Prophecy Links Fulfilling
Seen (Sept 22 2005), the Bride's Estimated Time Of Escape, BETE as Britain, America took a fork in the road, come a laid siege, a Brexit; seen here, Sept 22, (2020), the Bride's Estimated Time Of Arrival, BETA, a commanded Blaexit, as a fork in the sand, left of all Kingdom, Nation building ever, ever this planet, see Rev 11, 7th Angel, well at least hear it! Beware
Boy Scouts face more than 82,000 sexual abuse claims in organization's bankruptcy case,
-Marvel not even after Jesus' one thousand year reign, healing Grace, wings, leaves from the tree of life, a number this world's as the grains of sand yet is influenced by a released from hell's prison Satan to come against King Zion; only to rid the world of all other rebellious, this final Gog and Magog, last what, a nano-second itself?
-Marvel not again, 2 These 2, 11, 12, says , and HE, The Holiness of The Lord who does actually walk on water and stand one foot the planet, one foot the Sea, as all UNIVERSES, elements obey HIM, He shall send you strong delusions, that you might believe a lie, that you all may be damned, who hath your pleasures, Let's say in a President, a White Supremacists, who just used a deadly pandemic as a manner of ethnic cleansing and yet received over 70 million votes this manslaughter's efforts, woe the Great White Throne Judgment.
-Marvel not, the Genesis, Man, Marriage, multicultural human being, don't die, first born they die and descend, a demon ridden, wormy, molten, Magma fate await them all; those new born, they die, like Jesus they ascend, and with Jesus they descend nto the Holy Land, a New White Holy House with King Bridegroom, Jerusalem, Queen Bride , Lord Urusalem and the Holy Priesthood all in tact.
-Marvel not your name, the Lamb's book of life, where Psalm 139, ancients ago say even all your members, the lowest part of the earth, formed your mother's womb are written. This, a black and white page of last names one a Logan, heard Cary Elwes, Sylvester Stallone lately, saw a while back Brad Pit running with an arm filed with children, saw Michael Ealy, type as a pending dangerous, perfect man, before the predicted Hawaii missile alert!
Marvel not, there's something July 27, 2019, bout NBA players, California dreaming, Westbrook to Durant, again this mystery page, the Lamb's book of life, I saw torn out ({Jan 3, 2020,}) again your name, written or as Revelation Book Jesus threaten, it's stricken out? Remember, whosoever name is stricken out of the Lamb's Book of Life, and they weren't called out, up, during the (April 2, {2015)}, Lamb's book, name roll call, even divine census taking, are cast into a lake of fire, done, on to the next, marvel not Holy ELOHIM God isn't mocked, Beware, Apb
-And these are the descendants of the beauty rescued from the hands of the beast: Beast Of Beauty Featuring King Bridegroom, Frankfurt Emilio Caress and Queen Bride Vellum Adele Neelson
The Tombola Genealogy, Holy, Temple, April, 17, 1986/2026/3036 into Infinity, God's Kingdom Reign
Unto Bringham Erfrin Kudus and Camelton Erielle Plopl was born a daughter, Paisley, Erielle Kudus a son Beijing Elon Kudus and a goddaughter, Ambrosia Syechell Kudus Plopl
Mark Scene, Genesis Marriage Worshipers, XVII and VII, It's CVII Matrix Count
"No, no, no y'all see the the US vote map Grand Sia predicted us Georgia's crossover is surrounded by an ocean of red Trump states and when I saw that I couldn't do nothing but fall out laughing, thinking look at Holy Father. Although celebration interrupted, my heart melting into the midst of my bowels, I'm thinking, surely Grad Sia's Red Alert, ten year old boy, bringing me to tears, until I really fought hard not to cry. I know y'all heard as a well, nearly a hundred thousand sexual abuse claims against the boy scout, saying ages ranging from 9 to 90 years old, oh my God, I really had to fight hard not to cry. Then I thought about, you know Memphis carter man, all those forewarnings Grand Sia have in her prophecy links about the dangers to children, no wonder Elohim God wanted all buildings of all businesses shut down, all of them, because they're laying a foundation of sexual, child abuse, traps for children, mass assemblers, they're like children eaters, oh my God! But meaning Lakeside darling husband, the ink horn man being there, on US soil, he would've for your compassion and disgust at such evil, marked you for ascension. Like isn't that, showing endangered children, that million man, waiting a single water cooler, maze of sin, Trump's million Maga March, just revisited, the main thing Grand Sia saw, this ginormous maze of sin, was traps being laid for the children? Unquestionably, we now know who Ezekiel 9 Holy Elohim God to Rev 2, Holy Lamb of God, Jesus are blaming, the moment we hear, "kill all patents by, finish all schools," a, a, a, since 2017, surreal forewarning, Grand Sia had elected to no longer share, then a week later, COVID-19, hit, killing all those parents to grand parents age, finishing all laying sexual traps churches and schools, wow, wow wow! I remember that, a decade or more back, Grand Sia literally running around screaming her head off, Holy God said, get your children out of these buildings, and no doubt Evolent, like now, parents wondering, if we do that, how will we work, how will we protect the US economy, how will we continue the American Dream; only how is there an American Dream if all future generations are a race of mutants, the Genesis man, marriage no more and the entire planet a fiery, doomsday, post apocalypse and aren't we like a year, 7 months and fifteen days in already, a nuclear, natural and NEO's, apocalypse come? Yeah and doesn't said forewarning Tristian, then have like Jesus saying, suffer them the American dream that's stealing, killing and destroying your children and bring them to me, though their children are scarlet, they shall be white as snow, though they be as red as crimson, they shall be as as white as wool, ah even righteous white??? Pastors and Churchians seen crossing over into Georgia's crossover by the old Arkansas bridge, down on all fours, as in repent pastors, politicians, parents and pedophilers, or I'll cast you into a bed, where you're beg for death and not find it; your whoring sleepovers, I'll cast into great tribulations, like, 2020, as troubles, death and dying, never before this planet! Unless you repent, I'll kill, as in I'll infect your children with a deadly virus that'll target abominable, detestable lives, lands and churches of those parents to grand parents age, leaving your children orphans, as predicted by Grand Sia; I'll stampede right to ME, all blessed hearers and doers, even if by sword like syringes, one strike their procrastinating, hearts, I AM, That I AM! Wow, Braveheart darling girl, I'm scare of you, don't be loving husband, Beethoven Fifth Artz, Jesus says don't fear the one that can kill the body, but the one who can kill both the body and soul, in hell's fire, again 101 Yellowstone's worth, come, topside alone, right, right! Look, look, look, y'all know, these pitiful Trumpians, this front-line worker testified are using their last breath to rage against covid-19, no they're raging against the stomach drop kick to vomiting, choke hold surrealism that they just voted by a number of 70 million US, for a president that actually did downplay and sabotage one of the deadliest coronavirus in a hundred years, this planet. Undoubtedly endangering 330 million people it's US nation, near a billion, the American continent and since it's a world stretching outbreak of mortuary, we're talking about 6 to 7 billion endangered world wide by super spreading covid rallies. Unthinkable, all, all all, so he can run the US Presidency the way he wants, save his economy although it's inherits are dead and dying, but he'll have his Covid spreading, campaign rallies, or be damned, damning all his base except they repent!. Media heads said they tried to get S. Dakota's, being wiped off the planet right now by surging COVID, it's governor once bragging about allowing the people their freedom to mass murder by a deadly pandemic, again Trump's COVID rallies, but she declined to comment. I know, could've been hilarious but god forbid, I probably shouldn't say it, but why aren't proud boys, like some did to Michigan's actual trusting governor, finding her, hog tying, no, no, no, I won't say it, but all that self extinction into a damning hell, is the surrealism tugging at their as Noah's day, last breath with holy scripture saying then comes judgment, again, then comes, hell. Relentlessly, with Grand Sia saying, stop being deceived, stop deceiving others, get ye to the repentant altars, God is avenging martyred blood, something HE haven't done worldwide this planet again since Noah's extinction level flood. Extinction come US soil, right now called a Noah's cousin to a seeming into the US/Trump's Bible Belt, by reoccurring hurricanes an aqua age, with, with, with, a hand writing upon Trump's red wall, 99 bowls of molten lava and yet another hand writing clumsily, escape Yellowstone, a predicted, over a year, and near three months, now, 101 of them. Still in prophetic hindsight, for two decades there's an Asteroid commanded, to destroy Wisconsin constantly sinning, as in Western Civilization, possibly Grand Sia seeing Holy Bride soon reigning in heaven, prepping Dan 2, the stone, cut out without hands, yes Sia's here, she saw that. This earth ender, having a meteor surface, yes, Sia's here, she saw that as well, hearing once the reigning Bride also having wrath released it, this Antichrist murderer, as in all carnal, satanic, demonic rebellion this planet, again hearing this Antichrist murderer, really scrutinizing the descriptor, murderer, But, but, but, if you remember that's what Jesus described of those, worshiping satanism as godliness, turning the love of the truth to lies; liars he call them and murderers from the beginning. The BETE come the BETA, no longer will Holy Father count foolishness as ignorance, no longer, will, now Revelation Book Jesus, say Father forgive them for they know not what they do, but call on earth's inherit, to repent or perish! Surely these are the type of grandparents Grand Sia witnessed as burying their grands alive, their grands oddly looking at them, and they their grands and they were pouring dirt on them, burying them alive; possibly the 2017 command to US soil, Eze 9, reapers, bearing sword-like, syringes, "kill all parents by, finish all schools, marvel not, Holy Elohim God, isn't mocked!" Why Speak In Parables? For those today, like those Ezekiel day to the days of the prophets, though Holy Father cry, your sins have reached unto heaven and I hath remembered thine, inquiries, yet strongly deceived they cry, "the lord seeth us not, the Lord is ascended from the earth." Beware, Apb,
The Unending Love Antidote ...The African Juttah Genealogy, 1986-2016/2026/3036
The Tombola Genealogy, Holy, Temple, April, 17, 1986/2026/3036 into Infinity, God's Kingdom Reign
You Tube, Pastor Begley, Breaking: "Africa Is Breaking Apart" Uganda & Kenya, Madagascar,
(Kinda why commanded Blaexit, Western Civilization, decades now is into Africa's, Atlantic, Southwest, so US Georgia's crossover, first beware, Apb
As Obama compaigned the White House, 2008, 2009,, I witnessed refugee America's Doomsday Continent, as an ocean of stampeders pouring into Africa's, Atlantic Islands, the same as so Biden, Harris and Obama 2019/2020 campaigning, only with Rev 10, Mighty Angel, verifying, no further delays;
No Further delays, beware the Midwest, beware the Eastern seaboard as the inundated with such forewarnings US, Canada, West Pacific! Apb
-The world in prophetic hindsight, Apostle I am, predicted a New, paradise Africa decades before Col Quaddfis US of Africa and the Movie, 2012, world exodus into Africa and shared it all online. I even predicted, submersible, cruise ships, ARKS, decades before I woke, chanting, during Senator Obama's 2008/09 campaign, "we will build an ark!" Beware, Apb
You Tube, Bloomberg News, Michigan goes into 3-week partial shutdown from Wednesday,, ( hearing twice the last two weeks, Nov ¾, 2020, "the ink horn man!" Just see the trask difference between how Michigan and others states, even countries take better measures to save lives. Clearly while President Trump and Trumpians, rebell as to squander even more lives, souls,
-Understand, Michigan Governor, and other's, let's take New York Governor Cuomo for instance, for compassionate hearts. Just say they would be marked for life, by the ink horn man, while those like Trump and Trumpians, rebellers.
-Honestly, prophetically they would be left to the taking up Ink Horn Man's rear; commanded slayers, and they're one strike the telling heart instantly accused, judged, sentenced and descended, KNOWING, beware, Aob, see more about the Ink Horn Man to sickle bearing Harvester On US soil, here, Ezekiel, 9, Rev 14, Apb
Article, Trump's failure to work with Biden is becoming more urgent as Covid spreads, (Question, what else is new? President Trump and Trumpians been sabataging Covid 19 response to save millions, losing hundreds of thousands, sickening over ten million, US soil, many to come long haulers.
-Fright night with his lacky Atlas, as in the mystery of the city of Atlantis and one day you're diligently seek their places and not find them, thus saith Psalms 37, Holy God, during the death bringer from the molten beneath, presently, 101 Yellowstone's, ,just see here,
-Soon, hearing "this is the antichrist murderer," and yes I strongly suspected that word, murderer, even the reigning bride having wrath, prepped murderers from heaven, doomsday, it too having a meteor surface. Let's say the masses in heathen raging against the US vote, having a deadly, sexually transmitted element listens to Dr Atlas. Though only if you want to infect, sicken and kill others, further if you're to then be sentenced for voluntary manslaughter to tagged and sentenced a mass murderer.
-I think you got it, yes, just as Trump and his are encouraging Trump's base, plainly to rebell against Covid restrictions. Crystal skies missiling down is to then by a deadly pandemic, Apostle THEY call me remind, that's killed over a million people in about ten months time. Undoubtedly, is to voluntarily steal, kill and destroy millions of others; also a sentence of voluntary manslaughter, if not men's court, Holy God's, both the judgment of the nations, like reoccurring hurricanes into the Bible Belt righ now and the great white Throne judgement, ,hell enlarging into US soil, 101 Yellowstone's, we know, beware, Apb
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