Prophecy Links Fulfilling, Saith Angel Gabriel May 15 2004-2020, know also, waking predicted May 15, 2020, reopenings, hearing eruptions and FEMA, we're since predicted July 6/7 2015-2020, in a nine day countdown, so June 15/16, 2020, but soon to learn had Youtube, earthquake forecaster, ductchsinse also put his people on a watch, until July 16, 17, 2020, beware, Apb
You tube, mrmbb333, there's something weird going on in the solar system, something not for a hundred years,, (Rev 12, sign related? A not for 7 thousand years predatiing the godman Adam, post Jesus, the last Adam, Millennium reign, planetary phenom, see more here,,
Youtube, News "Mythbusters" co-host Grant Imahara dead at 49,
Hearing 2010, I Don't Care What The Heavens Do Anymore! What About Those Commanded 4 Winds, Revelation 7, And More Derelet Events and Wind Damage Reports, World Wide, in One 2020 Season, Than Ever Recorded
-Some would say what a coincidence, but we know there are too many spirits, holy and unholy star warring for us to adhere to such non-sense, Grant Imahara with a show entitled, White Rabbit, and the movie franchise 'The Matrix", some of his many achievements. Just saying pastor, here your video reveal about these same technological invaders to destroyers and I'm clamoring to share not only, like 2017, being forewarn about courting and flirting with Keanu Reeves, movies.
-Unquestionably, lik the LGBTQ and P for pedophiler, so more human genocidal efforts, like his most recent, Replica, to his most famous, the Matrix, and lest we forget, seeing Aug 5, 2019, the word disappeared frozen on, as all HD, 5G and Social Media, screening. I even mentioned, Keanu Reeves version of, 'The Day The Earth Stood,' Still, something since, the coronavirus has easily done world wide, seeming with a demonstrative vengeance to resurgence to repeat it's ravaging killer instinct. -I shared a couple months back, the oddity of seeing a fence opened and a single white rabbit, come out, only in the movie Matrix, the white rabbit, indicated. You see, not only was a predatory to genocidal AI aware, but it's aware that we too, actually those which withholeth, Nov 22/23/2017, Rev 2, Jesus, Matrix ten day countdown to fiery doomsday a Christmas Carol, now it's ninetieth plus, count, we too Pastor Begley are fully aware, also, beware, Rev 17/18 Holy Elohim God, Is, AWARE!
Prophecy Links Fulfilling, Know Endtime Prophecy
Is Space Debree Coming,, (as in is more space debree coming, only more disastrous, deadly, beware Apb
-We know dark days, as a darkness Marfoogle is coming. Additionally, I got these up close and in my face events of twilight skies, planet earth, but a predicted 2007, Asteriod impact and predicted 2017, black Friday. Presently, here on the precipice of a nine 9 day count down until July 16\17, 2020, be fulfilled, beware, Apb
Article, [Barack Obama, Joe Biden, Elon Musk, Apple, and others hacked in unprecedented Twitter attack 68, The scams were part of a widespread hacking operation affecting multiple accounts
Fright Night, Seeing Revelation 12, Star warriors, in a running race to put doomsday, fiery apocalypse back on prophetic track, any hour to it's nano-second. Apb
-A prophecy link, a nine day countdown into another pending D-day, finales into Twitter Accounts Hacked Showing Some of those instrumental the active Matrix, allied to 50 million US deaths and thus the end of your world.
-Especially ex vice President Biden and Ex President Obama. Surely he's the prophesied hour, manifested in multicultural flesh, seen lately at loggerheads, this Dr Jerkel and Mr Hyde, only with being a Mohammad destroyer or a Moses Deliverer?
-Unthinkable, but will Holy Lords, the last supper pending to be fulfilled in heaven, the Lambs marriage supper, look at world leader, Hussein Obama.
-I, Apostle, witnessed again prophesied since 2015, and shown it's 2019, as sealed US soil, even Rite Aid Pharmacy, sealed death tolls, 5% into 15%, presently Feb 13, 2020, again these demos as at the first, hanging out with the Obama's.
-Even at one time being in France with them, and days later Obama clearly, looking to revisit, political campaigning. Know this, just as Christ Jesus' last supper important.
Mighty Angel standing one foot the planet, one rhe sea, the US map, will THEY look to him, declared 2008/2009 US campaign,"the One," given a two weeks and 7 year timetable; Pres Trump's come, April 2, 2019.
-Like two weeks before his middle eastern deal of the century, went viral, hint, hint, hint, next nations to G 7, summit; so until , April 2, 2026, be fulfilled; will it be these end hours come, THEY, even the Sunlight reigning God's back turn Throne.
-Howbeit, this offering to "The One," THEY designed Senator Barack Hussein Obama, as a Judas, go and do what you do quickly or as Sunlight Luther, from a Mountain, both reigning God's back turn Throne, as to a Moses deliverer, let my people go? -Remember the second demo of this prophesied hour manifested in multicultural flesh, May 10/11, 2020, as we'd sat across from each other, seeming a mocked nations summit, US campaign, 2008, 2009, he's touting his itinerary as evidence, of his affinity for God's people; here we sat, US campaign 2019/2020, side by side, seems a now forbidden family gathering, a barbecue even, and before a rainstorm spoiled the party, ran us into an even more imminent institution of evil, also banned, dangerous, damning churches to choirs, he, this perfect, dangerous man was tangled a ball of confusion, again, deliverer or destroyer, now reconsider those targeted by this July 15, 2020, twitter hoax, those aligned to 50 million US deaths, friend, foe or like Pres Trump, both, dangerous, perfect men? Beware, as Holy Elohim God, Himself, Apb
And these are the descendants of the beauty rescued from the hands of the beast: Beast Of Beauty Featuring King Bridegroom Maipo Finona Kwanskan and Queen Bride Logan Heather Eskew
The Unending Love Antidote ...The African Juttah Genealogy, 1986-2016/2026/3036
The Tombola Genealogy, Holy, Temple, April, 17, 1986/2026/3036 into Infinity, God's Kingdom Reign
Unto Dexter Sanford Joyhouse and Queen Bride Bronwyn Gazelle Galileo was born twin daughters Aubrey Marietta Joyhouse and Shenandoah Madison Joyhouse and a son, Thorne Langdon Joyhouse Galileo
Mark Scene, Genesis Marriage Worshipers, XVII and VII, It's LXXXXIII Matrix Count
"You promised you not gonna laugh? I promise, really, I'm not gonna laugh, this is something I saw the same morning. You know, of that person, seen running, speeding backward while showing this white sign, eligible. Indefinitely, doubting not Nicholas revisiting the eligible sign I saw in 2018, written in English, but I interpreted it into Dutch. Then had a similar experience Thanksgiving, Christmas 2019, weatherized travel bans, only about reading an article on greater US W . Pacific earthquakes, only it too written in Dutch. I'm beginning to doubt that sign saying anything other than, than, that hand writing, ineligibly, Aug 7, 2019, 'Escape Yellowstone!' Just think, the back peddling on re-openings, right now, because of a backward C letter pandemic, but just as the backward running clock tick us backward to a for near two millennia predicted Volcanic Apocalypse. Still, just revisited Nicholas, the meeting on all fours atop that old Arkansas bridge, is a back turn Throne of God forewarning overseers let us go, as into an as Moses day exodus. Additionally reveals, a back turn woman, Rite Aid Pharmacy counter, predicting we're dead US/Western soil, by 5% into 15%, these insurmountable death tolls. Okay, okay, here goes and don't laugh, but that same morning, July 6, 2020, I watched as a hand reached into the deep freezer, grabbed, well more like squeezed a bag of frozen chicken and fired it! Wait," finding himself amused to hear clearly, "and fired it, what you, (giggling more and more), wait, wait, and fired it, like, like shot it? Yes, giggling to hacking man, and fired it, like it was a gun or a rocket launcher, a frozen bag of chicken, so, not that funny, then why are you just as tickled? Because you're tickled I'm tickled, I'm just saying Maaseiah, what the heck does that mean, and why used frozen chicken, a deep freezer analogy? I Don't know, meaning even what's deeply preserved, I wasn't gonna share it, thinking it too ridiculous. Until , until Nicholas a day past, I thought about sharing it with Ice Age farmer,(IAF), and with that thought Nicholas I knew. Those US to China to world food wars he's been forewarning for years, only this one about poultry. He's been showing us entire herds of chickens and pigs not just being culled but to the point they can't or won't be reproduced. Like we're waiting for Antichrist agendas's to announce they're now god, they been playing god with our natural resources decades now. Just ask yourself this elephant in the room question. If COVID-19 wasn't acting like its Trump best friend and slayer at killing off way more minorities than White people, if the timetables were reversed, would the coronavirus map still be in the red, would their high level mask wars? Mass genocide of farms and it's various productions. Unquestionably, the genocide of the genesis world wide earth's inherit we been putting off as shortages. Thinking it's caused by climate change, but no it's them playing god, foolishly, even arrogantly crying the Lord don't see us, he's ascended from the earth, followed by greed, strife, confusion, every evil work and human extinction. That, that like only His Holy Cross, saved us, now only His, Jesus' Olivet Mountain return, will keep us from our own designed hubris to oblivion, sadly, sadly Nicholas, still billions will perish, instantly tend of millions US soil, especially if they don't, RUN! Remember, during Jesus phenom millennium come, it descended into a planet littered around and through, with Gog and Magog's manslaughter to reigning Bride's, retaliation, their Hamon-gog, burial, even, even Nicholas, when I witnessed that new, White, Holy house descend from heaven, these surreal events were six years apart, it was for a lost suffered US/Western soil, of 5% into 15%, just imagine. Explaining why that closed counter Rite aid Pharmacy Clerk, turning, saying she'll wait on me, after I gave her a 5 for my purchase she return 15, back, so, Nicholas, 5 into 15, and on US soil, that's the fifty million dead I been seeing, hearing for 7 US Admins now, into the morning, of Pres Trump 2017, inauguration, I wake hearing, 50, million will die!" {{{"There you are, yes, here I am, where are you? Standing on my amazing balcony, watching the heavens Kirst, tug a war between a bright or cloudy day, it's to be,"}}} "Hey, you have a blanky? You know, so I don't stir the top covers so, yeah," stunning him, his own intimate sensory, never getting to see or experience his best friend in this capacity, a female in distress of his total attention and intervention; like when, she grabbed him earlier and held him so tight, needing, wanting him, even. "I'll bring it right there, thanks." {{{"who is there? Luc, I found her sitting outside, she leaped up Kirst, grab my neck, fold herself into me, so tight, crying uncontrollably, how us leaving her with this Hybrid guy was so scary, intimidating, hold on."}}} "Here you go, no just lay there and I'll toss it over you, thank you, you welcome, now rest, you're safe here." {{{"Yeah, I'm back, she's in the guess parlor, so she didn't like, ah, I don't think Kirst it's even about that, it's like she said, even what we said. this is all happening so fast, your everything blood to spirit changing over night, it is kinda mind blowing to bogging if you think about it, just think about it. Don't you have lab, those UFO, findings? Odd Kirst, of all the research there, my findings would be the break through, look, can I keep you on the commy right into my transit? Yes, ah, I'll like that, so Luc gonna be alright until then? Ah yah, find, find, even when it come to this Hybrid, so did you see him today, anything odd, with, ah him? No, the same, actually like we'd not even sup together, that's because I sensed he considered us intruders, not so much us, but you Sawyer perhaps. Just seeing to sensing how adorably close Luc is too you, I can see Hybrid Angelson, if he's serious, taking some offense, what are you, no, are you Sawyer Winston concern that you have an unattended female in your guess quarters, isn't that like disallowed? My Christ, I'd not considered, no, because you're just getting used to looking at your Luc, whose the opposition genesis marriage, wait, are you saying we're, even Luc in danger of reapers? No, sweet boy, they're Holy waters, who know the innocent heart Sawyer, just beware that's all, she's not your boy friend anymore, she's as nature designed, a girl whose a friend. I gotta run, perfect timing, my transit is here, alright, I'll commy you when I'm home, as in Kirst, I'm not gonna see you today? You do have company, stop it, Luc is as much your company as mine, she's our company, no, meet me at the lab, I'll commy you if anything change, we'll go from there, alright, see you then, yeah hey, I love you, I love and want you more, later."}}} Why speak in parables? Jesus disciples,even asked him, with his quoting prophets of old, saying, while see here, Mat 13:10-17
YouTube CNN Cooper: Trump poses with can of beans while COVID-19, surges, Trump showing himself as belligerent and hubristic
as the days of king of kings Nebuchadnezzar, Actually a year into his own awarded madness and as biblically described silly as women easily carried off by men's flattering, in this,Trump's case, that would be the Goya's Latino overseer declaring Pres Trump the greatest US President ever. During Bush war on Islam, this is were I would've surmised that while they hunted, persecuted and even executed Saddam Hussein,, I, Apostle I am, by prophetic scripture put Saddam Hussein in the US White House and declared him one day the most powerful man on earth. In prophetic hindsight, soon counted, as one of the ten beast head wounded to death, Saddam Hussein, yet it lived, Barack Hussein, Obama,
-Get to repent altars, i was to tell mass assembly, know bible prophecy, darkness is coming, Clinton to Bush, US campaign, 1998/1999. So when Pres Trump and Pence 2016, US campaign are aligned to Gog and Magog, you'd know Gog and Magog, are for the Ancient earth enders and men eaters, just say a million times Hitler's Germany, presently influencing kingdom, nation building, Know also this is why Rev 18, Holy God cry, Come out of her, my people, that ye be not partakers of her sins, and that ye receive not of her plagues. For her (great whore, West Rule) sins have reached unto heaven, and God hath remembered her iniquities.
-Reward her (petrodollar bloodletting), even as she rewarded you, and double unto her double according to her works: in the cup (Dec 24/25, 2001, US weight of blood guilt), which she hath filled, fill to her double. Therefore shall her plagues come in one day, death, and mourning, and famine; and she shall be utterly burned with fire: predicted 101 Yellowstone's, 99 bowls of molten lava); for strong is the Lord God who judgeth her, Rev 18...
-We often talk about the brides nano second escape, only I've seen West Rule world system end as quickly as a proud, let's say an Elon Musk driver of his flying car, is ejected out and obliviously standing again a scale for weighing West Rule blood guilt 190 months worth, (dan 9;27, rev 11;1, 2, Rev 13:5, all revisited by Pres Trump April 16.17, 2019, middle eastern deal of the century, come it's non- aggression pact, until April 2, 2026, be fulfilled, and Elohim God, Christ's Cross even George Floyd prayed to, pounding them like the days of Noah's to Egypt's ten plagues, until they, world leaders do.) Dec 24/25, 2001, ebbing, flowing and expiring into a fiery Doomsday apocalypse every Matrix ten day count since Thanksgiving to Black Friday, Nov 22/23, 2017, beware as Holy Elohim God, Himself.
And these are the descendants of the beauty rescued from the hands of the beast: Beast Of Beauty Featuring King Bridegroom Dexter Sanford Joyhouse and Queen Bride Bronwyn Gazelle Galileo
The Unending Love Antidote ...The African Juttah Genealogy, 1986-2016/2026/3036
The Tombola Genealogy, Holy, Temple, April, 17, 1986/2026/3036 into Infinity, God's Kingdom Reign
Unto Maipo Finona Kwanskan and Queen Bride Logan Heather Eskew was born two godsons Amaomao Meiko Kwanskan, a son Kikowaena Dialia Kwanskan and a daughter, Lani Kikowaena Kwanskan, Eskew
Waking from seeing the single number 7 and minutes later, Dan 4, I would go and read, THEY'RE now pointing out to threatening and revisiting this world leader, Pres Trump, to a moment a king of kings was struck, with 7 years of humbling, madness, Apb
-After king of kings Nebuchadnezzar was visited by watchers, told his Almighty world Kingdom, ruling its surrounding circle of life, terrestrial, celestial all stripped from him, until 7 passes over him. though to be fair, after a year assessment of his attitude as to honor who truly is Elohim God, a year later for President Trump, Oct 15 25, 2018 to 2019, showing no recourse, no humility said curse of madness commences and for the next 7 years, Oct 2019-2026, this prominent world leader is reduced to a seeming swap of mental illness as to portray a wild animal in a wilderness of the same, men dressed as judgmental horses of coming cataclysms.
-So when presented June 17, 2020, this meeting to face off of members from both sides of Arkansas old bridge, Memphians to relocated Georgians but as animals down on all fours . Clearly I thought about this curse and how this body language actually portrayed extreme penance which King Nebuchadnezzar had when exactly 7 years later he woke from this curse; so no it was his just as belligerent grandson Belshazzar that lost them the empire to the Medes and Persians. See this Apostle to Elon Musk peering from the backdoor of that intrepid dream weigh station, judgement, sentence come.
-Unthinkably, but just as they brought around an extinction level event, a towering Pale horse infested with fleas, in the midst of an active extinction level event, commanded to destroy US soil, an Asteroid perhaps Yet, yet on the horrorizon coming into power are present day sorts of Medes and Persians also father Abraham's promised 12 Princes nations of Islam, soon themselves an Islamic/Israeli world rule. I know, kinda make COVID-19, as my backward letter C pandemic going viral post commanded to destroy US Midwest, Asteroids, to those forecast 101 Yellowstone's, Instead throwing a novel pneumonia this world wars civil, nuclear and Armageddon did itself stand the world still.
-Understand, it can't last, even it won't, something so catastrophe that sends both grace period the Holy Bride as so West Rule skyrocketing, that intrepid dream, weigh station, doomsday, fulfilling.
I know its too, too, too late but you need hurry, get with religious, political leads, even national to international preppers.
-I admit, those whose only worth is knowing how to deal with a half of billion American refugees stampeding southeast unto Georgia's coast to southwest into Africa's coast,Atlantic, be reminded, just now, during post, present fiery apocalypse, we witnessed star warring against America's Trump/Gog and Magog Rev 12 Holies, in a running race Dec 29, 2019 to put Dec 24/25 2019 doomsday a fiery Christmas Carol back on track. Meaning until its April 2, 2019 thru April 2 2026, fulfillment, your planet home is a firing rage for any and every mass disaster imagined, unimagined, Know also, long before this touted unprecedented 2020 year, I been telling y'all they're all coming on US soil, in three inclement of extinctions, nuclear, natural and NEOS; more ore than I can count they've shown me fixed, again fixed death tolls US soil, Western soil 5% into 15%, America's 15%, Britain, Canada 5% each
-Sorrowfully, if you all think you've dodged extinction with COVID-19, no dodge a commanded asteroid, told to destroy West constantly sinning; even more fright night dodge a siege by a volcanic apocalypse, involving 101 Yellowstone's eruptions all carrying on like Tambora types, eruptions, I know a million times anything earth ending, ever. Believe Apostle THEY say I am, here lately designed such reveals brilliant and further schooled me using Psalm 91: 4, on how to fly by Jesus healing wings, though I already have, see here,, and truly, there's no telling how many times.
-Anyway if you ever wondered who, what, why, when and where to escape? That's Rev 17/18 Holy God, avenging US weight of blood, guilt, by a triple threat to impact by various, ELES; one, HIS beloved Jerusalem/the Middle East are stampeding into Jordan's/Moses Petra, while HIS beloved Western Civilization are stampeding into Africa's Atlantic, Islands, irocally just in time to fulfilled what some call, an equally prophesied, 400 years repatriation of Mother Africa and again, Holy Elohim pounding Western Civilization until it's fulfilled, your Blaexit, beware, Genesis thru Revelation, Holy Elohim God who by puppeteering COVID-19 alone, just showed all Kingdom, Nation building, He alone is ALMIGHTY God, is MIGHTY Angel, Is AWARE! Repent, RUN! or Perish, Apb
Prophecy Links Fulfilling Hearing The Saying In My Ear, "He shall cover you with his feathers and under his wings shall thou trust, Ps 91:4! Phenom is, the first Jesus of resurrection I saw live, Spring 1986, had these huge white unexplainable wings; only prophet Malachi 4th chapter, calls them healing wings, the scripture then say, his truth shall be thy shield and buckler, truth is I've always, ALWAYS held God to. HIS Word Of Truth, ...hallelujah I say! Apb
Prophecy Link Fulfilling
A Voice, "Give Me Twelve," 08/18/2016, as in twelve slayers, as is being described by the prophet Ezekiel, 9th chapters, hearing God, calling forth six slayers, now measuring 12, could as well represent the tribes of Israel, and Jesus saying, except or them, none would survive the great tribulation of God, avenging martyred blood!
There's something about a dream, regarding the setting of these fuel canisters, into this 'ring of fire,' all round, on the map, even more proof, all rebellion is come to an end, firey doomsday apocalypse ensues, 08/30/2016
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