Wednesday, May 26, 2021

Run, Run, Run, Those Who Didn't Die By The Plague, Didn't Repent But Went On About A Noah's Day, Noah's Cousin, Normalcy Bias, Run Run, Run!

Prophecy Links Fulfilling, Sunlight Of God, Since June 17,2002/revisited June 17,2020, down on all four penance, Commanded Hemingway Exodus

-Marvel not nor procrastinate, forty nine and three thirds US states, Canada, Mexico, CENTRAL SOUTH AMERICA , The CARIBBEAN, ALL FOREWARN for decades wouldn't be places to run; only Trump and Trumpians, still mad at US Georgia, their stumbling block of iniquity/politic civil war;. Know then, only it's Atlantic Ocean, COAST, like Savannah Georgia, only US Georgia's COAST, blessed  stampeders are to await a miraculous crossover into Africa's Southwest Atlantic; marvel not, the BETA, Sept 22 23,2020, Gog and Magog debating with Rev 12 Holy star warriors, Holy Bride now being in their timeline.

-Marvel not Holy Ones, nor fret, Rev 12, Red Dragon's Gog and Magog, Archangel Michael and HOLY HIS wage star war battles. Fright night to Jesus Millennium descending, A New, White Holy House, Holy Priesthood intact; THEY wedge spiritual warfare, right along the same area map, the African, Atlantic basin of developing Into US Southeast Atlantic, hurricanes; blessed Brexit, Briexit and Blaexit trajectory of blessed as the Red Sea crossing, blessed Hemingway Exodus, escape! Beware, GOW JCOR HBOW Apb The RAM,

You Tube News, Texas set to let people Carry guns without a license,,( -I know I explained 30 plus rapture springs ago, what happened phenom prayer closet, a portal into God's Kingdom Throne, if I reach my hand up, I could feel his hand touch mine. Here, per my hardening petition bless my children, revealing, how modern, technical, entertainment, gone unchecked in the home, would be as parents putting guns to their children's heads and pulling the trigger. 

-Such a radical, prayer closet, mind to heart blower revisited Feb 2017, seeing three carnivorous beast,  prophet Daniel heard command to rise and eat much flesh; one an Anubis undertaker. Apostle I am heard it command,2017, kill all parents by, finish all schools; here gargantuan seducing spirits

all posed in the home, as every day friendly house pets; stop being deceived,stop deceiving others,this is an outbreak of mortuary US/Western soil, get it, get Jesus get up or over, GOW, JCOR, HBOW Apb The RAM

Written May 24, 2021

You Tube, The Chosen Season 2 Episode 5,, it is said to shut Dallas Jenkins up, is by paying forward to helping him raise, one hundred million dollars or more, as Jesus like to give wayyy more than what's needed; to fund five more seasons of The Chosen Series, see and here, #shutdallasup/

Create In Me A Clean Heart, Oh God, That The Bones Which Thou Has Broken, May Rejoice,

Dallas Jenkins Read A Question,, About The Mockery By The Chosen Characters Jesus and John The Baptizer, Of King David/The Lamb Of God, Son Of David,

And these Are The Descendants Rescued from Revisited Rev 13, July 27, (2009/ Feb 12/13, 2019), The Beast Mark And The Bride Of Wrath Who's Herself, Prepping And Launching Dan 2 Meteor From Heaven, HBOW...Apb

" No, Genesis marriage worshipers, they only questioned The Chosen TV series, Jesus and John the baptizer mockery of Father King David perhaps because Father, King David has one of the most astonishing repentant prayers in Holy scripture. Crystal, de-legitimize Father King David, de-legitimize Psalms 51, one of most phenomenal, transitional prayers of repentance in Christendom, ...and be not conformed to this world, but be ye transformed by the renewing of your mind, Apostle Paul's Roman 12:1, 2; only then will I teach transgressors thy ways; and sinners shall converted unto thee, after you O Lord, renew a right spirit to heart, inside me. As is recommended again Sia's all, Ps 51, King David/Ezekiel 36:26,27; marvel not, during the opening of those three time, tested doors, Prophet Ezekiel showed me this, Sunlight Of God, come a hand. Amazingly as a surgeon, reached into this multitude's chest, brought forth their yet beating, old heart, replaced this ruin with the Holy Spirit's heart; Sunlight equally come as a mouth, instructing said multitude, they're to be acquainted with Holy, Elohim, Father's, grieves and sorrows, I know, let's go, matching hallelujahs, all around! Wait, Wait, I think that's an over share, only the Holy Father and I are to know about that, all Sia's present , you are sworn to its secrecy. Know also, around, about the time Father, Evangelist Jimmy Swaggart come before the world, admitting as a specialty leader, he'd sinned against God and man. I'd memorized this magnificent penance and went straight into my phenom closet and prayed it for him; for me, for the unrepentant world that would judge him by self righteous judgement, soon another of their own reoccurring stumbling block of iniquity, to weights of blood guilt. So, just as Apostle THEY call me forewarn only days past, belittle to cast off, the conversation St John 3 Jesus is having with the religious leader Nicodemus. Miraculously about being born again, only then know Holy Father, only then ascend to Holy Father, know also, all first born's perish. Fright night to rolling twilight skies of reoccurring volcanic eruptions; continue to throw off the seriousness of being born again, when Mat 7:21-23 Jesus, look at this multitude knowing Him, doing his miracles, and say, I never knew you, because your sins remain, He'll be talking directly to you, all first born's beware; remember from whence thou art fallen, return and repent, and do the first works, (the seed, spirit of righteousness is being anointed to live righteously, John 1-3 Chapts), that's Jesus Christ of the Book of Revelation, let no man deceive you, thus said Mat 24 Jesus, before he too would've been described, a doomsday preacher to fear-monger to a homophobic; beware, GOW, JCON, HBOW, Apb The RAM, see here,

Prophecy Links Fulfilling, 30 Plus Rapture Springs, A Pandemic Following Volcanic Apocalypse, A Pandemic Of Gun Violence And A Pandemic Of Drug Related Mass Deaths, Apb


Article, Why they’re not saying Ma’Khia Bryant’s name, The 16-year-old Black girl could never be the “perfect victim.”, (I'll admit, I forewarn my son and daughter their fall break here, not to get my grands hurt or killed procrastinating blessed escape. Warnings, they threw all of it off as being clueless about dangers Revelation book Holies and I, Apostle THEY call me, been warning them about for decades.

-One, Nov 10, 2020, and sparkling Red, Monster/Munster Trucks to the rescue;  forewarning those knowingly procrastinating blessed escape, endanger their loved ones, particularly, their first borns. Though without her permission, I can't go into specific details; apparently, not a hijacking but a phenom, wellness check.

-I, Apostle Grandma believe the dream our Memphis Makhya had only days before Columbus, Ma’Khia was so brutally slaughtered. Amazing Grace, these were guardian angels to star warring Angels, making sure Memphis Makhya was safe, even cars can't dodge bullets; Concerning while all those coming to her rescue, birth family to Church family, shown attacking, wrestling with divine intervention, pose the imminent threat. 

-Foolishly, procrastinating blessed escape targeted by Eze 9 grim reapers, one strike the telling heart, some ascended, but most descended; beware all first born's; marvel not these are the same family to Church members Memphis Makhya, June 17, 2020 /apostle grandma June 19, Juneteenth 2020, old Arkansas bridge crossovers into US Georgia's COAST; they're now down on all four penance; in real time, a couple weeks now, the more modern TN/Ark bridge, closed for repairs, damning, slow motion exodus, detoured to the old Arkansas bridge, coincidence? Repent, Run, you know where, GOW, JCOR, HBOW, Apb The RAM, Ah, Run, Dance, Crawl, you know where, Apb

And These Are The Descendants Rescued From The Breast's Marks, Rev 13:5 revisited Sept ({2011}), as the Bride's Second Heavens Ascension Assignment, To Intercede Rev 13:5, Tribulation Saints, April, 2/20, 1986/2026/3036 into Infinity, God's Kingdom, COME; Featuring, The Nexus Global, all trained from the age of 7 to the age of 17, as in the next Deburk, Tribunal Global, one male heir from each Deburk Genesis Marriage, in no certain order;

Unto tribunal *Bridgeover Aldean Efren Deburk, Artz, Unto Tribunal *Sage River, Fallen Water Deburk, Unto Tribunal *Nifco Ewan Deburk, Unto tribunal *McMillan, (Millan), Alwen Deburk, unto tribunal Brightstone, *Starlight Deburk, Unto Tribunal *Lone Wolf, Howling Lion Deburk, Unto Tribunal *Maddox River Bison Deburk, Unto tribunal Antonio (Halo) Valley, Deburk, and Unto Tribunal *Dancing Branch, Still Waters, Deburk, Freestone

The Unending Love Antidote ...The African Juttah Genealogy, 1986-2016/2026/3036

The Tombola Genealogy, Holy, Temple, April, 17, 1986/2026/3036 into Infinity, God's Kingdom Reign

Unto Darius Juttah Preece Ebonee Bele Kroff and Preecest Darius Karsiann Coogan was born a son, first prince, Silverton Nicolas, Coogan, Chow, a son, Second Prince, Meshullum Kadesh Kroff,  a daughter, Princess Ni Be we Consquella, Isabella Kroff, a daughter,  Princess Oceana Tabatha Kroff, and a daughter, Princess Brooklyn Robin Nest Kroff and a godson, third Darius, Prince, Adonis, Emanel, Shaddai, Kroff, Fiona  

Unto First Prince Darius, Silverton Nicholas Chow Liverpool and Preecest Torrance Allegra Lattern was born their twin daughter Demetria Cressida Liverpool and Halle Kressida Liverpool, a son, Braxton Blaine David Liverpool and a final son, Branch Padre Frederico Lattern

Unto Second Prince, Darius Meshullam Kadesh and Felicity Stuart Benz was born their first son, Vladimir Elizondo Kadesh Kroff, twin daughters, Angelica Paris and Antoinette Berlin Kroff and a daughter, Ahmiya Jordon Benz

Unto Third Prince Darius Adonis Emanel, Shaddai, Kroff, Coogan and Nederland Lucia Fiona was born a godson Fabiola Lucien Shaddai, Coogan, a god-daughter Amirah, Tierny Shaddai Coogan, a god daughter, Paris, Epiphany Shaddai, Kroff, Fiona   

Mark Scene, Genesis Marriage Worshipers, XVII and VII, It's CXXVI Matrix Counts,

     "Grand Sia, we can't help but wonder about your, well, you always discreetly saying THEY, Holy Lords entreat you like the Bride manifested In the flesh. Truth Nextus, Sage River would be for example, its around, about January 12/13/2018 and we're looking at the beginning of volcanic apocalypse, Hawaii's inbound missile alert. There's Revelation 2 Jesus looking at me, readying to be snatched out and ask, will Angels also ascend? I guess I should've responded, who do you think I am? Only THEY'D probably responded back Grand Sia, thou knowest? Right, exactly, Sia Memphis Corey, right, though not wanting to mismanaged some of the most sacred biblical things ever loan us the planet. Truly outreach is treated with fear and trembling, I want to say that come from Apostle Paul, I always say, but possibly Peter. To be honest, said carefulness with such sacred things is from Prophets of old, into Jesus Christ Gospel, the Acts of the Apostles slash the early church, the Apostle Epistles of love into us, the predicted BETA! The BETA, we're all Sias beginning to realize means that stars too will be falling from Heaven as the Bride is being snatched out! Example, of this delicatessen of the spirit, a family member disappointed me to tears and I hushed up quickly, apologizing to Holy father. Apologizing for crying? Lest, Nextus Arwen, the Father be offended, angry even and we perish from the way, when his wrath is kindled, just a little. You must remember, my phenom prayer closet acting as a portal into God's Throne, I know what happened only moments before and after the silence in heaven. Heavenly Father crying, sobbing uncontrollably, causing me to cry, Heavens Host to sob uncontrollably. Just think, when Mary Magdalene was crying finding the tomb empty, there come resurrected Jesus, preciously assuring, women, why weepiest thou? I'm right here, returned; say the same about Apostle John, who's in heaven. He too sobbing cause he found no one worthy to bring an end to post apocalyptic planet earth, all its evil, whoring, stealing, killing and destroying. When he hear weep not , see, hear, behold, the Lion of the Tribe of Judah, the son of David hath prevail. Though if the Lion of the Tribe of Judah, who hath prevailed, even this son of David is too sobbing, crying uncontrollably. Ah my god is Jesus, ah grand, ah, ah, I, I need to be excused, okay, okay, ah, Nextus Bridgeover, why, okay, why don't we all just take like a moment of silence, I will, I will be excused as well." >>>"I'd made positive, you wasn't gonna show, why would I Preece Coyote make you an invitation and not keep it? I'm to figure you seen our new genealogy and want to discuss it, our new," did she show discomfort in her neck, eyes glisten along a sniff, a rub of her nose, soon, up away, quite perturbed, "Preecest Cottie? Ah, yeah, excuse me, ...did you do it, make, order, give me a new genealogy, however the hell its done, this shutting me up? No I, stop it, you're Darius freaking Juttah, El Shaddai, so don't tell me what you can't do. Preecest Cottie, we don't have any more control over the Aqua Juttah Genealogy to the Juttah Tombola, than we do the Ark of the Covenant to the Brazen Altar. Know, such sacred things have a Holy Spirit, body, mind, soul their own, a predestination even, lots of the foolish have been cursed to damned misconstruing such sanctity. I don't believe any of you, don't know why I even tried, you believe in Negeb Ophel? What is that, a threat? Those prowling Grim reapers? Dai, Dai, no Chodne, she need to hear this, before Maha got her jealous heart squared with Father God and all of us, she's sure Negeb Ophel reapers were haunting to hunting her.  Only like you El Shaddai, she's out of reach, Darius Juttah, all, yes, meaning Preecest Cottie, THEY don't allow any its corruption, like Priest Arron sons, they don't care who you are, your blood lineage doesn't matter! Every good gift and every perfect gift descends down from the Father of lights and commanded reapers allow none its corruption. Stop Preecest Cottie, stop undermining how precious you are to THEM, just stop it, let THEM in, let THEM make your wonderful for all eternity! We better warm all this up, what's to drink? I was thinking lemonade, regular or other mixtures? You know I'm on water for a while, then I'll have two types of lemonade to avenge you, okay beloved Chodne, to avenge me huh? Hey, can we walk, talk? Why not? Thanks, thanks for? You know, you freeing me from the poisonous tentacles of the untamed tongue, never heard of such, yeah, it's a crippling embarrassing death, this huge audience at that, just like back there, just know I always wanna be there, always Preecest Cottie, just you know that." >>>"Does that mean, are you saying Grand Sia, that's how we make sense of the Mountain and the Sunlight you witnessed reigning, you also witnessed, God's Back Turn Throne; calling for as Moses Exodus of all world wide, West Rule Subjects? I wanna know, Nextus Amethyst, this reigning Mountain, is this equally, the Reigning Bride, since you Grand Sia witnessed Her also prep, launch and lay claim to targeting all Gog and Magog rebellious, genociders, the stone, made without hands, from heaven? I mean Global Nextus, just think, when King Nebuchadnezzar and even the prophet Daniel, seeing that mountain being launched from heaven, it was the reigning Bride Herself targeting and laying dirt and wind, and recently as Mid Oct, 2020, it was all left  a fork in the sand  to all Kingdom, Nation building there ever was, ever to be: you Grand Sia saying, she's a cosmic event while ascending; followed by an arriving Christ Jesus, coming as a solar to nuclear event. During the undeniable 2013 your Daniel fast ordeal, Grand Sia, THEY telling you, THEY couldn't wait to be down here where you are, wasn't that just the ultimate? Cause I don't think THEY wanted to bring you back, but it just wasn't time, agreeable, wanting to be down here, Sia Nextus, Bridgeover, as in the middle, second heaven intercessions. But remembering just here, I'd already Nextus Global only months prior had two phenomenal ordeals before this infallible surreal, both including guardian angels to star warring Angels, being all-round me, reminding me as ominous as it was, I did have an angelical up bringing. Please, if you will Grand Sia, who tells a sobbing, crying the Lamb of God, Lion of the Tribe of Judah, Ancient of Days, to weep not, what's His Blessed Assurance, none of its for many millennia, even since Noah's Flood/ARK, out reaching blood reconciliation to righteousness, even sacrificing our only born holy, begotten HOLY Son, wasn't in vain? Besides Nextus Global, Holy Father, Ancient of Days having saved Himself, His Own Lamb of God, God's Jesus The Christ.  I can then only tell Sia's all, what I witnessed moments before this eerie silence in heaven and moments after this eerie silence in heaven. I just need you to  remember, in the real, I was in my phenom prayer closet, that went eerie void, after my prayer, I can't tell you what an intimidating, after a for years phenom closet to no longer feel Holy Father to Holy Spirits present.  So could you, even would you Grand Sia, share that with us as well, First Nexus Lone Wolf,  I wanna share a demo that remind I should err on the side of caution, even why we took a moment of silence jut now, yeah grand Sia, I realized that too, we took a moment of silence as we come overwhelm by reveals, as we're debating a silence in heaven. Right, Nextus Amethyst right, but prophet Daniel too come overwhelm, even without cognition, these phenomenal visitations to revelations. Yeah, I see everything, everyone brought to a screeching halt, like a thousand years maybe a day to Ancient of Days but for the Christ of God, Saints Of God, a thousand years, cursed, genocider, planet earth is a thousand years, six to be exact; Exactly Nextus Halo. This reveal was around Sept 2017, you at one time Grand Sia, a demo, atop Mount Olivet return, found yourself kissing Jesus feet? I did, Nextus Global, Lone Wolf,  totally prostrated, when I come into the demo , my lips at his feet, but as I was saying, around Sept 2017, so about two months before the first Rev 2, Jesus, Dec 3rd, matrix ten day countdown and stampeding of elephants of staying unaware. Before waking, speaking in Dutch and yes I knew I was speaking in Dutch, in this demo, the lot of us like here now, had just come to a fast food window, what's curious, I'm deciding which of you are too young to have meat, which if you are too old only to have a beverage; speaking Dutch grand Sia always reference dutchsinse, earth quake forecaster, yes Nextus Kemkia, I believe so, so we're in a fast escape, oppose to a slow motion exodus and if the Dutch language is involved we're revisiting evacuating Volcanic apocalypse, but don't throw off Apostle Paul's parable of how mature to immature for holy reveal some learners verses others. Possibly why Jesus explained to His Disciples, they would see, hear, know and do things, others, even those aged, trained to educated, couldn't, wouldn't ever do; He also encouraged religious leaders to search the scripture, the proof is in there, HE's their long awaited Messiah. Yes, yes! Grand Sia, The Chosen series, when they saying, there's no proof God come flesh, walk among men, I kept like screaming, but it says in Isaiah, a virgin shall conceive and bring forth a son, the whole reveals class began to say, "and you shall call his name, immanuel, meaning God with us! No, no, Nifco, who wanted to do a dance, The Chosen Series, right before the leper healing, Jesus explaining He's born in Bethlehem, yes, yes, then off, into Egypt. Only an unknowing, the religious leaders primary stumbling block, mocking his Davidic Bloodline, but if they Nextus Global, had written, biblical proof, wouldn't their pride, this hubris spirit, yet prevent them from authenticating (Elo/Eli) Him as the biblical Messiah? I admit Nextus Global, my heart kinda leaped when He revealed His relation to both Bethlehem and Africa, but running out of time here, I will continue, so moments before the silence in heaven, there was this too extraordinary to serendipitous, to explicate, we're talking the 7th angel trumpet, sounding; 24 elders throwing down their crowns; this indescribable Jubilee; the Olive Branches are resurrected to return; Tribulation Saints there, Specialty Saints, Marriage Supper, mansions to crowns of life all, all, all been fascinatingly realized; we're talking that kind of infallible celebration. Just as well, slightly, vaguely, like the faint, pitter, paddle of rain drops, that grow more and more noticeably, worrisome and cutting curious eyes to ears up and all around, what is that, this don't belong? Little by little explosive celebrations calm, denial set in, what can't be and soon it all screeches to a halt, the silence; only I'm hearing it, I know THEY can too, "my people are dying, dying and they are being stripped of everything my Christ has brought them; Holy Elohim Father is crying, He's sobbing uncontrollably, emotionally overwhelming me, the billions in attendance; "my people are dying, dying and they are being stripped of everything my Christ has brought them; behold, I will strip their leaders and leave them in the day, they were born." Holy father God, had saved Himself, His Own Lamb of God, Jesus Christ's Cross, lets all say it, Nextus global, "WEEP NOT, BEHOLD THE LAMB OF GOD, THE LION OF THE TRIBE OF JUTTAH, HATH PREVAILED! Marching Hallelujah Grand Sia, all around, yes Nextus Halo, yes, Juttah, Nextus Global, Hallelujah!"  >>>"I been looking all over for you, my heart in my mouth, throat at times, losing my living mind, breath, you should've asked your princess sisters, sooner.  I did, I ran desperately to them, tell me you beloved Felicity, even want to be found? I can't believe it, 
(; so the waiting room, of that elusive door of Jewish studies, yes the Religion to Politics of driving those nails still, the same, six millennia in. I don't understand it, I hear it's Dallas Jenkins, bragging how this is our own project. True love, true, but religious, politics portrayed the beginning of The Chosen series, season one, episode one, first scene, when that Roman leader stopped religious leader Nicodemus on the road. Soon kinda saying if you wash my blood stain hands, I'll equally wash your blood stain hands, de-legitimize or tax sabbath fishing and it'll be well, even lucrative with you and your house, and Nicodemus abide him. Religious, politics and there's no going around, through to achieving anything America, West Rule to Western civilization without these interfering, demanding empowerment's.  Just these whoring, murdering, monsters, Kadesh, that's what they are, yes, that's what Revelation 17 into 18 say of genocider's, Gog and Magog slash Mystery Babylon, with Holy God and now, reigning Holy Bride threatening down from heaven, they have their number. Some one hundred and ninety months worth, been spent into an awarded, sweet to bitter, intravening matrix ten countdown of faithfully throwing off tribulations. Done, now, exactly 126 of them, just as Grand Sia, Grand mom heard, pray and later heard tribulation; their own weight of blood guilt weighed, judged, sentenced, with tens of millions dying. Okay Sia Felicity, we know through prophet Zechariah, Israel falls, two thirds of her, Grand Sia witnessed to an enemy Hamath; witnessing also, while a US General and his men struggles with a build up of torture vehicles, designed a Dirty Mede, saying, it's to claim 15% US soil, Britain, Canada, 5% each, their losses; all territories the road to biblically proportional turf wars to nuclear WW3 and deadliest of battles ever, ever again, Armageddon; get away from them all Felicity, or get wiped out, off the planet! Where is this other worldly place? Your Princess sisters think it's not of planet earth, as so loving wife it seems, I guess the blessedness-ed of the demo and so little notice, was the daughters, disappearance, as blessed resurrection, ascension. So does he have children, is he even married? Ah, as usual, we got Memphis Carter looking into all that, the artistic Memphis Carter; who's hand Grand Sia was holding, crossing the road, before the planet to earth quaking since, stampeding of the elephants of staying Noah's day unaware?  Right, right, Felicity, dear, even the end of President Carter type, Middle East, peace making, though Grand Sia says what you saw, experienced is little about that. How it is, biblical Israel is pictured as both a husband gone a whoring but as well, Holy, Lamb of God, Bridegroom, Jesus; as so, Jerusalem is pictured as a wife, gone a whoring, but as also a redeemed, Holy Church Bride, descending down from the Father  Of Lights. Understand, in this demo you Felicity and The Chosen, Jesus, were a demonstration of them both, mankind wrestling with God's Holy Will verses His own, unholy will, hell enlarging itself, yes Felicity, yes, but an incalculable, multicultural Genesis man, marriage, pouring into Jesus' Throne, Bosom, redeemed only by His, LAMB'S Blood.  Ah my God is Christ, Felicity, we need to take pictures, videos even, 'The Final Days to mrmbb333 would flip out completely, they and all their youtubers, honestly, I thought of that, but Princess Brooklyn forewarning, was that no matter of tech works here. Then look what I brought, this unspeakable company, I asked Princess Angelical, she said it sound terrific, she also said if we get stranded here, she'll see us again in heaven. Riddle me this daring man, so we by an other-worldly picnic, chance leaving our children orphan? What orphans, baby, love? They got the entire African to Septennial Juttah, The Global to Juttah to Nextus Tribunal, then, then most of all precious lady of mine, they got, grand Sia, grandma, Lord Urusalem, I guess, looking all around, it's safe to say that here. I stunner husband say, picnic yes, I'm starved, but overnight phenom get away, no, though this place is out of this world, literally, I'm kinda used to civilization, the African Juttah kind. But stunner, Juttah husband, really, really good try, so why don't we blazing, lover, revisit the part of this amazing demo were you woke, exploding all over and through, us? You would make that your most memorable part, yes, I vow to never forget by reliving it as often as right now, even, even Apostle Paul said, he rather, like him, we didn't marry. But, but sweetest Felicity he rather we marry, than burn in lust denying ourselves these Genesis, blessed marriage beds, soooo you better run, like down by that stunning waterfall, just perfect for tent pitching! Yet, yet, temptress a riddle, which come first, the wife edible navel or the edible navel orange, you is so Songs of Solomon horny, and you, young, stunning, marriage worshiper, love it, here okay, okay here, there's  the orange, no, you're wrong, your edible navel come first, so guess who better, runnnnnnn!" Why speak in Parables to Songs Of Solomon? For those rebellious today, like those rebellious in the days of the prophets, yet say, even Revelation 17, 18, Holy Father Of wrath, is the Lord who seeth us not, the Lord ascended from the earth, beware,  GOH, JCOR, GHOW, Apb, The RAM.  

Prophecy Links Fulfilling 1986/2016/2026/2028/3028, Genesis Through Revelation Books

     When I come into the demo, Jan 22-29, 2018, I began hearing, "no further delays US soil, desolation's predicted, now come; beware the mid west, the eastern seaboard as the inundated with such forewarning's US West Pacific; then I begin to look up, see, know, nervously to anxiously walking back and forth the Planet, the Sea, as Apostle John did see, I witness Almighty Angel, He's straddling the US map. Right until the sight and sound of Him back and forth an his  feet pitter, paddling about was truly taxing, further, I heard to knew this was Revelation 10 Mighty Angel and with him, I saw, I was to know, this 7th Angel, was the one described Revelation 17, as the one bearing Revelation 16, already launched,  impacting fiery doomsday, planet, earth, yet bearing 7 bowls of judgments;
-Marvel not Rev 17;14 Lamb of God, Jesus wife, cutting through the million man a water cooler, also bore judgment bowls, only blacken; marvel not, for your back to normal Jan 2021 year, instead the blazing, flaming, frying pan, flying saucer  liftoff of Present Biden and Vice President Harris, leaving  billions procrastinating blessed escape to ponder, your block buster,  end time, I bet they see this version coming, reoccurring, failed,  movies, scenarios, beware, GOD OF WRATH, JESUS CHRIST OF REVELATION, HOLY BRIDE OF WRATH, LAUNCHING METEORS, Apb The Rising Above Ministry..

Run, Run, Run, Those Who Didn't Die By The Plague, Didn't Repent But Went On About A Noah's Day,  Noah's Cousin, Normalcy Bias, Run Run, Run!

-Saints of the Most High God, don't marvel nor weep, your redemption is here!, announced He was on HIS way,, by these specialty text messages, ({Feb 12-19, 2015}),at my feet, the foot of my prayer bed. Americans, Churchians to Trumpians, those Michael's List, Feb 15, 2021, aligned to earth enders, people eaters, Gog and Magog. God is so furious with Texas right now, with Trumpians period, marvel not like Pres Trump', all their territories, keep getting slammed. 

-So loosen gun laws, that's the answer to 400 plus shootings, its most sacred Mother's day, alone. Unquestionably,, Abbott again showing himself this guarantee more people are gonna be slaughtered, its as narcissistic as Trump coronavirus,campaign rallies to Unimaginable mask burning, the height of the coronavirus. 

- Only now with Central and South America paying the ultimate price, losing over 4000 a day, a million dead in total. Beware of any manners of going on like normal, while your government warns of a violent summer, marvel not its May 23, 2021 I got the word tribulation, following the word pray, May 9, Mother's Day, 2021, then the breaking news of how bloodied its Holiday.

-I forewarn, moving to control 'THE VOTE,' Republicans are in a political civil war with the minority Democrats and Holy Lords, bearing reoccurring mass destruction to the rescue, of the underdog,; come out from among them, their fiery doomsday is here; blessed are the  peacemakers, for they shall be called the sons of Almighty God, a crown of life to mansions in heaven, await; repent RUN,, you know where, or likewise of hundreds of millions to two billion predicted to be lost, 50 million US soil alone, repent, Run, or  perish!! GOW, JCOR, HBOW, Apb The RAM

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Prophecy Links Fulfilling Nuclear January, 12 APOCALYPTIC FIRESTORM,2023 MASS Murderer Suicide On The Ris e,