Friday, June 19, 2020

The Old Arkansas Bridge Of Escape

Prophecy Links Fulfilling

Escaping A Horror House To Church, Seeing Pastors and All Around Members, Open This Carry-on Store Still Filled With Religious Rituals Of Forbidden, Beggerly Elements, Apb

Article, ['This has to stop': Houston ICUs filling up after surge in COVID-19 hospitalizations]

Article, 'This has to stop: article; (beware the outbreak of mortuary, laid at bloodletting petro-dollar from Bush, Clinton Bush, Admin. Right until I witnessed during Obama/Biden and as of Nov 4, 1975. newspaper handlebars this funeral reef attached; which then leaped into heaven with US soil death tolls, their Dan 5, Dec 24/25, (2001), weight of blood guilt, sown. 
-Only since Trump been in office we've heard again as Clinton/Bush, 50 million will die, saw a hand write on a wall 99 bowls of molten lava; witnessed a hand write on a wall only this round illegibly, Escape Yellowstone. 
-So to be honest if COVID-19 regardless of what experts say mutates into both the backward C letter to pale horse pandemic I saw. Prophetically there's no stopping this desolator until tens of millions are dead US soil and 1.7 billion this planet, got him, got Jesus and gone yet? 
-Get ye to repentant altars; God is avenging martyred blood," was the cry waking me June 26 (2017), and hours later this drive I'd be in Georgia's/Africa's Atlantic crossover. 
-Clearly its Jesus saying no flesh survives great tribulations, flee this desolater, all first born's die. Only repentance to standing on Gods promises hearers and doers halts humanity total genocide, again, the gospel of Jesus. 
-This year 2020 and every ecpert of every category, even those pending, confirming it's an unprecedented year not to be taken for granted . 
-Here come, sound proof to evidence seeing Dec 29, 2019, Rev Holies in a running race to put its Dec 24/25, 2001, awarded fiery doomsday a Christmas Carol back on prophetic track, still tens of million US soil to die. Until those political, religious to social campaigns to make sense right now. Truly are  those alerting you, prepping you to stampeding you, you know where! Beware, Holy Elohim God Is, AWARE! Apb

Help me, help others,

Prophecy Links Fulfilling, hearing, Oct 15, 2018, 10.2 earthquake; hearing , major, major earthquake, West Pacific Canada; seeing, Aug 7, 2019 a hand writing clumsily Escape Yellowstone! Beware, Apb

YouTube, mrmbb333, Jumbo Earthquake/Ring Of Fire,, (odd, only moments ago my grand and I were discussing her 2016, dream. Whereas she witnessed fuel containers all set in a circle and one by one set ablaze. No doubt, totally revisiting the Pacific Ring of fire that when the Americas volcanic apocalypse is done. Its molten lake will reach from its US Pacific right into its US Atlantic coast, presently a commanded exodus into Georgia's Africa's, Atlantic as from US States of Barbecue. Then, fiery escape, was just before the Bride was taken skyward, now five years its blessed escape revisit, June 26/July 6, 2020, beware, RUN! Or Perish! Apb

Prophecy Links Fulfilling, What's The Secret Of Meetings Atop Arkansas Old Expansion Bridge? Apb

YouTube, amtv, Blackouts could be the next big thing,

Kill All Parents By, All First Borns Die, Repent, RUN, or Perish! 

-Woke this, June 19,  morning looking for the third time since May 10, 11, 2020, Mother's day at the prophesied hour Rev 3:3, Rev 17/18, manifested in multicultural flesh! Beware, Apb

What's The Secret Of Memphis, Will Angels Also Ascend?

    -I explained to a Memphis grand weeks back, according to an EMP to CME causing walkathon out of Memphis, Hackscross. She could ride to Georgia now, or she could walk later. We did a switch off near a month back she's here now Georgia's, Atlantic crossover.
     -Those recent June 3, 2020 lineup of rolling events of Twilight skies to Twilight earth. This predicted darkening, sun, to moon. suppose to last until Sunlight of Jesus again sat his feet atop Mt Olivet, April 2, ( 2019 thru 2026), King Zion millennium reign come.
     -Beware, nearing blackouts, also the underlining cause of seeing Aug 5, 2019, this standing the world still. The single word disappeared frozen as upon all HD, 5G and Social media screening.
-Disappeared simultaneously Holy Bride, unholy West Rule, leaving tens of millions dead, with all others The Americas stampeding into Georgia's/Africa's Atlantic, blessed crossover, got him, got Jesus and gone yet? Beware, Holy Elohim God Is AWARE! Apb, see more here,, how it's ALL, ending prophetically" Apb

Prophecy Links Fulfilling, hearing, Oct 15, 2018, 10.2 earthquake; hearing further, major, major earthquake, West Pacific Canada; seeing, Aug 7, 2019, a hand writing clumsily Escape Yellowstone! Beware, Apb

Prophecy Links Fulfilling See The June 26, July 6, 2015, Georgia to Heaven, Briexit to Blaexit, The Bride's Escaping Chariot, Actually Showed An Estimated Time Of Escape, (ETE), of September 23/25, beware, Holy Elohim God, Jesus Cried To From The Cross, see Psalm. 22: is AWARE! Apb  

Article, Trump claims he deserves credit for making Juneteenth 'very famous, ', (Beware, every date Pres Trump has set, since before Hurricane Harvey, and as of Easter 2019 and Mid May re-openings, right into some of the most monstrous hurricanes to weather phenom ever, such earth enders have followed Trump's itinerary, beware, repent, RUN, you know you where, or like all other rebellious, perish! 

Article, June 19, 1865: “Juneteenth” Emancipation Day

Juneteenth, also known as Freedom Day , Jubilee Day, Cel-Liberation Day or the Black Fourth of July, is an American holiday that commemorates June 19, 1865. ... Texas was the most remote of the slave states, and the Emancipation Proclamation of January 1, 1863, was not enforced there until after the Civil War had ended.

Juneteeth Revisited Just as Africa, Islamic. American Slave, Prince To World Ruler, as Predicted Error/Era Bush's 2003, Senator Barack HUSSEIN Obama, Come, Into US White House? Islamic World Rule   

June 26/July 6, 2020. will revisit blessed escape, as a sea of American refugees, it's dates 2008.09, pouring into an  African coastal island; June 26/July 6, 2020, will revisit, blessed escape, as American refugees, it's dates, 2015, whereas a Rev 17;14, Jesus husband is witnessed escape some to Georgia's Savannah coast before delivering the Bride skyward
only a new date of blessed escape, March 13/Oct 15, 2018, American refugees escaping described, United States of barbecue, poured by the auto loads filled into Georgia coast, with Africa's Atlantic coast pending what some has surmised, generations, the 400, year repatriation of mother Africa, Apb   

-And these are the descendants of the beauty rescued from the hands of the beast: Beast Of Beauty Featuring king Bridegroom Tanner Channing Birthstone and Queen Bride Gloriana Nigeria Logan 

The Unending Love Antidote ...The African Juttah Genealogy, 1986-2016/2026/3036

The Tombola Genealogy, Holy, Temple, April, 17, 1986/2026/3036 into Infinity, God's Kingdom Reign

Unto Harrison Edward Markton and Mahaseiah Adonjiah Saurus, Cook was born twins, a son ShawdowLark Petra  Cook and a Daughter Medowlark Peton Cook, a son Fabian Emetre Bloomberg and a son Audran Phelip Cauldron    

Mark Scene, Genesis Marriage Worshipers, XVII and VII, It's LXXXXI Matrix Count

     "You're saying Maaseiah, after back to back days of finding odd quarter's, Nibewe Arkansas, old bridge crossover dream of animal like loved ones a face off to meeting. you were just again reminded since May 10, 11, 2020, the prophesied hour is here; again manifested in the flesh of a multi-racial 30 plus year male? I know, I know all that Nicholas is conflicting enough, regardless, we're coming upon the first revisit that showed us the exodus of America trajectory July 2008, 09 into Africa's Atlantic. Though it is first, June 26/July 6, 2015, into US Georgia's Savannah coast and not only so it's, June 26, July 6, 2017 and only hours later grand, grand because of a sickness, death in the family is forcefully since relocated to safe haven Georgia's coast, Still, there's the hearing as I woke get ye to repentant altars, God is avenging martyred blood, and no first born's survive, repent, RUN or perish, thus says Mt 24, Jesus!. So seeing one of my YouTube feed titled with Jumbo quake rocks ring of fire, the ring of fire I predicted Nicholas will after 101 Yellowstone's reach across into the North Atlantic, soon claiming The entire Americas and tens of millions of US lives alone.  All I could think was. , well ask of, mrmbb333, saying Jumbo Quake, is that the 10. 2 quake I heard, Oct 2018, has HE finally done it; is the heavenly host celebrating like shown behind Rev 11, 7th Angel Trumpet, the removal of Mystery Babylon America? Grand Nibewe's dream just now, June 16/17, 2020, yes exactly Nicholas ten Rev 2 Jesus, Matrix days before we revisit seeing even Rev 17:14, Jesus Husband as with Abraham's Lot now with my grands, escape them into Georgia just before taking the Bride skyward. So what Nibewe Arkansas bridge meeting revisit, she saw herself and all my grands on Georgia side. Yet approaching us was her mom, dad, Jr Darius and mom's known loved ones from Memphis side, even Pastor uncle; grand Nibewe said they all look like animals, down on hands and knees, which Nicholas could mean, extreme penance, but she could tell who they all were.  Then Nicholas, days ago, seeing that white rabbit, also revisit Rev 12 star warring Michael vs mutineering Lucifer coming after her, her son, their anointed. Here's Jan 23-29, 2018, Rev 10 Mighty Angel talking about all their time here is up, but a portion of his anointed taken to Georgia, Africa pending, can't go skyward, even my grands. I know Maaseiah, their sins remain, just as all, all, all those described by Mat 7: 21-23 Jesus, yes, yes only if they loved God and seeked after righteousness as they do those damning broadway creatures, keeping this damning American Dream.  Ah, uh, right there Nicholas I heard from the Matrix movie scene its character Trinity, telling its betrayer, The Matrix, (America), Isn't real, it's been pulled over the reality. Only 7 days after creation fall from God's glory, we're cursed to be created, born to and suffer through post, proceeding, to present-day apocalypse, ebbing and flowing six millennia now, but it never stopped metastasizing into end days come. Here, their womb by the billions now, home earth, heaven to universe by the prophesied hour are all imploding. Plainly just as I witnessed the Bride skyrocket into heaven, I witnessed just as simultaneously West Rule, Mystery Babylon America fire-rocket into oblivion. But who even this unprecedented year 2020, of them all thus far Sia Maaseiah is gonna believe your report? Some, some by the auto loads full I saw pour into Georgia's Atlantic; some by an ocean filled worth I saw come into Africa's Atlantic coastal Island, the many Nicholas Edin a once weeping John himself. There's even a weeping behind a silence in heaven, Heavenly Father John witnessed by a number incalculable, this multicultural man, pour into heaven, into Jesus' Throne, bosom, now with Him forever. So beloved man, my third day of promise is here, please don't go, stay with me. Nicholas, you know I can't stay in the Sahara Juttah, three days was pushing it, don't flee this incredible, tempting marriage bed, don't dress, Maaseiah. So there's no chance your mission here is finished? Attorney Coogan investments are still Maaseiah stalled these efforts here by what happen in Akure Nigeria. Did the heavens throw missiles down and didn't you predict it, isn't fire balls from heaven the cost for most ground fires right now and worst, Australia recent bushfire apocalypse? Your Mr Veneer seems to think the tragedies happening in Akure were more supernatural than militant. He's not or no longer my Mr Veneer and we were further forewarn into by mid May, 2020! Actually another of Trump's grand reopenings followed by sudden destruction, said meteorites would began pounding the earth. Supposedly experts running to find other excuses for these fire from sky incidents and youtube, Final Days, not heard from since her fascinating stripped planet reveal. Argggg, how does HE bear it all? I have a special date with Dr Countess Dracula soothing, super garden, we could spend these last moments helping me with a shower. No, no, no, that's kissing you and licking you, and loving you to say, to ah say, to ah say good, ah, bye. I want to bite your shower drenched neck me'sure Coogan, don't, don't, don't you run from me, that's not, ….Maa se iah!!!!!!!!"     >>>"But that's what grand said, righteous, holy leaders are leading comers from the entry door, right to repent altars, getting them born again, handing them grab bags filled needful things their blessed flight, a drive to walk, GPS map into Georgia's Savannah, all marked with various pit stops and reststops, and on to the next. Well, well, well, Lament dear, the lyrics, we exalt thee play beautifully all around this line upon line, those lyrics she heard plainly as the Lamb's book was opened into a revisit, Rev 20, a name roll call, also a census taking. Yeah, yeah, yeah, Macbeth, make we wonder, is it the Rev 7, predicted song, none could learn but those 144,000 marked, virgin saints? I would think Gimmel love, if so, then they wouldn't have allowed grand Sia it's memory, plus those are known lyrics, but the same time, she is Lord Urusalem, but still I doubt it, even she, she doubt it when asked. Still, look at what she saw mother's day, conversing with the prophesied, hour, all around going on like normal, when a rain storm blew in, and reveals again the ginormous maze of sin, unveils even reopening churches and choirs are ensnaring newbies in high chair type traps, instead commanded exodus come even it's Hemingway exodus. Crystal clear, we'll there, Apostle John the 9th chapter, the 6th angel sounding, eventually he, saying as at present US and world soil, and who didn't die my the plague, repented not of the works of their hands, that they should not worship devils, and idols of gold, and silver, and brass, and stone, and of wood: which neither can see, nor hear, nor walk; Neither repented they of their murders, nor of their sorceries, nor of their fornication, nor of their thefts, heart melting into the midst of your bowls, sad, but grand Sia said, they only want to be liberated to get back to whoring, partying, stealing, killing and destroying."   >>>I guess I'm saying Lord if you love me so much, give me wings like a dove, so I can fly away from all impacting desolations and rest, ah god Nicholas, you startled me,  I didn't see you there, I thought you were asleep. So you heard that, irreligious or what? No, I only thought not only have  THEY  Maaseiah given you dove wings but an entire shift-shaped out of the high heavens sun, a diamond, carved, crystal Dove, arriving, again I say, arriving chariot. When I  heard you and the grands by the commy earlier, singing so beautifully, swing low, sweet chariot, to myself, I said, they just don't know, holy Lords has granted their grand, her own designed, with a Revelation  book, Jesus' husband at the steering wheel, come, get some rest, your fight is soon, and who's gonna let me rest, I promised to try, really, and you know Mr Nicholas Coogan, how I stand on promises." Why Speak In Parable? For they say today as in Prophet Ezekiel's day, the Lord seeth us not; the Lord is ascended from the earth, beware, Apb

Prophecy Links Fulfilling, May 15, 2020" getting refers to more eruptions, a disaster super Hawaii pending, into 101 Yellowstone's; there's also some bout FEMA, and just now, June 19, 2020, as May 10, 11, 2020, Mother's Day, more refers to the prophesied hour manifested in the flesh. Basically you're in an hour by hour countdown to fiery, molten apocalypse, and the Holy Bride its single nano-second of a blessed escape! Apb

Article, [Laura Ingraham Shows She's Either Oblivious To Trump's Racism - Or Is Gaslighting You]

The Predestined Since Adams's Eve, Eden, Spiritual Warfare Of A New World Order! Apb

     -Just saw a photo op of Biden and Obama looking mighty nice, only since all US Priz to Vice Priz right into Trump/Pence 2017 inauguration to administration. Say since Bush/Clinton/Bush to Britain and Canada are aligned to 50 million US deaths, like, more or less, two intervals of 17 million, and one of 16 million. Calculated to be as 15% US soil, suddenly no more. The hearing smiling faces don't last, it little matters which of the two take the 2020 vote, your UK/US/BC soil is an outbreak of mortuary, nuclear, natural and NEO'S, REPENT, RUN, OR PERISH!!!!! Apb

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