Prophecy Links Fulfilling, Thirty Plus Rapture Springs Now, The Revelations, Dreams, Demos and Visions Are, All Mine, May 23, 2021, today, 126, Nov 23,/2017, Rev 2 Jesus, Matrix Ten Day Countdowns,, beware, GOW,JCOR ,HBOW, Apb The RAM
You Tube, mrmbb333 Things Are Really getting CRAZY up there,
-First mrmbb333 and there'd be signs in heaven and the earth beneath; there's the escape from volcanic apocalypse, into the Atlantic ocean, US Georgia's crossover, that's since June 26, 2015, US Georgia's Atlantic COAST. Though these flood watered down, martyred blood, pinkish clouds, remind me, not only of those floral, pinkest business card, as better homeless earth, shelters. Amazing Grace, as this OFFER to those that million man awaiting a single water cooler, say Jesus' now Mystery women, promised mansions in heaven.
-Said phenom handout followed years later by a huge enough to block out the sky, in capital, bold, Genesis rainbow covenant, broken, floodwater down, martyred blood pink, letters, the single word, OFFER; marvel not the skyrocketing Holies from US Georgia's Atlantic COAST, revisited March 13, 2018, those off, up in a flash, the Royal Priesthood, captured by awaiting, soon ballooning with all of them, clouds, pinkish perhaps? Blessed are hearers, doers, stampeders and Rev 2, Rev 12, Jesus overcomers, GOW, JCON, HBOW, Apb The RAM,
You Tube, CNN Israel and Hamas Reached A Cease Fire, ( Marvel not reaping error Islam, to weights of blood guilt, Rev 11:1,2/Rev 17:16-18; in the amount of two thirds its inherit Israel/Jerusalem, Zech 13;8; Run, Mat 24:15-16, you know where, Isa16:1-5, blessed are hearers, doers, stampeders and Rev 2, 12 Jesus overcomers GOH, JCOR, Apb The RAM
-The US Religious to political relentless, careless mantra,, Israel has a right to defend itself, like Hamas, Palestinians don't. Those unusually, killing us horribly with their words continues with seeming a puppet like Pres Biden, marvel not also he's an error Islam US Priz aligned, yes even by their campaigning podiums, to 50 million US deaths.
- I don't know about you voting Democrats, the administration that just saved us from ethnic cleansing by Pres Trump to Trumpians, humanitarian Crisis of more a Black House sabotaging coronavirus restrictions. Regardless, still over a half of million and counting dead, and that's only those coronavirus census, marvel not the first of January 2021 hearing, "in San Bernardino, they're incubating people again; marvel not June 19, Juneteenth, 2020, all three Memphis relative, underworld demos, produced an Anubis mummifier, undertaker, beware all procrastinators, first born's.
-Though Revelation 17 as to explain western leads, their nuclear to cosmic to volcanic apocalypse come described Israeli/US religious politics, weight of blood guilt as a Great Whore of abomination, THEY mock as Mystery Babylon that sitteth on many waters, imbibing on MARTYRED BLOOD; martyred blood Holy Lords described June 26, 2017, Holy wrath of God is avenging, get ye to repentant altars, no first born survives. Fright night to rolling twilight skies and until the smoke of their burning, cries and prayers rise into the brazen altar,
….forgive us O God, according to thy loving kindness: according to the multitudes of thy tender mercies, blot out our transgressions, wash us thoroughly from our iniquities and cleanse us from sin, ( Jan 12/13, Rev 2 Jesus, prescribed, riches to rags sickbeds and sleepovers); see here,
-Those constrain seas, under both error Islam Israel and Great whore of abomination, West Rule knees, nails to WMD's, and martyred by the millions annually, kingdoms, nations, tribes, tongues, and people; marvel not Sunlight of God, God's Ps 51/66/Chron 7:14,15, back turned Throne just moments after that silence in heaven, commanded, to all religious political leads, yet driving those crucifying nails, "let my people go!" Some tribulation saints of which Apostle John witnessed come into Jesus Throne bosom, having their robes washed and made white by the blood of the Lamb Of Elohim God.
-Equally, including my Memphis Grands, those pending tribulation saints of which I, Apostle THEY call me Instead witnessed US campaign July 27, ({2009}), pour a sea of them into African costal cities and Trump's March 13/Oct 15 2018, a host of American refugees pouring into US Georgia's COAST, Africa's Southwest Atlantic pending; ;blessed, blessed escape revisited Trump's June 17, June 29 2020/Juneteenth a pouring into US Georgia's Savannah, Atlantic COAST; knowing who, what, why, when and where, REPENT, Run!
Article, Far right pundits celebrate Israeli bombing of AP, BBC, Al Jazeera offices in Gaza One conservative pundit called the bombers "heroes," while others laughed; (I'm reminded of these areas map, the holy land, Islam having the same jolly, when those New York towers went down; a for two decades Islamic war and counting since; aligned to 50 million pending dead US soil; marvel not Pres Trump 2017, Jan 20, Inauguration I woke just as I was again hearing, "50 Million will die!" Apb
Prophecy Links Fulfilling May 23, 2021, 6:31 AM
And These Are The Descendants Rescued From The Breast's Marks, Rev 13:5 revisited Sept ({2011}), as the Bride's Second Heavens Ascension Assignment, To Intercede Rev 13:5, Tribulation Saints, April, 2/20, 1986/2026/3036 into Infinity, God's Kingdom, COME; Featuring, King Bridegroom, Christopher Corbra Coyote and Queen Bride, Cottiie Liela Bishop
The Unending Love Antidote ...The African Juttah Genealogy, 1986-2016/2026/3036
The Tombola Genealogy, Holy, Temple, April, 17, 1986/2026/3036 into Infinity, God's Kingdom Reign
Unto First Prince Silverton Nicholas Coogan, Chow Liverpool and Preecest Torrance Allegra Lattern was born their twin daughter Demetria Cressida Liverpool and Halle Kressida Liverpool, a son, Braxton Blaine David Liverpool and a final son, Branch Padre Frederico Lattern
Unto Second Prince Meshullam Kadesh and Felicity Stuart Benz was born their first son, Vladimir Elizondo Kadesh Kroff, twin daughters, Angelica Paris and Antoinette Berlin Kroff and a daughter, Ahmiya Jordon Benz
Mark Scene, Genesis Marriage Worshipers, XVII and VII, It's CXXVI Matrix Counts
"You're crying, sobbing so, you got me crying, ah now we're laughing, I can ah, ah my god, what is happening? Ah my god, ah, I was in this, I'm gonna say, like grand Sia, this demo. I'll describe the constant first, okay, I'm visiting in Africa, there's this huge game going on, a mud lot nearby; I'll even say rugby. Also there's this huge family to tribal gathering and these shepherds running down as to brand, I don't know if sheep are branded, they're kinda herding sheep. Miraculously, these are some of the hugest sheep I've ever seen, they're like three times the size of a regular sheep, all those are the constants. Soon to realize I'm not just me, Second Princess' Darius Juttah but also the wife, I don't even know if he have a wife, I don't even know his name. We only been watching The Chosen series for a week or so but it's him, the one who play Jesus, his wife, he's a practicing Jew, really strict. Come this moment here, as his wife, I fondly grab his waist, tease him for a kiss, he's embarrassed, all these people all around. Look, you know how tall you stand over me, well he stands over me two to three times as much as you, he's towering. Soon things shift, all around there's this huge rugby game playing, this outdoor, building family gathering, these shepherds running down these huge sheep. Next I know, I'm in this building, you know, it could be a waiting area of a waiting room. I'm as the wife, I'm standing the hall, I'm waiting for him to get done with his Jewish duties. A door opening and closing reveals, he's in a room with two others reading and studying, they too I'm sure are two of The Chosen characters, Peter and John, I think, they're all strict Jews, studying. Here, its clear, the wife want actor Jesus to see her waiting for him, even like a deer it's waterbrook, panting for him, I read in the bible somewhere. Things shift again, I'm outside with others, standing this wire fence, watching these constants, the game, the family gathering, the sheep herding. Soon my ear catch a new thing, some others, hunters, fishermen's are in trouble, and all-around rescuers start gathering what they need. This is when I see our daughter, like I say, don't know if there's a wife let alone children. Anyway, she's helping them prep, only to myself, I'm saying, thinking, she better not try sneaking off with them. Then I begin to see, hear someone say, there's a storm coming in, then I hear what grand Sia said she heard as dozing off asleep mother's day night, just now, 'pray.' As soon as I heard pray, I looked toward the heavens, a sunlight, start singing, Selah's How Great Thou Art, ( and ah my God growing mostly male voices all around start singing it with me, so, so incredible. Then automatically I start singing it in the language Selah does, possibly Swahili, and so did they, equally amazing, ah my God. Once finished, I looked at one African female and said, I never thought I'd get to sing that with Africans and she said, we never thought we'd get to sing that with you. That's when everything, every constant filled in really close, when I realized I'd lost track of her, the daughter, frighten she'd sneaked off with rescuers. But soon again distracted, this huge game of rugby was on going, as so that building family to tribal gathering. I watched as these shepherds, captured another sheep, huge, they were, sheared up to the head, white with black to red circles each leg, just above the hooves. Suddenly it broke away like a shot, and sheep dogs took out after it, only soon a ginormous, lying in wait alligator snatched them all up! Then the oddest of all, pig, after pig after pig kept piling into its mouth, oddly this rescue too; like keeping the predator gator from trapping them all in his mouth, jaws. Suddenly I woke this riveting gladness to celebration soon erupting limitless orgasms, that exploded all over, through me; ah us, our marriage bed, so wordless itself; ah my god woman, so, so indescribable, all of it! I know, I know, I couldn't help it, I could be embarrassed , coming after you like that, but you are my husband, Second Prince, Meshullum Kadesh, Coogan, Kroff. Oh, oh, oh, I got a sorta revelation days past, about your name, meaning RECONCILE, BE HOLY! Just think Kadesh, that's the down from the FATHER OF LIGHT'S ultimate cry for Israel and Palestine right now, in fruitless turf wars again, right now, Which raging, blistering temptress remind me, I was visiting grand, grand Saurus, the one that took, raised First Prince Silverton and grand Maaseiah and I these mysterious visitors for years. I was questioning her as always about spiritual things, can't remember what right now. Just then she say, we being godlike living spirits, the holy spirit can come into our spirit and make us like Lamb of God, Jesus Christ, all the billions of us, we just have to let HIM; ah my God Felicity, we just have to let HIM, even THEM. Then she stress, move off, after I went into my closet that day and said Apostle Paul's Romans 12,1, 2, as a heart, true prayer, I was never again the same, never again! Then moving off with tea and toast in hand, again she pause, it was only minutes later Kadesh son, Almighty Jesus having wings and a nondescript host of heaven besides Zech 14 and Rev 19 all come for me. It was all those times they'd visited me since I was a child, this is exactly what they were waiting for, for me to surrender heart, mind, soul and cursed earth, life over to them. Know also grandson, you can say THEY too lie in wait for millennia now for any and all of us to just opened to Jesus knocking, that they surrender to THEM all, the amazing grace of belief, faith and faithfulness. Okay, okay, beloved Kadesh, grand, grand is as brilliant as always, but I know you know what that dream mean, if nothing else those shepherds to sheeps were curious; and Felicity love the lot of it, but, not now, not while we're racing to the shower, too, too late, last one sit in the crowded back, ah you're such a cheater, last one Felicity dear, argggg, you're such a cheater Second Prince, Meshullum Kadesh Coogan, Kroff!" >>>"African Juttah Septennial to El Shaddai Coogan, what is going, sorry Cassius man, ah, I'm still flabbergasted over the divine curative, Holy Father, Garden Of Eden. The husband flesh and blood of hers, for curing the wife and the wife, fresh, blood of his, for curing the husband, especially their unspeakable, humbling, procreating, blessed, marriage bed. I'm sitting the balcony as evening grew cooler, I'm broken hearted and overwrought this pointless conversation I just had with a Preecest Juttah. Soon cold, miserable I'm pining and pining for newly wed Chodne to come, wrap her warm blanket self all around me. Only, only fascinatingly, just as soon its not a dream, I shockingly, happily feel her warm juicy body on mine and it's all wayyy more amazing, magical than imagined. When as Forrest Gump would say, that's all I gotta say about that, except, except Sias all, Holy Father of lights does indeed know what we need, when and where and like come to Job's rescue, He delivers, mightily. So, so beginning with yourself, I Darius Juttah, El Shaddai Coogan say, all surrendered to THEM, come to glorious light, all this cursive, deadly, damning, whoring, stealing, killing and destroying never heard of again, God's Christ, Paradise, The Tree of life, all on planet earth. I know they take more pleasure in darkness and every evil work, still I'm just saying, blessed deliverance, it's all in them, come unto me, all you that labor and are heavy laden and I will give you rest, take my yoke upon you, for my yoke is easy and my burden's lite and ye shall find rest unto your souls, Jesus Christ Of Nazareth. I need to go find beloved Chodne, right now, we got some planning to do, catch you all in reveals. So Maha, how you do it; I know you told Chodne you would, we all heard it, doubted it, so how? If El Elylon big brother you must know, I found her, but I didn't go alone, Darius, Queen Juttah, Karsiann and Princess Juttah Evolent, both accustomed my efforts, my mission impossible if you will. Oh my God, you're kidding, there's no saying no to either of those Juttah, Revelation, Goddesses. To be honest Ely, once Preecest Cottie was informed there'd be no more outgoing transit, how all Juttah Tribunals agreed it'd be too much of a target for Ezekiel 9 grim reapers targeting all non-compliant transit; one strike the telling heart, some ascended, most descended. Then big brother, there was only convincing her how there's not for many millennia past, nor for many millennia to come, it's a coincidence she's in the Juttah Septennial; being pursued by one of the most fascinating Tombola Prenuptial's here, and you Sia, Christopher, Cobra, Coyote, know who you are. Equally, you know she's not speaking to me, won't hear nor see me? Ah but she will, digesting one's own foolish heart anew all Sias here know is really, really, mentally to physically drooling. Easily it could be Sia Mahaseiah, she wants nothing else to do with me, which is why Sia Coyote the Tombola Pool is filled with such titillating possibilities and guess who else knows that? I give you one guess." Why Speak In Parables? For those rebellious today like those rebellious Noah's Day, A Noah's Cousins yet say Rev 18 Holy God seeth them not, the Lord is ascended from the earth; stop being deceived, stop deceiving others, repent, Run or likewise of billions lost to billions pending lost,, perish; see more here,, how like for six millennia its all been ending, prophetically, GOW, JCOR, HBOW, Apb The RAM
Prophecy Links Fulfilling, Sunlight Of God, Since June 17,2002/revisited June 17,2020, down on all four penance, Commanded Hemingway Exodus
-Marvel not nor procrastinate, forty nine and three thirds US states, Canada, Mexico, CENTRAL SOUTH AMERICA , The CARIBBEAN, ALL FOREWARN for decades wouldn't be places to run; only Trump and Trumpians, still mad at US Georgia, their stumbling block of iniquity/politic civil war;. Know then, only it's Atlantic Ocean, COAST, like Savannah Georgia, only US Georgia's COAST, blessed stampeders are to await a miraculous crossover into Africa's Southwest Atlantic; marvel not, the BETA, Sept 22 23,2020, Gog and Magog debating with Rev 12 Holy star warriors, Holy Bride now being in their timeline.
-Marvel not Holy Ones, nor fret, Rev 12, Red Dragon's Gog and Magog, Archangel Michael and HOLY HIS wage star war battles. Fright night to Jesus Millennium descending, A New, White Holy House, Holy Priesthood intact; THEY wedge spiritual warfare, right along the same area map, the African, Atlantic basin of developing Into US Southeast Atlantic, hurricanes; blessed Brexit, Briexit and Blaexit trajectory of blessed as the Red Sea crossing, blessed Hemingway Exodus, escape! Beware, GOW JCOR HBOW Apb The RAM,
Mount Nyiragongo: At least 15 dead, over 170 children feared missing after volcano erupts in eastern Congo, officials say,, (a predicted 2017, flirting and courting Keanu Reeves movies; !the Aug 5, 2019 standing the world still event, bringing on two catastrophic disappearances was by it's Aug 30/31
You Tube mrmbb333, Neptune size sunspot turning towards Earth
You Tube, mrmbb333, Interplanetary Shockwave Arrives As Congo Volcano Erupts,, ( a hand writes on a wall, 1998, Jeremiah 37:8, a hand writes on a wall it's predicted 2015, Jan 12 13, 2019, 99 bowls of molten lava; a hand writes on a wall, Aug 7,2019, only so nervously, clumsily, this time, I could barely make out, Escape Yellowstone; blessed from Volcanic apocalypse come, are only those running, you know where, Rev 2, Rev 12 Sunlight of God, Jesus Christ, award overcomers, accordingly, Apb
Run, Run Run, Far Right Pundits Celebrate Israeli Bombing of AP, BBC, Al Jazeera Offices, Then Come US Soil Reaping, Run Run Run!
"While mrmbb333, we're since April 20,2021 counting down exactly two weeks and 7 years, I just got the single word, Tribulation. Fright night to a death bringer come from beneath molten earth; like today, May 24, 2021, a 126th Nov, Thanksgiving 2017/Jan 12/13, 2018, Rev 2 Jesus, Matrix Ten Day Countdown. Here, just now, marks the most apocalyptic 7 years duration this planet, heaven to universe ever or ever again., as in see, know Rev 1-19/Rev 9
-Marvel not your government just predicted your most violent summer ever, Mother's Day 2021, did just have 400 plus mass shootings; marvel not any prophesied day, any prophesied hour within that day, any prophesied nano second within that hour.
-Know also, standing in the way Holy Church Bride liftoff is skyrocketing while simultaneously and firerocketing is apostate US/West Rule;. That would be leaving exactly Rev 11:1, 2, 42 months for the holy land peace agreement to implode into WW3 and Alexander/Hitler's Germany Antichrist with 42 months, Rev 13:5, to get near a billion of world warriors to duke it out, its Armageddon;
-Then a finger once pointing at a picture of Mel Gibson, his Passion Of The Christ 2, happens in real time; knowing, repent, RUN, you know who, why, what, when and where! GOW, JCOR, HBOW, (Feb 12-19, 2015, reigning Holy Bride did prep Dan 2 stone from heaven , having a meteor surface and launched it into Eze 38/39/Rev20, Trump'/Trumpians White House aligned to, Gog and Magog/Dan 4 ,7 year madness/Rev 13), beware, Apb, The RAM, see Rev 6, 6th seal, also a sixth matrix count/, and here,, how like for six millennia its ALL been ending prophetically, Apb The RAM
Article, MSNBC's Ali Velshi: 'Israel's treatment of Palestinians is apartheid. Period.'
'There is currently no existential threat to the state of Israel,' Velshi insisted,,(-Marvel not during Bush wars we got the field to field of torture vehicles; to the granting of the 11 o'clock shopping lunch hour, of forfeiting US military loved ones to this build up of torture vehicles; a US General told his men was a dirty Mede and was later witnessed passing his war horse off to the prophet Jeremiah 38:7, as Dec 24/25, 2001,Dan 5, a 1998 hand writing ron the wall of Judgement by worn invaders come with fire and come and come!
-Marvel not revisited Into fulfillment Kobe's Bryant's fiery, crash morning, Rev 17, 7 head, 7 horn, ten head monstrosity. Soon predicted Jan 12/13, 2019, whore and beast separated , great beast command his crown ten kings also, to target the Mystery of Mystery Babylon with fire and burn all her cities, unstoppable, Godzilla infernos prescribed, blessed escape March 13/ Oct 15, 2018 as United States of Barbecue, marvel not fire from prison bars, like a sword target its President Bush.
-Fiery doomsday American Continent, revisited presently,Jan 22-29, 2021 as the flaming, blazing frying pan, flying saucer liftoff of Biden and Harris/The Obama's; marvel not hours before NBA's (blended celebrities), California, Kobe's fiery crash, we were shown the ordaining of the ten Islamic to Israeli rulers Satan's 7 head, 7 horn, ten crown beast ordained as Kings and use its Antichrist influence to do what especially Hitler's Germany attempt at total genocide.
-Undoubtedly, rid the planet of religious, political to righteous leads, especially Jews and pending Tribulation Saints, marvel not Mat 24 Jesus' predicted desolation come; its 21st century, Anti-Christ is seen all around with Egyptian Anubis demon dogs, posing as policing German Shepherds; Marvel not Jan 3, 2021 a stone Anubis launched an arrow, signaling to beginning their own as God thrusting in reaping sickle, lethal,warpath.
-Marvel not Jan 12/132018, a host of heaven previously described Zech 14 Mount Of Olivet Return, "the downtown, newspaper bells are ringing," cried my Memphis son; Rev 2 Jesus .looked right at Holy Bride THEY entreat me, asked Her, would angels also ascend? The Church Bride like June 6, 2020, Rev 12 newborn suddenly snatched out and what has hindered these many millennia this final, deadliest of spiritual warfare;
-God's back turned Throne/Jesus' redeeming Cross/out reaching Holy Church Bride/star warring Rev 17:14 Lamb of God Jesus Husband,
THEY no longer hinder; beginning for two 42 months intervals, a 7 year duration planet earth Inherits. Fright night to even church choirs shown sitting up high chair feeder traps, earthers have a real probably of being in triple its apocalypse, since I heard again since ({April 2 2019}), April 20 2021 two weeks and 7 years.Fright night to hearing I got fifteen in my pocket; I got Prime Minister Netanyahu face all up in my face, a month or so before those new bombings.
-Then there's Nethaneyu, mowing the lawn, some westerners mock, like King David, like his apostate son, see, 1996, Ps 37, lawn mowing, given during the molten death rider from beneath, volcanic apocalypse come, woe, woe, woe
to Nov 10, 2020, building caravan of blessed escape of no longer procrastinating blessed escape, woe! Know also, ebbing and flowing, multicultural world leads like Benjamin Netanyahu, Mahmoud Abbas, Barack Hussein Obama and Vice President Kamala Harris.
-Know, they're predestined since Abraham, Isaac and Jacob to lead us righteously or terrifyingly martyred us, a predicted decades now, 50 million US soil, alone. Marvel not July 27,2009, during a as Rev 17, mocked nation summit, Senator Hussein Obama by Holy Spirits was declared, ' the one; and days later we heard our first, aligned to Dan 12, Man in Linen timetable, 'two weeks and 7 years;
-Marvel not still, without a righteous head, Feb 2015 Syed Farook reckless hijacking proceed Feb 2019, back turn Rite Aid Pharmacy counter, 5% into 15% westerners would die, not including Zech 13, predicted two thirds of its warring,Holy Land's Inherit . There's May 10, 2020 Mother's day brought us the travailing in Gethsemane garden indecision, prophesied hour Rev 3, 17,18, manifested in multicultural flesh. Whereas May 9, Mother's day 2021, brought us its gun violence deadliest, 400 plus mass shootings, and Israel Hamas deadly bombings, again; marvel not, every evil work, like predicted three decades now, a pandemic of gun violence, follows, being without a righteous head, whom HOLY ADONA'S Jesus Christ alone is; predestined, see more here,;
These Blessed, Revelation 2/12 Jesus Overcomers, REPENT, Run, blessed Brexit, Briexit, Blaexit, Jordan's city Petra or US Georgia's/Africa's Mid to Southwest Atlantic, REPENT, Run, you know where, GOW, JCOR, HBOW, launching from God's Back Turned Throne, Dan 2 stone from heaven; Apb The RAM
'Israel's treatment of Palestinians is apartheid. Period.'
-Nevermind that those media analysis like Ari Velshi explaining licensed to kill by western leads Israel, has had a knee on Israeli Arab, Palestinians neck for centuries; now I know multi-millions George Floyd empathizers understand this, these horrors in ways they never did before and used it's furious gumption to give both the Nation to World the most special caring multicultural US White House ever.
- Fight night to freezers, even makeshift morgues making that thud empty sound, though a witnessed puppeteered Biden to Harris right now, are we still hearing, per the reaping of error Isalm, weight of blood guilt? "Smiling faces don't last, separate Britain, America into itty-bitty pieces, wipe Canada, off the map; knowing combined except you repent RUN, they're aligned to Gog and Magog because they're equally aligned religiously, politically to hundreds of millions of more Westerners lives, knowing, what manner of stampeder are you to be?
-Apostle THEY call me, I been explaining, what I heard the two year revisit of Rev 17:14, Lamb of God Jesus Husband, indescribably translating Memphis Grands to US Georgia's Atlantic Coast before, star warring Archangel Michael THEM snatched skyward, those Inherit Saints Of The Most High ELOHIM; marvel not I experienced its surreal demo, as recent as pending for five years, western leads, leading into WW3/Armageddon July 6 2020;
- indescribably, arriving just in time to witnessed Rev 12 new born snatched off the planet, right out aligned to the deadliest Anti-Christ ever, ever again,blessed, holy new born snatched out Red Dragon hands,woe, woe woe, earth's inherit and I just told you how indescribably surreal, this sky to heaven phenom, see biblical prophecy fulfilling Isa 16:1-5, Zech 13/14, chapters and Rev 12-8-17, see here, marvel not, earn end days event followed the suggestion you get to repentant altars!
-Knowing, get it, get Jesus of Rev 2, of Rev 12, get out; Run, you know who, what, why, when and where! GOW, JCOR, Holy Bride Of Wrath,( HBOW); marvel not predicted to go nuclear nation and world wide since Feb 12-19, 2015; just as seasoned preppers prepped for fiery doomsday apocalypse come,see Rev 6, 6th seal;
-, Marvel not, reigning Bride of wrath was witnessed like these preppers oddly prepping also Dan 2, stone from heaven; having a meteor surface; that when she, holy bride manifest in multicultural flesh, released the stone made without hand, King Nebuchadnezzar's terrifying, apocalyptic continuity into King Zion, reign, of all world governments ever or ever again; marvel not I Thess 4:16-18 to Rev 11:7th Trump to Trumpet fiery, cosmic, doomsday apocalypse, turn as she' released said earth ender, all I heard was, "this is the Anti-Christ murderer."
- Usually revisited ebbing and flowing prophetic Fulfillment, predicted to be wiped off the map and sent firerocketing, ({Dec 24/252001}) exactly 190 months into Mid October 2017, only come divine intervention Rev 2 Jesus Matrix, here its fiery doomsday, third year revisit, Mid October 2020, marvel not Trump's to Trumpians, Dan 4 curse of madness, reach its finale post apocalyptic America/West Rule, its Mid Oct 2027;
-Marvel not Mat 24 Jesus revealing apocalyptic events come, first saying, "let no man deceive you; here, Noah's day normal, Memphis Bride's of staying unaware being a spreadsheet of normalcy bias all around nuclear, cosmic to volcanic apocalypse come; WW3 to Armageddon combatants were all left as a fork in the sand and 7 years of burning armament and post apocalyptic home earth, planet left littered with 7 months of their dead, see more here, Revelation 20, and after the thousand years were finished, April 20, 3028,..GOH, JCON, Apb The RAM
Prophecy Links Fulfilling
The Chosen, Season 2, Episode 3, and David Psalms 139 besides his Psalms 51 repentant passage, is my favorite memory scripture. Mary Magdalene, saying, perhaps He's here because he knows we can't be holy without Him; Instantly I'm reminded of Jesus urgency, that he leave, ascend, cause only then the Holy Spirit Anointing Come, and greater works than He Himself, true, authentic Christianity...
-Reminded I'm, sitting, reading Romans six, explaining during Christ crucifixion our sins died with Him and if they're dead and further like Him, we're risen anew; how can we still practice something that no longer exist, dead, buried? Even iniquities lead captived, Jesus ascending, Abraham's Bosom. Then I begin to see it, a finger writing in red within this, Apostle Paul's very scripture passage, "man can't do this, only the holy spirit can do this," see more here, St John 3/Romans 12:1, 2/I John 1-3 chapts,
-Jesus saying, those who believe not are condemned already; Apostle Paul saying, be ye doers of the word and not hearers only; belittle to misconstrue Jesus born again teaching to Pharisee Nicodemus and when Jesus say to that highly gifted multitude, following Him, I never knew you, your sins remain, He'll be talking to you, Apb, see more here,
Create in me a clean heart oh God, and renew a right Spirit within me, then shall I teach transgressors thy ways and shall sinners be converted unto thee! Ps 51: 10, 13
You Tube Rachel Maddow, video of deadly arrest of Ronald Green obtained by AP, (-And there was silence in heaven, I should know, like Apostle John, Apostle THEY call me, I was there'; I'll tell you Rachel Maddow, what I can't quit thinking, is that his family had to watch him suffer such a violent, humiliating death; Holy Bride THEY entreat me, my comfort, as they gleefully served their father satan. Instead terrified, tortured Ronald called on world Savior, Jesus Christ, and like that believing thief dying aside bruised, battered, marytred Lamb of God, Ronald Green is two years basking in the untellable Paradise of GOD!
-PHENOMENA, unspeakable, divine glory, worship and praises most these evils will never, ever see; repent RUN or likewise, like these devils. Damned souls, waking in hell with tortuous devils and demons all around, then Judgment, then eternal lakes of fire; marvel not Mat 5, Jesus suggest you, heaven bound, pray for the hell bound; in case they return, remember, and repent; stop being deceived; stop deceiving others, satan and his, come to steal, kill and destroy; Holy Father judges the heart, beware, God Of Wrath, (GOW), JCOR, HBOW, Apb The RAM
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