Tuesday, July 14, 2020

I looked Jan 20, 2019, and there was a sign in heaven, Rev 12 Michael was battling along a starwars in heaven, hearing Michael os setting his all around!

Prophecy Links Fulfilling, And There Was Darkness Upon The Land Of America And The Word Disappeared Frozen Upon All HD, 5G and Social Media Screening You Tube, Sky Watch Media, Sun entering into Deep Solar Lockdown, https://youtu.be/gWcYuLnrgXQ, (I witnessed a line up to build up of the event as twilight skies, earth, a couple months past. Such events are scripture and like the earth changing to ending troubles it will cause all  hearld as signs the end of this world is here.  -The darkening of both the Sun and the moon, just as I remind others, Jesus return is prophesied to be a day neither light nor dark, so twilight, but at evening, there shall be light, Zech 14 Article, [Trump twists stats on police brutality: ‘more white people’ are killed, https://www.theguardian.com/us-news/2020/jul/14/donald-trump-george-floyd-police-killings Black Lives Matter Because God So Loves The World -Fret not thyself, trust, delight and commit, in his awarded Dan 4, madman ways. Non-convincingly, Pres Trump saying police kill more white people than black people. Clearly he just reinforced world wide protesters cry, police brutality is off the charts,  -Verifying Imminently policing reform to defunding is urgently needed in this country, if as of Trump's own stats Whites by an apparent militant, lethal policing force are more proportionally killed than blacks.  -Riddle me this also, if flying the conferderate flag is a freedom of speech. Then can't these same evils fly the Nazi Swastika? Here revisited as a hybrid Antichrist, Jan/Feb 2019 only now hundreds of millions to billions will be killed! Hitler's Germany, only responsible for killing 10 million people, six million Jews; undoubtedly both movements are about Trumps White house march to restore US to World-wide White supremacy? Truly his, Trump's being aligned to Eze 38/39, Rev 20, Gog and Magog and 50 million US lives, any wonder his everything is followed by sudden destruction? -White supremacy itself, a greater deception and manslaughter than the American dream to it's bloodletting petro-dollar. Since Dec 24/25, 2001-2019 and more Dan 5, wall handwritings of judgments to be counted. Aligned to a weight of blood guilt sentence US, Western soil alone, seen with death tolls 5% into 15%, leaping into heaven's ceiling.  -Plainly you wrestle not against the single genesis, human blood genome. But dangerous, perfect men, satanic oppression and demonic possession. Here, Hear Jesus of blood reconciliation instead saying; "take my yoke upon you, for my yoke is easy and my burdens lite and ye shall find rest unto your souls," beware, no longer is the mystery of godliness, the Ancient Of Days, who put on flesh and endured a Cross, for the Genesis Man who once was lost, Is AWARE! Apb

Prophecy Links Fulfilling, Saith Angel Gabriel May 15 2004-2020, know also, waking predicted May 15, 2020, hearing eruptions and FEMA, we're since predicted July 6/7 2015-2020, in a nine day countdown, but soon to learn had Youtube, earthquake forecaster, ductchsinse also put his people on a watch, until July 16, 17, 2020, beware, Apb

"Mythbusters" co-host Grant Imahara dead at 49, https://youtu.be/Ft2uCfDaUYI -Some would say what a coincidence, but we know there are too many spirits, holy and unholy star warring for adhere to such non-sense, with a show entitled, White Rabbit, and the movie franchise 'The Matrix", some of his many achievements. Just saying pastor, here your video reveal about these same technological invaders to destroyers and I'm clamoring to share not only, like 2017, being forewarn about courting and flirting with Keanu Reeves, movies. -Unquestionable, other human genocidal efforts, like his most recent, Replica, to his most famous, the Matrix, and lest we forget, seeing Aug 5, 2019, the word disappeared frozen on, as all HD, 5G and Social Media, screening. I mentioned, his version of, 'The Day The Earth Stood, Still, something since, the coronavirus has easily done world wide, seeming with a demonstrative vengeance to resurgence to repeat it's ravaging killer instinct. -I shared a couple months back, the oddity of seeing a fence opened and a single white rabbit, come out, only in the movie Matrix, the white rabbit, indicated. You see, not only was a predatory to genocidal AI aware, but it's aware that we too, Nov 22/23/2017, Rev 2, Jesus, Matrix ten day countdown to fiery doomsday a Christmas Carol, now it's ninetieth plus, count, we too Pastor Begley are fully aware, also, beware, Rev 17/18 Holy Elohim God, Is, AWARE! Article, [California under lock downs as surge of Coronavirus cases explodes nationwide Near to over a quarter million US dead, what about the missing; home deaths, other COVID-19 related deaths, just saying what others are thinking. Surely if infections are ten times more than reported, say death tolls are 5 times higher than initially, tallied, over 3 million infected possibly with a half of million or more dead, Equally meaning, we can't accuse no other nation of doctoring numbers, I just don't believe it and neither should you, This is the most deceptive White House and now world system this planet. I'm trying to remember how one media person said it, some like, we're under a truth emergency, so like a pandemic of deception, as well as the COVID-19 plandemic, with rumors from China, just as the COVID-19, once was, another, deadlier pneumonia is here. just see here, You tube, Dr Sanjay Gupta Explains new swine flu with "pandemic potential," https://youtu.be/Hty05mTN1eE You Tube, Full Spectrum Survivor, Warning, A New Pneumonia, A New Pandemic Virus Has Been Warn by China, https://youtu.be/56e_BgVxaLI You Tube, Pastor, Begley, Breaking: “Deadly Unknown Pneumonia,” https://youtu.be/rPMCtOyixmo, (Remember the Coronavirus was only a rumor out of China, thought a Hoax yet is called a Hoax, regardless of nurses testifying, like a 30 year old COVID 19 partier. That just as he was dying, looked at her and said, I made a big mistake, I thought it was Hoax: while a 21 years old, hanging out with friends, brought it back to infect his whole family, his father is on a respirator as we speak, "God is avenging martyred blood," I woke hearing June 26, (2017), as in no first born's survives; only first I heard, "get ye to repentant altars!" as in Jesus telling even religious leaders, "ye must be born again," beware, Holy Elohim God, Jesus Cross, (see, Psalm 22), cried to, IS AWARE! Apb, see more here, https://phearsonreganachristmascarol.blogspot.com/2020/07/graduating-tassels-used-as-toe-tags-for.html

And these are the descendants of the beauty rescued from the hands of the beast: Beast Of Beauty Featuring King Bridegroom Maipo Finona Kwanskan and Queen Bride Logan Heather Eskew

The Unending Love Antidote ...The African Juttah Genealogy, 1986-2016/2026/3036 The Tombola Genealogy, Holy, Temple, April, 17, 1986/2026/3036 into Infinity, God's Kingdom Reign Unto Dexter Sanford Joyhouse and Queen Bride Bronwyn Gazelle Galileo was born twin daughters Aubrey Marietta Joyhouse and Shenandoah Madison Joyhouse and a son, Thorne Langdon Joyhouse Galileo Mark Scene, Genesis Marriage Worshipers, XVII and VII, It's LXXXXIII Matrix Count "You mentioned Am, a dream about Rev 12, yes, July 6, 2020, like I come in the demo just as the babe is taken skyward. But as the left behind birth mother, I'm beyond safe, in like a precious baby bed myself, so, beyond comfortable. Could be because, while I'm worried he's to smell my stinking, decaying mortality, standing over me with an admiration unfounded this planet. I can't help but say, this model caliber Jesus, his silken hair, unbutton silk shirt and benumbing fragrance are all blowing in the wind. Just this sweet smelling holy spirit all emanating from him, engulfing baby me, just this beyond fragrance. I'm talking Desrek Chocolate and all others temptress colognes, move over, take a back seat to this consuming worship, ah my god y'all, ah my God. Oowh, that's my favorite song, Selah, you Amaze us; you do Amblyn know who this Rev 12, birthing Mother is? Yes, yes ah Jerusalem slash the tribulation saints, right now, one beloved he's stampeding into Jordan's to Moses Petra and the other beloved are by his lead, getting into Southwest Africa's coast. Did y'all know the Mediterranean connects to the Atlantic ocean meaning they're both at this junction crossing this specific body of water into appointed by loving God, safe havens. No wonder they showed the Mighty Angel standing one foot the earth and one foot the Sea, US/BC map, why he got that title I'm sure, Mighty Angel. Showing how much he love those left behind also Amblyn, the Jesus husband escaping them into Georgia's/ Africa's Atlantic before, again before taking the Bride skyward. Then in Rev 12, second heaven, Michael's throne now, awaiting Holy Bride, Angels all, is Bridegroom Jesus, star warring Michael, the Trump of God, Gabriel, Michael's star warring armies. They're all meeting there to intercede beloved tribulators given over to Antichrist, we know, until they, like the two witnesses are as well lifted up, off. Yeah Kirst girl, Rev 19, Lamb's marriage supper is ready, Holy Spirit, Bride and Heaven's Host, saith come. That's what I saw, it was like yes take him, the Christ his heir, but here, here's my baby. Just let me stand here and emanate my phenomena sweet, smelling adoration, so there's no doubt how precious, she is as well. I hope you dance, I Amblyn spin around a little, please come, another of my spiritual songs, Swayer, Danny, y'all coming?" Why speak in parables? That you be aware as Holy Elohim God, Himself, Apb, see more here, https://theresurrectionofmaaseiahadonai18.blogspot.com/2020/07/and-red-dragon-waited-to-devour-her.html

Prophecy Links Fulfilling, Thus Saith Jan 22-29, 2018, Rev 10, Mighty Angel Only It went more like, no further delays US soil, desolation's predicted now come! Beware!

Seeing, Hearing parents accused as being homicidal toward their children; seeing grandparents shown as throwing dirt on grandchildren, burying them alive; hearing kill all parents by; finish all schools, Eze 9, GOH

I had this dream two-days before a July 6/7, 9 day countdown, July 15, 2020, we're racing, speeding backward, again backward, with this. Clearly showing this anonymous sign in its hand. The last time I witnessed one carrying a sign, yet oblivious what it said, only that it was written in English, that l interpreted into Dutch. 

-I would learn later, see, https://youtu.be/91a_4V7R2mc, YouTube earthquake forecaster, dutchsinse also have a watch and wait counting down to July 15/16, 2020. You ask how accurate these similarities can be, does he also acknowledge them? 

-No, there's no evidence, he does, still, around March 12/13, 2018 I was shown inviting US States from a barbecuing instead into Georgia. Soon the Bride's escape. you were past off to my, a native, African, Georgia landlord from there. 

-Later I'd learn at the same time dutchsinse was yet trying to figure why, how, what? This mishap, by Google sky, he'd seen huge plumes, like states were burning on fire, only with Georgia the exception. Shown Speeding backward while most states are backpedaling on reopening.

-Fright night, a backward letter C pandemic insurgency, ravage the nation; whereas a backward running clock. Like tick us all back over two decades the first vision of seeing a death bringer, say 101 Yellowstone's be released from beneath the earth.

-Henceforth the invitations from a barbecuing to get you, I've seen since Obama's 2009 and Trump's 2019, as far Southeast as Savannah Georgia and as far off the entire American continent, as Africa's Southwest coastal islands.

-Though if yet a two by two day countdown is the predicted Rev 6, 4th seal volcanic apocalypse, we're ticking down too, just know dutch and I, we've been here several times before, this ebbing and flowing along doomsday a Christmas Carol.

-Know also, Apostle THEY call  me especially since Obama's first 2008/2009 campaign, and here Trump's April 2, 2019, hearing two weeks and 7 years, so, still I have plenty countdowns going right now;  including this Nov 22/23, (2017) Rev 2 Matrix ten day countdown to doomsday, over ninety now. 

-So hearing already prophesied July 7, 2015-2020, 9 more days and it's 9th, seeing, 7 more days, and on, and on. Truly like I been saying being lock down in any US state but Georgia and eventually its Savannah's coast. Unequivocally compounds the COVID-19, problem beyond any for millennia calculation; from W. Pacific Hawaii into North East Atlantic US/Canada, a volcanic apocalypse ensue from Hawaii Kilauea's May 2018.

-Famously, when in anticipation of the Bride's imminent danger, revisited in a Memphis home, Jan 13, 2018, Hawaii's inbound, missile alert, was Prophet Zechariah 14, Chapter of Jesus returning only here exiting with thousands of his saints, The Brides legion of Angels, allied by the Trump of God, Star Warring Michael and its vast Armies.

-Invariably, so beyond magnanimous its olivet mountain split in two. Fright night an extinction level event, for decades I've seen, experience, again experienced happen to New Madrid Memphis, I know how this all sound but there's no other way to explain the phenomenal morning leading into that Hawaiian day, of all days like back to Pearl Harbor.

-I woke an hour in hearing, Its mocked nations summit's, "one hour with the beast," Dan 9:27/Rev 17:16-18 and its revisit, as hearing, "whore and beast separated," it's 2019, so every Jan 12/13, since. So yes beware, it's Genesis thru Revelation Holies carrying on like it's the end of this planet, let alone this world, its first born inherits, 

-Until Jan 13, 2018, a Rev 2 perfect Jesus man asking the  Bride would Angels also ascend? Meant they're skyward, skyrocketing all as predestined but did y'all come when I called?  The Jesus in me said His sheep are hearers and doers of his voice, another they'll not follow. So yes, y'all come.

-First by the auto loads, you poured into Georgia's coast, a closed church, its huge vacant lot. Then lead by an African native Land Lord, by a sea of refugees; pouring out of the southwest Atlantic onto African Islands. 

-Evenly see here, during a prophetic parable, Rev 12, specialty, escape infant, too was revisited predicted July 6, 2015-2020. During a prophetic parable, it was asked a book character, do you know who the birth mother is? She say yes, Jerusalem to the tribulation saints; one beloved he's stampeding into Jordan's Petra and another beloved, He's stampeding into Africa's Southwest coast, beware, genesis thru Revelation Holy God, you pray instead his Kingdom on earth follows Jesus' Millennium reign, Is AWARE! Ap

Prophecy Links Fulfilling, come to me, upon my prayer bed, Feb 12-19, 2015, as three divine text messages, all saying, Jesus is coming, Jesus is on his way here, repeat twice; then I witnessed its millennium descent, July 27, (2016), but instead into second heaven intercessions!

-I been telling people years now, Jesus is here, let me add to verify we're literally skyward where He is. Since May 10 2020, I've gotten three references to the prophesied hour, Rev 3:3, Rev 17/Rev 18, here manifested in multicultural flesh as the Genesis godman, is, mother Africa, its, mankind's cradle. All three reveals as Rev 1-3, revisited problematic churches, with Egypt Anubis undertakers seen all around; even choirs were shown as fasten baby seat, type traps, beware, Apb, see here, www.thephoenix1012.blogspot.com, and here, https://phearsonreganachristmascarol.blogspot.com/2020/07/i-looked-and-there-was-sign-in-heaven.html. how its ALL ending prophetically! Apb

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