the Moses day instruction, "Let My People Go," Thus Saith 06/17, (2002), Rev 19-22, Sun/SON-light Of Holy God,'s THRONE, Desolations Predicted Now Come, Repent, RUN! Or Perish! Apb
Great Whore West Rule That Sitteth Upon Many Waters, Let My Go! Thus Saith Genesis thru Revelation, Holy, Father God, Apb
-Hello Michael, so with elephants of staying unaware stampeded, Dec 3 2017 and here lately, Feb 13, 2020, Noah's day bride's of damning normalcy bias given running shoes, run away, themselves.
-Plausibly, since Holy God is evicting us out of the Americas, like Ghanaians leads, have you and niece discussed her Memphians relocating there, to Ghana and how you or y'all can help us help ourselves?
Help me, help others,
-The Memphis grand Michael who dreamed a spring morning 2015/16, the EMP to CME walk-a-thon out of Memphis Hackscross into Georgia's Atlantic. Here visiting Georgia, on June 16, 17, 2020
-Oddly she dreamed this meeting of these same Memphians to Churchians with relocated Georgians atop the old Arkansas Bridge.
-One included her Memphis Pastor, uncle, even more odd, she said though she recognized her mom's Memphians to Churchians, they, well we even us Georgians were all down on all fours like animals; like what King Nebuchadnezzar Dan 4:4, curse of madness, revisited upon our Trump Admin Oct 15, 2018.
-Though blessed exodus is right now, simply a year later, from Oct 15, 2019, until 7 years be, (Oct 2026), what said madness did to this all powerful king of all kings. Possibly on all fours, an act of supreme penance as Prophet Joel saying sleep at the altar but now leaving us inquiring what's the secret of Arkansas' old bridge, as 2017's, inquired by Rev Holy Lords, what's the secret of Memphis, Grands?
-Like its continuous, this dream, I myself had on what would be Juneteenth, June 20, 2020, also included this Memphis uncle pastor/Churchians. Say, like revisiting Col 2, religious rituals to forbidden beggerly elements, May 10, 11, 2020, seen as a combined Eze 8, Dan 5 and Rev 2 and how mistrusting Holy God is toward the reopening of mass assemblers seen as traps of marriage perversion but disguised as churches, schools and even certain businesses, beware, Holy Elohim God, Ps 22, Jesus Cross cried to, Is AWARE! Apb
Prophecy Links Fulfilling seeing May 3, 2020, this close up, line upon line of the word, or the event, Twilight, the planetary reduction home earth will be in during Jesus return, possibly by April 2, 2026; beware, seeing June 3, 2020, the release of the white rabbit, beware, Apb, Genesis thru Revelation Holy God Is AWARE! Apb
-And these are the descendants of the beauty rescued from the hands of the beast: Beast Of Beauty Featuring King Bridegroom, Harrison Edward Markton and Queen Bride Mahaseiah Adonjiah Saurus, Cook
The Unending Love Antidote , The African Juttah Genealogy, 1986-2016/2026/3036, And John Saw For All Eternity, New Heaven, Earth, A New Jerusalem Descend Down From The Father Of Light!
The Tombola Genealogy, Holy, Temple, April, 17, 1986/2026 /3036 into Infinity, God's Kingdom Reign
Unto Saint Cloud, Kaenon, Hillsfeet and Niasyr, Riyahel Veneer was born a son River Chase, Horse Lake Hillsfeet, a son, Branded, Ophelia Hercules, Hillsfeet and a god-daughter, Rochelle, Brianca, Seychelles Hillfeet, Veneer,
Mark Scene, Genesis Marriage Worshipers, XVII and VII, It's LXXXXIII Matrix Counts
"Now Saint Cloud man, as far as Holy Lords and biblical prophecy we're in a since Obama W. House, NWO, Kingdom, Nation building no more, Dan 12/Rev 11:15, grace period done, Mystery Babylon America, West Rule no longer serves as any power let alone a super power. They're only with an allowance to cattle over a half of billion American refugees, America's continent, along, a Hemingway Exodus into Georgia/Africa's Atlantic. So mrmbb333, report of fires burning in Tulsa, more for stampeding American refugees Eze 5, as usual? I'm afraid not really Niasyr, girl, God is finished with all that, If the back turn, closed rite aid pharmacy counter told us anything. It is 5% into 15% death tolls, US/Western soil are set; especially those procrastinating all along earth enders, as super earthquakes to eruptions Hawaii, Yellowstone to its 10.2, New Madrid, all such mounting with mortuary closed cases. We're second heaven intercessions bound to like Rev 12, star warring Michael save some of the stampeding hundreds of millions; as usual, that's as many who will hear and do, blessed exodus. Until by the Dan 4:4, 7 year madness finale Oct 15, (2026), all iron world leaders will wake with Jesus' millennium being in rule six months and 13 days, but knowing and no longer questioning who's god is Almighty God." >>>"You're not gonna believe this, sharing a visit to heaven, remembering. Nicholas, it too was June to July I looked in my prophecy links for an exact date, here, just read what I texted Nibewe; Nibe, looking for the date of this visit to heaven, look what I saw the date of your just now dream, June 17 2020, back then it was June 17, (2002), and you'll never believe it! Prophecy Links Fulfilling, (A Voice Declaring: seen to be in heaven, (06/17/2002), during great celebration come totally silent, when one approached saying, he want to see you, I asked who? Him, this one said, when at the speed of an eye's blink, I'm standing God's Throne, a light in brightness of the sun appeared from behind a mountain, both reigning God's Throne, declared "Let My People Go!" There's something about Rev 6, 5th seal God hearing the cries of his people, avenging martyred blood, sown; about Moses Exodus, now US soil, even the ten plagues of Egypt, now, Jan (2020), since 2013, 3 intervals of announced 5 more disasters, 7 targets, all, continuously on the map. My Holy second heaven intercessions is Christ Jesus awaiting Millennium reign? Nibe's Nicholas, the old Arkansas bridge Memphians on one side meeting up with those relocated to Georgia Memphis grands exactly 18 years (to the exact date) Nicholas, the mountain, to Sunlight Gods back turn throne after a silence revealed God crying uncontrollably HIS PEOPLE were being stripped of everything Jesus Christ hath bought them, instead called for the stripping bare of all said leaders and the exodus of hundreds of millions to a billion, enslaved Western Civilization, Britain, America, Canada's, even The entire Americas, inherit. I'm just too flabbergasted to replicate further what Nibe's revisit to example of us down on all fours. As of Memphians sweet Maaseiah in extreme penance meeting as to enter US Georgia's Crossover from Arkansas old expansion bridge, surely Nicholas, the point of no return, Sunlight Gods Back Turn Throne Exodus, regardless of US Priz campaigns, forward, onward march into Georgia's/ Africa's Southwest Atlantic, totally, unquestionably in progress? You still haven't figured the one who approached you, said Elo-him want to see you? Which Nicholas is odd, I've recognized them all, Elder Ezekiel, Revelation Book Jesus, Angel Gabriel, now Archangel Michael. I'm thinking John of Patmos, in and out of his spirit body, he too suffered the same. His come phenomena celebrations to reign in heaven, until Holy God's Throne verified he yet had plenty outreaching to do. So predicted to promised Lamb's supper to pillars and mansions in heaven, not just yet, but since near two millennia later any prophesied hour to nano-second right now we're with Ps 55, dove wings, flying away to Heb 10, described, divine rest, and may beloved Maaseiah, Holy Father God, bless, all, all, all of it. I was laying here, thousands of miles from you yet imaging zipping you into tbose stunning garments when I so longed beloved Maaseiah to zip us into a rigorous, riotous sleeping bag. To loving man doze off with thoughts of such viperous, fiery passions, you is a bad man Nicholas Edin Coogan and I love and miss you, too; sweet sleep precious, darling girl, even wake to Heavenly Father saying, welcome my good and faithful servant, us both darling husband, us both." >>>"Look, don't fret, error, era President Trump, he just send them this we love America love letter, while hospitals and ICU's are filling to capacity. Talking his curse and theirs, we owe it to Covid-19 victims, as in Dr Phil, Dr Oz, during the fastest, most unprecedented die off US soil. Still we owe them our solidarity as to keep the most targeted, judged and sentenced nation since Noah's earth to Babylon's King Nebuchadnezzar, world reign. But still, we don't let their pending in 50 million deaths, nuclear, natural and NEO'S deter us from saving a country. That's a world system Genesis thru Revelation Holy God of wrath is clearly, rapidly wiping off planet earth, the hearing alone, smiling faces don't last wipe Canada off the map, plenty Sia's all, with suspicious evidence. Even with reigning Bride witnessed ready with Dan 2, mountain from heaven to wipe out all rebellious planet earth, else! Fright night, US 2020 campaign says again American Covid-19 dead and dying are totally worth the forfeiture of your immortal souls and your threaten by Revelation 2, Jesus except there is extreme penance, your westernized children lives. Wow wife Kennadi I never had fried tomatoes before, they're delicious, no, no I'm gonna get my own, why art thou cast down Bruce man, tell me when you read mrmbb333 Jumbo Quake what did you think; that Rev 11:15,God had finally done it right? What even grand Sia Maaseiah doubted into a laugh of mockery as Father Abraham and Sarah, carrying a child reveal, she too mocked decades back God saying He's to destroy America. Surely mrmbb333 reporting, God had finally wiped this religious, political manslaughter, West Rule, yet imbibing on martyred blood, off this planet. Jumbo quakes her reveals Juan de fuca, San Andreas, Hawaii, California, New Mexico, Wyoming all with Super eruptions enough, even New England, the Eastern seaboard, A 10.2 NEW MADRID with Rev Holies saying beware the Midwest, the Eastern seaboard as the inundated with such forewarnings US/Canada W. Pacific and we'd be in second heaven intercessions how many days right now? Just saying, just saying, but the ring of fire of hell enlarging itself through damater, spreading it's West Pacific into the North Atlantic, predicted these recent Jumbo Quakes remind us how speedy the complete end is near and here! Going for goodies as fried green tomatoes, any orders, I'll just come with you Saint Cloud man, welcome Breedlove, you trying the, no, no, thank you though, babe want anything, only a pink lemonade, got you. Out of all that horror St Cloud just revisited, I most definitely caught the part, the inquiry, of Dan 2, mountain from heaven to Rev 6, 6 volcanic apocalypse had been or followed mrmbb333 Jumbo Quake how many days we'd be in Rev 12, second heaven intercessions? Yes how doeth thou father look on our torture, how long before you judge our blood martyrs? You all heard what Grand Sia witnessed well America, West Rule celebrated Trump's claimed, induced Juneteenth, right? Yeah another vision of the prophesied hour manifested in the flesh, may as well been Kobe's crash morning seeing and hearing the naming to ordaining of those ten headed kings for desolating kingdom, nation building until its the final Antichrist reign, to kill hundreds of millions more. So yeah God even so loves the millions He see pour daily, hour by hour into hell as well, pretty much what your equally damned leaders can't forewarn, stop being deceived, repent RUN, or perish. You really Justice, think there are many in their hearts of normacy bias saying they don't need creator God as long as they have their own creation to version, whoring, religious, political America? Yes, Parker dear, those hundreds of millions the Americas procrastinating blessed escape and now astronomically they're to pay, 101 Yellowstone's alone, but they can't imagined to wish away the eternity of damn souls. Yeah and you're hearing or talking to one Aristotle who like Sia Grand, even Prophet Ezekiel 8, before her, who has been taken into flyovers the nation while in fiery judgment, asked what could he see? By Rev Holies grand Sia saw in a running race Dec 29, 2019, to put back on prophetic schedule, that when Rev 10, Mighty Angel said, desolation's predicted now come, THEY are talking predicted US, Western soil volcanic apocalypse, what did you see Aristotle man? Strange as revealed, those holy lords that took me, including a Ctentri Israel, that now special morning, and showed me all it's devastation, asked me that question, But more intimidating is what I didn't see, that there was again a US/Canada West Pacific coast and tens of millions it's inherit, to mention, ever again. So when Sia Maaseiah say by the time Jan 22-29, 2018, Rev 10, Mighty Angel, with pending Rev 17, 7th angel, say, beware the Midwest, the Eastern Seaboard millions America's resident, those procrastinating along US campaigns to elections right now, are all of sudden no more this planet, Fright night, with a line upon line of other fiery extinction events aiming for tens of millions more until reached is that since two decades 15% total lost alone US soil, is reached, Aristotle I am, say, fret not, who shall believe our report and to whom is the arm of the Lord revealed? I think little brother St. Cloud, I'll try those fried green tomatoes myself, Antelope, I'm not, but those seasoned carrots look absolute, so yes, I'm coming with, didn't grand Rumah, like fix those, fried green tomatoes? Letting nothing go to waste, I'm sure Ante she did, so lets do it's bit of taste test, huh?" Why Speak In Parables? For they say the Lord seeth us not; the Lord is ascended from the earth! Beware, Apb
Unto Aristotle Heiress Cologne and Antelope Deer, Jaguar Deburk was born their beloved son, Samson Frederick Cologne, a dear son, Matheson Francis Cologne and a third son Tiahleigh Viceroy Cologne and a son Esteem, Patterson, Franklin Deburk
Prophecy Links Fulfilling, The Visit Of Yet Another Maze Of Sin, Where Churches Are Mocked, As Leading Into Satanic Oppression and Demonic Possession, Beware!
-Truth is, seeing only days past, June 19, (2020), again the prophesied hour manifested in the flesh
, but just as many times before a demon dog, Anubis undertaker. Here barking as meeting us the end of the stairs of a travelers maze of sin, reveal, this greeting us with all the more evidence, references to Memphis, isn't the only references to Moses Egypt, Exodus. Now we know one of the crystallized amphibian, Godzilla beast, keeping us with plenty crystal skies of delusions, now breaking apart, raining down huge, fiery shards, included an Egyptian Sobek.
-Just these endless reminders to indications of how Holy Lords view West Rule, to damning civilizations built upon religious, blood letting politics to currency. Those damning money changer tables then, driving those nails and are of such technical nail guns now, like with those enslaving Pharaohs. Straight thru seven others evil, empires of rule, listen to hear Apostle John being told, five are fallen, one is and one haven't yet come, or should Apostle I am, say, one hadn't a yet come, but at present-hour to the brides's nano-second Briexit, surely is.
-Lately, including, it's Rev 17:16-18, predicted ten heads, one by one being named to ordain, only hours before breaking news of Kobe's fiery crash, revisited Jan 22-29, 2018, Seem's a too anxious to explicate, Rev 10, Mighty Angel, standing US map, W, Pacific saying, no further delays, US soil, desolation's predicted now come, thus a Rev 17, 7th Angel, bearing 7 bowls, allied Him.
-So if you're wondering are those the same bowls, now blacken as US, Western soil, the mystery woman carried, even if she did, after conversing with me, reached into her upper, right hand pocket and instead pulled out business cards for better homeless earth shelters, as Jesus offered equally from a crown of life to mansions in heaven? Got Him, got Jesus Christ of blood redemption, adoptions and ascension into God's Throne, Glory, yet? Apb
-And these are the descendants of the beauty rescued from the hands of the beast: Beast Of Beauty Featuring King Bridegroom Saint Cloud, Kaenon, Hillsfeet and Queen Bride Niasyr, Riyahel Veneer
The Unending Love Antidote , The African Juttah Genealogy, 1986-2016/2026/3036, And John Saw For All Eternity, New Heaven, Earth, A New Jerusalem Descend Down From The Father Of Light!
The Tombola Genealogy, Holy, Temple, April, 17, 1986/2026 /3036 into Infinity, God's Kingdom Reign
Unto Tanner Massimo Simpson and Naia Mckinley Hoolsrtom was born a son Neilson Carter Simpson, a son Whitney Ellion Simpson a goddaughter Merryland Celeste, Nicole simpson, Hoolsrtom
Mark Scene, Genesis Marriage Worshipers, XVII and VII, It's LXXXXIII Matrix Counts
-I'm just thinking about that astronomical meeting on emphasized the old Arkansas bridge, you know," perched on his elbow, his head just above hers, their cooling of flesh from fantastic organisms, had never been this close, this too marvelous. "I'm thinking how did you know to do that? To do, attack you the kitchen and all, I don't know husband, ravish me like that, you mean my animal instincts kicking, again like those Fabrice on that bridge? Sia grand saying all seen down on all four like that," feeling him relaxing more into her perfume hair, neck, kinda tickling her; "is probably extreme penance out of extreme rebellion, I hope so Fabrice love, from the books of Acts to the Apostles epistles right to Jesus message to those 7 seven specific churches of Asia Minor, Holy God been calling religious, political mass assembly to repentance. You smell, feel and taste soooo, amazing, so you heard about the follow up dream?" Her words buckling under his robust tongue and bites from her neck, bosom to navel, erupting yet to settle urgent places. "In it grand said Memphis Pastors, like a street peddler to vender, opened to her this abyss of various religious incantations, again too plenty its rituals to measure, you mean licorices girl like a bag of trickery? Yes, yes, way too curious and while those same known Memphis members looked on expectedly he prepared her a highly questioned by her serving, like a witches brew. Wait, wait, wait, all our pulsating places, even at extremes limits, burning, blistering, I can see it, touch and kiss it, even bite, it, like here, arg god, arg god, don't, don't, I'm, I'm, shhhhh, shhhh," having leaped up, off a time this tearing, limb from limb, piping blood and she its edge of exploding. "You talking mother Nibe or grand Maaseiah follow-up dream, I'm talking, ah, so days later, this recent repopulated Juneteeth, packed with similar dreams, what else did she say? Come here, come into, I'm all places firing, firing, firing, arggggggggg, god, I'm all places firing!" >>>"Wow, you two early, take one Breedlove man to know, you know, but I'm not early, leaving late, I did the overnight shift, didn't think I would like being assigned in the nursery but it's okay. Hey, you two, Tanner, Naia have infants there? No, Breed man, not yet, okay since it goes too personal from there, see you guys in assignment or meal reveals, that's what I call it anyway, I like that Breed man, meal, reals, yeah, tell, ah, whose your prenuptial to wife again? Ah, still waiting the Tombola, been there, the both of us, done that, so you two are Tombola matched and no complaints? Not Breed man a single one, we feel complete together, wow Tan man, ah Naia, look, I'm running, but nice, encouraging talk, you too, blessed day, yeah, yeah, thanks." >>>"Ouch, stop that, no, you didn't stop, not until you overwhelmed me so, I fainted, you could even say you electrified to intoxicated me into a pleasurous death, wait where am I; since I screamed so, I lost my mind, who is this stranger in my marriage bed? Stop it, it's freaking me out, I left you a smoothy, I'm in the shower, what kind of smoothy? Those Jr Darius said good the morning after for short term memory lost, ah funny, really, wait, are you, hey, hey, hey, we have breaking news, wait, "after 101 Yellowstone eruptions," what, babe, babe! Wha, ah, whoa, you're talking in your sleep, see you for lunch, I'm running, hey, you, okay? I mean after the night to morning we had, did you fix me a smoothy? I totally did, running, see you after noon assignments, so there's no breaking news; I was dreaming, but is that good or bad? Good if we were watching from Sia grand second heaven intercessions? Speaking of which, {{{"Hello grand, is, this, Jr Darius? Yes, I just woke from a breaking news report, that like yours, stopped short, saying, "after 101, Yellowstone eruptions. Meaning grandson, though tens of millions those highly targeted areas are no more this planet ever again, both by the auto loads and various walk-a-thon's hundreds of millions of more escaped, the over all purpose of ascending first into Rev 12, second heavens intercessions, described needful to urgent, as in Rev 13;5, the Antichrist, is given power to overcome those, left behind." Why? Apb
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