Saturday, November 14, 2020

Run Marfoogle Run, As Forewarn Aug 3, (2019), As A Hand Writing Clumsily, Escape Yellowstone!!!

 Prophecy Links Fulfilling, Nov 10, 2020

The for five years Bride's Estimated Time Of Escape, BETE Sept 23 thru 25, 2015, come Sept 22/23, 2020, the Bride's Estimated Time of Arrival,  seeing, hearing for the second time this year "BETA; revisiting 2005, unprecedented hurricane season just Trumped by 2020's unprecedented hurricane season, also hearing, 2005, "smiling faces don't last, Britain, America separate them into itty, bitty pieces, wipe Canada off the map!"

Prophecy Links Fulfilling 2017/2020, Nightly News Broadcast, (Nov 14), (We already knew this would happen President Trump summoning his Psalms 2 to Rev 13 base, the moment he stood his last address told them his White House would never call for a nation wide lock down, he don't care how many non-whites are dying, his is a  White Supremacist effort, the midst of the most multi-cultural democratic world moment on the planet. Admittedly whose weight of blood guilt, judgment, sentence, come, meaning, yes, someone surely as careless as Pres Trump, during a deadly pandemic, it's brazen negligence alone could, easily kill tens of millions US soil, Beware, Apostle I am beg you, if you never knew holy scripture to end time eschatology in your living soul's life, I beseech you learn this saying yours are the heathen raging forewarn Ps 2/Rev 13,  waiting total fruition two weeks and years into Obama's White House, passed to aligned  to it's ancient people eaters and earth enders, Gog and Magog,  beware, repent, RUN or perish!  

-Trump supporters gathered for "Million MAGA March",, (Just as those by the tens of thousands come out to celebrate Biden, Harris win, I said then, I saw this, March (1213/2019).  only it was a world wide march , lead by a Sunlight Mount Luther,, again celebrating world wide, Gog and Magog, as in all rebellion no more this planet, King Zion, Jesus returns, and with leaves from the tree of life. Ideally as promised and prophesied saving humanity from self extinction, though these, heralding the one President who underestimated and downplayed a deadly coronavirus, easily we have re-occurring hurricanes into his supportive, bible belt, the most unprecedented year for mass disasters targeting yes, rebellers come mass murderers. their own rebelling against coronavirus restrictions. 

-Fright night, until President Trump further, aligned by his Trump base, becoming a saboteur, hinged on a deadlier herd immunity so he's to then have his deadlier covid super spreaders. I mean where his everything from day one of his and Pence ({2016}), campaign, is forewarn as followed by sudden destruction, why US covid everything is surging to claim one American life every 20 seconds, I heard the Bride for 5 years estimated escape, BETE now a BETA, September 22/23 2020 anyway, a surge so rampant until you have front-line workers, pushed to the percipience of human extinction, saying it's not even safe to hug up with children and babies, who're carriers, that's if you chance super spreaders Thanksgiving, aligned, even it's Black Friday,  since by Thanksgiving ({2001}), to fulfill, US/West  Rule weight of blood guilt, by a predicted for near two decades outbreak of mortuary, with Moses; Egypt, Anubis undertakers all around makeshift morgues. 

-Anyway, undoubtedly there's no wonder he and now his are aligned to 50 million US deaths and why Psalms 2, Holy God call them the heathen raging and Holy God, Apostle John, Rev 9  hath surmised regardless of monster, even Godzilla type trials to extinction level events pounding them all into Rev 20, fork in the sand, and Satan, a second Gog and and Magog and Ps 2/Rev 13 Mob, well, gathered Millions Maga,March. regardless of Red Cross to FEMA' pending with monstrous undertaking ,they will not repent. So, when I dreamed, (2013), of those who no longer serve a purpose.they are as vanity. meaning their knees are broken, as in as revelation book Jesus threaten their names are stricken out of the ancient book of life, alo see Psalms 139.

  -This mystery woman, bearing blacken, Revelation 16/17, bowls, this black and white list of names, this apparent surreal telling of an as Eden garden's expulsion, US world reign, I saw ({January 3. 2020)}, why Revelation 20 further tells us whosoever name is not written in the book of life, but has as threaten have been stricken out, are tossed into a lake of fire. Actually, that's of hell enlarging itself right now, we know into 101 Yellowstone's alone, coupled with plenty, active magma disasters US soil, until West coast Mega/Maga fires were actually magma fires. The entire American continent  coast to coast, will be further known as an ocean of lava, whereas centuries past, it's post apocalypse it's all rumored to have once, housed an entire continent of a  billion its inherit, again as the city of Atlantis rumored, beware, Apb     

And these are the descendants Rescued from the beast mark, that'll cause tens of millions Trump's, Pence and Churchian  hearted to lose their everlasting soul; Beast Of Beauty, Featuring King Bridegroom Blaine Daniel Cockeran The Third and Queen Bride Ariadne Desdemona Christen

The Unending Love Antidote ...The African Juttah Genealogy, 1986-2016/2026/3036

The Tombola Genealogy, Holy, Temple, April, 17, 1986/2026/3036 into Infinity, God's Kingdom Reign

Unto Tennys Adele Voleson and Cerine Ebonee Korts was born a son, Courtside Fedrico Voleson, a son Nicole Christenson Voleson and a godson Caleb Phillipson Voleson, Korts     

Mark Scene, Genesis Marriage Worshipers, XVII and VII, It's CV Matrix Count

"It is true at one time, grand Sia detected Rev 14, harvester bearing sickle, standing the head of her prayer bed? Yeah, the confusion Tennys man is was it during the, home address, showing of the Hemingway Exodus, of loaded up vehicles stampeding into US Georgia's crossover, Savannah. Understand, a commanded exodus, presently revisited only days past, Nov 10, 2020. a caravan of escapees, by red monster trucks, all in grand Sia's family, Memphis, Highland, Park area. Some here say indicating, this most unprecedented year, a monstrous undertaking either by the Red Cross to FEMA, that's the FEMA of which she got, with the forewarning eruptions,  not withstanding, 101 of those are  pending a they can't see it as Noah's day, a Yellowstone apocalypse come, at lest get this, Angel Gabriel's May 15, 2004, so again eruptions revisited, sixteen years now, as we head here into two decades, now predicted to go nuclear, (2001), a now deadly Thanksgiving/Black Friday; heck even the world health organization, could be tasked, with a  more monstrous extinction event than COVID 19, the BETE cone the BETA, Revelation 12, not for 7 thousand years, planetary event, Sept 23, 2017,. Still, sill, still, with this Harvester, bearing sickle Lyndon man waiting to hear,I guess even from her, poised her prayer bed to pending Rev 12, second heaven intercession, "thrust in thy sickle and reap, again see the coronvirus to it's 2020 year being unprecedented in every aspect of human continuation his planet and reap, for the time hath come for you to reap, for the harvest of the earth is ready, remarkably, readying one, bears grazing on the horizon, October 12/13/2018,  you're again at Sia Maaseiah waking two years the escaping either into US southeast Georgia, or Rev 12 second heaven's intercession, where an anxious Jesus wait, now hearing, get ye to repentant altars, God is avenging martyred blood, Jesus having already said, near two millennia ago, no flesh, as in no first born's, including those churchians ousted by Jesus, Mat 7:21-23/ev 1-3, as being in sin, an as Noah's day none having breath can survive God pouring out of His wrath, use Christ Cross, come untouchable Holy Spirits, Jesus even suggesting to Rev 17:14, Jesus Husband, saints of the most high God, that they too pray they are found worthy to escape?"  fantastic, amazing grace all Tennys man, but if we can figure , her sing this, the harvester in tis manner, was also around the same  time, she witnessed a speeding man in linen getting down her hall, and a red alert or dressed in red alert ten year old boy come into the door post of her bedroom, and if I'm thinking correctly Memphis, Miya,  that was all the Georgia's crosssovr, commanded Hemingway address, yes, you're right, I remember Sia dad, second Prince,  Meshullam Kadesh, talk of these reveals often, did you all equally know in a follow up dream to demo, she swept of plenty salt per-servant where the man in linen did tread, who can think of stuff like that up?  That's Jesus saying if the living trinity, as the salt of the living word, and the falling away from sound doctrine right now, as churches having same ex ordination, changing into damning lies, so if blessed out reach loses it savor it is fit for nothing, but o be tossed out of taken skyward  the space of nano-second,i got to run babe, Lyndon, see you in BIRTH, you sure, I can come with you, no, I, I, oot something, ah just let me go, I'll see  you there, okay, okay no pressure, thanks, love and kisses.   Wait, okay, did Miya just say her Sia dad first prince Meshullam Kadesh or did I just hallucinate and even if did why on earth why? I go to go too, so Lyn man that' s a  no, that's a you heard her as we all did, you know I've know her a while, yeah, how is it Lyn  I didn't know that? I gotta go se you guys in class,  where you of too, you're not, no, I'm not stalking iMiya, I'm gonna research, Grand Sia, saying Hemingway exodus, I mean what does that all lintel, and, and, and, a caravan of red monster trucks of a Memphis escape, what is the secret of Memphis; just think before Jesus birth o ministry to crucifixion, holy lords asking, what' the secret of Nazareth, right, right, all Sia's here?  Look I got a like few minutes, see you guys later,  if I find anything and  have a chance I'll bring it up in reveal;  ah we know that,  you can only serve the god of this world Satan, like Pres Trump. having a bible in one hand and ta gun in the other, again and again! Even if you try justifying it by the scripture eye for an eye  and tooth for a tooth, how do  justify violence and the committing of it, warmongering  again by Holy Spirits to Jesus' Cross. Just think, we can only present ourselves as Apostle Paul suggest Holy and Acceptable to Holy God, Spirit and Truth, after being washed and made Righteous White,  from sin, by Jesus Christ's bloody Cross, Born again saints like Christ are predestined  God's kingdom, power and glory, forever, laying their treasures in heaven so they have to be, here killing, stealing and destroying people's everlasting souls, over this temporal crap, things seen temporal, stop being deceived, stop deceiving others.  Guys, guys, guys, I know we gotta go, but look while on work detail, the ground, duty we to  talking about how Stacy Abrams will be given the credit for delivering Georgia not since three decades to Biden, Then it pop up, Abram, before Abraham, there was Abram, s his name As so we possibly have a predicted April 2, 2019, two weeks and seven years, so over a year into a now, Abraham Accord, possibly fulfilling Dan 9:27, final seven years proceeding Jesus reign. As so grand Sia, just had a dream, revisiting it all,  about both Abrams/Abraham's daughter and instead a Sarah's, Memphis niece, but still, this reference to Abram's to Abraham's daughter,  I know let's go,  but just saying, yeah, amazing, Tennys man, no wonder grand Sia  call it all, the prophecy links, like a  prophetic puzzle, and all pieces ." Why Speak In Parables? For those today, like those Ezekiel day to the days of the prophets, though Holy Father, cry, your sins have reached unto heaven and I hath remembered thine, inquiries, yet strongly deceived they cry, "the lord seeth us not, the Lord is ascended from the earth." Beware, Apb, 

Prophecy Links Fulfilling 

Seen to be seeing a great coronavirus beast stomping and chomping through pulpit's leaving pews vacant, the great falling away; seeing during May 2020, deadly, openings, the prophesied hour manifested in multicultural flesh, sudden storms and choirs laying highchair type traps for parishioners, beware, Apb

Prophecy  Fulfilling Links, Hearing Spt 22/23/2020, every 20 seconds, the showing of a domestic to international terrorism, The Lab work  combining of a deadly 1918 flu with a new, apparently present day coronavirus, hearing a from line dr  say,  these kinds of terrors  don't happen in America, one family man saying to rebell more Covid restrictions, he'll have a full blown thanksgiving dinner; sound just as a young man a month back, saying he feel like a drunk driver, also rebelling Covid  restrictions as a  effort to hurt Trump, he and most of that party end up hospitalized, incubated and both of his parents end up dead, so I guess you can say COVID has yet another Trump believer

The devil can't cast out himself, children of sin can't cast out sin, see the woman caught in adultery by Religious, Political leader's, with evils their own, Apb

Justice Alito criticizes COVID-19 restrictions and 'rule by experts',, ( Another lesson, as the woman caught in adultery, brought before righteous Jesus, dropping al their stones, because sin can't cast out sin, beware, Apb, see here,

Trump threatens to deny New York a vaccine. See governor's response,

-Rolling Twilight Skies of US states to White House burning to their freezers making that thud, empty sound, Holy Elohim God, Isn't mocked,  Stop it with all the damn books already, America's rumination an opened prophetic parable of abominations and detestations for all the world to see and apparently suffer, this worshipping Dan 9/Rev 9, Holy God with everything but your Psalms 51, repentant hearts. 

Read, know, hear and do Jn 3/Mat 5  Jesus' Gospel to Rev 10, His End Time prophecy, His being the spirit of prophecy and run; hundreds of millions are dying. Fright Night, tens of millions US soil alone aligned to religious, political and parental leaders, nails in your coffins, I described them, with Trump's, (can't learn nothing, his indian name), his everything aligned to sudden destruction, isn't that beware his Covid vaccines as well?

You tube, Marfoogle, CLOSED INDEFINITELY,

Escape US/Canada Going Nuclear to Yellowstone, 101 Eruptions New England, the Eastern Seaboard Also Being Wiped Out!

.Run Marfoogle Run, As Forewarn Aug 3, (2019), As A Hand Writing Clumsily, Escape Yellowstone!!!

Woe, woe, woe, seeing Nov 10, 2020, an escape out of New Madrid Memphis going nuclear, by RED MONSTER TRUCKS! Remember in a  screaming my head off sorta of way forewarning people to get children and themselves out of all buildings, schools, daycares to businesses, sounding so crazy.  I heard Hawaii is burning and warn two weeks past, the North American Siesmic Craton had by Rev Holies been placed under an Orange alert; as a matter of reveals I remind of this odd forewarning , crying get out of buildings, right before Turkey's recent quake!

-Then if you thinking Jesus never told his to run think again Matthew 24 it just even more because he told them not to come down out of their porches into their houses whereas , Rev Mighty Angel and Rev 17,:7th Angel come us Jan 22,-29, 2018 desolations predicted now come; Abraham's Lot and family were visited by Holy Angels for days because they knew sin cities, were about to be destroyed.-

-Yardsize Duracell batteries to Bride's going on like normal given running shoes, just like US to Canada, even Britain soil; I beseech thee, see re-occurring hurricanes into Trump supported US Gulf, Bible Belt, right now, Holy Lord Angels come to some rescue, knowing thousands upon thousands, upon thousands of rebellious procrastinators were about to die; actually presently here, tens of millions first born  are suddenly no more and during your day of judgement what you gonna tell Holy God, about you not knowing?T

-Thiseeming going out of my head, was right before Haiti's monster quake, China's  monster quake and New Zealand monster quakes hit! Supposedly with an outbreak of monster quakes and Godzilla like eruptions happening US/ Canada states, COVID 19 schools to business closures and lockdowns are a good thing, especially if you're hearers and doers and stampeding into US Georgia's, Savannah Coast, crossover, Run Marfoogle Run, Apb

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